NHS FORTH VALLEY Flexible Working Policy Date of First Issue 27 / 07 / 2007 Approved 27 / 07 / 2007 Current Issue Date 01 / 04 / 2015 Review Date 01 / 10 / 2015 Version V1.06 EQIA Yes 01 / 04 / 2008 Author / Contact Staff Governance Team, 01786 431184 Group Committee – Area Partnership Forum Final Approval This document can, on request, be made available in alternative formats Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 13 Management of Policies Procedure control sheet (Non clinical documents only) Name of document to be loaded Flexible Working Policy Area to be added to NHSFV Intranet Policy Type of document Guidance Protocol Other (specify) 2 days 7 days 30 days X No X Internal only X X Immediate Priority Questions Yes Understanding Options External and Internal Where to be published Target audience NHSFV wide X Specific Area / service Consultation and Change Record – for ALL documents Contributing Authors: Staff Governance Team Consultation Process: NHSFV Partnership Fora Distribution: NHSFV Intranet Change Record Date Author Change Version 27/07/2007 APSG Policy revised following review process V1.00 22/11/2010 EH PODG template applied V1.01 23/11/2011 EH APF agreed Policy extended to 1/4/2012 V1.02 09/01/2014 LS The following updates were made: V1.03 Version 1.06 Policy template updated Review date extended to 1/4/2014 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 13 05/02/2014 LS The following updates were made: V1.04 Review date extended to 1/4/2015. Appendix B added – Flexible Working for the Experienced Worker 23/06/2014 LS Policy updated in line with the amendments to the Flexible Working Regulations which extends the statutory right to request flexible working to all employees. V1.05 01/04/2015 LF Review date updated in line with the release of the new Work-Life Balance PIN Policy V1.06 Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 13 Contents 1. Policy Statement 2. Scope 3. Eligibility to Request Flexible Working 4. General Principles 5. Grounds for Appeal 6. Application 7. Procedure 8. Withdrawal of Application 9. Monitoring and Review 10. Appendix A – Application to Request Flexible Working 11. Appendix B – Flexible Working for the Experienced Worker Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 4 of 13 1. Introduction NHS Forth Valley recognises the needs of individuals, colleagues and the organisation for flexible working arrangements. It is recognised that enabling staff to work flexibly to achieve a better balance between home and work responsibilities has benefits for both employers (e.g. improved recruitment and retention, reduced absence rates, increased staff motivation) and employees (e.g. a more positive approach to work, reduced stress levels, more time with family/dependents) which have positive effects on the overall delivery of patient care. This policy takes into consideration the concept of flexible working as detailed in the PIN Policy and Practice Supporting the Work-Life Balance in partnership with staff side representatives. It also takes account of the statutory right to request flexible working as detailed in, the Employment Rights Act (1996), Work and Families Act (2006), Flexible Working (Procedural Requirements) Regulations (2002) and the Flexible Working (Eligibility, Complaints and Remedies) Regulations (2002 and 2006). 2. Scope All NHS Forth Valley employees have an entitlement under this policy to request flexible working arrangements. Any such requests will be considered by the line manager within the context of service requirements. In addition, NHS Forth Valley, like all NHS Boards in Scotland has a workforce where a larger percentage of staff are between the ages of 45 and 60 and as time progresses it is inevitable that this larger percentage of staff will move closer to retirement age. As NHS Forth Valley wishes to retain the knowledge, skills and experience of its maturing workforce, whilst at the same time creating opportunities for less experienced staff to have the ability to work with this cohort and thereby assist in succession planning of the workforce. (Please see Appendix B). 3. Eligibility to Request Flexible Working In every case the following conditions apply: The employee must have been continuously employed for at least 26 weeks at the date of application; The employee must not be an agency worker; and The employee should not already have had approval to a previous request to work flexibly during the preceding 12 months (A 12 month period will start on the date that a previous request was made). Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 5 of 13 4. General Principles Eligible employees may request: A change to their working hours A change to the times when they are required to work A change in the place they are required to work Flexible working patterns may also include among others, job-sharing, self-rostering, staggered/split hours, term-time working, annualised hours. An application for a change in working pattern may not always require a significant alteration, e.g. an employee may simply wish to start work half an hour later to enable them to take their child to school and finish work correspondingly later in the day. All applications when made under the circumstances above will be considered carefully and fully however, there is no automatic right to work flexibly and there may well be circumstances when such requests are not able to be accommodated. Any employee wishing to make a request to work flexibly will be obliged to consider the impact of any new working pattern and provide details on how any impact could be accommodated by the ward/department. 5. Grounds for refusal Employers may only refuse the application if it is deemed that one or more of the following grounds apply: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) 6. The burden of additional costs. The detrimental effect on the ability to meet customer demand. Inability to re-organise work among existing staff. Inability to recruit additional staff. Detrimental impact on quality. Detrimental impact on performance. Insufficiency of work during the periods the employee proposes to work. Planned structural changes. Such other grounds as the Government may specify from time to time. Application for Flexible Working An application form (Appendix 1) must be completed in full by the employee requesting flexible working and sent to their line manager. The line manager will confirm receipt of the application by completing the acknowledgement section of the form and sending it to the applicant. Advice and support can be provided through contacting a member of the Human Resource Team or a Staff Side Representative. Accepted applications will mean a permanent change to the employee’s own terms and conditions of employment unless otherwise agreed between both parties. Therefore it is important that before making an application the employee gives careful consideration to Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 6 of 13 which working pattern will help them best care for their child or adult dependent, any financial implications it may have on them and any effects it will have for their department and how these maybe accommodated. 7. Procedure i) Initial meeting The line manager must hold an initial meeting with the individual to discuss the application within 4 weeks of receipt of the application though if the line manager accepts the application in full there is no such requirement. However the line manger in that situation must notify the employee in writing of his/her acceptance of the application within the same 4 week period and confirm the effective commencement date of the change. A change form must also be completed detailing the change. A written confirmation of the contractual variation will be issued. Where the line manager is on annual or sick leave when the application is received then the 4 week period commences on the day the manager returns to work or 4 weeks after the application is made whichever is sooner. The employee has the right to be accompanied at any meeting by a staff side representative or work colleague. ii) Notice after the initial meeting Where an initial meeting is held to discuss the application the line manager must inform the employee of any decision in writing within 2 weeks of the meeting. This letter should be dated. Where the application is accepted: The letter must specify the details agreed and state the effective commencement date. A change form must be completed detailing the change further to which a variation of contract will be issued. Where the decision is made to refuse the application:- iii) The letter must state the grounds for the refusal (see paragraph 3) Contain a sufficient explanation as to why the grounds apply in relation to the application and Set out the appeal procedure Appeal Against An employee can appeal against his/her line manager’s decision to refuse their application. The appeal should be made in writing within 2 weeks of receipt of the decision and given to the appropriate senior manager. The appeal letter should: Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 7 of 13 Be dated Set out the grounds for the appeal The appropriate senior manager should hear the appeal within 2 weeks of receipt of the letter of appeal. The senior manager will write to the employee with the decision within 2 weeks of the meeting. The employee has the right to be accompanied at any meeting. Where the senior manager dismisses the appeal the letter must state the grounds for the decision and contain sufficient explanation as to why those grounds apply. The above time limits can be extended by mutual agreement between parties. Any such agreement must be recorded in writing by the senior manager and sent to the employee. This agreement must specify the period to which the extension relates and the end date of the extension. 8. Withdrawal of an application The manager can treat an application as withdrawn if the employee has: Notified the manager, verbally or in writing, that he or she is withdrawing the application. Without reasonable cause has failed to attend a meeting under the procedure more than once; or Without reasonable cause, refused to provide the manager with information the manager requires in order to assess whether the application may be agreed. The manager should confirm the withdrawal of the application to the employee in writing unless the employee has already provided the manager with a written notice of withdrawal. 9. Monitoring and Review This policy will be formally reviewed on a 3 yearly basis by the Area Policy Steering Group or as requested by the Area Partnership Forum/Staff Governance Committee. The current review of this policy takes account, wherever possible, of the recommendations contained within the appropriate PIN Policy and Practice guidance and amendments to legislation. Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 8 of 13 Appendix A Application to Request Flexible Working To make a request to work flexibly employees must complete this form. Before doing so you should first read the guidance contained within NHS Forth Valley Flexible Working Policy. To help your line manager consider your request please provide as much information as possible about your desired working pattern. It is important that you complete all sections; otherwise your application may not be valid. When completing sections 5 and 6 think about what effect your change in working pattern will have both on the work that you do and on your colleagues. Once you have completed the form please send it to your line manager. You may wish to retain a copy for your own records. Your line manger will acknowledge your application. Thereafter the line manager will contact you again with an outcome to your request. If the request is granted this will be a permanent change to your terms and conditions. 1. Personal Details Name …………………………………… Job Title……………………….. Department……………………………….. Base…………………………….. To the line manager: I would like to request to work a flexible working pattern that is different to my current working pattern under my right provided in law. I confirm I meet each of the eligibility criteria as detailed in section 2 of the policy. 2. The reason for my request to work flexibly is as follows: 3. Describe your current working pattern (days/hours/times worked): Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 9 of 13 4. Describe the working pattern you would like to work in future (days/hours/times worked) 5. I would like this working pattern to commence from: Date …………………………………… 6. Impact of the new working pattern – I think this change in my working pattern will affect my line manager and colleague(s) as follows: 7. Accommodating the new working pattern – I think the effect on my line manager and colleague(s) can be dealt with as follows: Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 10 of 13 Please sign to confirm the details you have given above: Name …………………………………… Signature……………………………….. Date…………………………….. NOW PASS THIS APPLICATION TO YOUR LINE MANAGER …………………………………………………………………………… Cut this slip off and return to your employee in order to confirm your receipt of their application. Line Manager’s Confirmation of receipt (to be completed and returned to the employee) Dear …………………………………… I confirm that I have received your request to change your work pattern on ……….. I shall consider your application and will arrange a meeting to discuss it with you within 4 weeks following the above date. In the meantime you may wish to consider whether you would like to be accompanied at the meeting. From ………………………….. Signature………………………. Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 11 of 13 Appendix B Flexible Working for the Experienced Worker As previously stated, the ability to request Flexible Working opportunities is available to all NHS staff. As workers move through their career, their needs, wants and desires for a balance in their home/work balance changes, as such, this policy gives the opportunity for staff to seek a reduction in their working hours to meet these changing needs. It would be anticipated, but not required, that the organisation could use this opportunity to assist with succession planning or development of more less experienced staff as the available hours could be utilised to support the service delivery and still have access to the skill set of the more experienced worker. Pension Considerations Advice on the regulations of the superannuation scheme is available to all staff who are members of the scheme directly from the Scottish Public Pension Agency. However it is important to note that a reduction in hours will reduce your contribution rate to your pension, but your pension will be calculated in the whole time equivalent rate of pay. This is applicable to both the pre April 2008 and post April 2008 options. Please refer to the SPPA website for more information. The aim of this extension to the policy is: 1. To give a structure to employees to support them in seeking Flexible Working options which will enable the organisation to retain their skills and experience within the workplace. 2. To give Managers the ability and opportunity to consider the benefits to the Department of retaining an experienced member of staff. 3. To provide recruitment or development opportunities to fill any available hours resulting from the Flexible working opportunities. Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 12 of 13 Publications in Alternative Formats NHS Forth Valley is happy to consider requests for publications in other language or formats such as large print. To request another language for a patient, please contact 01786 434784. For other formats contact 01324 590886, text 07990 690605, fax 01324 590867 or e-mail - [email protected] Version 1.06 st 1 April 2015 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 13 of 13
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