Amateur Radio “only fail -safe system” of communication K4ZDH HIGH DESERT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, NM5HD Editor, Jerry Aceto K6LIE CLUB MEETING MAY 16 AT 10:00 AM May 2015 Email: [email protected] President’s Corner - Jerry Aceto K6LIE Greetings! I am very happy to report that I have completed the application process for our club becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Hopefully, all will go without a hitch and I will receive notice that we are an official federal non-profit. This will complete a very long and agonizing process. I expect to be notified within a couple of weeks and will certainly let all of our members know when I receive the final documents. Also, our club state non-profit status is in order and we are in good standing with the state through May of next year. We finally are a state and federal nonprofit! As you probably know, Vice President Terry Zipes, W4RCN and myself will be attending the Dayton Hamvention and will miss this month’s meeting. Secretary Jim Kajder, AF5FH, will be running the meeting in our absence. I hope you all can attend the meeting. A major topic to be discussed at this meeting will be a discussion of our club By-Laws. Bill Firth heads the committee on this topic and will present his committee’s final report on this issue. After the discussion, a vote will be taken by those present to either accept or reject the new By-Laws. This is an important meeting, so please attend if you can. I have already given my vote to Bill, as I am sure Terry has also. 73, Jerry K6LIE HDARC on the Web: MAY PROGRAM Rosalie McCreary, KL0HU, our Chair Person for the Public Service Committee, has secured a short presentation from Elinor Reiners, Program Director/CEO of the Veterans Integration Center, a group dedicated to the needs of veterans, with focus on those who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis. This groups emphasis is on integrating back these veterans into the community. They also provide employment training. We are continuing our efforts to find a good charitable organization to support and this is one group Rosalie is considering. After Ms. Reiners presentation, Bill Firth will conduct a discussions on the rework of our By-Laws. His committee has come up with a final draft and will present it. After his presentation, the membership present at the meeting will vote on the new By-laws. HDARC NEWS Next VE Session The next High Desert Amateur Radio Club VE session will be held on Saturday, May 16 at 12:30 pm, at the West Albuquerque Police station. Please bring the following: ♦ Photo ID (drivers license) ♦ Original Amateur Radio License ♦ Copy of Amateur Radio License ♦ Original CSCE's ♦ Copy of CSCE ♦ Test fee is $15.00 . ♦ Proof of Tech Plus if before 3/21/87 and doing paper upgrade to General. ♦ SS Number will be needed if you don’t have an FRN number. * NOTE-NO WALK INS. PLEASE SCHEDULE. In This Issue: May HDARC Birthday Greetings! Happy Birthday We want to extend warm HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to our club members celebrating their birthday in the month of May: Adrian Miura W5ASM Dave Johnson N0LVA Claudine Rood KF5JXG Eric Shockey KF5DTR Nathan Gordon KF9LI Tracy Chapman Jim Kajder Page Presidents Corner 1 Next VE session 2 Officers & Board Members 2 May Program 2 May Birthday Greetings 2 From the Editors Desk 3 VE Testing Report for April 3 Club Repeaters & IRLP Systems 3 Welcome New Members 3 Dayton Hamvention 4 Social Committee Report 5 Ramblings from an old DXer 6&7 Rookie Round-Up 7&8 HDARC Library 9 Club Badges 9 220 Appeal 9 Club Address 10 ARRL Info 10 Explora Report 11 Club Shirts 11 Club Member Services 12 Tom Doering Computer 12 Luke’s Ham Shack 12 AF5FH Beverly Vigil HDARC NEWS IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, EDITOR 771-1323. NON COPYRIGHT MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN MAY BE REPRINTED WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION WITH CREDIT GIVEN TO THIS PUBLICATION * PRESIDENT – JERRY ACETO, K6LIE, 771-1323 * VICE PRESIDENT – TERRY ZIPES, W4RCN, 771-7012* SECRETARY – JIM KAJDER, AF5FH, 2989353 * TREASURER – JOHN SCOTT, KF5ROL, 839-7035 * CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD – FRED LETE, KC5IPK, 892-0380 * BOARD MEMBERS – TOM BOLDWAY, KE7PBB, 404-8215* DAVE JOHNSON, N0LVA, 296-2034 * BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950 RICK ROOD, KF5JAJ, 269-2416* LICENSE EXAMS – RICK ROOD, KF5JAJ, 269-2416 * FRED LETE, KC5IPK, 892-0380 * NM5HD REPEATER TRUSTEE – ADRIAN MIURA, W5ASM, 899-6916 * WEB MASTER - BILL FIRTH, KE5TOB, 899-0950. May 2015 2 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: VE TEST REPORT FOR APRIL From The Editor’s Desk…... Jerry, K6LIE HDARC NEWS For the month of April we had 6 people test with the following results: 5 people passed Element 2, Technician 2 people passed Element 3, General This month marks the 60th consecutive Overall year forresults: the Dayton Hamvention. 4Several members will be earned Technician attending2 the event and we are all earned General looking forward to a great time. Congratulations to all who passed and thank you to the VE team. Hi everyone, It is with great sadness that I report to you the very sudden passing of member Lisa Gordon, KC8UNM last month. Lisa was on our social committee. She also took an active roll in our Field Day activities, along with here husband, Nathan, KF9LI and their two kids. I will never forget Lisa working Field Day two years ago in the park early in the morning and the sprinkler system came on. She was not a happy camper but took it in stride, made sure the gear was okay and went on operating. We talked about that night for some time! Rick Rood KF5JAJ FTL-OIFH HDARC VE Liaison WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We would like to extend a GREAT BIG HDARC WELCOME to our newest member: Ken Sorensen, KG5HDK We hope you will have fun learning and experiencing all that our great hobby of Amateur Radio has to offer! Lisa passed away in her sleep of an apparent heart attack. She was 40. Our condolences go out to Nathan and the family. CLUB REPEATERS Jerry K6LIE 145.370 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz 224.480 Mhz PL 100.0 Hz 442.750 Mhz PL 162.2 Hz IRLP Node 7706 IRLP Node 3285 IRLP Node 7855 In addition to IRLP, EchoLink is now available on 145.370 Node 980760 & 442.750 Node 214956. Our club repeater systems, including our IRLP & ECHOLINK systems are open to our members as well as the entire Amateur Radio community. May 2015 3 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS DAYTON HAMVENTION, HERE WE COME ! Oh boy, Dayton Hamvention is upon us, May 15, 16 and 17 and several of us are looking forward to the trip again. Club members Terry Zipes, W4RCN, Dave Johnson, N0LVA, Bill Kent, N5UJC and myself, K6LIE, will be heading to Dayton. We are, as usual, looking to a great time. Just about 3 days of pure Ham Radio, what could be better? If you are a ham or interested in radio and electronics, there is no better place to be. Whatever you may be looking for in the way of amateur radio gear or accessories, you will find it at Dayton. If it is not there, you probably don’t need it! There are about 3,000 vendors outside and virtually all the commercial companies inside. You surely will find what you are looking for at this, the largest Amateur Radio convention in the world. Last year saw approxamently 24,000 visitors. It also affords a good chance of meeting many of the folks in the hobby that you read about. Bill Heil, Gordon West, Martin F. Jue, founder of MFJ, the many ARRL officers that you read in QST. You have an opportunity to meet these folks who are famous in Ham Radio and put a face to the name. I have personally met these folks and many more in my 7 years of attending this event. If it is programs you are interested in, there are all manner of programs and forums to attend on virtually every subject in the hobby. Amateur Radio testing is also done. So, if need be, you can take your Amateur Radio test, get your license and enjoy the greatest Amateur Radio convention in the world! May 2015 4 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS May Social Committee Greetings everyone! Welcome MAY and the nice warm weather. The Bosque is greening up beautifully and gardens are blooming! My favorite time of year! We had a great group of 12 folks at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast in April. It was crowded and we were glad we scheduled at 8:30am or we would not have gotten in. Good info for another breakfast there. This month we are going to DINNER. Save the date for a fun and easy evening out. We have reservations for Saturday, May 23 at 5pm In the covered patio area. IL VICINO’S Alameda and Corrales/Coors Roads (in the Sprouts Shopping Center), Plenty of free parking. Bring a sweater or shawl it may be cool later in the evening They have a lovely wine list and a great, inexpensive menu. We especially want to invite our new members and their families for a fun evening to socialize. How about some of you other members who haven’t participated in a social in a while? Come on out and have a lovely evening! We are still looking for a couple more folks to join our committee. No experience necessary and we don’t have meetings! Let President Jerry know that you are interested. He will get us your info. Thank you! If you are traveling this month we wish you safe travels. If you are staying in the area we still wish you safe traveling. It can be crazy out there some days! Your social committee, Rosalie McCreary Karen Elkin Kathey Meland May 2015 5 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS More Ramblings from an old DXer George Key W5YZ I was first licensed as KN4ACG back in 1954. As a Novice class operator, I had to get my skills up to snuff (pass the General Class exam) in one year or are no longer a Ham. They tried to make it hard as far as operating experience was concerned. Novices were "rockbound", having no VFO on the transmitter. You could tune the receiver around the band but not the transmitter. Of course, hard is a matter of perspective. Marconi would have loved to have a super heterodyne receiver (contraction of supersonic heterodyne). But then, there wouldn't have been anyone to listen to. He may have had one before he died in 1937. National NC 300 Receiver. Advertised as the “Dream Receiver” in the 1950’s. Sold for $370 in 1955. I had a handful of crystals I could plug into my 40 watt homebrew transmitter so that made it bearable. Operating rockbound meant you had to tune the whole novice portion of the band to find someone who was responding to your CQ. If you were responding to a CQ you had to send your call letters many times to give the other station a chance to tune the band to find you. After you found each other, a QSO could actually take place. Operating frequencies were from 3.7 to 3.75 mc, CW; 7.15 to 7.2mc, CW; 21.1 to 21.145 mc, CW. That's "mc" (megacycles) not "Mhz" (megahertz). Hertzian frequencies were not introduced until 1960. Took some of us a long time to adapt. My first contact was with a guy in Paducah, Kentucky by the name of Ben. Years later, when I was stationed at Pease AFB in New Hampshire, I ran across a guy named Ben who lived down the street from me who happened to mention that he was a ham also. We finally decided that he was the same Ben that I had my first QSO with on September 1st, 1954. Both of us flew the same aircraft and owned Cairn Terriers. WOW what a coincidence. After all, how many people own Cairns. Continued on page 7 May 2015 6 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS More Ramblings from an old DXer George Key W5YZ Continued from page 6 The postal service was more lenient then than now. If you don't have the address exactly right you get it back. Zip codes are required! Back in the '50s I used to get QSL cards addressed to "George, KN4ACG, Clarksville, Tennessee" or even "KN4ACG, Clarksville, Tennessee". Try that today and see what happens. That's about all the ramblings I can put out (and you can probably stand). But you haven't heard the last of me since I'm in charge of Field Day this year. 73 (Best Regards) George, W5YZ The Rookie Round-Up by Ed Poccia, KC2LM & Alec Poccia, KF5WYS The Rookie Round-Up is a series of ARRL sponsored events held each year to provide amateurs licensed less than 3 years to get competitive operating experience under actual contest conditions. It is hoped that Elmers with experience in this area will open up their shacks and help the rookies discover the fun of HF contesting. The idea is for the rookie, to perform ALL aspects of contest operations; Calling CQs, identifying call signs, calling stations, logging, and using dupe sheets. The event while competitive, with different points assigned for rookie & non-rookie contacts, & multipliers for each State, it even gives the contestant exposure completing summary sheets, to round out the contest experience. The event has a more relaxed feel and functions for only six hours. The contest is organized over three Sunday afternoons throughout the year, with each date focusing on one specific operating mode. The April contest was conducted using SSB, the one on August 16 will use RTTY and CW is the only operating mode used in December 20th contest. Check the “Contest Calendar, Rookie Round-Up” on the ARRL web site; for dates and web site links for more information. My 12 year old grandson, Alec, KF5WYS came over to my shack to participate in April’s SSB contest. While Alec is a Technician and only allowed to operate SSB on ten meters, contest rules allow him to work under my license and operate on 15 & 20 meters, using my call. Although conditions were better on these bands, he wanted to be using his own call, so he cruised 28.300-28.500 looking for contacts using the peek & pounce operating style. Continued on page 8 May 2015 7 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS The Rookie Round-Up by Ed Poccia, KC2LM & Alec Poccia, KF5WYS Continued from Page 7 After the contest, I interviewed Alec to get his impressions of the competitive side of Ham Radio. What were some of the things that was most memorable about the contest? “I worked many stations the first hour and then things slowed down, having contacted everyone I could hear. Then I noticed some pile-ups and started chasing DX. I contacted Ascension Island in the Atlantic off Africa and Chiloe Island off the southern coast of Chile. I lost operating time making those contacts and need to stay focused on the contest if I want to get a better score.” What did you like about the contest? “I like the quick pace of contesting. It is exciting working so many stations and keeping track of the States and of course, making DX contacts.” Why should non-rookies participate in the contest? “Non-rookies give us rookies a chance to make more contacts and help make it more exciting.” Will you be operating contests in the future? “Yes, definitely! I am looking forward to competing in digital contests because PSK is my favorite mode. I even like JT65 because it is slow and I can play video games while operating.” Perhaps more club members can get involved in the Rookie Round-Up series and help the younger hams get exposed to another aspect of our exciting hobby or should I say, Sport. May 2015 8 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS HDARC LIBRARY All members are welcome to use this service. If you have any books related to Amateur Radio specifically or communications in general, please consider making a book donation to our club library. You are welcome to bring any books you wish to donate to our club meetings or any other club event. Here is a list of books we have so far: ARRL Handbook - 2011 Edition ARRL Handbook - 2012 Edition (Hard Bound) ARRL Handbook - 2013 Edition ARRL Antenna Book - 22nd Edition (Hard Bound) ARRL Operating Manual - 6th, 7th and 9th Edition ARRL General Class License Manual ARRL Extra Class License Manual (2) ARRL Instructor's Manual for Technician License ARRL - APRS - Tracks, Maps and Mobiles ARRL - RFI Book 2nd edition ARRL - Your Ham Antenna Companion The Mobile DXer THE 220 MHZ BAND NEEDS YOUR HELP! The little used 1 1/4 meter band is wide open. It is the perfect place for rag chewing, data work, linking, etc, yet no one makes an effort to even acknowledge this band. I have been an advocate for 220 for 30 years, having a repeater on 220 for the past 30 years. We really should make some effort to use this band, otherwise, we risk losing it. You can purchase some very nice equipment for as little as $160, and I don’t mean a handheld. The TYT TH9000 is a 50 watt base/mobile rig in this price range. Jet Stream and Alinco also make 220 base/mobiles. Questions? Let me know. The club affiliate 224.48 repeater is up and waiting! May 2015 The Modern Amateur's Mobile Handbook Your Guide to HF Fun ARRL Stealth Amateur Radio ARRL Low Profile Amateur Radio ARRL Hints & Kinks 15th Edition Bureau of Naval Personnel- Basic Electricity Get on the Air With HF Digital Hints and Kinks For The Radio Amateur Lew McCoy on Antennas ARRL Handbook - 1999 Edition The Complete DX’er Understanding Amateur Radio CLUB BADGES We have club badges available. If you would like to order one, go to our website, and click “Ongoing Activities”. Scroll down to the bottom, where you will find a link to The Signman, where you can order your badge directly on line! 9 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS PLEASE HELP THE HDARC MAINTAIN OUR ARRL CLUB AFFILIATION The HDARC is an ARRL Affiliated Club. To maintain this status with the ARRL, we must have a minimum of 50% of our membership in the ARRL. If you are joining the ARRL for the first time, please consider joining through our club. For every new subscriber that joins through When we think back, we sometimes our club, we will receive a $15 commission from wonder what made us change certain the ARRL. For every member renewing their things in our lives, why we did certain ARRL membership, the club will receive a $2 things,Copy what&made go down a parcommission. paste ticular path, what began the “chain redocuments/HDARC_ARRL_Application.pdf & action”. Well, for my “amateur radio fill out the form, bring it to the club and we will chain reaction”, I will have to say it was take care of the rest. Thanks! “your guys in the white tent” that CLUB ADDRESS High Desert Amateur Radio Club of NM 3705 B -1 Ellison Blvd. Box 505 Albuquerque, NM 87114 May 2015 10 PagePage#2 HDARC on the Web: HDARC NEWS EXPLORA REPORT The next Explora Adult Night will be on Friday, May 15, 6:30 PM to 10 PM. The evening’s theme will be Eggs-traordinary Engineering. HDARC will have a station on the air from the museum, as usual, to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public and also to inform folks of our club. Adult Night is a fun evening devoted to adults having one evening every two months to explore the Science Museum without the kids. Come on down. Explore the wonders of Science and visit with us! GREAT BANNER! Display courtesy of the NM Amateur Radio Alliance DON’T FORGET YOUR CLUB SHIRT! How can you show others that you are a member of the coolest, most active Amateur Radio club in the Albuquerque area? By buying a club shirt! These beautiful club shirts come in ladies and men’s styles and sizes. We proudly wear our shirts whenever we are doing an activity that involves the public. It is a great way of promoting the club, not to mention that they look great! Contact Turbo Threads at 505 999-1234 or on line at . May 2015 11 PagePage#2 CLUB MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Computers and Accessories Tom Doering, KF5WFP, has a very good supply of used computers, monitors, servers and many other computer accessories. If you are looking for used computer equipment, give Tom a call at 505 4504532. His email address is [email protected] MEMBER TRANSPORTATION –Need a ride to club meetings or other club activities? Call Jerry Aceto, K6LIE at 771-1323 or Larry Elkin, NY5L, at 771-0391. We will arrange transportation for you from your home to club activities. MENTORING SERVICES –If you are a new ham, or are interested in becoming a ham, or just have a question, we offer various services to help you along. Check out our website at and click on the “Mentors, Education, VE testing” link. Here, you will find whom to contact for help with all your questions on various subjects. LICENSE CLASSES AND TESTING –If you are interested in becoming an Amateur Radio operator, or want to upgrade your license, contact Rick Rood, KF5JAJ, at 269-2416 or Fred Lete, KC5IPK at 892-0380. We provide VE testing every 3rd Saturday of the month at 10 AM or after the Saturday morning meetings in the winter months. CLUB LIBRARY - This new club service allows our members to check out books relating to Amateur Radio and Communications. Anyone is welcome to donate books to our club library. (See page 9 for info) Luke’s Ham Shack 5101 Gibson SE Albuquerque, NM 505 225-0759 Coax, connectors, parts, antennas. Luke La Brake, NM5DL, has opened a Ham Radio store here in Albuquerque! Please support him in his efforts. He will be adding more stock as time goes on. May 2015 12
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