Expert Las Vegas Golf Course Knowledge, Tee-Times, and Rental Clubs. DISCOUNTS for NNOA Attendees. 1HYDGD1DUFRWLFV2IILFHUV$VVRF6RXWKHUQ1HYDGD *DQJ,QYHVWLJDWRUV$VVRF7UDLQLQJ&RQIHUHQFH Call toll free: (877) 669-2847 Mention NNOA and receive special pricing on tee-times and rental clubs *FOR ANY LAS VEGAS GOLF COURSE* "Law Enforcement Training has been the cornerstone Training the Rest with the Best... for the Nevada Narcotic Officers' Association. Be sure to join us for the 2015 Conference which will be located at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada. Law Enforcement Instructors from several states will coordinate some of the best training available. This year's conference is Nevada Narcotics Officers Assoc & Southern Nevada Gang Investigators Assoc Training 2015 DEA SBF/NNOA Golf Tournament geared to address the current trends and problems facing our local Law Enforcement Agencies. Keeping up to date is vital for the survival of our Officers. This is your chance to be a part of the growing Nevada Narcotic Officers' Association. See you there" -- President Eric Ravelo • 3 full days of training • Located at the South Point Hotel and Casino • Networking Mixer in the evening *Room discounts available at a special rate NNOA P.O. Box 96922 Las Vegas, NV 89193 -6922 702.335.6949 ph [email protected] May 1, 2015 - 8:00am Shotgun Start Las Vegas Paiute $120.00 per player Register: NNOA Cost $ 250.00 2015 Nevada Narcotics Officers Assoc & Southern Nevada Gang Investigators Assoc Training Conference W I T H S U P P O R T F R O M T H E SOUTH POINT H O T E L & C A S I N O A limited number of seats are available. Sign up NOW! Pre-register now! The Conference will have a limited number of seats. Once the numbers have been filled, there will be no seats available. The 2015 Nevada Narcotics Officers Assoc & Southern Nevada Gang Investigators Assoc Training Conference will be hosted on April 21st - April 24th. This year's focus of training will be on New Drug Trends. Training will include aspects ranging from Spice Labs, Mexican Cartels, Domestic Terrorism and Gangs. Conference Schedule EVENTS: Tuesday 4/21 Wednesday 4/22 Thursday Frida y 4/23 4/24 0900 -17 00 Ch eck in/Registration & Vender Show 1300-1700 Leadership Class 0900-1200 Ope ning Cerem ony & Guest Speaker 1200 -13 00 Lu nch 1300 -17 00 General Session 1700-1900 Vendor & Membership Appreciation Mixer 0800 -12 00 Breakout Training 1200 -13 00 Lu nch 1300 -17 00 Breakout Trai ning 08 00- 120 0 General Session CLASSES OFFERED: Spice Lab Class Domestic Terrorism Mexican Cartels CI management Outlaw motorcycle gangs Undercover operations Internet Investigations Along with gang and other narcotics related classes * Please note, class times and topics may be changed RESGISTRATION FORM Name __________________________________________ DOB __________________________ Phone __________________________ Agency ________________________________________ email ________________________________________ A d d r e s s ________________________________________ A d d r e s s ________________________________________ Conference includes one year membership $25.00 Regular Registration Indicate payment type: NNOA P.O. Box 96922 Las Vegas, NV 89193-6922 702.335.6949 ph [email protected] Master Card Visa Check Pay Pal due to instructor availability and scheduling. Law Credit Card # Enforcement Identification will be required ___________________________________________________ at check in. * Optional Class Session Possible exp SID N a m e o n C a r d __________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Rooms: $ .0 0 p e r n i g h t Call South Point @ 1-866-791-7626 Use code when booking rooms for the best rate: W E ’ V E W O R K E D H A R D T O B R I N G Y O U T H E 2 0 15 N N O A C O N F E R E N C E M A K E S U R E Y O U JOIN US FOR A GREAT YEAR OF TRAINING. At Dolore ut bene ratis duis gilvus jugis hendrerit suscipit regula populus. Quae ludus os qui eu, gemino aliquip conventio. NNO *Room rates are special group rate of $60.00 Complete form above and email or mail to register
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