Marine Science knowledge exchange challenges and tools … Jennifer Riley ([email protected]), Steve Hall ([email protected]), Rolly Rogers, ([email protected]) …Why bother? There are many challenges to marine science policy knowledge exchange so … The ocean impacts society. Indirect impacts are via oceanic controls over weather and climate and carbon storage. Direct impacts result from the Blue Growth of the ocean economy and include industries such as transportaCon, fisheries, aquaculture, energy and mineral resources. Policy is needed to appropriately manage the ocean both naConally and internaConally. 5 Knowing the science policy landscape CommunicaCon ScienCsts and policy makers speak different languages challenges to knowledge exchange in marine Timescales & science PrioriCes Do not always align between policy makers and scienCsts tools Its complex. Specialist knowledge is needed to navigate. Financial Stakeholders and scienCsts spend money differently Building Trust Trust needs developing trust between scienCsts & stakeholders £$€ Science underpins the basis for management the marine environment and sound policy decisions. Given the challenges faced, tools are needed promote good knowledge exchange pracCces between scienCsts & stakeholders Marine Strategy Framework Direc6ve (MSFD) real world to solve the challenges implementation European DirecCve, adopted in 2008, DEFRA led in the UK. Transposed into naConal legislaCon by member states in 2010 Aim: to Achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020 across 11 descriptors: Applies the ecosystem management approach. Providing forums Improves trust & communica6on. e.g. Underwater Sound Forum (MSCC sub group) generates ideas which feed into MSFD & interacts with industry. NERC Mechanisms Wri6ng posi6on papers Aids communica6on. e.g. Char6ng Progress 2 (2010) a baseline assessment of the marine environment. WriRen by scienCsts for policy makers. Build in knowledge exchange Undertaking NERC Builds trust, aligns provided Knowledge finances and improves Exchange Fellowships, communica6on. e.g. Policy Placements/ engagement with Internships. WWF via CelCc Seas Partnership Underpinned by scienCfic input from the marine Stakeholder engagement Helps map the landscape & audience. e.g. Knowledge brokers can communicate & build trust, ensuring stakeholders from industry and policy use knowledge correctly. Consulta6on response Aids communica6on, & priority alignment. Ensures science directly reaches stakeholders, aligning it with societally relevant quesCons. science community via consultaCons & workshops. Marine Science Coordina6on Commi:ee (MSCC) Pla\orm bringing scienCsts &policy makers together. Driving forward the UK Marine Science Strategy, the MSCC aims to produce high quality evidence to support science & policy decisions, achieving clean, safe healthy, biologically diverse & producCve seas. The MSCC Underwater Sound Forum allows industry, scienCsts & stakeholders to discuss the problems. The publicaCon of CharCng Progress 2 a scienCst led posiCon paper looking at the state of UK seas and feeding into MSFD (char& Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry CelCc Seas Partnership NERC funded research programme engages with WWF through the Partnership (cel& Conferences & workshops raise awareness of the science underpinning the MSFD. Ensures data collected & products developed are fit for purpose.
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