Norkirk Newsletter April

APRIL 2015
Volume XXXVII No. 4
The Nor’kirk Presbyterian is the 2004 recipient of the Katharine Hawes Award for Effective Youth Ministry,
given by Union Seminary in Richmond, Virginia
Attention Nor’kirkers
The Building & Grounds committee is holding a Nor’kirk Spring
Workday on Saturday, April 18th from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. We plan
on meeting rain, sleet or snow! We need your help in improving our
house by fixing a few things and sprucing up The Kirk. Everyone can
get involved even if you don’t consider yourself handy. Some of the
projects we will be working on includes:
General grounds maintenance
Sprinkler repair
Cleaning of AC vents
Prayer garden beautification
Mending a fence
And more!
There is something for
everyone. We will buddy you
up with an experienced handyperson if you need some instruction. It’s a great opportunity to spruce up the Kirk,
learn some new skills and make
some new friends. We will
have opportunities for youth to
get involved too.
April Lectionary
Wednesday of Holy Week – April 1
Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 70;
Hebrews 12:1-3; John 13:21-32
Maundy Thursday – April 2
Exodus 12:1-4; Psalm 116:12-19;
I Corinthians 11:23-36; John 13:1-17
Good Friday – April 3
Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22;
Hebrews 10:16-25; John 18:1-19
Resurrection Sunday – April 5 – Communion
Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:14-24;
Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18
2nd Sunday after Resurrection – April 12
Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133;
I John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31
3rd Sunday after Resurrection – April 19 – Session
Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4;
I John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36-48
4th Sunday after Resurrection – April 26
Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23;
I John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18
Changes to the Book of Confession
Changes to the Book of Confession, Book of Government, and Book of Worship were voted on at the March 7th Presbytery
Meeting held at North Park Presbyterian in Dallas. Of the seven changes, all passed by an average of a 4 to 1 margin. Since our
Presbytery vote, the number of Presbyteries across the denomination has passed the simple majority to make these changes part
of our Books of Order and Confession. The seven changes add the Confession of Belfar to our Book of Confession, language
changes to the Book of Government involving the Preparation of Ministry Process, Child Protection Policy, Composition of a
Presbytery, and Interreligious Stance. In the Book of Worship, a language change defining Marriage was made.
At the March 22 Stated Meeting of The Nor’kirk Session, these changes were discussed at length, and the following motion
was made, seconded, and passed: “While the Session acknowledges the changes to the Book of Order of the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.), The Nor’kirk will continue to focus on our spiritual growth and attempt to be a service to those in need
through beautiful and worthy mission.” This action was made to emphasize a feeling that we recognize what we see to be important to our community at this time is to be involved in mission to those in need of food, clothing, and shelter.
In the movie “A Man Called Peter”, the story of Peter Marshall, there is a scene in which Dr. Marshall was
speaking to a group of unruly college students. He had a message he wanted to say, but observing the behavior
of many of the female students, his message changed. He pointed out that young woman, (not young ladies), by
smoking and listening to “smutty jokes” and wearing pants in public, were lowering themselves to the level of the
young men, (again, not gentlemen). At the time I found it a bit strange given the fact that my mother was a
smoker, and she often wore pants. I never heard her repeat anything “smutty,” however I did get the whey beat
out of me one time when a curse word passed my lips. So, what was the big deal?
I’ve been called a “sexist” because I open and hold doors for women, and I always respond with a “yes ma’am”
no matter the age of the person to whom I’m speaking. Yes, I do prefer women to wear skirts, but that is in part
due to my age. But, as a minister I’ve never called anyone out for their choices in life. I’ve preached rather, service to the poor and giving praise only to God. My way of dealing with society has always been to try to lead by
example, not by words. The phrase “Always Preach the Gospel, and when all else fails use words” has been a mainstay of my ministry.
We begin the month of April with a service of witness to the Resurrection. Resurrection Sunday is the highest holy day in the
life of the church. While each Sunday is considered a witness to the Resurrection, this one Sunday is set aside as a time to remember the sacrifice God made that we might be freed from our bad choices in life. The church season of Resurrection carries
through until Pentecost Sunday which this year is on May 24th. I encourage each of us to spend this Resurrection Season looking at
our actions, and asking ourselves are we promoting God by acting as ladies or gentlemen, or are we allowing ourselves to be
brought down to the level of those for whom decency is an outdated concept?
I’ve always wished that I had the courage of Dr. Marshall. I don’t. But I can and do try to remember the fact that he inspired
many by his life which was lived as one who promoted decency.
God bless. Bill
These are the kinds of projects donations can be
used for
Lenten Donation Form
I wish to donate these pieces of stained glass:
•Vacation Bible School, 2015 or 2016
•Friends and Family Retreat
•Food programs for those in need
•Patching and painting the sanctuary
•Carpet cleaning and Pew Cleaning
•Grounding the steeple
World: $20 apiece
_________ =
Background: $30 apiece
_________ =
Jesus' Cloak: $50 apiece
_________ =
•The Community Garden
Face {two parts} $100 apiece
_________ =
•Repairing the sidewalk and extending the
Hands {times two} $100 apiece _________ =
Holy Spirit Flames: $100 apiece. _________ =
TOTAL: _______________________
landing between Price Hall
•Flowers & Plants for the yard.
•Orchestra and Choir music and special
•Worship and Communion, Publications,
Piano care
•Christian Education Materials.
•Mission trips
Your Name:________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of________________________________
In Honor of________________________________
Please place this form and your payment in an envelope and mail to The Nor’kirk.
Apartment Ministry Opportunity
Lenten Food Drive/Food Pantry:
Gayla McCown and the Mission Committee is partnering with the Dallas Housing Authority to assist with information programs for their residents. We are looking for
people that could share for about an hour to the apartment residents at the Frankford Town Homes
[Northeast corner of Frankford and March] with topics
that can help them in bettering themselves and their families. These would done during one Program Fair Night
for the residents. Gardening, first aid, Headstart, ESL,
Health and Wellness, and other topics would be very
If you have a topic you could shared about, please contact Gayla McCown at [email protected] or Dave
McKenas at [email protected].
Missions has started a modest food pantry to help the
families we now serve on a regular basis. During Lent,
please consider bringing just one canned good per week
until Easter to help stock the Pantry. Please leave them
in the blue bin in the Hallway across from the main
church office.
The Nor'kirk Presbyterian and the Grow and Share
Community Garden have teamed up to create a new
garden in front of the church along Josey Lane. The
newly roped off south end of The Nor'kirk property
has been prepared with compost and seeded with wildflowers.
Wildflowers will start germinating in the next few
weeks, but it will take about 3 years before the flowers
are fully grown and self-seeding. The good news is that
Native Texas Wildflowers require no additional water,
or fertilizer. As an added benefit, we only need to mow
once or twice a year. In addition, we will be providing a
natural habitat for songbirds and well as
our resident rabbits!
For more information on this project, contact Dan
Kinkade at [email protected].
The preschool children begin April learning about Easter. Our butterfly kit has arrived and we will be
observing the life stages before their release later this month.
This month will have a favorite Western Round-up fun with Tiny Texan ponies. Taking care of the
Earth and planting seeds will be also be part of April.
Please bring Labels for Education to the box by the preschool office, we will redeem them for classroom items before the program ends in June
We continue to register toddlers , 2’s, 3’s and Prek 4-5 year olds for the next school year.
Our educated teachers have over 75 accumulated years experience to share with children.
Please share our phone # 972-395-3707 and like us on facebook
“The Narthex looks so beautiful, again.”
This is a quote form one of our preschoolers when she arrived and looked at the Easter décor on
the tree. “It’s about Jesus, I love the beautiful tree”
Thank you to Gayla!
The Nor'kirk Presbyterian
3915 N. Josey Lane
The Kirk News is published by
The Nor’kirk Presbyterian
3915 N. Josey Lane
Carrollton, TX 75007
We invite you to worship with us
each Sunday Morning at
8:30 and 10:45 for Worship and 9:30
for Sunday School.
Pastor: Dr. Bill Parr
Church Office :972-492-1578
Church Officers
Building & Grounds - Joseph Helou
Clerk/Personnel - Kelley Poydence
Educational Ministries - Lisa McClurg
Finance & Stewardship - Dawn Maca
Missions Ministry - David McKenas
Worship & Music - Lhasa Compton
Technology Ministry - Phillip Wylie
Mary Ann Bentley, Sue Cherry,
Becky Heflin, Ann Helou, Jack Martin,
Gayla McCown, David Miller,
Shari Sobek, Maggie Turnipseed
Youth Deacon - Megan McClurg
Neal Harper, Bubba Maca,
Gus Stroupe