Wake Up In Your Dreams Conscious Dreaming Training Manual By Dr Rory Mac Sweeney Disclaimer This course is theoretical content. Anyone who decides to practice any of the techniques does so on the understanding that they are mentally and medically fit to do so. None of the techniques described are inherently dangerous but each person should consider their own safety prior to attempting any of the material described. The Human Race Why do we call ourselves the Human Race? Because we are just that, a race. In a fight against time we are ever aware that our time may be limited. With the ever increasing threat of environmental meltdown and human distinction becoming a real possibility, it would seem now that there is no greater need than ever to explore and seek out new opportunities to sustain our existence. To survive, we will need push ourselves right to the edge of our scientific understanding, to seek out new worlds in which to inhabit. Is it possible that one of these worlds could be the one that we visit every night, the world of dreams….? Only time will tell, but perhaps it is up to us to find out. We don‘t need a rocket to go here, we don‘t even have to be able bodied. This is a journey we are all capable of making and perhaps too many of us take for granted. Perhaps it is time to wake up in our dreams! Dr Rory Mac Sweeney Preface Lucid dreaming is a skill. Like any skill, there are some people who are naturally better at it than others but anyone can learn how to do this regularly. This course is designed to get you into the best possible position to become lucid. Starting with the science, moving through methods and finishing with some applied procedure all aspects of dream entry and navigation are covered. Completion time of the course is approximately 6 weeks, taking the first two weeks to familiarise yourself with the science and methodology, whilst keeping a dream diary concurrently. This will give you a great start to get lucid within the following month with the remaining outlined course work. Lucidity can be achieved at any time during the course but we normally see results around the fourth week as long as focus and effort is well maintained. A further advanced section is also present but I urge you to steer clear of this until you have a little more experience under your belt as things can get pretty intense here. No one can give you the lucid experience apart from you. This ultimately will be down to your own determination and resolve. This guide will serve you well if you take the time to really understand the fundamental principles involved and work with the outlined methods with intent and effort. Dream World is like any other destination, it takes time to get there, but like any other journey, don‘t just look to the destination, let the journey itself be just as fun. It‘s just a question of perspective so before you start lucid dreaming, think how you can start to live more lucidly in your waking life and begin to feel the experience already! Contents 1) Is This a Dream? 2) Hybrid Induction Theory 3) Lucid Dreams are real 4) What is Reality? 5) Sleep and Dreams 6) Science of Sleep 7) Becoming Lucid 8) Reality Checking 9) Calm before the Storm 10) Induction Methods 11) Dream World Rules 12) Looking Glass Creatures 13) Getting Around Dream World 14) Taking Flight Advanced Practice 15) Wake up Neo 16) Getting Wild 17) Shifting Gears 18) The Blue Pill 19) The Red Pill 20) Super Powers & Special Moves 21) Don‘t Lose Your Head! 22) Multiple Hit Combos 23) Are We Alone? 24) Proof of Life…. Lesson 1) Is This a Dream? Since the beginning of time man has questioned his place in the universe. Forever questioning the very fabric of his existence, looking to quantify his ever elusive nature. Dreams have always had a place in this pursuit and for many cultures, they are simply considered to be part of our reality. Western thinking seems to have lost this sense integrity in dream reality and has in recent years seen dreaming take a back seat. However it is my intention with the science I am teaching here to show you something new. It is possible as you will see to wake up and be completely aware in your dreams. This event is commonly referred to as a lucid dream or out of body experience. This unique state of consciousness is the gateway to experiences beyond the boundaries of our physical experience and may have implications beyond anything we could even conceive in our current understanding of the world as we know it. I will not endeavor to explain to you what exactly this experience is in a tightly folded paragraph. Instead, I will gradually unfold the concepts and science behind this phenomenon and will ask only that the reader remain open minded as to what exactly is being explained. I will ask the reader to understand that the model I am presenting here is not definitive as we can only evaluate within the boundaries of our current scientific model of the universe. This course concerns more so with what we can scientifically model value rather than loosely speculate and as such a much grounded stance will be observed. I am continually researching and adjusting my understanding of this framework and I remain grounded but open minded at all times. The concepts defined by my findings do not intend to contradict beliefs but to offer a little more insight as to how these events may actually be possible and how these may be applied to our conscious existence. On the subject of applying the lucid dream experience, I have taken the liberty of offering as an occasional example, a concept that I, as a practicing martial artist of over 20 years have developed. This is not to say that the course is preoccupied with the notion of martial arts practice but I want to offer a little perspective from time to time about the practical elements of out of body practice. The course is a practical out of body training guide developed for use by anyone but I will occasionally employ the martial arts frame of reference to offer a little more insight into the more practical pursuit. Out of Body experience is a subject that may raise more questions than offer answers and for this reason I thought carefully about where the most fertile ground to plant the seeds of my literature would be. As a practicing martial artist myself, I felt that the inherent language of martial arts spoke of both the body and mind as inseparable and that this was going to be a meeting of minds so to speak. My recent exploration of Dream World has revealed the world to be source of rich experience and knowledge provided not by the dreamscape but the occupants of Dream World, the fellow Dream Walkers. Are they self aware or are they just constructs of my own subconscious self? Perhaps they are other dreamers, some awake, some still sleeping. This is a question only you can answer for yourself and experience will be the key to this question. It is time to begin your journey…..Rise up Dream warrior! LESSON 2) Hybrid Induction Theory Intro Why is it that when we dream, we don‘t recognise that we are dreaming? Why do we just accept the strange scenarios like ……a pink cat….oh and it talks……? It is as if a fundamental part of our minds are missing during dreaming. A lucid dream occurs when we realise we are dreaming and consciously navigate the dreamscape. This can happen spontaneously from time to time but induction techniques can be learned to consistently achieve this state. The Dilemma There are a number of induction techniques that can be used to achieve lucid dreams. These mostly rely on memory conditioning. To most people‘s experience this seems a little bit of a task as memory is seriously impaired during sleep, hence we have such poor dream recall. This is due to an evolutionary function that allows the body to make sense of and consolidate recent memories without deleting them. In order to achieve this, new memories during the sleep process need to be hindered as the nature of memory is such that making new memories often requires the deletion of old memories. This of course is a simplified model of a more complex process but the point remains, memory in sleep is impaired. So despite having achieved good success myself with memory based inductions I could not help but to read about countless aborted efforts of many other wannabe dream walkers. There had to be a better way. The Science So I asked myself when else does the mind just accept things at face value? The answer is when we are hypnotised. There had to be a relationship. What do the hypnotised mind and dreaming mind have in common? There are many definitions of hypnosis - but they all essentially subscribe to the same idea that the part of the mind that monitors our reality, the Critical Function, is effectively off line. Here is a brief explanation of the critical function that I‗ve written up using my own model. I call this the model the Critical Loop. This is crucial so make sure you understand. The Critical Loop above can best be described as starting with an experience in our lives. This event is then turned into a memory which is then passed through the learning centre where the event is analysed so as the mind is ready for the next time the same event is encountered. This is referred to as an expectation. On a subsequent occasion, when the same event is encountered again, the experience is made into a memory and compared to the expectation of this event (from previous experience). If the experience is similar to previous experiences then the event goes unnoticed. If the event is dissimilar to the previous experience then the expectation of the experience is modified by the intervention of a conscious consideration. This means that most of what we do from day to day goes unnoticed until something strange (expectation and experience out of sync) event occurs, in which case we immediately become acutely aware of the situation. So, for example we (from previous experience) expect a pineapple to taste sweet until we eat a bitter one at which point we then make a memory of this. This causes the mind to become conscious in its consideration of the matter and it now modifies our expectations of future pineapples to be possibly bitter. Our brain continuously monitors our world in this fashion, observing our experiences and when necessary consciously adjusting our expectations accordingly - this is known as the Critical Function. So I asked, what part of the loop is missing in sleep, what brings the critical function off line? The answer was painfully obvious - Memory!! So a reduced memory means the loop is off line and a shorter loop now comes into play. Looking at this shorter loop we can see how experience and expectation become uncritically interchangeable - so a talking pink cat becomes acceptable and hence we do not realise that we are dreaming. Memory techniques rely on familiarising oneself with one‘s personal dream signs (these are people, places etc peculiar to our individual dreams). By becoming familiar with these and making an effort to remember to recognise them when we‘re dreaming we can trigger lucidity. However common experience would seem to be that lucidity, though achieved through this method, rarely occurs by actually ―remembering a dream sign‖ but more so by being alerted to the oddness of something else in the dream. So according to my model - it would seem that the forcing of memory is, in effect actually bringing the critical function back on line rather than actual relying on memory to recognise a dream sign to become lucid. So it is a critical mindset that ultimately triggers lucidity, fired up by the forcing of memory into the equation. The Proposal No denying the effectiveness of memory based technique but I wanted to bring the critical mind online in a more predictable way. So after countless exercises and theories I have opened the floor to encourage a more multi dimensional approach to becoming lucid, employing a number of different methods, while all ultimately subscribing to the Critical Mindset Notion, the very essence of becoming lucid. Lesson 3) Lucid Dreams Are Real Before we start on any discussion of lucid dreaming, a quick trip to the science lab will be used as a prerequisite disencouragement of any potential skepticism. Lucid dreaming has existed since, probably the beginning of dreams but has always been a thing of scientific fiction up until it was scientifically proved to exist about 30 years ago. American scientist Steve La Berge, proved this by pre rehearsing certain eye movements with a team of observers prior to sleeping. The agreed movements would act as pre arranged signals to indicate that a particular event has occurred. So a “left, left, up, up, down” motion for example may signal that one has become lucid. Needless to say, to prove one is dreaming one would have to be asleep. For this purpose, a device called an electric encephalograph (EEG) is used to monitor brainwave activity. When a certain type of sleep known as REM sleep occurs, the person is most likely to be dreaming. At this point we would expect the person to be somewhat unable to move as during sleep most of our body is paralysed, from the chin down, apart from our involuntary muscles (lungs, heart etc.). However, our eyes can still move and as a matter of fact they can mimic that of our dream eyes. So if we look left in a dream, then our real eyes do just that in our sleeping beds. So a confirmation of the rehearsed eye movements at this point is a signal from the dreamer could say he/she has just become lucid. This technique proved positive in dream science and a breakthrough was made. Today this technique is used in lucid dream labs to signal various activities to be recorded during dream exploration. Make no mistake, lucid dreaming is very real and it is here to be explored! Lesson 4) What is Reality? A profound question, no doubt but one that does need to be addressed before we consider our venture into Dream World. For this discussion we will need to employ the use of models. Scientifically speaking this is what we use to convey a concept when a more tangible alternative is not available to us. The mind, for example is a model, not a tangible thing, yet we need to express its duty and for this purpose, models will be used. When most of us refer to reality, we are referring to our physical selves and the environment we occupy in this form. To most of us, this reality is what we interpret through our 5 senses in a physical dimension of time and space. However lets look at the these events a little closer. Let‘s say you are falling out of a plane or for that matter, falling in love. Where do the sum of these events ultimately express themselves? The answer is without question, the mind. We can project the events on to whatever event we like, the flight, the fall, the plane, the person but ultimately we only ever feel these experiences as an event in our minds. So whether the event takes place in physical time and space or just in our emotional consideration, ultimately it is the mind that is ultimately where the event is ultimately “felt”. This has particular relevance for the dream event as, one may consider that the dream event, because it does not take place in time and space by most people‘s definition is not real. But the event takes place in the same place as the response to a physical stimulus and therefore must be considered with similar criteria. By this implication we could say by consciously experiencing a dream event, we are in effect entertaining a form of reality, albeit a non physical reality, it is none the less a reality. Let‘s now take a look at the physical model of reality generation. We take in information about the physical world around us, as mentioned through our 5 senses. In the eye for example these are light receptors. These receptors pass the information as an electrical current along the nerves to a processing centre in the subconscious; we will refer to this as the Sorting Office. Because we are taking in vast quantities of information, the Sorting Office takes only the most important information and sends it to, what we will refer to as the Reality Generator. To give you an idea - we are taking in approximately 2 million pieces of information per second of which only approximately 150 pieces are actually sent upstairs to the conscious mind, the Reality Generator, to make up what is known as the Mental Construct. Everybody has different beliefs, needs and desires and it is these peculiarities that ultimately determine what information is most relevant to make up the mental construct. So for example a lady crossing the road with her child sees the oncoming traffic as something to be careful of and is taking caution. A teenager at the same street likes fast cars. A nice Ferrari passes them both. Ask them both 5 minutes later what colour the Ferrari was and there will be only one answer, you guessed it, the teenager! The thought simply didn‘t register for the lady. So the car did pass in his reality but not in hers. We will refer to the event that did happen is physical space and time (the car passed) as Consensual Reality and what happened for the individuals as Subjective Reality. We can see therefore that the two are not always concurrent. So we now know that the information comes in as electrical information but what gives the information context? Let me elaborate - I see a glass on the table, whereby a baby sees an image of something transparent. I don‘t have to think about it to know that it is a glass because I already have a working model in my mind of what a glass is. It has a contextual meaning in my mind because I have experienced it in my reality previously. My mind can record this event and cross reference it to many more events, so I know for example without thinking that it carries water and can smash if I drop it. I have a name for it, a glass. Our minds are continuously considering experiences and modifying them to create our reality. When the mind has an experience of an event, it can store it and all the intertwining relevant data about the subject e.g. the glass . This model can be referred to as a schema. So to put all this together, information is presented to us through our senses. This vast information is prioritised and the most relevant information is then passed from the Sorting Office on to the Reality Generator to make up the Mental Construct. This information is then rapidly analysed and contextualised to create a formal understanding of the event which can be used for future reference. This mental construct is what most people casually refer to as reality. LESSON 5) Sleep & Dreams So what happens when we sleep? To answer this question we need to expand the idea a little. When we go to sleep, normally the mind gradually shuts down until it goes to sleep. The body, when comfortable with this idea then follows suit and goes to sleep but only when it is satisfied that the mind has already gone to sleep. It does this by asking the mind questions. Triggers are sent by the body to the mind to see if it responds – these triggers are requests to the mind to roll over in bed or change position, if for example on a couch. If the mind does not respond the body knows its time to sleep. This is a simple but effective communication method between the two separate systems. With our mind asleep and body asleep there is significantly reduced activity in the mind but it is not entirely switched off. The mind continues to monitor the limited sensory input from our surroundings ensuring we are not in any danger. If the sensory input goes above a certain threshold, we awake. So for example if there was a whisper in the room, our ears still take the information in, they just do not trigger the waking response until the whisper becomes loud enough, perhaps a shout in some cases! For the most part of sleep, the Reality Generator is switched off and only switches on for brief periods during the sleep period. These episodes are known as dreams and are created by the Reality Generator drawing on the reserve information from the Sorting Office. The reserve information is all that data that has been accumulated during the lifetime of the individual and hence we dream mostly of past experiences and desires but with no particular order. As there is reduced sensory input i.e. we aren‘t hearing or seeing much, the motivation for the dreamscape is driven, not by the local information input (what we‘re seeing or hearing in bed) but by our emotional state at that time. The dream images and themes are therefore frequently constructed from associated memories and experiences of a similar emotional frame of reference. So for example, when we are stressed we may dream of being late for work, when we are free, we may dream of flying. What is most peculiar about this process is that when the Reality Generator forms the dreamscape, it does not represent a map of a physical space and time occupied by a physical self (as in waking state) but a map of a “non physical reality”. What is even more curious is that the part of the mind that probes our reality does not ordinarily know this. So to the dreaming mind, a wall feels solid and a pinch feels like…..a pinch! However as we will see when we become lucid we can become aware of this (there are ways of knowing) and with experience we can navigate Dream World, knowing that it is just a mental construct with no real physical boundaries. We can walk through walls, fly, breathe under water and so on. Morpheus tells Neo he must “free his mind….nobody makes the first jump!” Lesson 6) Science of Sleep In order to proceed with the science of dreams, we need to briefly explore the science of sleep. We have briefly considered that when the mind falls asleep and the body follows suit. What follows is a period of sleep known as a sleep cycle. This lasts about 90 minutes and we have an average of 4-5 cycles a night. Each cycle in turn has 5 stages. Starting at the lightest sleep, we transition into deeper states of slow wave (SWS) or NREM sleep until stage 4 which is called Deep Sleep (also a slow wave state). The mind then briefly cycles back through stages 4 to 1 before going into a 5th stage known as REM (pronounced as a single word). In this stage brain activity becomes quite erratic and this is the stage that dreaming mostly occurs, the most vivid dreaming occurs here too. There is a characteristic rapid movement of the eyes under the eyelids at this point too, hence the name (Rapid Eye Motion) The amount of REM in each cycle becomes longer and more intense as the cycles progress throughout the night, so the most intense periods of REM sleep are 4 and 5. Dreaming as a consequence becomes more lengthy and vivid at these latter stages so we may have a 10 minute dream period at the start of the night and anything up to 45 minutes during a later cycle. Lucid dreams normally occur in these latter cycles. A further discussion needs to be briefly addressed here, that is the notion of brain wave activity. In essence the brain vibrates at varying frequencies throughout the day and night. These vibration frequencies are described in terms of Hertz (Hz) and the brain typically vibrates with a frequency of about 4 – 60 Hz. We describe these vibration states as follows Delta Range - 0.5 to 4 HZ (associated with deep sleep) Theta Range - 4 HZ to 8 HZ (seen in dreaming sleep, and other mental states where the mind is wandering, like daydreaming and imagining) Alpha Range - 8 to 13 HZ (relaxed but awake) Beta Range - 13 HZ to 30 (*) HZ (normal awake state/aware) Gamma Range - 30 (*) HZ to 60 HZ (associated with consciousness - the brain stops producing gamma waves when we're put under for anaesthesia, for example) *Note that there's a lot of disagreement over where Beta range ends and Gamma range begins. With REM sleep we are normally experiencing a lot of alpha and theta activity. Knowing this science, as we will see can have pressing advantages to helping us to become lucid. A brief outline of the science will be important to keep in mind in order to fully benefit from the induction methods Lesson 7) Becoming Lucid So how do we become lucid? As outlined previously it‘s a combination of the Reality Generator buzzing and our critical function coming online at the same time. The oddness of dreams means the meeting of an experience and expectation that are going to be out of sync is almost inevitable and so long as the mindset is adequately critical in nature, the conscious awareness will be called into action to investigate. This literally means the mind wakes up while the body stays asleep. We refer to this hybrid state of consciousness as Mind Awake Body Asleep (MABA). This is somewhat of a mental tightrope act in that if we are over stimulated, the conscious brain activity will wake us up. Conversely, too little stimulation will trigger no response so a lucid dream is a veritable balancing act. Many martial artists will already have some understanding of this through their own training. On this subject, I would say that this state of mind is also available through another number of avenues. Meditation is a good way of guiding the body into this state and I would encourage anyone to explore this balanced state of mind as an exercise prior to engaging it in dream state. As a means to help stabilise the lucid dream state this is a worth while venture. To enter this state, I myself use meditation as well as sound technology, which we will explore later. I also recommend trying weekly floatation tank sessions. These are sensory deprivation centres that are becoming increasingly more popular for entering deep states of relaxation. The body is deeply relaxed, while the conscious mind is gently stimulated above the sleep threshold as you simply float in a tank of salt balanced water. In order to achieve this state of lucidity we need to consider that unlike waking life we do not have our conscious minds to make the connection between our dreaming minds and the dream event to become lucid. Our subconscious minds ultimately make this connection and as we discussed previously we need to create a state of alertness in the dreaming mind so as to stimulate the critical faculties as much as possible to recognise that we are dreaming. One of the most important requirements for this state is good dream recall. As previously discussed, memory of dreams is seriously limited and as such we need to stimulate our mental faculties to become more aware of dream events and stimulate the subconscious mind to take our dreams seriously and be more alert during dreaming. The pushing of memory into the dream event stimulates the critical mindset that we need to become lucid. This can be enough of a trigger to stimulate a lucid event for some people, though when combined with specific inductions to really peak the memory process, the chances of achieving lucidity are greatly increased. No matter how clear your dreams may seem upon waking during the night, you‘ll have almost forgotten them completely by the time you again awake in the morning. A dream diary is the most common way of recording your dreams. A dream diary is a journal, kept beside your bed for recording and analysing your dreams. This is an essential tool so respect it and enjoy it. By writing in a dream journal/diary, you are literally turning your dreams inside out, dragging them through a waking conscious mind to analyse. This has the effect of cementing the dreams in your memory, thereby familiarising you with your dreams. Furthermore, it has the effect of letting the subconscious mind know that dreams are important. A final duty of the dream journal is to help identify your own personal dream signs. When journaling, note anything strange, anything that wouldn‘t normally happen in the waking world. If you find these strange events recur in your dreams, then they are your personal dream signs. These can broadly be defined as Form - this is anything that seems physically odd, for example a purple cow. Context - this is anything or anyone, that seems out of place. For example, Einstein is in your living room. Inner Awareness - anything that feels strange. For example emotions can run pretty wild in dreams, so uncontrollable laughing or shouting could be a dream oddity. Action - any action that seems odd. For example, flying car To use the journal, it is best to start practicing at night to catch a dream or two and first thing in the morning too. The idea is to learn to catch 2 or 3 dreams a night. Spend some time practicing this, even if it is a bit of a task at first. In time you can gradually reduce this to one a night and eventually, only the interesting dreams need to be recorded. It really is a very important activity to continue, even for experienced lucid dreamers, as it constantly reminds the subconscious of the relevance of dreams. Upon waking, don‘t allow your mind to drift — immediately attempt to focus on what you had just been dreaming, and write it down in your dream journal. Contemplate what you just experienced and attempt to put events in order. Often reliving the dream backwards will help: after remembering an event, ask yourself, ―What was I doing before that?‖ Although it is best to record absolutely everything you can, realistically you may not want to reiterate the epic novel that is your dream at 4:00 a.m.; instead, write down key points, such as what you were doing, where you were, and who was around you. This can be fleshed out later. A pen with a built in light on it can be a great asset to make night time notes. Always write in present tense as this allows the mind to connect with the event more intimately. I now practice by simply waking up 10 minutes before getting out of bed. After turning off my alarm, reality checking and lying down in the same position again, I recall my dream and recycle it in my mind a few times before getting up. This activity normally gives me enough recall to get up and write up my dream at a morning break or lunch time. After writing up the journal, it is a good idea to do a brief analysis of the dream to make some notes. I recommend writing the narrative of the dream on the right hand page and the notes on the left. Making a title for the dream is a good exercise and can be fun. Date the dream and note whether it was lucid or not. Follow the outline below for some details. Furthermore, I would recommend making a list of your most frequent dream signs at the back of the journal as well as a list of your ongoing missions, you intend to achieve in Dream World. You can tick these off and date them as you do as an exercise. I personally like to bookend my missions by writing down the mission at the start of the night in a 3 step action, for example 12 th April Mission Assume meditative position Form an energy ball in my hands Fire the energy ball I then will write up event in my diary afterwards e.g. When lucid, I assume the meditative position and am forming the energy ball in my hands. It is blue and I can feel it sparking in my fingers. It is glowing brilliant light and making a slight buzzing sound. I fire it and it explodes into a beautiful splash of light. Dream Diary Design Notes Title (Date) Dream Signs A list of your dream signs from the narrative is written here. I score them a 0, if I didn‘t pay any attention to them and a 1 if I noticed something odd about the event, but did not become lucid. Keeping a score here can be a simple but effective exercise Narrative The dream narrative is written here, putting in as much detail as you can recall Senses Apart from your audiovisual memories, record any physical touches, tastes or smells you can recall. These are a little more rare in dreams our awareness is low Thoughts Record any thoughts you remember having about events. This exercise can be a great way to stimulate your thinking, critical mind to come on line in dreams Comment Making a personal comment on your progress and insight is a good exercise Always write in present tense All dream signs should be marked here with a * symbol and then drawn up on the list, opposite after Lesson 7) Reality Checking So we think we may have become lucid, how do we tell for sure? We must test our reality using what is known as reality checking (RC for short). The basic premise of this is to stop and ask yourself “Am I dreaming…..Is this a dream?” We then test our reality by doing one of a number of actions, the outcomes of which will give us a definition of our reality. This works on the basis that there are certain peculiarities to dreams that are not typical of waking life. We will run through a number of the better RC s (of which there are many but a concise list is easier to remember). 1) Look at your clothes and ask – “Is this how I dressed today, do I remember dressing this way today?‖ The principle here is that we frequently end up wearing all sorts of outfits in dreams, often not even our own, a memory check is being employed here too which is unlikely to add up in the dream. 2) Look around and ask – “Do I remember getting here and how did I get here?” – try remembering back the last 30 minutes events – a similar method of questioning memory is being employed here – the dream is unlikely to come up with an answer. 3) Try to read some text – text is inherently unstable in dreams – look at some text, look away and back again and see if it changes – text tends to be hard to read in the first instance in dreams 4) Try to push your index finger on one hand through the palm of the other hand – because of the non physical nature of dreams it is possible for two matters to penetrate each other e.g. you could try walking through a wall. However I would recommend the hand test for obvious reasons here. 5) Pinch your nose and try to breathe in – again the non physical nature of the construct will allow you to breathe like this 6) Mechanical device failure – mechanical devices notoriously behave badly in dreams so TVs, toasters, light switches etc don‘t work very well. Mobile phones have the dual function of acting as a text and device test here and more often than not they can change form in dreams too. 7) Look in a mirror - I will leave you to try this yourself, like Alice and the looking Glass …. Be prepared! When reality testing, act with the intention of finding out you really could be dreaming and try at least two tests. If you really believe you could be dreaming, keep testing until sure as the tests can fail and you can wake up later to find out you missed out on a really exiting experience. Reality test whenever you experience something weird, even if your friends are round, make a joke of it if you have to, if the test is positive for dream state, just think, who‘s laughing now! Reality testing first thing in the morning is highly advisable so as to avoid what is known as a False Awakening. This occurs when you wake up and carry on with your activity oblivious to the fact that you are still in fact DREAMING! I can‘t tell you how many times this has happened to me. Get in the habit of RCing first thing when you awake, regardless of where you are!! Another reality check should always be performed when awaking from a lucid dream. They frequently exit into another dream, I really can‘t stress this enough. Always RC on waking from a lucid dream! At this point I also recommend performing what I refer to as a Cognitive Check. This is a simple mental self check to make sure we have the right mindset on us to get the most out of our dream. A simple mental rehearsal of something simple like the following example will do 2+2=4, 4x3=12, 5x12= 60 and so on. Next we say to ourselves “My name is (your name) and my mission is ….. (one should have a mission or two planned before induction, a list in your dream diary is a good idea). This works on two levels, firstly it helps to focus the intention to become lucid by giving the mind a goal beyond a goal. The mind is far more attentive to this kind of agenda. Secondly it makes sure we have our wits about us so as not to get swept up in the dream imagery and fall back to sleep or get over stimulated and wake up. Not all dreams have the same level of lucidity and we don‘t always get the best value out of our experiences due to our wandering minds. We will further explore maintaining lucidity after the inductions have been covered. A lot can be said on this subject and for the advanced dreamer, will be a topic of huge consideration! Lesson 9) Calm before the Storm Before we discuss induction methods, we need to discuss our practical mindset in preparation for the induction. The methods employed for induction are all, at some level, mental routines so we need to have our minds clear and focused. Think about it, we need our minds to take very precise instruction and not get distracted. Think of it as how you might prepare for a fight, total single mindedness is a necessity. In order to achieve this we will have to quieten the mind. This is the basis of meditation. A clear mind is a more productive mind as it can focus on a single event. In our normal day to day meanderings, our minds are like butterflies, floating from flower to flower not quite sure which flower it wants to stay on. Even when we think we are doing something properly, more often than not, our minds are being pulled different directions. The mind employs his kind of automatic wandering in an effort to make sure we are aware of our surroundings so as not to get eaten by a tiger while we are watching TV! Sometimes we want to switch this off, but the mind is more often than not unwilling to listen. If the mind is left to its own devices, this can be quite a challenge, so a little training will be necessary to regain control of this. The fundamental principle of meditation is to occupy the mind with a single duty so as to occupy this part of the mind to allow the rest of the mind to have peace. There are many ways of achieving this martial artists from many back grounds will already possess a great deal of knowledge on this subject. An exercise of quietening the mind for 20 minutes a day or even every couple of days will be what is needed here. To do this we will need to relax completely and then just allow our minds to settle. We then perform something known as silently observing our own thoughts. To do this, we assume a detached mental position; we form a mind behind the mind. We literally form another mind that silently, watches the thoughts in our own minds. This silent watcher duty causes the thoughts to start to slow down by causing gaps to occur between thoughts and then gradually, as the gaps get longer, spaces of “NO THOUGHT” begin. These vacuums of thought are the basis for a quite mind. By attaining this empty mind we can learn to repopulate it with single thoughts to create a focused intention. This is, what is referred to as Meditation. Like many traditional ideas, this technique is largely unsubstantiated, scientifically speaking. How does becoming the silent observer of the mind cause the thoughts to stop? I have never heard a single answer to this question (scientifically speaking), so I am going to speculate and offer you a theory of my own, based on another scientific principle called The Observer Effect. If one was walking down the street and minding one’s own business and then stopped to be told to carry on about our business but that we were being observed for an experiment. The experiment requires us to just carry on as though the other person wasn’t even there, to just ignore them. Needless to say we would immediately become quite self conscious and start to act a little differently, aware that we are being observed. This, in turn may in avertedly influence the outcome of the experiment. The effect of the introduction of an observer into this experiment is referred to as The Observer Effect. The observer effect can be applied to any kind of scenario and in the case of the mind, I would speculate that by letting the mind know that we are watching it, we are influencing it to become self conscious and start to almost hide its thoughts. This creates the “less thoughts state of mind”, gradually quietening the babbling brook of thoughts that normally flow by. On this subject, I am always glad to hear some thoughts but I am happy with my own theory so far. We will be incorporating our meditative, mind quietening as part of our induction but I also urge you to try to take ten minutes a day to practice this. Practice this as follows: Sit or lie down, alternatively sit cross legged with your hands resting on your legs. Sitting has the advantage of not allowing you fall asleep. Close your eyes and relax Start to take three deep breaths. Breathe deeply into your belly, NOT INTO YOUR RIB CAGE as is commonly believed in Western culture. Breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply, for up to 8 seconds and then out through your mouth with gently pursed lips, like blowing out a candle, for a similar period of time. The pursing of the lips here helps to reduce air flow and subtly keeps you from nodding off to sleep A gentle humming motion, like a VVVVVV motion with your teeth and lower lip can be made here at the same time as breathing out. If one feels a little self conscious of this, gentle meditative music can be played at the same time to relieve this for a while. There will be further discussion on this extensive topic (sound technology) later Continue breathing like this while telling yourself on every exhale to relax completely Really feel your entire body relax on every exhale, like the air going out of a huge tire, visualise a similar image if it helps You can also visualise your inhaling as warm glowing energy being taken in and your exhale as cold, blue, stale air being passed out 5 to 10 minutes of this practice should yield a very relaxed state of mind (with time and experience this can be almost instantly achieved with a minute’s breathing and positive intention to become deeply relaxed) Now you can allow your breathing to become shallow and only through your nose, gradually allowing it to become faint enough for you to barely notice it Falling asleep is a real temptation so beware - gently stimulate the mind with thoughts but don’t allow your mind to wander off the subject; this is also a real temptation Now you can commence telling your subconscious what you want Allow your mind to settle, your thoughts can be like dust just falling away Do not give the thoughts any energy; just watch them in a detached fashion Don’t judge the thoughts, just let them pass. If you do find yourself tangled up in a thought, don’t wrestle with it, just allow it to pass and then allow your mind to clear again Gradually you will start to notice the gaps in your thinking, until hopefully you will soon start to experience pure silence. Lesson 10) Induction Methods Having established good recall (at least one dream a night) and a having an understanding of the science of dreams we can now proceed to induction methods. The underlying principle of the critical mindset is best kept in mind here as we proceed to cover a number of induction methods, starting with the most simple, but least effective through to the most labour intensive, but successful methods. Starting with some of the simplest methods and progressing through the various methods is a good way to go. A week or two (or until comfortable) with each is recommended. Everyone‘s response to methods will differ so play around and see what works best for you but be realistic, don‘t spend 3 months on a method that is not working just because it is easy on time and effort. The course outlined below will give you a good idea of how to proceed but keep in mind we all achieve our goals in different ways. Broadly speaking we refer to inductions as either a dream induced lucid dream (DILD) or a wake induced lucid dream (WILD). . The difference is that in a DILD, we go to sleep and wake up during the dream. With a WILD, on the other hand, consciousness is never lost, the body goes to sleep but the waking mind is preserved to enter the dream directly. I personally now prefer the terms “direct and indirect transitions”, the latter being the WILD. This is a more advanced method, commonly referred to as an Outer Body Experience (OBE) or Astral Projection. Although purists may argue that there is a difference between WILDSs and OBEs, on this matter, I would encourage a little scientific research on this rather than accepting anecdotal conjecture as a substitute. Most modern research would clearly indicate adequate similarity for the two to be considered interchangeable. On this latter point, I would say it is crucial to remain grounded in your approach to this subject, not ignoring traditional beliefs but observing them with regards to the context of their time. For this part of the manual we will be covering DILD methods only and we will return to OBEs in the advanced practice section. OBEs or WILDs really are the stuff of dreams but I would urge anyone to get some DILDS under their belt before considering a WILD. Furthermore, additional training in meditation or any other mind quietening exercise is a must here as well as a very open and confident mind. In this regard martial arts training will be a huge advantage as mental discipline is the key to this pursuit. Inductions 1) Reflection Intention Principle: The idea here is to form a habit that will ultimately follow you into the dream state. German scientist, Dr Paul Tholey is credited with this method, he is worth a Google. Method: Practice reality checking several times a day, asking yourself if this is a dream and really meaning it. The habit will hopefully carry over into your dreaming life where you will test your reality and prove to be dreaming. Doing the reality checks when you see your dream signs and first thing when you wake up in the morning will stack the odds more favourably. Furthermore when a test proves negative, take it as an opportunity to practice some visualisation. It is a good habit at least once a day to practice what it would be like to become lucid. Here is how to practice Imagine you are in a dream Look around you as you go about your business and then recognise one of your dream signs Now imagine you’ve just realised that this is a dream, becoming lucid Imagine yourself reality checking positive to be sure you’re dreaming Perform a cognitive check Allow yourself to feel that euphoria as you imagine how this would feel, becoming lucid Now imagine yourself carrying out your dream mission, maybe feel yourself flying away When finished tell yourself firmly “The next time I am dreaming, I will remember to realise that I am dreaming” Comment: This is a well worth investment of your time to familiarise yourself with some basic visualisation techniques as you can actually see the “dreamscape” around you. Although people have reported success with this method, success is probably limited but it is a good training ground to get going, when first getting into lucid dreaming. 2) Autosuggestion Principle: Autosuggestion or self hypnosis works on the basis that we can communicate directly to the subconscious and ask it directly to follow our instructions. A little time out and a few simple rules is all is needed to carry out this method. This is best carried out as a relaxed, laid back method. Forcing the suggestion is not as effective so relaxation is key here. Hypnosis works on the basis of the mind being uncritical in nature. The critical function is offline. Therefore it is willing to just accept anything you tell it. There is a lot of theory on this subject and some may feel it is shrouded in mystery and maybe even fear but rest assured it is simple, effective and easy to practice. Method: A simple rule of thumb here will give a good start - Breathing is the key to relaxation, relaxation is the key to suggestibility, suggestibility is the key to hypnosis. This method can be employed during the day, before going to bed or in the middle of the night. On this basis we want to relax our minds by using the exercise already described for meditation When completely relaxed, you can commence telling your subconscious what you want When speaking to the subconscious, always speak in the present tense e.g. “I am more than my physical body Avoid using negative language as the subconscious can’t process a negative e.g. “Don’t think of a pink elephant” …. What did you just think of?! Use visualisation where possible as the subconscious can understand this better than words Be enthusiastic and believe what you are saying as much as possible Be realistic in your request, for example “I am running better and approaching my goal more and more every day” will be better responded to than “I can run a marathon” Repetition is the key - repeat the gesture a number of times to really focus the intention For the purpose of our dream induction we can use the following script: Have a previous dream recalled When sufficiently relaxed say to yourself “My dreams are important to me, I am becoming more aware in my dreams, I can realise when I am dreaming” Really feel the words Feel sincere and positive as you carry on repeating this action for 5 minutes or repeat script 5 times Firmly resign to your self “The next time I am dreaming I will remember to recognise that I am dreaming” Comment: This can be an effective method to be come lucid and is certainly creating a positive intention to become lucid. Combined with good journaling activity and some day time reality checks this can trigger lucidity but I would say that it has limited results unless used as a WBTB method which we will explore later. Furthermore, the use of autosuggestion to create an intention to remember your dreams when first starting out on diary keeping can be a great help. A simple 10 minute session at night time to intend to remember your dreams can be a great help to focus your mind on this subject. 3) MILD Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream Principle: This method, invented by oneironaut (dream walker) Steve LaBerge, relies on the intention to remember to become lucid when we are dreaming. Though very similar to the autosuggestion method outlined above, it differs in that it focuses more so on forced prospective intent to remember rather than on gently persuading the subconscious. Therefore a similar set up as auto suggestion is used but the majority of the session will be spent on the visualisation of becoming lucid without having to tell the mind what it needs to do. The difference may seem subtle but an almost forceful state of mind is achieved here, pushing the mind into its critical state by literally forcing memory into play. Method: as outlined for Autosuggestion but on reaching the relaxed state, an almost forceful recycling of the dreamer becoming lucid visualisation is continued for up to 15 minutes Visualise as follows Recall a dream Look around you as you go about your business in the dream and then recognise one of your dream signs Now imagine you’ve just realised that this is a dream, becoming lucid Imagine yourself reality checking, positive to be sure you’re dreaming Perform a cognitive check Allow yourself to feel that euphoria as you imagine how this would feel, becoming lucid Now imagine yourself carrying out your dream mission, maybe feel yourself flying away When finished tell yourself firmly “The next time I am dreaming, I will remember to realise that I am dreaming” Recycle this activity for about 15 - 20 minutes If doing this in bed, continue to perform the visualisation as you gradually drift off to sleep whereby a kind of winding down the state of mind is cultivated as one goes to sleep. In this state, the sleeping mind is continuously, gently stimulated with the last conscious thought as being “The next time I am dreaming, I will remember to realise that I am dreaming” If any other thought tries to populate the mind at this point, just let it pass gently as you resume the intention to remember to become lucid as you fall asleep I personally practice the mental rehearsal on my back and then turn over on to my side for going to sleep Comment: As said earlier, this is not dramatically different from the Autosuggestion method, but when applied in bed, especially with the WBTB method (below), this can be considered one of the most powerful tools for achieving lucidity. This method, when combined with the WBTB method can yield lucid dreams with 100% certainty. Spend time with it and mix it up with other methods to increase your success rate. The ultra relaxed state (MABA), achieved in this and the autosuggestion state is a bit of a mental tightrope act. Falling asleep is a real temptation and though ultimately this is exactly what we want, make sure to set your intention to become lucid properly before allowing yourself to nod off. Furthermore the temptation to drift off into another subject in your mind will also be real threat, just allow the thoughts to pass as you resume your intention to become lucid, don‘t try to force the other thoughts out, just allow them to untangle as you focus your attention again on your intention to become lucid. With practice the workload of these techniques will reduce significantly until it is almost possible to just set your intention to become lucid. This will vary for everyone so don‘t rush. 4) Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) Principle: This really is the method of choice for serious oneironauts. Without a doubt, this is the best method to become lucid. The method can be used in combination with any other method for terrific results. In effect, this method relies on a number of factors which we will look at individually after outlining briefly the method. The method (detailed below) relies on breaking up a regular sleep cycle by getting up a few hours earlier than normal, staying up for 45 minutes and then going back to bed to catch a lucid dream. The first reason, this works is brain biochemistry. During the day the body builds up large amounts of serotonin, largely to light exposure to the retina. Serotonin is a hormone with many properties, among them is the ability to cause the mind to become more alert. As the night winds down, the light stimulation to the retina is gradually reduced, triggering the body to convert serotonin to melatonin. Melatonin has the opposite effect to serotonin and helps the body to relax and go to sleep. This is why, for example after a long day‘s relaxing in the sun, we are so tired and need to sleep even thought we‘ve pretty much slept all day all ready! As light increases in the early morning, the retina is again triggered to cause a reverse of this process, gradually converting the melatonin back to serotonin. In terms of sleep activity, this means that in the early morning your muscles are deeply relaxed from the presence of melatonin and that your mind is becoming more alert due to the increasing availability of serotonin. This is the perfect time to create that MABA conscious state, we need to become lucid. For the above reason of retinal stimulation, causing the mind to become alert (even with the eyes closed), we need to wear a sleep mask as we may experience light change in the early morning hours, which could trigger our minds to wake out of the dream. The second reason is REM Rebound. This is a simple concept. When the body is deprived of an REM period, it responds by making the next REM period longer and more intense. So, if we block, for example Sleep Cycle 4, we will have more intense REM in Sleep Cycle 5. Thirdly, the timing for intention setting is best at this time. If we intend to do something in 10 minutes time, we are more likely to be mentally focused on the event than if we were supposed to perform the same duty in, say 5 hours time. Intention setting only at bed time therefore has serious limitations. Fourthly, by getting out of bed we are physically alerting the mind. This process of physically getting out of bed fires up the mind to wake up, lighting up the critical function to come on line. Method: Have a regular 8 hour sleep cycle for at least 3 days prior to WBTB Set your alarm to wake up approx 3 hours earlier than normal (because of natural daylight hours 04.45 is a good time if on a 12 .00to 08.00 sleep cycle) Get out of bed for at least 45 minutes (must actually get out of the bed) Go to the toilet if needed Walk around and wake yourself up properly, a splash of cold water may help A very light snack may be eaten, like a biscuit Spend 30 minutes or so working your mind around the subject of Lucid Dreaming by reading, writing in your diary or going on a web site to do some research (TV is not recommended as this will trigger the brain into Alpha (non critical) mode) Keep lighting low - this will prevent too much serotonin build up Get exited!!! This I can’t stress enough, know that when you are going back to bed that you have a big adventure to look forward to. Try to physically feel the adrenaline in your stomach. This is a really good tool, so use it! Go back to bed and practice MILD Getting back to sleep here can be a bit of a chore so try to allow yourself a late morning in bed as well in case you struggle getting back to sleep A comfortable sleeping position, warm bed clothes, bed socks and an eye mask can be a great help here, especially the eye mask to reduce light change distractions A dark room will be best here as any light can stimulate wakefulness Lying extremely still and not responding to the mind cues to roll over can be a clever way of tricking your body into falling asleep here Keeping your eyes extremely still has a similar effect, tricking the body to sleep A rather curious condition known as Sleep Paralysis can occur here. This is something that happens every night to our bodies when we are asleep. The brain stem releases a polarising neural discharge down the spinal chord that causes the body to become paralysed excluding the involuntary muscles (breathing, heart etc). During any mind awake body asleep process, this state can be entered while still awake. This can leave the dreamer in a rather alarming state of temporary paralysis, while still awake. This is easily tackled by just shifting your breathing to a deeper longer breath and gradually allowing life to shift back into your body, without panicking. In fact, it can be a good time to try a direct transition if one knows how so don’t see it as so much of a problem as a possible opportunity for some very interesting experiences. Comment: No mistaking, this method is fundamental to anyone who really wants to get lucid. Stick with it, try combining it with different methods, but it is an essential practice. If one has a nine to five job, try weekends or just make a sacrifice on a week day. A few days solid sleep in advance can reduce next day fatigue so don‘t miss out on this method. 5) Binaural Beats Principle: This is a concept under much scientific development at the moment and well worth doing a little research on. The principle is that when 2 different sound frequencies (pure tones) are played in an ear each, say right ear 400Hz and left ear 408 Hz, for example, the brain will vibrate at the intermediate frequency as a kind of illusory beat. This is loosely due to the Law of Conservation of Energy and was first pointed out by German scientist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839. This is now being used extensively by mediators and dreamers alike as it has wonderful advantages to help focus conscious activity. We‘ve already seen that in REM sleep and dreaming that there is a high incidence of alpha and theta brainwave activity. The theta frequency (4-8Hz) is very prevalent in lucid dreaming so by focusing the brain at 8 Hz, the conscious state most prevalent in lucid dreaming is kept sustained. Mediation employs a similar method, by using a vocal exercise (mantra), vibrating the vocal cords at the 4-8 Hz frequency to cause the brain to perform a similar duty, hence shifting to theta state. Spending sessions with binaural acoustics on your ears for, 10 - 20 minutes a day is an effective way of achieving the a light MABA state as a training exercise for future activity so maybe consider a few sessions a week here. Method: Beats can be downloaded from a number of sources Play during the day, bed time or WBTB for best results Headphones are essential for best results Day time training with beats can be used for visualisation, relaxation and self hypnosis training Combine with other methods and experiment for best results Comment: This is an area well worth a look, but beware as there are many sites selling a lot of garbage - ―Get Lucid Immediately‖ type sites. The only person that can get you lucid is you, these are training products with, at best varying results so please do not look for quick solutions with these, they simply don‘t exist ….yet! 6) Light Cue Principle: This is simply one of the best methods to become lucid, make no mistake. Developed by Steve La Berge, the principle here is that a sleep mask with little red neon lights is worn over the eyes. The movement of the eyes at the onset of REM sleep is then detected by a retinal sensor (built in to the mask). This in turn triggers the mask lights to turn on and off for a brief period (variable, think of an average time of 7 seconds) This light cue is shone through the eyelids and picked up by the sleeping mind, which in turn is incorporated into the dream as an event. It can appear as many things, e.g. a flash light or a UFO. I‘ve used this for years and have had many strange encounters. The appearance of the light in the plot is usually enough to alert the sleeping mind to presence of something weird happening in the dream and cause the person to become lucid. Products: Look online, the Nova Dreamer and REM Dreamer are both well worth looking at, the latter having a clever two way system to speak back to the device makes it a better (and cheaper) buy. Comment: Simply super induction method that can be just as much fun for an experienced dreamer. This is not a short cut, MILD will be needed and preferably WBTB to make it effective. At 200 Euros approx this is in my opinion and experience, a great investment. Hit Method Hybrid Induction is probably best referred to as a philosophy. It is simply states that all methods have relevance as long as we have understanding of how they work as opposed to just grinding away aimlessly, with outdated practices. For this, I encourage the use of the critical loop theory, I opened with. This is a great fundamental rule of thumb for lucid dream practice and has helped me explore some very advanced induction work which we will be exploring in the advanced section. The neuromodulation approach that will be discussed in the advanced module is not exclusive and the methods advocated in this section can and should be employed even when one is introduced to the advanced principles. Even an expert martial artist still recognizes the fundamental need to practice basics even when a high level of skill has been achieved. The floor is open here as this is the purpose of my teaching; we are all constantly learning and adjusting. The Hybrid Induction Theory is exactly that, a hybrid, constantly evolving and open to any oneironaut to offer his/her insight to bring us all a step closer to the lucid experience. Hybrid practice is whatever you make it, mix and match the various techniques to whatever works best for you. Persist and believe and you will achieve! Lesson 10) When In Dream World So you‘ve seen something that seems a little odd, perhaps you‘re talking to Einstein or Mozart or maybe you‘re skiing down Mount Fuji but don‘t remember getting there. You reality check, pushing your index finger through your hand, it goes through. That familiar feeling of euphoria rushes over you as you begin to realise this is a dream and anything is possible. You perform a cognitive check to make sure you have your wits about you. You have now begun to stabilise the dream. This is very important to continue to do until you are confident enough to start moving around. The first thing to do is to relax and tell yourself that this is a dream and you can enjoy it. Staying relaxed, I next perform what I call a Body Check. Rub your hands together and touch the tip of your tongue off the roof of your mouth as you look at your body and examine it. Are you wearing clothes, if so are they your clothes? This can be a fun activity as the dream will dress you in all sorts of outfits so check it out. This body check activity will flood your mind with focus on the dreamscape and take away any temptation to alert your sleeping body to wake up. To further preoccupy the mind with dream activity, I also recommend singing and dancing out loud (don‘t worry about looking silly, it‘s a dream!). I am often bare footed in dreams and I find that this keeps me mentally focused in the dream. I now make it a habit as part of my body check to take my dream shoes off or just intend to be bare footed in order to consistently be bare footed in the dream. This is a good idea and I do recommend it. Steve LaBerge recommends spinning around with your arms out, just like when you were a kid, playing in the garden, trying to make yourself dizzy. This seems to flood the mind with dream sensory input. On this subject, I want to point out that the body you occupy is a mental construct, not a physical body. We call this the Dream Body or Dream Ego. I will return to this point after we explore the rules of Dream World a little more intimately first. Look around but don‘t overly focus on any little point yet as there is a temptation to fall back into the dream sleep, maybe pick four points and shift your vision casually between them as you relax and remind yourself that this is a dream. Sometimes the dream imagery is not as clear as we‘d like so, in order to make it more vivid we can shout “Increase lucidity now!” or “Increase Clarity Now!” This has the effect of directing our mind, creating the imagery to focus its intent to make the dreamscape clear. You can use this technique any time the dreamscape seems faded or obscured. So what does a dream look and feel like? Mostly, a lot like reality, but much more vivid, colours are more intense, sounds clearer. Let me explain. The dreamscape is constructed by the reality generator, from what we referred to earlier as schemas. These, as we said are models of the world based on sensory input, which is then contextualised by experience. So if we see water for example, we know it‘s going to feel wet on our clothes if we jump in. This begs the question, what about if we have not experienced something previously, how is there a schema for that, like, for example flying? The reality generator extrapolates and creates a scenario, based on what it knows about similar events and what it thinks the event might actually be like. So for example, I‘ve never actually walked on the Moon (at least not in physical reality) but I know what it looks like from photos and I would think the ground is dusty, maybe a little soft and there is no gravity with little light. So my reality generator takes previous experiences similar to these factors and creates what it thinks the moon would be like and actually does a great job as it is, in effect creating your own personal fantasy Moon! This is also the reason things seem very intense or vivid in dreams. As the mind constructs scenarios without direct influence from limiting physical factors, very clear images can be created. So for example, the colour of the sea in the dreamscape is determined not by the presence or absence of sunlight but by your own mind so it can be the bluest sea in the world, better still in your imagination. Furthermore, there is no background interruptions from physical realities so a song will sound crystal clear, rather than, for example being interrupted by the background sound of traffic going by. Putting this together for martial arts training it is simply a matter of putting this knowledge into play and recognising that if one can create one‘s own reality, then martial arts scenarios are simply just a question of putting your own experience together and we will explore some of the tools to do this in the next lessons. However, there are, without a doubt varying levels of lucidity and I cannot stress this enough. Many clearly inexperienced web bloggers casually seem to ignore this so don’t worry if your dream does not meet the classic criteria - you may still be lucid, so long as you know you are dreaming. I would briefly describe levels of lucidity in terms of duration, vividness, sensory awareness, ability to control the dream, cognitive function and control of emotion. Only experience will give you insight but I would say a 2 minute, hazy, difficult to control dream is the very definition of a beginners dream. More advanced dreamers can dream for up to an hour (some beyond). Definition is intense with heightened sensory awareness and cognitive function is as in waking life. Put the time in for the results and you will receive. Lesson 11) Dream World Rules …. Morpheus says The Matrix is like a computer. It has rules, some of these rules can be bent; others can be broken….. When the reality generator creates dream scenarios, it takes the information from the sorting office without prejudice; it assumes the information being given is a map of events happening in physical space and time. The mind, in order to protect the physical body therefore treats the events as it would in waking world. So for example the mind would presume a wall is solid and chocolate tastes sweet, giving the dreamer these experiences as his/her dream reality. So the reality we experience is essentially based on and acts the same as the physical world. I call this principle the Factory Settings Principle of Dream World. However, this can be customised to our own experiential desires as we are about to see. Now we know that the dreamscape is created at least at some level, in our minds, how do we navigate it? This is a fundamental point to understand. Fascinatingly, we probe the reality generator‘s progeny with a separate part of the mind which in turn, presumes the reality generator is representing the world around us. Therefore the mental construct it creates is by implication, a picture of the physical world. Therefore the probe interacts with the schemas as real events. It presumes walls are solid, water is wet, gravity pulls us down, etc. So the reality we experience is similar to our own reality in how we interact with it until we decide otherwise. However, if we know that we are dreaming, we can override this setting by simply accepting that this is not real map of physical space and time but a mental construct of our imagination. By simply accepting that the wall is just a mental construct, we can walk through it. This sounds rather simple but for many, this will be a bit of a learning curve. Letting go of what we perceive as being reality takes some experience. A good rule of thumb here is to keep in mind that is a psychological construct and not a physical one, we therefore do not have to obey the rules of time and space as in the physical world so for example to move through water, we don‘t actually have to swim - it‘s not physical, therefore why apply physical rules. You could for example just walk through it, and yes you can breathe under water in a dream! It‘s just a matter of knowing. When first trying to go through a wall, a moment‘s hesitation in your action and you‘ll simply bounce off the wall. I know of many dreamers that have got stuck in walls after losing their conviction half way through a wall. If this happens, just relax and remind yourself, this is just a mental construct so you can pass. On Neo‘s first attempt to jump from building to building, he simply falls and wakes up (have you ever awoken from a falling dream?). Morpheus says we must “free our minds”. Experience and experimentation will reveal a limitless world if you open yourself up to it, so be ready to experience just about anything! So, if you want something to happen in a dream, simply intend for that experience to be and really mean it, no hesitation. I call this the Intention Experience Principle of Dream World. On this matter, one might ask how much can we influence the dream, can we make anything happen? The simple answer is that everyone has the ability to influence the dream at some level, some more than others. Experience and practice will open all sorts of new abilities so experiment and see but the fact remains that the dream will still be largely constructed on a more subconscious level. I might for example intend there to be a group of fans waiting in the room for me, but the specific looks and personalities etc of the fans would be a huge amount of detail to paint in my mind so the dream will normally fill in most of these details for me. I will briefly consider a technique here, known as Dream Incubation. The idea is to have the dream you want, for example I might want to have a dream about skiing and I would simply intend for this to happen. Some dreamers recommend putting a note under their pillow with the desired dream written on it. This has no magic effect; it is simply a ritual to prompt the mind to dream this subject. It can be effective though, so try think of other ways to ritualise a subject into a dream and you could get some interesting results. Lesson 12) Looking Glass Creatures So who really controls the dream? On this subject, I would say that we are the sailor, not the sea. There is a lot of debate on this subject as there is so much going on in the dream that we are clearly not consciously intending but is none the less under some level of control. One may speculate that perhaps what we don‘t consciously control may in fact be under the control of the subconscious mind. The theory in effect, being that the dream is constructed by our subconscious and therefore everything we negotiate in the dream is in effect a construct of the subconscious mind, including the people we meet in the dream. The fellow occupants of the dream known as the Dream Characters (DC) are of particular curiosity. These are the fellow occupants of Dream World and they are a truly odd bunch. I would say, on this subject, remain open minded. Perhaps they are just constructs of our subconscious, manifesting itself in an almost self aware like fashion or maybe there is more to it. But ask them if they are dreaming. For that matter ask them if you are dreaming and trust me, be prepared for some odd answers. The DCs can be people you know, living and dead to those you have never met. I‘m not going to take the stance of suggesting that they are the consciousnesses or the souls of the real people but the fact is that they are very self aware, perhaps even to the point of being more so than you the dreamer. I would say that this is probably the most exiting element of lucid dreaming, getting stuck in with the DCs. They can be helpful or provocative, friendly or fearsome and no two are the same. They will talk to you and can be a source of help when looking to train any task in Dream World. Some will appear more regularly than others and they can become what is known as a Dream Guide. Your dream guide is someone (it can be more than one) well worth looking for. An experienced dreamer would be advised to seek out knowledge through these DGs as this can be a truly profound experience. I might even suggest that this can be one of the most rewarding elements of lucid dreaming. To find a dream guide, simply look for one or ask the other Dcs if they are one or know of one. I once found a very profound individual by simply deciding before my dream to find a snow capped mountain and to fly up it where I intended to find my guide. It worked and was a truly profound engagement. On the subject of training martial arts with them, some will train beside you, some opposite (sparring) you and some will engage you in full on combat! The question is, can you be hurt in a dream? You can feel fear in a dream; you can even feel pain, though it is rather rare in my experience. If one lands from a long fall, as Neo does in The Matrix, typically the wall bounces you. This too has been my experience but perhaps this is because this is my expectation. I have always expected to win fights as it is my dream! I might consider therefore that my experiences have been based on my expectations, conscious or subconscious and I have always believed that I could not be hurt in a dream. I might therefore speculate that such a belief is not such a bad thing. possible connection but I remain open mined and cautious always especially when engaging some of the more elaborate scenarios in Dream World. I was for the longest time, of the belief that the dream was effectively no more than a construction of my own subconscious self. This kind of deterministic thinking is a reflection of a more pre quantum physical notion of the world around us. With the world of quantum physics starting to unfold a far more complex fabric at the source of our reality than we could As for your physical body in bed - I have not seen any evidence to suggest such a have anticipated, we need to consider a more open minded consideration of just what exactly the nature of our universe is. I could write a book on this particular topic but a colleague of mine Robert Waggoner already has, Lucid dreaming - Gateway to The Inner Self. It is a fabulous insight into this topic and I can only recommend it whole heartedly. As for my own personal experiences, I will briefly share with you one of my first ever really bizarre experience in Dream World. It was a very vivid dream and I had just landed after flying down a street from my old home town. After briefly engaging a couple of teenagers and trying out their skateboard (and successfully flipping the board for a 360 shove it spin!), I met another DC who was parking his bike close by. After a brief but rather hostile vocal exchange, instigated by him it was on, he wanted to fight! I was beside myself, like this dream character wants to fight? So all of a sudden, here I am throwing fists at this guy all the meanwhile telling him that this is my dream and he is going to get beat but he‘s having none of it and just keeps coming as I dish it out. I awoke shortly after and laid in my bed asking myself what exactly had just happened. A construct of my own mind or perhaps something more, all I knew was that my journey had taken a turn and it was time to go deeper. On closing this subject, I might just say get stuck in and enjoy it by all means but be mindful; no enemy is more fierce than the enemy of the mind! A point about nightmares is worth making here too. This is something people can be apprehensive about, a lucid nightmare. On this, I would say, the difference between dream and a lucid dream is that, when lucid you are aware that no physical harm can actually come to you so just fly away, change the scene, use your magic powers or perhaps try having a conversation with your adversary and you can actually turn some nightmares into pretty wonderful experiences! Lesson 13) Getting Around Dream World We previously mentioned the dream body or ego. This is our mental construct of ourselves, what we think we look and feel like. We are continuously adjusting this model based on our experiences with ourselves and others. This is a Freudian model of identity and it is an important concept to get to grips with and its relationship to DW. Freud describe the true self as the Id or inner ego, the person we think we are as the ego and the person we show to others as the super ego. As the ego is essentially a construct of our imagination, it is possible to change it. At the most simple level, this can be intending there to be six fingers on our hand and looking to see this (Intention Experience). This does work easily and was actually the first ever reality test I tried! Look in the mirror in a dream – it is usually unstable, maybe this tells us something about or ego. On a more complex level we can experiment with changing our form completely. This of course will take a lot of mental focus and experience. Knowing it is only a construct we can intend ourselves to Shape Shift, as some dream walkers call it. So with sufficient intention, we could change into a bird or a wolf. We can even change into more arbitrary forms, like energy and pure thought. I once read about a dreamer who became the colour blue! So we are therefore given an opportunity to develop our own dream ego or character in which to be during the dream One can literally create an avatar to occupy in the dream. It is simply a matter of experience and belief. On this matter some might say that it is possible to do anything in a lucid dream if one actually believes it is possible. But the difference between believing and knowing is experiencing. Therefore for example, learning to throw fire balls from your dream ego or self is something that is possible. I know this because I can do it in my lucid adventures but I learned this step by step by practicing forming energy in my waking state and then bringing this into the dream bridging my beliefs to really nail the technique and now I fire away during my lucid adventures. We know that the body we occupy is a mental construct and therefore does not adhere to the rules of space and time, so gravity is only present if we believe it is. On this basis flying seems to be the mode of transport used by most dream walkers. Simply intending to fly is usually enough to get most people off the ground but fear of falling is a very powerful human instinct and may keep you grounded. The simple fact to keep in mind is that this is a dream and to just let go of the rules of the physical world. A good way to start flying is simply to lean forward and just let your body start to levitate and then just play around with different ways to move. Starting off by frog swimming can be a good way to move. The fact is this method doesn’t really make any sense in physical space and time but your mind may believe that this is how one would fly, so offering it this as your flying manoeuvre will trigger the mind to construct the dreamscape as you fly through it. I personally fly in a Superman pose and point my fists, with intention of where I want to go. It really is just a matter of whatever you believe would work, actually works as long as your intention is genuine. Another trick is to imagine something else can fly, for example a magic carpet or skateboard. It is even possible to get a flying lesson off one of your dream characters. Just experiment and have fun! Flying really is easy in dreams, sometimes just the knowledge of the fact that your body is not governed by the laws of gravity will cause you to spontaneously float into the air. My footsteps, getting lighter is one of my personal lucid dream triggers. Other dream powers such as causing lighting to pour out of your hands can take a little more imagination and practice, just remember intention is key. On the subject of getting around, flying is not the only option. One could try teleporting yourself, a la Star Trek. A method, I really like, is to find a door and intend whatever or whoever to be on the other side and then open it to find just that. Another method I use is to intend a vortex to open up near me and simply step in, intending my destination In this regard the dreamscape seems to respond better to scenarios rather than direct requests. For example if I wanted to find a friend of mine, I would intend for him to be there if I called him on my phone and asked to meet him in a building, I am flying towards and most likely the dream would happily oblige. Simply expecting him to be there when I turn around may not give me the response, so use your imagination; the dream prefers it this way. A final point here - waking up. As we can extend a degree of control in DW, we can use this intention to wake our physical selves up by simply intending for it to happen. Simply state to yourself that you want to wake up and voilla, you‘re awake. I‘ve never once got stuck in a dream I couldn‘t wake from. I once could hear my alarm in my room in the dream and actually had to decide to wake my physical self up to alert my waking body, sometimes the experience really is deep. Lesson 14) Taking Flight By now we‘ve taken a good practical look at lucid dreaming we should also have at least 2 weeks of dream journaling done. Now it‘s time to put this into practice. I have outlined a table below, which illustrates how best to use the methods practically. This is just a guide but try to take the process on board as you would any serious activity and you can expect as serious an outcome in your dreaming skills. Weeks 1 -2 Skills Comment Practice during day or last thing at night Reality Checking Mostly familiarising oneself with what lucid dreaming is all about and working on dream recall is all that is needed here. There is no rush with this or any section, move on when you‘re ready. Reflection Intention Weeks 2-4 Skills Comment Practice last thing at night, less during the day Autosuggestion This section is about getting used to using proper induction techniques so it is important to get off on the right foot. MILD Be enthusiastic, intend to have that experience, want it. It is all too easy to become unmotivated at bed time but don‘t give in to this temptation. Enjoy your adventure! Weeks 4-6 Skills Comment Practice at night only WBTB You may have hit a lucid dream by now, so we are looking to start working on some basic control skill at this stage if you have. HIT Can WBTB after 3 regular night‘s sleep If not yet lucid, this is what you are waiting for, this is where most people will have their first experience so persist and you will achieve, have fun! Advanced Practice Lesson 15) Wake up Neo! Ironically, for the methods outlined in this section, we will not be waking up in our dreams; in fact we will be entering the dream directly. It‘s time for direct transition training; this is when lucid dreaming truly starts to step up a gear. This is the only type of transition I do nowadays as it is more predictable in outcome, longer lasting with a far more memorable and visceral dream content. It can be harder to learn and no doubt quite scary to practice at first but it is the way of the true Dream Warrior and also how the Buddhist Monks as well as the Native American Shamen transition. A WILD or direct transition, as discussed previously is when we carry our consciousness directly into the dream without losing the thread as the body falls asleep. The idea, in effect is to literally trick the body into falling asleep whilst maintaining a thin thread of conscious mind activity. For this particular procedure, there are, like most lucid dream practices, a number of theories and methods, each with varying results of success. I am rather passionate about the method I use and will be dealing with this method as it is simply the most scientifically plausible as well as offering the best results, hands down. The basic premise of what I teach here is based on the traditional practice of preserving the consciousness as the body falls asleep but incorporates the use of neuromodulation. By recognising our waking state versus our sleep state as essentially being controlled by neurochemical activity in the brain, we are simply going to employ the use of drug free, non prescription dietary supplements to adjust the activity in the brain at certain times so as to compound and hijack the REM state to supercharge the brain to enter the state directly. Many people will react to this idea as being somewhat radical and immediately assume some sort of drug role play but this is simply a rather naïve understanding of how we normally conduct our neurochemical management. Everything we eat affects the neurochemical pathways at some level. The procedure we use to induce lucid dreaming does not introduce any foreign activity into the equation of regular dreaming; on the contrary we are simply adjusting the dream event to make it more intense by pushing certain neuromodular vehicles a little faster. The supplements used are non prescription, dietary supplements that are otherwise used safely by healthy individuals to enhance their own lifestyles helping the aging, degenerating body to outwit the forces of nature with a little more favour. The dose of these supplements employed for lucid dreaming is less than the recommended daily dose and is used far less frequently, so there really is very little risk if properly managed and maintained. One should even reap the benefits of these particular substances in the same way as one would any other health supplement. Needless to say, anyone should consult a physician or at least be mindful of their own medical circumstances prior to consuming any products. Pregnant women certainly should not be looking to consider participating in this exercise under any circumstances. Those with pre-existing medical conditions should exercise a similar stance until they have thoroughly investigated their own circumstances. This is a largely misunderstood area of the science of lucid dreaming and many wannabe lucid dreamers get left behind as a result, often spending much time and effort on training more traditional methods only to yield infrequent low end results. I can personally successfully transition with a 95 % hit rate up to 3 times a week for up to an hour with this method, other experts have reported up to 2 hour sessions. The effectiveness of this method is simply unparalleled. The method I employ is essentially the WILD method that I referred to previously but I will be describing it here with the employment of supplements. The procedure and process will essentially be the same as a normal WILD, just a little more predictable in its outcome. I will first outline the WILD or direct transition method and then show you how supplements can be used to boost transitions to being almost 100% effective. Not everyone will want to try supplements but just to give you some perspective - Most non supplement dreamers report 90% DILDs and 10 % WILDs. With supplements it is closer to 90% WILDs and 10 % DILDs. Be open minded on this concept, it is simply the best approach and cannot be ignored if one is serious about getting deep on the subject. Lesson 16) Getting WILD Direct transitions rely on the same principles as indirect transitions - Bank REM by sleeping off first 4 hours of deep sleep - Get up after 4 hrs - Go back to bed to dream to catch a dream The only difference is that we do not typically stay awake for 45 mins but typically try not to wake up too much and try to get back to bed within 5 minutes, avoiding any intense activity or light (just enough time to make the toilet is enough). Now we go back and lie in bed and gently follow the transition procedure below. It will normally take about 60 to 90 mins to transition (I'm closer to 45 mins with supplements). The time spent waiting to transition is important to fill with some sort of routine and I will show you the routine I use. However always just allow whatever is happening to just happen. So for example if you are halfway through some part of your routine but suddenly happen to start transitioning, then just go with it, just stop the remainder of the routine and let the transition process take over. It's a lot like surfing, just waiting for the right (sleep) wave and just going with it. In a direct transition there are two typical outcomes and these need to be considered before I describe the method. The essential principle involved is to achieve a state of consciousness whereby the mind is awake and the body is asleep, the MABA state. Normally the mind falls asleep first and the body afterwards, once it is sure the mind is asleep. The body speaks to the mind continuously and in the case of sleep it has a specific technique to ask the mind if it is still awake or not. It does this by sending an impulse to the mind to turn the body over. This triggers us to turn over in our bed. This goes on until the mind stops responding at which point the mind no longer responds. At this point the body knows it is time to fall asleep. However we can use this concept to trick the body into falling asleep while preserving the mind awake. The trick is simple to not respond to the body‘s requests to turn over, in effect telling the body that the mind is already asleep. Just lie still and don‘t answer the question by the body‘s requests even as intense as they can sometimes get and the body will start to switch off gradually Another technique to trick the body into falling asleep is to keep the eyes still to trick the body as the eyes also let the body know if the mind is still awake or not. The use of a sleep mask is a very good idea here as it allows the eyes to slip out of focus. There are a lot of methods of visualisation being explored but I would say what is crucial to understand in the case of LD inductions is that you are going to be visualising in your mind’s eye not your physical eyes so avoid the temptation to try to visualise through your own physical eyes. The trick is to just allow your eyes to completely relax, not focusing on anything in particular and then just casually hold them there after a minute or so. I call this technique anchoring the eyes. Like your breathing in the later stages of relaxation, the trick is to finish in a state whereby you are casually detached from your eyes, aware of their presence but not trying to control them. I call the kind of visualisation used here passive visualisation as I am not trying to force the event. When this state is entered, the consciousness has limited information as to the whereabouts of the physical body and starts to speculate and reconstruct the body in a mental plane. The reason this happens is that the body normally communicates to the mind through the 5 senses continuously letting the mind know its whereabouts. During sleep the amount of information being received is limited. Furthermore the stimulus threshold from the senses is increased by various biological triggers as the body starts to fall asleep. The overall effect is that the mind starts to lose its whereabouts as to the location of the body in space and time. Because of this the mind starts to speculate and recreate where it thinks the body is, effectively creating a new mental construct of the body based not on what it perceives but what it thinks the body might be doing is it normally does in a dream. Morpheus refers to this as the ―residual self image‖. What is key to understand here is that the mind cannot differentiate between physical input and imagined input (remember the reality generator cannot tell where the info comes from). So when the mind recreates the body in sleep, for example in dreams, it believes this to actually be the body. As the eyes are generally closed, it will also recreate what it believes to be its physical surroundings in a mental plane. So we literally end up consciously aware as a mental construct in a mental plane. When the mind reconstructs the body, it typically reconstructs it in clothes that we are wearing in bed as it has a conscious memory of this event and this memory has not been broken up by sleep as in DILDs. The location we end up in the dream too can therefore often be our bedroom, which is reconstructed by the mind from memory. Think about it, the mind is reconstructing the body in what it believes to be the body‘s actual location in space and time based on recent events, still consciously perceived. However this is not always the case. Often during transition we can use a technique to visualise somewhere else. We may then step into this location; using a technique I call Jumping. We literally imagine the location and as the vision starts to form, I simply put my hands forward and pull myself into the vision. I will go into more detail on this shortly. Just before I go into the transition method I will briefly outline some sensations that occur during transition. These really can vary so much and every author will have a different description of what these are and why they occur so I hope we can all remain open minded on this as this is really when lucid dreaming can start to feel very strange. The list below is an outline of some of the more common experiences and is not exhaustive. The list is probably closer to my own experience and is laid out more or less in the order that I experience them. Once more this will vary for every one. Type 1) White lights, either just generic brightness or more precise images floating around. Your eyes are closed so these are in your mental visual filed but it is pretty hard to tell the difference Type 2) Geometric shapes. These typically follow the lights and can be very vivid. Again they are in your mental/visual field and can be very real. Some float around, some can form larger patterns Type 3) Noises. These can vary from hissing noises in your ears to more intense rumbling, vibration type noises. Type 4) Voices. These can be pretty intense and I have found these among the more interesting transition experiences. They do not always make sense and I find it hard to concentrate on them as they tend to occur when I’m pretty much passed out but still conscious. Type 5) Vibrations of fizzing in my body. In my experience this can feel like you are a can of coke or even like your being shaken like a can. If someone else was to observe you in the room they would not witness you being shaken but you will feel it like a very real event. This one tends to occur a little later in transition but tends to spark me back into conscious awareness pretty sharply. Type 6) Floating and sinking. This is when it starts to get pretty intense by any stretch of the imagination. Literally one feels themselves floating into the air and or back down through the bed into the floor. It is common to get pulled up by a limb or two. I have been pulled by my ankles into the air and been suspended off the ceiling during transition. I could literally feel the weight of my body loading down on my head as I was suspended. It was a pretty intense transition. Type7) Seeing images of your own bedroom. Though your eyes are closed, an image of your bedroom literally forms and you can see it in the dark but pretty vividly. Not everything is exactly in the right order so its pretty bizarre. I once had a load of pictures on one wall that I do not have in my room. Weird, no doubt but it was a fun to see. Type 8) Feeling yourself or your bed darting around the room. This literally feels like your bed just takes off like a rocket and shoots across the room. Make no mistake, this one is pretty intense but do not let that wake you up, just ride it out. Type 9) Images of random events and/or locations. This normally occurs later in the transition and when vivid enough, I use this as my exit point into the dream. This is the Jump technique I referred to earlier. To do this I either wait for an image to form or else just fire one here and there at my mind until one sticks. Then I push my hands forward into the dream image and visually investigate them. Then I rub them together as I visually follow them up to my shoulders and then chest. Then I look down along my body to my feet, trying to take in any sounds and smells as I touch my tongue off the tip of my mouth and look up again and try feeling my feet on the ground. Again bare feet are an advantage here. This jump technique is essentially the same as allowing the dream to unfold naturally but I find it quicker and more effective as well as allowing me to exit to more interesting locations than my bedroom. Type 10) Seeing your own self. This can happen by either an image of yourself forming in front of you or by you actually stepping out of your own body. As discussed previously, the mind tries to constantly keep an image of itself manifested to reflect the whereabouts of the physical self. When we are in the out of body state, the mind recognises this and often projects the images of two bodies, one being a representation of the sleeping body. We can again use this concept as an exit strategy. The strategy here is to try to separate the two bodies but this is easier said than done. The mind is not easily willing to allow this to occur and often there will be an almost pulling like action between the two bodies. The technique I personally use is to try to float my dream body out of my sleeping body in a kind of 1...2...3 action and on the third I try to roll to either side. Sometimes it might take a few goes to nail it but it tends to work very well and with increasing confidence, better results can be achieved. There is a lot written on techniques here and I urge anyone to look into a variety of methods as experiences vary a lot here. Type 11) The feeling of someone else in the bed beside you. This is one I have personally experienced quite a lot and has increasingly put my beliefs to the wall as the level of detail is pretty intense and the experiences I’ve had have been pretty scary from time to time. I simply hope that if one does experience this that is at a later stage in your dream practice as it can be a bit of a heavy experience. How can one even start to explain these events? There is such a thing as neural discharge, whereby as the brain is going to sleep, it downloads images and sounds for a brief period just as we enter sleep. These are call hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. They are usually experienced as we fall asleep and we do not experience them consciously. However due to the transition, this can be experienced first hand. What about the vibrations and hissing? I have been of the opinion that these are due to some sort of frantic communication between the body and mind to seek each other out when the waking physical link is broken and this just might explain it. I could continue to speculate and I will certainly continue to look into these experiences but I am experiencing increasingly strange phenomena in my own exploration and I admit, my beliefs are constantly being challenged. I would simply say science has a role to play here but so does the spiritual world. These experiences really could be evidence of a gateway between this physical world and something, as of yet, still misunderstood. Method: Set your alarm to wake after 4 hrs of sleep Get up gently and go to toilet without waking up too much Put your eye mask on, this is not essential but it helps Lie down in your bed on your back and just settle your breathing as you allow yourself to relax. Any previous breathing exercises may be employed here Firmly set your intention to transition directly in about 60 mins Spend 10 mins practicing MILD Now I practice a form of transition rehearsal I call tuning. Essentially what I am doing is preparing my body for the possible type of transition whereby I will feel and see my mental body lift out of my physical body. To do this I imagine and really try to feel my body being winched up by my waist into the air as I inhale, feeling my arms, legs and head fall back towards the floor as I float into the air. As I exhale, I try to imagine myself doing the exact opposite as I feel myself fall back into the bed buttocks first as if I just fell backwards off a building, allowing my body to simply fold up as I fall backwards. This is a mental activity but it feel very similar to how a transition actually feels. Floating to the ceiling and falling back into the bed is a common feeling as described in transitions so I want to be letting my mental body know I will not be fighting this. This is like surfing, go with the direction of the waves, not against After 5-10 minutes of this I am ready to turn over in my side I now just wait and allow my mind to settle, practicing the quite mind method, that should by now be second nature to you The temptation at this point will be to either get wrapped up in random thoughts or to start turning over in your bed. Either activity will alert the sleeping self to move away from sleep and towards wakefulness. As we want to avoid this, the trick here is to be disciplined and casually resist. Don’t get frustrated, just let the notion pass casually. Keep the eyes still and anchored Think more along the lines of meditation rather than engaging an opponent in a fight Now I just wait for the various transition experiences to occur and I am looking to exit when the imagery becomes strong enough I will exit by using the Jump or Body Separation technique, depending on what the imagery forming looks like. I personally just let the dream show me the images rather than force one but am having a lot of success recently with intending a particular exit point and visualising it to jump into when my timing feels right Now I perform my reality, cognitive and body check and if I am wearing shoes, I generally take them off before setting off into the dream adventure Lesson 17) Shifting Gears I‘ve thought a great deal about this lesson prior to writing about it and have decided that I am going to give an outline of this technique rather than get too tied up in the science. There is a fine line between academia and practical knowledge and I will refer to my own martial arts training here and say that ultimately, here I will tell you what works best as opposed over exploring the hypothetical. The brain communicates to the body and mind by the use of what are referred to as neurochemicals. There are 4 of these that are of particular relevance to dreaming and moreover to lucid dreaming. These are serotonin, dopamine, noradrenalin or norepinephrine and acetylcholine. I will identify each in turn and discuss how we can modulate them safely through the consumption of safe dietary supplements to create some spectacular results before finally summarising the strategy that I myself use to jump. I refer to as this technique as REM Hijacking and it can be done with or without supplements but I really cannot compare the results as the supplements really take this to the next level. I have therefore decided to commit myself to revealing the supplement approach and will be taking you through each supplement individually, explaining them each in a similar fashion, dissecting the necessary science as this is crucial to taking this route. I will then be framing them in reference to your current practice, which I have been sharing with you so far. Everything we have already covered will be relevant to this approach so make sure your head is screwed on, regarding the science up until now before we move on to this. Finally, I will consider anyone who is reading this rather complex text to be of adequate mind to be able to navigate the practice of any methods taught in a responsible way and to ensure that they are of sound body and mind to engage such activity. Medical consultation should be sought if one has any doubts about any of the techniques described. I cannot stress enough the need for each person to take responsibility for their own actions. The consumption of any product can have adverse effects for any individual. We are about to step into the details of the supplement approach and a great deal of car should be taken here. The products I will outline should be tried out one by one, assessing the response of each on your dreaming activity and personal health before moving on and trying combinations. 18) The Blue Pill Serotonin is the first the first supplement we are going to talk about. This is a supplement readily available in a commercial form called 5 hydroxytryptophan (5HTP). In fact this is a precursor to serotonin, which means it is a building block the body can quickly absorb to create serotonin. 5 HTP is sold as a mood enhancing supplement and is classified as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). Like St John‘s Wort, it is a very light MAOI and the dosage used for LDing is also very low. An MAOI works by preventing the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters, which are responsible for conducting information from one nerve to another.. By preventing the breakdown of the neurotransmitters in the nerve synapse (space between two nerves), the activity of the nerve impulse is allowed to continue with more efficiency, even after the stimulus has ceased. In other words, we are forcing the activity of a particular neural response, despite the lack of stimulus. One of the properties of 5 HTP is that it can block REM activity during sleep. This allows us a wonderful method to take control of the REM drive. A dose 0f 100-150mg taken at bed time will be enough to block REM activity for 4-5 hrs. The supplement is quickly absorbed and quickly used up by the body so by the time the 4-5 hrs is up; we are going to be pretty clear of it from the body. This causes REM rebound to occur and can offer fantastic leverage to enter the lucid state as we will experience more intense, stable and predictable REM activity which suffice to say is exactly what we want to have intense dreams. I refer to this supplement as the blue pill as to some extent, it does the exact opposite to acetylcholine, which is commonly referred to as the red pill. 5 HTP is taken at bed time and a sleep period of 4-5 hrs must follow. This period of sleep will consist mostly of slow wave or non REM sleep, building up the REM for the rebound where we will be waiting to hijack it. Some considerations about 5 HTP, this is an MAOI and therefore by definition can be used to treat depression (closer to 500mg daily). Therefore anyone taking any kind of antidepressant medication would be well advised to seek medical advice before consuming it. Furthermore there can be a side effect of nausea or gastrointestinal upset. Though I have not experienced this and this likely due to the low dose needed for LDing, I would none the less advise anyone who is using this method to start with a low dose to check the response and gradually increase the dose. Perhaps as low as 50mg can be a start, gradually increasing up to 100mg or 150mg. I personally use 100mg for very good results and no side effects. 19) The Red Pill Galantamine is the next supplement we are going to deal with. Make no mistake, this is the red pill that Morpheus offers Neo. Taken from the Red Spider Lilly plant, this has been used by various dreaming practitioners for many years and it has a phenomenal effect on lucid dreaming. It works in two ways to induce lucidity. Firstly it triggers REM activity so we can use it to fire up the REM drive. The strategy here will be to take a 4-8mg dose after 4 hrs of sleep, preferably after taking the blue pill at bed time. We are then going to be compounding the REM rebound to create highly intense REM activity in the brain. This strategy can be used with a WILD or DILD, though I find it super effective for hitting the WILDs and I suggest this as the best strategy for producing regular high level lucid dreams. Similar to an MAOI in its effect, it prevents the breakdown of a particular neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetyl Cholinesterase (AChE) is the enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine in the brain. Galantamine is an AChE inhibitor and therefore allows the build up to acetylcholine in the brain which in turn is the neurotransmitter responsible for firing up the REM drive. There is also some evidence to support the idea that Galantamine can itself cause the production of Acetylcholine to be increased. Another very important property of galantamine is that it can help to increase memory function. The supplement is normally sold as an off the shelf dietary supplement to combat the effects of aging on the memory and is used in higher does for Alzheimer‘s Disease. From our HIT model we know that this can cause the mind to become more critically aware and this will fire up the mental faculties in the appropriate way to experience a full on lucid dream. The dose needed for lucid dreaming is small, though side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and dizziness may occur. Again, I have not experienced any side effects myself but I would suggest once more starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing to an optimal dose. A special note should be considered with galantamine due to its rather long half life (this is an indication of how long the body takes to use up the substance). Galantamine can stay in the body for up to 48 hrs and therefore should only be used every 3 days or so to prevent the body from becoming too familiar with the substance. Like anything we consume the body may become toot tolerant to its effects and the response from the substance could become effective. This is due to the physiological desensitisation of the Acetylcholine receptor cells and if proper care is not taken, this may become permanent so take appropriate caution with this. There is also the psychological element to consider. Taking the red pill is a kind of ritual and overdoing that ritual will reduce the psychological impact on the dreamer. There is a supplement available for the more hardcore dreamers who want to fly more frequently with Galantamine, This supplement is known as piracetam and it is classified as a nootropic or brain food. Piracetam acts by causing the brain to use up the acetylcholine at a faster level than naturally occurs. Therefore the higher level of acetylcholine produced by taking Galantamine can be counteracted to reduce any potential desensitisation. A dose of up to 2400mg can be adequate to achieve this and this is the dose I take. As it increases blood flow to the brain, a headache could potentially occur in some people. One could take the dose over a longer period, say 3 800mg doses throughout the day to reduce this effect. Piracetam has virtually no side effects and as a matter of fact can, according to current research actually make you smarter so this is a supplement well worth a look at. The only drawback I find is that I have to import it from the US at a higher cost but I am very fond of it in my practice and it allows me more frequent supplement based lucid dreams. 20) Bringing the Reinforcements In addition to preventing the breakdown of Acetylcholine it is also possible to actually possible to increase the presence of acetylcholine directly in the brain by taking supplements that can actually be used in the production of Acetylcholine. The fist of these are Choline Bitartrate or Choline Citrate. These are known as choline salts and are precursors (building blocks) used to produce acetylcholine in the brain. The choline salts work synergistically with the galantamine to speed up the production of acetylcholine and can jumpstart the process better than with Galantamine alone. Of particular significance here is that it is not only the amount of Acetylcholine in the brain but also the rate of production of Acetylcholine that triggers a WILD, so using this combined trigger can escalate the experience significantly. The salts are taken with the Galantamine at WBTB time and a dose of 500 - 1000 is a good LD dose. It is possible to buy Galantamine combined with the salts as a single supplement with the appropriate percentages of both if you shop around. The problem with these particular salts is that despite the fact that they can pass the blood brain barrier and therefore act quickly; their ability to pass the barrier is concentration dependant. This in effect means that the higher the concentration gradient they face, the less effective they are at passing the barrier. So as we start to accumulate Ach in the brain during the transition, there is a reciprocal reduction of ability of the salts to cross the barrier. To solve this gradual loss of ACh accumulation efficiency, we can employ the use of another supplement known as Glycerophosphocholine (GPC). This is another ACh precursor but it is not concentration dependant and so can efficiently cross the blood brain barrier even if high levels of ACh are present. The disadvantage of this supplement when used alone is the time it takes to be absorbed and doesn‘t reach peak plasma concentration for up to 3 hours. For this reason it is invariably better to combine it with Galantamine to achieve consistent results. The dose used is 600-1200mg taken at WBTB. The kind of dreams and transitions experienced can be greatly affected by the amount consumed. I would say from experience that the transitions experienced at the higher levels can be very intense and I would insist that one tries smaller doses before gradually increasing to higher doses. The dream stability and length appears to be much longer too with the larger doses. This would seem to be due to the relay activity between the Galantamine, Salts and GPC, each one doing the same duty at different times. I would want to know that I am going to be able to stay in bed a little later than norm before trying the higher doses so as to allow myself to be completely immersed in a lengthy dream experience that will ensue on this. I have experienced extraordinarily long dreams on this and have even had to wake up for a minute before going directly back in during some of my sessions as they were just going on for such lengthy periods. 21) Super Powers & Special Moves Have you ever been asked "If you could have one super power, what would it be?" Well here is your chance to put that sentiment to the test, step up dopamine. This neurotransmitter is not essential to having lucid dreams but it is essential to having confidence in the dream. Once more responsibility is paramount to this process here so read on carefully. Let‘s look at our model of lucid dreaming so far, one principle we can be sure of is that your experience in lucid dreaming is ultimately a product of your own beliefs and not necessarily your desires. You may want to fire lighting bolts from your fists (it is a dream after all), but that does not mean you believe you actually can. One might argue that by knowing it is a dream, there should be enough psychological leverage to know that the laws of physics can be abandoned here and one can do anything. On the surface this adds up but in the dream we are limited by our deep seated subconscious view of reality and it is not as easy to let go of as one might think. Neo only becomes The One when he actually comes to believe it himself. Dopamine is just the ingredient we need in our neuro-cocktail to shift our psychological process favourably enough to let go of our deterministic view of reality. Dopamine has a number of effects on the brain of which confidence and motivation are most relevant to us as lucid dream technicians. This gives the dreaming mind the kind of faculties needed to know that this is a dream and the reality being observed can be treated accordingly. This has a profound effect on our ability to negotiate the dream as a proverbial super being. It becomes possible to fly with more certainty, walk through walls with ease, shoot fire balls, run up walls, you name it! I myself recently wanted to rob a motorbike off a DC and just force fielded it to stop and took it (funnily enough he was quite polite about me robbing it!). Do not under estimate the power of dopamine modulation on the dream experience; it is one of the most exiting supplement techniques I have encountered. Furthermore, the dream content can be subject to change when modulating dopamine. The dreams can have more of an adventure theme to them and one seems to assume a more authorative type personality to navigate them (at least I do). This can bring on some pretty scary type scenarios, including alien encounters and the likes which might, on the surface, seem a little intimidating but the confidence of the dreamer seems to offset this and it can make for some really fun dreams. I have personally found my transitions are easier with this technique too. My confidence negotiating the transition peculiarities seems to fire me through quicker and I carry a more authorative mind into the dream. Furthermore I seem to have something happen rather immediately in my bedroom rather than have to jump. I have had people appear in the bed with me quite a few times and spark up a conversation. I might speculate that this has something to do with the fact that dopamine supplements can be used as an aphrodisiac due to the effect on the libido. However not all my room mates have been quite so amicable, I've had a couple of hostile visits as well. I am currently looking into this rather peculiar type of transition as it has certain resonance with the details of what some people might have experienced as alien abduction. There is less of a warning before the impact of the dream and feels more like someone creeping up on me more than a lucid dream transition that I can observe gradually unfolding. The supplement of choice here is Mucuna Pruriens. This is a naturally occurring plant that contains L-dopa. This is a dopamine precursor that can be absorbed in the stomach and pass through the blood brain barrier to increase the dopamine concentration of the brain. Dopamine itself cannot be absorbed so the precursor instead must be used. However as L-dopa is prone to being prematurely synthesised into dopamine before crossing the blood brain barrier, it needs to be combined with another substance to prevent this form occurring. Parkinson's disease is condition whereby a reduction of dopamine production in the body causes a deterioration of motor function in the body leading to restricted movement. Ldopa is needed in relatively high doses to treat this condition and therefore the premature conversion needs to be counteracted. In this case a substance known as Carbidopa is used to counteract this effect. The problem with Carbidopa is that it can have pretty noticeable side effects and for our purpose as LD enthusiasts, it is best avoided. Fortunately Mucuna Pruriens has a built in counteracting activity in the plant that can prevent the premature synthesis without triggering any side effects. This makes it a safe and useful tool for lucid dreaming. Vitamin B6 is in the digestive tract will cause premature synthesis of L-dopa into dopamine so if one is taking any other kind of supplement in their diet that may predispose them to higher levels of B6, the effects of Mucuna Pruriens may be limited or perhaps not noticeable at all. Mucuna Pruriens is available either as a seed from or standardised extracts. The extracts are preferable as the dosage can vary with the seeds. The extracts are available as a 10%, 30% and 50% form and I would recommend the 10%. The reason is simply that the compounds that exist naturally in the Mucuna Pruriens to mimic the Carbidopa, preventing premature synthesis of dopamine, lose their efficiency at the higher percentages. The dose used is 100-200mg taken at WBTB time, though there are some technicians that take some before bed too to fire up the plasma concentration. As there is some evidence to suggest that REM can be suppressed by larger plasma concentrations, I remain apprehensive about this method though I am currently investigating it. I have also recently been toying with a polyphenol called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). This is available as Green Tea Extract (GTE) and it acts in a similar fashion to Galantamine. It is a re uptake inhibitor, which means it prevents the breakdown of a neurochemical to allow it to stay in the body longer. The chemical in this case is dopamine. The overall effect is to allow higher levels of dopamine to be sustained during the dream process. The dose I am personally using is a 15% polyphenol 375 mg pill. This works out at approx 45 mg EGCG. I take one to two pills depending on whether or not I am mixing it with Mucuna Pruriens or not. I would like to take 45mg EGCG with 100mg Mucuna Pruriens or 90mg on its own. Watch out for any caffeine content in the green tea product you use as this can trigger insomnia in some cases. I am currently investigating caffeine as a stimulant to fire up the cognitive function. Both of these are supplements that I am very fond of but need I not remind you to take care with these as well as any other supplements and be mindful of how you approach them as we all react differently to any given substance. Even something as simple as a nut can be tasty to one consumer and potentially lethal to another. It is best as always to start with a very low dose and increase gradually to your own optimum level. The LDopa supplement approach is something I would normally only recommend to more experienced dreamers and I cannot stress enough that any medical concerns should be thoroughly investigated prior to the engagement of any supplement. Side effects of either can include over stimulation, increased body temperature and insomnia. This is invariably due to using higher doses and I would suggest that the amount needed for OBE transitions should not likely trigger these effects and I have always had interesting transitions with either or both of these. Insomnia can occur with any of the supplements used and this can be counteracted by using a little bit of melatonin. This is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland which in turn is powered by serotonin. Normally it is increased by darkness, whereby light stimulates the production of serotonin. This as outlined previously is what gives rise to our regular sleep cycle. Both serotonin and melatonin are therefore key in maintaining the sleep cycle and both suppress REM. However a dose of 0.3 mg melatonin taken at WBTB time can help reduce the insomnia instigated by the use of any other supplements without suppressing REM. This is easily and cheaply available. 21) Don't Lose Your Head! The dormouse tells Alice to keep her wits about her when she is down the rabbit hole. For lucid dreaming, this is not essential but it can make for some more intriguing adventures. Our mental faculties are at the best of times operating at less than optimum, one might say we sleepwalk through our days and wake walk through our dreams with rather unclear intention. One neurotransmitter that can have very favourable results on this is noradrenaline or norepinephrine. This hormone is responsible for modulating the attention and response faculties of the mind. It is known as the fight or flight hormone and for LDing we can benefit from careful modulation of this hormone. The modulation of noradrenaline can make the dreaming mind more alert which can aid transition and moreover help the dreaming mind to be more alert during the dream. This helps significantly with both recall of the waking world in dreams and the dream world in waking afterwards. Needless to say, this is a veritable tightrope manoeuvre as too much stimulation will lead to insomnia. The supplement of choice to boost noradrenaline is Yohimbine. This is a mild MAOI and acts by occupying alpha2 adrenal receptors in the brain, which prevents noradrenaline from binding to the same receptors. The effect is to fool the brain into thinking the levels of noradrenaline present are less than actually present which causes the brain to release even more noradrenaline and flood the system. This is a supplement I rarely use and I am currently investigating other methods including small doses of caffeine. The problem with it is that if taken in too large a dose, it can trigger an overflow of noradrenaline from the brain through the blood brain barrier into the blood. The effect of this is something we‘ve all felt from time to time; sweaty palms, increased blood pressure with a feeling of butterflies in the stomach. The dosage for LDing is 0.35-0.5mg and I combine this with a Galantamine/choline trigger to transition at WBTB time. I also use a 0.3mg dose of melatonin in combination with this to offset any potential insomnia. This is a bit of a tightrope walk although I have to say that it is worth the effort as this is probably the closest the mind can get to the waking mind. Like Mucuna Pruriens, this is also a naturally occurring plant and can be bought either in pure form or the standardised, synthesised form. The latter is preferable to allow better control of the amount consumed. This supplement is something that only very experienced technicians should be getting involved with but I this is without a doubt when out of body exploration can become more of a scientific pursuit than a hobby as the dreaming mind really has the mental faculties needed to pursue the dream missions in an articulate way. Make no mistake, this is advanced experience and a real step closer to the intellectual faculties of the waking physical mind. 22) Multiple Hit Combos So we have a great deal of supplements to consider here and no doubt we would best be advised to have some sort of strategy to use them. The first thing we need to do is to ready the dream diary. This is an essential tool for supplement induced LDing as we will need to be able to record our experience with each supplement and each combination. We will need to record how it effected the 1) Transition 2) Dream Experience 3) Side Effects (if any) Firstly I would almost always take 5 HTP at bedtime if I am going to do any kind of induction (even if not using a WBTB modulator). It has a low incidence of side effects and has no cumulative effect on the body as well as having a positive effect on mood so I am pretty fond of it. One has to ask however how the overall effect of blocking and rebounding REM can affect a night‘s sleep. The good news is that it basically adds up to a good night sleep. The body still gets its 4 hrs of deep plus its 4hrs of lighter mixed REM activity so it still constitutes a good rest. I find using the block and rebound more often than not leaves me feeling pretty good. I will therefore on conclusion assume the 5 HTP method is being employed. The first task here is achieving consistent transitions and for this we will need a Jump Start Modulator - this is going to be Galantamine/choline 4mg/400mg or 8mg/800mg. We are going to use this to trigger lucidity whenever we want to use the modulator combination as the primary modulator for becoming lucid and we can build our other modulators on to this. I would recommend starting with the lower (half) dose to start before trying the higher dose which can be pretty intense to start with. The next addition I might employ is GPC 600-1200mg. This guy picks up where the primary jump start slows down and can provide a longer experience. Furthermore, as previously described, transitions with higher doses here can be very intense so start on the lower 600mg and work your way up. Next modulators are the dopamine modulators. I will use these either as a single or combined combo at WBTB time along with the Galantamine/choline jump modulator. Specifically I take Mucuna Pruriens 100-200mg with GC jump or 45-90mg EGCG with the GC jump. For a mixed combo, I use Mucuna 100mg plus 45mg EGCG with the GC jump. My personal experience would lead me to use the combination or green tea GC combo as I have personally had more interesting experiences with the Green Tea. This well worth exploring and documenting in your dream diary, Finally the employment of Yohimbine as part of a combo. This is not a jump modulator and is really only best consumed with the Galantamine/choline jump start. The 0.3 mg is taken at WBTB time with the GC jump modulator. I am currently investigating the combination of this with lower doses of green tea extract and the GC jump modulator and so far they seem to work synergistically though I would hesitate to experiment too much on this front as insomnia can be a problem as well as occasional lucid nightmares. I have summarised a basic combo strategy below. Stage 1 The overall strategy here is to test and record the individual effect of each modulator on your experience. This can seem like quite a task when you realise that some of the modulators, taken by themselves will not fire up a lucid dream but may at best have an effect on dreaming. I am talking of the dopamine and noradrenaline modulators. These are best taken and tried with a WBTB MILD indirect transition to test their effects and record the effect, lucid or not. Stage 2 In the second stage we are going to attempt to induce a WILD and to enter this state consistently. We will be looking here to work with the GC jump modulator and the 5 HTP strategy. I would also advocate the use of GPC at this point too as it can really fire up the REM drive. It is crucial here not to put yourself in danger of desensitising the nerve endings and so either the use of Piracetam or time off between attempts (every 3 days would be safe if not using Piracetam). Stage 3 At this stage we can mix up the modulators to achieve some interesting experiences. Of crucial importance here is to mix things up step by step. I would start with the 5 HTP Galantamine/choline-GPC combo. I would normally then try 5 HTP-GC-ECGC combo followed by the 5 HTP-GC-Mucuna Pruriens combo. I would now mix the EGCG and Mucuna for a 5 HTP-GC-Mucuna-EGCG combo and evaluate the response of each of these combos before moving on to the Yohimbine. To try this I would use 5 HTP-GC-Yohimbine and maybe a little EGCG with this at a later stage. Modulator Combos Combo Effect 5 HTP 100mg bed time Very powerful trigger Long intense experience Intense transitions GC 4-8mg/400-800mg WBTB 5 HTP 100 mg bed time Interesting transitions GC 4-8mg/400-800mg WBTB Increased dream control ECGC 45-90mg WBTB 5 HTP 100 mg bed time Interesting dream theme experience GC 4-8mg/400-800mg WBTB Increased dream control Mucuna 100-200mg WBTB 5 HTP 100 mg bed time Interesting dream experience GC 4-8mg/400-800mg WBTB Interesting transitions Increased dream control Mucuna 100mg WBTB ECGC 45mg WBTB 5 HTP 100 mg bed time Transitions tend to exit in bedroom rather than jump GC 4-8mg/400-800mg WBTB Intense experiences Yohimbine 0.3mg WBTB Cognitive skills and memory of waking and dreaming reality significantly increased I cannot stress enough that one needs to be mindful of your pursuit of this activity. Furthermore I might suggest that a good technique to increase your odds of lucidity as well as offering more interesting experiences is to make sure to mix up your combos from attempt o attempt so as to keep your mind on its toes. By varying the time between attempts and mixing up the combos, we are psychologically as well as physically reducing tolerance to the effect of our techniques. 23) Are We Alone…? The conscious dream is an interesting place and take my word for it, no one is more interesting than the dream characters, suffice to say even the dream itself can act like a character from time to time. The question is who really controls the characters; who is the real puppet master of the dream world? Experiences with these guys can be very thought provoking. Let‘s look at how we are, ourselves in the dream. We are either non lucid in which case; we are effectively navigating without any real sense of self awareness, reacting to stimuli with about as much consideration as a Venus Fly Trap. When we are lucid, on the other hand, we act in a far more peculiar way, questioning things, continuously provoking reactions and analysing them to create interesting scenarios. The characters that occupy the dreamscape act in a very similar way, ranging from totally brain dead to painfully self aware. On the surface, this prompts an obvious question. Are they just that, self aware? Is this a sign of intelligent life? Could this be the answer to our very deepest notion about ourselves? The following conclusion is based on my own experiences and conclusions. It has come to my attention during my travels that the level of self awareness of the characters in my dreams seems to be somewhat reflective of my own state of mind during the dream. My own cognitive levels (like all lucid dreamers) varies from dream to dream, depending on a number of factors, like the induction method used, my emotional state of mind, my inherent desire to be lucid and so forth. It has been my personal experience that there is an almost reciprocal level of lucidity among my own dream characters; the more tuned in I am, the more provocative they seem to be. If we were to consider this with respect to the model of subconscious as being the script writer for the Dream World, as I do, then it stands to reason that the occupants are on a par with our own mindset. This model adds up until we experience something that simple is not even in the vocabulary of our thinking. We may for example have one of the dream characters reveal information to us that is simply beyond anything we have ever consciously engaged previously. How is it possible that they know something that we ourselves have no previous experience of? We might speculate that the conscious mind is not always privy to the knowledge of the subconscious mind. Some secrets are kept by ourselves from ourselves. Take for example repressed memories, something so traumatic that the mind, in an effort to protect itself, may hide a memory from the conscious self. So we therefore cannot be sure that we are completely aware of our own inner knowledge. So looking at this model, we can consider that the subconscious to be the animator of the Dream World and that the subconscious can be in possession of knowledge that conscious mind does not have, then surely the only question is how much does the subconscious know and moreover, from where does it get the information? Does it gather up the information from the meandering events of our conscious existence or does the rabbit hole go deeper? Is this well filled with past lives, a collective mind, perhaps even an ancient forgotten realm, that just got washed away by the sands of time. The only way we will know for sure is we take that step forward and take the red pill, to step into Wonderland and see just how deep the rabbit hole actually goes!! 24) Proof of Life I decided to conclude the book as I started - with an address to the crucial question of just what exactly is our reality. When we refer to our reality we are normally referring to our own experience of our waking world. I will, however attempt to show that this is something simply does not hold up when we take a more objective scientific evaluation of events. At the most fundamental level of experience, we can observe our world in two dimensions. Yes I said two. The eyes can only perceive in two dimensions; the third dimension is implied and constructed as a consideration by the brain but we do not see in three dimensions. So one might speculate that if we could see in three dimensions, then we could speculate a fourth. But what exactly is a fourth dimension of reality? If we look at any point in space we can locate it by using three intersecting lines, each representing a dimension of reality. We may also track this along a time line which gives rise to the classic time space model that we use to observe our reality. However it is mathematically possible to calculate a number of other dimensions (up to e eleven) that we simply cannot perceive though they are mathematically plausible. We therefore have to consider that our experience is fundamentally lacking in qualification to determine our true reality. This may seem on the surface be nothing more than mathematical hyperbole but this is not so. If we consider the deterministic behavior of events in our reality, it is possible to mathematically imply the effect of object A on object B at any given time and space, presuming we know certain values of each of the two objects. However when we look at events in the sub atomic or quantum world we see that this mathematical principle breaks down. The reason is that in the sub atomic world, it is not possible to give a single value for an event. Particles do not exist in a defined position in time and space but as a wave of possible locations at any time. This is defined by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and I will allow you to explore this topic yourself as it is a rather elaborate discussion. But the fact remains; if one cannot give a clear definition of these events which make up the fabric of our reality then we simply cannot define the true picture by our own deterministic observation. One might speculate that the dream event follows a similar pattern of activity, not being fixed in space and time but frequently random in its discourse. Could there be a connection. Is this some kind of Quantum Reality? If this is so then how van we access it if the two are fundamentally at odds with each other? The answer may lie in what is known as Quantum Entanglement. Among the theories of quantum entanglement is the theory of Quantum Non Local Reality. This is a rather intriguing property of certain particles that are taken from the same source. When they are separated over impossibly long distances, it is actually possible to demonstrate a direct reciprocal value in their measurements. So even though both, as said previously are completely random possible measurements at the outset, it is possible to deduce the value of one exactly like a mirror image of the other at any time. So the two particles, though not physically connected are in effect eternal mirror images of each other when measured independently at two entirely different locations. This has been tested and proved. It is now abundantly clear that events in the universe are communicating not through the time space physical model of our experience. A more sophisticated language is clearly being employed and the search is on. As a matter of fact the visible matter that we see around us only makes up a paltry 4% of the universe around us. The rest is made up of an invisible material known as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. This has been both mathematically implied to exist and can be observed by the bending of light from celestial bodies. In my model of understanding, the brain is somewhat like a mixing desk in a music studio. We can tune it to certain frequencies to consciously engage events. Some of these frequencies may be gateways to perceiving events in non local realities. The brain is a tool and we can with more understanding hope to unlock these frequencies. This is the reason I have chosen to employ neuromodulation as my primary modus operanda and I am now looking at how we can tune this interface into the quantum events that may make up other realities. The Dream World may just be one of these realities and I hope in time we will see this not as some incidental trick of the mind but perhaps as the very thing we all want to believe …. A Proof of Life…. ……see you in Dream World….. About the Author Dr Rory Mac Sweeney is a scientist. Having formally trained as a clinician (a dental surgeon) with a degree in genetics, he has always maintained the pursuit for higher understanding. With over 20 years of training in the martial arts, having achieved European Gold and World Silver, he has always been keenly aware of the intrinsic relationship between mind, body and soul. Now with the advent of quantum science taking precedence over conventional deterministic physics, he feels the time is right to show the world his discoveries of the mind that have taken him many years to research. His investigation into states of consciousness has led him to an expert level of understanding of the ever elusive Out of Body State of Consciousness. He now practices and documents regular out of body exploration and teaches the subject around the world. Since the beginning of time, humans have looked to their dreams as a great source of wisdom. Hidden in the riddles of our nature, the visions we receive in dreams can pose as many questions as they do answers. Now Dr Rory Mac Sweeney takes you on a scientific excursion into the hands of the puppeteer and asks who really is in control of the dream. Conscious or lucid dreaming is the ability to wake up in the dream state and explore it as a reality. Taken from beginner to highly advanced practice, this is the definitive technical exploration of the lucid dream state and any serious dreamer should have it in their arsenal. The only question is “Will you take the blue or the red pill?”
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