REGULAR MEETING th Wednesday, March 18 , 2015 Rabobank Community Room 1070 Main St., Cambria, 6:30 PM Agenda I. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum II. Consent Agenda a. Agenda Approval: b. Minutes Approval: February 2015 (Attachment A) III. Public/Council Comment: Limited to items NOT on the agenda (3 min per person). IV. Regular Public Agency Reports a. Public Safety: Commander Nix / Sargent MacDonald / Odom b. Cambria Community Services District: Director Clift Jerry Gruber – Noise Complaint Situation Update c. County Supervisor: Supervisor Gibson d. County Planning: Airlin Singewald – Amendment to Title 26 (Attachment B) V. Regular Business: a. Land Use Committee: Mary Webb, Chair (Attachment C) 1. DRC2014-00082 CalTrans. MUP for removal of 2 residences for relocation of Hwy 1 north of Piedras Blancas. Project location - 255 and 270 Via Piedras Blancas. 2. DRC2014-00083 Blacks Hatchery. MUP for installation of 1 antenna, 2 raycaps, 2 equipment cabinets, 1 GPS antenna, and 1 meter pedestal at 6252 Moonstone Beach Dr. APN 022-381-012. (see RF report on separate sheet) 3. DRC2014-00093 Kraemer-Rodriguez. MUP to convert deck over garage to living space of 269sf and reconstruct deck off living room and increase it by 51sf at 295 Orlando APN 023-013-012 4. DRC2014-00099 Montez. MUP for an addition of a second story deck of 595sf at 731 Cornwall St. APN 022-093-037 VI. NCAC Reports a. Transportation Committee: Tony Church- (Attachment D) b. Website Committee Report: Roland Soucie c. Treasurer’s Report: Heide Santos d. Environmental Report: Mary Webb e. Latino/Latina Report: Cesilia Lomeli f. Corresponding Secretary's Report: Linda Haskins g. Community Outreach: Members h. Election/Bylaw Committee: Ted Siegler VII. Old Business: VIII. New Business: Adjourn : Attachment A – November Minutes NORTH COUNTY ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING: February 18, 2015 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 6:35 PM PRESENT: Bambi Fields, Claudia Harmon Worthen, Jason Anderson, Bruce Fosdike, Cesilia Lomeli, Tony Church, Ted Siegler, Mike McLaughlin, Vari MacNiel, Jim Webb, Linda Haskins, Clive Finchamp, Mary Webb, Marjoree Sewell, Heide Santos, Debbie Mix, Roland Soucie, and Dawn Dunlap. EXCUSED: Laurel Stewart, Marty Main, Mac Van Duzer AGENDA APPROVED: Motion to Approve: Heide Santos Seconded: Roland Soucie MINUTES APPROVED: Mike McLaughlin Seconded: Tony Church PUBLIC /COUNCIL COMMENT: The following is a written comment read by Leslie Richards: My name is Leslie Richards, 26 year resident of Cambria, and for the past 16 years have owned and operated an equine rehabilitation and retirement facility at 1501 San Simeon Creek Road, directly across from the Cambria Community Service District well field and 500 yards due east of the Desalt plants brine evaporation pond. In the first week of January, without warning, CDM-Smith, the sub-contractor responsible for the 90 day test run of the new desalt facility, started running a series of night-time tests of the 5 wind turbines that service the evaporation pond. The noise from these turbines was so loud it spooked my horses and one seriously injured itself. This horse did not recover from its injuries and was humanely destroyed on February 5. Prior to this test, this horse was perfectly healthy. I have two other horses in my care, showing signs of extreme stress i.e. not eating or sleeping, pacing erratically, whenever these turbines are operational at night. The sound from these 5 jet-like engines is being funneled due east, up San Simeon Creek Road. The sound waves are so strong, at night, my metal barns actually vibrate. I am at my facility 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and since operation of these jet-like turbines, have witnessed all wildlife vacating the area surrounding the desalt plant and evaporation pond. I have witnessed large groups of deer which normally graze peacefully in the field adjacent to my facility, running gape-mouthed and wild eyed, back and forth across the roadway, slamming into fences only when these turbines are operational. I am an avid bird watcher but this is the first year I have had no migratory visitors to my facility. In fact, the entire valley appears devoid of a number of native species as well, during operation of these turbines. C.C.S.D engineer Bob Gresens responded directly after this initial incident. He stated: 1. C.C.S.D. Was not aware that CDM-Smith was even running these night-time tests. 2. A piece of safety equipment used to restrict excessive noise was absent and would be ordered, and eventually installed. 3. These jet-like turbines were only allowed to operate from 8am - 6pm, Monday thru Thursday. Between February 10 and February 13 these turbines were running 24 hours a day. A total of 96 hours at full capacity, generating 92 peak decibels and not turning off during high wind events as required by Regional Water Quality Control Board permit issued to the C.C.S.D. I personally documented this event while standing on the public roadway adjacent to the pond, and was repeatedly soaked with over-spray from the evaporator blowers. Denise Hearst and Kim Adams, residents of Rancho San Simeon, directly adjacent will testify to this fact. Decibel readings performed after 10:00 pm by State Park Rangers, as well as myself, showed that blowers were operating at twice the legal limit allowed by County of San Luis Obispo noise ordinance. Repeated calls to the C.C.S.D. on their emergency response number went unanswered. Out of frustration, I had no choice but to contact the SLO County Sheriff Department and file a formal complaint. Deputy’s Beene and Day responded to my 911 call on Friday February 13, and concluded that "a significant noise impact was adversely affecting the surrounding community", and agreed to file a report. This case number is 1502-01178 and is currently under investigation by County Code Enforcement. Bruce Fosdike- Comment- asks for a review by Leslie Richards of what she has tried so far to resolve this situation. This occurred 1/8/2015 and it is addressed in the article presented. Leslie Richards-Comment – The turbines operations have been running for the last 4 nights. Heide Santos-Comment- asking when the noise stoppers were to be installed? Leslie Richards- Comment – The parts are still on ordered and sound proofing is not helping and is propelled down the creek road. Mary Webb- Comment – Is asking for the clarification from Leslie Richards to what happened when she went with her concerns to the County? Leslie Richards – Comment- described the process and was told to address the General plan that was presented by CCSD Water Master Plan. To notify Code Enforcement and file a claim with the CCSD. She was also told to call 911 and have Sheriff make a report to document the noise. The Sherriff does not have a DB meter and they cannot use their cell phones to evaluate the noise or measure the DB of the noise that is happening. The Sherriff would make a report documenting the situation, and a case number was given. Jason Anderson-Comment – Does the Fog help? And what about the particulate in the air? Leslie Richards-Comment-The fog makes it worse and she mentioned an individual who has to go to see her doctor because the particulate is affecting her health. Rick Hawley-Comment- The blowers and the mist that the particulates are spread all over the valley and is permitted by the APCD and seems they are shifting the blame on the Regional Quality Water Control Board. Again another issue with this whole plant and operations. And the issue of the chlorine spill that needs to be investigated. This is the result of the county doing a project and not investigating all the issues and going too fast. Joan Ubbinga- Comment- Expressed concern regarding the CCSD evaporation pond turbines is affecting her animals by the noise pollution. Debbie Mix-Comment- Presented a comment from an article that the Noise level affects all types of wildlife, especially raptors. Amanda Rice-asking we review the U-Tube Video that addresses the Forest and can be viewed On-Line under the Cambria Fire website. Connie Gannon-Comment- There was an proposal initiated by Greenspace to develop a workshop and to address the Cambria trees in collaboration with Cal Fire and was turned down by Cambria Fire due to lack of funds. The proposal was to review the dying Monterey Pines and the risk for local fires. We were unable to partner with the local Fire department. PUBLIC SAFETY: Commander Parker – is the new Commander of the CHP and introduced himself at tonight’s meeting. Commander Nix: Total calls for Cambria is 260. He also addressed that Leslie Richards can continue to call the Sheriff if she is having problems with the noise pollution. He took down the case number and will try to investigate further. CAMBRIA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT: Muril Clift 1. The next CCSD meeting will be held 2/26/2015 at 12:30 pm 2. Review Mid –year budgets and address the East Ranch Community Park 3. Review the Fiscalini Tank that need to be replaced, and the review of the By-laws. 4. The EWS Water Plant is following all the proper regulations that the CCSD has in place to operate the evaporation ponds. Any adjustments that need to be made will be addressed by the CCSD. There will be another tracer test in 60 days and will be re-evaluated then. Bruce Fosdike – Comment – I think the question before all of us tonight is can the blowers be turned off at night as soon as possible? It was my understanding that when this emergency project was brought to this Council last year it was stated that the hours of operation were from 8 to 6. Muril Clift– Comment – I will look into this situation. Claudia Harmon Worthen-Comment – The Code states the DB will not be more than 45 DB and the plant is causing a noise level that is much higher than normal. Rick Hawley-Comment- Why are we running the operations of the plant now when there was less water two years ago? Muril Clift-Comment- We are at a Level 3 Emergency. Mary Webb-Comment- The operations of the plant is to be 4 days a week and that is what the plan was from the CCSD. Also please address the chlorine spill into the creek that is not compatible with the fish. Muril Clift-Comment- The chlorine spillage is not worse than drinking water. It was measured at 5 parts per billion when drinking water is at 1 part per million. A chlorine scrubber is being installed to prevent any further chlorine getting into the creek. Dawn Dunlap-Comment- The neighbors of the surrounding area should be notified. COUNTY SUPERVISOR: Supervisor Gibson1. Introduction SLO COUNTY 2014 ANNUAL REPORT – 2. Addressed the issue of the noise pollution and this issue is to be brought to the attention of the Code Enforcement. There needs to be a complete investigation on this and specific testing needs to be done to and evaluate the noise levels. The CCSD needs to be involved and investigate the particulate, noise levels and health issues. The CCSD needs to stop the night operations immediately. The CCSD needs to address the issue and Leslie Richards needs to continue to work with CCSD to help find a solution. The issue of the chlorine spill and the validity of the water issue is under strict protocol for all treated water. Tony Church-Comment-Will the County withdraw the permit due to a possible violation? Bruce Gibson-Comment – No the County will not with withdraw the permit. Mary Webb-Comment- There are many organizations that were against this EWS Water permit. Bruce Gibson-Comment- There was a complete analysis done prior to the EWS water permit was given and the County has been compliant and has addressed the environmental issues. COUNTY PLANNING: James Caruso –not present COUNTY PLANNING & BUILDING- Arlin Singewald- Draft Resource Management System1. Presented paperwork on the Planning and Building County of San Luis Obispo - 2. New time frames for Water Supply 3. New Parks criteria have been added 4. The RSR now includes Highway 101 interchanges 5. The RSR is organized by resource, rather than by community 6. The RSR has more information on Supply and Demand. REGULAR BUSINESS: LAND USE COMMITTEE: Mary Web, Chair The Land Use Committee – had no new projects to review at the February 2, 2015 meeting. The Land use Committee reviewed past projects. NCAC REPORTS: TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE: Tony Church, Chair 1. Discussion of the improvement /establishment of trails from the East Village to points above town. One from the Rodeo grounds to Pine Street. 2. The second trail from the bridge on Burton Drive to the junction with Eton Road 3. The third trail is Tin City to Schoolhouse Lane. 4. The other issue is the illegal dumping occurring on Santa Rosa Creek Road about one quarter of a mile from the Main Street intersection 5. The parking at Nit Wit Ridge-with parking conditions and signage. 6. The parking at Centrally Grown on Exotic Garden Drive-due to the congestion that is in the area. 7. A drainage issue was handled on Burton Drive between Berwick Drive and Kay Street. WEBSITE COMMITTEE: Roland Soucie, Chair Claudia Worthen Harmon-Comment- the address of the NCAC needs to be on the Website-the P.O Box will be added per Roland Soucie. Amanda Rice- will confirm about the hosting fees and Roland Soucie will decide about the fees and give the information to the Council. Bruce Fosdike – Comment - that he requested Roland look into placing a calendar on the website. TREASURER’S REPORT: Heide Santos, Chair The total amount in the NCAC account is $2,175.00 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT: Mary Webb, Chair Mary addressed the issue of the Monterey Pine problem in Cambria. LATINO/LATINA REPORT: Cesilia Lomeli is working in the Cambria Community to try to attract more members and public who are interested in coming to the NCAC meetings. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Linda Haskins 2 letters were sent out for the month of January 2015. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: No response from the NCAC Board ELECTION/BYLAWS COMMITTEE: Ted Siegler Members of the Committee: Jim Webb, Heide Santos, and Ted Siegler There will be a cost for the advertisement which is $427.00 for the 3x5 Ad and another $213.00 for election supplies. The total is $750.00 Claudia Worthen Harmon- Comment- The election should have started in December 2014 and then the election done early part this year 2015. Bruce Fosdike-Comment- The Election Committee did not have the time to do the Bylaws earlier and this year’s election will need to take place on May 5, 2015 as stated in the current Bylaws. After the election, the committee with put forth Bylaw change recommendations for the next year. Ted Siegler –Made a motion that the NCAC Board approves the expenditure of $750.00 for the election costs. Seconded by Bambi Fields, Council Vote - 11favor and 1 opposed. Bruce Fosdike –Comment- There will be 4 positons open for election- Area 1, 3, 5, and 7. Also for the appointment category of Business and the Latino/Latina position. Those interested in remaining in those positions need to get a Consent of Service Form to him by or at the March meeting. Forms can be obtained on the website; and for the elected members they should contain signatures of supporters that live in the area. OLD BUSINESS: NONE TO REPORT NEW BUISNESS: NONE TO REPORT Adjourn: Claudia Worthen Harmon-motion to adjourn meeting Seconded- Bambi Fields Time 8:56 pm. Attachment B – Amendment to Title 26 Growth Management Ordinance PROJECT REFERRAL COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Date Referred: March 4, 2015 Project Planner/Manager: Jo Manson, 781-4660, [email protected] The attached application was recently filed with the Planning Department for review and approval. Because the proposal may be of interest or concern to your community group, we are enclosing a copy of the project application and plan for your preliminary review and comment. Please comment on all issues that you see may be associated with this project. You may want to contact the applicant and/or agent for the project to request a presentation to your group, or simply to answer questions about the project. The telephone number and address for the applicant / agent are provided on the application form that is attached. PROJECT INFORMATION File Number: LRP2014-00012 Applicant: County of San Luis Obispo Request: Amendments to Title 26, Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) STAFF COMMENTS: For the Cambria community, the proposed GMO amendments are noted on the attached sections, 26.01.070, j (1) (a) (i) and j (1) (b). The date is proposed to be extended from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 to July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, in accordance with the water shortage emergency in the community of Cambria and taking into consideration that the Cambria Community Services District has ceased issuing water connections until it obtains an additional water supply as both were identified in the 2008 Annual Resource Summary Report approved by the Board of Supervisors on February 10, 2009, and also reflected in the County 2009-2010 Resource Management System Annual Report approved by the Board of Supervisors on April 26, 2011, and also reflected in the County 20102012 Resource Summary Report approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 12, 2013. See attached information sheet for background specifics. C.A.C. COMMENTS The attached checklist is to help you with your review. You may choose to complete the checklist as your only response to this referral. We have received the referral on the above-referenced project and have no comments. We have received the referral and have the following comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ For more information on this project as it proceeds through its review: On Going Project Status - You can access the County Planning Department’s tracking system (e-connect) from the department’s home page ( by clicking on the Quick Link on the right hand side of the page entitled “On-Line Permit Status Lookup”. You will need the case number to access the status of the permit. Meeting Agendas and Action Minutes - You can access meeting agendas and action minutes (Planning Director Hearing, Subdivision Review Board, Planning Commission and Airport Land Use Commission) from the department’s home page ( by clicking on the Quick Link on the right hand side of the page entitled “Meeting Video, Agenda & Minutes” and navigating to the appropriate meeting date. Date Referral Action Taken By Community Advisory Council: __________________________ Background for LRP2014-0012 project referral: On November 15, 2001 Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) invoked a water emergency under the State Water code. CCSD will not remove the emergency until they find a sufficient new water source. On May 23, 2006 the Board of Supervisors (BOS) adopted changes to the Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) that became effective on July 1, 2006. The changes were based on the County 2005 Resource Management System (RMS) Annual Report approved by the BOS on December 20, 2005 which highlighted the Cambria water emergency situation. The BOS set the Cambria growth rate at 0% for the period from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009 and the County Planning and Building Department could not accept general allocation applications during this period. The Department could only accept allocation applications with a building permit submittal that were accompanied by an intent-to-serve letter from the Cambria Community Services District for replacements, transfers and grandfathered water meters. In 2009 the County 2008 RMS Annual Report was approved by the BOS on February 10, 2009. On May 19, 2009 the BOS adopted changes to the GMO that became effective on July 1, 2009. The water emergency status had not changed. Therefore the BOS adopted changes to the GMO that became effective on July 1, 2009 which simply extended the period from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009 to July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012 for another three year period. When the 2009 GMO amendment was being discussed the question came up as to why not change the date on a yearly basis (i.e., possible GMO amendment each fiscal year) so the topic could be addressed on a yearly basis if the water situation changed. The answer was that extending out another three years is a means of expediency so the ordinance does not have to be revisited until then. If anything changes regarding the development of alternative water sources for Cambria the GMO can be revisited earlier than the deadline for possible amendment to address new alternative water source developments. This reasoning still applies with the current GMO amendment proposed for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. On April 26, 2011 the County 2009-2010 RMS Annual Report was approved by the BOS. The report reflected that the water emergency status still had not changed. On May 22, 2012 the BOS adopted changes to the GMO that became effective on July 1, 2012 which simply extended the period from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012 to July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 for another three year period. The BOS approved the 2010-2012 Resource Summary Report on March 12, 2013 in which Cambria was still noted at a Level of Severity (LOS) III. The 2012-2014 Resource Summary Report will be presented to the BOS at their May 5, 2015 meeting. The project planner, Brian Pedrotti, noted that the water status in Cambria has not changed and is still considered at a LOS III. LRP2014-00012 is simply proposing text changes to extend the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 to July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018 for another three year period. If anything changes regarding the development of alternative water sources for Cambria the GMO can be revisited earlier than the deadline for possible amendment to address new alternative water source developments. Text for insertion in j. (1) (a) (i) for community of Cambria: the 2010-2012 Resource Summary Report approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 12, 2013 and the 2012-2014 Resource Summary Report approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 5, 2015 Clarification: As of the date that this project is referral is being sent out, March 4, 2015, the 2012-2014 Resource Summary Report is scheduled to be presented to the Board of Supervisors on May 5, 2015. I coordinated with the project planner, Brian Pedrotti, and he informed me that the information relating to the water status in Cambria has not changed. The community of Cambria is still an LOS III. Therefore, I am proposing the insertion text above in anticipation of the approval of the 2012-2014 Resource Summary Report by the Board of Supervisors on May 5, 2015. Attachment B – Land Use Committee NCAC Land Use Committee Minutes 3/2/15 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mary Webb at 3:30 p.m. Present: Mary Webb, Laurel Stuart, Tony Church, Jason Anderson, Bob Sfarzo, Vari MacNeil, and Steve Cole. Absent: Marj Sewell excused *************************** Direct link to KRAEMER-RODRIGUEZ referral package Applicant Name: Kraemer-Rodriguez Emma Schoppe 805-781-5982 295 Orlando [email protected] Karin Case Number: DRC2014-00093 Kraemer -Gary Swauger Project Description: MUP [email protected] APN: 023-013-012 Project Description: Proposed minor use permit to convert deck over the garage to living space of 269 sf and reconstruct the existing deck off the living room and increase it by 51 sf. One shower head will be added. Addition will require 124 TDC’s (128 allowed), no trees to be removed, no drainage issues on site and parking is adequate if site became a full time Vacation Rental. Site is a LVR but owners live in the home. Recommend Approval with 1 new shower head *************************** Direct link to BLACKS HATCHERY referral package Applicant Name: Blacks Hatchery Brandi Cummings 805-781-1006 6620 Moonstone Beach Drive [email protected] Tricia Case Number: DRC2014-00083 Knight 805-448-4221 Project Description: MUP [email protected] APN: 022-371-010 and 011 Project Description: Telecommunications Facility (small cell site). Proposed minor use permit for installation of one antenna, 2 RRU’s, 1 raycap, 1 equipment cabinet, 1 GPS Antenna. Height above ground is 20 feet. No other cell site on property. Application type Conditional Use Permit/Development Plan. RF Sheet attached. Recommend Approval ******************* Direct link to MONTEZ referral package Date: 2/26/2015 APN: 022-093-037 Applicant Name: Montez , David Planner: Megan Martin 805-781-4163 731 Cornwall [email protected] Richard Case Number: DRC2014-00099 Avila 805-441-8905 Project Description: MUP [email protected]? Proposed MUP for an addition of a second story deck of 595 ft? on a SFR. Questions on grading of steep slope to accommodate deck. Large lot, no tree removal if Cypress roots can be avoided. Removed one cypress in 2004. Need more detailed maps of site plan showing grading etc. No recommendation until more information is received. *******************************’ Date: 2/24/2015 Cecelia Boudreau 805-549Applicant Name: CalTrans 805-549-3376 3376 255 and 270 Vie Piedras Blancas [email protected] Case Number: DRC2014-00082 Steve McMasters 805-781-5096 Project Description: MUP to amenda D010029P [email protected] EIR APN: 011-231-013 and 011-231-014 SCH#2008031059 HIghway 1, approx. 2 miles north of Piedras Blancas HIghway realignment requiring demolition of 2 homes. Other permits include CDP 3-13-012 for HIghway One realignment on 11/20/14; ACOE 404 #SPL-2013-00512-TS; CDFW SAA #1600-2013-0139-R4; RWQCB 401 Cert. # 34013WQ14; NMFS BO #SWR/209/06596; USFW BO #8-8-09-F-67 Application to the county for a MUP to amend D010029P to eliminate the development of two single family residences and to recognize the development of the relocated HIghway 1. Recommend approval. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Webb, Chair Attachment C - Traffic Committee Report Traffic Committee Report, 2nd March 2015 The meeting was called to order at 3.00 p.m. Present : Tony Church, Laurel Stewart , Bob Sfarzo and Mary Webb Guests : Jason Anderson, Steve Cole and Vari MacNeil I informed the group that I will be advising Jeremy Ghent at the County offices about the fact that the sign “Litter Removal by the Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch” at the corner of Main Street and Highway 1 at the south end of Cambria, has been knocked down and needs to be re-installed. I also confirmed that I would advise him that the CTA were not interested in helping remove the trash from the trail off Santa Rosa Creek Road. He had asked if I knew of any other organization that might be interested in dealing with this matter. However, as this is on private property, owned I believe by Wei-Tzuoh Chen, and because of liability issues, I have suggested he contact the owner directly. I advised the group that I had received an e-mail from Frank Honeycutt regarding his presentation to the Cambria Chamber of Commerce relating to signage in town. He stated that he thought that the presentation went well but any discussion or deliberation about the matter was made after he had left. He has since come to understand “that they plan to take no action at this time but might do so at a future date”. In view of our last regular NCAC meeting and, in accordance with the vote that was taken, the council authorized that an NCAC letter be sent to Mr. Honeycutt advising him of our decision and a letter has been sent. The committee noted that the Cambria Tourism Board had also been contacted about signage and that they liked the idea of more appropriate and aesthetically pleasing signage. It would be a desirable outcome if the Chamber and the Tourism Board would get more involved in this matter, especially as it appears that funding could be available from the Tourism Board. It would certainly make the area more attractive and help get “heads in beds” and increase tourism which I believe is their combined goal. A prime example of poor signage is highlighted by the Tin City area where a mish mash of signs is ever growing. It also does not help matters that the entrance to the area is marked “Dead End” whereas it was suggested at our meeting that “No Outlet” would be a little more positive! At the last meeting I was asked about hazard waste disposal sites. On review I have found that there are five sites in San Luis Obispo County and there is not a regulation in place that requires Cambria to have its own site. The closest site is in Morro Bay and it is open on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3.p.m.
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