47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 Capitaine Bougainville Theatre, Forum North, Whangarei Adjudicators Jazz & Tap: Shannon Shore Ballet & Contemporary: T BA Affiliated to Performing Arts Competitions Association of New Zealand (Inc) Entries close: Friday 22 May 2015 Late entries accepted until Friday 29 May but incur $10 late fee COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE SUBMIT ENTRIES P h i lli p a T a ylor Convenor [email protected] Entries forms are available on our website: www.northlandballetanddance.nz • Type your details in the fields on the entry form, click the Submit button. Click Print Form to print a copy. • Save the form your computer, fill it out then email to us as an attachment • Print the entry form and write your details then post to us. 09 432 8478 Trophy Secretary S h a r on S c ott [email protected] 021 213 4067 ENTRY FEES • • • • • • • S olos : $5.00 per item D uos : $7.50 per item T r i os : $9.00 per item T a p C h a m p i on s h i p : $7.50 B a lle t V a r i a ti on : $7.50 N a ti on a l Y oun g P e r f or m e r : $20 G r oup s : $2.50 per dancer • A d m i n i s tr a ti on f e e s : $7 per person or $12 per family $10 per school • P r og r a m m e s : $5 each - order with competition entry • S p on s or s h i p : $15 per class M E M B E R S H I P F E E S : $20 Single $30 Double D O O R F E E S • W e e k e n d P a s s $25 per person • D a y P a s s $10 per person • A d ults (15 years & over) $5 per session PAYMENTS Can be made by either: • I n te r n e t b a n k i n g direct to our bank account. Please use the initial and surname of competitor in reference field. N or th la n d B a lle t & D a n c e I n c A S B B a n k W h a n g a r e i 12- 3 09 9 - 026443 9 - 00 • C h e q ue made payable to: Northland Ballet and Dance Inc. P le a s e N ote : Entry is accepted only when entry form and full payment is received and matched. LIMITED NUMBER OF ENTRIES Entries for this competition will be accepted until the programme is full in relation to time allowance for the weekend or the entry closing date, whichever comes first. TROPHIES Please return all trophies won last year, professionally engraved and cleaned by Friday 12 June 2015 Please deliver trophies to either: Ann-Marie Petty-O’Shea, Whangarei Central Library, 5 Rust Ave, Whangarei 0110 OR Northland Ballet & Dance Inc., PO Box 1680, Whangarei 0140. P le a s e n ote : Entries will be accepted for this year’s competitio only with the return of all trophies won last year. NORTHLAND BALLET & DANCE COMMITTEE President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: PR & Promotions: Fundraising Coordinator: Trophy Secretary: Committee members: Noelene Brown Phillipa Taylor Deb Massey Teresa Carrick Ann-Marie Petty-O’Shea Dale Kent-Smith Sharon Scott Carlene Paki-Taare, Jayne McKenzie, Mary Evans and Scott Pryor CONTACT US Postal Address: PO Box 1680 Whangarei 0140 Email Address: [email protected] Website : www.northlandballetanddance.nz Follow us on Facebook 47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 COMPETITION RULES 1 E N T R IE S a ) The submission of any entry by or on behalf of any person implies the acceptance of the competition rules as laid down in this syllabus and of any other conditions attached to any specified class therein. b ) Entries are accepted at the discretion of the committee. c ) Fees are to be paid in full at the time of entry. Payment can be made by: • Cheque made payable to Northland Ballet & Dance Inc. • Via internet banking to Northland Ballet & Dance Inc. ASB Bank Whangarei 12-3099-0264439-00. d ) N o la te e n tr i e s w i ll b e a c c e p te d . No telephone or fax entries will be accepted. e ) Please state dance teacher’s phone number and email address on entry. f ) No person will be permitted to enter more than once in any one solo class. g ) Duo and Trio competitors may enter twice, but only once with the same partner. 2 E L IG IB IL IT Y a ) N or th la n d R e s i d e n ts : These competitions are open to Northland Residents only. Northland boundaries are as defined by the Northland Regional Council. Tertiary and boarding students living outside the district whose families are resident in Northland are eligible. b ) A m a te ur S ta tus : These competitions are for amateur competitors. Students or teachers earning income of $5,000 gross or more per year by using their dance talents are not eligible for these competitions. An exception is allowed for the ‘Anything Goes’ Class only. c ) C om p e ti tor s : Any competitor who is, or has been taught by the Adjudicator of that section during the two years preceding the date of the competitions cannot compete in that section. d ) A g e : Age limits will be taken at the date of the commencement of the competition. Birth date details are to be entered on the competitions entry form. 3 C L A S S E S : The Competitions Committee reserves the right to divide classes, combine small classes or cancel classes. Entry fees will be refunded if the class is cancelled by the committee. 4 C O M B I N E D C L A S S E S : In combined age group classes where there is more than 1 trophy, the top placing for the age group will receive a trophy. 5 R E S T R I C T E D C L A S S E S : Only Competitors who have not won in a similar class (Tap, Modern Jazz, and Classical), in any competition prior to the commencement of the competitions may dance a Restricted class. 6 C H A M P I O N S H I P S : To be eligible to enter in the Championship competitors must have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a Tap Open or Restricted class. Competitors must also have entered and danced in their age class solo. 7 N A T I O N A L C H A R A C T E R D A N C E S : Dances entered into these classes are to be constructive Character National dances in keeping with a registered ballet syllabus. 8 T I T L E S : Titles are required for Barefoot, National Character, Demi-Character, Classical Variation, Song & Dance, and Group Classes. For title changes or if title is not decided at time of entry, please advise the Competitions Committee of dance titles b e f or e the competitions begin. 9 T I M E L I M I T S : Exceeding these time limits could result in disqualification. S olos : Under 10 years: 2 minutes max 10 & under 12 years: 3 minutes max 12 years & over: 4 minutes max D uos & T r i os : Under 12 years: 3 minutes max 12 years & over: 4 minutes max Time limit based on the eldest competitor G r oup s : 5 minutes max. 10 G R O U P S : A group consists of four or more dancers. Minimum 4 – Maximum 25. Competitors may dance more than once per class in this section; however teachers may enter the same group only once. Group competitors may dance more than once but no more than three times per class. 11 R E P L A C E M E N T S : In the event of sickness, a competitor dancing in duos, trios or groups may be replaced before the beginning of the session by a bona fide competitor in the Competitions. Please advise the Competitions Committee b e f or e the beginning of the session. 12 O R D E R O F P E R F O R M A N C E : Competitor’s names will appear in the programme in the order in which they will compete. All competitors are to be backstage or near vicinity at the time of the commencement of their class. Those not present when called upon shall, at the discretion of the Competitions Committee forfeit their right to compete in that class. 13 S E C O N D A T T E M P T S : Second attempts may be permitted at the discretion of the Adjudicator. 14 E R R O R S : Please notify the Competitions Committee of any errors in the competitions programme before the competitions begin. 15 W I T H D R A W A L S : Please advise the Competitions Committee of any withdrawals before the commencement of the competitions. 16 M U S I C : Please record music onto CD’s. Each disc is to be clearly named and delivered to the stage manager before commencement of the class. The Adjudicator may take quality of sound reproduction into consideration. P le a s e N ote : One CD per competitor per dance. The Sound Operator is unable to cue CDs for other competitors or dance classes that are recorded on the same CD. 17 A D JU D I C A T O R : No communication by teachers, competitors or other interested parties, with the adjudicator is permitted. The Competitions Committee reserves the right to disqualify a competitor for any breach of this rule. 18 R E H E A R S A L S : Rehearsals on stage are not permitted at any time, including meal breaks, except in special circumstances and then only with the permission of either the Competitions Committee or Stage Manager. 19 C U R T A I N S a n d S T A G E L I G H T I N G : Curtains and dimming of stage lights may be used for Groups and Troupes only. 20 F I L M I N G : Generally, a competitor may arrange for their performance to be recorded by an audience member. In no circumstances may you record, on any device, another performer without their permission. Flash photography is not permitted d ur i n g an item. Please use tripods with consideration for the audience and the adjudicator’s view is not obscured. The Adjudicator’s verbal summary comments are n ot to b e r e c or d e d by any means. 21 T R O P H I E S : All trophies held by the competitors from last year are to be returned by the date stated in this syllabus. They are to be professionally engraved at competitors’ expense and cleaned prior to being returned. Competitors will be invoiced the costs of repairing trophies that are returned in poor condition or damaged. Entries for the current competitions will not be accepted until all trophies held by a competitor are returned. 22 A G G R E G R A T E T R O P H I E S : To win an aggregate trophy the Competitor is to compete in all required classes and earn the highest sum of points for 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings awarded by the Adjudicator: First Place - 5 Points; Second Place - 3 Points; Third Place - 1 Point When placings are tied, the total of nine points is re-allocated as follows: 1st Place Tie - First Equal: 4 Points each; Third: 1 Point. 2nd Place Tie - First: 5 Points; Second Equal: 2 Points each. 3rd Place Tie - First: 5 Points; Second: 3 Points; Third Equal: ½ point each. 23 P R O T E S T S : To enter a protest Competitors are required to submit in writing the grounds upon which the protest is based plus $20 (twenty dollars) fee to the Secretary of NB&D Inc. before the end of the competitions. Should the protest, upon investigation by the Competitions Committee be deemed frivolous or unfounded, the fee shall be forfeited. The decision of the Competitions Committee is final. 24 P E R S O N A L R I S K : a ) All competitors compete at their own risk and the Society accepts no responsibility for any accidents or mishaps and on th e s e c on d i ti on s on ly are entries accepted. b ) The Society and volunteers helping with the event will not accept responsibility for the supervision of children. 25 P R I V A C Y D I S C L A I M E R : This application form collects personal information about you. a ) This information is collected for the purpose of registering you and determining your eligibility for the classes you have entered in Northland Ballet & Dance Inc’s (NB&D) competitions. b ) This information will form part of the competitions programme and is available to the Committee of NB&D. It may also be used to inform you about services and events offered or recommended by NB&D and opportunities to support NB&D’s work. c ) You have the right of access to and correction of this information subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. 47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 COMPETITION CLASSES C la s s A g e s B A L L E T 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Classical Ballet Classical Ballet Classical Ballet Classical Ballet Classical Ballet Classical Ballet Classical Ballet 7 years & under 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 & under 14 years 14 years & over 111 112 113 114 Classical Ballet Restricted Classical Ballet Restricted Classical Ballet Restricted Classical Ballet Restricted Under 8years 8 & under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 & over 121 Classical Ballet Impromptu 122 Classical Ballet Impromptu Under 12 years 12 years & over 125 Classical Ballet Pointe 126 Classical Ballet Variation 12 years & over 12 years & over 127 Neo Classical Ballet Open 131 132 133 134 Under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 14 years & over Classical or Poetic Barefoot Classical or Poetic Barefoot Classical or Poetic Barefoot Classical or Poetic Barefoot 141 National Character 143 National Character 144 National Character B A L L E T & M O D E R N Under 12 years 12 years & under 14 years 14 years & over JA Z Z 151 Demi-Character – Ballet/Modern 153 Demi-Character – Ballet/Modern 154 Demi-Character – Ballet/Modern C O N T E M P O R A R Y & 201 202 203 204 Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary L Y R IC A L Under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 4 years & over Under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 14 & under 16 years 16 years & over Under 12 years 12 years & over 221 Lyrical 222 Lyrical 223 Lyrical Under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 14 years & over JA Z Z 231 232 233 234 235 236 Modern Jazz Modern Jazz Modern Jazz Modern Jazz Modern Jazz Modern Jazz Under 8 years 8 & under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 14 & under 16 years 16 years & over 241 242 243 244 Modern Jazz Restricted Modern Jazz Restricted Modern Jazz Restricted Modern Jazz Restricted Under 8 years 8 & under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 years & over 251 Modern Jazz Impromptu 252 Modern Jazz Impromptu T A P A g e s 301 302 303 304 305 Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Under 8 years 8 years & under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 & under 14 years 14 & over 311 312 313 314 Tap Restricted Tap Restricted Tap Restricted Tap Restricted Under 8 years 8 & under 10 years 10 & under 12 years 12 years & over 320 Tap Latin American & Tango 321 Tap Latin American & Tango Under 12 years 12 years & over 330 Tap Waltz 331 Tap Waltz Under 12 years 12 years & over 340 Slow Tap 341 Slow Tap Under 12 years 12 years & Over 350 Tap Impromptu 351 Tap Impromptu Under 12 years 12 years & over 360 Demi Character – Tap 361 Speed Tap Open Open 370 Tap Championship: Junior 371 Tap Championship: Intermediate 372 Tap Championship: Senior Under 10 years 10 & under 14 years 14 years & over O T H E R 211 Contemporary Impromptu 212 Contemporary Impromptu M O D E R N C la s s Under 12 years 12 years & over 401 402 403 404 405 S O L O C L A S S E S First Time Solo Performer Song & Dance Musical Theatre Acrobatic Dance Hip Hop Under 12 years Open Open Open Open D U O S 410 411 412 413 414 415 Duo - Barefoot Duo - Classical Ballet Duo - Contemporary Duo - Modern Jazz Duo - Tap Duo - Open (Not barefoot, classical ballet, contemporary, modern jazz, or tap) T R IO S 420 421 422 423 424 Trio - Classical Ballet Trio - Contemporary Trio - Modern Jazz Trio - Tap Trio - Open (Not classical ballet, contemporary, modern jazz or tap) G R O U P S 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 Group - Barefoot Group - Classical Ballet Group - Contemporary Group - Lyrical Group - Modern Jazz Group - Tap Group - National Character (registered ballet syllabus) Group - National Open Group - Musical Theatre Group - Hip Hop Group - Open (Not any of the above Group classes) S P E C IA L C L A S S 450 Duo, Trio, Group – Anything goes - Adults 47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 NATIONAL YOUNG PERFORMER AWARDS The 2015 National Young Performer Awards will be held in Palmerston North, at the Regent on Broadway Theatre hosted in conjunction with the Palmerston North Dance Assn on the weekend 16 to 18 October 2015. The awards are operated on a two year cycle: • October 2015: Orchestral Instruments, Modern Dance, Highland National Dance, Speech & Drama • October 2016: Pianoforte, Ballet, Tap Dance, Vocal Northland Ballet & Dance Inc 2015 Nomination Class This year will be offering nomination class for Modern Dance. CRITERIA FOR MODERN DANCE A . Competitors shall be 15 and under 21 years as at 1 October 2015 B . Each competitor shall perform in three classes during the preliminary round: 1. Modern/Jazz 2. Contemporary 3. Master Class – run by the Adjudicator. No audience observation. C . There shall be a maximum time limit of four minutes for each dance, taken from the beginning to the conclusion of the music. A penalty of 5 marks will be imposed if the time limit is exceeded by 10 seconds or more. D . There will be a semi-final of up to twelve competitors who will repeat either B1 or B2 at the discretion of the adjudicator. Competitors will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round(s). E . For the Final Award Concert six competitors will be recalled and shall repeat the item not performed at the semifinal. F . Costumes, choreography & music should be appropriate to the age of both the competitors and suitable for a family audience. N B . Nomination of competitors by Societies should be based on classes B1 and B2 i.e. without the Master Class, but may include an impromptu class, at the discretion of the society. N B : A T T H E N A T I O N A L C O M P E T I T I O N Nominees in the Modern Dance section are required to include performance copies of their music on CD when submitting their entry form, and a list of the titles and composer of the pieces. SOCIETY NOMINATION Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate up to two competitors, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on a performance as outlined in A, B1 and B2. The adjudicator will determine that a competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Finals. The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include: • A demonstration of adequate preparation • An authority of performance • A performance with a level of maturity commensurate with a national final competition of this age group. If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any competitor, then NO nomination will be made. The Nominating Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards, which is $75.00 including GST. The Nominee is responsible for paying their portion of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards, which is $175.00 including GST. 47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 QUALIFYING CLASSES : MODERN DANCE WHANGAREI 24 to 26 JULY 2015 Northland Ballet & Dance Inc intends to offer nomination opportunities to Modern Dance competitors who meet the criteria on the previous page. The entry fee is $20. ALL competitors in this class must enter and compete in TWO classes: Modern/Jazz and Contemporary. The purpose of the nomination class is to select a dancer or dancers who will be able to represent Northland Ballet & Dance Inc at the national competition in Palmerston North in October 2015. Candidates who are unable to fulfill this requirement are advised not to enter. Parents/guardians of candidates are reminded of the financial commitments, particularly in regard to travel and accommodation.In submitting your entry you have agreed to be available to compete at the National Final. Any prize money awarded is intended to assist with your travel expenses. P le a s e n ote : The National Young Performer nomination class won’t be held unless there are at least 2 competitors. 47th Annual Competitions Syllabus 24 to 26 July 2015 SPECIAL AWARDS TROPHIES B A L L E T M O D E R N • S a r a h M a th e r s A g g r e g a te T r op h y: Under 12 years To be eligible competitors must dance in all the following classes: Classical, National Character, Barefoot & Demi-Character. JA Z Z & T A P • W i ls on T r op h y: Modern Jazz and Tap. Adjudicators overall Choice. • T a ylor F a m i ly E n te r ta i n m e n t T r op h y: Most entertaining item in Jazz and Tap section – Group, Trio, Duo or Solo. Not necessarily a winner. • A c k e r s A g g r e g a te T r op h y: 12 years & over To be eligible competitors must dance in all the following classes: Classical, National Character, Barefoot & Demi-Character and Impromptu. T A P • B r i a r T a ylor A g g r e g a te C up : Under 12 years. To be eligible competitors must dance in all the following classes: Tap solo, Tap Waltz, Slow Tap and Tap Latin American & Tango. • N i c ola Jon e s C up : Most promising Ballet dancer under 12 years. • M a yo C up : Most promising Ballet dancer 12 years & over. • M c C ulloug h T r op h y: Most outstanding performer in Ballet section. • G i lli n g h a m F a m i ly A g g r e g a te T a p T r op h y: 12 years & over. To be eligible competitors must dance in all the following classes: Tap solo, Tap Waltz, Slow Tap, Tap Latin American & Tango and Tap Impromptu • S M a ug h a m costume. • A le x a n d e r W yli e B oyd T r op h y: Most promising Tap dancer under 12 years. Adjudicator Choice • K r i s ti n O r r B a lle t T r op h y: Highest mark in Ballet under 10 years. • Ji ll G i b s on T r op h y: Highest individual mark in Ballet. C up : Most authentic National dance including music and • W i ls on T r op h y: Ballet. Adjudicators overall Choice. • • H e w i n g A w a r d : Most entertaining item in Ballet section – Group, Trio, Duo or Solo. Not necessarily a winner. T or r e s - C a r r i c k F a m i ly A w a r d . 14 years and over. Classical Ballet, Pointe and Variation. B A L L E T & M O D E R N • R or y T a ylor T r op h y: Most promising Tap dancer 12 years and over. Adjudicator Choice. • M os t O uts ta n d i n g T a p D a n c e r . Adjudicator Choice. • A n n - M a r i e T a p A w a r d : Highest mark in Tap section. A L L S E C T IO N S JA Z Z • B od g e r C h a lle n g e C up : Best personality • N or th e r n D a n c i n g A c a d e m y T r op h y: Best characterisation of a DemiCharacter. • H e w i n g C up : Choreographic appeal in any section. • S a r a h T r a s s V e r s a ti li ty T r op h y: Under 12 years Most outstanding performer in Ballet, Tap and Modern/Contemporary. • A n n - M a r i e C on te m p or a r y A w a r d : Highest mark in Contemporary and Lyrical section. • A i m e e & L i s a T r a s s V e r s a ti li ty T r op h y: 12 years & over Most outstanding performer in Ballet, Tap and Modern/Contemporary. • C O N T E M P O R A R Y P a ula T or r e s - L i p p i A w a r d 12 years and over. Barefoot, Contemporary and Lyrical. M O D E R N JA Z Z & C O N T E M P O R A R Y • R os s F a m i ly T r op h y: Best personality: Modern Jazz, Contemporary. Under 12 years. Not necessarily a winner. M O D E R N JA Z Z • S M A C D a n c e S tud i o: Most promising Modern Jazz dancer under 12 years. • S M A C D a n c e S tud i o: Most promising Modern Jazz dancer 12 years & over. • G uth r i e B ow r on T r op h y: Most outstanding performer in Modern Jazz section – Junior: Under 10 years. Adjudicator Choice. Not necessarily awarded. • K ym m E d m on d s T r op h y: Most outstanding performer in Modern Jazz section – Intermediate: 10 years & under 14 years. Adjudicator Choice. Not necessarily awarded. • P e tty- O ’ S h e a T r op h y: Most outstanding performer in Modern Jazz section – Senior: 14 years & over. Adjudicator Choice. Not necessarily awarded. • A n n - M a r i e M od e r n Ja z A w a r d : Highest mark in Modern Jazz section. N A T IO N A L Y O U N G P E R F O R M E R N O M IN E E S • E v a n s F a m i ly Y oun g P e r f or m e r T r op h y - Ballet • B r i a r T a ylor Y oun g P e r f or m e r T r op h y - Tap and Modern Jazz
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