March 16, 2015 - North Okanagan Beekeepers

North Okanagan Beekeepers Monthly Meeting
March 16, 2015
a) New members
b) Email list
Total value of 50/50 draw: $ 32
Winner of $ 16 drawn: Chris Boulanger
Review of minutes
a) Adoption of Minutes from February 16, 2015.
Moved, seconded, carried.
Old Business
a) Membership renewal. 27 members re-signed and paid for 2015.
Membership available through BCHPA. If you prefer not to take out a BCHPA and club
membership there will be a $5 drop-in fee for club meetings.
b) Nutritional information labels
50 each, free
$30/each club
See Dan if you want to place an order for labels.
New Business
a) April Meeting
Flow Hive demonstration will be at the April meeting.
There is a new provincial apiarist, who will be in attendance at the April meeting.
b) IPM Workshop Opportunity
Proposed IPM workshop by Wayne Nedig, former BCHPA president, to be put on in April or
May. Pests, hives, techniques and treatments. Proposed to be a 4hr workshop on a
Saturday or Sunday, for $25-50 per person.
c) Spring Workshop/Field Day with Lance Cuthill
May 10
May 11
Session 1: Beekeeping: the 2nd Year
Session 2: Hive Inspection
Cost: $10 for members; more for non-members
Tricks, Tips and Gadgets, at club’s Monday meeting (tentative, to be confirmed)
d) Day of the Honey Bee - May 29 (8am-1pm)
Brochures handed out for promotion.
Bob will check with farmers market to see if club can set up a booth or table.
Volunteers requested for a commitment to this event.
e) Introductory beekeeping course - Chris Boulanger
May 16 – Beginner beekeeper’s workshop, at Okanagan Bee Farm (5hrs)
Cost: $65 for members, $75 for non-members
Bring your own veil, smoker, etc.
Contact Chris or check club website for more info.
f) Website Additions - Dan Mawson
Advise Dan if you would like your name posted to the club website to provide services for:
Catching swarms
Selling honey
Selling bees
Teaching courses
Pollination services
g) Pollination Contract, Vernon
The Dobernigs in Vernon have 40 acres of apples in to be pollinated (80 hives). See Dan if
a) Bits & Pieces – Kamloops Semi-annual Meeting
6 club members attended the meeting this past weekend.
Over 100 people from across the province attended.
15 people went through the beekeeper instructor’s course.
The education day had several highlights, audio recordings of many of the presentations will
be available on the BCHPA website:
Panel discussion on pesticides. This was an excellent and balanced session.
Paul Westendorp’s re American Foul Brood.
Elizabeth Elle’s re pollinators.
Liz Huxter’s re drones.
Melanie Kirby re raising queens in the highlands of New Mexico.
John Gibeau re business sustainability on 300 hives and pricing on bee products.
Stan Reist re producing and shipping nucs from Vancouver Island.
b) What’s Happening in our Hives This Month - Bob Chisolm
Expecting minimal hive losses this year due to the excellent fall weather in 2014 and early
spring 2015.
With the early heat this year it might be possible to have 3-4 frames of brood right now.
You should not be in your hives yet. Cold weather may still come and interrupt queen laying
and brood rearing. It’s enough right now to establish if the hive is alive. There should be
consistent temperatures of at least 12-15C.
In the next couple of weeks you can probably check to see if your hives have stores. Right
now you should be seeing the hives bringing pollen in.
At the most, right now you could be feeding pollen patties.
If you have a dead hive you should clean it out and remove honeyed frames right away in
order to reduce likelihood of raiding and transmission of disease. You should also diagnose
what caused the dead hive.
c) Kwantlen College - Bob Chisolm
Commercial beekeeping course starting this year.
2 full years, includes a 5-month paid practicum plus a mentorship period.
d) Plants of the Month - Sheila Campbell
Pussy Willows.
The first pollen of the year. Sheila provides rooted shots for planting.
Provides lots of pollen for bees.
Education Feature
a) Video: “The Lowly Drone and His Importance in Your Hive” - Liz Huxter
A video of Liz Huxter’s presentation from this past weekend in Kamloops was played at the
club meeting.
Next meeting Mon, April 20, 7:00