April 2, 2015 Volume 23, Issue 13 Service Times: Sunday Morning Early Worship Bible Study Worship 5:30 9:30 10:30 Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 Wednesday P.M. Bible Study 7:00 North View Church of Christ Area Wide Evangelism Emergency Sunday, April 12th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Speaker: Steven Holt (Hamilton Church of Christ, - Hamilton, AL) Supper will follow evening worship with a devotional period after the meal Please sign up for items to bring on the bulletin board in the foyer North View Church of Christ 865 Nashville Hwy Columbia, TN 38401 Email Web Phone Fax (931) 388-5814 (931) 840-4726 [email protected] www.northviewchurchofchrist.com Maury Christian Camp Registration is now open online for both weeks of Maury Christian Camp at Short Mountain. This year all of the registration will take place online. Please contact Jamie or Jeremy if you have any questions, and they will be taking a group for week two, June 7-12. Go to www.shortmountaincamp.org to register. Clean-up Day In order to get ready for our Area Wide, there will be a clean-up day on Saturday, April 11th beginning at 8:30 a.m. We would love for you to come join us as we try to make sure our facility is presentable to those coming to join us on Sunday, April 12th. Please consider joining us on this day as we work together to make sure our building and grounds are in tip-top shape. Sunday Sermon Preview A.M. Like A Rolling Stone John 20:1-10 P.M. All Have Sinned Romans 3:1-18 Our Prayer List Clarissa Henson is in Maury Regional Hospital with pancreatitis and possible pneumonia. Carol Conner is engaged in physical therapy at Maury Regional Hospital, Room 105 SNU. She continues to improve. Jane Lange continues to improve at home. Susan Gobell continues to improve. She is gaining strength and her doctor advises that she will likely enjoy her former energy levels in another month. George Dodson has recently had a stroke. George and Annette Dodson are regular visitors of our 5:30 service. He is now at home but is presently unable to communicate. Lisa Dodson, daughter of George and Annette Dodson, continues to deal with challenges associated with kidney disease and is recovering from a recent hospital visit. Thelma Dial, mother of Dean Dial, is in Maury Regional Hospital Room 365, with pneumonia. Thank You “Just a short note to say ‘Thank you’ so much for all the cards, concern, thoughts, and especially prayers that came my way at the time of my surgery. Recovery is going very well. Again, thank you so much.” Cathy Bradley “ Visitation Meeting for Team 1-April 7th Team 1 meets 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 7th, at the church building. If you have any questions, please call Charlie or Martha Spires at 626-3189 or 381-4804. North View Area Wide Sign-Up Sheets Also Remember In Prayer Ruby Alley, Frances Baker, Todd & Jessica Baker, James Boone, Kathy Burris, Marie Chumley, Gabbi Cook, Thelma Dial, George Dodson, Lisa Dodson, Kim Duvall, Mike Dye, Gloria Edmiston, Terrylee Ervin, Sharon Flancher, Joyce Gilmore, Rachel Hanes, Hollie Hawkins, Bill Jackson, Jeanette Killebrew, Dolores Love, Deborah Moorehead, Hannah Pilkinton, Darrell Potts, Evan Rector, Michelle Ridgeway, Helen Roberts, Terry & Abel Shelburne, Faye Smith, Charlie Spires, Natalie Spires, Roy Steele, Gloria Talley, Julie Tomlin, Shane Vincent, Aaron Way, Lynn Wilt, Broudis Wolfenbarger, Joe Woodard, Cindy Woodard, and Martin Woodard. SHUT-INS Betty Blackburn, Myrtle Chapman, Jim Clark, Edna Eley, Goldie Harder, Lillian Love, Homer Sewell, Foster & Jean Thurman, and Gene Young. If you are able to bring a finger dessert for the Area Wide, 5 spaces still remain on the sign up sheet, which is located in the foyer. Volunteers Needed to Serve at North View Area Wide 10 ladies are needed to serve at the Area Wide on April 12th. If you are able to help serve, there is a sign up sheet in the lobby. 5:30 a.m. Service Parent’s Night Out Cancelled Speaker: Wendell Jump Song Leader: Mark Talbert Due to the number of congregational activities scheduled for the month of April, combined with scheduled spring breaks for school children, Parent’s Night Out will resume in May. Gospel Meeting at Main Street Church of Christ-April 5th-8th The theme will be “Lives Focused on Jesus. The featured speaker is Ralph Gilmore. Monday through Wednesday classes will begin at 7:00 p.m. April 5, 2015 Directory Updates and Additions New work e-mail addresses and work phone numbers: India Mission Conference-April 21st-24th George Fowler: 615 254-6002 The India Mission Conference is hosted by Pulaski Street Church of Christ on the [email protected] Campus of Heritage Christian University in Florence, AL. The theme is “Passing the Torch: Preparing a New Generation of Christians and Missionaries”. Tammy Fowler: 615 297-8502 [email protected] Tennessee Children’s Home-Change for Children Banks There are empty Change for Children Banks available in the office, for those who are ready for a new bank for your home, office, or bible classroom. Just For Youth Apr. 12 Apr. 19 North View Area Wide Teens & their families meet after morning services at La Fuente for lunch. Sheets are available in the foyer identifying the 1962 Riverside Elders & Deacons featured on the back of our new directory. ELDERS Doug Balthaser 931-380-5802 Rex Henson 931-619-5807 Wendell Jump 931-540-8194 PULPIT MINISTER Jeremy Butt 931-682-3343 931-982-2373 North View Church of Christ 865 Nashville Hwy Columbia, TN 38401 NON PROFIT ORG POSTAGE PAID U.S. Permit Number 18 Columbia, TN Return Service Requested YOUTH MINISTER Jamie Hubbell 931-698-9999 [email protected] DEACONS George Fowler Boyd Gilliam Wayne Hardison Chris Hight Robert Johnson Thomas Riley Charlie Spires John Steele Marty Tyree SECRETARY Dawn Jones The View Point is published weekly by: North View Church of Christ 865 Nashville Highway, Columbia, TN 38401 T HOS E TO S ERVE Services for Sunday, April 5, 2015 Song Leader Rob Johnson Scripture Reading Zane Johnson Opening Prayer Jermy Cothran Sermon Jeremy Butt Announcements/Closing Prayer Thomas Riley Lord’s Supper Presiding: Marty Tyree East Side Louis West Gregg Elrod Ben Steele George Fowler West Side Zach Scott Joe Woodard Van Ervin Hunter Tyree Ushers: Marty Tyree & Jonathan Hickerson Greeters: Jamie & Penny Hubbell Shirley Adams & Pam Mills Side: Doug & Sandra Taylor Sound Booth: Travis Talbert Nursery Attendant: Jennifer Sewell Evening Services Announcements Johnny Tomlin Song Leader Gregg Elrod Opening Prayer Randell Rummage Sermon Jeremy Butt Closing Prayer Jamie Hubbell Lord’s Supper Ben Steele Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Announcements Wendell Jump Song Leader John Steele Opening Prayer Doug Balthaser Invitation Jeremy Butt Closing Prayer Matt Yuhas Elder on Call: Wendell Jump (931) 540-8194 If unable to serve, call John Steele (797-0956) or George Fowler (615-430-9198) OUR RECORD Last Week 5:30 Service Bible School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wednesday Bible Study Contribution 20 122 186 119 95 $4,032 This Week 13 109 166 79 103 $4,032
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