Epub ahead of print August 30, 2011 - doi:10.1189/jlb.0910520 Article Modulating impact of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone on the maturation and function of hematopoietic cells Michael Koldehoff,*,1 Thomas Katzorke,† Natalie C. Wisbrun,‡ Dirk Propping,† Susanne Wohlers,† Peter Bielfeld,† Nina K. Steckel,* Dietrich W. Beelen,* and Ahmet H. Elmaagacli* *Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, West German Cancer Center, Medical School of University of Duisburg-Essen, and ‡Central Animal Laboratories, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany; and †Novum, Center for Reproductive Medicine, Essen, Germany RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 21, 2010; REVISED JULY 11, 2011; ACCEPTED JULY 14, 2011. DOI: 10.1189/jlb.0910520 ABSTRACT hCG hormone is a naturally occurring, immune-modulating agent, which is highly expressed during pregnancy and causes improvements of some autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. Little is known about its immune-modulating effects. This study in MNCs of women who received hCG as preconditioning prior to IVF demonstrates that hCG increases antiinflammatory IL-27 expression and reduces inflammatory IL-17 expression. In addition, we found increased IL-10 levels and elevated numbers of Tregs in peripheral blood of women after hCG application. Rejection of allogeneic skin grafts was delayed in female mice receiving hCG. We conclude that hCG may be useful for the induction of immune tolerance in solid organ transplantation. J. Leukoc. Biol. 90: 000 – 000; 2011. Introduction Higher eukaryotes are capable of discriminating self from nonself and thus, mount an immune response to protect themselves against foreign organisms and fight infections and to reject allogeneic cells while tolerating self-antigens. In pregnant mammals, this response allows for maternal and fetal immune competence while enabling fetal (allograft) survival [1]. The implanting embryo and the maternal uterine decidua require adaptation of the maternal immune system to prevent rejection of the allogeneic fetus without compromising the ability of the mother to fend off infection. It is well established that the innate immune system at the feto-maternal interface undergoes less-stringent, selective pressure to ensure quick Abbreviations: CsA⫽cyclosporin A, EBI3⫽EBV-induced gene 3, Egr1⫽early growth response 1, FOXP3⫽forkhead box P3, FSH⫽follicle-stimulating hormone, G0S2⫽putative lymphocyte G0G1 switch gene 2, Gadd45⫽growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene 45, GITR⫽glucocorticoid-induced TNF family-related, GvHD⫽graft-versus-host-disease, HSC⫽hematopoietic stem cell, IVF⫽in vitro fertilization, MNC⫽mononuclear cell, Nr4a1⫽nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1, Treg⫽regulatory T cells 0741-5400/11/0090-0001 © Society for Leukocyte Biology and efficient local protection against infection, while the adaptive immune system has to be restrained to prevent rejection of the semiallogeneic fetus [2, 3]. The mechanism of allogeneic immune-tolerance induction during pregnancy is poorly understood, and its uncovering may help to develop strategies to improve long-term allogeneic graft function after solid organ transplantation or to control GvHD after allogeneic HSC transplantation [4, 5]. One of the initial hormonal signals postconception is hCG, detected on Days 7–9 after the LH surge, which corresponds to Days 19 –21 of the menstrual cycle. hCG is a heterodimeric placental glycoprotein and is excessively expressed during pregnancy, besides the hormones estrogene and progesterone. The ␣-subunit is identical to that of other glycoprotein hormones, such as thyroid-stimulating hormone, FSH, and LH, whereas the -subunit is unique to hCG [6]. Human endometrium contains membrane-bound hCG/LH receptors, and hCG has direct actions on the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells. During pregnancy, hCG is produced initially by the blastocyst, 6 – 8 days after fertilization and later by the syncytiotrophoblast [7, 8]. The structure of hCG has similarities to the LH and is capable of inducing ovulation. hCG administration helps the follicle to burst and release the egg, 36 – 48 h after its application. As a result of these features of hCG, it is widely used as preconditioning in women undergoing IVF. It has been suggested to be involved in the induction of allogeneic tolerance in peritrophoblastic cells and possibly also in immune-competent cells of the maternal system. Receptors for hCG have been detected in macrophages and monocytes, which might be involved in immune-modulating effects of hCG [9, 10]. The most abundant maternal immune cells in the decidualized endometrium are NK cells and macrophages. There is some evidence for a wide spectrum of cell targets and biological properties, by which hCG plays a crucial role in the implantation and growth 1. Correspondence: Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, West German Cancer Center, University Hospital of Duisburg-Essen, Hufelandstrasse 55, 45122 Essen, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Volume 90, November 2011 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Copyright 2011 by The Society for Leukocyte Biology. 1 of the human embryo [11]. In a normal pregnancy, an appropriate balance between proinflammatory (Th1) and anti-inflammatory (Th2) cytokines is thought to be crucial for determining pregnancy outcome. Several lines of evidence point to a pivotal role of decidual APCs in shaping the cytokine profile toward the establishment of a more immunologically tolerant microenvironment at the maternal-fetal interface [12, 13]. There is no doubt that the maternal immune system is able to recognize and react to fetus-derived antigens. However, the fetus is recognized in such a way that the MHC-specific, acquired arm of the maternal immunity is suppressed [14]. Tregs expand during pregnancy and are present at the fetalmaternal interface at very early stages of pregnancy. The migration mechanisms of Tregs to the pregnant uterus are still unclear. However, with the discovery of Tregs and more-elaborate cytokine profiling of T cell subsets, it became clear that the Th1/Th2 paradigm is not as straightforward as previously thought [15, 16]. In general, Tregs have been detected in any circumstance where self-tolerance plays a determining role in fetal maintenance. Moreover, many study groups regard Tregs to be actively engaged, not only in the prevention of autoimmunity but also in facilitating transplantation tolerance; targeting them therapeutically may help to potentiate tumor immunotherapy [17, 18]. Tregs constitutively express CD25 (IL-2R␣) and CD4, as well as the forkhead family transcription factor FOXP3, a key control gene in their development and function. In addition, Tregs express the GITR gene, the CTLA-4, and TGF- on their cell surface. They secrete TGF- and IL-10, both thought to contribute to their suppressor activity. Moreover, strong immune-modulating effects have been reported recently from Th-17 cells, a subset of CD4⫹ T cells that produce IL-17A, IL-17F, TNF, and IL-6 in response to IL-23 [19 – 21]. These cytokines have been suggested to be mediators of inflammation associated with several autoimmune diseases, including experimental autoimmune encephalitis and collagen-induced arthritis. As a counterpart of IL-17, IL-27 has been discussed as a possible physiological antagonist of Th-17 cells, mediating suppressive effects on T cell subsets and inhibiting function of IL-17 [22, 23]. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible effects of hCG on maturation and functional alterations of hematopoietic cells in women receiving hCG as preconditioning for IVF, postulating an immunoregulatory role besides its classical role in maintaining pregnancy. In addition, we investigated the immune-modulating effects of hCG in skin transplants with nonpregnant mice designed to express a tolerogenic phenotype. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients We included a total of 34 women in this prospective study who underwent IVF treatment at Novum, Center of Reproductive Medicine (Essen, Germany). Pituitary desensitization was obtained by s.c injection of 3.75 mg leuprorelinacetate in the midluteal phase (Days 20 –22) of the menstrual cycle preceding treatment. At the onset of menses (Day 3 of a cycle), all women began gonadotropin stimulation by daily s.c. injection of 150 –300 IU human menopausal gonadotropin or rFSH. The dose was adjusted to the individual response, as recorded by serum 17-estradiol measurements 2 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 90, November 2011 and transvaginal ultrasound scanning, performed every other day until the day of ovulation induction. All patients received the first dose of 10,000 IU hCG s.c. on the day of ovulation induction. Transvaginal follicle aspiration was performed 35–36 h later, and again, 5000 IU hCGs were injected s.c. Two days after oocyte retrieval, two to three embryos were placed into the uterine cavity via the transcervical route, and again, 5000 IU hCGs were injected. Luteal-phase support was sustained with 5000 IU hCG s.c. (on Day 7 after embryo transfer) and 3 ⫻ 200 mg natural progesterone intravaginally. Blood samples from all women (median age 35, range 25– 45) were examined at cycle Days 8 –9 (i.e., before the first application of hCG), 35–36 h after the first application of hCG (i.e., at follicle aspiration), and another 48 h after the second hCG application (i.e., at embryo transfer). Pregnancy testing for serum hCG and progesterone was done on Day 15 after embryo transfer. In addition, blood samples of six normal, pregnant, healthy women were analyzed in the first trimester as control. All women gave their written, informed consent to be included in this study. Physical and biochemical findings of all women were within normal limits. None of the women had a history or clinical findings suggestive of chronic infections, rheumatic disorders, or autoimmune disease. Use of drugs (excluding the procedures of IVF) or conditions affecting lymphokine production (fever, infection, or another inflammatory process) were excluded. All aspects of this study involving human subjects were approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University Hospital of Duisburg-Essen (Essen, Germany). Mice We obtained female C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice and female BALB/c (H-2d) mice from the Central Animal Laboratory, University Hospital of DuisburgEssen. Mice used for experiments were 8 –12 weeks old. To condition immune-competent cells, we treated donor (BALB/c) mice and recipient (C56BL/6) mice i.p. with 25 IE hCG (Sigma Chemical, Germany), 2 days prior to skin transplantations. Skin transplants were performed as described previously by Markees et al. [24]. In brief, syngeneic (n⫽2) and allogeneic (n⫽20) skin transplants were transferred on the back of C56BL/6 recipients. The graft was fixed with fibrin glue, covered with Vaseline gauze, and fixed by a bandage. The bandage was removed on the sixth postoperative day. After transplant, the recipients were treated with 25 IE hCG i.p. or placebo (0.1 ml NaCl 0.9% i.p. or heated-inactivated hCG i.p.) at Day 0 and every other day until the skin graft was rejected. Mice were housed in sterilized microisolator cages and received normal chow and autoclaved hyperchlorinated drinking water (pH 3.0). Graft rejection was evaluated by a “blinded” assessor daily and documented when the whole graft (⬎95%) was necrotized. All animal studies were approved by the state Animal Ethics Committee. Isolation of MNCs from mouse spleens and treatment with hCG Spleens from C57BL/6 mice (n⫽6) were removed aseptically, placed in 60 ⫻ 15-mm Petri dishes (Costar, Germany) containing 3 ml cold PBS, and finely minced with scalpels. MNC suspensions were prepared from the meshed spleens after RBC lysis by hypo-osmolaric [NH4Cl 1.66% (w/v)] treatment for 5 min and passed through a 50-m filter to remove debris. The MNCs were treated with three different hCG doses (10 IE, 20 IE, and 50 IE hCG i.p.) every other day for 1 week or placebo (0.1 ml NaCL 0.9% i.p.). The treated MNCs (1⫻105) were washed with DPBS (Gibco, Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany; at a ratio of 1:1) and harvested for real-time PCR. Isolation of human peripheral blood MNCs and cell culture Peripheral heparinized blood was diluted with DPBS, and MNCs were obtained by standard Ficoll-Hypaque separating solution (Seromed, Biochrom KG, Berlin, Germany) gradient centrifugation. MNCs were harvested from the interface, washed three times in HEPES-buffered HBSS, and resuspended in RPMI-1640 medium (Invitrogen), supplemented with 10% FBS and incubated www.jleukbio.org Koldehoff et al. hCG modulating maturation and function of hematopoietic cells at 37°C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator. To obtain monocytes, MNCs were layered on Petri dishes (5 ml; 35⫻10 mm; Costar) and incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator for 1 h. Nonadherent cells were discarded from the Petri dishes, and the remaining adherent cells (monocytes) were collected by rinsing with cold HBSS and mechanical scraping. Adherent monocytes were washed in HBSS and were divided into aliquots for tissue culture (resuspended in RPMI 1640, supplemented with 10% FCS, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 g/ml streptomycin; Sigma Chemical), flow cytometric analysis, and real-time PCRs. Cell viability, as determined by staining with acridine orange, was ⬎98% after monocyte isolation. Cell suspension contained a median of 92.4% (range 90.7–95.1%) monocytes. Flow cytometry Cells were phenotypically analyzed by a direct, one-step, triple-labeling procedure. Briefly, 1 ⫻ 106 cells were labeled with antibodies for multicolor flow cytometry using FITC-, PE-, PerCP-, or biotin (along with steptavidinPerCP)-conjugated mAb directed against CD3 (UCHT1), CD4 (13B8.2), CD5 (BL1a), CD8 (B9.11), CD14 (RM052), CD16 (3G8), CD19 (J4.119), CD25 (B1.49.9), CD38 (LS198-4-3), CD45 (J.33), CD45RA (ALB11), CD45RO (UCHL1), CD56 (N901), ␣/-TCR (WT31), ␥/␦-TRC (11F2), HLA-DR (Immu357), and 7-amino-actinomycin D. For intracellular IL-4 (4D9) and IFN-␥ (45.15) staining, cells were stimulated with 0.01 g/ml PMA and 0.5 g/ml ionomycin in the presence of 5 g/ml brefeldin A. After 4 h, cells were fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde for 15 min and permeabilized with 0.1% Nonidet P-40 for 4 min before intracellular staining. All antibodies were obtained from Beckman Coulter (Krefeld, Germany) and Becton Dickinson (Heidelberg, Germany). Nonspecific binding was corrected with isotype-matched controls. Flow cytometric data were acquired using a four-color Epics XL AF 14075 flow cytometer with Expo 32 Advanced Digital Compensation software (Beckman Coulter). Cytokine ELISA Quantification of cytokines in serum or culture supernatants was measured by sandwich ELISA using the BD OptEIA kit (BD Biosciences, Heidelberg, Germany), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The mAb pairs used were as follows, listed as capture-biotinylated detection mAb: IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-␣, IFN-␥, and TGF-. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were ⬍5%, and these reagents are sufficiently sensitive to measure concentrations of at least 5 pg/ml for the above-mentioned cytokines. RNA purification RNA was isolated using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Real-time RT-PCR The expression for G0S2 was analyzed by a sensitive, real-time RT-PCR assay published by Zandbergen et al. [25]. The expression for FOXP3, CLTA-4, and GITR was quantified by real-time RT PCR with a detection system (LightCycler) using hybridization probes and primers published by Miura et al. [26]. The expression of IL-17 and IL-27 was also measured with a LightCycler device. For IL-17A-RT-PCR, we used the following primers and hybridization probes: primers 5⬘-AAC gTg gAC TAC CACA-3⬘ and 5⬘-ggg TCg gCT CTC CATA-3⬘; hybridization probes 5⬘-CCA ACT CCT TCC ggC Tgg-x (x⫽3⬘Fluoescin) and 5⬘-LC-Red 640-AAg ATA CTg gTG TCC gTg gg-p (p⫽3⬘Phosphat). For IL-27-RT-PCR, we used the following primers and hybridization probes: primers 5⬘-gCT CgT CTT ATC TCg gg-3⬘ and 5⬘-CAg TTA CTg ggT AgA gCC-3⬘; hybridization probes 5⬘- CCA CCC TTT AgA ACT TTA ggA CTg g-x and 5⬘-LC-Red 640-TCT Tgg CAT CAg ggC AgC-p. The PCR reaction was performed in a volume of 10 L containing 50 mmol/L KCl, 10 mmol/L "Tris", pH 8.3, 0.25 l BSA (20 mg/ ml), 1 mmol/L each dNTP, 20 pmol each primer, and 15 pm each probe, 2.5 U Sigma Taq DNA polymerase (Sigma Chemical), 3.0 mmol/L MgCl2, and 100 ng blood DNA template. To control if mRNA amplification was successfully done, a coamplification of the housekeeping gene GAPDH (or www.jleukbio.org G6PDH) was performed with primers for GAPDH (G6PDH), as published previously [27]. Real-time PCR conditions were as following: DNA was denatured for 2 min at 95°C, followed by 45 cycles at 95°C (3 s), 55°C (10 s), and 72°C (25 s). After the last cycle, samples were cooled to 4°C. The fluorescence-labeled hybridization probes were purchased from TIB MOLBIOL (Berlin, Germany) and primers from Invitrogen. Quantification was performed by normalizing the value of the target to the housekeeping genes. Statistics Values are presented as mean ⫾ sem. Differences in data between groups were tested by two-tailed unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U-test using Statistical Package for the Social Science software, Version 14 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The differences were considered to be significant at P ⬍ 0.05. For in vivo data regarding skin-transplant survival, mice were randomly assigned to the treatment groups. The log rank test was used to compare survival curves between groups. RESULTS Application of hCG increased cell counts of maternal peripheral blood Blood samples from all 34 women were examined at Cycle Days 8 –9 (i.e., before first application of hCG), 35–36 h after the first application of hCG (i.e., at follicle aspiration), and another 48 h after the second hCG application (i.e., at embryo transfer). We first evaluated the number of leukocytes and their subsets (monocytes, granulocytes, and lymphocytes) before and after each hCG application by flow cytometry. After two applications of hCG in women undergoing IVF, total leukocyte counts were increased significantly up to 24.5% (P⬍0.002) from 7550/l ⫾ 2097 to 9402/l ⫾ 2755, as well as granulocyte counts from 5140/l ⫾ 1700 to 6616/l ⫾ 2204 and monocyte counts from 447/l ⫾ 207 to 601/l ⫾ 214 (28.7%, P⬍0.003, and 34.4%, P⬍0.004, respectively). However, lymphocyte counts increased only slightly from 1963/l ⫾ 755 to 2179/l ⫾ 823 (11% at mean; NS). Next, we evaluated leukocytes and their subsets in a small group of women (n⫽4) after successful IVF. Interestingly, we observed no significant difference in leukocyte counts (8450/l⫾1353), granulocyte counts (5898/l⫾578), monocyte counts (430/l⫾300), and lymphocyte counts (2115/l⫾748) at the median of the 41 cycle days comparing the subsets before and after each hCG application, as shown in Table 1. Influence of hCG on maternal cellular immunity As expected, median levels of B- and T-lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood showed no clear trend toward suppression or enhancement of maternal systemic immune function during hCG application. There was no difference in CD3⫹ subsets, CD19⫹ subsets, and CD3–/CD8⫹ cells between the two hCG application groups and before hCG treatment was started. We found that the number of CD3⫹/CD16/56⫹ NKT cells was increased significantly from 69/l ⫾ 45 to 89/l ⫾ 72, as well as the number of CD3–/CD16/56⫹ NK cells from 873/l ⫾ 492 to 1182/l ⫾ 795 after hCG application (29%, P⬍0.05, and 35.4%, P⬍0.05, respectively). The percentage of CD25⫹ cells increased after the first hCG application from 1.7% ⫾ 1.6 to 2.1% ⫾ 1.5, possibly as a result of shifts in the different CD25⫹ subsets. The median cell number of CD25⫹ cells inVolume 90, November 2011 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 3 TABLE 1. Application of hCG Increased the Counts of the Maternal Peripheral Blood Cells Before hCG (cycle days ⬎8) 1. hCG application 2. hCG application IVF pregnant, (cycle days median 41) Normal pregnant, 1. trimester Leukocytes (/l) Granulocytes (/l) Monocytes (/l) Lymphocytes (/l) 7550 ⫾ 2097a,b 8118 ⫾ 2595 9403 ⫾ 2755a 8450 ⫾ 1353 9322 ⫾ 757b 5140 ⫾ 1700c,d 5713 ⫾ 2107 6616 ⫾ 2204c 5898 ⫾ 578 6463 ⫾ 733d 447 ⫾ 207e–h 480 ⫾ 169f 601 ⫾ 214e 430 ⫾ 300 792 ⫾ 172g,h 1963 ⫾ 755 1912 ⫾ 687 2179 ⫾ 823 2115 ⫾ 748 2065 ⫾ 614 Two applications of hCG in women undergoing IVF increased total leukocyte counts significantly (aP⬍0.002) by up to 25%, as well as granulocyte counts (29%; cP⬍0.003) and monocyte counts (34%; eP⬍0.004). Lymphocyte counts increased only slightly (11% at mean; n.s.). Only for monocytes did we notice a significant increase up to 7% (fP⬍0.01) after the first hCG application. Comparing leukocytes and their subsets before and after each hCG application with IVF-induced pregnant women, we noticed no significant differences between the groups. As expected, the leukocyte, granulocyte, and monocyte counts showed significant differences between normal pregnant women in 1st trimester and women before hCG application and after the first hCG application: leukocytes bP ⬍ 0.03, granulocytes dP ⬍ 0.04, and monocytes gP ⬍ 0.0001 and hP ⬍ 0.002. creased from 139/l ⫾ 146 to 164/l ⫾ 129 after early hCG treatment (increased to 18%) and held a steady state at 175/ l ⫾ 180 after the second hCG application (increased to 25.9%, P⬍0.08), as shown in Fig. 1. Influence of hCG on the maternal adaptive immune system To assess whether hCG treatment for IVF affects the feto-maternal tolerance, we studied the CD3⫹ and CD4⫹ subsets. We noticed that hCG treatment resulted in a more-pronounced T cell response toward Th2 differentiation, as illustrated by a shift of CD3⫹/␥-IFN⫹ and CD3⫹/IL-4⫹ subsets. The amount of CD3⫹/IL-4⫹ cells increased significantly from 29/l ⫾ 8 to 60/l ⫾ 16 (207% induction; P⬍0.036), and the number of CD3⫹/␥-IFN⫹ cells decreased moderately from 178/l ⫾ 57 to 160/l ⫾ 55 (10% reduction; NS). The CD3⫹/CD4⫹ subsets showed a similar shift toward Th2 cells (CD4⫹/IL-4⫹) from 31/l ⫾ 8 to 56/l ⫾ 16 (181% induction; P⬍0.045) and a decrease of Th1 cells (CD4⫹/␥-IFN⫹) from 136/l ⫾ 32 to 114/l ⫾ 35 (16% reduction; NS), as shown in Fig. 2. Next, we evaluated T cell subsets responsible for maintaining peripheral tolerance. CD3⫹CD4⫹ CD16/56⫹bright cells were moderately elevated from 10.1/l ⫾ 6.2 to 14.3/l ⫾ 7.4 (P⬍0.048) after the second hCG application. We noticed that the number of Tregs (CD4⫹CD25⫹) increased significantly from 22.0/l ⫾ 18.0 to 27.0/l ⫾ 16.0 after the first hCG application and reached to 32.0/l ⫾ 20.0, demonstrating an induction of up to 45% after the second hCG application (P⬍0.04). Further analyses showed that other subpopulations such as Th3 cells, CD4⫹CD45RO⫹, CD4⫹CD45RA⫹, and the CD8⫹CD25⫹ cells were not affected by hCG. The increase of Tregs in the peripheral blood after hCG application prompted us to measure the expression of FOXP3 by real-time RT-PCR. Concordantly, with the increased Tregs, the CD4⫹CD25⫹/ FOXP3 Tregs also increased significantly from 6.6/l ⫾ 4.2 to 13.6.0/l ⫾ 6.4 after the first hCG application and increased to 16.0/l ⫾ 7.2, indicating up to a 2.5-fold increase after the second hCG application (P⬍0.05), as shown in Fig. 3. Comparison of maternal immune system of normal pregnant women and women who underwent IVF treatment As expected, the mean number of leukocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, and many lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood showed no significant difference between women after the second hCG application and women with 2000 1750 $ = p<0.03 ; & = p<0.05 $ 1500 & Figure 1. Two applications of hCG in women undergoing IVF significantly increased the amount of CD3ⴙCD16/56ⴙ (P<0.05) and CD3–CD16/56ⴙ cells (P<0.03). Counts of CD25⫹ cells increased only slightly (26% at mean; NS). Ce ell counts/µll 1250 1000 750 500 & 250 & 0 3+ 4+ 8+ 6+ R+ O+ A+ 56 + CD 6/5 CD CD AD 45R 16/ 45R D1 3+ / 3+ / /HL C CD CD CD 9 / / / / 1 CD CD + + + 3 3 3 3 CD CD CD CD CD = before HCG 4 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 90, November 2011 = after 1. HCG 25+ 25+ CD CD 4+/ D C = after 2. HCG application www.jleukbio.org Koldehoff et al. hCG modulating maturation and function of hematopoietic cells 200 & = p<0.05 175 Cell countts/µl 150 125 100 Figure 2. Polarization of the Th1/Th2 balance after hCG treatment. The number of Th1 cells (CD4⫹IFN␥⫹) did not change significantly, whereas the number of Th2 cells (CD4⫹IL-4⫹) increased significantly (P⬍0.048). & 75 50 25 0 CD4+/γ-IFN+ = before HCG CD4+/IL-4+ = after 1. HCG = after 2. HCG application normal pregnancy in the first trimester (see Table 1). Surprisingly, we detected a significant difference in the cell subsets of ␥/␦-T cells (55/l⫾58 vs. 28/l⫾10; P⬍0.04), CD3–/CD8⫹ (110/l⫾97 vs. 56/l⫾22; P⬍0.02), CD3–/CD16/56⫹ (1182/ l⫾795 vs. 279/l⫾63; P⬍0.03), and CD4⫹/CD25⫹ (28/ l⫾24 vs. 45/l⫾12; P⬍0.03) for women after IVF and women with normal pregnancy. Comparing cell subsets of pregnant women after IVF and normal pregnant women only indicated a difference in the cell levels of ␥/␦-T cells (9/l⫾8 vs. 28/l⫾10; P⬍0.02), CD25⫹ cells (134/l⫾32 vs. 267/ l⫾90; P⬍0.03), and CD4⫹/CD25⫹ cells (28/l⫾13 vs. 45/ l⫾12; P⬍0.03). Among immune cell types, Tregs and other specialized immune subsets play an important role in protecting the fetus by dampening a harmful inflammatory immune response at the maternal-fetal interface. In addition, these data show in humans that the number of Tregs increases early in normal pregnancy, and the lower number of Tregs observed after hCG stimulation may contribute to impaired immune tolerance at the maternal-fetal interface after IVF-induced pregnancy. Variant gene expression measured by real-time RTPCR in hematopoietic cells or monocytes of women who underwent hCG treatment In preliminary investigations of molecular effects of hCG, we analyzed blood cells from pregnant and nonpregnant women by oligonucleotide microarray technology, and after rigorous statistical analysis, relevant genes were chosen for confirmation by RT-PCR, including the G0S2 and signaling cascade of immune cells (data not shown). We found a marked decrease of G0S2 expression by real-time RT-PCR in MNCs of women who underwent IVF treatment, measured each time after both hCG applications, from 358 ⫾ 922% to 65 ⫾ 68% G0S2/GAPDH expression (82% reduction; P⬍0.045). To verify the findings described above, we further studied the effect of hCG stimula- 60 & = p<0.05 & Cell counts s/µl 50 Figure 3. hCG administration significantly increased the number of Tregs (CD4ⴙCD25ⴙ) by up to 45% (P<0.05) after the first and second hCG application, respectively. We found a twofold increase of CD4⫹CD25⫹FOXP3⫹ cells after hCG application (P⬍0.05), whereas at the CD4⫹/TGF-⫹ cells did not increase significantly after the first hCG application and remained at this level. Remarkably, the number of CD3⫹CD4⫹CD16/56bright⫹ cells increased after the second hCG application, whereas the number of ⫹ CD8 CD25⫹ cells was not affected by hCG expression. 40 30 & & 20 10 0 CD4+/CD25+ = before HCG www.jleukbio.org CD8+/CD25+ CD4+/CD25+/FOXP3+ = after 1. HCG CD4+/TGF-β+ CD3+/CD4+/CD16/56bright+ = after 2. HCG application Volume 90, November 2011 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 5 TABLE 2. Variant Gene Expression Measured by Real-Time RT-PCR in MNCs of Women Who Underwent hCG Treatment Gene expression Before hCG 1. hCG application 2. hCG application G0S2 IL-17 IL-27 FOXP3 CTLA-4 GITR IDO TGF- 358 ⫾ 922a 486 ⫾ 238b 368 ⫾ 260c 151 ⫾ 39d,e 212 ⫾ 175f 424 ⫾ 307 14 ⫾ 19 23 ⫾ 8 223 ⫾ 461 350 ⫾ 255 497 ⫾ 249 464 ⫾ 367d 648 ⫾ 775f 401 ⫾ 738 35 ⫾ 31 27 ⫾ 8 65 ⫾ 68a 227 ⫾ 226b 546 ⫾ 384c 533 ⫾ 198e 364 ⫾ 352 277 ⫾ 172 28 ⫾ 25 27 ⫾ 7 P values: aP ⬍ 0.05; bP ⬍ 0.03; cP ⬍ 0.04; dP ⬍ 0.03; eP ⬍ 0.02; fP ⬍ 0.05. G0S2, IL-17, IL-27, FOXP3, CTLA-4, GITR, IDO, and TGF- expression in MNCs of women who received hCG for IVF. Gene expression was detected by real-time RT-PCR and normalized to GAPDH expression. Controls were set to 100%. tion on MNCs or monocytes in vitro. In these cells, we confirmed the reduction of G0S2 expression after hCG administration, as seen in Table 2. Next, we measured IL-17 and IL-27 expression by real-time RT-PCR in MNCs of women who received hCG, and we found that IL-17 expression dropped continuously from 486 ⫾ 239% to 277 ⫾ 238% IL-17/GAPDH expression (43% reduction; P⬍0.03) after both hCG applications, whereas IL-27 expression increased at the same time from 368 ⫾ 260% to 546 ⫾ 384% IL-27/GAPDH expression (48% induction; P⬍0.04). The FOXP3 gene expression in MNCs of women who received hCG showed a threefold induction to 464 ⫾ 367% (P⬍0.03) after the first hCG application and increased to 533 ⫾ 198% (350% induction; P⬍0.02) of the spontaneous level, as shown in Table 2. Taken together, these data demonstrated that hCG induces FOXP3 and IL-27 expression and at the same time, reduces G0S2 and IL-17 expression in MNCs. The increase of Tregs in the peripheral blood prompted us to investigate the influence of CTLA-4 and GITR in MNCs by real-time RT-PCR. We found a threefold increased CTLA-4 expression after the first hCG application (P⬍0.05), and remark- ably, CTLA-4 levels decreased after the second hCG application. GITR expression was not altered by the first hCG application and decreased after the second hCG application by 35%. IDO expression distribution showed a similar trend as GITR expression after both hCG applications. TGF- was not affected by hCG. IDO and CTLA expression and increased numbers of Tregs are often associated with the induction of tolerance in the setting of autoimmunity, as well as alloimmunity. Our data suggest significant differences between women undergoing IVF and normal, fertile women. Influence of hCG on serum cytokine levels We investigated serum levels of various cytokines in women before and after each hCG application by ELISA. We found that two applications of hCG increased serum levels of IL-8 and IL-10 significantly (P⬍0.02 and P⬍0.04, respectively), whereas serum levels for IFN-␥, Il-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-␣, and TGF-1 (see Fig. 4) were not altered significantly by hCG. IL-8 is secreted by several cell types as chemoattractant and potent angiogenic factor. IL-10 is a Th2 cytokine associated 80 # = p<0.02 & = p<0.04 Figure 4. We found that two applications of hCG significantly increased IL-8 (P<0.02) and IL-10 serum levels (P<0.04) measured by ELISA, whereas the serum levels for IFN-␥, IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-␣, and TGF-1 were not changed significantly by hCG. A nonsignificant induction was observed for IL-12. Protein concentration (pg/ml) 70 & # 60 50 40 & 30 20 10 0 IFN-γγ IL-1ββ IL-2 = before HCG 6 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 90, November 2011 IL-4 IL-6 IL-8 = after 1. HCG IL-10 IL-12 TNF-ά TGF-β1 β = after 2. HCG application www.jleukbio.org Koldehoff et al. hCG modulating maturation and function of hematopoietic cells with an immune-modulating response. Levels of IL-12, a cytokine responsible for Th1 differentiation, increased slightly in response to hCG treatment. Skin transplants after hCG applications in female, nonpregnant mice To further evaluate the immune modulation-inducing effects of hCG, we performed skin transplantations in nonpregnant mice. Syngeneic (BALB/C3 BALB/C; n⫽2) transplants served as control for the skin graft technique. As shown in Fig. 5, not all transplants were rejected during the entire observation period of 30 days. In allogeneic (BALB/C3 C57BL/6; n⫽20) transplants, rejection times of 7–23 days were observed. In our experiments, the median graft survival time of 16 days was prolonged in mice treated with hCG (n⫽10) compared with controls treated with placebo (n⫽10), in which median graft survival was 10 days (P⬍0.001). In summary, these data show that hCG i.p. induced prolonged survival of skin grafts in female, nonpregnant mice. To correlate the allogeneic graft results with the IVF findings, changes of G0S2 were assessed by real-time PCR analysis in nonpregnant C57BL/6 mice treated in a dose-dependent manner with or without hCG for 1 week (every other day, threefold). Comparing spleen MNCs of C57BL/6 mice without hCG (control set to 100%) and with MNCs treated with different hCG doses (10 IE hCG/mouse, 20 IE hCG/mouse, up to 50 IU hCG/mouse), we found a significant reduction in G0S2/GAPDH expression from 100 ⫾ 29% (control), to 54.5 ⫾ 9% (10 IE hCG/mouse; P⬍0.02), to 31.5 ⫾ 12% (20 IE hCG/mouse; P⬍0.005), and to 15.4 ⫾ 15% (50 IE hCG/ mouse; P⬍0.002), respectively. Taken together, these data show that hCG inhibits the G0S2 gene in mouse MNCs and in MNCs of women who underwent IVF treatment. DISCUSSION Successful pregnancy depends on a complex interplay between the immune and the endocrine system to tightly regulate immune responses at the feto-maternal interface [3, 28]. The pregnancy hormone hCG has been shown to be indispensable for the establishment of a successful pregnancy and has been described to have immunoregulatory properties supporting the implantation process of the fetus in the maternal endometrium [10, 29]. Treatment of peripheral blood MNCs with hCG and their subsequent re-infusion 2 days after oocyte retrieval have shown to increase the implantation rates of blastocytes in women suffering from repeated IVF failure [30]. We first performed a descriptive evaluation, in which we analyzed the effects of hCG on maternal blood cells of women who received hCG as preconditioning for IVF. Our data confirm increased cell recruitment in these women, particularly involving increased granulocytes and monocytes but without significant changes in lymphocyte subpopulations. Of note, effects at the feto-maternal interface were hCG dose-dependent. hCG is considered to transmit its hormonal signal to target cells through the LH/hCG receptor or distinct variants by partial degradation of the hCG molecule interacting with TGF-Rs [31]. Differential expression of carbohydrates needed for glycosylation is associated with inhibition of E-selectin-mediated homing of leukocytes and may contribute to various physiological processes, such as cell– cell adhesion [32]. In addition to this role, hCG has been implicated as an intracrine, autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine regulator of human feto-placental function and as a regulator in various nongonadal tissues [7]. Further global gene expression analyses indicated that multiple cell signaling regulators and transcription factors were up-regulated in response to hCG, especially Gadd45, Egr1, Nr4a1, and other genes [33]. Gadd45 proteins modulate signaling in response to Figure 5. Syngeneic (BALB/C3 BALB/C; nⴝ2) and allogeneic (BALB/C3 C57BL/6; nⴝ20) skin transplants were transferred onto the back of female recipients. C56BL/6 mice treated with repeated hCG i.p. tolerated their grafts longer than controls, which were treated with repeated placebo i.p. The median graft survival time was prolonged to 16 days in mice treated with hCG (n⫽10) compared with controls treated with placebo (n⫽10), in which it was 10 days (P⬍0.001). www.jleukbio.org Volume 90, November 2011 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 7 physiological and environmental stressors, involving activation of the Gadd45a-p38-NF-B survival pathway in myeloid cells. Egr1 is involved in homeostasis of HSCs by coordinating proliferation and migration. The Nr4a transcription factors transduce diverse extracellular signals into altered gene transcription to coordinate apoptosis, proliferation, cell cycle arrest, and inflammatory cytokines [34]. In addition, more findings suggested that an immuneendocrine network involving hCG and blood immune cells exists and plays an important role in early pregnancy. Kosaka and coworkers [9] demonstrated that peripheral blood monocytes are able to respond to hCG at high concentrations by enhancing their production of IL-8. This study also showed that system(s) different from the LH/hCG receptor system are responsible for this effect of hCG on immune cells [9]. Recently, novel results suggested that cell surface lectins have the ability to recognize carbohydrate moieties in glycosylated proteins and that hCG-carbohydrate-side-chain recognition by the mannose receptor (CD 206) is fundamental in propagating noncanonical hCG signaling [35]. During normal pregnancy, the decidua is populated by a variety of leukocytes and macrophages that constitutes 20 –30% of the decidual cells at the site of implantation. Macrophages are believed to protect the embryo against infection and to play an important role in maternal tolerance and maintenance of pregnancy [36]. The systemic responses are characterized by leukocytosis, increased monocyte priming, increased phagocytic activity, and production of proinflammatory cytokines. Animal studies have shown that systemic or circulating cells can influence implantation. Transfer of spleen cells from pregnant mice to pseudopregnant mice receiving donated embryos enhances implantation rates [37]. In addition, we found that hCG application leads to increased cell recruitment of CD3⫹/CD16/56⫹ NKT cells and CD3–/CD16/56⫹ NK cells without significant modulation of distinct, mature T or B cells. NK cells are the dominant lymphocyte population in the decidua during pregnancy and are reported to mediate a delicate balance between placental trophoblast invasion and sufficient access to maternal blood flow. Another cell that requires regulation to protect the fetus is the NKT cell. These cells are present in large numbers at the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy [38, 39]. NKT cells express the NK receptors NK1.1 or NKR-P1A, as well as the TCR, and have important regulatory functions in pregnancy [40]. Activation of NK cells is tightly regulated by a set of activating and inhibitory receptors on the cell surface. These receptors interact with HLA molecules expressed on the invading trophoblast and thereby affect cytokine production and cytolytic activity of maternal uterine NK cells [41]. During the menstrual cycle, as well as through pregnancy, the leukocyte numbers vary, suggesting a sex steroidmediated mechanism. Lukassen et al. [42] showed that hormonal stimulation for IVF treatment positively affects the CD56bright/ CD56dim ratio of endometrium during the window of implantation by a relative decrease in the number of cytotoxic CD56dimCD16⫹ NK cells. Concerning specific maternal T or B cells, we determined the influence of hCG in the IVF setting on the modulation of these cell patterns. The transient tolerance during gestation is at least partially achieved via the presence of immunoregulatory properties. Tregs were described to play an important role in the main8 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 90, November 2011 tenance of the tolerant state during pregnancy and to allow the acceptance of allografts [43]. Interestingly, we found an increased recruitment of CD3⫹/IL-4⫹ and CD3⫹/CD4⫹/IL-4⫹ Th2 cells after hCG application. IFN-␥-secreting Th1 subsets were reduced slightly. hCG treatment resulted in shifts of the Th1/ Th2 balance in a dose-dependent manner. In humans, Th1 activity is required at several stages of pregnancy, in particular, during the early implantation period. In addition, Th1 environment stimulates the production of the Th2 cytokines [44]. More evidence is provided by our finding of significantly increased recruitment of Tregs after the hCG application. CD4⫹/CD25⫹ cells increased ⬃1.5-fold, and CD4⫹/CD25⫹/FOXP3⫹ cells increased 2.5-fold after hCG application. Tregs may play a role in implantation and are essential for the establishment of peripheral tolerance by suppressing (auto-) reactive T cells [15]. Recent evidence indicates that DCs are capable of expanding the Treg population and control T cell maturation and phenotype switching in general. Treg levels are highest in the peripheral blood during the first trimester of pregnancy [45, 46]. Our study provides evidence that during IVF or pregnancy, abundantly expressed hCG has remarkable immune-regulating features that contribute to immune-tolerance induction at the feto-maternal interface. Furthermore, we demonstrate increased IL-27 mRNA expression and simultaneously decreased IL-17 mRNA expression in MNCs of women receiving hCG prior to a scheduled IVF. IL-27 is a heterodimeric cytokine consisting of EBI3 and p28, which along with IL-12, IL-23, and IL-35, belongs to the IL-12 cytokine family. The main sources of IL-27 appear to be activated APCs. IL-27 signals via its heterodimeric receptor (IL-27R), which consists of the receptor subunits gp130 and WSX-1 [47]. The two IL-27R subunits are expressed by a variety of immune cells, including T cells, NK cells, mast cells, B cells, and activated DCs. Consistent with the idea that the innate immune system regulates many aspects of the adaptive immune system, EBI3 expression can be up-regulated by pathogen- and host-derived inflammatory stimuli, including LPS, CD40 ligation, or exposure to inflammatory cytokines [48]. Although IL-27 is one of the most potent inhibitors of Th17 differentiation, little is known about how IL-27 regulates committed Th17 cells. IL-27 was also found to suppress induction of a subset of Tregs (induced Tregs), which has been differentiated and expanded upon stimulation with TGF-. Moreover, we show that hCG induces a transient increase of Tregs in vivo and an increase of CTLA-4 expression. In addition, we noticed that the expression of IDO was increased simultaneously after the first hCG application, as seen in Table 2. There is a link between IDO and Tregs, whereas CD4⫹CD25⫹ T cells induce tryptophan catabolism by DCs and a tolerogenic phenotype in a CTLA-4-dependent manner [49, 50]. Similarly, expression of IDO by DCs and macrophages in the maternal decidua is up-regulated via CTLA-4, and this has been suggested to indicate that CTLA-4-expressing CD4⫹CD25⫹ Tregs, which infiltrate the decidua in early pregnancy, induce IDO expression by decidual DCs/macrophages expressing the appropriate counter-ligand (B7 family members CD80 and CD86) [51]. Support for our hypothesis of immunemodulating effects of hCG was seen in the increase of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 serum levels in women after hCG application, which is associated with tolerance induction in the allogeneic transplant setting [52]. In accordance with this, we observed www.jleukbio.org Koldehoff et al. hCG modulating maturation and function of hematopoietic cells no significant changes in proinflammatory cytokine serum levels of IL-1B, IL-2, and TNF in women receiving hCG. Only IL-8 expression was markedly increased after hCG application, as previously reported elsewhere. IL-8 is a chemokine that serves as a chemical signal, which attracts neutrophils to the site of inflammation and is therefore also known as the neutrophil chemotactic factor. Recently, De Oliveira et al. [53] implied that IL-8, produced by uterine NK cells, regulated the extravillous trophoblast cell invasion. Many studies conducted in murine and human models have established that a correct balance of cytokines at the maternal-fetal interface is an essential requirement for proper placental development and therefore, reproductive success [54, 55]. Another indication for induction of tolerance by hCG is the inhibition of the G0S2 in monocytes of our studied women after hCG application. G0S2 expression is required to commit cells to enter the G1 phase of the cell cycle and may therefore be necessary for lymphocyte proliferation. The G0S2 gene has a NF of activated T cells binding site in the 5⬘ flank and encodes for a small, basic, potential phosphoprotein of unknown function. Expression of G0S2 mRNA is increased in response to Con A or to the combination of TPA and the calcium ionophore, ionomycin, but inhibited by CsA, a potent and widely used immunosuppressive agent. Early inhibition of G0S2 expression by CsA may be important in achieving immunosuppression [56]. Our study demonstrates a marked decrease of G0S2 by hCG, suggesting that hCG might be a naturally occurring, immunosuppressive agent in pregnancy. G0S2 was recently found to be markedly increased in serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, indicating that G0S2 gene expression might have proinflammatory features in this autoimmune disease [57]. In addition, we assessed the possible immunomodulating features of hCG in a nonpregnancy skin-transplant model in female mice. Indeed, we found that skin graft rejection was delayed significantly by i.p. hCG treatment, suggesting that hCG induces immunosuppression. Also, in our mice experiments with dose-dependent hCG application, we found a significant reduction of the G0S2 gene expression by very high hCG. Confirming our hypothesis, skin graft rejection was not prevented for an unlimited period of time, as required in pregnancy, suggesting that the immunosuppressive features of hCG alone may not be sufficient to prevent rejection of the fetus. Its immunosuppressive potential is probably not as strong as that of other immunosuppressive agents such as CsA. Importantly, during pregnancy, an anatomic barrier exists at the maternal-fetal interface, which reduces cell traffic between maternal and fetal tissue in both directions, contributing to the prevention of graft rejection [1, 3]. The reduction of cell traffic by the placenta may therefore result in a constellation similar to the T cell-depleted, allogeneic transplantation setting. In this transplant setting, effective T cell depletion (4 –5 log-fold) reduces the number of immune-competent T cells in the graft below the number of 5 ⫻ 104/kg/body weight of the patient, which allows the omission of any immunosuppressive agents, as GvHD prophylaxis post-transplant, as in pregnancy [58]. The number of maternal cells that pass the placenta and invade the fetal blood circulation remains below the critical number of T cells in the graft in the allogeneic transplant setting and is therefore too low to lead to an immune rejection of the fetus. www.jleukbio.org In conclusion, our results demonstrate immunosuppressive features of hCG, which may be of clinical interest. Although it is well-known that in pregnancy, some autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, may improve, we do not know the underlying mechanisms mediating these improvements of autoimmune diseases. It has often been speculated that some unknown substances might induce tolerance. Our findings suggest a possible role for hCG in the improvement of autoimmune diseases in pregnancy. hCG can be used as a safe medication for IVF and many other applications. Its use as an immunosuppressive agent may be of benefit in various areas of clinical immunology, including autoimmune diseases and the solid organ or allogeneic transplant setting. More studies about the possible immune tolerance-inducing effects of hCG are necessary. AUTHORSHIP M.K. designed, performed, and analyzed research and wrote the manuscript. N.C.W., N.K.S., D.P., S.W., and P.B. contributed patient samples and analyzed data. T.K., D.W.B., and A.H.E. participated in coordination of the study and funded the study. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the Kulturstiftung Essen (Germany). 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