Nossal News April 24, Issue 5 2015 European TV story SAVE THE DATES! Nossal students and staff were filmed at Nossal on April 23 as part of a feature story on our students and their participation on Teacher Selection panels. This will be broadcast to 70 different stations around Europe. Tuesday April 28, 2015 Whole School Cross Country Competition All students to participate P 3 & 4 Normal Classes for remainder of day _______________ Wednesday April 29, 2015 Morrisby Test Year 10s finish at 3:15pm _______________ Thursday April 30, 2015 Old Nossalonian’s Cocktail Party Alumni Event Principal News - Mr Roger Page ______________ Dear Parents, Wednesday May 6, 2015 Welcome to term 2 Melb University Maths Competition Years 9 - 12 P 3 & 4 Reporting and Parent Teacher Interviews Normal Classes for remainder of day _____________ Wednesday May 6, 2015 Parents & Friends Association Annual General Meeting 7pm to 8pm - All Welcome _______________ Tuesday May 12, 2015 NAPLAN Begins For more information regarding Nossal events, see page 2 or visit the ‘Coming Events’ tab on our webpage. By now all parents should have had the opportunity to meet with the teachers to discuss the term one reports and I hope that the new format (the reports themselves and the splitting of parent teacher interviews) better met the needs of the staff, students and parents. We will be seeking your feedback on this – but if you have any specific responses, suggestions and positive or challenging feedback I would appreciate hearing it. As always we are striving to learn, and to improve the way we do things, so greatly value your feedback as a means to facilitate this. Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard, Monash University, 100 Clyde Road, Berwick, VIC 3806 PO Box 1036, Narre Warren VIC 3805 Phone: 03 8762 4600 Email: [email protected] Nossal News Principal News Continued... IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES 2015 Apr 28 House Cross Country event P3&4 School Council Meeting Apr 29 Morrisby Report Year 10 Immunology Excursion to GTAC Friends of Ermera Friendship Schools Student Forum Apr 30 Old Nossalonians Cocktail Party (Alumni Event) May 4 Year 10 Team Sport excursion May 5 Fareshare Excursion Senior Sport - Netball/Soccer/AFL May 6 Melb. Uni Maths Comp Yr 9-12 PFA Annual General Meeting May 7 Legal MOOT Court NEST Incursion: CERES May 8 School Photos - Catch up session May 11 Inter/Senior Boys’ Netball Leadership Conference Yr 9 Sports Around the World excursion May 12 NAPLAN begins May 14 Senior Girls AFL May 15 Latrobe Valley Magistrates’ Court Excursion May 18 Bio Eyes Incursion (Year 10 Foundation Biology) Year 12 Formal - Dance Floor Year 12 Formal Congratulations to the Year 12 students and in particular Ms Soltys and the student organising committee for their excellent work in planning and delivering the Year 12 formal on the first Monday of the recent holidays. The students (and most staff ) scrubbed up very well and there were some impressive performances on the dance floor – particularly from Ms Chapple who knows all the moves and Mr Pegram who doesn’t, but still manages to dazzle us all anyway. A good time was had by all and the students were exemplary ambassadors as always. A big thank you to all the staff who attended as supervisors on the first day of their holidays. 2015 SCHOOL TERM DATES Term 2 APR 14 - Term 2 commences JUN 26 - Term 2 concludes Term 3 JUL 14 - Term 3 commences SEP 19 - Term 3 concludes Term 4 OCT 5 - Term 4 commences Various - Term 4 concludes Nossal News Advertising Rates Full Page - $25.00 Half Page - $15 Quarter Page - $10 Business Card - $5.00 Rates are per fortnightly edition 2 Melbourne High School - SEN Day Select Entry Network Day Ms Harrap will report in more detail on this event as she was the main driving force behind it, which meant that it was very well organised and a highly successful day for all involved. Close to 500 teachers and support staff from the four selective schools gathered at Melbourne High School for our annual joint curriculum day, attending workshops and team meetings to share experiences and to strengthen the links across the schools. We also had the opportunity to work with Dan Haesler who presented the keynote address Nossal News IMPORTANT – Absence Hotline Dear Parents, I am pleased to announce that the attendance hotline issue has now been rectified. For all attendance notifications please phone 8762 4625, email [email protected] or have your child provide a note prior to the day they will be absent if appropriate. Thank you all for your patience. Mrs Audrey Alvarez Attendance Officer Principal News Continued... on the day and then spent a full day at Nossal later in the week to work with our staff, students and parents. We will put some links to his work on our website – he is one of the most entertaining, thought provoking and challenging speakers I have had the pleasure of experiencing, and he presents a very powerful and pertinent message about fixed and growth mindsets. I strongly encourage you all to access the link and see what he has to say. His work will help drive our strategic planning. Special thanks to Ms Soltys - with Diba, Georgia and Sadaf Norton motorbikes on display in the foyer Anzac Motorbike and Memorabilia Display Please take a moment to drop into the school foyer where we have an impressive display of 3 vintage Norton motorbikes (2 in their army livery) and a variety of war artefacts to commemorate Anzac Day. A big thank you to Mr Ian Richtsteig, an avid Norton collector and expert, historian and long term friend and supporter of the school for again mounting a display for us. PFA Trivia Night Those of you who were lucky enough to attend our inaugural PFA trivia night last year will remember the astounding number of excellent prizes that were on offer; the extreme competitiveness of the staff teams; and that the Jean Russell Centre can actually accommodate many more people than we thought it could, (albeit in rather cosy and uncomfortable circumstances). This year – there will be a number of improvements – limited numbers of tickets pre–sold (to avoid overcrowding) and an amplification system that is audible. Not to mention great prizes, lots of fun, the chance to mingle with other parents and staff, and a warm glow as you raise much needed funds to help with school improvements. The PFA are in the midst of planning a professional program and have set a date of July 24 so please mark that in your diary – this will be the Nossal social event of the year and tickets will be in great demand. Welcome To Garry Pollard, an experienced leading teacher who will be joining us for the term and will undertake a number of leadership responsibilities and teach within the PE and Maths domains. And, welcome back to Ms Ansalde who has returned from family leave following the birth of her son last year. 3 Nossal News Principal News Continued... Coming Events The Second Old Nossalonians (Alumni) Cocktail Party – is planned for Thursday April 30. School Council – the first meeting of the new council will take place on April 28 at 7.00 pm. The first part of the meeting will be the Annual General Meeting where the Annual Report will be presented. Meetings are open and you are welcome to attend, but please contact the school to book in advance. The Annual Report will be published on the school website following this meeting. Reminder Could I ask all students and parents to remember that we have high expectations of behaviour at all times, but particularly in relation to the railway station and when travelling on the trains. I do not want a repeat of the issues we experienced last term, nor do I want to keep nagging our students about the potential dangers and damage to our reputation that may ensue. Year 9 cohort at The Shrine Vacancies for 2016 We are now accepting applications to sit the exam for entry into Year 10 and 11 in 2016 (should any vacancies arise). The testing will take place at Nossal on Friday June 12. Applications for the year 9 exam are open and close on Friday May 15. Details on the school website. Nice email I was pleased to hear today from one of our ex-students who left Nossal at the end of Year 10 when his family was transferred to Sydney. He is currently undertaking a Science/Law degree at the University of Sydney after achieving an ATAR of 99.50. He wished to maintain contact with us and I am very happy to hear of his success. Roger Page Communication Alert Due to an ongoing problem with the school phone system, voice messages are unable to be accessed. When attempting to contact the school via telephone, please persevere until your call is answered by reception. We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to have this problem rectified as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support. 4 Don’t compare your life to others. You are the best at being yourself! And you are ACE. Nossal News Assistant Principal News - Ms Sue Harrap Dan Haesler for Students After resuming school on Tuesday, we continued the theme of learning about Growth and Fixed Mindsets here at Nossal, with each of the four year levels hearing from Dan Haesler on Wednesday. Dan presented ideas to the students that focused on how they can apply a growth mindset to their lives. A few of the themes he focused on were: • Don’t shy away from challenges – it is when you’re challenged that you do the most learning Welcome back to Term 2. We have had a busy, yet • Surround yourselves with people who have productive start to the term with three major events taking place last week. It has been a little strange with the absence of Mr Haworth; his office has looked dark and abandoned for most of the week. He and I, (and Mr Page) have been communicating periodically throughout the last week and he is settling into his new school well; again we wish him all the best as Principal at Mt Alexander College. Select Entry Network Professional Learning Day On the first Monday of term, we began the week with the Select Entry Network Professional Learning day, held at Melbourne High School. The day began with a two hour keynote session from Dan Haesler, where the 400+ staff learnt more about Growth and Fixed Mindsets (Dweck) and what implications this has for our highly able students. The remainder of the day involved workshop sessions offered by external providers and staff from each of the schools. Five of our staff presented workshops and I would personally like to thank them on behalf of the network: Mr Stuart Fankhauser and Mr Stephen Alderton for their workshop on digital delivery, and Ms Katherine Warriner, Ms Tracey Mackin and Ms Joanna Soltys for their workshop on formative and descriptive assessment - the feedback on their sessions was outstanding. We were fortunate to hear from others on the day including finding out what is new with Compass, our learning management system, developments on the Year 9 and 10 Curriculum from VCAA and a range of other items. I enjoyed the opportunity to share practice and learn from the other Assistant Principals. It was a great day of learning and networking, admirably hosted by Melbourne High School. I would personally like to extend my gratitude to the staff and students of Melbourne High for hosting such a productive day. greater knowledge/skills than you (and learn from them) • Don’t let fear of failure hold you back – you learn most from mistakes. • Instead of saying I CAN’T DO IT, change your thinking to I CAN’T DO IT YET. • Your progress is the thing that counts, not your final score. The feedback from students was very positive and on Thursday and Friday I witnessed and heard of many students discussing the themes Dan raised, identifying how they could implement changes to their current approach. Dan Haesler for Staff On Wednesday afternoon the staff continued their learning with Dan, along with about seventy staff from neighbouring schools who joined us. Dan discussed that grades on school assessments did not support the development of growth mindsets. Some of the additional learning we did in the afternoon fed in nicely to our work on school reports and assessment practices. Dan Haesler for Parents Finally, in the evening we were joined by approximately one hundred and twenty parents who again heard about what parenting strategies support the development of growth mindsets. Dan focused on how sometimes praise can be counter-productive in the learning process, particularly if it is praise for being smart or getting full 5 Nossal News Assistant Principal News Continued... marks. He suggested that praise needs to be specific and targeted towards behaviours and outcomes and the quality of effort, eg. “I am so proud of the hard work you have put into producing work of such a high quality”, rather than, “You have done so well; you’re so smart.” We had approximately two hundred and thirty parent bookings for the event, so I was a little disappointed that only about half turned up. In an ideal world, I would love it if all seven hundred and eighty families had heard what Dan had to say. Dan’s Resources Dan has been extremely generous with his resources, providing access to the keynote, the student, parent and staff presentations and a range of other resources at: could finish up their parent-student-teacher conferences with the dedicated Year 9 evening. A pleasing number of parents and students availed themselves of the opportunity to discuss their progress with teachers. I thank the staff for the hard work that they put into preparing for the conferences, and the late nights (which are exhausting when you have to talk so much). It is now imperative that students take heed of the advice and put into practice the suggestions for their next steps in learning. Common themes are as follows (and it is surprising how simple some of them are): • If students are struggling with concepts – ask their teachers for help • If a student is struggling with the learning environment – ask their teachers for help • If a student is doing really well and is not being pushed – have them seek out more challenging work • If students are struggling with organisation (not submitting work, not bringing the right equipment) – use the student planner to assist. Term 1 Reports We were very pleased with the Term 1 reports and the way the students and parents received them. Similar reports will be produced at the end of Term 2, with the major difference being that both Term 1 and Term 2 ratings in the five areas, (Knowledge, Skills, Refection, Study Habits and Participation) will be shown side by side for both teachers and students. The next parent-student-teacher conferences will be held at the end of Term 3. Year 9 Legacy ANZAC Commemoration – Shrine of Remembrance I highly recommend these to staff, students and parents. As a school community, we thank Dan for his hard work, well targeted messages and engaging presentation style. He is an excellent, accessible presenter who manages to synthesise a range of resources in psychology, curriculum, pedagogy and wellbeing to inspire us to further work in this area. We know when students, staff and parents are all working towards a common purpose and vision for schooling, we get the best results and we hope that Wednesday is just the beginning of in depth, focused work on developing practices, culture and support in this area. Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences On Thursday, students were dismissed early so that staff 6 On Thursday 23rd April all Year 9s travelled into the city to attend the Year 9 Legacy Event at the Shrine. We are honoured to be involved in the event, commemorating the brave deeds of men and women who have served our country and Commonwealth. Two of our students presented a wreath during the ceremony. Nossal News Assistant Principal News Continued... ANZAC Day Assembly – Friday April 24 Nossal will pay respects to service men and women both past and present, and ANZAC day as a school community on Friday at an assembly. We have guest speakers from the RSL and those currently serving in the armed forces, one of our students, Kimiko Rathbone of Year 9 will play The Last Post and Reveille. House Cross Country Event - Tuesday April 28, Periods 3 & 4 We look forward to seeing House Spirit on display at our third major carnival this year. Last year it was a delight to see everyone participating, regardless of their speed and agility and in true Nossal style, I even observed a student reading a philosophy book whilst participating, and another doing a rubic cube. I thank Ms Chantelle Pumphrey and the PE teachers for their organisation, and all staff for taking up a post out on the course. I hope to see 100% participation on the day. approaching. All Year 10s need to have arranged their placement and completed the paper work and online WorkSafe Modules by this date. If you have a child in Year 10, please assist them to meet the deadline. Work Experience takes place in the last week of Term 2. If students are not yet 15 years old at this time, or if they are attending the Central Australian Tour, they should still organise their placements but make it during one of the remaining holiday breaks in the year. WotOpera Camp 2015: Registrations now Morrisby Career Aptitude Test for Year 10s open! Wednesday 29 April at 12.00 noon – 3.15 pm WotOpera UTAS Camp is the next level of fun for students. All Year 10s will sit the Morrisby Report on Wednesday 29 April. Students will finish later on this Wednesday to accommodate the test. They will be given an early lunch break, along with a short break during the test. The report from this test is a valuable resource for students to determine what their areas of strength and interest are, and what careers fields they may find fulfilling. It is a compulsory event for Year 10. • Are you ready to further develop your creative skills - Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience is a compulsory part of the students’ pathways program. The deadline of May 22 is fast then don’t miss the 2015 camp! • Registrations are now open for this years’ camp running from 18-25 September at Stanwell Tops. • Each year, 60 lucky students who are ready to further develop their creative skills are selected to participate in a week-long intense fun-filled camp. • Click here for Sue Harrap Wellbeing Report Parenting for emotional intelligence 2015 is the Year of Wellbeing at Nossal. We have initiated a number of programs; one is happening this term— explicit teaching of social and emotional skills (known as SEL). This will be done during Nossal time, an hour a week dedicated to students’ tute groups. If parents would like to be on the front foot with their children about social and emotional learning, they might like to consider the course on the ParentingIdeas flyer attached to this newsletter. Nossal is a subscriber to ParentingIdeas and we recommend their programs to you. Leigh Candy Student wellbeing counsellor 7 Nossal News Berwick RSL ANZAC Day March & Commemoration Service Dear staff, students and the Nossal community, Please join us in this year’s Berwick Anzac Day March and Commemoration Service. We will be remembering the sacrifices of the brave men and women who have served our country. Saturday 25th April at 10.45am - 12.00 noon. Meet with Nossal staff at 10.20am at the Berwick RSL, 17 Langmore Lane, Berwick for a 10.45am start. All students are required to wear full academic uniform. Please encourage friends and family to join our Nossal community throughout the March. We hope to see you there, Leanne Ansalde Director of House Interschool Sport Report Mulitha wins bronze at the 2015 SSV State Swimming Championships! Congratulations to Mulitha Dewasurendra from Year 9 (Pegasus) who was the only student from Nossal HS that qualified for the State Swimming Championships this year. He won a bronze medal last Wednesday April 15 at the Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre in the 50m Breastroke event. Mulitha swam a personal best time of 34.71 seconds to finish 3rd in the State. There was only 0.5 seconds between 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Mulitha swims with the Dandenong Oasis Otter Swimming Club and his next big competition is the Victorian Age Short Course Championships in a few months. Well done again on a fantastic effort! Chantelle Pumphrey Sport Coordinator Mulitha at the SMR Swim Meet in March 8 Nossal News Exciting opportunities for Year 12 Mainstream English students Our senior English students have the following events scheduled which will significantly enhance their learning 1. 29th April (2 p.m. -4 p.m.)– Theatrical presentation of “No Sugar” by the Eagle’s Nest Theatre Company 2. 20th May (2p.m-4 p.m.) – Lecture provided by Chief Assessor for English, Mr Bob Hillman It is expected that all students will attend these sessions Year 12 English Team ‘ALL TOGETHER’ CHOIR Thursdays 11.00am - 12.30pm followed by a light lunch Cost: $5 per session “Outlook Inspires Fully Inclusive Communities” • A fun and engaging experience for people of all abilities and ages • No previous singing experience necessary • Under the leadership of Dr Jonathon Welch • Exceptional performance opportunities COMPUTER ACCESS The Centre has two computers with internet access available for your use at no charge. Access your emails, do internet banking, create your resume or research on the internet. Available during office hours. It is recommended to call ahead on 5940 4728 to secure a computer. Volunteer tutor available to assist you (bookings required). COMMUnITY CEnTRE FREE LIBRARY The Community Centre has a wonderful collection of books available for your use. We encourage you to drop in and browse. Feel free to borrow books or donate books for others to share and enjoy. Cardinia U3A Inc. Cnr Henry & Johns Streets, Pakenham Computer Classes Arts, Crafts, Literature Music and Performing Arts Health and Wellbeing Classes For a programme, bookings or enquiries: Phone 5941 4164 Email [email protected] or pick up a programme at Outlook Community Centre Outlook & U3A Proud Partners SERVICES FREE LEGAL AdvICE Do you have a query in relation to legal, court or personal problems? Receive expert advice. Free 15 minute appointments available. Bookings are essential. Choose one of the following Wednesdays: 22 April or 20 May or 17 June 6.00pm - 7.30pm FREE COUnSELLInG SESSIOnS Counselling is the process of talking through concerns with someone trained in listening and understanding. Its goal is to help people solve their own problems and difficulties in ways appropriate to their own needs. Take the first step...explore the possibilities. Free 45 minute sessions. By appointment only Every Thursday 2.00pm - 5.30pm SUPPORT GROUPS CARdInIA CRAFTERS Meet to share craft ideas. Phone Margaret on 5629 5403 2nd Saturday of each month. 10.00am - 3.00pm COURSE GUIDE Term 2, 2015 Office Hours: Mon to Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm EFTPOS available Ph: 5940 4728 Fax: 5940 1063 Email: [email protected] Website: 24 Toomuc Valley Road P.O. Box 90 Pakenham 3810 Centre will be closed on Monday 8 June Outlook Community Centre is an inclusive and accessible organisation with disability access, including hoists. GOLdEn GIRLS & CRAFT ‘n’ CHAT Meet other ladies. Enjoy craft, patchwork, fun and friendship. Phone Faye 5941 3636 9 NOSSAL HIGH SCHOOL - BERWICK An academically selective school for high achieving students in Years 9 - 12 Applications for enrolments in 2016 are now open Nossal High School is a co-educational Government Selective Entry School located on the grounds of Monash University in Berwick and provides an educationally enriched adult learning environment in a state of the art new facility. Enrolment is through a common entrance exam on Saturday June 13, 2015. Applications to sit the entrance examination are made online by going to our website: Year 9 applications close on Friday May 15, 2015. Year 10 & 11 applications close on Monday June 1, 2015. Principal led tours are available on Mondays at 9.30am, bookings are essential, please contact the office on 8762 4600. Please visit our website for further information: Secondary school options for academically talented students Victoria’s selective entry high schools provide an educationally enriched environment for academically talented students. There are four selective entry high schools for students in Years 9–12: • The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Melbourne (girls only) • Melbourne High School, South Yarra (boys only) • Nossal High School, Berwick (coeducational) • Suzanne Cory High School, Werribee (coeducational). A centralised selection process is used to admit students to the four schools. Students in their second year of secondary school are eligible to sit a common entrance examination in order to be considered for Year 9 entry the following school year. More information on the application process is available at: School Information Sessions The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School Melbourne High School Information Night Wednesday 22 April commencing at 7pm at the school Information Night Wednesday 18 March and Thursday 7 May commencing at 6pm at the school Please email to express your interest in attending the information evening. The school is open from 4.30pm on the information night evening. Prospective parents and students can see school facilities and meet the principal. Bookings are not required. School Tours in 2015 Thursday 19 March 11am – 12pm Monday 23 March 11am – 12pm Tuesday 28 April 11am – 12pm Monday 4 May 11am – 12pm Thursday 14 May 2pm – 3pm Please make a booking for a school tour via email: [email protected] The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School 350–370 Kings Way Melbourne Phone: 9864 7700 Tours of the school are available from 4.30pm through to 6pm. School Tours in 2015 Tuesday 24 March at 9.30am Thursday 23 April at 11.30am Tuesday 28 April at 9.30am Monday 11 May at 10.30am Please make a booking for a school tour by contacting the Registrar’s Office on 9823 7152 or email: [email protected] Information Night Thursday 23 April commencing at 7pm at the school (enter through Monash University, Berwick Campus) Tours of the school are available from 5.30pm on the night. School Tours in 2015 School tours take place every Monday morning at 9.30am and at other times by arrangement. Please make a booking by contacting the office on 8762 4600 or email: [email protected] Nossal High School Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard c/o Monash University Clyde Road Berwick Phone: 8762 4600 Information Night Thursday 19 March and Wednesday 6 May commencing at 7pm at the school Please email to express your interest in attending the information evening. School Tours in 2015 School tours will be held every Tuesday at 10am. Bookings are essential. Please make a booking by contacting the office on 8734 2800 or email: [email protected]. Suzanne Cory High School 255–265 Hoppers Lane Werribee Phone: 8734 2800 Melbourne High School Forrest Hill, South Yarra Phone: 9823 7152 www.nossalhs.vic. Order your new Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships from us today, and 20% of your Membership goes towards our fundraising Order Now for Early Bird Offers>> For only $65 Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel, and much more! Available as a traditional Entertainment™ Book -or- Digital Membership on your smartphone, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2016! Order either Membership type before 15th April 2015, and you'll receive over $155 worth of Early Bird Offers which you can use straight away! CONTACT: Nossal High School Peter Van Diepen 0439356635 [email protected] THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Parent Well with the Mood Meter Program – Building Emotional Intelligence Join Michael Grose for our 4-week online parenting course Parent Well with the Mood Meter Program Help your kids learn to manage their emotions, improve their mental health and be happier. Parent Well with the Mood Meter Program is the first in a series of online courses to teach you how to develop emotional intelligence in your kids: Mood Meter is a practical tool developed by the research team at Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence Gives parents and kids a common language to talk about feelings Empower kids to recognise and then respond to how they feel Teach kids self-awareness and put them in control of their emotions The Mood Meter is great for kids that are visual learners, particularly boys Suitable for all age groups The 4-week Parent Well with the Mood Meter Program starts on 3 May. Join now for $57 to take advantage FREE access to Parentingideas Club before the course starts on 3 May. Or why not join Parentingideas Club for $179 annual membership and get access to Parent Well with the Mood Meter Program plus the CLUB plus other courses planned during the next 12 months. Find out more at Or contact the Parentingideas team 03 59831798 [email protected] NEW TO THIS AREA! Drama Skills for Life! Drama Classes for Youth (12-18yrs) Location: Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre 8 O’Neil Rd DRAMA SKILLS FOR LIFE! YOUTH DRAMA CLASSES THURSDAY EVENINGS 7.45PM – 9.15PM COMMENCING: APRIL 30TH – JUNE 18TH 2015 COST: $180 (1.5 HRS X 8 WEEKS) Rewards Drama Academy brings, for the first time to this area, an exciting and unique program! This course is specifically designed for 12-18 year olds. Its aims and outcomes are geared towards this age group and teach youth not only acting skills, but real world skills. Participation in Drama is proven to play a vital role in cognitive, physical, emotional and social development. Confidence, memory training, voice projection, body language, presentation skills, the strengthening of individual giftings, and working as a team are all key outcomes of this course. This is a worthwhile and rewarding course for all youth as it helps to equip them for their future. Beaconsfield Be Acting and stagecraft, vital life skills, make friends! Specifically written for Youth REWARDS DRAMA ACADEMY Contact: Amanda Meyer 0468 416 488 [email protected] Mary Redmayne, PhD, Dept. Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine Level 6, 99 The Alfred Centre, South Yarra, Melbourne, VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA. [email protected] Ph. +61 3 990 30285 Where’s your mobile phone? I am a Monash University researcher undertaking a study on how young women store, carry and use their mobile phones, as well as finding out about perception of risk. Would you like to take part? 15 minute online survey Who is it for? Young women aged between 12 and 40 What does it involve? Doing a 15 minute online survey What about privacy? It is completely anonymous. Chief Investigator: Dr Mary Redmayne, Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. There’s an explanatory statement with more information and contact details available at the PRESEE webpage (check on this board too): Scroll down to “Current Research” then click “Where’s Your Mobile Phone?” To take part, go to this web address: Or scan this QR (download a free QR scanning app if you don’t have one installed already) Tell your friends Children aged 0-8 years Reluctant reader? Bilingual? Learning difficulties? Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation presents: THE LITERACY EXPO for parents, carers and professionals d r n a ...T e L .. . h riv e! Rea FREE! MEM FOX - International best-selling children’s author and advocate for children’s literacy and literature. BARBIE BATES - MARK CARTHEW - Paint the Town REaD Director, Paediatric Occupational Therapist. Children’s author, poet and educator. PLUS ... A range of presentations by speakers in the field of children’s literacy 10.00am - 6.00pm Thursday 14 May @ Balla Balla Community Centre and Cranbourne Library Casey Indoor Leisure Complex 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road To view the full program and book your place, visit imagine • explore • unde r s t and • • • • • • • • • Service providers Displays Seminars Workshops Networking opportunities Handout material Professional Development Certificates Lucky Door Prizes Show Bags Nossal Parents and Friends Association (PFA) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Nossal Parents and Friends Association (PFA) understands the importance of the community involvement in education. Its mission is to help build and sustain an effective partnership with the school to achieve the best possible educational experience for the students. Nossal PFA recognises that the entire Nossal community’s economic, cultural and ethnic diversity is enriched by the variety of resources and talents that each member of the community brings to the school. Goals: Promote friendship and support within the Nossal community through social activities. Provide a forum for communication amongst members of the school community. Help raise funds to support school programs. Liaise with the school council and identify areas in need of funding not provided for within the budgetary limits of the school. Set strategies and priorities to achieve fundraising objectives. Support the teaching staff in the pursuit of improved educational resources, facilities and school environment. Our Annual General Meeting will be held in May 2015. We would like to invite as many parents as possible to join us celebrate this major event, and to help us make 2015/16 an even better year by joining our committee or simply being a member. Event: Date: Time: Location: Nossal PFA Annual General Meeting 6th May 2015 Wednesday 7pm to 8pm Jean Russell Centre, Nossal High School (above School Reception) For more details, please contact: Dr Cheong Koo (President Nossal PFA) Tel: 0408 614 991 Email: [email protected] Or contact us through the Nossal High School reception. We look forward to meeting you!
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