Nossal News March 27, Issue 4 2015 Aichi Prefecture Visit SAVE THE DATES! Friday March 20, 2015 Monday April 13, 2015 Select Entry Schools Professional Learning Day at Melbourne High School Students not required at school on this day _______________ Tuesday April 14, 2015 Classes resume Term 2 begins _______________ Wednesday April 15, 2015 Special Nossal Event Term 2 begins Tuesday April 14 PRINCIPAL NEWS - Mr Roger Page Guest Speaker - Dan Haesler Tickets available through Trybooking ______________ Dear Parents, Thursday April 16, 2015 Term One Events and Acknowledgements Parent Student Teacher Conferences Term One has flown by and although it was one week shorter than usual there appeared to be more big events and occasions packed into it which made it feel quite hectic. Year 9 ONLY _____________ Thursday April 23, 2015 Information Night Year 9 - 2016 _______________ Friday April 24, 2015 Whole School Assembly ANZAC Day Commemoration For more information regarding Nossal events, see page 2 or visit the ‘Coming Events’ tab on our webpage. I must commend our staff as always for their excellent work – particularly for the introduction of a completely new reporting approach which has required a huge amount of behind the scenes effort from many people, but most importantly will provide a much better and more informative and accurate system for reporting on student progress and improvement. Particular thanks to Ms Harrap, Ms Mackin, Mr Mahalingam and Mr Wilson for their leadership of this initiative. Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard, Monash University, 100 Clyde Road, Berwick, VIC 3806 PO Box 1036, Narre Warren VIC 3805 Phone: 03 8762 4600 Email: [email protected] Nossal News Principal News Continued... IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES 2015 A big thank you to Mr Allen, Ms Loel, Mr Rule and all staff involved in the recent camps to Roses Gap – the camps were excellent and the students had a most enjoyable time. Apr 13 Curriculum Day - No students at school Staff at Melboure High for Select Entry Schools’ Professional Development Day Apr 14 All staff & students return to Nossal - Term 2 Apr 15 State Swimming Competition Special Event - Dan Haesler Apr 16 Year 9 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Apr 17 Jewish Holocaust Museum Excursion Apr 23 Year 9 ANZAC Commemoration at the Shrine Information Night - Year 9 2016 Apr 24 Whole school Assembly - ANZAC Day Apr 28 Whole school House Cross Country event School Council Meeting Apr 29 Morrisby Report Year 10 May 5 May 6 May 11 May 12 Senior Sport - Netball/Soccer/AFL Melb. Uni Maths Comp Yr 9-12 PFA Annual General Meeting Inter/Senior Boys’ Netball Leadership Conference Yr 9 Sports Around the World excursion NAPLAN begins Year 9 Camp - Roses Gap Another big thank you to Ms Crust and the WotOpera students for an entertaining, puzzling and professional performance at the DRUM Theatre last week. (The best school there I think – although I am a little biased). A very big thank you to staff and students, particularly Ms Pumphrey and the PE team, for their work in ensuring that the House Athletics sports was a resounding success and a wonderful activity in spite of the miserable weather. Other impressive achievements by ….. *Please note - there will be no PFA meeting in April • Jack Braddick and Sam Balazs of Year 9 who represented due to the school holiday break. 2015 SCHOOL TERM DATES Term 1 • MAR 27 - Term 1 concludes Term 2 • APR 14 - Term 2 commences JUN 26 - Term 2 concludes Term 3 • JUL 14 - Term 3 commences SEP 19 - Term 3 concludes Term 4 OCT 5 - Term 4 commences Various - Term 4 concludes • Nossal News Advertising Rates Full Page - $25.00 Half Page - $15 Quarter Page - $10 Business Card - $5.00 Rates are per fortnightly edition 2 • Nossal at a local Primary School expo and were excellent and eloquent ambassadors for our school. Fiona Anzum, Sarah Lu and Maria Vasilova of Year 10 who have been selected for the Monash Scholars Program for 2015 and beyond. Sarah Shervell of Year 12 who has been selected for a place in the choir for the Victorian State School’s Spectacular in September. Roshan Ramesh of Year 11 who has been commissioned to produce an ANZAC painting for the Holt ANZAC Centenary Art Show, and who won the top student award at the recent Cardinia Great Art Exhibition, (and it was nice to see that entertainment at the Art Show was provided by the “Dagobar System,” – ex Nossal students jazz trio). Nathmini Kotalawala of Year 9 who has been selected to speak in the UN Youth Voice Nationals in Sydney early next term. She will do so as a Nossal representative, but I must acknowledge that her successful entry to this was made through Dandenong High School who deserve credit for assisting Nathmini achieve selection. Ex Students – Jason Zhou, Kim Le, Chamara Liyanaarachchi, and Theodore Julian who received Engineering Scholarships from Monash University last month. Nossal News IMPORTANT – Absence Hotline Currently our absence hotline is experiencing some technical difficulties where voicemails are not reaching the Attendance Officer. In the interim, if your child is going to be absent please email the absence email address at absence@ or alternatively phone the school office on 8762 4600. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope to have the issue rectified as soon as possible. Mrs Audrey Alvarez Attendance Officer Principal News Continued... Year 9 Camp - Roses Gap Smoking Bans in all Victorian Schools House Athletics Carnival Please note that smoking is now totally banned within all schools and within 4 metres of the entry to all schools. Compass Login Details Behaviour on Trains and at the Station The office reminds parents to keep their Compass Login details somewhere secure so that they are able to refer to these when they need to in regards to the remainder of their child’s education at NHS. Our staff are unable to provide students with parent log in details; a request would need to come directly from parents, if required. The office has been inundated lately with emails and phone calls from parents requesting their login details. This ties up phone lines and staff time and, given the phone system is not operating effectively, reduces our ability to attended to other calls, especially in the case of an emergency. The login details do not change from term to term so these need to be retained. I have received a number of disappointing and worrying reports of silly, dangerous and discourteous behaviours by some of our students at the Berwick Railway Station and on trains recently. I have spoken with Year 9 at assembly and remind all students to regulate their language, volume and behaviour in those areas. This is not the sort of feedback I am accustomed to receiving about Nossal students and it reflects badly on us all. We also request that parents (and students) adhere strictly to due dates for the return of consent forms as failure to do this creates major organisational difficulties when trying to plan and manage school events and excursions. We are endeavouring to be much more stringent about this and students who do not return forms by the due date will not be allowed to attend the event. House Athletics Carnival 3 Nossal News Principal News Continued... Congratulations to the Softballers However…. I received the following email this afternoon from a teacher at another local school……thanks to the girls and Ms Desaulniers…..very nice feedback Subject: Great sportsmanship by intermediate softball team Good afternoon, My name is Lucie Turner and I am a teacher at Gleneagles Secondary College. I brought a team of Year 9 girls to interschool softball today and versed against an intermediate team of girls from Nossal. My students had never played softball before but wanted to put a team together to give it a go. I spoke with the Nossal students at the beginning of the game to let them know that my girls had never played before, and to please have some patience. I just want to express my gratitude for the maturity and support shown by your students in encouraging students of Gleneagles in the game. Furthermore, the students and their coach Michelle took the time to show the girls how to pitch, hold the bat and steal bases. It was a great day and my students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to play. with senior Government officials who wished to visit Nossal and discuss the possibilities of further exchanges) This is a wonderful opportunity for us, and it is the first such exchange they have considered. My thanks to Ms Graystone for hosting Mr Kaneko, Ms Warner, Mr Bramley, Ms Mizoe and Ms Dilollo for their organisation and, in particular, to Hirotaka Chong of Year 11 for his excellent hosting, interpreting and assistance with the visit. Welcome We welcome the following ‘new’ staff for Term 2… • • • • Ms Julie Ryan – Careers Advisor Mr Marek Bakowski – French Mr Kerwyn Alley – Chemistry Ms Leanne Ansalde – returning from Family Leave Farewell We farewell and thank the following people for their contribution to Nossal High School… • Ms Christine Smith – replacing Ms Ansalde in Food Tech. • Ms Emu Mizoe – Japanese Language Assistant for the past 12 months • Ms Kellan Wakeman – who will be departing Nossal early in Term 2 to await the arrival of her first child. Please congratulate these students for showing such great sportsmanship. Mr Haworth’s emotional farewell speech to all students and staff on Wednesday Farewell, Thank You and Congratulations to Mr Wayne Haworth Aichi Prefecture Visit Visit from Aichi Prefecture in Japan We hosted the visit of a Japanese Physics teacher last week as the forerunner to a potentially much larger exchange program with Aichi Prefecture who have a long standing sister state relationship with Victoria. Mr Kaneko had a very busy week (including visiting Roses Gap camp for a flying overnight stay, and returning for a formal reception 4 Wayne has recently gained the position of Principal at Mt Alexander College in Flemington. He will take up this role at the start of Term 2, so it has been a rather rushed final few days for him, and we will hold a more formal farewell function for him next term. It is bittersweet when a key member of the team gains promotion elsewhere, and I acknowledge and commend Wayne for this achievement, even though he will be greatly missed. Wayne was the first teacher (Leading Teacher) appointed to Nossal High School in 2009, and played a key role in setting up many Nossal News Principal News Continued... of the events, traditions, structures and programs that Nossal now enjoys. He can take credit for significant Nossal successes in student leadership, restorative practices, Aviation, the House System, the co-curricular and wellbeing programs….and many more. He has filled the role of Leading Teacher, Assistant Principal and Acting Principal at Nossal and has been a vital cog in the leadership of the school since our inception in 2009. Our loss is Mt Alexander’s gain. Finally I wish all members of the Nossal community an enjoyable term break, encourage you all to be safe, take some time to rest, relax and enjoy different things, and I look forward to seeing you all back in Term 2 on TUESDAY April 14. (Monday April 13 is a pupil free day and all Nossal staff will be at Melbourne High School with staff from Suzanne Cory and MacRob for the 3rd Annual Selective Entry Network Curriculum Day) Roger Page I sincerely thank him for his professionalism, dedication, hard work, reliability and compassion over the past five and a half years. I have greatly enjoyed working with him. I wish him well in his new role, and look forward to seeing him shape and transform his new school. School Council Election Result Congratulations to Bridget Wong who was the successful candidate for the final parent position on School Council at the completion of the polling process. My thanks to all nominees. The first new School Council meeting will be on Tuesday, April 28. Ms Crust and the WotOpera cast Assistant Principal News - Ms Sue Harrap International Conference for the Gifted and Talented Dear Parents, Students and Community Members, It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of Term 1; it has flown by. It has been a relatively short term of only 8 teaching weeks, but we have packed so much into it….. 4 camps, 2 sports carnivals, WotOpera and new reports, not to mention the day to day teaching and learning that takes place. It is no wonder that staff and students are ready for a well-deserved break. Farewell to Wayne Haworth Last week he and I spoke about Nossal at the International Conference for the Gifted and Talented at the Brisbane Convention Centre. We had many compliments about the pedagogy and culture we have established here to cater for our unique cohort of students, and had many requests from educators from across the globe to visit and see first-hand what we are doing. Seeing and hearing from other educators reaffirmed for us that we have (and are continuing to create) a culture, environment and approach that is seen both as innovative and highly supportive and challenging for our students. Speaking of well-deserved, I would like to formally congratulate and acknowledge the work of Mr Wayne Haworth, our other assistant principal, who is departing us to take up a Principalship at Mt Alexander College next term. Wayne has been a tireless and enthusiastic ‘servant’ to Nossal, and has played a significant role in establishing the great school that we have today. I have loved working along-side him as a member of the Executive and Principal teams and will miss his positivity, eternal optimism and drive. I wish him all the best in his new role. 5 Nossal News Assistant Principal News Continued... Observe a Surgery – Winner You may recall earlier this term that there was a competition by The Valley Private Hospital in Dandenong for a student to observe a surgery. We are pleased to announce the winner – Osuri from Year 12 (pictured here). Special Event for Parents – International Speaker, Dan Haesler I encourage all parents to book their FREE tickets to hear Dan Haesler here at Nossal on Wednesday April 15 at 7.30 pm. As part of our new strategic plan and Whole School Approach to Wellbeing we are focusing on developing Growth Mindsets in our students (and staff ). We have this focus because a Growth Mindset is good for all aspects of life, including academic achievement, future success, a sense wellbeing and ongoing good mental health, just to name a few. Dan will be speaking to parents about how best to support their children to develop this mindset. We hope to get all parents there so that we can all work together on this. Dan will also speak to students and staff during the day. Please book your seats so that you don’t miss out and so that we can effectively plan the venue. See the flyer in this newsletter for details. Year 9 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Thursday April 16 We have another parent teacher evening at the beginning of next term dedicated solely to the Year 9 students. Classes will finish at 12.20 pm for students on this day, and interviews will take place from 2.00 pm – 8.30 pm. Please make sure you book on Compass and take advantage of the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers. Osuri - Observe a Surgery winner The staff in general have also done an enormous amount of work to ensure you received your reports in a timely and professional manner. Change is hard but, at Nossal, the staff just roll up their sleeves and get on with it when they see the advantages to students and families. I would also like to thank the many parents who have taken the time to write or call me about reports; both those seeking clarification and those providing us with positive feedback about our approach. I would also like to thank the students for their responsible approach to making self-assessments and encourage the few who required chasing up to be more reliable next time. Year 10 Students – Morrisby Report Year 10 students and parents are reminded that their Careers and Pathways aptitude test is to be completed on Wednesday 29 April from 12:00 noon to 3:15 pm. This is compulsory for all students. These students will have an early lunch on this day, but must stay until the completion of the test. Year 10 Students – Work Experience Year 10 students are reminded to continue their search and organisation for Work Experience which takes place in the week of Monday 22 – Friday 26 June (the last week of Term 2). The forms and OHS modules (legal requirements) must be completed and signed by Friday May 22. The holidays are a perfect opportunity to finalise these details. All Work Experience information can be found on NEO > Triple N > Careers. Reports Release – Thank you Communication Alert The release of reports went smoothly on Thursday March 19, (which is always a relief when you implement something new). I would like to formally thank Ms Tracey Mackin, Mr Ramesh Mahalingam, Mr Joe Wilson and Ms Christine Weller for their leadership of both staff and students throughout the implementation of these new reports. We will now be analysing the results and following up with students who may need extra support. Due to an ongoing problem with the school phone system, voice messages are unable to be accessed. When attempting to contact the school via telephone, please persevere until your call is answered by reception. We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to have this problem rectified as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support. 6 Nossal News Assistant Principal News Continued... First Day of Term – Tuesday 14 April I hope you have noticed that the first day of term for students is Tuesday April 14. Staff begin the day before with our annual Select Entry Network professional learning day at Melbourne High School, where all four schools get together for learning and sharing about educating our unique cohorts. I trust that all students and staff have a happy, safe and restful holiday and that if you and your family celebrate Easter, your time with family and friends is refreshing and enjoyable. I look forward to seeing you all back here next term. Lachie from Phoenix House at the House Athletics Carnival Ms Sue Harrap Assistant Principal News - Mr Wayne Haworth Farewell It is been a great privilege to have been part of establishing one of the greatest schools in Victoria and for that matter Australia. We have achieved much together and have much to be proud of. It is gratifying to look back at planning days even prior to the staff appointments and the first classes commencing. I recall the first school day for Nossal students, a time when new lifelong relationships were formed and when classes were taught at Monash. Each successive year saw the addition of more equally enthusiastic and highly committed students and staff. I have very fond memories of the weekly assemblies in the Monash lecture theatre and of the wonderful slides shows from Ms Cilia and Mr Pegram capturing students highly engaged in our weekly activities and events. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with students, staff and parents. As a passionate educator, I have been particularly moved by observing students grow and develop and passing on the Nossal culture to the younger students, ensuring that the next generation uphold the Nossalonian spirit. As the development, refinement and improvement of Nossal continues, Nossal will strengthen its place on the world stage as a shining example of a 21st Century learning community. Although I will miss Nossal greatly, I am looking forward to the challenges and I am excited by the wonderful opportunities that exist as Principal of Mt. Alexander College. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Page and Dr Meath for the wonderful opportunity to join them in building and creating Nossal and for their continued support and encouragement. Thank you also to Ms Harrap and Ms Shute for their assistance. Thank you to our wonderful parents who I have worked with and who have supported me throughout my time at Nossal. To all students I say thank you and best wishes! Aim high, be kind to yourself as well as others. Remember to be the best that you can be and be proud of that. Follow your passion and if you are truly determined, despite setbacks you will achieve your goals. I said many years ago that you do not need a badge to be a leader. Others will look to you as a role model so always lead by example. I look forward to meeting you all sometime in the future. Best wishes Wayne Haworth 7 Nossal News House Athletics Carnival The House Athletics results were: Garuda 1729 Griffin 1713 Phoenix 1502 Pegasus 1380 It was a fantastic day filled with friendly competition and house spirit. Despite the rain at the end of the day, students showed great enthusiasm and still finished every event. The highlight of the day was just before the relays, watching all of the marshalling staff leading the students in the Nutbush dance, while waiting in the rain. Thank you to everyone who helped run an event on the day and well done to all of the competitors. The chants at the end of the day made an amazing atmosphere. The individual champions will be announced at the start of next term and awarded their medals at an assembly. Well done Garuda! Ms Pumphrey Sport Coordinator 8 Nossal News Intermediate Boys Baseball On a windy 31 degree day, the Intermediate Boys’ bats were steaming. Led by co-captains Akito Rossy and Vihan Liyanage, Nossal High School scored 22 -2 runs against Doveton Secondary College and prevailed 17 -3 over Fountain Gate Secondary College. In an impressively close final (Gleneagles 6 – Nossal High School 2) , Nossal Intermediate Boys were just four runs short from advancing to Regional level. Congratulations to the Intermediate Boys Baseball team for a great effort. Joe Wilson Baseball Coach HAMPTON PARK Library 22-26 Stuart Avenue Proud to Be Me with Carp Productions Ph: 8788 8500 Melway: 96 E8 Tuesday 31/3 With a sprinkle of Magic (and some serious superhero fun) we’ll discover that we all have amazing powers and skills. 11.00-11.45am Ages: 4-10 Eggs! Thursday 2/4 Come to the Library for some eggciting stories and some Easter craft. 11.00-11.45am Ages: 3-6 Hampton Park Games Centre Tuesday 7/4 Test your skills in our games centre, including PS3s and vintage gaming consoles, basketball, fooseball, ten pin bowling and the nerf target challenge. Prizes, snacks and drinks provided. This is a joint activity with Hampton Park Youth Centre. 2.00-4.00pm Ages: 10-25. Hampton Park Cinema Wednesday 8/4 PG or G rated movie. Come on down, pick your seat and enjoy the movie with food and drink supplied. This is a joint activity with Hampton Park Youth Centre. 2.00-4.00pm Ages: 10-16 Calling All Book Worms … Wednesday 8/4 Make your own 8-page hotdog book to take home. Fun for all. 2:00-3.00pm Ages: 7+ Rrrrabbits! Thursday 9/4 Come to our rabbit Storytime and make a card bunny. 11.00-11.45am Ages: 3-6 NARRE WARREN Library Overland Drive, Fountain Gate Ph: 9704 7696 Melway: 110 D4 Zing Kidz Entertainment Monday 30/3 Easter Egg Hunt Tuesday 31/3 Captain Ace and Fairy Blossom try to save Springtime from the Baddies using true bravery and magic. 2.30-3.15pm Ages: 3-8 Join us for some exciting Easter tales, before making your own Easter egg basket and going on a hunt for eggs through the Library. 2.00-2.45pm Ages: 3-6 DIY Teens: Temporary Tattoo Wednesday 1/4 Impress your friends and freak your parents out by learning how to make your own realistic temporary tattoos. Design your own, or copy a design. 3.00-4.30pm Ages: 10+ NARRE WARREN Library Masquerade Cont’d Thursday 2/4 Joins us for a fun filled hour of mask-making and let your imagination run wild - become whatever you want to be. 3.00-4.00pm Ages: 7+ Scavenger Hunt Wednesday 8/4 The Casey 360 Bus is running a huge Scavenger Hunt with major prizes and giveaways! Or simply chill out on board with Apple iMacs, iPads, the latest apps, music, PS4s, Nintendo Wii U, the latest games and more! 11.00am-1.00pm Ages 10+ Pirates: Yarr! Arrgh! Harr! SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM ~ APRIL 2015 ~ Thursday 9/4 Make a pirate’s best mate for your shoulder, a Pirate hat and learn some useful pirate language. 2.00-3.00pm Ages: 7+ Come Fly with Me Friday 10/4 Enjoy some high flying stories before making your own feathery friend to take home. 11.00-11.45am Ages: 3-6 PAKENHAM Library Cnr. John & Henry Streets Circus in a Suitcase Ph: 5940 6200 Melway: 317 E8 Wednesday 1/4 Terry Cole presents a feast of clowning fun! 2.30-3.15pm All Ages Hop On In ... Thursday 2/4 Come into the Library for some hippity hoppity rabbit stories, hunt for eggs and make an eggscellent Easter decoration to take home. 2.00-2.45pm Ages: 3-6 Incredible Phone Cases Wednesday 8/4 Zoom into Outer Space! Thursday 9/4 Come along and make your own felt case for your electronic companion. 2.00-3.00pm Ages: 7+ Zoom into the Library for some galactic stories about outer space and make your own space alien to take home. 2.00-2.45pm Ages: 3-6 All Things Creepy Crawly!! Friday 10/4 Join us for stories and rhymes about insects. Learn how to make a sweet bug treat to eat and create your own bug to take home. 2.00-2.45pm Ages: 3-6 BOOK YOUR PLACE ONLINE at or phone your local library. All events are FREE! Register to receive early notification of the Program events by email. Simply visit our website and click on the Newsletters tab at the top. Scroll to the bottom for School Holiday Program. Enter your email address and click Subscribe. 9 NOSSAL HIGH SCHOOL - BERWICK An academically selective school for high achieving students in Years 9 - 12 Applications for enrolments in 2016 are now open Information Night for prospective students APRIL 23 see website for details Nossal High School is a co-educational Government Selective Entry School located on the grounds of Monash University in Berwick and provides an educationally enriched adult learning environment in a state of the art new facility. Enrolment is through a common entrance exam on Saturday June 13, 2015. Applications to sit the entrance examination are made online by going to our website: Year 9 applications close on Friday May 15, 2015. Year 10 & 11 applications close on Thursday June 4, 2015. Principal led tours are available on Mondays at 9.30am, bookings are essential, please contact the office on 8762 4600. Please visit our website for further information: Secondary school options for academically talented students Victoria’s selective entry high schools provide an educationally enriched environment for academically talented students. There are four selective entry high schools for students in Years 9–12: • The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Melbourne (girls only) • Melbourne High School, South Yarra (boys only) • Nossal High School, Berwick (coeducational) • Suzanne Cory High School, Werribee (coeducational). A centralised selection process is used to admit students to the four schools. Students in their second year of secondary school are eligible to sit a common entrance examination in order to be considered for Year 9 entry the following school year. More information on the application process is available at: School Information Sessions The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School Melbourne High School Information Night Wednesday 22 April commencing at 7pm at the school Information Night Wednesday 18 March and Thursday 7 May commencing at 6pm at the school Please email to express your interest in attending the information evening. The school is open from 4.30pm on the information night evening. Prospective parents and students can see school facilities and meet the principal. Bookings are not required. School Tours in 2015 Thursday 19 March 11am – 12pm Monday 23 March 11am – 12pm Tuesday 28 April 11am – 12pm Monday 4 May 11am – 12pm Thursday 14 May 2pm – 3pm Please make a booking for a school tour via email: [email protected] The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School 350–370 Kings Way Melbourne Phone: 9864 7700 Tours of the school are available from 4.30pm through to 6pm. School Tours in 2015 Tuesday 24 March at 9.30am Thursday 23 April at 11.30am Tuesday 28 April at 9.30am Monday 11 May at 10.30am Please make a booking for a school tour by contacting the Registrar’s Office on 9823 7152 or email: [email protected] Information Night Thursday 23 April commencing at 7pm at the school (enter through Monash University, Berwick Campus) Tours of the school are available from 5.30pm on the night. School Tours in 2015 School tours take place every Monday morning at 9.30am and at other times by arrangement. Please make a booking by contacting the office on 8762 4600 or email: [email protected] Nossal High School Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard c/o Monash University Clyde Road Berwick Phone: 8762 4600 Information Night Thursday 19 March and Wednesday 6 May commencing at 7pm at the school Please email to express your interest in attending the information evening. School Tours in 2015 School tours will be held every Tuesday at 10am. Bookings are essential. Please make a booking by contacting the office on 8734 2800 or email: [email protected]. Suzanne Cory High School 255–265 Hoppers Lane Werribee Phone: 8734 2800 Melbourne High School Forrest Hill, South Yarra Phone: 9823 7152 www.nossalhs.vic. Order your new Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships from us today, and 20% of your Membership goes towards our fundraising Order Now for Early Bird Offers>> For only $65 Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel, and much more! Available as a traditional Entertainment™ Book -or- Digital Membership on your smartphone, your Membership gives you over $20,000 worth of valuable offers valid through to 1 June 2016! Order either Membership type before 15th April 2015, and you'll receive over $155 worth of Early Bird Offers which you can use straight away! CONTACT: Nossal High School Peter Van Diepen 0439356635 [email protected] THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Presents… Dan Haesler is an international keynote speaker, teacher, writer & consultant. Described as engaging, thought provoking and someone who pushes the boundaries; Dan has appeared alongside some of the world’s most well-known educational thinkers including Sir Ken Robinson and TED Talk Prize Winner, Sugata Mitra. In 2015 he will be appearing on the same program as His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Dan works with a diverse range of people and organisations as well as featuring in and writing for the mainstream media. In his role as a consultant, Dan has worked with state government departments, not-for-profit organisations, regional education offices, professional associations and individual schools. Nossal High School Special Event Free for Nossal Parents Are Our Best Intentions in the Best Interests of our Children? As parents we all want what’s best for our children. But what if what we’re doing is actually holding our children back? What if our very best intentions aren’t necessarily in the best interests for our offspring? In this talk, Dan Haesler will explore parenting strategies that will help you to help your child create the necessary mindset and skillset for life in the 21st Century. Date: Wednesday April 15, 2015 - 7:30 to 9:00pm Venue: Nossal High School Cost: Per person - $20* *This event is free for Nossal Parents but bookings are essential! Use the promotional code: Nossalparent All bookings through Trybooking at
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