How Much is a Penny Worth? A Quantitative Analysis

How Much is a Penny Worth?
Percentage Copper in a U.S. One-Cent Coin
A Quantitative Analysis
The U.S. Penny
• Mass of penny, if only Cu, worth >$0.01
• Modern penny is ~2.5% copper clad
• Knowledge of composition important to
prevent hoarding and selling for metal
• Gravimetric analysis of recovered copper
just one way
The Assay
Percentage Cu = m
mpenny is easy
mcopper is a little harder
The Process
Obtain and weigh 1 penny…
…and dissolve it in acid:
Zn(s) + HNO3(aq)  Zn(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g)
we use HCl?
Cu(s) + HNO3(aq)  Cu(NO3)2(aq) + NO2(g)
10 M HNO3 is corrosive to
metals. It’s also corrosive
to skin and clothes. Any
spills on the bench or in
the hood must be wiped
up immediately
Do this reaction in
the hood,
The Process
Add H2O to reduce acid concentration
Reduce the acidity thru reaction with
NH3(aq) (ammonium hydroxide)
Conc NH3 is corrosive to
skin and clothes and has a
strongly pungent odor. Any
spills on the bench or in
the hood must be wiped
up immediately
Do this reaction in
the hood,
The Process
Selectively precipitate the Cu…
Add NaBH4 in excess
4 Cu2+ + BH4- + 3 H2O  4 Cu(s) + BO33- + 10 H+
Do this reaction in the hood, please
Why do we lower the acidity?
Promote BH4- reaction with Cu2+
How do we get rid of the excess BH4-?
Let it react with the water already present
The Process
Recover the Cu by vacuum filtration
Rinse the filter paper with water
Eliminate water
with ethanol
Dry at 80º for
30 min
The Process
Dissolve 1 weighed penny
Zn(s) + HNO3(aq)  Zn(NO3)2(aq) + H2(g)
Cu(s) + HNO3(aq)  Cu(NO3)2(aq) + NO2(g)
Reduce acidity and precipitate the Cu
4 Cu2+ + BH4- + 3 H2O  4 Cu(s) + BO33- + 10 H+
Recover the Cu by vacuum filtration
Dry at 80º, weigh
This investigation, Author
1: Introduction and Conclusion
2: Discussion
3: Data/Results and Experimental
This investigation, Author
A: Introduction, Conclusion, Data/Results
B: Discussion and Experimental