Mass Intentions for the Week +Claire Steward, Bernice Pasmeny +Peter Willette, Richard & Liberty Baudista Thurs Rene Jeannotte, Barb Forst Fri Rose Palfy, Mike Czaban Sat Ken & Mary Rudko, Mary Irene Redies Sun The People of Notre Dame Parish Year of the Family - May 2015 Theme Tues Wed May 10 6th Sunday of Easter Happy Mother's Day! 9:20am Rosary 10am Mass May 12 10:15 CTW Bible Study 12:10pm Mass 3pm Kids for Jesus 7pm ND Parish Pastoral Council Mtg. Ministries – Saturday, May 16 Euch Min. Lectors Servers Ushers Greeters G. Apolonio T. Gannon, M. Gannon S. Schnyder, R. Blaskovits A. McCorkell, D. Pekrul, S. Pekrul K. & D. Blocka, M. Steward H. Roland, J. Hendricks Ministries – Sunday, May 17 Euch Min. B. Figura B. Phillips, C. Clement CWL CWL CWL CWL Lectors Servers Ushers Greeters Children’s Liturgy May 17 - Sherilynn & Charmaine Church Cleaners: Week of: May 11 - G. Juell Collection: Weekend of May 2/3, 2015 Envelopes: $2,835 Loose: $410 Bldg. Fund: $20.00 , Thank you for your generous contribution. PARISH INFORMATION Baptism of children: Contact the Parish Office or Sr. Connie (even prior to the birth of your child) about the process for Baptism preparation for parents & godparents. Marriage: Couples wishing to be married in a Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to their wedding date. May 13 10:30am Mass – Rotary Manor 6:30pm Choir Practice May 14 12:10pm Mass May 15 10:30am Seniors' Mass & Luncheon May 16 11am Rosary 7:30pm Mass May 17 "Ascension of the Lord" 9:20am Rosary 10am Mass 11am CWL Coffee Sunday Irene Clavier, Pat Buller, Brent & Cheryl Smith, Vicki York, Rolie Handfield, Rose Palfy, Mel Stevens, Carol Dufour, Spencer McKibbon, Barb Hansen, Anna Chambers, Tilly Loroff, Bob Lowther, Dorothy Stacey "Because in the beginning of creation God gave the commandments of work, we want to harmonize work and family life." "Why do I work or do things for our family? How can I work more lovingly?" (Building the Domestic Church, p. 40) Knights of Columbus /Catholic Women's League Bursary for $1,000.00 & .Knights of Columbus Community Scholarships two awarded for $1,000.00 Applications for the Bursary and Scholarships can be obtained at Notre Dame Parish office. Deadline for applications is May 19, 2015. Saints: Models of Discernment God calls each and every one of us to be a saint, to become the man or woman he made us to be according to our own unique individuality like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila or St. John Paul II. Vocational discernment is about discovering where God is calling you and then living out that call. Men and women 19 years and older are invited to attend a Vocation Discernment weekend from May 15-17 at Camp Morice facilitated by Fr. Terry Brock, Diocesan Vocations Director and Most Rev. Stephen Jensen. Cost is $50 for the weekend. To register, email your name, phone number and age to [email protected] or call Sacred Heart Parish in Terrace at (250) 6352313. Notre Dame Parish Pastoral Council Dates to Remember Elections—May 23/24, 2015 AGM Notre Dame Parish Pastoral Council—June 7, 2015 following Mass A massive earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck Nepal on April 25, 2015. More than 4200 people are dead and more than 7500 are injured. In a joint campaign with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Development and Peace is coming to the aid of the earthquake’s victims through their Caritas partners in Nepal. The Canadian government will match, dollar for dollar, all of the donations made by Canadians to support the victims of the earthquake in Nepal until May 25, 2015. Parishioners are encouraged to donate prior to this. Mailed donations to the campaign should be sent to Development and Peace, 1425 Rene-Levesque Blvd West, 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC H3G 1T7. Additionally, donations can be made by phone to 1-888-664-3387 or online at Thank you! 2014/15 Notre Dame Pastoral Parish Council Members David Lowe - Chairperson Richard Blaskovits Kevin Blocka Alex Reschny Doug Becotte Sue Schnyder Les Dellow Marietta Bandelaria Monthly Income/Expenses for April Income: $12,952.90 Expenses: $14,808.27 Net: <$1,855.37>
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