2072 Disaster Relief Centre DAILY BULLETIN Vol. 3 | Wednessday, May 6, 2015 (Baisakh 23, 2072) [email protected] k|]; jQmJo President’s Appeal Dear Chief Patron, Founder President, Past President, Immediate Past President, Patrons, Advisers, ICC Colleagues, NCC Colleagues, Past and Present NRNA Leaders, Namaste and Hope this finds you well! Re: Call to be part of the Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief – NRNA Global Committee 2015 ;+rf/sdL{ ;fyLx?, laifodf cWoog ug{ xfdLn] Ps ;ldlt agfPsf 5f}+ pQm ;ldltn] OlGhlgo/, lj1 tyf xfd|f] dft[e"dL g]kfn e"sDksf] dxfljkt\ g]kfn ;/sf/sf k|ltlglwx?;“u 5nkmn u/L / b'Mvdf k/]sf] a]nf xfdL ;+;f/e/ k|ltj]bg k]z ug{] 5 . ;f]xL cfwf/df xfdLn] /x]sf u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnLx? cfktsflng e"sDk k|efljt lakGg tyf Go'g cfo ePsf /fxt lat/0fdf ;lqmotfk"j{s nflu/x]sf] kl/jf/sf] 5gf}6 u/L 3/ lgdf{0f k|s[of yfngL oxf“x?nfO{ cjut g} 5 . ul/g] 5 . u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3sf cWoIf, pkfWoIf, dxf;lrjnufot ;a} sfo{sfl/0fL ;ldltsf ;b:o / ;of}+sf] ;+Vofdf :jo+;]jLx? olt a]nf cfkltsflng /fxt ljt/0fdf kl/rflnt eO/x]sf 5f}+ . clxn] e"sDkn] ubf{ :yfgLo af;Lx?sf] cfTdljZjf; u'd]sf] 5, h;n] ubf{ pxf“x? cj;/sf] vf]hLdf a;fO ;/fO{ ug]{ / To;af6 bL3{sflng ;d:of pTkGg x'g] vt/f x'G5 . To;}n] xfd|f] pb]Zo Tof] 7fp“df 3/ agfpg' dfq u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3n] e"sDk cfP nuQ} geP/ pxf“x?nfO{ ufp“d} a:g / s]xL ug{ * lhNnfsf !) xhf/ kl/jf/nfO{ cfktsflng ;lsG5 eGg] cfTdljZjf; hufpg' klg xf] . /fxt lat/0f ug]{ 3f]if0ff u/]sf lyof}+, h'g 3/ lgdf{0f ubf{ :yfgLoaf;Lsf] rfxgf, Toxf“sf] olta]nf clGtd r/0fdf /x]sf] 5 . w]/}h;f] :yfgLo ;+:s[lt / ;Dkbfsf] uf}/jnfO{ ;d]t lhNnfdf /fxt lat/0f ;lsPsf] 5 eg] s] ;Ddfg ub}{ 3/ tyf ;d'bfosf] lbuf]kgdf hf]8 xL lhNnfdf xfd|f] :jo+;]js 6f]nL /fxt lbOg] 5 . :yfgLo ;+:s[ltsf] ;d]t k|a{4g lat/0f ul//x]sf] 5 . o; qmddf xfdLn] x'g]u/L gd'gf 3/x? agfpg] u}/cfjf;Lo g] l;Gw'kfNrf]s, sfe|], uf]vf{, ndh'ª, g'jfsf]6, kfnL ;+3sf] sf]l;; /xg] 5 . o;sf nflu wflbª, /;'jf / /fd]5fk lhNnfx?df /fxt xfdLn] cGo ;+3;+:yf;+u ;dGjo / ;xsfo{ lat/0f u/]sf 5f}+ . ;fy} e"sDk k|efljt ug]{ 5f}+ . of] k|s[ofdf xfdL u}/cfjf;Lo g] lhNnfx?df :jf:Yolzlj/ klg ;+rfng kfnL lj1 / :jo+;]jsx? ;d]t kl/rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . ug]{ 5f}+ h;n] ljb]zdf l;s]sf] ;Lk g]kfndf klxnf] r/0fsf] cfktsflng /fxt lat/0fsf qmddf xfdLn] :yfgLojf;Lx?;+u cGt/ lqmof ;d]t u/]sf lyof}+ . pxf+x?sf] d'Vo lrGtf / rf;f] a:g] 3/ gePsf] eGg] g} lyof] . aiff{t\ ;'? x'g} nfu]sf] ca:yfdf e"sDk k|efljt ufp“df af;sf] cefjdf emg\ 7"nf] ;d:of b]lvg] 7fg]/ xfdLn] bf];|f] r/0fsf] /fxt:j?k lk8Lt kl/jf/nfO{ 3/ lgdf{0f ul/lbg] tof/L ul//x]sf 5f}+ . x:tfGt/0f ug{ / :yfgLoaf;LnfO{ l;ko'Qm agfpg ;d]t d2t ug]{ 5 . k|fljlws tof/L k'/f ePkl5 oyfzSo l56f] 3/ lgdf{0f k|s[of ;'? x'g] hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxfG5f}+ . d'n'se/ e"sDksf sf/0f nfvf}+ 3/ gi6 ePsf] cj:yfdf u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3n] Ps xhf/ 3/ agfpg' 7"nf] s'/f gePklg of] ;'?jftn] la:yflkt ufp“n]x?nfO{ cfkm\g} o;qmddf u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3n] k|efljt 7fp“df k'g{:yflkt x'g 7"nf] ;xof]u k'Ug] 5 * lhNnfx?sffsl/j ! xhf/ e"sDk k|lt/f]wL eGg] xfd|f] ljZjf; 5 . Pj+ kof{j/0f d}qL 3/ lgdf{0f ug]{ tof/L yfn]sf] 5 . o;sf] nfut sl/j #% s/f]8 ?k}of“ x'g] wGojfb . xfd|f] k|fl/Des cg'dfg /x]sf] 5 . u}/cfjf;Lo g]kfnL ;+3, ldltM @)&@, a}zfv @# ut] . s'g–s'g 7f“pdf s;/L 3/ lgdf{0f ug]{ eGg] I and few of our NRNA Friends have already arrived in Nepal and started the ground work in Nepal to coordinate immediate relief on behalf of the Nepali Diaspora at this difficult time for our nation. I am sure many of you are already in action with heart and mind to coordinate support for the much needed disaster affected areas and the victims. With our brief inspections and visits, we have identified an enormous need for support for the victims, the casualties, the starving population as a result of the earthquake, providing temporary shelter, potential outbreak of an epidemic to name a few. At present, our priority is to raise as much funds as we can to facilitate the immediate relief. We will be prioritizing in providing immediate food, temporary shelter (tents) and basic medical supplies directly to the victims. In order to mobilize our NRNA Leadership base in wider scale from the starting days of NRNA until present, we have formed a 301 member global committee for the earthquake disaster relief with an intention to have great coverage, campaign and mobilization in this great cause to every level. I urge all of you to come forward and lead by example in such a difficult time in history for our nation. This will require your own generosity, involvement, leadership within the Nepali Diaspora and the wider corporate and individual communities in the countries and regions you are living and working. Together, we can make a difference! Thank you, Kind Regards, Shesh Ghale President NRNA ICC Updates on the first phase of Disaster Relief program By 5th May relief activities had been completed in 6 districts namely Shindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Lamjung, Karve, Nuwakot and Dhading. Relief to remote areas of Gorkha, Lamjung and Dhading were airlifted by the helicopters of the Nepalese Army on their expenses. Similarly, medical camps were also held in Sindhupalchwok, Gorkha and Dhading. Relief materials to Rasuwa district consisting of 1000 cartoons of noodles, 2000 pieces of blankets, 1000 units of tarpaulin and 6000 kgs of rice along with 20 NRN volunteers under the coordination of DRC of Asia Pacific, Robindra Shrestha, left for Rasuwa today. The coordinator of Ramechhap district, Sudan Thapa, NRN from Japan, had left for the district to conduct a field study and to analyze the ground reality before delivering the relief package. Overwhelming response was received in the medical camps organized by NRNA and over 2000 patients were provided with treatment in the three districts. Medical camps were also held in the three districts of the Kathmandu Valley namely Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Kritipur. Altogether, 1000 patients have been provided with medical treatment. The first phase of the relief program is anticipated to be completed by Friday 8th May but the medicals camps are to be operated till 15th May. After the completion of the first phase, NRNA will focus on rehabilitation and a committee consisting of the Vice President of NRNA, Mr. Bhaban Bhatta and the Chair of MIT Foundation and volunteer for Disaster Relief Committee, Ms. Jamuna Gurung has been formed to study the possibilities and consult with the concerned authorities and the stakeholders and provide a report to the Association. NRNA, ICC president briefing the Disaster Relief Team. Meeting of NRNA, ICC Disaster Relief Team. 2072 Earthquake : Pictorial News Pictorial News NRNA, NCC Myanmar donating 15000 USD for Earthquake victims at Disaster Relief Logistics Centre Medical team cross-checking the stock before departing. Medical team ready to depart to Rasuwa. Relief materials ready to be dispatched for Rasuwa. Resources in-out 2072 Earthquake : Resources in-out Relief Materials Status S.N. Date Dispatched Location Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 May 05 Dhading May 06 Rasuwa Tent Blanket Wai Wai Rice Blanket Wai Wai Tent Quantity Dispatched 540 1000 640 6000 2000 1000 1000 Unit Pieces Pieces Boxes Kgs Pieces Boxes Pieces
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