the competition guidelines - Ntu

1st NTU Regional Essay Writing and Speech Competition
Theme: Globalization of the Cordilleran Labor Force
Essay Writing Competition Mechanics
Provincial Level Qualifying Rounds
1. Contestants must be at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled contest briefing.
Late contestants shall be disqualified from the competition.
2. During the briefing, participants shall be assigned to specific rooms and seats. A 10-minute
bathroom break shall be provided to the contestants after the contest briefing or before the
contest proper. Once the contest starts, no participant shall be allowed to enter or leave the
premises for whichever reason or purpose.
3. Coaches are prohibited from entering the contest venue. Only assigned marshals are allowed
to enter therein.
4. The essay must be original and must expound on the theme, Globalization of the Cordilleran
Labor Force.
5. Contestants shall be provided specially marked sheets of paper to avoid fraud and/or swapping
of papers.
6. Essays are to be written within 2 hours in designated writing venues together with assigned
7. All essays shall be written in English and shall consist of not less than 400 words but not more
than 600 words.
8. The use of mobile phones and/or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during the
contest proper.
9. Results of the provincial-level qualifying round shall be announced at the end of the day. The
best essay writer per province (2 for Baguio City) shall advance to the championship round on
May 2, 2015.
10. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable. Organizers reserve the right to nullify and/or
cancel any part of the competition if it appears that any fraud or malfunctions have occurred
in any form or whatsoever.
Champion: Gold Medal and Certificate
2nd Place: Silver Medal and Certificate
3rd Place: Bronze Medal and Certificate
Championship Round
1. Contestants must be at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled contest briefing.
Late contestants shall be disqualified from the competition.
2. During the briefing, participants shall be assigned to specific rooms and seats. A 10-minute
bathroom break shall be provided to the contestants after the contest briefing or before the
contest proper. Once the contest starts, no participant shall be allowed to enter or leave the
premises for whichever reason or purpose.
3. Coaches are prohibited from entering the contest venue. Only assigned marshals are allowed
to enter therein.
4. The essay must be original and must expound on the theme, Globalization of the Cordilleran
Labor Force.
5. Contestants shall be provided specially marked sheets of paper to avoid fraud and/or swapping
of papers.
6. Essays are to be written within 2 hours in designated writing venues together with assigned
7. All essays shall be written in English and shall consist of not less than 600 words but not more
than 800 words.
8. The use of mobile phones and/or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during the
contest proper.
9. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable. Organizers reserve the right to nullify and/or
cancel any part of the competition if it appears that any fraud or malfunctions have occurred
in any form or whatsoever.
Relevance to the
Coherence and
Lexical Resource
Grammatical Range
and Accuracy
Fully satisfies all the requirements of the task and clearly presents
a fully developed response
Uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts attention; skillfully
manages paragraphing
Uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and
sophisticated control of lexical features
Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy
1st Place: P20,000.00 cash, Gold Medal, Certificate
2nd Place: P10,000.00 cash, Silver Medal, Certificate
3rd Place: P5,000.00 cash, Bronze Medal, Certificate
Extemporaneous Speech Competition Mechanics
Provincial Level Qualifying Round
1. The competition shall focus on the theme: Globalization of the Cordilleran Labor Force.
2. Contestants must be at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled contest briefing.
Late contestants shall be disqualified from the competition.
3. The speaking order shall be drawn during the briefing.
4. A 10-minute bathroom break shall be provided to the speakers after the briefing or before the
contest proper. All speakers shall be confined in a secluded area after the 10-minute bathroom
break. As soon as the contest starts, the speakers shall not be allowed to leave the secluded
area until their turn. Assigned marshals shall escort the speakers one by one to the contest
5. Each speaker shall be given 2 minutes to prepare for and 3 minutes to deliver his/her speech. A
30-second window period shall also be allotted for each speaker.
6. A timing device shall be used during the qualifying round to remind the speaker of the time s/he
has already consumed. A green light shall turn on by the 1 st minute. A red light shall turn on
when there is only 30 seconds left. A bell shall be triggered when the speaker reaches the 2minute and 30-second time limit.
7. Results of the provincial-level qualifying round shall be announced at the end of the day. The
best interpretative reader per province (2 for Baguio City) shall advance to the championship
round on May 2, 2015.
8. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable. Organizers reserve the right to nullify and/or
cancel any part of the competition if it appears that any fraud or malfunctions have occurred
in any form or whatsoever.
Champion: Gold Medal and Certificate
2nd Place: Silver Medal and Certificate
3rd Place: Bronze Medal and Certificate
Championship Round
1. The competition shall focus on the theme: Globalization of the Cordilleran Labor Force.
2. Contestants must be at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled contest briefing.
Late contestants shall be disqualified from the competition.
3. The speaking order shall be drawn during the briefing.
4. The first contestant shall draw the topic envelope in the presence of the other contestants and
shall hand it to the contest chair.
5. The contest chair shall read the question twice for each contestant. Each speaker shall be given I
minute to prepare for and 2 minutes to deliver his/her speech. A 30-second window period shall
also be allotted for each speaker.
6. A contestant needs to start delivering his or her speech within 5 seconds after the 1-minute
thinking time.
7. A timing device shall be used during the qualifying round to remind the speaker of the time s/he
has already consumed. A green light shall turn on by the 1st minute. A red light shall turn on
when there is only 30 seconds left. A bell shall be triggered when the speaker reaches the 2minute limit.
8. In the event of technical failure and/or difficulty of the organizers to hear in the middle of a
participant’s performance, the participant shall be allowed to repeat his/her piece.
9. The judges’ decision is final and irrevocable. Organizers reserve the right to nullify and/or
cancel any part or all of the competition if it appears that any fraud or malfunctions have
occurred in any form or whatsoever.
Oral Delivery
Physical Delivery
Clear main message, supporting examples, and outstanding speech
Grammar and usage, diction, intonation, enunciation, and vocal
Sound opening, body, and conclusion
Stance, use of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and stage
1st Place: P20,000.00 cash, Gold Medal, Certificate
2nd Place: P10,000.00 cash, Silver Medal, Certificate
3rd Place: P5,000.00 cash, Bronze Medal, Certificate
For more information, please contact:
Project Director
1st NTU Regional Essay Writing and Speech Competition
Mobile: 0925 726 5333
Email: [email protected]
Office: NTU Center, TNCI Building, PEZA Loakan Road, Baguio City 2600