Northview Public Schools HIGHLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL -Highlands HighlightsMarch 2015 From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents/Guardians: Can you believe it is March already? Yes, March has arrived and brings with it National Reading Month. Try to find 10-15 minutes each day this month to spend reading with your child. The benefits and results will amaze you. We will be celebrating March is Reading Month. Please look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher. Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, March 11th and Thursday, March 12th. If you have not made an appointment yet, contact the office or your child's homeroom teacher to do so. Progress reports will be available at conferences. Now is the time to double check with your child to make sure there will be no “surprises” on the report card in April. There is a short window of opportunity to get any missed or late work turned in before the quarter ends. Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Also, at conferences, please take three minutes to log on to Parent Vue in our IMC if you have not already done so. Upcoming on March 10th, Mr. Duba, Principal at Crossroads Middle School, and staff will visit with our current 6th graders. He will talk to them about 7th grade and answer any of their questions. Feel free to contact Mr. Duba or Mrs. Turner, at 361-3430 or me if you have any questions. Lastly, March will quickly go by and take us into spring break. Classes will end on April 3rd and will resume again April 13th. Hope you and your family have a wonderful March, and again, thank you for your support. Sincerely, Jamey Vermaat Principal Northview Public Schools HIGHLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL -Highlands HighlightsCounselor’s Corner Parents- M-Step is the new MEAP Test The State of Michigan has replaced the MEAP test with the M-STEP tests. These test will be given to the 5th graders during a testing window of April 13-May 1. The 5th graders will be taking the Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies tests online. The 6th graders will be taking the Math and English Language Arts tests online as well however, their testing window is from May 18-June 5. It will be important for students to get appropriate amounts of sleep, to eat healthy, and to understand that M-Step will take perseverance and effort. Please encourage these healthy habits from home as well. If you have any questions about the MStep please contact your classroom teacher or Mr. Van (School Counselor). COMMUNICATION LINK IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT INTERRUPTIONS As an attempt to protect the learning environment for students from frequent disruptions; parent phone messages to students will be delivered twice during the day. The message delivery times will be at lunchtime and at the end of the day. We understand that emergency/unforeseen situations occur that require communication with your student, however, if the message is not an emergency or simply reminders, please try to discuss these with your child before attending school. Thank you for your help. • • • Highlands Highlights will be posted on the school website: PARENTVUE/STUDENTVUE– Allows for parent access to gradebook, important updates from classrooms,etc. Contact school office for access code. Parent-listserv: If you want to receive parent updates regarding school events, email: [email protected]. Type: subscribe in subject line. • School Office: 616-361-3440 (Phone) • 616-365-6171 (Fax number) Northview Public Schools HIGHLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL -Highlands HighlightsIMPORTANT DATES March 3 PTC Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.—Cancelled March 6 1/2 Day—Students Dismissed @ 11:45 a.m. March 11 Conferences 5:00—8:00 p.m. March 12 Conferences 12:30—3:30 p.m. / 5:00—8:00 p.m. 1/2 Day for Students, Dismissal @ 11:45 a.m. March 13 No School for Students & Staff March 20 Friday Fun Day—3:30—5:30 p.m. March 27 End of 3rd Quarter Student Drop Off & Pick Up For your child’s safety please use the east parking lot (the side of the building) when dropping your student (s) off or picking them up. Follow the arrows on the parking lot to help with the most efficient traffic flow and to help provide the most safety for all students. When exiting from the east parking lot, your best option is to exit using the same public road you used to enter our parking area. This is a two way street, only the bus/fire lane and the smaller parking areas in front of the building are one-way traffic areas. Student Attendance If your child will be late or absent from school, please remember to call the school office by 9:00 a.m. at 361-3440. You may call and leave a message if you prefer. After 9:00 a.m. the school will make an effort to contact you to verify that you are aware your child is not in school. Thank you for your cooperation. Building Visitors Visitors to Highland Middle School are asked to please sign-in with the office. This is for the protection of all staff and students in our building. If you have not signed in or are not wearing an identification badge you will be asked to do so. Thank you for your help and understanding in keeping all students safe. Building Hours Highlands is available for student occupation starting at 7:45 a.m. Students are asked to go directly into the cafeteria until 8:25 a.m. at which time they can go to their lockers and start their day. Walkers, and personally (parent) transported students will be dismissed at 3:25 p.m. Bus riders will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Northview Public Schools HIGHLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL -Highlands HighlightsComputer News In computer classes we are working on a Power Point Research projects, complete with sounds, animations and other features. The fifth graders are researching a state while the sixth graders are finding out about a Latin American country. If your child would like to bring home this project (or other larger computer files), they will need to bring a USB Flash Drive to school. I can show them how to save it. If you do not have power point, we can still package it so it will play on your computer. Choir Notes Ms. Nagy SPRING CONCERT: Wednesday May 20, 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Center Clothing: any combination of black and white, you may add red/pink accents if you choose! Dress shoes, no tee shirts or jeans, and no flip-flops We also continue to increase keyboarding skills through Mavis please. Beacon Teaches Typing. I am very proud of their growth since the beginning of the year! Sixth Grade Choir kids should be thinking ahead to scheduling at Crossroads Middle School. Mrs. Art and Computer classes will switch right before spring break Hjelm, our 7-8 Choir Teacher will be visiting the 6th for the fourth marking period. It’s been a pleasure learning graders to discuss the program at Crossroads. I highly with your children. recommend continuing in Choir in 7th grade. Students who have any interest in Music should continue in 7th grade, they will have more performances and singing opportunities. It is difficult to skip choir in 7th and ACTSOFKINDNESS then return in 8th, Mrs. Hjelm does a lot of important training in 7th! Please feel free to phone me if you Fifth graders will be doing a Random Acts of Kindness Post- aren’t sure about the choices. card Project in March. First, students will do a simple random act of kindness for someone. It might be shoveling a neighbor's driveway, loading an elderly person's groceries into his car, tutoring a friend in a subject they are struggling in, or any other simple act for someone that is done without duty. After they perform the act, they will jot down what they did on their postcard along with the city they live in. Next, students will pass the postcard on to the person who received their kindness asking that person to do a random act of kindness for another person. Once they do it, they will jot down what they did and the city they live in and pass it along again. People will keep paying the kindness forward to others. Once ten acts of kindness have been done, the postcard is complete. The last recipient will email the stamped postcard to Highlands so students can track where it traveled and what kinds of kindness were spread. Choir activities are centered around learning our new concert music and learning to read choral music. Students have made excellent progress in reading skills and in tone and blend. Each student has a warm-up partner to facilitate developing choral blend and tone. We are also participating in Reading Month activities by reviewing Oscar Award nominated songs and decorating the Choir Room door with an Oscar award theme. Stop by and see the door at conferences. A huge part of becoming an accomplished singer is listening to live music. Please take advantage of the many concerts offered free of charge here in Northview, and attend other performances available. The NHS musical “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” will be running March 27-28, look for information in Northview News and see a great show! There are lots of concerts presented by the Northview music department and many concerts in Grand Rapids. Northview Public Schools HIGHLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL -Highlands HighlightsCONGRATULATIONS!!! Student of the Month February 5th Graders Lydia Cochrill, Marvin Colbert, Madeline Davis, Kipp DeLing, Lily Doucette, Lauren Murphy, Highlands Recycles! Highland’s Green Team is recy- Elijah Ortiz, Kyle Pitchure, Brooke Schneider, cling more than ever! We’ve added instant oatmeal Elizabeth (Lizzy) Skinner, Deontay Wade packages to our large list of items that we collect and recycle that include everything from candy wrappers to 6th Grade shoes! To see a full list of items, see the link on Highlands’ homepage. We have been able to reduce the Colin Carter, Jessica Decker, Brianna Miamount of waste that goes in the landfill while earning lanowski, Eloy Morales-Ibarra, Landen some money. We are always looking for parent volunRoggenbaum, Alexus Shiels, Kamara Steverteers. Please contact Mrs. Krueger at dkrueson, Emma Westrate [email protected] THE GREEN TEAM EXPECT RESPECT At Highlands, we use the positive behavior support to promote a learning culture that encourages success for all students. We use encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging to provide a foundation for learning the core skills as well as interpersonal skills. The students will be introduced to these themes thru the camp experience in the fall as well as thru posters, htv announcements, and conversations in the hallways and classrooms. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Van or Mr. Charity. March Reading Madness!!! By: Cara Eastman Get off those i-phones, ipods, i-pads, computers, and TV’s No electronics? You must think I’m some crazy person. But March is Reading Month. What about doing something that’s good for your brain for once? I am challenging you to not go on any electronics this month, unless you’re doing homework for class. I bet lots of you will try really hard to win this challenge. It doesn’t matter what kind of book it is or what characters are in it. When does the challenge start? Right now. Who will win? You or the clock? ARE YOU A NON-RESIDENT FAMILY ATTENDING NORTHVIEW? Storm Runners Book Review If “YES,” PLEASE READ THIS. If someone else in your household wants to start attending Northview next year, be sure to contact Kathy Maas at the Administration Building (3636861 or [email protected]) as soon as possible. She will explain the paperwork/process that needs to be completed this spring. Thank you! You should read Storm Runners. It is about a kid named Chase Masters and his Dad John. In the beginning John gets struck by a lightning bolt and goes into a coma for awhile. When he gets out of the coma he somehow knows that a tornado is coming. His school bus gets into an accident and he tries to help an unconscious bus driver. Read this to find out what happens. By: Ravyn On January 31, 2015 the Highlands Cast of the Snow Queen put on an outstanding performance for family, friends, and community at the Max Colley Jr. Performing Arts Center. The stage was transformed into a magical, wintry wonderland. The Flurries, the icy imps of the Snow Queen, conjured up a cruel spell to make a magical mirror that reflects the ugly side of humanity. Hardly impressed, the Snow Queen smashes the mirror to set her more dastardly plan into motion. While cousins Gerda and Kay play tag, Kay gets a shard of the shattered mirror stuck in her eye, and it turns her into a rotten brat. The Snow Queen kidnaps the girl and takes her to the Ice Castle. Timid Gerda is determined to rescue her best friend, armed only with a Gypsy’s jar of warm wishes and giggle-inducing snickerdoodles. On her journey, she encounters a cursed gardener, talking flowers, a mischievous fox, a know -it-all crow, a generous princess and rowdy robbers. Once at the castle, Gerda uses the jar of warm wishes to melt the Flurries and the magical cookies to warm Kay’s heart again. Thanks to Gerda’s own warm heart and her loving, forgiving nature, the Snow Queen transformed into the Sun Queen and the Flurries returned as Sunbeams. Please congratulate the cast and crew for making the story come to life for all to enjoy. Everyone worked extremely hard to put forth a remarkable performance! Cast FLURRIES………………………………Snow Queen’s Minions Goosebump…………………………………Brady Musser Shiver…………………………………………Jocelyn Hendricks Whirlwind……………………………………Daviona Cross Bluster………………………………………..Brianna Scherbinski Blizzard………………………………………Allison Garcia Slush…………………………………………Molly O’Connor Snow Queen……………………………….Vivian Schmidt Frostbite……………………………………Samantha Norcutt Puppy……………………………………….Cheyenne Compton Birthday Kid……………………………….Lily Besemer New Mother…………………………….....Maddie Davis Kay………………………………… ………...Cali Duckers Gerda………………………………………...Tori Scovel Flora…………………………………………..Belma Hodzic FLOWERS Petunia………………………….Quinton Baranowski Daffodil…………………......Catherine Schneider Directed by Mrs. Doherty Tulip…………………………....Layla Sella Assistant Student Director………………………….Hannah Cooke Daisy………………………… ...Aniyah Martinez Tiger Lily……………………..Juliette Kaltenberg Pansy…………………………...Laila McFriend Forget-Me-Not…………......Elaina Shafer Rose……………………...……..Kendra Street Arctic Fox……………...……..Lily Doucette Crow……………………….....Justin Schutz Princess Dawndrell…………………………..Hannah Cooke Caleb– Royal Gardener……………………..Gibson Mears PTC NEWS Due to a scheduling conflict, the March 3rd PTC meeting has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. Hagiba……………………………………………..Marieanne Perez However, comments/suggestions/ideas are always welcomed...meeting or not! Either via our Facebook page or Broody Brody…………………………………Benjamin Woodard email to [email protected]. Freckle…………………………………………......Kairi Cole Mumbles McCoy……………………………… Jakob Kohsel Reindeer…………………………………………..Julie Lauer STAGE CREW…………………………………..Jordan Farrell ……...………………………………………………..Keira Jones WHITECAPS To go along with our March Reading Madness, students have the opportunity to earn two (2) free tickets to the Whitecaps baseball game. The game will be held on Thursday, April 30th, 2015. We will go as a school that day. Please look for more information to come home with your student! On Monday, March 9, DTE Energy will visit Highlands to give their presentation on energy conservation. This is the second year that the 6th grade students will have the opportunity to learn different ways to conserve energy in their homes. In addition to the presentation, the students are given a home survey to complete, and a kit that includes LED light bulbs, a water conserving shower head, an aerator for sinks, and an LED night light. We are very excited to have them visit again this year. Thank you DTE Energy. Northview Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or activities. Any questions or inquiries related to nondiscrimination policies, Title II, the Age Discrimination Act, Title VI or IX of the Eudcation Amendments of 1972 or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, should be directed to: Coordinator of Employee Services, Northview Public Schools, 4365 Hunsberger NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (616)3636861.
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