Vacation Care Winter 2015 Registration Pack Winter Vacation Care 2015 will commence on Monday 29th June 2015 and finish on Monday 13th July 2015 Vacation Care is available for all families during school holidays at our John Palmer and Riverbank centres. Further information can be obtained on our website NWCC @ John Palmer Public School NWCC @ Riverbank Public School 85 The Ponds Blvd, The Ponds 25 Wentworth Ave, The Ponds Hours Vacation Care: Open from 7:00am till 6:00pm Pricing Vacation Care First Child $50 Per Day Additional Child $46 Per Day Enrolments or changes made after June 15th Priority of Access Access to our centres will be based on the following criteria: 1. A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect 2. Existing bookings (current child & same sessions) - Accounts must be up to date 3. Bookings where child of a single parent who satisfies, or both parents who satisfy the work, training, study test. Within this group, priority will be given to bookings where a) Existing family enrolling an additional child (same sessions as other child already enrolled) b) Existing booking seeking to transfer from another centre (same sessions). e.g. Child attending Schofields centre seeking to move to The Ponds centre c) Existing family seeking additional sessions d) New families (ie. Not currently using NWCC Before and After School Care) 4. Other bookings PLEASE NOTE: Priority is given to children who attend the school where the centre is located. To make a booking Please return the completed registration pack along with any medical management plans, additional information required and ACIR statement to: [email protected] OR 39/15 Valediction Rd, Kings Park NSW 2148 OR Drop it to the Team Leader at the centre 2015, will incur a fee of $10 per child Additional Costs JOHN PALMER Wednesday 1st July - Rock Climbing - $38 Thursday 2nd July - Christmas in July - $5 Wednesday 8th July - Mozart to Gaga - $10 RIVERBANK Wednesday 1st July - Mozart to Gaga - $10 Thursday 2nd July - Christmas in July - $5 Wednesday 8th July - Rock Climbing - $38 Breakfast provided until 8am Lunch will be provided What to Bring - Morning and Afternoon Tea - Hat - Shirt/top with sleeve (i.e. NO singlets) - Sensible Shoes (i.e. Not thongs or heels) - Please leave valuables and electronic devices at home Pick Up / Drop Off Please ensure all persons collecting and dropping of your child bring photo Identification. NWCC will only release children to parents and authorised collectors stated on the form Specific Needs NWCC will endeavour to meet all families special requests. Please bring these needs to the attention of NWCC and we will assess our ability to meet those needs. Northwest Community Childcare is managed by Northwest Community Baptist Church and operates under the Northwest Community Trust Phone 02 8678 0279 web Winter Vacation Care 2015 Child Details Does your child live with Anaphylaxis? Surname Given Name MALE MEDICAL - Please Tick FEMALE Is your child imunised? Is your child able to receive paracetamol? Can your child wear sunscreen? Does your child live with chronic asthma? Other? Can your child self administer medication? (Asthma and Panadol only) Allergies? Date Of Birth DEVELOPMENTAL / LANGUAGE Does your child have any developmental considerations? Please List Child CRN (cust. Reference no.) Do you speak English at home? Other language your child speaks? School CULTURAL / RELIGIOUS Year at School Does your child have any cultural or religious considerations? Please List Please Tick: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? Does your child have cultural dietary requirements? Please List Can your child watch a PG rated movie? Can photos of your child be taken? INTERESTS Is there anyone who is prohibited from picking up your child? If so, a current court order is required What are you child’s interests or hobbies? MEDICAL - Please Tick Does your child live with Anaphylaxis? Surname Given Name MALE FEMALE Is your child imunised? Is your child able to receive paracetamol? Can your child wear sunscreen? Does your child live with chronic asthma? Other? Can your child self administer medication? (Asthma and Panadol only) Allergies? Date Of Birth DEVELOPMENTAL / LANGUAGE Does your child have any developmental considerations? Please List Child CRN (cust. Reference no.) Do you speak English at home? Other language your child speaks? School Year at School CULTURAL / RELIGIOUS Does your child have any cultural or religious considerations? Please List Please Tick: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent? Does your child have cultural dietary requirements? Please List Can your child watch a PG rated movie? Can photos of your child be taken? INTERESTS Is there anyone who is prohibited from picking up your child? If so, a current court order is required What are you child’s interests or hobbies? I declare that I have read, accept and understand all information within the NWCC Parent Handbook. I declare all information I have provided is accurate and current and will notify NWCC of any changes. I authorise the person in charge, in case of an emergency to obtain any assistance on my behalf as my child/ren require, I agree to pay all fees and charges incurred. I acknowledge that NWCC may obtain and exchange information with relevant parties in relation to child protection. I am aware that my child will be observed and documentation kept while in care. I recognise that programs may change from what is published and I accept that NWCC will not be held liable for any loss, or damage of property or injury caused whatsoever that occurs whilst my child/ren in attendance at NWCC. I have ensured that all asthma, anaphylaxis management plans, medication and ACIR Statements are given at time of enrolment. Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: Winter Vacation Care 2015 Parent Details Surname Surname Given Names Given Names Parent CRN (Cust. Reference No.) Parent CRN (Cust. Reference No.) Relationship to Children Relationship to Children Date of Birth Date of Birth Address Address Mobile Phone Number Mobile Phone Number Secondary Phone Number Secondary Phone Number Email Email Employment Employed Studying/Training Employment Looking for Work Other Employed Looking for Work Studying/Training Other Emergency Contacts Surname Surname Surname Given Names Given Names Given Names Relationship to Child Relationship to Child Relationship to Child Date of Birth Date of Birth Date of Birth Address Address Address Contact Number Contact Number Contact Number Authorised to Collect Authorised to Collect Authorised to Collect Winter Vacation Care 2015 Bookings Please indicate which Vacation Care Centre your child/ren will be attending. Please note that only one centre can be chosen for the duration of Vacation Care. NWCC @ John Palmer Public School NWCC @ Riverbank Public School 85 The Ponds Blvd, The Ponds 25 Wentworth Ave, The Ponds Week One - 29th June 2015 to 3rd July 2015 Child’s Name Monday 29th June Thursday 2nd July Friday 3rd July Thursday 9th July Friday 10th July Wednesday 15th July Thursday 16th July Friday 17th July N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tuesday 30th June Wednesday 1st July Excursion/Incursion Christmas in July Week Two - 6th July 2015 to 10th July 2015 Child’s Name Monday 6th July Tuesday 7th July Wednesday 8th July Excursion/Incursion Week Three - 13th July 2015 Child’s Name Monday 13th July Tuesday 14th July Winter Vacation Care 2015 Rock Climbing Excursion Permission Note I give permission for my child/ren (Please insert names): to attend the Vacation Care Excursion to: The Edge, Castle Hill on Wednesday 1st July 2015 or Wednesday 8th July 2015 (please delete date not applicable) Travelling by private bus supplied by Baxters Buslines from John Palmer Public School or Riverbank Public School (please delete school not applicable) to The Edge, Rock Climbing, Castle Hill Leaving at 9:30am sharp and returning at approximately 1:30pm Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Winter Vacation Care 2015 Credit Card Payment Authority Account Name: Card Type: Visa Mastercard Card Number: Card Expiry: CVV: Name on Card: Payment Authority Deduct payment Yes No as per statement: OR Payment Amount: Cardholder Signature: Payment Frequency:
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