A copy of the Disability Awareness and Accessibility

51 Bordesley Green
B9 4BZ
Disability Awareness & Accessibility
Guidance for Bus Passengers using Wheelchairs, Buggies and Mobility Scooters
National Express is committed to making its scheduled bus services accessible to as many people as
possible and ensuring all passengers can travel safely and comfortably. A count undertaken in June 2014
indicated that on average 1500 journeys a day are undertaken by wheelchair users. However at busy
times it must be recognized there may be a number of potential passengers wishing to use the specific
areas of the bus set aside for wheelchair, buggy or mobility scooter use and therefore it may not be
possible to travel on the vehicle of choice.
The wheelchair / pushchair / mobility scooter bays are available to all passengers on a first come, first
served basis. No passengers have priority over other passengers on the bus. Under current legislation
this includes wheelchair users.
All new buses built since 31 December 2000 must comply with strict safety criteria to allow a wheelchair
user to board the bus. All buses in the UK must be wheelchair compliant by 2017.
ALL of our fleet can already accommodate a wheelchair and we are continuing to invest in new buses so
that all our buses will continue to be fully accessible ahead of the 2017 deadline.
Our Accessible buses can potentially accommodate;
1. A “standard reference wheelchair” which has a maximum width of 700mm, a length of
1200mm, sitting height of 1350mm and footrest of 150mm. If your wheelchair exceeds these
dimensions, the bus will not be able to carry you safely. Electric wheelchairs are classed in
the same way as manual wheelchairs, although batteries must be covered.
2. A Class 2 Mobility Scooter which has a maximum width of 600mm, a length of 1000mm and a
turning radius not exceeding 1200mm. The weight of the passenger and the mobility scooter
must not exceed 300kg.
3. A maximum of 2 unfolded buggies.
Specific rules apply to each of these categories and are set out below;
Guidance for wheelchair users travelling by bus
1. All buses which can accommodate wheelchairs carry a sign on the near side corner of the
front of the bus and/or a sign on the near side of the bus close to the front doors – see
2. If a wheelchair user wishes to board the bus and the bay is already occupied, our drivers will
ask passengers if they are prepared to move to allow the passenger using the wheelchair on
board. However, the driver cannot compel passengers to move if they refuse to do so. If this
occurs then we will be unable to accommodate the wheelchair user on that service.
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3. We will always attempt to park at bus stops to allow wheelchairs to board / alight from the
bus easily. Drivers will deploy ramps on request for wheelchair users and the bus will ‘kneel’
where appropriate.
4. When on board, please ensure you park your wheelchair in such a way that you do not
obstruct the aisle.
- Wheelchair users should park the rear of their wheelchair against the back-rest.
- Brakes must be applied.
- Travelling sideways is not permitted.
5. Wheelchairs must be occupied at all time when inside the bay. Empty wheelchairs must be
folded and stored in the luggage rack.
Illustration of the wheelchair sign shown on our wheelchair accessible buses.
Guidance for buggy users travelling by bus
1. Subject to space being available, National Express buses can carry up to two unfolded
buggies. These must be carried within the buggy / wheelchair bays and must not block the
aisle at any time.
2. A sign detailing the maximum number of pushchairs that can be accommodated on our
buses is clearly displayed both on the outside of the vehicle (near the doors) and on the
drivers cab.
3. The wheelchair / buggy / mobility scooter bays are available to all passengers on a first
come, first served basis. No passengers have priority over other passengers on the bus.
4. If a wheelchair / mobility scooter user wishes to board the bus and the bay is already
occupied by a buggy, our drivers will ask passengers if they are prepared to move to allow
the passenger using the wheelchair / mobility scooter on board – this may mean they need
to fold an unfolded buggy to make room. We always encourage all our passengers to
consider the needs of other passengers and make the appropriate adjustments.
5. We will always attempt to park at bus stops to allow pushchairs to board the bus easily.
6. When on board, please ensure you park your buggy in such a way that you do not obstruct
the aisle. Buggies must be parked inside the bay with the brakes on. Do not overload the
handles with shopping as this can cause the pushchair to tip over.
7. Unfolded buggies must be occupied at all time when inside the bay. Empty buggies must be
folded and stored in the luggage rack.
8. Please ensure children are strapped in and secured in their buggy at all times; whilst
boarding, alighting and travelling on the bus.
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Illustration of the buggy sign shown on our buses.
Guidance for Mobility Scooters travelling by bus
There is no legal requirement for bus operators to carry mobility scooters. However National Express
has adopted the CPT Code for the use and acceptance of Mobility Scooters. The key features of the code
are summarised below but potential users should study and follow
Full details of the scheme are set out in the full code, the CPT Code for the Use and Acceptance of
Mobility Scooters on Low Floor Buses leaflet (PDF).
1. All users of mobility scooters MUST obtain a personalised ‘Permit to Travel’ prior to
attempting to board a bus.
Mobility Scooters will not be carried on any NX bus under any circumstances without this
‘permit to travel’ For details of how to obtain a permit, including the required training,
please contact:
Tel. 0121 254 7211 or email [email protected]
2. Once on Board, passengers should put their mobility scooter in the designated wheelchair
space, reversed up to the backrest. The scooter motor must be switched off and the scooter
parked in gear to avoid movement.
3. The passenger must remain on the mobility scooter once it is parked, using the handrails
provided to assist with safety and stability.
Guidance for Oxygen Users
Passengers are allowed to board our buses with oxygen bottles where they are provided for personal
health reasons as long as proper precautions are in place. The oxygen bottle should be secured in a
padded cover and attached to a wheelchair or electric scooter which would ensure that is secure should
a collision occur.
Guidance for Users of Walking Aids (For example Rollators)
After you have boarded the bus please fold the ‘walking aid’ and stow securely or hold it. For safety
reasons it is not permitted to sit on the walking aid whilst the bus is in motion.
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Extract from Conditions of Carriage
We want to make travel on our bus services easier for everyone, and especially for people with
special needs, including customers with disabilities and those with young children or pushchairs.
10.2 Easy access vehicles operate on many of our services and are identified with special logos on
vehicles and timetables.
10.3 These vehicles have a low entrance step which enables pushchairs to be wheeled straight on
without being folded down (subject to available space) and there is also space allocated on
most easy access vehicles for one wheelchair.
10.4 The wheelchair space is suitable for a “standard reference wheelchair” which has a maximum
width of 700mm and a length of 1200mm. Electric wheelchairs will be treated the same as other
wheelchairs, but there are some types of wheelchair which are not safe for carriage on our
vehicles, such as scooters.
10.5 If the wheelchair space is occupied then unfortunately it will not be possible to allow a further
wheelchair customer to board.
10.6 A maximum of 2 unfolded buggies are permitted on easy access vehicles, dependent on vehicle
type, and providing they do not obstruct the gangway. Where a wheelchair customer wishes to
board a customer with a folding pushchair may be respectfully asked to fold it in order to
accommodate the wheelchair, however the Company cannot reserve spaces or seats on any
10.7 Wheelchair customers are requested to apply the restraint system on the wheelchair to ensure
they are safely positioned.
10.8 Some vehicles are fitted with ramps to improve access and it is the driver’s duty to deploy this
where it is safe to do so. There will be some stops where this will not be safe and the driver may
have to stop further along the road.
10.9 Similarly, there will be some stops where a wheelchair customer may not be able to board due
to inconsiderate parking or the road layout.
10.10 Most easy access vehicles have a kneeling system and if a disabled customer wishes to use it our
driver will make it available, where it is safe to do so.
10.11 If you would like information about easy access services please contact our Customer Care
department (section 2.1) who can help you plan your journey
10.12 The Company will not be liable for any loss of or for any damage caused to wheelchairs or other
mobility equipment or assistive devices except where caused by its negligence or that of its staff
or agents. In the event of the Company being so liable, such liability shall in respect of any one
claim be limited to the cost of replacement or repair of the equipment or devices lost or
Updated April 2015 (Walking Aids & Images)
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West Midlands Travel Ltd. 51 Bordesley Green, B9 4BZ. Registered in England No 02652253. Part of National Express Group