NYSRA www.nysraweb.org NEWSLETTER Fall/Winter 2014 Volume 19 • Issue 4 New York HEAVEN State Reflexology Association There are very few times in my life when I have experienced a feeling of Heaven on Earth. I would have to say one of those moments was when I had my first “authentic” reflexology session. Most of you can remember what that feeling was like. You thought you had been getting reflexology, that is, until you felt those hands of gold start doing their thing and then realized just what reflexology was supposed to feel like. It was a feeling of great enjoyment but yet also slight disappointment to know you had been duped. EARTH ON My most recent experience of heaven on earth is one that will stay with me forever. One can only hope! This past September I had the privilege of spending a week in Sedona, AZ on a spiritual hiking retreat. It was my first time in Sedona and first time ever setting eyes on those tremendously beautiful red rocks. I didn’t know what to really expect. I was told from other friends who had experienced this trip to expect to have your life altered and witness views that pictures could not do justice. And that is just about what I experienced, but yet so much more. By MARGARET CUCCHIARELLA The one phrase that kept going through my mind, from that first day...and throughout the week, was “This is Heaven on Earth. This is why that phrase was I think my most profound moment in Sedona was during my first day. As I drove into the hotel parking lot and stepped out of my car, I could not believe my eyes. From the parking lot of the hotel I found created...for this very moment.” Continued on Page 6 IN THIS ISSUE 1 HEAVEN ON EARTH 2 President’s Corner 3 Happenings, Events & More / NYSRA Holiday Gathering-Jan 11th 4 Committees-Come One-Come All!! / World Reflexology Week 5 Vertigo Article Response / Pumpkin Bread Pudding Recipe 6-7 Heaven on Earth 8-9 Susan Raskin Anatomy & Physiology Workshop Feedback 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Self Care Corner-Who Is Taking Care Of You? Book Review-The Foot Book 8th European Conf on Reflexology in Portugal Save The Dates / NYSRA Benefactor Laura Norman Courses NYSRA Membership Application Form RAA Membership Application Form .............. NYSRA PRESIDENT’S CORNER ........................................................................... BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hello NYSRA members! I hope you had a great summer and are enjoying the fall season so far. The board has been very busy getting acclimated into our new positions and trying to bring our attention to the areas that are most important at this point in time. One of those is of course you “our members.” We are happy to report our membership has picked up some momentum with the summer extension deadline. A big thank you to all of you that have renewed on time and during the extension. Now we just need to keep the momentum growing and continue to build our membership. Anyone that has some interesting ideas in that area we are always looking for thought provokers and “creators-of-membership ideas” folk. Send me or Elizabeth your ideas and we will contact you. Another area that needs our attention, and I’m sure you will all agree, is our website. We have been working on it and it is still yet a work in progress. We are trying to get the website revamped and accessible to all NYSRA members and potential clients, consumers of reflexology. Please be patient with us. If anyone in our membership has experience with websites, we would love to hear from you. MARGARET CUCCHIARELLA President [email protected] ELIZABETH WILLOUGHBY Vice President [email protected] MARY BETH WOLLENSCHLAEGER Treasurer [email protected] RITA DECASSIA Director [email protected] World Reflexology week just passed and I hope many of you were able to hold your own event or take part in an event in your area. I was very happy to attend Diane April’s event at the Maria Fareri Childrens’ Hospital in Valhalla, NY. It’s always a great feeling to volunteer to a population of family members who are really in need of relaxation and the human element of touch. I am grateful for the opportunity to attend. Special thanks go to Diane for her hard work at coordinating this annual WRW event for such an important cause. See Page 5 for additional information on this event, plus photo. ROBERTA KIRSCHENBAUM Director The past few months we have been busy with all of the coordinating for our Fall Workshop and what a great weekend of learning we experienced in Poughkeepsie! I hope those who attended the workshop in Poughkeepsie with Susan Raskin on Anatomy and Physiology, on November 7th and 8th, had a great experience refreshing their A&P knowledge. See Page 6 for more details on this invaluable workshop. LAUREN STAHL Director WORKSHOPS FOR 2015-2016— If you have any ideas for future NYSRA workshops, please let us know. So far we have a few suggestions and they are: Reflexology and Kinesiology, Reflexology for Animals–possible one day workshop, Hot Stone Reflexology, Advanced Anatomy and Physiology. If any of these topics stir an interest in your being, please contact us ([email protected]) and let us know–or if you have any other suggestions we will add them to the list. We would really like to hear from you!!! SAVE THE DATES: Our next Lobby Day is June 2nd. Please put this date on your calendar. We hope you can attend this very important day for NYSRA. It’s a chance for members to show their support for reflexology in New York State and for some to meet with legislators and keep sending our message along. It’s been a very long road but we still need the support of members to keep reflexology alive in Albany. Alive anywhere!! Our next Annual Membership Meeting is Sunday, March 8th from 1-3 pm in New York City (location to be determined). Please add it to your calendar now so you have it. Please make an attempt to attend a regional or annual meeting. NYSRA needs your support and your presence does make a difference. And lastly but definitely not least, I need to mention COMMITTEES. We need your support doing committee work. Please read my article later in this newsletter on committees and my request for each member. Yes I’ve been saying it for years, and, now as the Prez, I am making the request. As part of your NYSRA membership, I believe it is each member’s responsibility to be a part of a committee. And until we can bring this association to a point where we are much stronger, my request is that each member step up and join at least 1-2 committees. It’s not hard work. Most of them are pretty simple but it becomes less simple when all the work is on the shoulders of less than 5 or 7 people. You may have realized that there has been no chatter about a NYSRA 2015 Conference. Well, that is because I have decided that we are not in a position to be putting on a conference Continued on Page 3 I 2 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 [email protected] MAUREEN MUSICARO Director wma26msn.com [email protected] NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE SCOTT R. HALMA-WAY–Editor LESLIE GOLD–Graphics New York State Reflexology Association (NYSRA) an independent not-for-profit organization. NYSRA is not associated with any school or institute, and does not endorse or recommend any reflexology curriculum, school or instructor. Permission to reprint original articles is hereby granted by NYSRA with the stipulation that the following statement accompanies the reprint: “This article is reprinted by permission of NYSRA.” Additionally, the volume, number and date of issue should be included. The opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the New York State Reflexology Association, the editor or the Board of Directors and are for information purposes only. We welcome your comments, ideas and the submissions of original articles and photographs, each of which will be considered for publication. The editors reserve the right to edit all articles based on available space or to refuse to publish any article deemed inappropriate. PRESIDENT’S CORNER Continued from Page 2 ..................................................................................................................... when we need to build our membership, website and financials. Some of you may be upset about this. Well, that will be on me. Many of you know I have been a very active part in putting together most of the NYSRA conferences in the past. So when I say we do not have the support or the numbers, I hope my decision will be received with some acknowledgement of understanding. A good example is our past elections. You might have realized that we didn’t need to complete the full nomination process in 2014 due to the fact that we didn’t have enough members who accepted their nominations to even run against each other to substantiate a full election. This fact alone tells me we have a lot of work to do and Committee work is a large part of bringing an association together with a united voice. And that is one of the main goals of this board over the next 6 months. If you would like to have a NYSRA 2017 Conference, now is the time to step up and help make that happen. For information about all NYSRA Committees, and the activities/responsibilities of each, please read my article about committees on Page 4. So yes, I am asking you to pay your dues on time, show up at events, support NYSRA by being a part of a committee and work along side your Board of Directors who are here to serve you to make this association the strong, supportive, effective force for reflexology in New York State that we all know it can be. I want to wish each member a lovely holiday season filled with peace, health, love, happiness, compassion, and of course that little piece of Heaven on Earth in this year and those to come. P Margaret Cucchiarella NYSRA President ......................................................... !!SAVE THESE DATES!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH NYSRA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUESDAY, JUNE 2ND DAY ALBANY 2015 NYSRA HOLIDAY GATHERING!! SUNDAY, JANUARY 11TH 1-5 PM, NYC LOOK FOR YOUR HOLIDAY CARD/INVITE IN THE MAIL FOR MORE DETAILS!! ........................................................................................................ WELCOME NEW NYSRA MEMBER! Elizabeth Knauer —New York City ........................................................................................................ ♥ CONDOLENCES ♥ NYSRA would like to extend our condolences to two NYSRA members and previous board members. Diane April lost her mom, Pauline Sawyer, on November 11, 2014, having just turned 93. Cathy Baiardi lost her husband on November 16, 2014, who was 72. ........................................................................................................ ARTICLE AND PHOTO SUBMISSIONS Warm regards, LOBBY HAPPENINGS...EVENTS... & MORE! ........................................................................................................ Members–we invite you ALL to submit articles! Email your articles, photographs, and art to Scott Halma-Way: [email protected]. All submissions are subject to editing. SUBMISSION DEADLINES: 2014-2015 WINTER ...November 15th SPRING ...February 15th SUMMER ...May 15th FALL ... August 15th PLEASE INQUIRE about articles submitted after these dates. ARTICLE AND PHOTO SPECIFICATIONS: – Articles can be between 100-750 words. Clear the formatting. – Double Line Space between paragraphs. – Single Line Space between sentences. ........................................................................................................ NYSRA NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING SPECS + RATES Quarter page: Half page: Full page: Business card: 3.6” wide x 3.6” wide x 7.5” wide x 7.5” wide x 3.6” wide x 4.9” high 9.8” high 4.9” high 9.8” high 2.0” high $30 $60 $60 $90 $15 Non-members add an additional 20%. All advertisements must be RGB or Grayscale (b&w): PDF, JPEG, or PSD. Art work sent as Word documents cannot not be accepted. ........................................................................................................ NYSRA MAILING ADDRESS: NYSRA, 424 Broome Street #3, New York, NY 11013 I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 3 COMMITTEES: COME ONE PLEASE COME ALL!!!! By Margaret Cucchiarella .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... NYSRA has many committees. A committee does not work if there are not enough members to join them and support the tasks that are needed. I hope all members will feel inclined to join at least one, if not two, committees. Please read about the committees in the next few paragraphs and think about what area of NYSRA you think could really use some work. If it is an area that affects you personally, then that’s the area you want to concentrate on joining. If you have an interest in improving something, you are more likely to have an impact in that area. And if you think there are possibly too many areas that need addressing to choose from, then guess what, you are probably a good candidate to be a part of our election process in 2015 and possibly take a place on the board. down of events, registration /check in, arrange refreshments and / or snacks. LEGISLATION Work on preparing materials/folders for annual Lobby Day, outreach /visit local /key legislators offices, attend fundraisers, continue to develop strategy for future path of our legislative path in Albany. PHONE TREE/PR COMMITTEE But until then, please choose a committee to join and help make this association stronger. Here is a brief overview of our committees. Contact the general membership to alert of upcoming events and legislative happenings. Each member will call about a dozen members with a script provided by a board member outlining key information to disseminate to members. Works in conjunction with events and membership committees. MEMBERSHIP WEBSITE Maintain database and process new applications and renewals. Help to promote NYSRA at reflexology schools, ARCB testing sites, create public awareness. Build membership by doing outreach. Assist with maintaining and improving our website, adding membership information, and updating events. Work closely with membership and events committees. Still a work in progress, need to define this committee more clearly. EVENTS Assist in organizing workshops, special events, meetings, and conferences. Locate venues, presenters, hotel accommodations for presenters, technical equipment. Responsible for setup and break Have you decided which committee you’d like to join? Please contact us: [email protected] We can’t wait to start working with you! P ........................................................................................................................ P P P P ........................................................................................................................ WORLD REFLEXOLOGY WEEK By Margaret Cucchiarella ..................................................................................................................... So thank you, Diane, for all of the hard work and dedication you demonstrate by putting on this event every year, and also thank you to the NYSRA members who so generously gave their time and care: Gabrielle Zale, Cristina Lipka and Julia Reimer. P I had the opportunity to attend a WRW event on October 9th at the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, NY. Diane April coordinated the event and we worked on family members who had children staying in the hospital. These folks were so gracious and appreciative of us being there. After I worked on one woman’s feet she had fallen into a deep sleep. When she woke up, I helped her out of the LaFuma chair and she had tears in her eyes. I asked her is she was ok and she then proceeded to give me a huge hug. She said it had been the most she had relaxed in a very long time and I was just speechless. Doing reflexology in a very limited capacity over the last few years, it had been quite some time since I experienced that feeling of gratitude. In that moment I was so grateful for being a reflexologist and having that capacity to make a difference in someone’s life. Even if it was for a short time, it was so rewarding and I am so grateful for making it to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital event that day. I 4 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 Diane April and Cristina Lipka provide much needed care to family members at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. BUDDY IN CRISIS (VERTIGO) A RESPONSE TO: FACE & FOOT REFLEXOLOGY FOR VERTIGO— SCOTT HALMA-WAY’s PUMPKIN BREAD PUDDING ............................................ By Birgit Nagele, ARCB, LVCY (NYSRA, RAA, ICR) ..................................................................................................................... At our recent workshop, I served this to our participants. There were so many requests for the recipe, I thought I’d share it! I tweaked the original recipe by using all organic ingredients, changing heavy cream to whole milk and boosting the spices. Also, I changed the white sugar to brown. SO good!!!! P When I do exchanges with colleagues, we usually don’t keep SOAP notes (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan). PUMPKIN BREAD PUDDING By Rita DeCassia (published in the NYSRA Summer 2014 Newsletter) This is what I recall about the two sessions I gave Rita DeCassia. The first session was just done on the feet; using light touch. For the second session, I decided that it might be helpful to do a combo session, namely, facial and foot reflexology. I most likely did the basic session according to Marie-France Muller’s Facial Reflexology, A Self Care Manual; and I certainly did vertigo/ dizziness points 63, 34, 106, 65, 8, 0 (I had looked them up in the book and copied them into my notebook which I brought along) as well as facial chakra balancing points (365, 127, 19, 1, 8, 26, 103) which I do almost always. Here are the reasons for my decision: a. I would be working in proximity to the ears and brain; because I personally work on the face every day; and know how effective it is; in addition I also know that Rita practices Facial Reflexology. My overall goal was to really comfort her by being there in times of crisis and then go from there. b. I generally believe it must be more effective approaching a challenge in multiple ways (in this case through the face and feet. Combos of at least two, sometimes even three (if time is not an issue) generally makes sense to me and this is my approach to self care as well (I practice what I preach and keep a journal (blog) about it. c. Often, my clients fall asleep after a few minutes of work on the face (especially if the very soft pressure “Wendy Coad Method” is applied). The idea of my clients dozing off, especially when they are having a severe crisis is something that I hope for. Rita seemed to have dozed off at least during one session. d. On the feet I focused on the following reflexes: brain, neck, central nervous system, ears, eyes, solar plexus, lymphatic system, and pituitary gland reflexes. I should add that while I generally use light to medium pressure, I even used less pressure than usual, returning to diaphragm reflex passes to keep that area open. As a yoga teacher, yoga student of 20 years, and student of Dr. Brown (“The Healing Breath”), I am a firm believer in the breath’s healing benefits. This wisdom is woven into my reflexology sessions. In addition, intuition is important. As healing facilitators (if you will) we use our inner voice. I am very happy to hear that I could be of help during Rita’s crisis. And when Rita insisted to work on me, I strangely had a minor crisis of my own. Thank you, Rita. I, in turn, insisted that we do “a follow-up exchange” and we did. P ........ P P P P • 1 cup Whole Milk • 1 can solid-pack Pumpkin, 15 oz. • 1/2 cup Half & Half • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar • 2 large Eggs • 1/4 teaspoon Salt • 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger • 1/8 teaspoon Ground Allspice • Pinch of Ground Cloves • 5 slices cubed (1-inch) toasted • • Whole Wheat Bread 3/4 stick Unsalted Butter, melted 2 Tb Raisins/Currants Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Toast bread and cut it into 1’’ squares. Place them in the baking dish and drizzle with the melted butter. Toss to coat. Mix together the wet ingredients. Pour over the bread cubes. Add the raisins & the currants. Gently stir until incorporated. Place in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes until the center is cooked (an inserted knife comes out clean). Let cool and enjoy! P ........ ............................................ I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 5 HEAVEN ON EARTH .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Continued from Front Cover myself surrounded by at least three gorgeous mountains of red rock. Hiking was not beginning until the following afternoon so I had some down time. I intended to find a store and buy groceries for the week, then get back to my room to relax after a long flight. As soon as I drove about a quarter of a mile up and down a windy road (Rt. 179), I found myself on this narrow road of hills and valleys with the most gorgeous, heavenly mountains of red rock approaching me like they had been there all my life, waiting for me to come for a visit. I suddenly felt like I was having an out of body experience, or like I was in a movie and someone else was driving while I was witnessing such beauty. As the car drove on, I found myself compelled to look out every window possible not wanting to miss the view from any angle, like a child spotting a shooting star for the first time in the night sky from a car window. I wanted to stop and pause the frame so I could just take it all in without worrying about the road or traffic or maybe even driving off the road. It was so spellbinding. I thought to myself, “How do people witness this magical moment and not get into an accident?” The scenery was so powerful that it was a struggle to drive through it for the first time. The drive that day was an experience I had never had before, and one that I will cherish for a long time. I made that same drive again several times as the week progressed...but the drive was never quite as magical as the one on that first day. The one phrase that kept going through my mind, from that first day to when I ventured to several of the rocks with my group of hikers, and throughout the week, was “This is heaven on earth. This is why that phrase was created, for this very moment.” While in Sedona, I found myself asking this question over and over, “How amazing would life be if we could only bottle this high, this euphoria of life? How amazing would life be every day?” I am grateful for the life I have and the people in it, but sometimes life just doesn’t work as easily as we would like. Life in Sedona had a comfortable ease about it. Something that seems to come by with much more effort outside of Sedona. I’m told the energy and the vortexes work wonders, especially for energy minded people and those who are really energy sensitive. I hope to return again and to witness the beauty of the red rocks and those magical vortexes again, but until then I will try to remember those feelings of peace and magic and wonderment that came over me beginning that first day and bring them into my daily thoughts. I 6 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 So I share this experience with you because I’m sure there are several NYSRA members who have been to Sedona or somewhere as special and have witnessed this feeling of heaven on earth. My question for us all is how do we take that feeling and make it last? How do we bring it into our everyday lives, our practices, to our clients, family, friends, co-workers, even strangers? How do we offer that experience to others so that we are all actually changing the environment in which we live to feel or even be more like heaven on earth? How do I recreate heaven on earth? I have a screensaver on my computer of some of my favorite places; Bell Rock, Kachina woman, and Cathedral rock. I gaze at my heavenly pictures of Redrock Crossing, stare at the picturesque 2015 wall calendar of Sedona that I can’t wait to hang, and drink out of my new coffee mug of the “red rocks.” Last, but not least, I pick up and feel the energy of the rocks I took home with me. I can still feel the Sedona energy through them. These are all reminders for me of how life can shift and turn into something much greater, more peaceful and beautiful. Like Heaven on Earth. I would love to hear from NYSRA members on how you bring a little bit of heaven to your earthly ways. I’ve asked each board member to write about their own heaven on earth experiences. I thought it was a way for members to get to know your board members a little better and for them to share a piece of their lives with you. So in this newsletter we will be doing a mini feature of “Heaven on Earth” through the eyes of each board member. My hope is that once members read a few “Heaven on Earth” experiences it will inspire others to write and tell their own story. We will be happy to publish your story in the next newsletter. And do remember an article published here can add a very nice line to any resume stating that you are a “published” writer! Wishing that each of you find ways to experience Heaven on Earth in your lives every day, and can also share those experiences with others, so that it becomes a ripple effect for all to witness and enjoy. .................... .................... P MARY BETH WOLLENSCHLAEGER: To me, Heaven on Earth is a state of mind. It is our consciousness and that is made up of the thoughts, feelings and ideas we have about things, which in turn makes up our reality. It is our perspective and, boy, oh boy, can it change in an instant! Did you ever notice how many things can and do become self-fulfilling prophecies? Now, more so than ever, you think it and say it and it can and does happen. That’s the good and the bad news, it makes you be very choosy about your thoughts! I have become aware, lately, that I am at least willing to admit there may be another perspective, even if I do not know what it is. I had the experience a few months ago of buying a bookcase that required “some assembly.” Now, actually, the assembly was quite simple as no tools were required and it was only 3 pieces: the shelving unit which had the shelves and sides all attached (you just had to open the sides and the shelves dropped into place), then the back (which had grooves to slide into the unit), and lastly a top piece to link all 3 parts together. Simple, and like I said, no tools required. This was great because I decided at 9:30 pm on a Sunday night to put this together. Everything was going great until I got to Step 2 which was slide the back piece into place. As I stood behind the shelving unit with the back piece I thought to myself, “There is no way this is going to fit. It’s much too wide.” I looked at it and then back at the back piece I was holding and started thinking which neighbors I could call at that hour to help me? Or, perhaps it was the manufacturer’s fault and I got a faulty part? (It does happen!) Then I thought, perhaps there is another angle here and I’m just not seeing it–so I stepped away from the bookcase and stood in front of it. After about 60 seconds of looking at it, I picked up the back piece and slid it into place. Now I was standing at what I thought was the front, but was really the back! It couldn’t have been easier! What normally would have taken me a long time to figure out (if ever!), I figured out in minutes, simply because I had the thought, “perhaps there is another way.” So to me, that’s what will create our Heaven on Earth. I catch glimpses of it more and more; whether it’s hearing my wind chimes outside as I lay in bed or looking at the beautiful grey skies that are so interesting or noticing a beautiful tree in fall splendor. It’s taking the time to look at something from a new perspective. So, these Heaven and Earth experiences can be big and memorable and super-special, but they can also be “every-day miracles.” I’m going to start tracking them. Looking for the good and the miracles will bring about more, that’s what the Law of Attraction teaches us, what we focus on is what we bring about. This summer, I had a very special Heaven on Earth experience. I was away for the weekend and had some time on my hands Saturday morning, so I went for a walk. Actually my intention was to run a bit and get some exercise. Instead, I “stumbled” upon an arboretum! It was as though this secret garden just appeared and was just for me as there was hardly anyone else in it. This town was a place I had been going to for over 20 years, yet I never knew the arboretum existed. And it was beautiful, with all the trees labeled and special herb gardens: one for children with plants like “balloon flower” and “Lamb’s ears,” and there was a biblical herb garden, and the kind of tree you could actually climb or sit in to read a book. So, I sat in one inviting tree for a bit and then noticed another tree that looked really interesting. It had yellowish bark, sort of mottling and pretty green leaves. I decided to go up a different path so I could find out the name of this tree. At first I hesitated, I thought it might be too muddy to go there, but decided to risk it. This morning, the skies were gray and dark and seemed to be threatening rain. I said a silent prayer that the weather would hold up for my afternoon event, then I walked over to the tree. Just as I arrived at the tree the sun burst out from behind the clouds and I gasped out loud, “Oh the sun is out!” It really made me happy that the sun burst out just after I had said my silent prayer, but what really felt like Heaven on Earth was when I reached the tree and read its name “Sun burst locust”! I hope you begin to look for Heaven on Earth, if you do, I’m sure you will find it. .................... .................... P SCOTT HALMA WAY: What each of us defines as “Heaven on Earth” can change from moment to moment, year to year. For some, it may be a favorite vacation spot. For others, a simple serving of chocolate mousse. Both of these examples are exceptional and outside our daily lives. It’s understandable. Heaven is supposed to be exceptional by its very definition. Can the ordinary be heavenly? Can heaven become ordinary? What if you were to permanently relocate to your favorite vacation spot, or enjoyed chocolate mousse every day? Would they lose their heavenly nature? Buddhist monks practice for years learning the art of meditation so they can remain in the present moment. They release attachment to all material things, recognizing that attachment brings with it the pain of loss and suffering. Decline, decay, and illness are inevitable; they are all a part of this glorious existence that we call “life.” Yet, even with their tools, philosophy and training they are still human and subject to the pitfalls of our earthly existence. While here on this planet, the best we can appear to experience of heaven is transitory in nature. Is that a bad thing? In my opinion, a resounding no! Moments of heaven have a great impact on our lives and our greater culture. Art, music, cuisine, gardens, parks and forests are manifestations of our desire for a little slice of heaven here on earth. They stand apart from our everyday lives. They are exceptions to the rule, the reward to our routine existence. Do these heavenly moments have to be quite so exceptional? Can we make them last, or at the least, occur more often? Those Buddhist monks have answers to both of those questions. Every moment can be exceptional. Every exceptional moment can become glorious! The answer is to be found in mindfulness. The more mindful we are the longer and more deeply we come to appreciate life. Open yourself up to the present moment. Listen, look, feel with your full consciousness. Appreciate textures and smells of all varieties. Even pungent things can have their own beauty, their own magnificence, if we appreciate them on their own level without so much judgment. For some, a brown leaf is ugly; for others it’s a magnificent creation full of intense wonderment. The more we open ourselves to appreciating the full spectrum of life here on earth, the more amazing it all becomes. The more we bring our awareness to the wonders of the world that is all around us, the more heavenly it becomes. If only we could Continued on Page 9 I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 7 NYSRA FALL WORKSHOP: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REFRESHER WITH SUSAN RASKIN ..................................................................................................................... MARGARET CUCCHIARELLA: This November I was fortunate to have the opportunity to take Susan Raskin’s two day A&P (Anatomy and Physiology) Refresher workshop for the second time. During my first time taking Sue’s class I was taking notes feverishly because, as many of you witnessed during this workshop, my dear friend has an amazing amount of information to bestow upon us. I felt a second time was needed based on the fact that my brain and hand can only take in so much information in 2 days. I just wanted to breathe with all of the information and not feel compelled to write too many notes. It was a great way to review the class and there is always new information to learn and attempt to retain. There are just not enough hours in our lifetime to learn everything there is to know about the magical masterpiece of art that we all have in common; the human body. Thanks to Sue, we have the opportunity to feel several steps closer to that wealth of knowledge she possesses. What a great way to learn alongside other reflexology practitioners giving their insights to their experiences with illness and conditions covered over the 2 days of class. I want to impress upon NYSRA members that they should keep A&P classes on their radar. If you have not taken Sue’s class and you have the opportunity, it’s a class not to be missed. Thank you to Susan Raskin for bringing your workshop to NYSRA. It’s not often when NYSRA can offer a workshop presented by a NY resident, an experienced reflexologist, and a practicing holistic nurse managing the integrative health program in a hospital environment. She also served on the NYSRA board for 2 terms, including one as president. She recently told me right now her passion is in teaching, and aren’t we lucky!! We had nine members who attended the fall workshop and I believe everyone felt like they walked away with more knowledge of anatomy and physiology and an extraordinary learning experience. I want to thank the nine members who attended. It was an honor to spend 2 days with you and thank you for the contributions you each made daily to the flow of information that was exchanged. The members who attended were: Scott Halma-Way, Irene Mykoliw, Margaret Pelzer, Elizabeth Knauer, Elva Adams, Gayle Morey and board members Elizabeth Willoughby and Rita DeCassia. Thank you for a great workshop!! An extra thank you to Scott for helping us book the venue in Poughkeepsie. This is the second time NYSRA has had the opportunity to hold a workshop at the CunneenHackett Arts Center. It was my first visit to this beautiful space and we are very fortunate for his relationship with the owners. After serving 2 terms with Sue on the NYSRA board, I’ve seen her play a team role and I’ve witnessed her leadership skills as president. She is one of the most pro reflexology practitioners I know and I 8 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 believes so strongly in our profession. Excelling as a teacher is just another layer of her talents and probably one of her strongest. For these reasons I urge the NYSRA community to experience her expertise. If you take her course(s), I am confident you will feel the same way. If you have been practicing reflexology for awhile, then you are probably a good candidate for a refresher of anatomy and physiology. We are in the process of scheduling Sue to teach possibly on Long Island in 2015. If you are interested in bringing Sue to your area, please contact NYSRA and we will make every effort to bring this refresher course to you. I’ve asked some of the members who attended this workshop to write a few words on their workshop experience. The following are thoughts from the workshop attendees: .................... .................... P ELIZABETH WILLOUGHBY: Susan Raskin is not only a very experienced Reflexologist, but also a Registered Nurse with training and work experience in traditional western allopathic medicine and holistic medicine. This perspective gives her the greatest insight into what is necessary for reflexologists to know when working with clients. In reflexology it is important that we do not diagnose or treat medical conditions but we can suspect/recognize them and make unspecific (don’t sound alarming) referrals to medical professionals. Ms. Raskin covered all the body systems with clarity and directness. When she discussed the integumentary system, she spent special time going over skin cancers, and fungi. I never knew that scrubbing between the toes with a washcloth and soap is the best way to avoid athlete’s foot. Another tidbit was for eye stys. The best way to clear up and prevent a sty is to wash the eyelashes with baby shampoo everyday. It is important to prevent eye stys because these infections can spread to the brain. The advantage of taking this course is having Susan Raskin as an invaluable resource. Also, just being in the class we all share our experiences and knowledge with each other. NYSRA has a bounty of professionals who have experience not just in Reflexology but other holistic and medical careers. We also get to know each other better and have a few laughs. I want to send special thanks to Scott Halma-Way for providing such a fantastic venue for us in beautiful Poughkeepsie. The weekend Anatomy & Physiology refresher course was a treasure trove of information in detail. I encourage one and all to brush up regularly on this material either in a class, on-line presentations, or from books. .................... .................... P RITA DECASSIA: The train ride from Grand Central Station to Poughkeepsie along the banks of the Hudson River was easy and beautiful. Upon arrival, the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center is just a short walking distance from the train station. What a privilege it is to have workshops there! It’s a place where indoors visual and healing arts inspire participants as much as the architecture of the surrounding buildings, the majesty of the Hudson and the woods still waiting ON HEAVEN EARTH .................................................................................................................... Continued from Page 7 turn off the negative chatter in our minds, we could live the majority of our lives in a heavenly state, living with a heavenly nature. The bad times come often enough without our magnifying them unnecessarily. Focus on the wonders of the moment and you will find yourself drowning in a deep pool of worldly wonder. .................... .................... P LAUREN STAHL: When I think of heaven on earth, my experiences and practice...I find I keep thinking about being present in my life around me. In my experiences from horse back riding (if you concern yourself about the past or future while you are on a horse you will soon be on your butt) to cooking for friends, being present creates a feeling connection and awe that helps balance my life and creates a little heaven on earth for me. In my practice I try to help my clients create a space which allows them the peace and sense of presence that gives them the opportunity to heal, which hopefully helps them create a new harmony where they can experience a bit of “Heaven on Earth.” .................... .................... P ELIZABETH WILLOUGHBY: for us in its “Fall best.” The Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel, where a few of us stayed, is very nice and was just 2 blocks from the venue. Poughkeepsie has a number of very nice and reasonably priced restaurants. Some of us dined with a great view of the Walkway Over the Hudson (acrophobia anyone?) and the Mid-Hudson Bridge. It is called River Station, and it is famous for their ribs.At least one of us had the Dinosaur Ribs–and, boy they are big! Wonder where they harvest them dinosaurs? The Nov 8 & 9, 2014 Anatomy and Physiology workshop was my first experience with Sue Raskin as an instructor. She is as great as you have heard. I was also impressed by the level of knowledge of other participants. I loved the exchange of knowledge and experience. I remember Maggie (Margaret) Peltzer saying, “It’s too bad more reflexologists are not here.” She felt, as I do, that we need more workshops on Reflexology theory and fundamentals. Maybe we can organize a series of more in depth ones, going over one system at a time, starting with the nervous system since the consensus is that it is key to how reflexology works. Perhaps we can follow that with one on the brain, the endocrine system, connective tissue, etc. Ideas are welcome and we’d love to hear yours. I have to admit that I feel blessed by being able to live in a community by the sea. Most mornings I drag myself out of bed early, jump into the car and head to the beach with my dogs. All year round I look at the water in the morning. Usually in Montauk the sun is shining and it glitters on the water. When I look at it, I feel a peace and unity inside my soul no matter what I am going through in my life. I recalibrate in a few minutes and go into my day feeling grounded and “rebooted.” In the warm months I head for the beach at dawn and go into the water. After a swim on and under the water I float on my back for a few minutes. I look at the sky to witness sea birds flying above me and see the light changing from the angle of the sun. I breathe deeply and feel connections to the earth and universe. This to me is heaven. I also feel soul expansion when I look into the eyes of my dog, Honey Boy, who is now 17+ years old. I have gone through many life transitions in 17 years and the being who has shared these experiences with me on a deep level is Honey Boy. I don’t share my deepest emotional reactions with humans. I do with my animals. So I do feel a deep connection when I look into “The Boy’s” eyes. It is a journey through my lifetime. P I agree with Maggie, more reflexologists need to take Sue’s workshop, and get together to exchange reflexology and information. Fortunately, NYSRA is here to provide these opportunities for great learning, and the enjoyment of camaraderie. Thank you Scott Halma-Way, for opening up the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center for NYSRA! Ah, and if you ever schedule an event there, don’t let Scott get away without bringing his amazing Pumpkin Bread Pudding!!! (See Page 5 for his yummy recipe.) P .................... .................... P ........ P P P P ........ I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 9 SELF CARE CORNER By Margaret Cucchiarella Who is taking care of YOU? The fall season is here and winter is close behind. The temperatures are fluctuating day to day and is your body ready for it? Are your mind and spirit ready also? I just wanted to send out a reminder to our members that self care in any and every season is important and needs to be our priority weekly, if not daily. Practitioners especially need to be cognizant of their self care. The more we come into contact with people and perform reflexology sessions, the more we need to take our own health into account first. We need to practice what we preach or our clients will not take us seriously. If you are giving out advice or referrals to people, please ensure you include yourself. We have all read in many places, “If you don’t take care of yourself, then who will?” If we wait for someone else to do it, well, we will be waiting for quite a while. So this passage is a reminder to PLEASE Take Care of You!! You Deserve The Best!! When was the last time you received reflexology? If you have to think about it, it’s been too long. We are a community that should be looking out for each other and offering exchanges to each other weekly. If you can’t find someone that has the time, get on a reflexologist’s calendar as a client and purchase an hour. Sometimes when people see the cash exchanging it’s easier to mentally feel you can afford the hour. Hopefully they will feel inclined to return the session. If they don’t, you at least accomplished your goal of taking control of your own self care. You may have paid for it but you might as well pay for it from someone you know is fully trained in what he/she does. Here are some questions I would like each member to ask themselves: Do you have other forms of treatments/ sessions regularly? (Massage, reiki, spiritual intuitive, chiropractic, acupuncture, yoga, meditation; to name a few.) When was the last time you just took some deep long breaths? Do you have deep belly laughs on a regular basis? Are you exercising regularly? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you engaging in conversation regularly with other reflexologists, good friends, family members? Do you have a job that has you sitting predominantly most of the day? If yes, are you getting up and moving regularly? Are you aware the news on the street is sitting is the new smoking? Evidently we are sitting ourselves to death (see link to article at right). I implore you to think about these questions. I myself am guilty of not doing several of the above. So this reminder is for me also. I should print this out and put it on my fridge. Since I feel so strongly about every reflexologist taking a stand for themselves and their selfcare, I would like to make a permanent section in our newsletter on self care. If we could get a few members to contribute to this quarterly, that would be great. It could just be a paragraph or two I 10 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 on what helps you maintain your self care; or eve n what areas you feel you could use some support in (suggestions, recommendations, experiences). If you would like to contribute to this section of the newsletter, please contact me: [email protected]. I would like to leave you with some of the areas in my life that have filled my selfcare needs. Believe it or not, the first that comes to mind are the relationships I have built with NYSRA board members. To this day I reach out on a regular basis to the board members I served with. There is a very special bond that forms when reflexologists shed some blood, sweat and tears together, trying to build and strengthen this association. It’s not always easy to find the time in our busy lives, but when you do and feel supported it is a bodymind-spirit reward that continues to give and give. We are all in contact with one another, sometimes weekly but definitely monthly. When sharing and giving of yourself is supported by like minds, life can really introduce you to some amazing people. They are my selfcare gems that are truly blessings. Perfection is not the goal but some kind of consistency will make a huge difference. Here are my self care tips: Some type of energy/bodywork regularly–reflexology, massage, acupuncture. Spiritual Intuitive–I use Dorinda Gay; she is available via phone/email/in person. Trip to Sedona with Dorinda visiting vortexes was mind blowing. Check out her next trip in May, 2015 on website: http://www.dorindagay.com. Herbdoc.com is a great resource. Owned by an MD gone holistic. They offer ointments, cold support, herbs, and cleanses. I’ve tried many products and keep going back: https://www.herbdoc.com. Yoga, hot yoga, power yoga. Riverstone Yoga, Tarrytown NY, Home Yoga Experience, Ramsey, NJ. Drumming–particularly djembe drumming. I took a workshop at Omega Institute with Ubaka Hill and was hooked ever since. It’s fun, freeing and really gets you into your body. She is a very interesting woman: http://www.ubakahilldrumsong.com. Article to read–Sitting is the new Smoking: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-active-times/sitting-is-thenew-smokin_b_5890006.html. I’ve mentioned this book before–The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz; an annual read. Louise Hay–a big proponent of the concept that your thoughts become your biology. One of my favorite books is You Can Heal Your Life, a bedside must. I never tire of it. I hope you find some of these tips useful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Let’s take our self care seriously. Value your need to be your first priority. If you don’t, who will? I hope that you will take extremely good care of yourself! The next time someone asks us “Who is taking care of you?” I envision we all will say, “Me, of course!” What a great thing it would be if each of us reaches out to another reflexologist on a regular basis and asks this question. This could be another self care installment. So until next time, be good to you and take care. P NYSRA BOOK REVIEW By Elizabeth Willoughby ..................................................................................................................... THE FOOT BOOK, A Holistic Guide to Foot Care Using Reflexology, Massage, Diet, Exercise and Visualization By Devaki Berkson, Harper Perennial 1977 The first reflexology book I ever saw was Mildred Carter’s Foot Reflexology in 1980. When I saw Carter’s foot charts I immediately thought “WOW! This makes so much sense.” The concept of the “foot maps” resonated to me as a reflection of body health. The first reflexology I bought was The Foot Book by Devaki Berkson in 1981. This book began my now 27+ year career in Reflexology. I love this book because the inside of the book cover has a detailed set of the foot charts. This visual presentation “reads” more succinctly to me than a verbal explanation of how reflexology works. Her “Note to the Reader” quotes Edgar Cayce, “Sin is knowledge not lived.” Ms. Berkson spends 5 pages on diet. This is a wholesome approach to diet. She stresses consciousness on how we feel after we eat and making choices that influence our positive life energy. Exercise is also nourishment for the Being and essential for health with its affect on the blood and lymph circulation. Rest is also a part of exercise and visualization can affect our state of rest. Chapter 7 goes through all her exercise recommendations. She gives yogic exercises and stretches for “morning wake up,” “people on their feet a great deal,” and “10 minute coffee break” to name a few. There is a section on children and childhood illnesses. She uses some home remedies, reflexology and exercise here. How to use reflexology for Common Ailments (from anemia to varicose veins) gives reflexology points to work, diet recommendations and exercises. This is a rich section of her integrated approach to healing. I know in our practices we are inhibited legally to giving advice like this but I sometimes have people look at the book for themselves. The appendix of the book includes pictures of the foot bones, muscles, tendons, lower lymphatics, and some shoe advice. There are also foot exercises, and foot treatment descriptions (oils, baths, etc.). She also discusses the use of colour in foot treatments. I still love and use these 212 pages of The Foot Book quite often and it remains my favorite book on reflexology. P NYSRA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL ..................................................................................................................... The NYSRA Membership Year runs from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. You may renew at any time before then. Include a member application (renewal) form along with your payment— see Page 15. Renewal time is one of the few opportunities NYSRA has to update your important contact information. ➧ PROFESSIONAL: $65 ➧ ASSOCIATE/STUDENT: $45 The book starts the first chapter with a laypersons explanation of reflexology and how it works. She writes about the balance of the systems and body health. She expounds on the mind, body, spirit connections and gives practical advice and action to attain the balanced state of Being. It is not necessary to resend copies of school or ARCB certificates if we already have one on file for you. However, if you are ARCB certified and want to continue to receive credit for CEUs, please include a copy of your current ARCB card. T HANK YOU. By page 4 she is already talking about playing detective in evaluating a client. This involves observation of skin colour, foot temperature and dampness, nail and hair sheen, joint mobility, tenderness in reflex points, posture, muscle tension, twitches, foot ware and where it is worn out or down, client reason for coming to you (nervous laugh?). It is a very complete introduction on working with clients and also practicing these principles for yourself. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF RAA IF NOT, WHY NOT? Her Integrated Treatment protocol is very understandable with step-by-step explanations, photographs and drawings. She gives you the verbal, physical and spiritual tools on working with reflexology. This also includes an intake form, with blank foot charts to fill in. Chapter 6 begins with the use of visual imagery and how it can enhance one’s healing. She also explains how to do it, starting with a relaxed body, etc. This is an invaluable tool for a practitioner and one you might share with clients. ???? The Reflexology Association of America needs your support so they can support all of us in our efforts for NY State Licensure of Reflexologists. Please become a member of RAA—see Page 16 for details. P HAVE YOU: MOVED? CHANGED YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER, ADDRESS, OR EMAIL? If your information is wrong, NYSRA will not be able to find you. And, if you are not listed correctly on our website, future clients will not be able to find you either. PLEASE SEND US YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION NOW!! NYSRA, 424 Broome Street #3, NY, NY 11013 I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 11 THE 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF REFLEXOLOGY IN PORTUGAL By Vera Krijn ..................................................................................................................... I had the honor to be invited to The 8th European Conference of Reflexology on the Portuguese island of Madeira; the focus of which was the brain. The reason for this honor was due to interest in my practice of “Conditioned Response Reflexology” (CRR™). Based on "Pavlov's theory,” where he combined two stimuli, such as touch and sound to provoke a response. When he subsequently removed one of these (touch) the sound alone provoked the same result. With CRR™, the provoked response is one of sustained relaxation. CRR™ has proven to be very effective for pain control during labor, and is now also used as pain control for some chronic conditions. Initially a component of my Reflexology Assisted Fertility program (RAF™), CRR™ has taken a live on its own, resulting in a close relationship with Village OB/GYN in NYC, who endorse it with all of their patients. Anneke van ‘t Woud, the treasure and co-founder of Reflexology In Europe Network (RIEN) had seen one of my lectures at the ICR conference in Los Angeles a few years ago, and the fact that RAF™ is actively practiced in The Netherlands and Belgium, culminated into the invitation to be a speaker at their conference. The conference took place on May 9, 10 and 11 in Funchal, the capital of the Madeira. The choice to have a reflexology conference in Portugal does justice to the fact that this is one of the most foot conscious countries in the world. Every pharmacy has a “comfort” foot and shoe department that is more than impressive than the next. Dr. Scholl has competition from at least four to five different brands of corrective “foot solutions” that support and protect every part of the foot. The famous Arcopedico shoe was developed by a Portuguese scientist and has been produced since 1966. The timing of the conference couldn’t have been more advantageous to showcase the natural beauty of the island with its gorgeous gardens and flowers. The conference took place at the “Museum de Imprensa” (Museum of Printing), which has a fabulous collection of nineteenth and twentieth century printing machines and equipment. Their auditorium proved to be a lovely setting for the presentations. Our host Eduardo Luis, a native of Madeira, is also president of the International Council Of Reflexologists (ICR). He was supported by his friend Juan Silva to make this an event to remember. The mayor of Funchal attended the official opening of the conference, and we were charmed by a local children’s choir that sung the Madeira and Portuguese national hymns. After the performance Orlando Volpe (Italy) vice-chair of RIEN presented the speakers, in sequential order: Carol Samuel (UK) speaking about “The effect of Reflexology compared to a sham TENS (control),” Arve Fahhvlik (Norway) “Anxiety and the leg,” Tracy Smith (UK) spoke about “Results of Japanese MRI study on Reflexology and blood flow to the brain” followed by myself representing USA with “Conditioned Response Reflexology.” After the a lunch break Germany’s Helga Dittmann presented a lecture about “Emotional Release Reflexology,” followed by Heinrike Bergmans from Belgium with her lecture on “Foetal imprint and adult expression,” Griet Rondel (Belgium) with her I 12 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 Upper Left: Vera Krijn and Spiros Dimitrakoulas-President REIN ......................................................... presentation on “Nerve Reflexology and manual neurotherapy” and Leila Eriksen (Denmark) with a presentation about “Evidence based practice” and the importance of Research studies closed the lectures of that day. With the help of the almighty PowerPoint, the speakers illuminated their abstracts that included new ideas and protocols, research and relevant statistics. The passion and willingness to share was evident during their presentations. The participants could finally relax at the gala dinner resulting in lots of laughter, accompanied by great food and a surprise performance from the local folkloristic sing and dance group. It was a memorable evening that cemented several friendships. The next day there were two more lectures by Sally Kay (UK), “Reflexology for the management of lymphedema” and Barbara Schott (UK) “Stress, Fertility and Reflexology”, followed by workshops for the rest of the afternoon. Outside the museum there was a lot of action going on with the Boot Camp for those who wanted to practice and/or experience various reflexology techniques. Spiros, Orlando, Eduardo his lovely wife Yvette and several of their students, conducted mini reflexology sessions outside of the museum for the people of Madeira, and boy, there was a lot of interest. From a personal perspective I look forward to exchanging some materials about fetal distress with Heinnrike Bergmans from Belgium, and Barbara Scott of the UK who developed an Infertility method based on a very similar protocol as RAF™. This is what a conference is about, to share and exchange ideas. Inspired and get inspired. To say that I was impressed by the dynamics of the organizers of the event is an understatement. The charisma of Spiros Dimitrakoulas I hope that I was able to convey some of the spirit and enthusiasm that was so present at this conference. It is great to see that in Europe many young people choose reflexology as their first profession, and we are becoming less of an after thought. Many of this younger generation are trained in other disciplines such as massage, physical therapy, and podiatry and have a solid background in anatomy and physiology. This generation also has a command of the use of social media, nowadays essential to promote reflexology. Needless to say, I am now a “friend” member of RIEN. Those who are interested to learn CRR™ can visit my website at: http://www.fertilitybychoice.com or contact me at [email protected] P NYSRA HOLIDAY GATHERING!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH NYSRA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUESDAY, JUNE 2ND ALBANY LOBBY DAY Sally Earlam (Secretary RIEN) popped up wherever she was needed, and Orlando Volpe kept the speakers on target. Anneke van ‘t Wout, supported by Esther Van Der Haar (Vice –secretary RIEN) is the mother and adhesive of the organization, detail oriented, making sure that the dots are on the i. !!SAVE THESE DATES!! 2015 (Chair of RIEN) and the host, Eduardo Luis, was evident by their remarkable ability to use social media to promote Reflexology that resulted in articles about the event in almost every Portuguese newspaper as well as several interviews and demonstrations on TV programs. Not only amazing, it is inspirational. SUNDAY, JANUARY 11TH 1-5 PM, NYC LOOK FOR YOUR HOLIDAY CARD/INVITE IN THE MAIL FOR MORE DETAILS!! BE A NYSRA BENEFACTOR FOR LICENSURE!!! .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The New York State Reflexology Association is pursuing licensure for the Profession. It is a costly process; funds are needed for our regional meetings, printed materials for education, and the annual Lobby Day in Albany. The cost for NYSRA BENEFACTOR Membership is $25.00. This entitles you to the quarterly NYSRA newsletters and email updates. Anyone (friends, family) can be a benefactor. Please make your Benefactor membership check out to NYSRA. Mail to: NYSRA, 424 Broome Street, #3, New York, NY 10013 To make a donation online go to our website, and scroll down to Donate: http://nysraweb.org/donate-support-nysra If you have any questions, please call Elizabeth Willoughby: 917-783-4929. This donation is not tax deductible. THANK YOU for your Support!! P To become a NYSRA Benefactor, please fill out the following form: Name ______________________________________ Address ___________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone(s) ___________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________ ........................................................................................................................ I NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 13 Laura Norman Reflexology Training Programs SM Earn A3$#t/:4UBUF-.5t/$#5.#t"05"$&$POUBDU)PVST 6TJOH&TTFOUJBM0JMTXJUI3FøFYPMPHZ New York City January 25 (1 Day - 8 CE Hrs) Fee: $197 Sunday: 9am-6pm Learn how Essential Oils work Understand the importance of oil grades and production Safety factors in the use of essential oils Make informed choices when using oils Hands-on experience using 10 different Oils with Reflexology techniques Explore the therapeutic power of scent for physiological and psychological conditions 5BLFA6TJOH&TTFOUJBM0*MTBOEA*OUVJUJWF3FøFYPMPHZUPHFUIFSGPSPOMZBOE4BWF *OUVJUJWF 3FøFYPMPHZ New York City January 31 (1 Day - 8 CE Hrs) Fee: $197 Saturday: 9am-6pm Strengthen your own intuitive abilities Learn how to refine your perception of each client’s state of health and balance Explore Chakra balancing in connection with the feet and the five Elements Develop a more fluid, personal style of Reflexology Magnify your awareness of your powerful connection with Source 5BLFA6TJOH&TTFOUJBM0*MTBOEA*OUVJUJWF3FøFYPMPHZUPHFUIFSGPSPOMZBOE4BWF 'BDF & Ear 3FøFYPMPHZ$FSUJöDBUJPO (3 Days - 24 CE Hrs) New York City Boynton Beach FL February 7-9 February 21-23 Take your practice into a new dimension Attract new clients - offer a unique, energizing, transforming experience Increase your business and income Improve circulation t skin tone t hormone levels Relieve headaches t dizziness t insomnia eye conditions t TMJ discomfort t and more )BOE3FøFYPMPHZ$FSUJG1BSU& 2 Boynton Beach FL March 14-15/ 16-17 New York City June 11-12/ 18-19 Qualify for ARCB Certification Exam Increase your business and income Learn anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the Hand & Arm (2 Days/16 CE Hrs each) 'FF1BSUt1BSUT Sat-Tues: 9am-6pm Thur-Fri: 9am-6pm Expand your knowledge - Gain new skills Experience and integrate more techniques through hands-on exchanges "EWBODFE'PPU3FøFYPMPHZ New York City June 7-9/ June 14-16 Boynton Beach FL Jul 29-31 / Aug 1-3 Fee: $499 Sat-Mon: 9am-6pm Sat-Mon 9am-6pm (3 Days - 24 CE Hrs each) Fee: $499 each Sun-Tue, Mon: 9am-6pm Wed-Mon: 9am-6pm Experience Laura Norman’s Holistic Method Explore A&P/pathologies of the body systems Discover the interrelationships of the body See & practice new, advanced techniques for systems & respective reflex areas on the feet reflexes/points corresponding to body systems Design sessions for a multitude of conditions Register online at www.lauranorman.com Call Fla: 561-272-1220 t Berkshires: 413-854-2615 t NYC: 212-532-4404 I 14 NYSRA Fall/Winter 2014 "-'& "3E-=@9 'B/B3&34:3F=:=5GAA=17/B7=< NYSRA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2014– 2015 MEMBERSHIP YEAR RUNS JULY 1 THROUGH JUNE 30 CHECK ONE: ❑ Renewal ❑ New Member Date _________________________ Name _________________________________________________________ Member #: __________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State _______ Zip ___________ County _____________________ Phone ___________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ New Member: who referred you? __________________________________________ ❑ I am a New York State LMT IF PAYING WITH PAYPAL YOU MUST SEND YOUR APPLICATION FORM TO THE NYSRA ADDRESS BELOW IN ORDER TO RECEIVE YOUR E-NEWSLETTERS. Choose one membership status (add dollar value to right): PROFESSIONAL I – $65 Certification from ARCB. Includes full voting rights, representation, current news and upcoming events, e-newsletter, frameable certificate, free website listing and referral through the association phone referral service. ARCB Certificate number: ___________________ If you are a new member or newly ARCB certified, please submit copy of ARCB certificate with application. If renewing, we have your certificate number on file. $ __________ PROFESSIONAL II – $65 Certification from a recognized program (200 hours minimum). Includes full voting rights, representation, current news and upcoming events, e-newsletter, frameable certificate, free website listing and referral through the association phone referral service. New members only: please submit certification documents. $ __________ ASSOCIATE/STUDENT– $45 Attendance of at least one recognized seminar or workshop. Please submit documentation of attendance. Includes membership card, e-newsletter, current news and upcoming events. $ __________ Check here if you do NOT wish to be listed on our website: ❑ NYSRA LEGISLATION FUND FOR REFLEXOLOGY LICENSURE BILL In addition to our normal operating expenses, we will need at least $12,000 to keep our lobbyist working hard on the NYSRA Licensure Bill for another year. This averages to approximately $60 per member. We appreciate any amount you can afford to donate. We are making great strides and don’t want to lose ground. Thank you! $ __________ (Reminder: NYSRA is an independent not-for-profit organization, therefore donations are not tax-deductible.) Total Balance $ __________ I am paying by: ❑ Check ❑ PayPal IF PAYING WITH PAYPAL, BE SURE TO ALSO SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ADDRESS BELOW. If paying by check, mail application and check payable to: NYSRA • 424 Broome Street #3 • New York, NY • 10013 THANK YOU for your continued support of NYSRA! Visit our website at www.nysraweb.org/ We also urge you to support our affiliation with the REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA by becoming an RAA member. Visit their website at www.reflexology-usa.org
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