ITHE SUNS PUZZLE PICTURE BEGINS TODAY LEVY L Large Cumberland THE ONLY RELIABLE PAWN BROKER Meets Here Today Church A tho of Presbytery of Delegates to Number Money loaned on diamonds watches guns pistols etc b- PianosSewing MachinesS 2d St in Attendance 127 BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL t HERES A BABY ITS JIOTIIKU IH This evening tho Presbytery for tho Cumberland Presbyterian church will I a four days session at tho church begin Rev W at Sixth and Court streets wilt bo moderator and Rev J O Reid clerk and a large The of delegates is expected ulloanon li hMUhy txcwi during I program iaaa tkg purely veretable liniment IC I 7fL GOOD AFTERNOON v r3 WHO MAY IS anger drugao tau doalnra Ilbd WEDNESDAY MORNING fI =ig n rn toran rhk i on every box ol the gneib nit ilfnttur IBromoQuinincT Laxative one Oaf sibs rtmxl tIIIt ator tarp a cold la rI J F to- w i CHRIS MILLER = tHe J j reasonable will call and give you prices that are TELEPHONE 740 Repair work a speciality I SHOP Cor SIXTH and TRIMBLE jo +ttd ki t r ly oJoJ r + r + k + at + r + w STREETS tttttlttstlt tt olencesRev JOHN JBlEICU lAUA tnt jobaI rs 0803 io- + 1 j Chinaj at Jeweler taiLnl 30218 taILen e ift r + s + + qY + If you have anything to do in the way of Telephone mar 830 Devotional exorcises Con Ind Aslotoftmlherd whul W7a of tho M Russell their ducted by ROT wkr nwuera hoghurt elchIn IchlMithllll the child 1 d- their Iivn de liar 1resbyterlal business I onb ee plnfroe OrIn torture worryb Onr General Bener Address tttd y- ao of gmd then lrrlrsd ran peaceful mind blth W J Darby Evans dawn nr mat nul of- Meant ni >p 01 this ville en rods ed a- nt d co17 rear M uccn bi I ed fairkr1 1v two I I rt WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON I twuktotherhpatfraa SPEAKING r +r ojo Devotional servlcd Opening sermou ROT ° O Webb Mayfield Organization and election of moder- I s + v +st+ t Work EVENINGf Tin Sheet Iron or Galvanized Iron 730 745 Wren sta Ueamot- tt = I0liricitnl MR BLEICH Frosbytcrial bnslntss 2 REGULATOR COI working on barges but wilt takeI GA Recon 530 New Complete out tbo Thomas Parker and the WEDNESDAY EVENING NEWS THE Broock shortly tho latter for a nov of Jewelry Devotional exercises TSO hull Slxtyftvo men are at work o AT CHARLESTON 745 Address Oar Mission and ral Cut Glass Fine the dock UOT J II Mil- ¬ Charleston S Q > April 8lian- ¬ the Commission Inspectors Moore and Williams of Prices Etc s of people gathered about the ler St LoudTHE STAGES Evansville inspected tho George Cow- ¬ dred morning and Preibytcrial business ling yesterday and found everything in railway station this Will Suit the Cairo 92standCarrival of President Roosevelt Is now In hs new store at Noto AdjournmentTHURSDAY rise hattanooga tiptop shape and moro than latlfac cheered 114 Broadway next door MORNING party An official welcome was fall Cincinnati 28405 The Citizens Savings Bank extended bj Mayor Smyth end a citi ¬ ROT REPAIRING A service Devotional 830 Kvansvllle 23114 fall The John K Speed passed up last zen reception committee And a coropposite YTallentelat Falcons Rudolph Florence 10317 loaded to the guards Sho 1is ¬ presi dial response was made by the Proibyterial buIncti V < Y Johnsonvllle to Cincinnati from Now Or- ¬ The greater part of tho day dent ROT E R Over Pflrmou cotton 1045 bales 100 of Louisville DB OafalU unloaded and leans after the formalities of welcome were boy 3 ri3 Mt Carmel hero over was spent In visiting the site of Presbytfrlal communion Admin fall Nashville 80759 The Clyde arrived out of Tennessee tho navy yard tho fortsln the harbor by ovT G Wabb and J D R RUDY CaeHlca 1lIh > org lSC02 last night and IIs now at Joppn the jetties and other places of inter ¬ literal VJi F PAXTON P tiiotnr Kirkpitrifk Davis Island Dam 12GI4 riw Sho will leave tomorrow est In and about the city Puddle TIIURBDAY AFTERNOON St Louis 12502 on her return trip buildings and business bonnes through Padncan S38 03 fall 2 lub1terlalbaslnes tiro city were decorated in honor The Pavonla will rte out of J PADUCAH KENTUCKY nioot l S50 Open meeting of Woman river tomorrow and also tiCMCo tho visitors and everywhere there T Observations taken at a m River the Inverness both of tho Ayer and was a contlnnons ovation from the Prcsbytnrial Missionary society lrebyterlalbosiOCUS4sSO 853 on tho gauge a fall of 05 inL flctt crowds that lined the sidewalks and Wind northeast a last Si hours o1eetlon cf place of text meeting DIRECTORS t S Hopkins arrived from filled tho windows Arriving trains John Weather rut iloud Miscellaneous brisk breeze Ed Farley FKsmleiter O hart a little lato but with a good today were crowdedto their capacity A Rudy E P GilsonM Geo Jas R Rudy ISO II Temperature DOOFisher W P Paxton colder It and F G C Wallace Dome for the have who on her visitors noon rUewith about and left Pell Oboiorverttrip MTHURSDAY EVENING of Presidents day at the Saturday Nigh Interest Paid on Time Deposits Open Every From all In Song Service leave ciiwsltloln tomorrow 730 will Charleston steamer The Tho following changes In postllghU Our Work in Kentucky 745 oclock for Ten- dtoationi the crowds will be the larg afternoon at on tbo Mississippi river between Meml this entertained in Charleston T N Williams Louts eat ever SynOORev Savannah goes to She nessee river phis Tons cud Cairo IlL have vllle The Thomas Parker is today at Jot HARVARD OPKNS BALL SEASON been made Pecan Point moved lawn 816 Address The Present Status I CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO out ofComrldo April 8The Mass onoelghth mile mouth of hatches pa unloading ties Sho came and Future Work of the Christian Enyesterday river I against Tennessee up lined tho Harvard baseball nine established a now light opposite Fut ROT B deavor MoTcment Long distance linos and telephones of The City of Memphis will arrive the team of Trinity college this after Webb M yfleldton established n new light heal of Company enable you to talk almost this Wand No SI established a new lightt tomorrow morning from SI Lout eonoon for tho opening game of the Adjontomedt Southern anywhere In Southern IndianaMississippi to Waterloo season In the cage and in the few below Booth Point dlsoontltraed duror Kentucky Tennessee FRIDAY MORNING Illinois ¬ played been uphave games Tennes that moved practice of lack Leo out water quick leg high The Clifton will pats and Louisiana Wo can put you In well 830 Devotional exercises ROT on tale point Riddle Point estab ¬ see river this afternoon entente to St the Harvard team has shown up satisfactory communication with tho and Foots bright as regarded country DW outlook li lished anew light in middle of bunohIILouts aid the people of this great soctlon of tho roason ¬ a winning nine The seasons 0 Presbytnrial business to general Rates Wosollcltyourpationago of timber Hlcktnau bond moved upGeorge Parker oftnr Mrs commissioners ¬ anti Mr of twenElection schedule provides for a total of Equipments and facilities unsur ¬ to old placeable boy o of parents are Fifth 420 South ty games three moro than lostyear assembly passed Yesterday tho stockholders in the T O baby MioeHnnenns LELAND HUME Among the prominent clubs to be E CALDWELL JAMES company owning the ferryboat Ken King Uut Mar V ROT J u Wl Manager I Saor ft 11 II Sermon West rrealdest Annapolis of those mot are nols of the Metropolis and Joppa Loblgh dor FRIDAY AFTERNOON FAT NERVES Point Pennsylvania trade held a meeting It is reported 2 Miscellaneous business nojl1 Princeton and Yale Metropolis and decided to pay off RIVER r hint tofttnlnr eels ll I tootInvigurater Mother fiend maker and trainI cousin pnrrerloto hies trek and new ernIt Dul contuse euUldr be n lOU Ins ell X- follows TUESDAY Mothers Friend A rnminy with her own prelar wallowing a sooty e + r + r + r + L + sktr + l weLLT1 lulT I ItsIlit moUwr used I High Price Paid for Old Gold and Silver L Wm 890 rllorI rl50UI t THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 13000000 Capital Stock and Surplus 3EtorntrlpOE rTho i a eonccosyoarsD k I I = at toA whirl of excitement was all the claims and settle the caused in the scien- ¬ recently secure her and suit against tho teat world by the news that tific Willis Mr J 0 for the trade again of Metropolis Is one of tho principal the mystery of nerve actioi stockholders and is very desirous of has been solved ItI settling tho matter without taking further than It hAt so far gone The recent fatorablo weather has caused a largo force to go to work at Howard ship yapThe frame of the big steel ferryboat is np and apart of the plating on Work oil the Stack ¬ er Leo and Captain Roger new boat The now Son is rapidly progressing ator Cordell I s nearly ready to leave and Captain Howard is preparing to begin work on other contracts Mr K It Toenslty the manager of the Huntington and St Louis foot t a 1 dlt 1at nerves are fat nerves and that it is the fat in the core of the nerve which is sensitive and by hardening and softening creates nerve action hyhot Maybe this explains Scott s Emulsion has always been such a remarkable remedy for nervousness Scotts Emulsion feeds thin nerves with the best of all fats Nest above now moorod at Duck the pure cod lixer oil and the city was In the city this morning strengthens them with the best arranging to effect the transfer of all of nerve tonics the hypophas the boats to Cairo to prepare for the Ho Iis now Awaiting phitcs spring trade orders from tho ofllclaU and is ready For all forms ofnervousness to move tho fleet at n moment no and neuralgia take Scotts Lice Emulsion The dry docks and ways are buy and have work ahead for several tI1 SCOTT The dry docks are at months Seal for Free Sample BOVWU Chemists nor Pert St If CITY TRANSFER wII CO Final adjournment KANSAS STATE SHOOT annual Olatho Kan ApnI8The L VAN METER Manager convention and tournament of the kidneys and bladder Kansas State Sportsmen Association makes MOVING AND HEWY HAULING opened here today for a three days ALL KINDS OF TRANMING ADMIRAL EVANS SAILS session with several score of crack Francisco Cal April 8 A SPECIALTY shots from various parts of the atoSan KVU Evans sills forts Admlrl birds day closing live present On the and Washington streets Telephore No ICciig today to report for dnty all alor OFFICE River front between Court will to the feature including two iqcadrou commander of toe Asiatic All Orders Large or Small will Receive Prompt Attention 449 specially Interesting contests One will station bo tho Great Western Handicap anti the other a 25Hnl shoot for the wing Some championship of Kansas Vo opiates forclilltlrcnsatesurc excellent scores were made in tho pro limlnarr events toaay ttttrn for Son 1ern Nr r rnrc It la said by a correspondent of thela FOR ROME Daltlaoro Sun that West Virginia I New York April 8Tho annnul rapidly becoming more and moro the Thoroughly equipped Book umking Plant You need sled nothing on Catholic pilgrimage to Roma conduct ¬ mecca of the negroes of the South A OltOWQ whole a as state this of The climate Brooklyn ed by Bishop McDonnell of and the Because Is congenial to this race sailed from this city today great coal and coking Industries In op ¬ of the fact that this Is the jubilee year ration In almost every county tog eth ¬ T of Leos pontificate the number of pil- er with the extensive railroad con on furnish carried being usual than larger rtructlon Is grims this year ¬ as well as lucrative employand includes about CO priests In addl rtady gro laborers of whom 15 n tar ment laymen tion to n number of prominent 000 are employed In the mines ¬ After spending ten days in the Eternal City the party will make n short V Greif Mgr telephone 125 and 319 Court St tour of tho Confluent before returning rhtC Foleys Kidney Cure healthy ¬ r At y home ensMACHINERY Foleys Honeyand Tar OFF Henry Mammen Jr 41BOOK BINDER PATENT PLAT OPINING BOOKS SPRING WAGONS FOR SALE On Installment Payments Tar Honey Foleys colds prevents pneumonia cures J t
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