TT T7TTV"Tf - ft vryiT l'w' "IJ1!- - Srtpf TT -- 4m9 J f tW - TZXTB The Commoner. 12 THE JEFFERSONIAN CYCLOPEDIA EDITED BY JOHN P. FOLEY. Pages One Thousand Storehouse of Wisdom for Speakers, Writers, Students and A Thinkers. e index, from which tho The contents are arranged under topieo in alphabetical order. The volume also contains an exhaustive immense show scope and the partially will thoroughness of the work. following representative extracts have hcen selected. A glance over these cross-referenc- - HISTORICAL. Alexander of Russia, Bacon's Rebellion, Borlin Decree, Bonaparte, Aaron Burr, Franco, Hartford Convention, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Louisiana, Mass., Shay's Rebellion, Cuba. SCIENCE, ART, EDUCATION, RELIGION. Agriculture, Art, Astronomy, Chemistry, Classical Learning, Gardening, Geology, Grammar, History, Language, Christianity, Bigotry, Deity, Genius, Life, Mind, Happiness, Honesty, Immorality, The Soul, Schools, Teachers, Science, Animals. LITERATURE. Literary Men, Reading, Books, Anglo-Saxo- n Language, Anonymous Writing, Cicero, Debate. Antl-Federalist- s, SOCIOLOGY. Charity, Anarchy, Aristocracy, Arbitration, Centralization, Coinage, Health, Home, Corpora GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ETC. Annexation, Boundaries, Consent of the Governed, Constitution, Freedom, Judiciary, International Law, Monarchy, Parties, Patriotism, Reciprocity, Republic, Supreme Court, Territory, State Rights, Expansion, Foreign Alliances, Monroe Doctrine, Banks, Gold and Silver Ratios, Free Ships, Defense, Blockades, Bounties, Carrying Trade, Congress, Contraband of War, Favoritism, Federalism, Ministers, Peace, The President, Revenue, Smuggling, Treasury, Treaties, National Banks, Embassadors, Bimetalism, Conquest, Public Confidence, Diplomacy, Expatriation, Filibus-terisGeographical Lines, Internal Improvements, Invasion, Letters of Marque, Nullification, Slave Trade, Treason, Tyranny, The Cabinet, Democratic Societies, Republicanism. JEFFERSON'S NEWEST AND BEST MONU- m, Non-importati- on, Editorial MENT. The World, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1900: "Several monuments Lave been made to perpetuate the memory of Thomas Jefferson, but the newest and best is this Oy .opedia. Other monuments have preserved his physical characteristics. Here we perceive his mmd; his patriotic purpose, his wisdom, his liberality, his toleration, his vision o2 the true position of the people in states, his 'largo discourses of reason,' in short, all the moral and intellectual qualities that made him great." 1 Price, carriage prepaid Cloth $7.50; Sheep, $10; Half Morocco, $12.50; Full ilorocco, $15.00. SEND A COPY OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH YOUR ORDER TO ? 'iu tions, Immigration, Land, Marriage, Intemperancoi Monopoly, Population, Panics, Newspapers, Oppression, The Poor, Trade, Mails, Convicts, Criminals, Production, Agrarianism, Aliens, Bribery, Charactor, Cities, Courts, K.mily, Gambling, Imbecility, Murder, Naturalization, Newspapers, Business, Census, Capital, Debt. WAGNALLS FUNK & ' PUBLISHERS 30 Lafayette Place, New York. .1 a.!'-- ' r CO., mi receive wuftiW6W inquiries from persons who desire to secwe Jefferson's works and since the publication of the JetI tfjfr'sonian Qijclop'edia T have flleastwe in reddmrnending it. I Jhid it of great value and would not be without it. e W. J. BRYAN: IV - talc'&h A - BUGGIES Leather Quarter - .- - Top Btwy, Good Road Wagons, 34S $24 Send for our Free Vehicle Catalog Today Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicagp iUTCnitollablo men or womon to soil our to tho consumer In communiII An I CUgooda ties from 1,(XX) to 10,000 population ; pormanont employment at good ry Ad. THE GREAT ULf EASTERN COFFEE & TEA CO., 801 S. 10th St., St. Louis, Mo. K bestby tcat-- 74 Years. "Vk DAY CASH m ;c unu want mora rcuesmen. b wtuui .0 Outfit FREE. STARK NURSERY, Stark, Ho r mm J0 CA8B GENTS on inirQ i Montli and Expenses; no experience needed: position permanent; I'KABKMira. Co.,Stat'u Vrr at Hnliif tlon In I'rlm bui a watch until jou act our rreatcit birtiln. Bend jour tuae ml txprtu office ad. will Knl jou for examination tbla drn,tnil o not tBCt Jt3L Poubla buntlDt cm $3.75. Dtauunuij tojwea.Mem wina ana mm (, font or Ladln Sltr, fiUta with rlcblj JtweleJ pioTtuxnt and guarantied a ocrrtot Umckttp er. with Io Koldoltttd cbtln for l.dlti or Ttit cliiln for cent. If jou tomlder It Mull to nr 17 jlireltd $33.00 cold CJIkI wtcb, wtrraauam yuri, pij me cxpnii Knot 13,75 nJeiprt is clurjt) and Itlijoura. Qur 40jfr Mat with neb witch. Mlutlon ilia - AhU nnttd. Adilrcu rtlAMrttMrt vSm Kr vm i, LJ rncc (f cizcanu B. bou-buiiu- fcOCHnclnnatl, O. jilfe.1 - u:n' JEWELRY CO. hep.ftSi, i.t xs&UearDornBi.,i,iiicago)ui. SJ52 SfflOnly s40 The British press is not slow at seizing the real meaning of the recent decision of the supremo court in the insular cases. English newspapers understand that it means the authorization of colonial acquisition, and that this country is following in the foot-stoof Great Britain. One of them, tho "Westminster Gazette, suavely declares that the relation of America to Europe and the world is profoundly modified by tho now departure. Tho modification, as it sees it, consists In a nearer approach by the United States to the monarchical models of the old world, and a further departure from democratic ideals. The Gazette further says: "Colonies mean a navy, a navy means naval bases and coaling stations, and naval bases are insecure unless they are backed up by the possession of a Hinterland." All of which, the English oracle might have added, pile up the burdens on the shoulders of the taxpayers and swell the dimensions of tho national debt inordinately. Tho greatest cause for rejoicing, however, by the press of Great Britain comes of the belief that the effect of the decision will be to fracture tho Monroe doctrine, along with the constitution. This belief is expressed by several vof the leading London dailies, and is thus clearly set forth by one of them: "By stopping outside their continent the Americans undoubtedly weaken tho force of the Monroe doctrine. There is a certain reciprocity ps THE GREATEST BARGAIN our competitors MT&ko itU F ART II Keeps ulehti to tell how wo do It. DESCRIPTION-Select- ed second growth T- - l Tt hickory ttheelsaml gears (Norway Iron clips aud bolta; Inch axle """"it) vuuuih, inn luiiuui uouy toons, ions oouy. nny wiatn. oollil flprlno bellows buck, with Idonl spring cross bar (spring cushions furnished In place of cross bar it proforred) trimmed In dark creon, tan or maroon loather, cloth or plash. All wool too lining, leather quarters and back stays, curved top Joints (see out), complete with storm apron, side cur. tains, boot and full length Nlckol dnsh rail, hand rail und laiiy back rail. BeHdrerUlifFreeOatalon.eerVelileleaaiHdirBi-Bt.aBirioioW. a .... . nnffor T.inr.ftf ft.innr. .lirAnr mn.f nil n.i A.i..i one or a iew tnoueand uucrgiea. Unr i',"' ft" "i"" upiibb, aU p?,d ou oC """' agricultural liuggy r Implomont factory, A factory would starve to deathon the imWSf6 xiiilPfi got 0n a bUB(S buying. The pIowlfMto SlJktoton tSJS.rL wNVPWJJw"wu marupauiurinu CO., BOX V y 323, ALTON, ILL. in the present arrangements to con- RANIER GRAND HOTEL ciliate Europeans to their exclusion Seattle, Washington from South America, but if the United States plunges into 'outre-me- r' politics, European Plan. Rates $1.00 and upward. 225 equipped with a strong navy and an rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finest Cafo in tho American canal, enabling it to concen- northwost, noted for tho peculiar excellonco of trate on either ocean, she can hardly its Cuisino. RANIER GRAND HOTEL CO. claim to compete on the principle H. B. Dunbar, Prosidont and Manager which limits liability while putting no limit on her expansion." Kansas City Times. TRENHAM tho PRINTER. Alexandria, Minn. "I havo had all the Philippines I want," said Mark Thomas recently in THE CHALLENGE an interview in the Washington Post. Lot tho Nation Own you are "After a twelve months' sojourn over mtorosted in the Trust Problem and tho Scion-tiilc solution for ityou should sond there, I am frank to say that I do not for asocialist froo sample copy of The Challenge to believe it any country for a white H. GAYLORD, WILSHIRE, &oAS!M- man. It is a rare thing to find an American that does not wish to get back to the states as quickly as possible. The spirit of discontent and desire to get away find expression in tho army that has been sent to subjugate the islands, and the United States soldier that is satisfied with his lot is an exception. The climate is bad, in that whenever a man gets sick there is no bracing or recuperative quality in the air, and recovery to health is exceedingly slow. My belief is that tho capture of Aguinaldo will not put an end to our troubles in the Philippines; there .will be plenty of revolutionary leaders to keep up a desultory warfaro, and the chances are that the fighting will go on for the next ten years." Houston Post. (iTnifWCM) OF ALL KINDS. Fornll InlulVO asos, illustrated. Tricks hR If Lord Roberts offered General Botha $50,000 to secure peace in the Transvaal and expected to win, Lord Roberts is made of "economical stuff." Ho might have quadrupled the offer AGENTS MAKE Money selling our Bevorldgo on been and then the side of economy Snnitury Oookor. Latest and safety and with tho chances that the best cooking utensil ever invented. Sells nt sicht. One Agent offer would havo been rejected just as sold ovor 8000 n ono town. $50,000 was. Tho Boers intend to civo oampio (Jookor froo to good the English a run for their lives and agents. Advertising matter furnished. 10 Sizes and Stylos. we would not bo surprised if tho "run" AMERICAN NIFO. ASSN. extends through tho century. Seattle D0X963. Baltimore, NtD. Times. pMr SZ PURVIS & CO., BANKERS, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
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