o,and ocoanss ELSEVIER Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 The impact of Global Positioning System data on the prediction of an extratropical cyclone: an observing system simulation experiment Y.-H. Kuo, X. Zou *, W. Huang MPG / MMM / NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA Received 8 February 1996; revised 18 July 1996; accepted 29 July 1996 Abstract In this paper, we report a series of observing system simulation experiments that we conducted to assess the potential impact of Global Positioning System/meteorology (GPS/MET) refractivity data on short-range numerical weather prediction. We first conducted a control experiment using the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5 at 90-km resolution on an extratropical cyclone known as the ERICA (Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic) IOP 4 storm. The results from the control experiment were then used to simulate G P S / M E T refractivity observations with different spatial resolution and measurement characteristics. The simulated refractivity observations were assimilated into an 180-km model during a 6-h period, which was followed by a 48-h forecast integration, Key findings can be summarized as follows: • The assimilation of refractivity data at the 180-km resolution can recover important atmospheric structures in temperature and moisture fields both in the upper and lower troposphere, and, through the internal model dynamical processes, also the wind fields. The assimilation of refractivity data led to a considerably more accurate prediction of the cyclone. • Distributing the refractivity randomly in space and applying a line averaging did not alter the results significantly, while reducing the spatial resolution from 180 km to 360 km produced a moderately degraded result. Even at the 360-km resolution, the GPS-type refractivity data still have a notable positive impact on cyclone prediction. • Restricting the refractivity data to altitude 3 km and above considerably degraded its impact on cyclone prediction. This degradation was greater than the combined effects of distributing the refractivity data randomly, performing line averaging, and reducing the resolution to 360 km. These results showed that the G P S / M E T refractivity data is likely to have a significant impact on short-range operational numerical weather prediction. The random distribution and line * Corresponding author. 0377-0265//97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0377-0265(97)00023-7 440 Y.-H. Kuo et al, / Dynamics ~f Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 averaging associated with the inherent GPS occultation do not pose a problem for effective assimilation. On the other hand, these results also argue that we need to improve the GPS/MET retrieval algorithm in order to recover useful data in the lower troposphere, and to increase the number of low-earth-orbiting satellites carrying GPS receivers in order to increase the density of GPS soundings, so that the potential impact of GPS/MET refractivity data on numerical weather prediction can be fully realized. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. 1. Introduction The radiosonde, a balloon-borne system that sends temperature, humidity, and pressure data to the ground by radio signal, is the basis for operational analysis and prediction at most weather forecast centers worldwide. Contemporary radiosonde instruments measure temperature and relative humidity with an accuracy of about 0.2°C and 3.5%, respectively (Elliot and Gaffen, t991). Their performance diminishes in cold, dry regions or at high altitudes for relative humidity fields. Although the value of in situ measurements that provide good vertical resolution is clear, radiosonde measurements also have some serious disadvantages. Radiosondes are expendable, and the cost of these devices restricts the number of launches to twice daily (00:00 and 12:00 UTC) at a limited number of stations. Therefore, radiosonde measurements have inadequate temporal and spatial resolutions for mesoscale study. This is especially true for water vapor, which has a scale much finer than those of temperature or winds (Anthes, 1983). In fact, uncertainty in the analysis of water vapor is one of the key factors limiting the accuracy of short-term (0-24 h) precipitation forecasts. As part of the NASA Earth Observing System, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory suggested to apply the radio occultation or limb sounding technique to studies of the earth's atmosphere. Radio occultation studies of the terrestrial atmosphere make use of signals transmitted by satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and received by one or more other satellites in low earth-orbit (LEO). With the receiver orbiting at a height of about 800 km and the GPS satellites at about 2t 000 km, the duration of a complete occultation (surface through ionosphere) is about 1 min. Vertical profiles of refractivity, to a height of about 60 km, can be retrieved from the data obtained by a receiver aboard an LEO satellite as it rises or sets as viewed from the GPS satellites. On April 3 1995, the first GPS receiver aboard the MicroLab- 1 spacecraft, capable of earth radio occultation observations, was successfully placed in orbit. One of the goals of this 'proof of concept' satellite experiment is to assess the accuracy of such active limb sounding measurements and their potential utility for operational weather prediction and climate-change research. Over 10 000 GPS/meteorology ( G P S / M E T ) occultations were received by the end of 1995. Early results, as reported by Ware et al. (1996), indicate that G P S / M E T temperature profiles typically compare within 1-2 K with other observing systems, such as radiosondes, in the 5-40-km altitude range where moisture effects are negligible. In the lower troposphere, there is ambiguity in deriving separate temperature and moisture information. However, this does not present a problem if the G P S / M E T data are directly assimilated into numerical models through adjoint techniques. G P S / M E T proves to be a promising technology that deserves further assessment of its accuracy and impact on numerical weather prediction. Y.-H. Kuo et a l . / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 441 Zou et al. (1995) developed a 4-D variational data assimilation (4DVAR) system based on an adiabatic version of the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) and conducted a series of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) to assess the impact of GPS-derived atmospheric refractivity data. The results showed that the assimilation of atmospheric refractivity was effective in recovering the vertical profiles of water vapor. The accuracy of the derived water-vapor field was significantly better than that obtained through the traditional retrieval technique. The assimilation of atmospheric refractivity also provided useful temperature information. Although these results are encouraging, one needs to be aware of the inherent limitations associated with the experiment design. The simulated GPS observations were evenly distributed over a limited domain at 60-km grid intervals. The inherent averaging associated with GPS occultation was not taken into consideration. Also, both the control simulation and the assimilation experiment used an adiabatic model without the complication associated with precipitation and latent heat release. These conclusions need to be re-examined with simulated data having measurement characteristics more resembling the actual GPS observations, and using a model and data-assimilation system including moist physics. It is important to bear in mind that the 'raw' observation from G P S / M E T system is the refractive angle of the radio signals passing through the atmosphere. The atmospheric refractivity is derived from the refractive angle through an inversion algorithm using the local spheric symmetry assumption (Gurvich and Sokolovskiy, 1985). As a result, the derived refractivity represents an average over the path tangent to the atmosphere with a characteristic scale, which is approximately 500-600 km in the upper atmosphere and 200-300 km in the lower atmosphere. Because of the differences in the characteristic spatial scale of the actual and simulated GPS refractivity measurements, the OSSE results of Zou et al. (1995) may be overly optimistic. Moreover, the GPS occultation has a global coverage. We thus need to perform a data-assimilation study on a larger domain to better assess the impact of G P S / M E T measurements. Baroclinic waves propagate around the globe at middle and high latitudes continuously. These waves drive surface cyclogenesis and its associated frontogenesis, and are responsible for the production of clouds and precipitation. The structure of these waves is usually better captured over land where there are adequate observations. Over the ocean, these waves are poorly sampled, which often contributes to forecast failures. Evidence supporting this argument can be found in the comparison of the forecast skill of NGM (Nested Grid Model) in the prediction of rapid cyclogenesis over the western Atlantic versus eastern Pacific. Sanders (1987) showed that the correlation coefficient between predicted and analyzed 12-h deepening for the NGM model was 0.78 for western Atlantic storms for the winter of 1986-1987. The same model had a correlation coefficient of 0.03 over the eastern Pacific. A challenge to the operational numerical weather prediction community is to improve the quality of the initial condition, particularly in its description of the baroclinic wave structure that is important to surface cyclogenesis. The key question to be addressed in this study is: Will the assimilation of G P S / M E T data improve the description of the structure of baroclinic waves and its associated surface cyclogenesis? In this paper, we conduct a series of OSSEs to examine the potential impact of the 442 Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 G P S / M E T refractivity data on the prediction of an extratropical cyclone, known as the ERICA (Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic) lOP 4 storm. Specifically, we will address the following questions: (i) What is the impact of atmospheric refractivity on the prediction of an extratropical cyclone? (ii) Will the impact degrade substantially as the resolution of the GPS measurements is decreased? (iii) Does the line-averaging characteristic of the refractivity observations influence the assimilation results? Section 2 provides a short description of the lOP 4 storm. Technical details on how to generate simulated GPS measurements and the experiment design are provided in Section 3, along with a brief description of the model. Numerical results are presented in Section 4. Section 5 gives a summary and a discussion. 2. Case description An extreme case of an extratropical marine cyclone took place over the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean on 4 - 5 January 1989. This storm was the most intense one among the eight cases studied in ERICA, with an estimated minimum pressure of 936 mb at 00:00 UTC 5 January, and a 24-h deepening of 60 rob. The storm started as a 996-mb low off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, embedded within a broad baroclinic zone with a moderate thermal gradient. During the ensuing 24 h, with the approach of an intense upper-level short wave, the storm went through rapid intensification along the warm Gulf Stream. Detailed synoptic and mesoscale analyses of this case can be found in Wakimoto et al. (1992), Neiman and Shapiro (1993), Neiman et al. (1993). A numerical simulation of the airflow and frontal evolution was presented by Reed et al. (1994). All these studies focused on the 24-h period of rapid intensification, ending at 00:00 UTC 5 January. Davis et al. (1996) studied the dynamics of this cyclone, and concluded that the storm evolves from a disturbance with maximum amplitude at the tropopause to a maximum amplitude at the surface as the system moves offshore. They explained the cyclogenesis in terms of a baroclinic wave propagating through a varying basic state, in which the surface development is rapid because of the sudden response of the wave structure to a changing environment. Kuo and Low-Nam (1990) examined the predictability of this storm using a 120-km hemispheric version of the MM4 model. They showed that the upper-level short wave and its associated potential vorticity (PV) anomaly can be traced back to the Gulf of Alaska. Rapid cyclogenesis took place as the PV anomaly moved off shore to interact with the low-level baroclinic zone over the western Atlantic (Reed et al., 1994). This case is ideally suited to examining the impact of G P S / M E T refractivity data on the description of atmospheric structures that are crucial to cyclone prediction. 3. Model and experiment design 3.1. MM5 and its adjoint model In this study, we utilize adiabatic version of the Penn State/NCAR non-hydrostatic mesoscale model version 5 (MM5) with relatively simple physics. It includes model Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 443 dynamics, diffusion, bulk planetary-boundary-layer (PBL) processes, surface frictions grid-resolvable non-convective precipitation, Kuo-type cumulus convection, and a split, semi-implicit time integration scheme. The model uses a terrain-following g-coordinate. For a detailed description of MM5 and its adjoint model, see Grell et al. (1994) and Zou et al. (1995), respectively. Problems related to the use of the adjoint of moist physical parameterization in 4DVAR are discussed in a separate paper by Zou (1996). In order to simulate G P S / M E T observations, we first conducted a control experiment (CTRL), which had a horizontal resolution of 90 km with 20 levels in the vertical. This experiment was initialized at 00:00 UTC 3 January 1989 (defined as t = - 12 h), and was integrated for 60 h. It covered the northern hemisphere (outer domain in Fig. 1) with a mesh of 197 × 197 × 20. The initial conditions (ICs) was obtained from an objective analysis of rawinsonde and surface observations using the NMC global analysis as the first guess. The lateral boundary conditions were obtained by linear interpolation of these analyses at 12-h intervals. It is well known that when the same model is used for both creating the 'simulated' observations and for testing their impact, the results tend to be overly optimistic. This is known as the 'identical-twin' problem, because model-created atmospheres tend to be alike, but different from the real atmosphere. In order to partially remedy the identicaltwin problem, we used a 180-km, ten-level MM5 model with a smaller mesh size of 160E 150E 140E 130E 120E 110E 100E 90 E 80 E ?0 E 170 E 60 E m 50E I?0 W 40 E 160 W 30 E 150 W 20 E 140 W 10 E 130 W GM 120 W 10 W 110 W I00 W 9Q W 80 W ?0 W 60 W 50 W 40 W 30 W 20 W Fig. 1. Illustration of model domains used for C T R L (outer domain) and 4 D V A R experiments (inner domain). 444 Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics c~'Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 61 x 51 X 10 as the assimilation and forecast model, which covered all of North America and part of the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific (see the inner domain in Fig. 1). Both the forward integration of MM5 and the backward integration of its adjoint are performed with a 7.5-min time step. 3.2. Assimilation of GPS / MET data 3.2.1. 4DVAR problem 4DVAR minimizes an objective function which measures the distance between the model-predicted refractivity (180-kin resolution) and the observed refractivity N °bs (extracted from the 90-km simulation) in the 6-h time window [t 0, tR]. This objective function is given by R J(xo) = ~ (CN(x(t,.)) - N"h~(t,.)) -~ (l) r= 0 where x(t r) is the model prediction at time t r representing the wind components (u, u, w), the temperature T, specific humidity q, and the pressure perturbation p', N is an operator calculating the model refractivity from model variables, N°bS(t r) is the refractivity observation at time t~, and C is an operator mapping the model-predicted refractivity from model grids to observational points. For example, if N°b~(tr) is distributed on each model grid, C is merely a unit matrix. If N°b~(tr) is randomly distributed with line averaging, C will contain operations of line averaging and interpolation. The operator N is based on the atmospheric refractivity N which is given by N = 77.6 £ + 3.73 X 105P~ T -~ T where p is pressure in mb, T is temperature in degrees Kelvin, and p~ is water-vapor pressure in mb. The atmospheric refractivity is a non-dimensional quantity. Minimizing the cost function defined by Eq. (I) is an under-determined problem since the dimension of the control variables xt) is much larger than the number of observations. However, here we seek modification to the guess field from the refractivity assimilation, instead of determining a unique solution of the IC independent of initial guess fields. Therefore, our results are limited to the assessment of the individual impact of refractivity on the cyclone prediction in an OSSE mode. In a more complete system, a background term should be included, with addition of some dynamical or physical constraints, or a measure of distance to other possible source of information in an additional weak constraint term jc in Eq. (1) of Courtier et al. (1993). Such an effort will be reported in a forthcoming paper. 3.2.2. Simulated GPS measurements Assuming 12 (50) LEO satellites in orbit simultaneously, about 3000 (12500) atmospheric refractivity soundings can be expected every 12 h (Hardy et al., 1992). These soundings will possess a horizontal resolution of 367 km (180 km) and a vertical resolution of about 1 km in the upper atmosphere and a few hundred meters in the Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 445 troposphere. In some experiments in order to more closely simulate the G P S / M E T refractivity measurements, we distribute such measurements randomly in space. Each simulated atmospheric refractivity observation at random points represents a line average along a random direction over a distance of about 200-300 km. For example, for simulated G P S / M E T observations having an averaged resolution of 360 km, four random points are generated within an area of 720 × 720 km following the formula: x=j+4×ranf, y = i + 4 × r a n f (3) where ran f represents a random number ranging between 0 and 1 and (j, i) represents the grid index for the lower-left point of the selected 720 km × 720 km domain. A random direction is then generated at each observational point: 2~a = 180 × ran f (4) where c~ represents the angle between the averaging line and the x-axis. The hemispheric distribution of the soundings over a 12-h period following Eqs. (3) and (4) (which represents observations of 12 LEO satellites over a 12-h period) is shown in Fig. ID 170 E 160 ~ 5 0 B 0 1 E C I 2 r l R I ~ ~0 ET0 E 60 E 170 W 50 E 40 E 160 W 30 E 20 E 150 W 10 E GM 140 W tO W 20 130 W W 30 W 120 W 110 W 40 W 100 W 90 w ao w 70 w so w 50 w Fig. 2. R a n d o m distribution o f N °bs at 3 6 0 - k m resolution, with a line associated with e a c h observational point on w h i c h a line a v e r a g i n g is taken. 446 E-14. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 2. In order to simulate line-averaged observations along a random direction tan a , we first calculate two ending points of the line as follows: L xj=x+--cosa, 2 /~ x 2 = x - --cos ce, 2 L y~=y+--since 2 C y: = y - --sin ce 2 (5) where L is the averaging length, which has a value of about 180 km. Then a weighted averaging is taken to obtain the simulated refractivity observations N °b~ from the refractivity N derived from the 90-km control run: N(obs x,,., = N~ ~.,.~ + 0.25 × (N¢.,~.~,, + N~,_~,,.,- 2 × N~.....7) (6) No errors are added to the simulated N °b~. 3.3. Experiment design All the 4DVAR experiments were conducted in a 6-h time window from t o = 0 h (12:00 UTC 3 January 1989) to t R = 6 h (18:00 UTC 3 January 1989). The first-guess fields for the assimilation experiments were generated from the control run, except that the horizontal resolution was degraded by a factor of 8. Specifically, we extracted model soundings at every eighth grid point from the 90-km control simulation. A bi-parabolic interpolation was then employed to interpolate these data to the 180-km grid of the assimilation model. This represents a first-guess field having a horizontal resolution of 720 km, not atypical for global analysis, particularly over the ocean. Obviously, the small-scale atmospheric structures are largely removed through this resolution reduction process. The question is, can assimilation of refractivity data recover important atmospheric structures that are crucial for a successful prediction of cyclones? As a benchmark for the subsequent 4DVAR experiments, we conducted a no-assimilation experiment based on this initial-guess field, which is termed the NO4DVAR experiment. Five 4DVAR experiments have been conducted (see Table 1). The G P S / M E T refractivity data are assumed to be available at both the beginning and ending times of Table 1 Summary of numerical experiments Experiment CTRL NO4DVAR E1 E2.upper E3.random E4.random360 E5.180terrain 4DVAR (12:00-18:00 UTC 3 refractivity obs. from CTRL) Forecast Vertical level IC Model 90-km 00:00 UTC 3 720-km 12:00 UTC3 ~Optimal' 'Optimal' ' Optimal" 'Optimal' 90-km 180-kin 180-km 180-km 180-km 180-km Random distribution 1-10 No 1-7 No 1-10 Yes, 180-km 1- 10 Yes, 360 km Same as E1 except that CTRLgenerated OBS used 180-km terrain Y.-H. Kuo et aL / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 447 the 6-h assimilation window. The first experiment (El) assumes that refractivity observations ( N °bs) are available on all model grids. The second experiment (E2.upper) is similar to E1 except that N °bs are available only at levels from 1 to 7 ( = 3 km above the ground). In E3.random N °bS is randomly distributed with a 180-km line-averaging taken along a random direction for each observation. Such N °b~ are available with an averaged horizontal resolution of about 180 km. The fourth experiment (E4.random360) is similar to E3.random except that the horizontal resolution of randomly distributed N °bs is reduced from 180 km to 360 km. The last experiment (E5.180terrain) is the same as E1 except that the 180-km terrain (instead of 90-km terrain) is used in CTRL, which provides N °b~. It is designed to eliminate errors due to inconsistency in terrain between CTRL and all 4DVAR experiments (El, E2.upper, E3.random, and E4.random360). The results after 4DVAR experiments in which simulated N observations assume various spatial and temporal distributions are compared with NO4DVAR and CTRL to assess the impact of G P S / M E T data assimilation on cyclone development. 4. Numerical results 4. l. Evolution o f the control simulation An important prerequisite for a meaningful observing system simulation experiment is the success of the control simulation in capturing the essential dynamics of the atmosphere. In this section, we will examine the evolution of the 90-km control experiment. Fig. 3 shows the predicted surface temperature and sea-level pressure at 06:00 UTC 4, 12:00 UTC 4, 18:00 UTC 4, and 12:00 UTC 5 January 1989, which are 30-h, 36-h, 42-h, and 60-h forecasts. At 06:00 UTC 4 January, the simulated lOP 4 storm was located off Cape Hatteras, with a central pressure of 987 mb. No sharp fronts could be seen at that time. A preceding storm, known as the IOP 3a storm, located at 50°W, 45°N, was at its late stage of development. Six hours later, the IOP 4 storm deepened to 973 mb (a 14-mb deepening in 6 h), and began to develop distinct cold and warm fronts. By 18:00 UTC 4 January, the storm reached 961 mb (another 12-mb deepening in 6 h). A pocket of warm air was found to the southwest of the low center. The storm continued to deepen with time, and by the end of the simulation, the storm had a minimum central pressure of 938 rob. An occluded front with extremely strong temperature gradients developed. This front linked the low center to the triple point where cold and warm fronts intersected, with structures similar to the observations. Cold air from behind the cold front surged to the east of the low center, producing an accentuated tongue of warm air near the low center. The evolution of these frontal structures compares favorably with analyses presented in Wakimoto et al. (1992) and Neiman and Shapiro (1993). The ability of the model to simulate the depth of this storm is particularly impressive (938 mb versus observed value of 936 mb). A criticism can be made regarding the timing of the simulated deepening. The observed storm reached its minimum pressure at 00:00 UTC 5 January, while the model storm's minimum pressure was delayed by about 12 h. Given the fact that the model had relatively coarse horizontal and vertical resolutions, and was initialized 24 h before the start of rapid E-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics q/Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 448 w '~o w ao w ~o w 40 w 'i ~, .....~, ~o w '- ao w ~o w Bo w ~o w ,..i,., , ....... ?0 W eo w ~o w ~,, eo w -' eo w ~o w ~ ' " ~,~ 4e N !3o ~ ~o w 30 w io w ~o w ~ '.)-,.- 40 ~ . ~,o w ~ k ~o w ~o w 70 • ~o w 80 w V/ ~o w ~o w 40 w ~o t/.I///~/gd-:,'? t ,,o w 60W ~W c! d~f/.::i,'\d i ( ~ L / ?0 w , L / / , ~o w ~ ,,, , 5o w Fig. 3. Surface temperature (solid lines, c.i. = I~C) and sea-level pressure (dotted lines, c.i. = 4 rob) from a 60-h high-resolution (90-kin) numerical simulation (CTRL) of the lOP 4 marine cyclone by the MM5 at (a) 06:00 UTC 4 January, (b) 12:00 UTC 4 January. (c) 18:00 UTC 4 January, and (d) 12:00 UTC 5 January 1989. intensification, these results are considered quite good. The ability of the control simulation to capture the rapid intensification of the storm and its frontal evolution allows us to use the results of this e x p e r i m e n t to "simulate' the G P S observations with confidence. 4.2. Impact o f GPS / M E T data on cyclone prediction In E l , G P S / M E T refractivity data ( N °bs) are assumed to be available at the beginning (12:00 U T C 3 January) and ending (18:00 U T C 3 January) time o f the Y.-H. Kuo et aL / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 449 assimilation period. The N °b~ is available at every grid point of the 180-km model. No line averaging is performed. Therefore, this simulates a condition that is more optimistic than what would be possible with actual G P S / M E T data. This represents an upper bound for the potential impact of a G P S / M E T system having a spatial resolution of 180 km and a temporal resolution of 6 h. In 4DVAR, we seek possible improvement of the analyzed IC, which is used as the initial guess for the minimization. The cost function and the norm of the gradient decreased from 902 and 57.03 to 5.799 and 1.880 in 38 iterations, respectively. This shows that the refractivity data can be successfully assimilated into the model. In order to examine where major changes occur, we plot in Fig. 4 the refractivity differences between model and simulated observations at 300 mb, 500 mb, and 850 mb for NO4DVAR and E1 at the end of the assimilation window (18:00 UTC 3 January 1989). We observe that refractivity errors in NO4DVAR at 300 mb, 500 mb, and 850 mb (Fig. 4(a), (c), (e)) are significantly reduced after data assimilation (Fig. 4(b), (d), (f)). The improvements over the Mexican Plateau and the Gulf of Mexico at 500 mb and 850 mb are particularly impressive. At 300 mb, an error maximum in NO4DVAR was located at the southern tip of Lake Michigan. This refractivity error maximum is associated with an upper-level disturbance which is responsible for the development of the lOP 4 cyclone. Since there is little water vapor at this level, the error must be caused by errors in the temperature field in the initial condition. This error was nearly completely eliminated after 4DVAR. We note, however, large errors over Greenland in both NO4DVAR and El, with the latter being larger than the former. As will be discussed later, this is caused by incompatibility in model terrain between the CTRL and 4DVAR assimilation model. In CTRL, a 90-km terrain is used while a 180-km terrain is used in El. The 'observed' (derived from the control simulation) 500-mb temperature and 850-mb specific humidity at 18:00 UTC 3 January are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b). The errors in these fields for NO4DVAR and E1 are shown in Fig. 5(c) and (d) and Fig. 5(e) and (f), respectively. We note that errors in the 500-mb temperature (Fig. 5(c)) and 850-mb humidity fields (Fig. 5(d)) in NO4DVAR occurred mainly over regions with sharp gradients (Fig. 5(a), (b)). The 500-mb temperature error of 2.5°C took place over Wisconsin, where there was a temperature trough. The positive temperature error over Wisconsin, and the negative error immediately to its west and east, suggest that the amplitude of the temperature trough was weakened in NO4DVAR. The assimilation of refractivity data reduced the temperature error over Wisconsin by I°C, and nearly completely eliminated the negative temperature error to its west. As a result, the amplitude of the temperature trough was recovered. However, large temperature errors over Greenland (northeast corner) and southern Mexico remain large after data assimilation (Fig. 5(e)). Errors in the low-level moisture fields (NO4DVAR, Fig. 5(d)) exhibit a significant reduction after refractivity assimilation (El, Fig. 5(f)). A 4-g kg-l reduction is observed over the Mexican Plateau. These results show that errors in temperature and specific humidity fields in the ICs of NO4DVAR due to reduction of horizontal resolution, which occur in regions with a sharp gradient of atmospheric state, could be reduced through assimilation of atmospheric refractivity data with a spatial resolution of 180 km. In El, only N °b~ data are assimilated; the minimization problem is thus an under-de- Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 450 / / ~./ l " ' / ( ~': " - - ~~' <..... a, i ~.4-~,",'z ~o w 1~nw Howlool'90~Y~ollml~o~low3ow ,,k,l:\ 2ow 13ow • " - ~. . . . .... Y-,\, I~ow : ~o~ ~ow oo~ ~o w ' ' '~ P 8ow :- ~n w HOW]O~WBO~OWO~e,O~W40~30W .~.~er'~ ~,# b~ 1~=_~__111L' . . . . . . . no w ; ~w I.... °°'i'~_"~=~> , ,: t30w i ?'X vow 20W . . . . ~5 ~' ) ' ~j q ~ow Fig. 4. Difference fields of atmospheric refractivity at 300 mb ((a) and (b), c.i. = 5 NU), 500 mb ((c) and (d), c.i. = 10 NU), and 850 mb ((e) and (f), c.i. = 50 NU) for NO4DVAR (left column) and El (right column) at 18:00 UTC 3 January 1989. verified against CTRL, where NU represents refractivity unit. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 l~W i~w iltlwlOOIOimtvollolSOw4~l~ll ~l lSOW i~Ol' 451 SlOWlOO~II~II~IOItOISOW ~W 70 W l~OW i20W |~10¥ t 10 I I00 I t ~ I O WO tim 150 r i o W~O W 20W laox, e~l i~ow 401~ , ........ ~................ !.7 4<:;; I ~ O II 110 I SO0 IIt90 Ill~ WO ~ IbO lli~ IlrJO I~ ~ 1 21,t LL, . Fig. 5. 'Observed' (a) 500-mb temperature (c.i. = 2°C) and (b) 850-mb specific humidity (c.i. = 1 g k g - t ), and the difference fields of (c) 500-mb temperature (c.i. = I°C) and (d) 850-mb specific humidity (c.i. = 1 g k g - t ) for N O 4 D V A R at 18:00 UTC 3 January 1989, verified against CTRL. (e) and (f) are the same as (c) and (d) except for El. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics o/Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439 470 452 termined problem. Without additional constraints, adjustments in the ICs could be rather arbitrary, especially those fields not directly related to N °bs such as wind fields. It will be interesting to examine the changes in wind fields as a result of refractivity data assimilation. Fig. 6 shows the 300-mb wind speed (Fig. 6(a)) of El and the difference field between El and NO4DVAR (Fig. 6(b)) at 18:00 UTC 3 January. We observe a consistent increase of wind speed along the upper-level jet with a magnitude of about 130~ " 120 ~ 4s ~ok ~ (-----..@o- ~ ;~ I c~ - .<;', :'~ 80 w ,i ,/~ ..0 L" / ;>"~ I I~ iOO WgC ig80 t170 "~80 1t50 W4C ~ 3 0 ' ' - i "~T~8 / I ,~ , ) 80 w : --- ?"~ k_J 7o ~ 20 "~""-L ~ ~ ~o v 2 .~iO4 J W .\b,~'~ \ t k H ~ t ~ o l i ~ ~r i ( ! • 60 w < 1 '\>~ :::~z'-", <\ b~,, ,~x -~. ~....-...~-~ ,> _ ) .G~t,/ ~ go w ~-s"/ / ~ o . ~ - - ~0 w 120 ~," ":<" < ~OW k ~ " ~ ~ - < - . . . _" , ~ ~ 5 - - - - ;30 W L:. WSOW?OIIBO ~50W40W30W i ',, 7 1.<<X¢( ( (H3 i3 . . . . . . L,¢'/ iDOW90 'x'k"k~\' , go w [~, lJ:]~ I~ ' 6o w Fig. 6. ( a ) 3 0 0 - r o b wind speed (c.i. = 5 in s ~ m E l a n d ( b ) differences between El and N O 4 D V A R m s i ) at 1 8 : 0 0 U T C 3 January 1989. (c.i. = i E-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 453 3.5 m s - 1. The change in wind speed suggests a strengthening of relative vorticity over Illinois associated with the upper-level disturbance (figure omitted). Since the model is used as a constraint during the process of N °b~ assimilation, such adjustment is realized through the model's internal dynamics. It should be kept in mind that the extracted data on the 180-km grid may not be in dynamical balance since the 90-km terrain is used in CTRL to generate simulated observations (OBS) while the 180-km terrain is used for all the data-assimilation experiments. The differences in model terrains are caused by reduction in grid resolution. Because of differences in model terrain, the simulated refractivity observations can become inconsistent with the assimilation model (for example, there can be differences in the elevation of a given sigma level between simulated observations and the assimilation model). In seeking reasons why errors over Greenland remain large after data assimilation, we re-run CTRL using 180-km terrain, re-generate N °bs, and repeat E1 (now called E5.180terrain). Results are shown in Fig. 7. We observe that errors of 300-mb refractivity (Fig. 4(b)) and 500-mb temperature (Fig. 5(e)) over Greenland are eliminated after data assimilation (Fig. 7(a), (b)). As shown earlier there is a significant improvement in the temperature and moisture analyses as a result of refractivity data assimilation in El. An important question is: Will these improvement last during the course of model prediction? To answer this question, we present the vertical profiles of root-mean-square (r.m.s.) errors of temperature (Fig. 8(a)-(i)) and specific humidity (Fig. 8(j)-(r)), calculated for the entire model domain, for E5.180terrain at 6-h intervals from 12:00 UTC 3 to 12:00 UTC 5 January. The time evolution of r.m.s, errors for these two fields is quite different. The impact of G P S / M E T data assimilation on temperature shows up most distinctly in the middle and upper troposphere. More importantly, this impact appears to increase with time. In contrast, the impact on water vapor occurs mainly in the lower and middle troposphere, and it diminishes quickly with time. For example, the water-vapor r.m.s, error was reduced by as much as 0.8 g kg -j at ~ = 0.85 at 18:00 UTC 3 January as a result of refractivity data assimilation. This improvement was reduced to 0.2 g kg-1 by 00:00 UTC 4 January, in just 6 h. The impact then gradually diminishes with time. By the end of the 48-h forecast, it was negligible. This shows that the water vapor is more 'transient' and 'passive' than temperature. The GPS data assimilation has a significant impact on the moisture analysis, but, because moisture distribution changes quickly in response to dynamic forcing in the course of model forecast integration, this impact does not last very long (less than 24 h). Fig. 8 also shows that the model forecast errors continued to increase with time, even for the experiment with data assimilation. The forecast error growth is considerably larger than the impact due to refractivity assimilation. This suggests that there is much room for model improvement at such a resolution (180 km). It should be noted that the forecast central pressure in the 180-kin model in El (963 mb) is considerably higher than that of the 90-km control (938 mb). As will be shown later, this difference can be significantly reduced by using a higher resolution model for forecast integration following data assimilation. As mentioned earlier, there was a significant reduction of errors in 300-mb refractivity over Illinois and Indiana after data assimilation (see Fig. 4). This is also the region E-H. Kuo et al./ Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 454 £30 w L ...... I~owp ~ I I~ 120 w ;:: .... /1(1~/ ?'~ / ~ ~ ....... ,. ,\ / ~/ ~0 '>-'t.'-~.d-' ~,"r' ~o ; ! ~II0 14~0 W i O w 3 0 ~ , ~ ,~ (~/:~'~:E¢~:/l¢"~-/"- . ': , i w -j.(a,~ !or ~-~' .......... t~O w 130 W o°-7' ~r "-~'~ ' (L>, ,: 90 E-..... ~0 W ' I ~ W :~, ........... o L] .... .... -\ II0 w 100 W ~ O ~ o ~20 W "j ' .~>\ 70 w '-10 W 100 wgo '~0 ~-,JAW...7/ ,?m~.,o:"-..~ B/'-"~,/'~-<f~\~; ,-kk~X °-~" " 6o WO ~0 ~0 .>.:, w W40 W 3 0 '\ ~'- 20 W "<"~.o. ! cJ.-.~_..:-.--c~ ..... ?.°. ~,( go w (3, W ' .... WZ'-,.,V/-C"W ~-L/ : ....... .........t:...... 80 w 70 w c{- 80 w Fig. 7. Difference fields of (a) atmospheric refractivity (c.i. = 5 NU) at 300 mb and (b) temperature (c.i. = I°C) at 500 mb at 18:00 UTC 3 January 1989 for E5.180terrain, verified against CTRL in which a 180-kin terrain is used as opposed to a 90-kin terrain. where there existed a prominent PV anomaly. This PV anomaly provided the upper-level forcing for the development of the surface cyclone. It is interesting to examine the impact of refractivity assimilation on the structure of the PV anomaly. Fig. 9 shows a cross-section of potential temperature (Fig. 9(a) and (b)) and PV (Fig. 9(c) and (d)) for both NO4DVAR (left column) and E1 (right column) along the line A - B on Fig. 4(a). Also shown are their errors (differences from CTRL; thick lines). Without refractivity assimilation, the temperature error was as large as 3°C at 500 mb, directly under the PV Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 0.2! i ,a I 0.4 0.6 0.8 ' IO ~, , ,,~, , ,~, , ,8(oc) ooI 1.o 2 ,~ ~ 0"0 I,.o'L d 0.2 0.2 0.4 13 ! °o'O6°2 c 0.2 0,4 I0 0.6 0.8 B(oc) l o. , o~ e 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 '2 0 ~ 'i ' 8(°c) 0.0 0.2 O0lr o 2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0,8 1.0 2 4 0.0~\ ' j 0.2 0.4 e(°C) 6 x O,O 0.0~ 1.5 2.0 r I . 4 o.4i~, ~0.6! ~.. ' o.o, o, 1,0 0 0.8 I 1.0 '0 S (g/kg) " dO ............. 2 I+0 ' , :5 . . . . 4 ,0 4 s 1 s(°C) 6 a(°C) h e(°C) 6 (g/k~,l'O'.o' ' 1.0 . . . . . o 2 4 °°k, 0.2 x ~ 0.8 ") 1.of 0.5 1.0 2.o(g&g) o.o 1.5 n ~ i o.s -,.i I.o ~ , ~.s 0.2 . O ~°'I 100.6 ~\ ~.. ols' 1 °' I ~ , xx\ 0=2 ~~ 00.6! 0.4 ' ft 0.8 0.4 t \ 0.5 (oc) (,' • . I~ 0.6t \ ", ,;,,,~,,, 8(oC) 1 0 . . . . . .2. . . . . . . 4 0.2 0"6f ~ \ x x ,;, o \ 0.4 " 0,0 455 ',io. . . . 1:s''' 2,01 ", p,° ~g) 1.01 . . 0,5. . 00 q ! 20(g/kg) 1 1 1.0 I) . ~.~ ..... i ~0 (~g) . t3 ,.O!o.... o:° ,:o,' "; 2o ~,.o.o .... o:, ,:o ,:, " 2.0 (g,t g ) o.o o.s ~.o ~.s zo (gAg) Fig. 8. The r.m.s, errors o f temperature ((a)-(i), unit: °C) and specific humidity ((j)-(r), unit: g k g - 1) at 6-h intervals from 12:00 UTC 3 January to 12:00 UTC 5 January 1989 for E5.]80terrain (solid line) and N O 4 D V A R (dashed line). 456 :3oo K-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics qf Atmos '~heres and Oceans 27 ( 19971 439-470 : i~-328 ~ ~ ~ 300 1 - - 3 2 ~ "--~'~'~" t::; ~oo ill:2 --.z ---. /-- . ~/////2) ~oo lo50 ;>~.;";./Jf~xL---<-----~ " I050 , r / ~ , ~,>;~ ", "" \,[ ~o ~ I ,, >'. .-c - /'~ \l ~ / ,~7' , //. -7 / ~ ,~ { +t ' . . . . o , ,- °1~'~/ ' ...... °?i. figs ,'t .//, ,o~ . . . . . . . ,. e . . . . 1//, / ,. 600 / . 500 // _d j - J '300 ~00 m,0 900 goo iooo Io5o lOOO I050 A B A B Fig. 9. (a), (b) Cross-section along the line A--B in Fig. 4(a) of the potential temperature (thin lines, c.i. = 2 K) and the potential temperature difference (thick lines, c.i. = I K) and, (c) and (d), potential vorticity (thin lines, c.i. = I PVU) and its difference field (thick lines, c.i. = 0.6 PVU) for NO4DVAR (left column) and E1 (right column) at 18:00 UTC 3 January, verified against CTRL anomaly. The negative temperature error (cooling) above and on both sides of the positive temperature error clearly suggests that the temperature perturbation associated with the upper-level disturbance has a broader scale than the control and has a lower static stability, which contributes to a weaker potential vorticity in N O 4 D V A R . Indeed, the PV in the N O 4 D V A R experiment was weaker than C T R L by nearly 2 P V U (potential vorticity units). The assimilation of refractivity significantly reduced the errors in both the temperature and PV fields. As a result, the PV in E1 is sharper, stronger, and extends deeper into the lower troposphere, and has a stronger influence on the surface cyclogenesis. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 -'t' + t' ,'-r-" 457 i4 " .. l 'K Fig. 10. Difference fields of SLP (shaded, c.i. = 2 mb) and PV on the 315-K isentropic surface (contour lines, c.i. = 0.2 PVU) between E1 and NO4DVAR, and the wind vectors on the 315-K isentropic surface for El at (b) 00:00 UTC 4 January, (c) 12:00 UTC 4 January, (d) 00:00 UTC 5 January, and (e) 12:00 UTC 5 January. Fig. 10 shows the differences of PV (thin lines) on the 315-K isentropic surface and sea-level pressure (heavy lines) between E1 and NO4DVAR for the period of 00:00 UTC 4 to 12:00 UTC 5 January at an interval of 12 h. At 00:00 UTC 4 January, the sea-level pressure of the IOP 4 storm near Cape Hatteras in El was deeper than that in NO4DVAR by 2.91 mb. Further downstream, a difference of 2.66 mb was found at 47°N, 44°W for the IOP 3a storm. In between these two storms, the sea-level pressure was higher in E1 as compared with NO4DVAR. The difference in PV on the 315-K surface was about 0.6 PVU at 00:00 UTC 4 January, and it was located over eastern Ohio immediately to the northwest of the lOP 4 cyclone. A similar PV difference with smaller magnitude (0.4 PVU) was found upstream of the lOP 3a storm. Twelve hours 458 Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 later, the lOP 4 storm in E1 was deeper than that in NO4DVAR by 5.2 mb, and that for the IOP 3a storm by 4 mb. In between the two storms, the ridge was enhanced by 4.3 mb. This clearly shows an amplification of the surface pressure wave. An interesting pattern in the PV difference field began to develop directly above the surface cyclone at this time, with a positive PV difference behind the storm, and a negative PV difference ahead of the storm. The negative PV anomaly was produced by the rising low PV air originating in the boundary layer (Reed et al., 1992). By 00:00 UTC 5 January, the difference in sea-level pressure for the IOP 4 storm was as large as 10.9 rob. The upper-level PV couplet above the surface cyclone also intensified. The surface cyclone and the upper-level baroclinic wave amplified together during the next 12 h, ending with a difference of 13.8 mb in pressure and 1.3 and - 2 . 1 PVU in PV. This figure shows that the relatively small difference in the initial conditions between El and NO4DVAR as a result of refractivity assimilation grows rapidly with time, and causes a major difference in the development of surface cyclones and the amplification of the baroclinic wave. As discussed by Reed et al. (1992), the three building blocks tot surface cyclogenesis, from the PV perspective (Hoskins et al., 1985), consist of (1) PV with its origin in the jet-stream-tropopause region, (2) surrogate PV associated with a surface warm anomaly, and (3) low- to mid-level PV formed by diabatic heating due to condensation. The previous section has demonstrated that refractivity assimilation improves the analysis of the upper-level PV at the jet-stream level, and that it has a significant influence on the subsequent evolution of the upper-level PV anomaly and surface cyclogenesis. Does refractivity assimilation have a significant impact on the description of the surface thermal anomaly (surrogate PV)? The answer is clearly affirmative. Fig. 11 shows the surface temperature of E1 and NO4DVAR and their differences at 00:00 UTC 4 January. Temperature differences of several degrees are found near the coast, with the positive anomaly located to the south and the negative anomaly to the northeast. These 'perturbations' create a stronger baroclinic zone over the western Atlantic ocean in El, as compared with NO4DVAR, which is a necessary ingredient for surface cyclogenesis. The interaction of an upper-level PV anomaly and a low-level thermal anomaly in the development of a baroclinic cyclone has been discussed by Davis and Emanuel (1991). For the tOP 4 storm, the upper-level PV anomaly propagated from the vicinity of Lake Michigan southeastward toward North Carolina during the 12-h period ending at 00:00 UTC 4 January, while the low-level thermal anomaly migrated from Georgia northeastward toward the same region. By 00:00 UTC 4 January, the upper-level PV anomaly became interlocked with the low-level thermal anomaly. Subsequently, rapid cyclogenesis took place. The assimilation of refractivity data through a better definition of the upper-level PV anomaly and the low-level thermal anomaly helped enhance this coupling process, and produced a stronger cyclone. This process can be illustrated by examining the PV and temperature differences between E1 and NO4DVAR from 18:00 UTC 3 January to 00:00 UTC 4 January at 2-h intervals along the path (line C - D in Fig. 5(c)) of the upper-level disturbance (Fig. 12). At 18:00 UTC 3 January, the PV difference (thin lines) was as large as 1 PVU at 400 mb. Large positive temperature differences (heavy lines) are found above the PV anomaly, with negative temperature Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 9O W 8O W 459 7O W klJ!' ' , " i : " - ~ ................... / . . . . . BOW ~OW 8O w ?ow eow 7ow ?o w Fig. 11. Surface temperature in (a) NO4DVAR and (b) E1 (thin line, c.i. = 2°C) at 00:00 UTC 4 January. The differences of surface temperature between E1 and NO4DVAR are also plotted in (b) (thick lines, c.i. = I°C). differences below. Such structure is consistent with the relationship between PV and static stability. In the lower troposphere, a positive temperature difference of 2°C can be found near the coast. This temperature 'perturbation' does not extend above 800 mb. At 18:00 UTC 3 January, the PV perturbation and the low-level temperature perturbation (as a result of refractivity assimilation) are separated by as far as 1400 km. During the next 4 h, the upper-level anomaly travels at a speed of 30 km in 2 h (about 50 m s -1) toward the low-level thermal anomaly. The thermal anomaly itself does not move much, except it intensifies with time. By 22:00 UTC 3 January, the thermal anomaly reaches a magnitude of 3°C, and the PV anomaly moves to within 900 km of the temperature anomaly. The distance between these two anomalies continues to shrink with time. By 00:00 UTC 4 January, the two anomalies are interlocked, and they both move eastward together as the cyclone begin its course of rapid development. 460 K -H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics Of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 I/--~+, 3%, //__ ]/I . t', ' ~,, ; i ,F i800umc , , (} -~,.:.~...;.r. .... ,~ x, '~: 3January 200.,,,~ ' ~ ' /,,' ~oo (c.>-~---v" , \ I~Oo ( anuary 300 _ / ~,,, ,i',~6'd,'~l , soo L. T-- ~'I~ 2 n 1% O O U T C d I .} '~ ~_ ~ .~ -, /~ / ~0o "~ k._j / ~oo • _c,, I 1 200 T ..... ; ". . . . . . . . . . . ,," "-X~ . . . . . . 200 j z k !- 1 2200UTC ; 3 January / " -2 ' ,ooi) ~ , { I /I 400 500 i [, " 4 January ~¢ /I ~ 400 1 .," "\\ \-- ,o ° kL 50C o\_._.~--~° o _- / .~oo \ 0000UTC / / 600 ?oc / z / " ,-<..': !:.. ,,," i i \ / d ~oc aot 9OO soo Io00 1o00 1050 1050 C D C D Fig. 12. Cross-section of differences m potential temperature (thick line, c.i. = I K) and PV (thin line, c.i. = 0.2 PVU) between El and NO4DVAR along the line C-D in Fig. 5(c) from 18:00 UTC 3 January to 00:00 UTC 4 Januaryat 2-h intervals. These results clearly show that the assimilation of G P S / M E T refractivity data can recover atmospheric structures in temperature and wind fields (as reflected in the PV and thermal anomalies), both in the upper and lower troposphere, that are highly important to the prediction of surface cyclogenesis. Although the adjustments to the initial condition are small, they grow rapidly as the baroclinic wave amplifies, and consequently result in major differences in the surface cyclone. This suggests that providing critical observations in the baroclinic unstable region (particularly over the ocean) can be a key contribution of G P S / M E T refractivity data to numerical weather prediction. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 461 4.3. The importance of G P S / M E T data in the lower troposphere Retrieval of occultation data obtained by the first low-earth-orbiting satellite carrying a GPS receiver, MicroLab-1, showed that accurate vertical temperature profiles can be obtained from approximately 40 km to about 5 kin. Below 5 km, multipath effects caused by large gradients in refractivity, primarily due to water-vapor distribution, reduced the signal-to-noise ratio significantly, and usually prevent an accurate retrieval (Ware et al., 1996). Before an improved algorithm is developed for tracking the low-level GPS signals, it is desirable to evaluate the relative importance of the low-level refractivity data. To address this issue, we perform an experiment, E2.upper, in which simulated refractivity data are assumed to be available only above tr = 0.7 (roughly 3 km). A comparison with E1 will illustrate the importance of the low-level refractivity data. Fig. 13 shows the difference fields in sea-level pressure and PV on 315-K isentropic surface between E2.upper and NO4DVAR. A comparison between Figs. 13 and l0 shows notable differences. The change in cyclone pressure as a result of G P S / M E T refractivity assimilation is considerably reduced if the low-level data are not used. On the other hand, the adjustment in the upper-level PV field is increased. The positive PV change at 00:00 UTC 4 January reaches a value of 0.88 PVU on the 315-K isentropic surface for E2.upper as compared with 0.58 PVU in El. However, during the subsequent 36-h forecast period, there is no amplification of the PV difference between E2.upper and NO4DVAR. By 12:00 UTC 5 January, it has a value of 0.7 PVU, while that in E1 is 1.3 PVU. The negative PV anomaly ahead of the storm is also similarly weak. The difference in sea-level pressure grows only to a value of - 5 . 9 rob, far short of that in E1 ( - 13.8 mb). A cross-section of PV and temperature differences between E2.upper and NO4DVAR along the path of the upper-level disturbance is shown in Fig. 14. No low-level thermal anomaly can be identified east of the Appalachian Mountains at 18:00 UTC 3 January. The PV difference exceeds 1 PVU and is located at about 350 mb, slightly higher than that in El. A stronger negative temperature anomaly below the PV anomaly is retrieved in E2.upper. Without the constraints of the lower-level refractivity data, the 4DVAR has more degrees of freedom in making adjustments in the upper levels. The PV anomaly continues to migrate toward the east coast at a speed similar to that in El. However, even by 00:00 UTC 4 January, the E2.upper fails to create any appreciable thermal anomaly. These results illustrate the importance of low-level refractivity data. Without the low-level thermal anomaly, recovered by assimilation of low-level refractivity data, the PV aloft is far less effective in spinning up the low-level cyclogenesis. 4.4. The impact of horizontal resolution and line averaging The previous experiments (El and E2.upper) assume that the G P S / M E T refractivity data are available at every grid point of the 180-km model. No line averaging was performed on the simulated data. This is considerably more optimistic than what is available from the actual G P S / M E T occultation. In order to simulate the G P S / M E T E-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 462 < . ~ ~ . ~ " ~ - - > ~ j ~o.I- ~7... . ~v oo,L~, ~ ~w 7o~ "~ ~ , / ) .~7: eow \. soy _..........,..... .~ ;. ......... 4or 3or <i k ,. ~ ..4 - 8ow ~o* ~ '~j e~e ' > 5ow 4o~ 3ow :~" I -Aiiu, •,-~'~ ' > ~,,,, I ;-!i,,<,--L;--,<<,:~-<;::J,. , ~... ! Fig. 13. S a m e as Fig. l 0 e x c e p t for E l . u p p e r . measurements in a more realistic manner, we conducted an experiment (E3.random) by distributing the refractivity measurements randomly in space, while keeping the averaged resolution at 180 km. In addition, a line averaging was performed along a random direction for each measurement (see Section 3.1 for details). The difference fields of sea-level pressure and PV on a 315-K surface between E3.random and NO4DVAR are shown in Fig. 15 for the period of 00:00 UTC 4 January to 12:00 UTC 5 January at 12-h intervals. The initial difference in sea-level pressure was about 1 mb at 00:00 UTC 4 January. It grew rapidly with time, and by 12:00 UTC 5 January, it was as large as 14.6 mb, a magnitude very similar to that of El. The PV perturbations also amplified with time, and reached a value of 1.1 PVU and - 2 . 1 PVU, respectively, for the positive and negative anomalies. This shows that the random distribution and line averaging did not degrade the impact of the simulated G P S / M E T refractivity data. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 463 200 / ,') \ \ I I / ,-~ ~ 300 J' ~oo 800 3 January bl, .... ,~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ / 700 0 8O0 900 1000 200 ~\ / I~,~ ~/ 00o0trrc I 200 300 .oo "<Oo 500 i i 800 ~ i ('~.o~i "t se... ) f "~,, Boo J I 900 1ooo 1050 C D Fig. 14. Cross-section of differences in PV (thin line, c.i. = 0.2 PVU) and potential temperature (thick line, c.i. = 1 K) between E2.upper and NO4DVAR at 18:00 UTC 3 and 00:00 UTC 4 January along the line C-D in Fig. 5(c). Fig. 16 compares the 12-h accumulated rainfall ending at 12:00 U T C 4 January for E l , E3.random, and N O 4 D V A R . The rainfall distribution was nearly identical between E1 and E3.random (particularly for precipitation associated with the lOP 4 storm), Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics ~g'Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 464 • .... 7 I ~ ~ ~? t. x ' " 83/ ...- \ ~.--> I ...- " ),o . ~3 ':; ~o i A ~ no i ' 7o * oo w 2'3 ~o w ' . o ~ \ ~ / d . 40 ~ ~ a " ao • - > '> \ >, .~o.~-" 5:g .:" :<:-~ so w n0 w ~a i so ~ ~o ~, 4~ w b 3e : ' '°' X ~ " \~~ v/Qh"l ~ ,.o. ~,<<.0. Fig. 15. Same as Fig. I(l except lor E3.random. showing that distributing the refractivity observations randomly in space did not alter the rainfall forecast. Another interesting finding is the similarity between El and NO4DVAR in the rainfall prediction. Despite significant differences in sea-level pressure between these two experiments, the differences in rainfall are not large. Although the maximum rainfall ending at 12:00 UTC 4 January in NO4DVAR was 28.7 mm, slightly less than that of E1 (35 ram), the rainfall pattern is highly similar. The similarity is even greater for the next 12-h period (figure omitted). This leads us to believe that latent heat release (and the diabatically generated PV) is not a crucial factor differentiating these two 180-km experiments. It is the difference in the baroclinic structures (as reflected in the PV and thermal anomalies) with or without the G P S / M E T refractivity data assimilation that causes the cyclone to behave differently in these two experiments. In the final experiment, E4.random360, we reduce the spatial resolution of the Y.-H, Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 Qow aow ?ow Bow ~.ow 4ow " 465 3ow " 114,~ 4o tl 3o N ao w ?0 W 90 W SO W e0 W ~0 W eOW i BO N ~o w ~0 W ", ' ',~\ 40 W 3O W \,\ ....?:.... L, ~ "" .%r ' rj r .....~"~i ... {i ~ 40 N 30 N ~ ao w 30~ ~ 70 w eo w .... b " ~o w ~N 4o N 4o N \ ~- SON -, :i-ic ao w ~o w eow ~ w Fig. 16. Twelve-hour rainfall ending at 12:00 UTC 4 January for (a) NO4DVAR, (b) El, and (c) E3.random. 466 Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 1010 ~ - -- ~ ooo 1 '~ 980 970 ~ } o 4 9600400 , 0412 . 0500 L ~ 0512 ! Time Fig, 17. Time series of central pressure (in rob) for the simulated lOP 4 at 6-h intervals from 00:00 UTC 4 January to 12:00 UTC 5 January 1989 for NO4DVAR (dashed line), El (solid line), E2.upper (long and short-dashed line), E3.random (dotted line), and E4.random360 (dash-dotted line). G P S / M E T data to 360 km, tbllowing the same procedure as that of E3.random. Examination of difference fields in sea-level pressure and upper-level PV between this experiment and NO4DVAR indicates that despite the reduction of horizontal resolution to 360 km, the assimilation of refractivity data still produces a notable impact on the cyclone deepening (not shown). Fig. 17 compares the time series of central pressure of the IOP 4 storm as simulated in various experiments during the 36-h period ending at 12:00 UTC 5 January. At the incipient stage of cyclogenesis, there is no significant difference in cyclone central pressure (less than 2 rob). By the end of the simulation, E1 has a central pressure of 963 rob, while that of NO4DVAR is 975 mb. E3.random has nearly an identical pressure trace to that of El. The final pressure of E4.random360 is 969 rob. The worst data-assimilation experiment is E2.upper, which had a central pressure of 971 mb. It is very instructive to see that the removal of the low-level G P S / M E T data has a greater impact on the cyclone deepening than the combined effects of reducing the spatial resolution of refractivity data to 360 km, distributing it randomly in space, and performing line averaging. This again shows the importance of extending the G P S / M E T data down to the lowest level possible. The significant difference between E3.random and E4.random360 also suggests that horizontal resolution of G P S / M E T refractivity data does have a noticeable impact on the quality of data assimilation and prediction. It is important that we continue to increase the number of low-earth-orbiting satellites carrying GPS receivers so that the potential value of G P S / M E T occultation data to operational numerical weather prediction can be fully realized. There might be a concern that the cyclones predicted by these 180-km data assimilation experiments are all considerably weaker than that simulated by the 90-km control experiment. For example, at 12:00 UTC 5 January, E1 produced a storm with a central pressure of 963 mb, while that in the control was 938 mb. One should recognize that although 4DVAR data assimilation often has to be performed on a model with Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 1010 .0 i i i i i 467 i 1000 g 990 ¢~ 980 • 970 Q. ,oo 940 0400 %-... I I 0412 I I 0500 ~ I 0512 Time Fig. 18, Same as Fig. 17 except that a 90-km ten-level model is used for the forecast integrations after data assimilation. coarser resolution (or simpler physical parameterization) due to computational constraints, there is no reason not to use a higher-resolution model for forward integration after the assimilation process. To demonstrate this point, we interpolated the optimal initial conditions obtained after the refractivity assimilation to the 90-km grid, while keeping the vertical levels at ten, and carried out the forward integration for all the experiments. The results are shown in Fig. 18. It is interesting to note that almost all experiments have produced an additional deepening in the range of 12-15 mb with the use of higher resolution model for forward integration. On the other hand, there is no change in the relative performance of these experiments. The cyclone in 90-km E1 is now 948 mb, 15 mb deeper than the NO4DVAR experiment. With the use of higher resolution prediction model, the distance between E4.random360 and E3.random became smaller, arguing for the value of a G P S / M E T system with a limited number of LEO satellites. Still, the E2.upper produced worse results than that of E4.random360 confirming the importance of the low-level refractivity data. 5. Summary and discussions In this paper, we conducted a series of observing system simulation experiments to assess the potential impact of G P S / M E T refractivity data on the prediction of an extratropicat cyclone. We first conducted a 90-kin control simulation of an intense marine cyclone, known as the ERICA IOP 4 storm, which deepened rapidly over the western Atlantic Ocean with a pressure fall of 60 mb in 24 h. The 90-km control experiment successfully simulated the observed storm, both in terms of cyclone intensity and position. The results obtained from the control experiment were then used to simulate G P S / M E T refractivity profiles with different spatial distributions and measurement characteristics. The simulated observations were assimilated into an 180-km model during a 6-h period prior to the rapid cyclogenesis stage. The first-guess fields for the 468 E-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 180-km model were provided by degrading the control 90-km experiment results to a horizontal resolution of 720 km. Forward model prediction was performed for each assimilation experiment, and the results were compared with the no-assimilation experiment to assess the impact of G P S / M E T refractivity data on short-range prediction of an extratropical cyclone. In the first assimilation experiment, we assume that the G P S / M E T refractivity data are available at every grid point of the 180-km model. No measurement errors are added, and no line-averaging is performed. This experiment represents an upper bound for the impact of G P S / M E T data assimilation. The assimilation of refractivity data produced a significant improvement both in the temperature and moisture fields. The initial improvement in the water vapor field in the lower troposphere is particularly impressive. However, we observe a significant difference between the behavior of temperature and moisture fields. The improvement in the humidity field caused by incorporating G P S / M E T refractivity was largely lost within 12 h of the forecast. In contrast, the improvements in the temperature field were retained through the forecast. This suggests that the moisture field is passive and dynamically driven (at least in this case). The value of G P S / M E T refractivity data in the improvement of moisture analysis and precipitation is likely to be confined to very short-range mesoscale prediction. An interesting result from this experiment was the improvement in potential vorticity and the forecast winds. Even though the refractivity data are not directly related to the wind field, through internal model dynamics, improvements in the temperature induced improvements in the wind fields. Analysis of the PV and temperature fields shows that the assimilation of G P S / M E T refractivity data produced a considerably improved description of the upper-level potential vorticity anomaly, which is the primary upperlevel forcing mechanism for the low-level cyclogenesis, and the low-level thermal anomaly, which is also an essential ingredient for cyclogenesis. Although the initial changes due to refractivity assimilation in upper-level potential vorticity and sea-level pressure are small and subtle, they grow rapidly as the baroclinic wave develops. By the end of the forward integration, the experiment with refractivity assimilation has produced a surface cyclone 13 mb deeper than that of the no-assimilation experiment. If one views the adjustments due to refractivity assimilation as perturbations in the initial conditions, this shows that there is significant predictability error growth associated with the development of the baroclinic cyclone. We note that the error growth is much less, or does not exist, outside the region of cyclone development. This suggests that the 'importance' of data is not uniform across the model domain. Critical observations that help better define the structure of the upper atmospheric baroclinic wave and the lower-level thermal structure will have the most positive impact on the prediction of the storm. The importance of the low-level thermal structure is illustrated by a second experiment, in which we assume that the refractivity data are limited to 3 km and above. Even though the refractivity data are distributed evenly at every grid point, the lack of lower tropospheric observations prevented a proper definition of the low-level thermal structure. The improved definition of upper-level disturbance in itself was insufficient to bring the cyclone to a proper depth. As a result, the impact of refractivity data on cyclone deepening was reduced from 13 mb in 36 h to 6 mb in 36 h, less than 50% of the improvement in the experiment in which all-level data were assimilated. Y.-H. Kuo et al. / Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 27 (1997) 439-470 469 There is a concern that distributing the refractivity evenly at every grid point is overly optimistic for an operational G P S / M E T system. Moreover, the inherent horizontal averaging associated with the ray path of GPS signals needs to be taken into consideration. Therefore, we performed a third experiment, in which the G P S / M E T data were randomly distributed at the horizontal resolution of about 180 km. Also, a line averaging was performed along a randomly determined direction with a length scale of 180 km. Interestingly, we found few differences between this experiment and the one in which refractivity data were distributed at every grid point and without averaging. We conclude that the random distribution and the line averaging associated with the inherent nature of GPS occultation data do not pose a particular problem for an effective assimilation of such data into a weather-prediction model. In the final experiment, we relaxed the spatial resolution from 180 km to 360 km. The impact on cyclone deepening was reduced by 6 mb in 36 h. 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