The Oaks Homeowners Association Good Neighbor Filming Policy We support the film industry in Los Angeles, and we encourage those involved in film production, when shooting in our residential neighborhood, to recognize their responsibility not unnecessarily to disrupt the lives of those who live here. While filming in the Oaks, film crew and cast are our neighbors and we expect they will comport themselves as good neighbors. The Oaks neighborhood is characterized by very narrow (substandard width), steep, winding streets almost none of which have sidewalks. The entire neighborhood is located within a Citydesignated Very High Fire Severity Zone . There are few streets that can safely accommodate equipment or cast/crew parking, and for that reason the area presents special filming challenges. The following guidelines have been established to address public safety concerns raised by motion picture production activities. When film production units follow these guidelines, they can be assured of less friction with Oaks residents and a smoother shooting experience. OAKS CONTACTS : Susan Swan (Hollywood United Neighborhood Council, Oaks Homeowners Assoc.) Email: [email protected] Phone: (323) 4632463 FREQUENCY : Each block may film up to a maximum of 14 days per calendar year. No single permit may last more than 5 consecutive days. There must be a 30day respite after five consecutive days of shooting on the same block. HOURS : Filming is permitted between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Filming is not permitted during other hours, nor on Saturdays or Sundays or holidays. The Standard residential requirement prohibiting vehicle arrival before 7:00AM or departure after 10:00PM, Monday through Friday should strictly be adhered to. ACCESS AND PARKING : The size of productions and production vehicles should be proportional to the size and access of the streets on which the shoot is taking place. For all streets in the Oaks , production equipment vehicles must be parked on one side of the street only. A great number of streets in the Oaks neighborhood are Substandard Hillside Limited Streets that is, they are less than 28 feet in width and so require greater care when used as shoot sites. For these streets, the size and number of production vehicles shall be limited so as not to block emergency access or monopolize all available street parking. 2 For Substandard Hillside Limited Streets where the roadway width is less than 20 feet or on very steep streets, there shall be no production parking other than passenger vehicles or small trucks. Additionally, there are a small number of Dead End Streets where access is limited to one way in and one way out and where turnaround is difficult. On these streets, a limit of one production vehicle at a time shall be observed. A parking plan should be submitted to the Oaks Homeowners Association representative for review. Film company vehicles should not interfere with gardeners’ activities, trash pickup, safe use of the streets or access to residents’ driveways. Sidewalks must be kept clear at all times. Craft services, catering trucks, food preparation tables and dining tables are prohibited on sidewalks or parkways and must be out of public view. Generators with the proper noise shield shall be parked only in front of the location house. Personal vehicles of cast and crew are not permitted to park on area streets. Offsite, offstreet parking must be arranged by the production company and cast/crew must be shuttled to and from the location. Canyon Drive and Fern Dell Drive should not be used for offsite parking Vehicles may not have engines running while parked. Street access for emergency vehicles cannot be blocked at any time. LODGING OF CAST OR CREW at the shooting location (especially for games, contests, and reality TV/factual documentaries) is strongly discouraged. COMPLIANCE . For any production involving cast and crew of twenty or more persons (or in the case of a complaint by neighbors): 1. A Film L.A. monitor should be assigned to encourage compliance with the permit and parking conditions. The monitor should generally arrive at the designated location onehalf hour prior to the permit start time to note proper arrival time. The monitor should remain with the production company and ensure proper departure time. 2. The production company should also provide one offduty/retired LAPD motor officer (authorized to work location filming assignments) to ensure public safety, and whose primary responsibility is to facilitate traffic through the area and assist residents in exiting their driveways. 3 For productions of any size, it is expected that Cast and crew will adhere to the provisions of the Filmmakers Code of Professional Responsibility. NOTICE : Affected residents must be notified at least two (2) days in advance of the first day of filming or the first day of any substantial set preparation. Prep and strike days should be included on the permit and on notice to residents. Copies of filming permits should be sent to Susan Swan at the above email addresses. NO MODIFICATION : Signature surveys, private negotiations, and all other activities designed to modify these policies are strongly discouraged. AMPLIFIED SOUND: There shall be no amplified sound or audio playback for filming in the Fern Dell area in accordance with Parks Regulations Section 63.44 B4 LAMC. ADDENDUM: Mountain Oak Drive and Canyon Oak Drive. Per regulations passed by the City of Los Angeles in 1991, both Mountain Oak Drive and Canyon Oak Drive (two substandard limited hillside streets in the Oaks) carry specific restrictions for film shoots as follows: “ Due to the extreme narrowness of this street future permits will severely limit both the number and size of vehicles permitted. A maximum of three vehicles, no larger than a standard pickup truck, plus a tow generator will be permitted on future permits on this street ." Oaks Guidelines Revised 4.20.15
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