Grafius Run - Bill Hall for Mayor of Williamsport

We are standing here at Grafius Run in the north central part of Williamsport.
Grafius Run has been a thorn in the side of this neighborhood for decades.
Each and every time there is a heavy rain storm the residents of this neighborhood
keep their eye on this run. More times than not, the culvert here has stopped up,
causing flooding down thru Elmira Street and neighboring streets resulting in
serious flood damage.
Currently, we have temporary solutions involving cameras and the actual need for
the physical presence of streets and parks personnel when it rains.
It is time to begin the search for a long term solution. City Council started that
process in the last budget by placing a placeholder in the capital projects budget to
remind us that we need to solve this problem. But that is just a wish list.
A long term solution for this Grafius Run project will take 7 or 8 years, but we must
begin now. It will require the skills of a planner as well as someone experienced in
grant writing. The city currently has neither.
My administration will work with council to find money to hire an experienced
planner/grant writer for the city. The individual will be housed in the Community
and Economic Development department. Not only will Grafius Run be a top
priority for this position, but we will also look for any grant dollars for the Old City
project, street reconstruction, levee certification and any other projects identified
as needs.
Historically, grant writers pay for themselves in 2 or 3 years. I do not expect this to
be any different.
My administration will care about and will focus on issues throughout the city’s
neighborhoods – problems like this – that affect the soul of our city.