TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-coupon/E-voucher Need an online starting-point for setting up a dialogue between your brand & your consumers? Offer them e-coupons or e-vouchers and start your CRM strategy or social network! Definition E-coupon E-voucher It’s a coupon formatted in a predefined template (GS1 certified) which is accepted in most common Belgian supermarkets (Colruyt, Delhaize, etc.). It’s a coupon designed in the way you want it. However, a consumer can only use this coupon in your own points of sale. There are 3 parties involved in an e-coupon/e-voucher project: Agency/Brand: creates the concept/website/action WDM Belgium: prints the coupon and stores the data HighCo Data: manages the relations with the retail networks (in the case of a GS1 certified coupon) Milestones E-coupon E-voucher 1. New E-couponing Project 2. Agency/Brand asks HighCo to create a new E-couponing action 3. Agency/Brand receives EAN-13 and perso-code from HighCo 4. Agency/Brand sends all required material (see below) to WDM Belgium including the information received from HighCo 5. WDM Belgium sets-up the e-couponing button and sends the URL to Agency/Brand 6. Agency/Brand implements the ecouponing button in the commercial action (website/Social Network/form/ …) 7. The campaign starts 8. After the closure of the campaign WDM Belgium delivers all captured data to Agency/Brand in order to match with the redemption files delivered by HighCo v.201210 1. New E-voucher Project 2. Agency/Brand sends all required material (see below) to WDM Belgium including the information received from HighCo 3. WDM Belgium sets-up the e-voucher button and sends the URL to Agency/Brand 4. Agency/Brand implements the e-voucher button in the commercial action (website/Social Network/form/ …) 5. The campaign starts 6. After the closure of the campaign WDM Belgium delivers all captured data to Agency/Brand with a possibility to match with the redemption files delivered by the agency if such match was defined before the action. 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-coupon/E-voucher Material to be delivered For an e-voucher, one is free to design it however one wishes to. The only restriction is for it to be printable and usable in the desired point of sale. For an e-coupon, the template is pre-formatted; therefore various requirements must be met: Brand logo & pack shot The image to illustrate the offer has the following requirements: - In full color, on white background - Proportions to be respected: width 160 x height 240 pixels (WDM Belgium will resize your image to fit the coupon’s format) - Cashiers need to be able to clearly distinguish brand AND product. Hence, it’s imperative that the image is sufficiently clear. Offer validity Geldig tot: dd/mm/jjjj Valable jusqu’au: jj/mm/aaaa Note: The validity period is restricted to maximum 45 days after the coupon is printed! Any shorter period is allowed. To be delivered: date in dd/mm/yyyy format Face value The face value will be printed in bold on a special Please note that the maximum face value allowed is EUR 3,00 ! To be delivered: text, max 8 characters (spaces included) colored background. Promotion description A clear promotion description must be mentioned, placed directly under the face value (+ increased font size). Please avoid complex offers! BIJ AANKOOP VAN product name + purchase conditions + number of products / size A L’ACHAT DE product name + purchase conditions + number of products / size To be delivered: Text: product name + purchase conditions + number of products / size – max 80 characters (spaces included) EAN-13 barcode Each new promotion requires a new EAN-13 code, containing a promotion reference number and indication of the face value. WDM Belgium will convert the EAN-13 code into a barcode, meeting the GS1 requirements to ensure maximum readability. To be delivered: one EAN-13 code per e-coupon type/promotion Unique perso-code All e-coupons need to carry a personalized code, tracing the use back to the right individual. WDM Belgium will transform the code 39 into a barcode. However, the unique identification number will also be printed under the barcode. To be delivered: a 3 letter code per e-coupon type/promotion v.201210 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-coupon/E-voucher Second chance It can happen that a user has a problem printing the coupon (the printer ran out of ink, the window was accidentally closed, etc.). For such cases, there is an alternative system called “2nd chance”. With this system, WDM Belgium gives you a login/password to an interface where you can print and reprint any coupon. You can then send the coupon to the consumer by mail. Important Note: The coupon must be sent by postal mail because GS1 does not accept for it to be sent by e-mail. Implementation To use our e-coupon/e-voucher service you have to set a URL (given by WDM Belgium) behind a button on your website and via this URL give us some parameters, certain are required whereas others are optional. Here you will find a demo URL for the e-coupon/e-voucher (only for testing purposes). These are the required parameters for an e-coupon: - MAIL ( text field, 100 char. defines an email) NAME ( text field, 50 char. defines a name) FIRSTNAME (text field, 50 char. defines a first name) SEXCODE (M or F, text field, 1 char. defines a gender) LANGUAGE (text field, 2 char. only FR and NL) STREET (text field, 50 char. defines the street of the postal address) HOUSENUMBER (text field, 5 char. defines the house number of the postal address) ZIPCODE (text field, 20 char. defines the zip code) CITY (text field, 50 char. defines the city) Note: for an e-voucher, only the e-mail is required. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend to also retrieve the Name, First name, Language and Sex code. There is also a possibility to set a Facebook connect button. With it, the data from the user will be collected directly from his Facebook account. To be able to use it, a Facebook app ID is needed. You can give WDM Belgium one from your Facebook app or we can use one from our own application. The app will collect the credentials from the users. In order to activate or deactivate it, use the following parameters: - Required: FACEBOOK_CONNECT (either 0 to deactivate it or 1 to activate it) Optional: FACEBOOK_APP_ID (int field. defines the Facebook app ID) Note: your app will need permissions for at least: Basic, Email, Birth date and Likes. v.201210 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E-coupon/E-voucher Here you will find an example that illustrates this:[email protected]&NAME=Skywalker&FIRSTNAME=Luc&SEXCODE=M& LANGUAGE=FR&STREET=Main%20avenue&HOUSENUMBER=1&ZIPCODE=1000&CITY=Corus&FAC EBOOK_CONNECT=0 These are the optional parameters: - BOXNUMBER (text field, 5 char. defines the box number) COUNTRY (text field, 2 char. defines the country) BIRTHYEAR (int field. defines the birth year) BIRTHMONTH (int field. defines the birth month) BIRTHDAY (int field. defines the birth day) TITLE (text field, 20 char. defines the title) TEL_PREFIX (text field, 5 char. defines a phone prefix) TEL_NUMBER (text field, 20 char. defines a phone number) GSM_PREFIX (text field, 5 char. defines a mobile prefix) GSM_NUMBER (text field, 20 char. defines a mobile number) PERSO02 (text field, 100 char.) PERSO03 (text field, 100 char.) PERSO04 (text field, 100 char.) EXTERNAL_ID1 (text field, 20 char.) EXTERNAL_ID2 (text field, 20 char.) EXTERNAL_ID3 (text field, 20 char.) EXTERNAL_ID4 (text field, 20 char.) OPT_IN_01 ( 0 or 1. defines an opt-in set up in advance) OPT_IN_02 ( 0 or 1. defines an opt-in set up in advance) OPT_IN_03 ( 0 or 1. defines an opt-in set up in advance) OPT_IN_04 ( 0 or 1. defines an opt-in set up in advance) SOURCE (text field, 50 char. defines the source from which a user is coming from) WARNING: If a different parameter value is passed a 2nd time for the same user (based on the email address), the most recent one will overwrite the old one. If all the required parameters are given to WDM Belgium, the user will directly go to the ecoupon/e-voucher window, from where he can launch the print. Otherwise, the user will be directed to a form asking for the missing required parameters. This can be used also on a Facebook application. Just put the link behind a button, and if all the mandatory parameters are passed, the user will then go directly to the e-coupon/e-voucher window. Contact us WDM Belgium [email protected] + 32 2 555 94 44 v.201210 4
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