ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Welcome to Providence Bible-Presbyterian Church! Please stay back for fellowship dinner after the service and group discussion. 2. PBPC thanks Rev. Edward Paauwe for his preaching ministry today. 3. If you wish to know more about the gospel, please kindly approach one of our church members. 4. Good Friday and Holy Communion service on Friday 3rd April 3pm at Pastor Weng’s residence at 169 Brougham Drive, Valley View. ALL are welcome! 5. Please note that the first monthly fellowship dinner will be on 12th April (every second Sunday of the month). PROVIDENCE Volume I, Bulletin No. 34 BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 29th March, 2015 “For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) PALM GOSPEL SUNDAY Prelude *The Lord is in His Holy Temple Call to Worship Opening Hymn All Glory, Laud and Honour (#88) Invocation & **Gloria Patri Memory Verse “For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.” (Psalm 74:12) WCF Shorter Catechism Question #23 Q. 23. What offices doth Christ execute as our Redeemer? A. Christ, as our Redeemer, executeth the offices of a prophet, [62] of a priest, [63] and of a king, [64]both in his estate of humiliation and exaltation. [62] Deut 18:18; [63] Heb 4:14,15; [64] Isa 9:6,7 Responsive Reading Hymn Zechariah 9:1-9 Ride On! Ride on in Majesty (#89) Scripture Reading Mark 11:1-11 Pastoral Prayer Pastor Weng Sermon “Hosanna” Rev. Edward Paauwe Tithes and Offerings ***Doxology NEXT LORD’S DAY (5/4/2015) TITLE TEXT MESSENGER Offertory Prayer Why I believe the Apostles Concerning Christ’s Resurrection John 20:25 Pastor Weng Announcement NEXT LORD’S DAY (5/4/2015) Time Venue Sunday Worship Service Sunday, 3:00pm Mobara Room, DC Fellowship Tea Sunday, 4:15pm Mobara Room, DC Closing Hymn Last Lord’s Day’s Attendance and Offerings (22/03/15) Worship Service 9 General Offering $90.50 Missions Fund $20 Ministers: Rev. Edward Paauwe (Advisory Pastor); Mr. David Weng (Pastor) Worship Venue: 14 Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095 Mailing Address: 169 Brougham Drive, Valley View, South Australia 5093 Landline: 61-08-82639689; Mobile: 61-0408806865 Email: [email protected] Church Website: Benediction/Threefold Amen Postlude Hosanna Rev. Edward Paauwe ****The Lord Bless You and Keep You Please either turn off your mobile phone or put it on silent mode throughout the worship service. *Prelude: The Lor d is in His holy temple, The Lor d is in His holy temple: Let all the ear th keep silence, Let all the earth keep silence before Him - keep silence, keep silence before Him. Amen. **Gloria Patri: Glor y be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. ***Doxology: Pr aise God, fr om whom all blessings flow; Pr aise Him, all cr eatur es her e below; Pr aise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ****The Lord Bless You and Keep You: The Lor d bless you and keep you; The Lor d lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace, and give you peace; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you, be gracious. The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you. Amen. How Would Jesus be Received Today? As I have mentioned last week, Palm Sunday is the day that Christians around the world observe the Triumphal Entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem for the last time before His crucifixion. The exuberant crowds welcomed Him into the city as their Messiah with palm branches in their hands and shouts of praise, “Hosanna,” in their lips. However, the palm branches that held in their hands would become torches, signifying the hatred that began to burn within them because they felt betrayed and misled. Their shouts of praise soon turned into shouts of anger and frustration. All because this man, Jesus, who claimed to be their Messiah did not deliver what they had expected and failed to bring improvement in their lives on political, socio-economical level. Many people today come to Christ or church with the similar attitude that this Jewish crowd had. They want a puppet King who will give them what they expect—a life of peace, safety, health, prosperity and happiness. While Jesus can and does give us many blessings in this life, but he did not die for us just to give us a better life here on earth as many TV evangelists would want us to believe—He died for us to have our sins forgiven by His blood and to give us eternal life beyond this world. On that eventful day, there are generally two types of people who were present at the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ: those who received him with joy and those who rejected him with hatred. My friend, the question I want to ask you today is: “How would you receive Jesus Christ if you were with the crowd?” Matthew describes in his gospel in verse 8 of chapter 21, “…a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.” The people who received Him with joy are those who were excited to have seen prophet Zechariah’s prophecy came into fruition before their very eyes when Jesus rode into the city with a donkey, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9) By the way, Jesus had a purpose for riding a donkey into the city. He chose to ride a donkey because that is how kings travelled in times of peace in contrast to riding a horse which symbolises times of war. By doing so, Christ was declaring Himself to be a King, thus, fulfilled the saying of the prophet Zechariah. And the joyfully expectant recognized that. They truly loved Jesus and expected Him to rule over them as their King, but they were outnumbered by those who hated him and wanted to get rid of Him because He preached the Truth and denounced religious hypocrisies of His day. Today the joyfully expectants would be those who are truly born again and willing to submit to Him not only as their Saviour, but also as their Lord of life. These are the children of God who expect Christ to rule over them in their hearts which governs their family life and public life. These people would seek to obey His commandments and strive to glorify God and live a holy life because they love the Saviour who has died for them and recognised that as their divine calling (1 Corinthians 10:31; Romans 8:29). And because they love Him, they are not afraid of His coming, as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:8, “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” Those who love Jesus as their King welcome the idea of Jesus returning because Christ already reigns in their hearts! My friend, I pray that you will receive Christ joyfully today as your Lord and Saviour and King over your life! If you have already received him, you will look forward to His Second coming with the same joy! I pray that you can say with the millions around the world who have already believed, “Maranatha” or “Come, Lord Jesus” anticipating for His Second coming as He will rule the earth with the rod of iron! Yours humbly in Christ, David Weng Questions for Discussion Hosanna! Mark 11:1-11 1. Why is man said to be “lost” according to Jesus? (Luke 5:3132; Luke 15:4-7; Isaiah 53:4-6) 2. Why did Christ need to die to save man? (Hebrews 9:22; Romans 5:6-10) 3. Do you consider yourself as a good person who might be able to make it to heaven? (Matthew 19:16,17; James 2:10, 3:2) 4. What does God’s Word say about life after death and how salvation is accomplished? (Hebrews 9:27,28; Romans 5:15) 5. What does God’s Word say about receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour? (Isaiah 45:22, Romans 10:9,10, Acts 4:12, John 14:6) I. Jesus Came to Save. A. Jesus rode into Jerusalem that day on a mission. (Matthew 20:28). B. Jesus came to Jerusalem to die and He desired that all Jerusalem should know it. C. The death of Christ is mentioned no less than 175 times in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 15:3). D. God gave His only begotten Son, to be subjected to bitter sufferings and to a shameful death. (1 Corinthians 15:3). II. The Believer Must Praise the Lord. A. A legend about an ancient village in Spain. B. The King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, must be greatly honoured. C. We can praise the Lord publicly or privately. We can praise Him in many different ways—by spoken words, by written or printed words, through songs, etc. The Lord says, “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me” (Psalm 50:23). 和散那 问题讨论 马可福音 十一章 1-11 I. 耶稣来,是要拯救 1.为什么耶稣说,人是“迷失”的呢? (路 5 : 31-32; 路 15 : 4-7;赛 53 : 4-6) A.那一天,耶稣进入耶路撒冷,是有一个使命的。 (太 20:28) B.耶稣进入耶路撒冷,是要来受死。 他也渴望,全耶 路撒冷都明白 。 C.基督的死,在新约里被提起,多达 175 次。 (林前 15 : 3) 2.为什么耶稣基督需要死才能拯救人类? (希 9:22;罗 5 : 6-10) 3.您认为自己是一个配上天堂的好人吗?(太 19 : 16,17;雅 2:10,3 : 2) D.神让祂的独生子经历痛苦、羞辱、死亡。 (林前 15 : 3) II. 信徒必须赞美主 4.神的话说,人死之后会有什么等待着而救恩又是如何 被成就的呢?(希 9 : 27,28; 罗 5:15) A.在西班牙有一个传说。 B.万王之王,主耶稣基督,必须得到荣耀、尊重。 C.我们可以公开赞美,也可以私下赞美。我们可以用 很多方法赞美主,言语、文字、诗歌等等。诗篇50篇 23节,主说:凡以感谢献上为祭的便是荣耀我;那按 正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩。”(诗50:23) 5.神 的 话 说 , 人 要 如 何 接 受 耶 稣 基 督 作 为 救 主 呢 ? (赛 45:22,罗 10 : 9,10,徒 4:12,约 14 : 6) PRAYER ITEMS & SUPPLICATIONS 主日崇拜 主日崇拜程序 Pray for the Australian government to rule our country with justice 宣召 堅固磐石赞 #216 唱诗 序乐 主在圣殿中 祷告/荣耀颂 宣召 起应经文 唱诗 唱诗 列王纪上 十六章: 8-36 无量赞美和荣光 (# 88) 快乐快乐 我们崇拜 祷告/荣耀颂 赞 #21 启应经文 经文 撒加利亚 九章 1-9 诗 116:1-19 唱诗 骑驴进行(# 89) 牧祷 证道经文 证道 牧祷 证道 奉献/三一颂 感谢祷告 马可福音 十一章 1-11 包威尔牧师 翁志仁传道 “和散那” 讲员:包爱华牧师 奉献/三一颂 感谢神 感恩祷告 祝祷/阿们颂 报告 结束诗歌 愿主赐福看顾你 祝祷/阿们颂 散会 “感恩的祷告” 报告 结束诗歌 愿主赐福看顾你 高唱和散那 包爱华牧师 愿主赐福看顾你 and equity. Pray for our prime minister and his cabinet members to govern Australia with godly wisdom. Pray for Israel’s protection and the salvation of the Jews in the Lord Jesus Christ. For God to restraint Islamic terrorists/extremists from persecuting Christians and attacking innocent civilians. Pray for missionaries around the world for protection, provision and for God’s grace in the ministry and guidance. Pray for Brother Haiseng Lim in his sketch-and-tell and youtube children’s evangelism ministry. Pray for missionaries serving in regions and areas where persecutions are rampant and severe: Evangelist Juniar and Helmi evangelising to the Muslims in East Java, Indonesia. Pray for Pastor Mark Lehman in his preaching and teaching ministry in Taiwan and other countries and regions. Pray for the gospel work of other BPCs: Covenant B-P Church, Perth: Rev. Mark Chen and the Session; Hope B-P Church: Health and strength for Rev. Ki and strength, in search of assistant pastor and selling of Stone Mansion; Calvary Jurong B-P Church: Rev. Isaac Ong; church building redevelopment project; Providence BP Church, Idaho, USA: Rev. Len Pine and the Session’s ministry and gospel work and other Biblebelieving and preaching churches around the world. Pray for all those who are involved in the ministry of Providence B-P Church (eg. preachers, pianists, ushers, refreshment coordinators, publication ministry and etc.). Our outreach and evangelism to the lost and building up of the saints in and around Mawson Lakes. Pray for God’s leading and guidance for all those who are involved in the ministry of PBPC. Pray for Good Friday service on the 3rd of April at Pastor Weng’s home. Pray for Bible Conference at Covenant BP Church, Perth from 6th10th April. Speaker: Dr. Tedd Tripp. Pray for God’s guidance to start translation ministry (from English to Mandarin). Pray for the salvation of family members, loved ones and friends. Pray for those who are distressed over various issues in life and are discouraged for different reasons. Health and healing: Rev. & Mrs. Paauwe, especially Rev. Paauwe’s postsurgical recovery; Rev. & Mrs. Okman Ki (Hope B-P Church); Rev. Patrick Tan (S’pore); Bro. Edwin’s mother’s health (S’pore), Yashu Qin’s father (post-surgical recovery). Journey mercies: Dr. & Mrs. Tedd Trip travelling from USA to Perth. Campers travelling down to camp site at Busselton from Perth, interstates
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