USEFUL INFORMATION TO ALL CANDIDATES APPLICATION FOR THE UNIFORM EVALUATION 2015 U F E June 2, 3 and 4, 2015 The ultimate date for the application is March 31, 2015 Qualification Vice-Presidency March 2015 TO ALL CANDIDATES UNIFORM EVALUATION – 2015 UFE We wish to inform you that the deadline to register for the 2015 Uniform Evaluation (UFE) is March 31, 2015. To register, you must complete and attest the registration form as well as the release agreement and the honour pledge which are to be found online on the CPA Quebec’s website. We invite you to carefully read the content of the present booklet, which includes a wealth of important information. Furthermore, we urge you to take the time to read the various Securexam (CA) documents and guides available at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – Graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), Computers in the UFE. Please also ensure that you have the latest version of Securexam (CA). Lastly, please note that we will send you more details and instructions upon confirmation of your registration in the week of May 18, 2015. In the meantime, if you require additional information, we invite you to contact the Examinations and Student Support team at 514 288.3256 or at 1 800 363.4688 [2601]. The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec wishes you the best of success in your preparation and on the 2015 Uniform Evaluation. Jasmine Marcoux, MBA, CPA, CA Director, Admission and Practical Experience Registration for the 2015 UFE 2 Table of contents PREPARING FOR THE UNIFORM EVALUATION – 2015 UFE ........................................................................... 4 INFORMATION ON THE 2015 UFE AND ON THE COMPETENCY MAP .............................................................................. 4 STANDARDS AND LEGISLATION ................................................................................................................................ 4 2010 TO 2014 UFE SIMULATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 4 REMINDER – WRITTEN COMMUNICATION STYLE AT THE UFE ....................................................................................... 4 RULES RELATED TO MATERIALS AND ARTICLES PERMITTED AT THE WRITING CENTRE ..................... 5 AUTHORIZED REFERENCE MATERIALS – ELECTRONIC ACCESS ................................................................................... 5 ARTICLES ALLOWED AT THE WRITING CENTRE........................................................................................................... 5 EXAMPLE OF AN AUTHORIZED CALCULATOR SUPPLIED BY THE ORDER ................................................................... 6 COMPUTERS IN THE WRITING CENTRE ............................................................................................................ 6 ABOUT SECUREXAM (CA)......................................................................................................................................... 6 PRACTICE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................. 6 PERFORMING THE MANDATORY “QUALIFICATION EXAM” TEST OF THE SECUREXAM (CA) SOFTWARE .............................. 7 DOWNLOADING THE 2015 UNIFORM EVALUATION (UFE) .......................................................................................... 7 BACK-UP COMPUTERS............................................................................................................................................. 7 RELEASE AGREEMENT AND HONOUR PLEDGE ........................................................................................................... 7 2015 UNIFORM EVALUATION .............................................................................................................................. 8 FOR ALL CANDIDATES – APPLICATION FOR THE 2015 UFE ..................................................................... 8 FEES TO BE PAID ................................................................................................................................................ 8 WRITING CENTRES .................................................................................................................................................. 8 UNIFORM EVALUATION TIMETABLE OF THE 2015 UFE ................................................................................................ 8 CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................... 8 OTHER INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 9 SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 9 REIMBURSEMENT OF THE UFE REGISTRATION FEES................................................................................................... 9 RECEIVING YOUR RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................... 9 REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION – NATIONAL COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS................................................................. 9 Registration for the 2015 UFE 3 PREPARING FOR THE UNIFORM EVALUATION – 2015 UFE INFORMATION ON THE 2015 UFE AND ON THE COMPETENCY MAP Here are various sources of information to help you prepare for the 2015 UFE. They are all accessible in electronic version at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE): Uniform Evaluation (UFE) Guide; Preparing for the 2014 UFE (same as 2014); The UFE Candidates’ Competency Map (same as 2014); Technical update for candidates writing the 2015 UFE. STANDARDS AND LEGISLATION Since the Securexam (CA) security software and databases will not be updated before the 2015 UFE, you are not responsible for changes relevant to CPA Canada pronouncements published in printed or electronic media after December 31, 2013. This also applies to federal taxation legislation enacted as of December 31, 2013. However, as outlined in The UFE Candidates’ Competency Map, candidates must still have an awareness of new standards (V-2.10 Maintains awareness of pending financial reporting standards changes, Level C). It is your responsibility to consult the Technical update for candidates writing the 2015 UFE, accessible in electronic version at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), 2015 UFE candidates. UFE Candidates’ reference material: Candidates are reminded that they MUST access all reference material electronically through Securexam. The version of the Handbook candidates will be provided with in Securexam (PDF viewer) will now be dated December 31, 2013 (i.e. updated January 31, 2014). Candidates will have access to this edition of the standards in both the Accounting and Assurance Handbooks only. Other years’ editions are not available. In addition, candidates are reminded they do not have access to the “Background and Basis of Conclusions” sections (found within Part I and II of Accounting Handbook and the Assurance Handbooks). 2010 TO 2014 UFE SIMULATIONS The 2010 to 2014 UFE simulations will be posted on the PEP website ( under the “Uniform Evaluation” section. The last five years are left unchanged. REMINDER – WRITTEN COMMUNICATION STYLE AT THE UFE Although the situation has greatly improved since 2008 UFE, we invite you to read the Board’s observations concerning the candidates’ written communication style (i.e. “chat” style, short forms and acronyms) available at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), 2015 UFE candidates. There is no point in contacting the Order for clarifications on accepted short forms or appropriate wording for answers. The BOE expects a professional response that can be easily understood by a reader. Using a “chat” style in the evaluation is inappropriate. Registration for the 2015 UFE 4 RULES RELATED TO MATERIALS AND ARTICLES PERMITTED AT THE WRITING CENTRE AUTHORIZED REFERENCE MATERIALS – ELECTRONIC ACCESS The Uniform Evaluation challenges you to demonstrate your skills and abilities as a professional. Accordingly, you are not expected to memorize all the material that, as a professional, you would consult routinely. However, you are expected to have worked with such materials frequently during your work experience and studies. You are permitted electronic access to the following reference materials when writing the UFE: A UFE version of CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection. A UFE version of the Federal Income Tax Act. The Quick Reference Table will continue to be attached to the back of the exam booklets. You are not permitted to bring any books, reference material or paper into the writing centre. ARTICLES ALLOWED AT THE WRITING CENTRE In addition to a laptop computer, you can bring these items into the UFE writing center: A wristwatch or small, noiseless clock; Small ear plugs (headphones not allowed); Pens, pencils and erasers; Non alcoholic beverages and snacks All allowable items brought in by the candidate must be placed in a clear plastic bag on their desk in clear view for the invigilator to see. (Laptops do not have to be in the clear bag.) You are not permitted to bring any of the following into the UFE writing centre: Books, reference material, paper or post-it notes; Computers, other than those permitted with the use of the Securexam software. Computers can have no peripheral devices, other than a wired mouse and/or a wired numeric keypad and/or a USB hub; External keyboard is expressly forbidden; Wireless mouse and wireless numeric keypad are expressly forbidden; Calculators (a four function calculator will be provided and collected at the end of each exam); Electronic data storage devices (iPod), or communications devices such as cell phones or electronic diaries; No hats/caps and no hoodies can be put over a candidate’s head; Headphones; Any device to communicate within or outside the writing centre; Chronometers. Registration for the 2015 UFE 5 EXAMPLE OF AN AUTHORIZED CALCULATOR SUPPLIED BY THE ORDER To familiarize yourself with the model to be supplied by the Order at the UFE, here is an example: COMPUTERS IN THE WRITING CENTRE You will write the 2015 UFE on your computer and submit your answer electronically. You will be required to preload your laptop computer with the last version of software called Securexam (CA) (v.7.1.0). ABOUT SECUREXAM (CA) Securexam (CA) is a special “lockdown” software program that disables most of your computer’s functionality and file access. It will ensure that, during the UFE, you will be able to use your computer for the following purposes only: Reference: you will be able to search the CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (UFE version) and the Federal Income Tax Collection (UFE version); Keyed response: you will be able to use a word processor and electronic spreadsheet to input your responses, and submit them electronically for marking purposes. Handwritten or typed planning notes will not be marked. PRACTICE SOFTWARE Securexam (CA) software contains a practice version that can help you practice before the UFE. Using a word processor, a spreadsheet and searching through Securexam (CA) is different – some functionality is disabled and some keys won’t work the way you expect. Using the practice version allows you to familiarize yourself with the changed functionality of the word processor, the spreadsheet and the permitted infobases in the Securexam (CA) environment. You will not be able to access any other files or programs. Registration for the 2015 UFE 6 PERFORMING THE MANDATORY “QUALIFICATION EXAM” TEST OF THE SECUREXAM (CA) SOFTWARE Prior to perform a “Qualification Exam”, you must make sure you have the correct version of Securexam (CA) installed on your computer. If needed, please refer to the instructions on using a computer in the UFE available at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), Computers in the UFE. You must test the software by performing a “Qualification Exam”, and upload the resulting files to Software Secure for confirmation. The password to perform the qualification exam can be found in the Securexam (CA) – User Guide available at, under Becoming a CPA, CA, University students – graduate students and CPA, CA candidates, Uniform Evaluation (UFE), Computers in the UFE. You will have to attest a waiver (release agreement) indicating that you have successfully performed this test on that computer, and have received confirmation from Software Secure that the software is working properly. DOWNLOADING THE 2015 UNIFORM EVALUATION (UFE) You may be asked to update the Securexam (CA) software before you go to the writing centre. This update will ensure that you have access to the questions throughout the three days of the examination. The instructions will also be provided in the Confirmation of registration for the UFE booklet, which you will receive by email during the week of May 18, 2015. BACK-UP COMPUTERS Each writing centre will have a limited number of back-up computers made available to candidates. However, no additional time will be allowed if a candidate experiences a computer break down unless there is undue delay in getting the printed copy of his/her response to date. There is no additional time whether the candidate hand-writes the remainder of the paper or uses a replacement laptop. RELEASE AGREEMENT AND HONOUR PLEDGE The Release agreement clearly states the conditions under which the Securexam (CA) software is supplied to the UFE candidates. By attesting it, candidates are promising that they will not claim any damages and will not sue the Releasees described in the said agreement in any court for any such claim. By attesting the honour pledge, candidates promise not to commit plagiarism at the 2015 UFE. Registration for the 2015 UFE 7 2015 UNIFORM EVALUATION FOR ALL CANDIDATES – APPLICATION FOR THE 2015 UFE To register for the 2015 UFE, you will have to log in on the CPA Quebec’s website by clicking on “Access your file”. Once you are logged in, go to “Your final examination” and fill in the online form. You can access the form directly by clicking here. No Application for the 2015 UFE will be considered after March 31, 2015. FEES TO BE PAID Registration fees to the Uniform Evaluation are $1,609.65 ($1,400 + taxes). Administrative fees of $30 will be charged for payment without funds. WRITING CENTRES In Montreal, the Uniform Evaluation will be held at the Stade Uniprix. More details about this location will be supplied to candidates at the same time as the confirmation of registration. Please note that there will only be a pay parking lot. The other writing centre will be located in Quebec. The detailed address of this centre will be transmitted to you at the same time as the confirmation of your registration at the 2015 UFE. If one of the following centres has enough registration, it may open: Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières. Candidates of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec wishing to write in a centre located outside of Quebec must check the box “Other centre in Canada”. An agent will contact you to confirm the location of the centre, the name of the province and the civic address. UNIFORM EVALUATION TIMETABLE OF THE 2015 UFE The 2015 Uniform Evaluation of the provincial Institutes/Order of Canada and Bermuda will be written according to the following timetable. All examinations will be held at the same time, except in the province of Newfoundland. PAPER I Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PAPER II Wednesday, June 3, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PAPER III Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION In the week of May 18, 2015, we will send you an e-mail entitled Confirmation of registration for the Uniform Evaluation – 2015 UFE. It is your responsibility to read the documents that we mention in the e-mail and follow the procedures. A copy of this e-mail as well as a photo ID card must be presented to access the writing centre. Registration for the 2015 UFE 8 OTHER INFORMATION SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS If the request is justified, the Order might allow a candidate to write the UFE while having special accommodations related to his/her condition (such as a physical handicap, learning disabilities). To obtain the necessary forms to be completed, please contact Catherine Desrochers at [email protected]. The candidate will also be required to supply all written proofs judged pertinent. Such request must be presented to the Order by March 16, 2015 at the latest. REIMBURSEMENT OF THE UFE REGISTRATION FEES The examination registration fees shall be reimbursed provided you inform the Order by writing no later than one working day before the commencement date of the examination, that is before 4:30 p.m. on June 1, 2015. RECEIVING YOUR RESULTS The UFE results will be officially released on Friday, August 28, 2015. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION – NATIONAL COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS In order to comply with the Act respecting personal information, in force in the Province of Quebec, the Order must seek for the candidates’ authorization before publishing in the websites the names of the successful UFE candidates. We would therefore like to request your authorization to print your name and your town of residence on a list of successful 2015 UFE candidates. The list may be used in public communications (Order and CPA Canada websites). Your agreement or your disagreement with the requested authorization can be transmitted to us in by completing the section entitled Request for authorization – National communication of the 2015 UFE Application form, online, in your file. Registration for the 2015 UFE 9
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