Rise of a Township: Mosa (1804-1841) ARNOLD NETHERCOTT Occasionally, historical and genealogical researchers are lucky enough to find that many records have survived for an area in which they are interested. Mosa Township (Figure 1), the most southwestern of Middlesex County's townships, can be traced through various documents, traveller's journals, assessment rolls, and land records from almost the first time a white man's eyes fell upon it. Together, all of these sources give a running account of the township from 1804 to the present. The following is an account of the first 37 years of the township's history. Mosa lies on the Long Woods road north of the Thames and south of the Sydenham rivers. The land to the south of the township, Aldborough Township, was part of the McKee Purchase of 1790.1 Mosa was part of a much larger parcel of land, which included township A (Lobo), B (Caradoc), C (Ekfrid), parts of Kent and Lambton counties, etc. The field book kept by surveyor Mahlon Burwell portrays some confusion over the naming of the township, which was at first designated as township D and then briefly Aragon. Finally, the name Mosa, Spanish for the Meuse or Maas river, was chosen by Lieutenant Governor Sir Peregrine Maitland who had served with Wellington in the Peninsular War and had developed a fondness for Spanish names. The name, Lobo, Spanish for wolf, is another example of Maitland's influence. Col. Thomas Talbot, under whose supervision Aldborough Township was settled, had devised a rather clever scheme whereby Scottish settlers were located on the road-bordering 50 acres of each lot, while he retained the centre 100 acres in "payment" for his trouble in locating the settler. The settler and his son(s) were required to clear the road right-of-way as part of their settlement duties. When the allotted 50 acres was cleared and more land was required for the son(s), the Colonel expected to sell the retained portions at a good personal profit. The canny and thrifty Scots objected to filling the Colonel's pockets when there were "wild lands" in the adjacent areas north of the Thames. In addition, the Upper Canadian government, which had begun to clear a road through the Long Woods as early as 1806, wanted a permanent settlement along the road, so that it could be more routinely maintained. The first efforts at road-building left only a cleared but unstumped trail; and it was along this "road" that both the British and American armies moved during the War of 1812. Another pressing reason for opening the area north of the river was the increasing number of squatters who were locating along the road. Nathan Bangs, the pioneer Methodist Episcopalian preacher and future bishop, told of a journey into the area in the summer of 1804, and of stopping overnight "at a small log-hut, inhabited by a Frenchman"." Only "The Sixteenth Report of the Department of Archives For the Province of Ontario. 1920. p. 221. 2Abel Stevens. L.L.D .. Life and Times of Nathan Bangs. D.D. (New York: Carleton & Porter. p.134. 160 Families, 1863). Vol. 26, No.3, 198'7 a chance discovery in Thomas Webster's History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada», provided the location of the French-Canadian's improvement, "not far from where Wardsville now is", but not his name. Bangs told of how the "Frenchman's" wife had sent one of the children several miles for some tea to serve to her guests with their breakfast. In his surveyor's field book, Burwell, later a colonel of the militia and M.P.P., notes the "improvement" of one James Duplice, immediately east of George Ward's improvement, at Paint Creek.' It seems likely that "Duplice" was a phonetic rendering of the French-Canadian surname "Duplessis"." In the search for a James Duplice petition, the petition of a John Duplice was found in which he asked to be confirmed for Lot 17, 1st Range South, and indicated that he had been there since 1816.6 As mentioned, George Ward was located a bit further west on what was to become Lot 16, 1st Range South of the Long Woods road and on the west bank of Paint Creek. He was Irish-born and had served in the British Army at the Battle of Saratoga in the American Revolutionary War. After that war, Ward served with the 24th of Foot (Warwickshire) in Detroit. Prior to his discharge in 1796, he had been put in charge of the blockhouse which had been built to protect the shipyards at Chatham. He had drawn land in Chatham town, and in Camden West Township but had been asked to provide an "inn" in the Long Woods by someone in the government, and so had relocated there in 1810.7 This "official request", however, seems not to have been officially recognized, and so Ward was required to petition for the land he had purchased from the Chippewayan Indians earlier. Burwell came across another settler when he ran the survey south from the Long Woods road to the Thames River. This settler, James Edwards, was squatting with local Indian permission on the south half of Lots 12 and 13, 3rd Range South. He had an "improvement" of some 30 acres, part of which had been a natural river flats clearing." In total, there were four families squatting or settled in the area in 1820 when Burwell surveyed the township preliminary to its purchase from the Chippewayan Indians. Each of these squatters was required to petition for the land on which he had settled and begun to improve. James Duplice got a grant for his service in the War of 1812 in Ekfrid although no petition has been found for him. John Duplice disappeared from the area completely. James Edwards was granted the property where he had squatted as a result of his service in the war. And after some difficulty, George Ward was confirmed in the properties for which he petitioned." "Thomae Webster, History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada (Hamilton: The Canadian Christian Advocate Offices, 1870), p. 89. <Mahlon Burwell, M30, Field-Book: Township D/ Mosa in the Long Woods (York: handwritten, 1820), p. 4. The original is still with the Department of Lands and Forests, but the writer has a photocopy of it. It is also on the Lands and Forest Survey Records films, but very faint and difficult to read. 5Amadee Emery, Kent County branch, OGS member and expert on French-Canadian ancestry, advises that the surname most probably included "dit Morrow/Morreau". 6J ohn Duplice [sic], Petition to Sir Peregrine Maitland, 30 Aug. 1820 (Mosa, 1820) (P AC microfilm C1745, D12/162, 1820). "George Ward, Petition to Sir Peregrine Maitland, 18 Dec. 1820 (Paint Creek, 1820). 8Burwell, p. 10. »Oniario Archives (Computerized) Land Records Surnames Index. Rise of a Township: Mosa 161 I I ':. Figure 1. Mosa Township as it appears today. The purchase of the tract from the Indians was concl uded in 1822, and the settlement race was on. By July 1822, a petition from the settlers requesting more time for the performance of one of the settlement duties, clearing the right-of-way along the Long Woods road, was sent to York. The petition was sent because the land south of the Long Woods road in Caradoc, Ekfrid and 162 Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 Mosa Townships had been reserved for the support of higher education in the province, so the settlers along it had to clear a double-width, i.e., the full chain-width (66 feet), rather than half as would be required normally. Signers of this petition were: John McMullin, James Banning, Alexander D. Ward (second son of George), William Ward (oldest son of George), John Ward (relationship to George uncertain), Joseph Ward (relationship to George uncertain), James Edwards, John Edwards, John Baptiste Jones, Benjamin Jones, Francis Jones, Frederick Arnold, Rise of a Township: Mosa 163 James Gipson [sic], Sr., James Gipson, Jr., John McClemans[sic], Barzillia Samson, William C. Samson, Seth Preffer, George Barnes, Francis Algeo, John Condon, Malcolm Robertson, and Robert Parker." Not all of these people remained in Mosa. The population of Mosa Township grew rapidly in the early 1820s. At the end of 1823, a population return showed 30 male heads of families, 23 female heads, 9 other males over the age of 16, 30 males under 16, 7 other females over 16, 19 females under 16, 4 male and 3 female servants - a total of 125 inhabitants.'! IOUpper Canada Sundries (microfilmed copy), pp. 29,423 and 30,511. llJames H. Coyne, The Talbot Papers II (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1907, pub. 1909), p.88. 164 Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 198'7 By 1825, 274 inhabitants lived mainly along the Long Woods road in the three western townships of Middlesex. Of these, 105 were enumerated as adult males, i.e., they were over 16 years old, with 41 adult females, and 128 children (under 16).12 The assessment rolls for Mosa survive from 1826. Francis Algeo was the assessor, and all of the assessees were strung out along the north side of the Long Woods road except where noted. The heads of these households follow: Page 1: Francis Algeo Joseph Atwood Moses Allan John Ward William Provose [sic] William Eldridge Michel [sic] Harder Justus Wilcocks Caleb Wilcocks Andrew Wilson John Compton Jacob Quant Rawling G. Baker William C. Samson Nathaniel Curry [sic] James Defield George Barnes Benjamin Jones James Ward Malcom [sic] Robinson Joseph Ward Joseph Ward, Junor [sic] John Ward Alexander Allan Wilard [sic] Samson George Ward John McMullin George Gibb Lot 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6&7 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12S 14 & 21 13 13 14 15 15 15 16S &N 17 & 18 18 Page 2: Seth Preffer Joseph Mills Alexander D. Ward Wheeler Hubble [sic] James Gibson James Gibson, Junor [sic] Jeremia [sic] Gray James Baning [sic] Peter Hibler George Fleming Samuel Neil Henry Fleming Samuel Fleming Andrew Fleming Wm. Ward John Gibb David Gibb Wm. Gardner [sic] Singleton Gardner [sic] James McFarling [sic] Wm. Clark James Edwards Charles Dogherty [sic] T. Howil [sic] John McLimons Lot 19 &20 20 &21 21 ? 22 & 25 22 22 23 23 23S 24 24S 25S 26S 26 27 27 27S 28S&N 29 30 13 (3RS) 6S 18 (2RN) 16 (2RN) In total there were 64 males over 16,36 under 16, and 33 females over 16 and 31 under 16. The assessment roll indicated how much land had been cleared; the number of houses, squared or hewed; number of horses over 3 years old; oxen over 4 years; milch cows; and young cattle 2 to 4 years old. The whole roll, signed by Francis Algeo, was submitted at Vittoria, the London District seat at the time. This assessment roll indicates that there were four to six lots at the western end of the Long Woods road that remained unoccupied or were too recently occupied to be assessed. The year 1827 signalled the beginning of the Scottish settlement of the northern part of the township.l" The assessment roll for that year indi12Coyne, p. 100. 13Samuel Neal & John Ward, Assessors, Assessment & Population List for the Township of Mosa for the Year 1827. Originals for Mosa township assessment rolls, 1826-1900+, are at the Regional Historical Collection, D.B. Weldon Library, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. The writer has photocopies of some of the earlier ones. Rise of a Township: Mosa 165 cates changes from the previous year as follows: Talbot St. John Ward (George Ward's youngest son) is shown as owning Lots 16 and 17 South; Able [sic] Stafford is shown in place of Alexander Allan; James Algeo (son of Francis), on Lot 3 South; Harris Kelly, on Lot 17, James Hegherty [sic] on Lot 17; James Daugherty on Lot 8 (with Charles); Archy Sincler [sic] of Aldborough on Lot 1, Con. 11; Hue Fergeson [sic] of Aldborough on Lot 1, Con. 10; John Robinson, in lieu of Malcolm, on Lot 13, 2nd Range North; Daniel Edwards (oldest son of James), on Lot 14, 3rd Range South; John Edwards (younger brother of James), on Lot 17, 2nd Range North. In 1831, Singleton Gardiner and Archibald Sinclair, the enumerators, counted 363 inhabitants: 86 males over 16, 92 males under 16, 73 females over 16 and 112 females under 16. Note that the numbers of single males were much lower than the 1826 figures and that the numbers of the sexes were nearly equal. The numbers also indicate the frailty of male infants compared to female infants - nature's way of balancing the numbers of each sex. In those pioneer days, the excess number of females provided a small surplus which was quickly depleted when the women reached child-bearing age. The 1831 inhabitants were enumerated as follows: C - concession R- range Lot, Con/Range Lot, Con/Range Andrew Fleming Samuel Fleming Henry Fleming George Fleming James Gibson, Jnr. Barney Mills George Gibb William Ward Christopher Voorhis [sic] John Tucker James Edwards Arthur Nickle [sic] Daniel Edwards Joseph L. Ward Benjamin Jones James Defields John Graves Jeremiah Gray Justice [sic] Willcox William Provost Lewis Algoe [sic] Joseph Attwood James Algoe [sic] Henry Berger Moses Allen Alexander Ward William Eldrich [sic] Abraham Carrol [sic] John McClemens William Sampson [sic] 166 26, lRS 25,lRS 24,lRS 23,lRS 22,lRS 21, lRS 18, RN & S 16 & 17, lRS 14,3RS 13,2RS 13,3RS 12,2RS 14,3RS 13, lRS 12,lRS 15, lRS 9,lRS 7,lRS 5 & 6, 1RS 4,lRS 3,lRS 2, lRS 1, 1RS & N 2, lRN 3,lRN 4,lRN 5, lRN 6, lRN 8, lRN 10, lRN 17,2RN 18,2RN 18,lRN 19 & 20, lRN 21 & 24, lRN 22,lRN 23,lRN 23,lRN 23, lRN 24, lRN 25,lRN 26, lRN 27,28 & 29, lRN & 28, 1RS ? Thomas Shaw ? George Elliott 3,2RN Donald Hurley 1, C1 William Kelly 1, C7 Neil Monrow [sic] 1, C7 Archibald Monro [sic] 5,C7 Hugh Leitch 2,C8 Neil Leitch 2,C8 Dougald Gram [sic] 1, C7 Alexander Mcintire [sic] 5,C7 Donald McNail [sic] 1, C8 Duncan McLaclin [sic] 3,C9 Archibald McKiller [sic] 1, C10 Hugh Fergeson [sic] 1, C10 John Fergeson [sic] 2,C10 Donald Fergeson [sic] John Edwards Zeb King William Woodruff Seth Preffer Samuel Neil William Gibson James Bannen [sic] Richard Neil Peter Hibler James Gibb James Gibson, Senr. James Bradshaw Singleton Gardiner Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 Lot, Con/Range Lot, Con/Range 11,lRN 14,lRN 14, lRN 15,lRN 16,lRN 1, C9 Nathaniel Curry [sic] Joseph C. Ward Gideon Ohear Willard Sampson [sic] John Ward Daniel Sinclair 2, C10 3, Cll 3, C11 5,C9 1, C6 1, Cll14 Duncan Fergeson [sic] Dougald McKiller [sic] Alexander Livingston Mrs. Liveston [sic] Dougald Monro [sic] Archebald [sic] Sinclair The year 1841 saw the introduction of a printed form for both the population list and the assessment roll. There were 273 males over 16, 325 males under 16,228 females over 16 and 320 females under 16. By this point, Mosa Township had become largely a Presbyterian community owing to the influx of Scottish settlers. There were 461 inhabitants who adhered to the Church of Scotland faith, about 40% of the population. Methodism of one form or another had also taken root in Mosa; nearly one in four residents were followers. Of these, 247 were British Connexion Methodists, and 19 were Methodist Episcopalians. There was also a large Baptist contingent - 37 Open Communion Baptists, 137 Close Communion Baptists and 8 Free Will Baptists. There were 172 Anglicans and only 25 Roman Catholics in Mosa Township. ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ bIJ bIJ ~~~~ ~~~~ I:: I:: ~ ~ 5 5 Ol Ol ~ ~ ~ Ol ~ Ol Ol] Ol] 5 00 Ol ;:l ;:l 00 Ol gj gj ..- C\l - C\l ~~ Es Ee~~ William Hately 2 - Robert Londen David Sulivan [sic] Cristopher [sic] McRae Abraham Francis Thomas Wright James Gardner [sic] Benjaman [sic] Butler Silas Ball William Gardner [sic] Stephen Bishop Josh ua Myres Luke Gardner [sic] Andrew Fleming Cristopher [sic] Long Henry Fleming Jacob Inglis William Neil Samuel Fleming James Gibbs Peter Fields George Fleming James Banning Peter Hubler John Main Duncan McArthur James Gibson 1 1 2 14Singleton Gardiner Year 1831. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 3 4 4 1 3 6 & Archibald 1 - 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 1 ~ ~ C\l Ol] I: 0 o ..... j 19 & 20, lRN 30, lRN 29, lRN 25,C3 27, lRN 28, lR 28, lRN 28, lR 28, lR 28,lR 28, lR 27, lR 26, lRS 26,lRN 24,lRS 20,lR 21, lR 20, IRS 24, lR 24, lR 23, lRS 23, lR 23,lR 22,lR 22,lR 22,lR 5 ;:l ;:l gj gj 00 00-- Ol Ol 1 1 1 1 1 212 - 1 1 1 4 1 - 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 til ~~Ee ee~~ Robert McAlpine Donald Leitch John Leitch Neil McKiller [sic] Duncan McKeller [sic] John McKiller [sic] John Carswell Widow Livingstown [sic] Dugald McKiller [sic] Donald Ferguson 1 3 1 1 C\l 2 5 1 Dugald McKiller [sic] Alexander Livingston Archibald McCallum Donald McIntyre 2 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 1 Archibald 2 Sinclair Duncan Campbell Hugh McLaughlan Donald McLean Archibald McKiller [sic] Archibald McKiller [sic] Donald Sinclair Listfor 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 4 1 2 1 2 - C\l I: 0 o j 6 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 Malcom [sic] Downie Hugh Ferguson Duncan Ferguson Sinclair, Assessors, Assessment Rise of a Township: Moso. ~ ~ Ol Ol Ol] 4 2 3 4 8,C7 8,C9 9, C8 7,C9 6,C9 7,C9 6, C10 5, C9 4, C10 2 &3, C10 3, C10 1, C10 1, Cs10 &11 3, Cll 3, C11 2, C10 1 &2, Cll 1, Csll & 12 2,C8 1, C8 4,C8 5,C9 3, C9 1, C9 the Township of Mosafor the 167 ~ ... ... ~~ ~~ 5 § 5 en,,_,,_ § ~ ~ CilCilSS SS~~ ~~,...; ~,...;,...; Q) ,...; <:1l 00 C1) C1) Barney Mills Widow Gibbs William Pipper Thomas Muligan [sic] John Davis John Anderson Joseph Bright Talbot St. John Ward 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 3 1 224 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 4 4 John Hall William Ward Duncan McRae Alexander McRae Eusebus King Robert Thomson James Docherty [sic] John Dyks [sic] John Ward Joseph Ward Senr James York [sic] Joseph Ward Junr Hiram Pool John Lucas Cornelius Degraw Josiah Moses Jeremiah Gray Charles Peates [sic] Lemuel Bartlet [sic] John Wilks Amasa Wilcox James Algeo John Jennings Joseph Atwood Angus Stewart Richard Neil Abraham Graves Alexander D. Ward George W. Miriah Josiah St. John John Walker Abinezer [sic] Walker Joseph Walker Jr. Dugald Gillice [sic] John Siddle [sic] Joseph Siddle [sic] Duncan Graham George Brodie William Ellice Dugald Munro Alexander Dewer [sic] Neil Munro Senr Widow Munro Donald McNicol Neil Leitch Neil McClarty [sic] 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 168 2 2 3 2 5 1 2 2 2 <:1l <:1l 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 - - 1 5 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 1 4 5 4 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 6 1 3 3 4 2 2 7 1 1 3 2 3 1 5 - ~ ... ... ~ ~ ~~ 5 § 5 § ~ ~ en en..-_ CilCilSS SS~~ bti t:: ~ -= 0 U :s 21,IR 18,IR 18,IR 17,IRN 17, IRS 18, 16, lR 16,IRN &S 16,IR 22,IRN 16.1R 16,IR 18,IRN 13, lR ? 14, IRS 13. IRS 14, lRN 13,IRN 13, IRS 12,IRN 11,2RN 7,2RS 27,IRN 7, lRS 5, IRS 6,IRN 6, lRN* 5,lRS 5,IRN 1, lRS 1, lRN 3, IRS 3,lRS 6, IRS 4,IRN 2, lRN 6, lRN 2,C2 3,C3 8, IRS 8,Cl 1,2RN 2,2RN 1, ci 1, C4 1, C5 1, C6 1, C6 1, C7 1, C7 1, C8 2,C8 3.C7 John Ferguson Alexander Baxter Hugh Leitch James Graves Alonsa Smith Ambrose Hartshorn Charles Hartshorn Sara Gilbert John Simpson Daniel Hubard [sic] ~~,...; ~,...;,...; C1) ,...; <:1l Q) C1) <:1l 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 2 1 1 1 6 2 5 3 Rufus Lumlie [sic] Thomas Tousley George Williams 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <:1l - 1 3 2 Nelson Simpson [sic] Arthur Nicol [sic] William McNeilly John Nicols [sic] Daniel Edwards Seneca Edwards James Edwards Junr James Edwards Senr 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Amos Thomas William Sparling Thomas Kirkpatrick James Jackson Archibald McCallum Archibald McIntyre John McMillan William Weeks [sic] 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 2 1 Robert Shaw James Halman [sic] James Clanagan [sic] Andrew Coulter [sic] Robert Coulter [sic] George Simpson Joseph Railey [sic] James Croil Jeremiah Croil Joel Underhill Thomas Shaw John Tucker Donald King Duncan King Ninan [sic] Kingsley John Edwards Henry Johnston Robert Parr Thomas McReedy [sic] Joseph Graham Alexander Armstrong Families, 1 2 1 - 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 7 1 1 1 2 2 4 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 - 1 3 - 2 2 2 1 3 - 1 1 2 3 1 1 - 2 2 1 4 - 2 1 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 5 1 - bti t:: ~ -= 0 U ~ ~ 0 1, CI0 1, C9 3,C7 7, lRN 6, lRN 8,IRN 7,IRN 7,2RS 9,1& 2RS 8.2RS 8.2RS 8.2RS 10 & 11, 1 &2RS 13, lRS* 12.2RS 15. C5 12, IRS 13,2RS 12,3RS 13,2RS 13,3RS & 6. IRS 14,3RS 13,2RS 16, IRS 11, C3 6 & 7, Cl 7, C2 5,Cl 4 &6, lRN 22, Cl * 27,C2 1,3RS 1, 4RS* 1,4RS 2,2RS 2,3RS 7,2RN 3, Cl* 8,2RN 18,2RN 17, C2 18, C4 16, C3 16, lR 17.2RN 16,2RN 16 & 17, Osl &2 16 & 17, Csl & 2 18, C3 9 & 10, C3 Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ "g~ 6 ::I 6 ::I ~ ~ ~ Q.) Q.) Q.)] ~ ~ til til til til S S S S~ ~ Archibald McClauchlan [sic] Widow McLauchlan [sic] John McTavish Donald McLauchlan [sic] Alexander McIntyre Edward McCulloch Duncan Stewart Dugald Graham Hector McLean 1 2 1 1 - 3 1 1 Q.) ~~ ~ § U - :3 j ·3, C7 3, C6** 4, Cs6 & 7* 1 1 2 4, C6 1 1 3 5, C7 1 - 1 1 9, C6 2 - 1 9, C6 2 - 2 7, C7 1 4 1 9, C6 Patrick Kane Ewin [sic] Sinclair James Sinclair William Clemans Jen [sic] Cook Peter Sinclair Neil McCaul [sic] Donald Sinclair James Steinson [sic] William Richardson Stephen Elliot Patrick Clancie [sic] Joseph Rosborough Francis Algeo Robert Shearer Robert Tunks 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 5 1 1 3 iO,C4 18, C4 17, C4* 16, C5 16, C5 14, C4 18, C4 18, C5 10, C3 8,Cl 6,2RN 7,Cl 4,C2 1, lRN 17, C2*15 *These names appear on the assessment rolls but not on the population return, so it is assumed that they were absentee landowners. In some cases, it is known that they were young men whose parents lived nearby, in which case they would have been tallied with another head of family. **This "Widow" is shown on the assessment roll as "Widow McCallum", so it is uncertain as to which surname is correct. By 1841, the early settlement of Mosa Township was nearly complete, although there still remained much "wild land", or land not yet taken up. Indeed, nearly another century would pass before the last lot of land was granted by the Crown. The settlement was well distributed throughout the township so that there was basic communication amongst its residents, dependent upon the season. The existence of the assessment rolls for every year from 1826 to 1841 enables the genealogical researcher and family historian to carefully chronicle the comings and goings of the township's first settlers. The population lists, frequently combined with the early assessment rolls, allow the researcher to at least know the size of the early families, and to gain a rough idea of the ages and sex breakdown of the children and other inhabitants. In one instance of the writer's own lineage, the population list corroborates information from another source as to the number of sons born to an ancestral couple; a son, who had succumbed by the time the first nominal census was taken ten years later, showed up in the total of males under 16.16 The existence of land petitions, various other petitions, travellers' journals, land abstracts and other documents, serve to flesh out the skeleton provided by the assessment rolls, even if the assessment rolls did not exist for every year, as in this instance. Taken together, they provide a fairly clear picture of the Mosa Township of those far-off years from 1804 to 1841. 15Robert Shearer, Assessor, Assessment Roll [or the township of Mosa. for the year 1841 & Population Return for the toumsh i p of M osa for the year 1841. 16Jas. Edwards, sr., and William C. Sam(p)son, whose names appeared on every list from 1826-41, were great-grandfathers of the writer. Rise of a Township: Moso. 169 Ontario Settlers in Invermay, Saskatchewan AUDREY DELANEY The book, Parkland Trails, is one of several Saskatchewan local histories to be published in recent years. The information and photographs filling this 872-page book about the community of Invermay was compiled by a small group of women who initiated the Invermay-Rama Book Committee. The Rural Municipality of Invermay, which consists of the Villages of Invermay and Rama, Saskatchewan is nestled in a beautiful parkland area dotted by a chain of small lakes. The first homesteaders came from Eastern Canada, Manitoba, Europe, and United States, some as early as 1895. There are many nationalities including Norwegians, Swedes, British, Scots, Irish, Polish, and Ukrainians to name a few, who have blended together to make a truly distinctive community. ARMSTRONG, ASHDOWN, John Cecil Franklin CRA WFORD, Margaret b. 1897 Orangeville, Onto Leroche b. 15 Aug. 1871 Bruce Co., Onto Lucy b. 7 Mar. 1878 Parry Sound, Onto Robert b. 3 June 1863 Bells Corners, Onto SIBBITT, Elizabeth b. 28 Jan. 1861 Toronto, Onto BURGESS, b.8 Nov. 1895 Balsam, Onto b. 28 Dec. 1886 Balsam,Ont., d. 28 Feb. 1970, Victoria, B.C. BALL, Lillian Irene, d/o Jack and Alice b. 27 Nov. 1920 Collingwood COLVILLE, b. c.1890 Durham,Ont. CONDON, Thomas b. 31 Mar. 1866 Stoney Creek, Ont. STEPHENS, b. 1868 Clear Creek, Onto b. 1886 Pickering,Ont. BRADLEY, John, slo William and Jane BURGESS, Joseph Newton Robert Annie COOK, Fred, Jr. CURRAH, Joe, slo William and Mary, came from Sarnia, Onto CURRAH, Walter, his brother, came from Petrolia, Ont. WHITE, Bella, came from near Ottawa, Onto DIMMICK, Moses Smith b. 23 Oct. 1867 Waterdown,Ont. m. MANNING, Florence Ada, in 1888 at Hamilton, Onto WILLIS, Gwen, dlo Chesley and Edna FITCHETT, R. Wilson FORF AR, Fred J. 170 b. 25 Nov. 1908 Fruitland, b. 21 June 1870 Hastings b. 10 May 1895 Scarborough, Families, Onto Co. Ont. Vol. 26, No.3, 198'7 GRAHAM, George Thomas, b. 30 Mar. 1903, s/o John and Jane (Jones) and his bro GRAHAM, Robert Nesbitt, b. 25 Feb. 1907, were born in Claremont, Onto JONES, George, b. 20 June 1850, at Pickering, m. SADLER, Eliza Ellen, b. 16 July 1854 at Claremont, Ont., had ch: Jane, William Henry, James W., George Thomas, Joseph, Robert Sadler, Richard, Silverenia, Margaret; all b. at Oro,Ont. WARD, John and wife Jane came from London, Onto LOUCKS, Harry Artley, came from Norfolk Co. LEE, Charles Peter, b. 1879 at Claremont, Ont., h/w BALL, Lena Frances, b. 1884 at Coldwater, Ont., ch. all b. at Victoria Harbour, Onto McRAE, Jennie b. 16 Aug. 1872 at Ripley, Onto MITTS, George, b. 1879 and h/w HAIGHT, Minnie, b. 1879, both Hastings MORRISON, Neil b.1861 Co. in Oro, Onto MURRAY, Andrew, of Galt, Ont., m. 1882, ABRA, Julia of Galt. McDON ALD, Andrew b. 1906 Port Elgin, Onto McKINNON, b. 19 Feb. 1882 Egremont Twp, Durham, Onto Donald McDONALD, from Onto NEUERT, Murdock and wife RICHARDSON, Adam and BARTLEY, PARR, Henry PEARCE, Hannah came out in 1879 Jane arrived c.1870, from Listowel, Ont. b. 1871 Albert came from South Yarmouth, Trenton, Onto Onto PILKEY, Clarence s/o Luther and Eliza b ..2 Feb. 1893 Claremont, SHEPHERD, b. 1892 in Onto Walter MOTT, Mabel, b. 13 Apr. 1877, in Ont, m. PALMER, SYMMONDS, TANNER, Ben of Onto 1899 Charles and Florence came from London, Onto George VAN MEER, Alfred LESLIE, Onto Alice WHITE, William Ontario Settlers in Invermay b. 8 Apr. 1878 in Apsley, Onto b. 4 June 1881 Onto (Hastings?) of Hymers, Onto of South March (now Kanata), Onto 171 Ryan Taylor OGS invites readers to submit reviews of relevant books to the Review Editor, c/o the OGS address. Editorial policy and suggestions on how to approach reviewing may be found in "How to Write a Book Review" in FAMILIES Vol. 21, NO.4 (1982), 367-369. We suggest you write the Review Editor before beginning a review to make sure that the book in which you are interested has not already been assigned to someone else. Gerald Hamilton-Edwards, In Search of Welsh Ancestry. Chichester: Phillimore, 1986. 95pp., hardcover. Price: £7.95. Also available from Genealogical Publishing in the United States, price: US $25.00. This is the fourth in Gerald HamiltonEdwards' In search of ... series. While certainly a good and useful work, it somehow falls short of the standard of the others. One can sense the Sais subjectivity throughout. It is only fair to say that it does cover a great deal of the general grounding in the able way we have come to associate with this author. The difficulty lies in its omissions and lack of interpretation. On page one it is acknowledged that the ancient Celtic church was long established before St. Augustine came to Britain. What is not willingly recognized by English historians is that the Welsh church always retained its independence in spiritual sentiment, even though for many centuries English bishops were foisted on its sees by the crown. That, incidentally, I think explains why Nonconformity in its day was more extensive in Wales, and why in this century disestablishment of the Church in Wales took place and it again became independent of England. In Search of Welsh Ancestry makes no mention of the Royal Tribes of Wales and Welsh tribal laws and customs. The assumption is made that the English status quo should prevail; yet in a genealogical sense Wales had much that was peculiarly its own. Mention is made of the Episcopal Consistory court of Llandaff including 172 the County of Monmouth in its jurisdiction, and that in an historical sense is correct; one might suggest that there could almost be a chapter going into detail with regard to the variations in the status of Monmouth (now Gwent), as for example its including for some purposes in Wales, others in England, and the establishment of a diocese of Monmouth apart from Llandaff but still included in the Welsh church. The bibliography is a general genealogical one, albeit with Welsh references. This could well have been expanded. It is unfortunate that it does not include Parish Registers of Wales published by the National Library of Wales in association with the Society of Genealogists. This excellent and important work was published early in 1986, while the work under review appeared in late 1986, which may explain the omission, but it is to be hoped it will be given due notice and comment in subsequent editions. Chapter two, on Welsh Christian names and surnames, is useful and it may be kept in mind that many families use "ap" from not only father to son but recited long previous ancestry in the same terms from memory even to the late 18th century. This reviewer well remembers being on leave in the Second World War and encountering many people in the hills of Caermarthen and Cardigan who only spoke Cymraeg and not a word of English. I regret that I have not seemed entirely enthusiastic with In Search of Welsh Ancestry as it certainly has much merit, butone should not regard it as the whole answer. I do recom- Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 mend it as part of the reading of those like myself who have Welsh ancestry. Howard R. Rokeby- Thomas Kitchener Ralph J. Crandall, ed., Genealogical Research in New England. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984. Hardcover, 190pp., US $17.50. (Address: 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD, USA 21202) This useful and engaging guide is a reprinting, with additions and corrections, of six articles originally published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register between 1976 and 1982. The book is divided into six sections, each one devoted to the presentation of specific genealogical sources for the six states covered: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Each section follows a similar format beginning with a concise histroy of the subject state. Included are sources of state, local, county, and military records. Holdings of private organizations, libraries, and other archival repositories are fully covered. Each section has a list of publications relating to local histories and selective family genealogies for further reading. Editor Crandall's introduction is a highly informative discussion that outlines historical bases underlying much of the source material available to today's researchers. He points out the benefits historians continue to enjoy because of the English penchant for record keeping (a tradition that began centuries before the Great Migration). When early English emigrants came to the New World, this systematic practice continued. The result was the creation of additional records relating to the public and private lives of the Puritans. Church records, town and county documents, and legislative proceedings expanded recording procedures. Furthermore, by the eighteenth century a new series of land, military, census, and tax records became avail- In Review able. Frequent migrations to the frontier areas of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine were taking place. Eighteenth century wars such as the French and Indian conflict and the American Revolution produced an impressive volume of new data on New Englanders. The demographic development of the New England states is ordinarily understood in a general way, yet information on source materials on the many ethnic groups who settled in early New England is frequently limited, if not totally neglected. The Irish who came to the area in the 1840s were soon followed by the large influx of French-Canadian, Jewish, Polish, and Italian populations to name a few. Here in New England there was work to be had in the textile industry and in the newly formed transportation network. The degree to which these historical migrations are central to the development and maintenance of accurate records cannot be overestimated. For the family historian searching ancestors from these groups, there are prime sources of information to be found in religious sacramental records, vital statistics, and city directories. The comprehensive coverage of the individual states in these reprints will be of immense assistance to historians researching early New Englanders of widely diverse social and economic backgrounds. We now have a source guide that will serve as a standard of its kind. Perhaps this book will become a model for future endeavours by other state historical and genealogical organizations to sponsor similar projects. Ralph J. Crandall is Director of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and was editor of the Society's journal when these articles first appeared. Elizabeth Veronica Ticknor District Heights, Maryland Doreen Caraher-Manning, Catalogue of Sources for Genealogical Re173 search, Ireland (Journal of the Caraher Family History Society, no. 6, November 1985). 59pp. Overseas price including postage: £6.50. (Available from: 71 King St, Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland PH7 3HB) Irish Family History; the journal of the Irish Family History Society, vol. 1 (1985). Subscription and membership £5.00. (Available from: John Kearney, Daingean, Co. Offaly, Ireland) Interest in Irish genealogy continues to run from strength to strength, if the proliferation of recent publications is any guide. Unfortunately, mediocre works continue to outstrip those of quality by a fair margin. The first of the two periodical issues reviewed here represents a publication we can do without; the second is a journal that must find a place in every Irish family historian's library. Catalogue of Sources for Genealogical Research, Ireland is a special number of the journal of a one-name society with headquarters in Crieff, Scotland. "This catalogue," notes the editor, "may be particularly helpful in especial for researchers overseas and who cannot journey to Ireland for extended visit required to make, there, ancestral record." She also says, "Old lament '... books will not be looked at, nor genealogies heard attentively' respecting Irish family history, may be replaced by other, happier results if some among suggestions made for study of sources noted in this catalogue are read." These two quotations from the first page serve adequately as examples of the author's prose, which does not improve over the course of the next 58 pages. I do not think one really appreciates how useful the word "the" can be until one reads the prose of someone who appears to find it distasteful. The bulk of the publication is arranged alphabetically, after the manner of Terrick Fitzhugh's The Dictionary of Genealogy. There is much useful information here, and it is likely 174 that most Irish researchers will learn something new if they stick with it. If you do not already know a fair bit about Irish genealogical research it might be as well to put the Caraher book on the back burner for a while. It seems unjust to tack a reference to the new journal of the Irish Family History Society onto a review of a less worthy publication, but among the plethora of new Irish journals Irish Family History deserves attention. Unlike many, it is non-commercial, reasonably priced and exceedingly useful. The 1985 number of this annual publication (which is still in stock) has 104 pages and is chockful of information. Many Canadians accustomed to the quiescent state of genealogy in the Republic will be astounded to learn that within the last five years or so numerous historical and heritage organizations and individuals have indexed both Roman Catholic and Protestant registers in their own regions. Many of the projects began with funding supplied by government employment agencies. The indexes are retained locally and access varies. Some are in bound volumes in a local library; others are accessible only to the staff of the originating group, which performs searches on request in return for a fee used to forward the efforts of the organization. These two articles alone are worth the cost of membership, and we can only hope that the high standard set in the first issue is maintained. Irish Family History will not replace the two best Irish genealogical journals, The Irish Ancestor (Miss Rosemary ffolliott, Glebe House, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, Can. $12.00) or The Irish Genealogist (C.R. Spearman, 5 Meredyth Road, Barnes, London SW13 ODS, £12.00). The Ancestor in nearly twenty years has published a variety of useful source material. It is strongest on material concerning middle and upper class Protestants in the south. The Genealogist, the oldest such magazine, Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 also publishes a wide range of material, including much on 17th century and earlier Celtic lines. Thesejournals are of immense reference value but neither of them is particularly useful in keeping up to date on recent developments, apart from the review columns. It is in the news aspect that Irish Family History excels. All three journals are highly important in Irish research, and the former two, at any rate, fight a perpetual battle to keep going. Do give them your support. We shall all be poorer if any of them fold. Bruce S. Elliott Kingston Gary J. Zimmerman and Marion Wolfert, comps., German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1855-1862. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, 1986. xx, 167pp. Hardcover. Price: US $20.00. This volume is the sequel to a similar volume covering the years 1847-1854 which was reviewed in Families in February 1986. Readers are referred to that review for information regarding these books, which are of vital interest to those with German ancestry. This period is one of particularly heavy emigration; having a ready reference such as this one is a cause for much happiness. Ryan Taylor Kitchener Kathleen Mennie-de Varennes, Bibliographie omnotee d'ouvrages gene alogiques au Canada/Annotated Bibliography of Genealogical Works in Canada. Vol. 1: Overview; Vol. 2: Aalart-Chaunt. Hardcover. Markham: Fitzhenry & Whiteside in association with the National Library 0/ Canada and the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply & Services Canada, 1986. Price: Vol. 1: $40.00; Vol. 2: price not given. (Available/rom: In Review 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham ON L3R 4T8) The announcement of this series (to be completed in six volumes) caused a frisson of excitement: one big bibliography of family histories in Canada! A sense of wonder set in: how could anyone accomplish such a giant undertaking? Mme Mennie-de Varennes is to be congratulated on her scheme and method, for the books are easy to use and a pleasure to study. The governmental subsidies have meant that expense was not spared, and this is rightly so, for these heavy tomes will be used for decades in libraries across Canada. In the Overview volume, Mme Mennie-de Varennes states that her intention was to update a 1963 work and to fill a void in genealogical literature in Canada. She began with the obvious sources, such as the Union List of Manuscripts, the work of Cyprien Tanguay and Talbot, and explored the collections of the Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec, the National Library, Laval University and the Metropolitan Toronto reference library. Families are listed alphabetically, with variant spellings well referenced. Mme Mennie-de Varennes suggests that she has accomplished a listing with a 20-25 per cent omission rate. A random examination of pages, however, shows that the family names listed are predominantly francophone. The first four pages looked at in this unscientific way showed no anglophone names (or Ukrainian, or Italian) at all. Only on the fifth did a reference to an anglophone name appear, and this was in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. In fact, more minute searching shows that this is primarily a bibliography of Quebec and Acadian genealogy. For instance, in the place-names index, Calgary, Regina and Prince Albert do not appear. In the listings of genealogical societies, OGS is given only seven branches. Under period i175 cals, only a few of OGS' branch newsletters are included. This is a fine reference work and should be included on the shelves of any large or reference library in the land. On the other hand, its title is misleading. It seems a shame that such a proud work should pretend to be more than it is. It is quite enough in itself. Randolph Otterbein Saint- Thomas-des- Pres Peter Wilson Coldham,EnglishAdventurers and Emigrants. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, 1984. 219pp., hardcover. Price: not given. This work consists of selected abstracts of Examinations in the High Court of Admiralty with reference to colonial America. The book is indexed both as to names and places. Ships are indexed in the name index. The sources on which this book is based are mainly Examinations: in Equity cases; by Commission; in Criminal Cases and Interrogations; together with associated documents such as libels, answers, indictments and proceedings. This is obviously not a book for the general researcher, but for a specialist, covering a limited corner of the genealogical spectrum. It is worth careful study by all concerned with emigration from the British Isles to colonial America for it gives some idea of the extent and variety of journeys by sea. A typical entry reads as follows: re The Gift of God (Ship) William Barker of Ratcliffe, Middlesex, mariner age 37. He was Mate of the Hopewell which sailed from Virginia on New Year's Eve 1629 for England under her Master Richard Russell and in company with the Gift of London, Captain Samuel Crampton and Master Edward Beale. The ships stayed together for two days and nights but were separated by a violent storm off Cape Hatteras 176 since when the Gift has not been heard of. This book is worth inclusion in all good genealogical collections, and certainly makes for good reading as well as being informative. Howard R. Rokeby-Thomas Kitchener Brenda Lee- Whiting, Harvest of Stones: The German Settlement of Renfrew County. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. xii, 323pp., hardcover $24.95, softcover $9.95. The story of the German settlement of Renfrew County is one which is long overdue. Although much has been written about the German communities of southwestern Ontario, this is the first thorough study of German immigration to Renfrew. Because of economic hardship and Bismarck's wars, several hundred people left eastern Germany between 1858 and 1890 to settle in Canada. The Germans who settled in Renfrew were part of a late wave of immigration to Ontario and they found themselves with farmland which was far from prime. Succeeding generations complained of an "annual harvest of stones". The community survived through hard work and self-sufficiency and it remained until very recently cohesive and true to the customs of the old world. Brenda Lee-Whiting found evidence of these customs in the items of daily use that the settlers needed. She has extensively documented for the first time furniture, clothing and blankets, houses, barns, schools and churches of the community and thereby brought to life the culture of a people transplanted to a region that challenged them to the utmost. It is her German-surname alphabeticallist of sixty-five cemeteries in Renfrew and adjacent counties that will be of greatest interest to genealogists. Her list includes more than one thousand German surnames, showing Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 where they are recorded on gravestones. This list is a definite goldmine for anyone tracing a German family in the Ottawa valley who does not know a precise settlement location for his or her ancestor. Although this is a well-researched and thoroughly documented book, it is unfortunate that the second chapter on Bismarck's Legacy is so brief (22 pages), considering that one of the author's primary interests as stated in the first sentence of the preface is to understand "why the German people had left their homeland in the nineteenth century in order to emigrate to this part of Canada." Also, there is much evidence that is supported by interviews of people who are one or more generations removed from the sources. Nevertheless, these minor faults do not detract appreciably from what is clearly a superior example of local history. Dwight M. Turner Mississauga Index to the Loyalist Gazette. Victoria: Victoria Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, n.d. spiral bound. Price: $15.00. Available from: 1825 Quamichan Avenue, Victoria BC V8S 2B4. This index has "long been needed" according to the foreword, and one can but agree that such an extensive reference work should be accessible. The index is selective, however, with what was considered the more ephemeral information omitted. Book reviews have been included and some illustrations, articles, and even addresses. The index is divided into two parts, the first covering 1963-72; the second 1973-82. Putting together an index of this kind is strictly drudgery, but the value is longlasting. Frank R. Holmes, comp., Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families, 1620-1700. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984. 274pp., US $17.50. (Address: 111 Water St., Baltimore, MD, USA 21202) This compilation of names of early New England family heads is the latest in a series of reprints of a volume originally published in 1923. Since 1964, new editions of this directory have appeared irregularly with no apparent updating or expansion of the original entries. In the Foreword, compiler Frank R. Holmes presents a brief essay on the etymology of personal names, particularly those of British derivation. The main body of the work follows as a single, alphabetically arranged list of over 3,000 names falling within the scope of the book's title. Several entries contain detailed information relating to the name's origin, meaning, and variations in spelling. Names of particular individuals bearing the common surname follow. Some biographical data is included after each name, but material is scant and usually limited to one or two items such as occupation, area of settlement in New England, date of birth, marriage, or death. Holmes did not comment on the original purpose of this compilation or the intended readership. Certainly if a researcher investigating New England ancestry should come across this book in a library, he or she should examine the list with the aim of discovering a lost or missing personal connection. Otherwise, the unidentified sources of data included in the entries make this book's usefulness questionable as a tool for further research. Elizabeth Veronica Ticknor District Heights, Maryland Ryan Taylor Kitchener In Review 177 GenealoGIcal DOLes David Thompson of Scarborough: A Census Enumerator's Perspective* When we think of census returns from the last century we expect only to find the vital statistics compiled by the enumerators. Not all census enumerators limited their concerns to the series of names and numbers filling up the pages of their returns. Some wrote short sketches of the history or economy of their enumeration districts as OGS member Gloria Reynolds discovered while doing research on her York County ancestors. In the 1851-52 census of Scarborough Township (PAC reel no. C-1089) enumerator Frank Helliwell included a vignette on David Thompson, an early settler of the region, and his family. Frank Helliwell ended his report with these words: "... The progress that this township has made during the last 60 Years will be seen by contrasting its present position with that described in the following biographical sketch of the life of M" Thompson." *** Mrs Thompson and her husband were both na ti ves of the Parish of Wester kir k in the County of Dumfries Scotland. But what gives them particular interest in [sic] their being the first settlers in Scarboro' where they arrived in the month of March, 1796 and immediately located themselves on Lot No 24, in the first concession within less than a quater [sic] of a mile from where the Scottish Presbyterian Church now stands. Mrs Thomson [sic] retained her intellectual faculties unclouded [till?] her and she used frequently to converse facetiously on the privations which she her husband and family experienced for some years after their settlement. Amongst other anecdotes she often told that she was seven months and five days in Scarboro' before she saw a woman and the first one she saw was a Mohawk Squaw. How little do those who are born in cultivated countries and better times think that the privations of their ancestors whose history of sufferings in the wilderness appear like legendary tales. Mrs Thomson's daughter Janet now the wife of M" Andrew Johnston farmer, in Scarboro' was the first white woman born in that Township: and President Russell promised her two hundred acres of land on that account but his Excellency died and left his promise unredeemed. Mrs Tomson [sic] left at her death, ten children, seventy two grand children and twenty great-grand-children, one hundred and two in all, the whole of them residing in Scarboro'. M" David Thomson, the late Mary Thomson husband [sic], was by trade a stone mason and after sheltering his wife and family in that sequestered spot already described he continued for years to work at his trade in the summer months in the city of Toronto (then York); and returned [regularly"] home to his lonely shanty every Saturday night carrying on his back along a path which he had cleared through the dreary forest with his axe, flour and other provisions; sufficient to maintain his family till the Saturday evening. During the winter months, M" Thomson like other new settlers, was a chopper and as soon as his clearing was sufficiently extensive to support his family he resigned hammer and the trowel and became a farmer. He was a well educated man, as well as a skillful tradesman and gifted by nature with *The Editor wishes to thank Gloria Reynolds of Fort Lauderdale, Frank Helliwell's report to Families. 178 Florida for offering photocopies of Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 198/7 superior intelligence. He built the [fort] garrison at York, the one that was blown up during the [last] war with the United States of America. Besides, he held [a] captain's commission in the Upper Canada Militia during [the] aforesaid war. By industrious perseverance he ultimately acquired extensive property in Scarboro' and after the establishment of peace he built an inn, near the site of his shanty on the Tiepass? road, from Markham to York where as a tavernkeeper he was generally respected and fami liar ly known by the name of Uncle David. He likewise acted for many Years in the capacity of Township Clerk, Collector, and Assessor ... lIBRQRd' QL>L>rtIOrlS D. Grant Brown OGS Reference Library is located in the Canadiana Collection, North York Public Library, 6th floor, North York Centre, Willowdale, ON. For information telephone (416) 733-5624/25. Hours are: Mon.-Thur. 9:00 am-8:30 pm; Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-5. All library mail and donations should be sent to D. Grant Brown, The Librarian, clo the OGS office at the address noted above. Library materials are listed in Families as they are deposited with the library and the catalogue numbers appear at the end of each entry. OGS members who have donated materials have their membership numbers listed in brackets along with their names in the catalogue entry. Anyone wishing to contact donors should consult the membership list to obtain mailing addresses. Non-members may be contacted through the OGS office on submission of a SASE. George Martin: South Marysburgh Twp., Prince Edward Cty, Ontario, Canada. Compiled by Ed and Marilynn Martin. Grand Rapids, MI: 1984. 14pl, 26 Ivs: ill., geneal. tables, ports; includes photocopy of some sections of Pioneer life on the Bay of Quinte. Donor - authors (9462). C000031 The Haux (Houk, Houx) family tree. By Mary Lindsay Brosveen. l.uck, WI: 1983. 1pl, 281vs: ill., facsims., geneal. tables, maps, ports. DonorMarion F. Lyons (530). C000049 bd 1 The Heddon & Trenouth family history. By Marion E. (Orchard) Parsons. Bowmanville, Ont.: 1982.73 variously paged Ivs: ill., geneal. tables, facslrn., coat of arms, ports. Donor - author. C000036 The Heinrich Adolph family from Switzerland to Wilmot Township, Waterloo County. By Barbara I. Adolph. Walkerton, Ont.: 1985.3 Ivs. Donorauthor (1354). C000035 bd 2 The Henry Adolph family of Brant and Elderslie Township, Bruce County. By Barbara I. Adolph. Walkerton, Ont.: 1985. 4 Ivs. Donor - author (1354). C000035 bd 3 History: the families of Sherman - Maciver; with stories of people and places in the Eastern Townships. By Annie Isabel Sherman. Sherbrooke, Que.: 1971. 74pp.: ill., coat of arms, ports. Donor - Dawn Broughton (4836). B000004 The James Bennett family tree: from lelcestershire and Staffordshire, England to Canada. Recorded by Rosemary and Diane Bennett. Scarborough, Ont.: 19857 2pl, 11 Ivs: geneal. tables. Donor - authors (9596). C000051 bd 1 Library Additions James Stewart of Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, 1800-1887, and his descendants. By John and Flora Stewart. Barrhead, Alta.: 1985. 5pl, 59 Ivs (i.e. 68 Ivs): ill., geneal. tables, facsims., ports. Donor - authors (5609). C000056 John & Elizabeth Shupe & descendants: a family history .... By Mary C. (Shupe) Shantz. Sudbury, Ont.: 1985. 1pl, iv, 90pp., A13, B14, C1, D2: ill. maps, geneal. tables, facsims., ports, appendices. Donor - author (3249). C000040 bd4 John Cain of Niagara, Garners of Nissouri, and related families Cass, Major, White and Coloby. By Betty Jean Waite. London, Ont.: 1985. 2pl, 298pp. (i.e. 313): ill., maps, geneal. tables, ports. Donor - author (4457). C000042 Jonathan Gleason: pioneer settler of Haldimand Twnp., Northumberland Co., Ontario, Canada. Compiled by Frances Castle Hunt. Kalamazoo, MI: 1985. 1 pi, 21 Ivs: geneal. tables, ports. Donor author (3011). C000029 The Kay Branch: a family history. By Michael D. Ball. Oshawa, 1984. 3pl, 44pp., 3 Ivs: ill., maps, facsims., ports. Donor - author. C000037 Malcolm MacAuley, 1802-1882, and Annie Buchanan, 1806-1884, and their descendants from the Isle of Lewis, Scotland to the Eastern Townships, Quebec. By Harriet Dawn (MacAuley) Broughton. Kingston, Ont.: 1985. 1pi, 53 Ivs various numbered: ill., facsims., geneal. tables, ports. Donor - author (4836). C000050 Manning - Climie - Paul. Compiled by Helen C. Cooper. North Vancouver, B.C.: 1985. 3pl, 39 Ivs: coat of arms, geneal. tables. Donor - author (10239). C000040 bd 2 179 Game Valerie Cole The Name Game is a service offered by this Society to its members to aid their genealogical searchings. Queriesare accepted up to a maximum of 50 words (name, address -for receipt of replies - with postal code are printed without charge), subject to editing or rearrangement of words. See also title page of this quarterly. Type (double space) or write legibly on regular sized letter paper. Be brief but include some identifying first names, at least one Ontario place and a date (approximate will do) for each surname. Write out all words in full, try to avoid ambig uities and be sure to state in words what information you are seeking. FAMILIES is a quarterly and queries are printed in the order received insofar as possible. Please allow up to six months after submitting query for inclusion in this column. Direct replies to the enquirer and submissions to the Query Editor, FAMILIES, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 253 (2nd Floor), Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9. ALLEN: Frank (c1861-1938) poss em 1906 from Wantage (or Westminster?) Eng, m Mary Arnold IRVINE (c1871-1961), from Ire where?), Ivd Trafalgar twp, Halton Co; seek anc/desc this fam please. Mrs Donald Lobb, RR#2, Clinton, ON NOM 1LO 40 Orchard View Blvd, Suite 253, Toronto, ON M4R 1B9 ANDERSON: Mose, from Aylmer, Que, m c1940 Corine BYRON, had 7 ch; seek info prts; all replies apprec by Jerra Anderson, 5 Kenny Cres, Barrie, ON L4N 5S4 BELL: John b 1799 Scot, d 1868 Saugeen, Ont, m Nancy DEASE (dau/o Peter Warren DEASE); Ivd Saugeen 1860, ch: Peter Warren (Hudson's Bay Co 1852-1895), Flora (1835-1920, Joseph FINLAYSON), plus 1 more son, 4 more daus; any info welcomed by Mrs Ellen Norberg, 2039 Cameron St, Regina, SK S4T 2V4 ARGUE: Thomas H m Barbara VIETENHEIMER? or VOLLMER? Ivd Toronto area; she b 1887 Mornington or Wellesley twp? she listed 1934 as MRS T H ARGUE of Toronto; any info these fams apprec by Wayne Vollmer, 66 Dunbar Rd S, Waterloo, ON N2L 2E3 ASSELSTINE: William b 1834 Kingston area, millworker Odessa and Napanee, then Glen Dower, Bedford twp; m 1873 Hannah BROWN, to Western Ont c1896, he d 1934 Wallaceburg; need names prts, sibs, also info on mills. M J Asselstine, 1548 Pinewood Cres, North Bay, ON P1B 4P4 BALL: Thomas, William, George (b 1862), Charles (b 1865) all sons/o George BALL (18371911), em Manchester, Eng before 1885, Ivd London, Ont area, seek any info these fams. Rheanne Smith, 11731 - 28th Ave, Edmonton, AB T6J 3P1 BARRENGER (BARRINGER)-REESE: William (also known as JP and Philip) BARRENGER b c1809 NY where? m Lucinda REESE (dau/o Henry/Sara, b when? where?); Ivd Consecon, Ameliasburgh twp, Prince Edward Co; ch: Jacob Henry (b c1839), Smith (b c 1840), John (b c1843), Jane (b c1844), Albert (b c1850); seek info these fams. Keith Meyers, 3005 Riverview, Lawrence, KS 66044 USA BARTHRAN (BATTRO): Joseph (b c1804 where?) m when? where? Louisa who? Ivd North Gower twp, Carleton Co 1861; ch: Julia (b c1840), Margaret (c1846), Catherine (c1850), Elmer (1852), Francis (1853), Julia Ann (1856), Mary Ann (1859); is Julia b c1840 same as Julia Ann BARTON who m c1866 Albert McCARGAR (McKEROGIE), Ivd North Gower; info to Valerie Cole, c/o Ontario Genealogical Society, 180 BARTRAM (BERTRAM, BERTRIM): all occurrences in Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Co's; any info apprec by Mrs Kellie Love, RR#1, Woodville, ON KOM 2TO BOWELL: Sir MacKenzie BOWELL b c1824 Eng, former Prime Minister of Canada, publisher Belleville Intelligencer, to Hastings Co 1833 from Ipswich, Eng, with prts and aunt/uncle Sarah Marshall/George ORFORD; was ma poss Elizabeth MARSHALL? was Warwick J. BOWELL a bro? any other bro/sis? seek anc/desc/info this fam. Mrs Bonita Smith, 55 Wilsonview Ave, Guelph, ON N1 G 2W5 BROCK: Richard air mechanic Royal Air Force 1918, from where in Ont? seek any info please on this person. Ross Irwin, PO Box 1263, Guelph, ON N1 H 6N6 BROOKS: David b c1786 where? when? prts? sibs? m c1813 Catherine DELONG where? when? Ivd c1829-34 in Murray twp, then to Ameliasburgh twp; ch: Henry David (m Dorothy Ann who? when? Ivd 1851 Brighton twp) also Sidney (3rd son); have info to share. M T Brooks, 12852 Berry St, Pierrefonds, PQ H8Z 1N9 BROWN: Horace b c1858, Eng desc, m when? Margaret Theresa (Daisy) WACHNER or WAGNER of Ger desc, Ivd where? he d 1890 Toronto; his sibs: Amy (Wm YATES), Julia (Henry BILLES), Ernie, more? seek prts, any info desc. Mrs Shirley Lyngseth, 5 Preston Dr, St Catharines, ON L2M 1X4 BROWN: John L b 1855 where? Ivd Inverkip, was tax collector Oxford Co near Woodstock 1890; did he m? any ch? left area late 1890; any help apprec by Alvin Randall, 983 Randall Rd, Centerville, WA 98613 USA Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 BROWNLEE-ALLEN: John J BROWNLEE m c1876 St Catharines, Sarah Florence ALLEN (dau/o James/Sarah) she d 1890 St Catharines; ch: Wilford, Louisa, John J (Jack); poss ch ran Prince of Wales Hotel, Niagara; any info apprec by Anna Gale, 1827 Hurricane Rd, RR#2, Weiland, ON L3B 5N5 BURLEY: Anthony b 1801 NY, m 1) Mary who? 2) c1838, Almeda who? (both Beverly twp, Wentworth Co); ch: Eleanor HAGADONE, Mary Abigail RIBBLE, Eliza, Edwin, Thomas, Sarah, Florena Almeda DENNIS; fam to MI c1847, to Bayham twp, Elgin Co c1862; seek bid places/ dates, Anthony's prts/sibs; any BURLEY info Elgin/Lampton/Wentworth Co to Mrs Norma Byrnes, 4724 Briarwood Dr, Lorain, OH 44053 USA BUTLER-GARRETT: William Elkington BUTLER b 1855 Oakville, Ont, bro Frederick Charles b c1854, sons/o Frederick of Cobourg, later Kincardine who m 1853 Louisa GARRETT (2nd dau/o A GARRETT, the late Lt (40th?) Reg't and Barrack-master at Niagara); any info anc/sibs please to Robert Putnam, 246 Stanley Dr, Waterloo, ON N2L 1H8 CALDWELL-MOTHERSElL: John Henry CALDWELL b 1845 Westminster twp, Middlesex Co, m 1871 Lambeth, Elizabeth Frances MOTHERSELL (b 1853 Delaware twp); ch: George Henry, Alice Frances BURLEY, Ida Beatrice BURLEY, Mary Maude ADAMS, Binea Elizabeth VARY; fam to Huron Co, E Frances d c1886 (where? when?), John Henry d when? seek all CALDWELLs Huron/Middlesex Co. Mrs Norma Byrnes, 4724 Briarwood Dr, Lorain, OH 44053 USA CAMPAIGN: George b c1825 US (where?); ch: Thomas b c1848 Mulmur twp, Simcoe Co; poss rei to Squire Wm CAMPAIGN? were they Fr Huguenots? Mrs Helen McCurdy, RR#3, Appin, ON NOL 1AO CAMPION: Robert (had sis Mary Catherine, prts?) m c1868 Mary Elizabeth WARNER (184981); Ivd Ont; ch: William, Albert, Elizabeth, Ella; seek info anc/sibs Robert. Wayne Dresser, Box 219, Carbon, AB TOM OLO CAREW: seek data this fam from I re, settled 1825 with 67 families in Ennismore twp, Peterborough Co; did all come from southeastern co of Ire? any CAREW info please to Mrs John Elwell, 254 Euclid Ave, Long Beach, CA 90803 USA CASWELL: James b c1799 Ire (Tipperary?) m 1837 Ottawa, Eliza Jane (TOTTEN?), ch: John b 1838, William b 1840 Markdale? Margaret Jane, Eliza, George, James, Samuel, Robert; Ivd Bruce' Co; seek anc/des/sibs this fam. Mrs Beulah Caswell, 1276 Irwin Dr, Swift Current, SK S9H 1Z7 CEWS-WOODCOCK-WOODSTOCK: Isaac WOODCOCK b c1790 Hungerford twp, Hastings Co, m Nancy CEWS? ch: James Malkiah WOODSTOCK m 1860 Hungerford twp, Mary Name Game Marshall ORFORD, they mvd to Wellington Co c1862, then Glamis, Bruce Co 1870s; also Mary WOODCOCK m c1862 Hungerford twp, Cornelius WOODCOCK; any other ch? seek anc/desc please. Mrs Bonita Smith, 55 Wilsonview Ave, Guelph, ON N1 G 2W5 CHAPIN: George Washington, b 1841 Leeds Co, s/o Ambrose of VT; m c1871 Ida May SHERMAN; ch: 5 b Canada, fam then to North Dakota; did George return after 1900? any info to Carolyn Owens Loveall, 1631 S E Ammon Rd, Toledo, OR 97391 USA CLARK: Donald s/o Bert, grandson/o Bert, b c1910-20? seek his current address; Irene, dau/o William, granddau/o George, did she m? any ch? seek any info, will corres with desc. Mrs Jessie E Engan, 1417 Ponds Edge Rd, West Chester, PA 19382 USA CLARK: Thomas (William Thomas) b c1845 East Gwillimbury twp, York Co, prts? sibs? m 1867 Newmarket, York Co, Eliza RUTLEDGE (b c1846 Ire, poss Tyrone?), Ivd Queensville, East Gwillimbury; seek info anc these fams. Mrs Sherry-Lyn Irving, 284 B Dalehurst Dr, Nepean, ON K2G 4J5 CLAYDON: Albert b 1856, arr Canada c1875, Ivd Oxford Co, m Caroline CLARK (dau/o William/ Sophy BINGHAM); apprec any info this fam please. Michelle Clayton, 70 Holmcrest Trail, Scarborough, ON M1C 1V5 CLAYTON: Jemima b 1829 Parish of Stickford, Lincoln Co, Eng, dau/o Thomas/Mary who? m 1849 Parish of St Nicholas, Nottingham, William SMITH; ch: Thomas Clayton SMITH to Toronto, seek anc/desc. will gladly exch info. Dorothy Turner, RR#1, Rockwood, ON NOB 2KO CLEMETSHAW-McCURDY: Mary CLEMETSHAW dau/o Wm of Maryborough m 1856 William Philip McCURDY, teacher Guelph twp; info to Helen McCurdy, RR#3, Appin, ON NOL 1AO twp, COLLINS: Thomas (b when? where? prts?) m Ann KELLY; his bro John m Mary BROWN, ch: John b 1854 Guelph, m Josephine WOLFORD of London, their ch: Walter, Gertrude, Arthur (Myrtle LEAVENS), William, John (Rose JONES); Thomas (s/o Thomas COLLINS/Ann KELLY) m Ann McCANN; seek any info, all desc. Julie Collins, 23731 Pheasant Run, Novi, MI 48050 USA CONNELL-REYCRAFT (RA YCROFT, ROYCRAFT)-MORGAN: Edward CONNELL b Ire? d c1865 Kilmanock? Chatham? s/o James CONNELL (QUISNELL)/Eliza MORGAN; m Mary REYCRAFT (b 1811 Skibreen, Ire, d 1894 USA, dau/o Joseph/Hester MORGAN), em 1863 with sev ch to NY, then to Prescott, Ont; Ivd Chatham and Kilmanock; seek names ch, any desc, info to Marcia McKay Leslie, 5445 SW Palatine St, Portland, OR 97219 USA CREASER (CREASOR): Hannah (1857-1948, George PERDUE), George Crozer (1862-1923, Elizabeth WOOD, Ivd near Blaney, Manitoba, 181 both bur Maple, Ont), Emma Susan (1870-1941, William H PALMER), Martha (1872-1941, Joseph REDMAN, both bur Laurel Cem, Bolton, Ont); all ch b near Markdale, Grey Co, Ont); seek any info these fams please. Mrs M Joan Kardash, 1333 - 1st St East, Prince Albert, SK S6V OE4 CULP: Isaac Humphrey, blacksmith, b 1798 US, d 1862 Stevensville, Ont, em to Can c1824, Ivd Drummondville, Stamford twp, Weiland Co, m 1) Lavinia RANDALL (she d 1836, dau/o Robert/ Deborah PETTIT) ch: 7 names unknown; m 2) Margaret who? ch: Thomas, Sarah, Frances, Isaac, Jenet, JT; seek any info anc/desc. Gary Culp, 7589 Wilson Cres, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 4S3 CURRIE: John Elliot (1877-1954) s/o Captain George CURRIE keeper of Cove Island Tobermory Lighthouse/Mary Ann ELLIOT; Ivd 1923 Beaver Mines, Alberta; seek any desc this tarn, have lots info to share. Dean Jepson, 1111 40 Godstone Rd, North York, ON M2J 3C7 DAILY (DALEY): Henry b 1857 and Gaven b 1866, both left Clifton, NB c1907 to "go west"; seek desc both these men please. Mrs R E Bowley, 374 Hunter St W, Peterborough, ON K9H 2M5 DALTON-SCULLY: John DALTON b c1823 Co Clare (where?) Ire, prts? sibs? em to Barrie, Ont, 1840, m Catherine SCULLY (b c1826 Co Antrim (where?) Ire, dau/o John/Margaret), ch: (all b Barrie) Mary (b 1845, Solomon McKINNEY, she d 1912 Erie, PAl. James (b 1847, Catherine MURPHY, he d 1913 Toronto), John (b 1849, d when? where? poss Ivd Erie, PA?), Thomas (1851-?), Felix (1853-?); John Sr d c1856 Barrie, wife Catherine d 1863 Barrie; any info anc/desc to Sister Bernadette Dalton, 74 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1C4 DUDGEON (DUDJEN): Isabella b c1840 dau/o James/Margaret who?; m 1857 Irwin FOLLIS, she d 1912 Chippewa Co, MI; any info please to Mrs Donna Bundy, Rt 1, Box 433, Lake Isabella, CA 93240 USA DUNLOP: seek any info this fam in Durham Co, Ont; also info Scottish Cem in Durham Co (where?); seek bur info there of James LITTLE (d 1860); any help apprec by Ora Jo Mathis, 703 South 28th Ave, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 USA EAGLE: William (b 1821) and Sarah (b 1825) both from Eng, Ivd 1851 Puslinch twp, Wellington Co, then where? seek anc/desc this fam. Douglas Gellatly, 124 Spruce Ave, Toronto, ON M5A 2J4 EAGLE: Samuel b 1794 mAnn b 1799, from Norwich, Norfolk Co, Eng, arr Canada 1836 with ch: James (1831-1900), Elijah (1833-1908); any info to Douglas Gellatly, see above EATOCK (ETOCK, ETOUGH, EATOUGH): seek corres anyone with info this surname past or present, all info apprec by Alan J Eatock, 23 Compton Place, Hamilton, ON L8T 3X9 ELLIOT: 182 John (1830-85) of Elliot's General Store, Highland Creek, Scarborough, Ont; ch: Archibald b 1868; seek desc to share lots of info. Dean Jepson, 1111 - 40 Godstone Rd, North York, ON M2J 3C7 EVANS: Richard b 1861 St Andrews on the North River, Argenteuil Co, Que, s/o William/Hannah WANSLEF (m 1845 St Jerome, Que); his sibs: Thomas, Robert, William, James (all older) and Elizabeth; any info apprec by Vera Gooch, 315 6A King William St, Hamilton, ON L8L 1P2 FAREWELL (FARWELL): Walter Aldorus b 1854 Grimsby, Ont, s/o James M/Hannah SMITH; m Olive Alicia SEAMAN (prts? b Grimsby?) seek date/place of d, any info apprec by Mrs Shirle McGimpsey, 18 River Ave E, Dauphin, MB R7N OJ4 FLOWERS-MURRAY: Isabella MURRAY b 1834 Scot, dau/o George later of Westminster, Middlesex Co, m Mr FLOWERS, ch: John b c1859; seek death info on Isabella, will gladly corres with desc, postage refunded. Herbert Post, 3044 Sunrise Dr, Crown Point, IN 46307 USA FORD-NEWCOMBE: James FORD b 1835 Eng where? m Jane E NEWCOMBE b 1840, both d West Wawanosh twp, Huron Co; ch: George, William James, Thomas, Cleophas, Bertha Jane (b 1868 Darlington twp, Durham Co), Mary Ella, Hedley Jack; this fam Ivd poss Darlington twp? will exch info these fams. Mrs Margaret Finlay, Box 86, Lucknow, ON NOG 2HO FREEMAN-OGDEN-SWAYZE (SWAYSIE): Daniel FREEMAN m Phebe SWAYZE in Sussex Co, NJ, then Ivd Charlotteville, Norfolk Co, Ont; ch: John, Daniel, Issaac (sp?), Mary, Amelia, Phoebe; also John OGDEN m Patience SWAYZE in NJ, em to Niagara area c1800-1826; seek desc these fams, gladly corres, all replies to Peggy Lindsay Dagg, 17446 Brady, Redford, MI48240 USA GOATBE: Capt Joseph, b Yorkshire, Eng, served with Wellington at Waterloo, pensioned 1837, m Eng, Ann SMITH, em to York Co, Ont, Ivd Wheatly? twp (poss Whitby?), had 16 ch, seek info these ch. Jerra Anderson, 5 Kenny Cres, Barrie, ON L4N 5S4 GORWILL-DOVLE: Ann GORWILL (wid/o Thomas, shoemaker Dunbarton, Pickering, Ont), m Timothy DOYLE; both d Desjardins Canal Train Disaster of March 12, 1857 (were newly mar); seek m date (Ann was Anglican, Timothy poss Cath); seek their bur place, also of ch; Thomas (age 3) and Patrick (age 17) in same disaster; poss Hamilton cem? seek corres anyone who studied Canal disaster. Mrs Carolyn Gorwill, 81 Seaforth Rd, Kingston, ON K7M 1 E1 GOURLAY: Robert Sloan, b 1852 NYC (prts? both from Scot?), m Fannie ANSTIE? (b when? d 1918 Philadelphia); ch: David (b 1878), Bertha (b 1881, BRECKENRIDGE), Wm A (b 1883, d Victoria, BC?), Edith (b 1884, HAMILTON), Albert Harold (1885-1962), Cora (1887-1903); Robt Sloan piano maker in Toronto, seek any Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 198'7 info. Richard Carter, 550 Ontario Toronto, ON M4X 1X3 St, Apt 503, GRAHAM: Robert b c1845 Scot, m 1870 in West Calder, Janet SMITH (b 1845 West Lothian), ch: James, Joann (b 1872, Thomas RITCHIE), Henry Smith (b 1874, Sarah KENNEDY), Mary Pollock (b 1877, James WILSON), Alexander, Robert (d age 6), Hume, Robert; all ch b Scot, Hume and Robert stayed there; any info anc/desc to Mrs S Harvey, 23 Phillip St, St Thomas, ON N5R 1W5 GREISLER (KRAUSLER, CRYSLER): Johan Hieronymous b 1713 West Camp, Green Co, NY, m c1731 Maria Margareth HOOVER? or BROWN?, ch: Adam (b 1732), Bathassar Balthus (b 1734), Elizabeth (b 1737), Philip (b 1739), fam then to Schoharie, NY 1740, more ch: Margarith (b 1743), Johannes (b 1744), William (b 1746), Maria (b 1748), George (b 1750); Johan d 1751, Maria m 2) Michael HILSINGER in 1760, seek her prts and bid dates, also desc/o Balthus, will share. Lorene Slack Cullen, #101,1419 22nd St, Brandon, MB R7B 2P3 GREISLER: Johan Philip b 1670 Germany, m c1699 Catherine who? (b 1670), em to America 1710, ch: John George (b 1699 Ger), Johannes (b 1710), Johan Hieronymous (b 1713, West Camp, Green Co, NY), Anna Catherine (b 1714), Ann Elizabeth (b 1716), Margaretha (b 1726); seek anc this fam, where bur? Please write Lorene Slack Cullen, see above GROAT: Caleb m Lydia who? (b 1777 Sutton, d 1863 Chinguacousy, Ont, she was cousin of Rev Israel MARSH, and niece of William Jacoband Randall MARSH); ch: Benjamin b 1804 Chinguacousy twp; others? Any info please to Lois Groat Russell, RR#2, Brampton, ON L6V 1A1 HALL: Teasdale s/o Teasdale/Ann or Nancy, m Katherine BOWES, Ivd Woburn, Scarborough, Ont; ch: Joseph, Christina, Ann, Adair, James, John, Kate; fam em Cumberland Co, Eng c1832; info to Lois Russell, see above HAMILTON: Edith GOURLAY (1884-?) dau/o Robt Sloan/Fannie ANSTIE; m Dr W T HAMILTON of Toronto; known ch: Agnes, Mary, both b pre-1918; other ch? seek desc this fam. Richard Carter, 550 Ontario St, Apt 503, Toronto, ON M4X 1X3 HAMLIN: Thomas Walrond (s/o William HAMLIN/Mary WALROND who em 1830s from Devonshire, Eng, Ivd Stephen twp, Huron Co). Any info please to Elizabeth Kay, 869 Clearview Ave, London, ON N6H 2N3 HARVEY: William b Eng s/o George/Marie, m Emma JOHNSON; ch: Arthur, Frederick, Amy, John, George Ernest, Gertrude, Thomas; seek info their desc plus anc/sibs this fam. Mrs S Harvey, 23 Phillip St, St Thomas, ON N5R 1W5 HASLETT: Matthew b c1799 Whitehill Townland, Co Donegal, Ire, farmed Termonbecca Townland, Templemore Parish, Co Londonderry; bro Elizabeth, Jane, Marjorie, Name Game Molly, Mary, Sara, William, John; cousins em 1846 to Rawdon twp, Hastings Co, Ont; seek anc/desc these fams. Earl Haslett, 33 Hurlingham Cres, Don Mills, ON M3B 2P9 HAY-MURRAY-DUNBAR: Margaret HAY b Scot, m 1) James MURRAY poss in Scot, 2) James DUNBAR before 1854 when they sold land in Westminster, Middlesex Co to George MURRAY; seek origins in Scot of these fams, will corres with desc, postage refunded. Herbert Post, 3044 Sunrise Dr, Crown Point, IN 46307 USA HENDERSON: Walter b 1824 Peebles, Scot, m Joanna BELFRY of Bradford, Ont; ch: Sophia (b 1852), Jane (1854, m T LOGAN), John C (1857-1932), Jane B (1859), Martha (1862), William (1864), George Sherman (1870-1929); fam Ivd Maryboro twp 1861, 1871, mvd to Harriston then Portage la Prairie, MB 1877; Walter d 1904; fam cont apprec by Helen Simpson, 3345 Wordsworth St, Victoria, BC V8P 4C1 HEWLETT: William Henry b 1843 Frome, Somerset, Eng (d c1897 where?), m 1872 Batheaston, Somerset, Eng, Ellen Dew FELLOWS (she d 1936, Bronte, Ont); ch: (b Somerset) William, Florence, Reginald, Mabel, Agnes, Hilda, Harold, also (b Toronto, Ont) Gladys, Godfrey, Raymond, Doris, Elizabeth; any info these fams to Teresa Harvey, 3642 Artesian St, Riverside, CA 92503 USA HITCHCOCK: Miles Sr, UEL b c1740 USA, m 1763 NY, Martha Patience SECORD; Ivd Newark and Gainsborough, Ont; ch: 2 unknown plus John (Martha BELL), Mary (Thomas BELL), Deborah, Miles Jr (Catharine TAYLOR, had large fam); Miles Jr or Sr? bur St Ann's Cem, Lincoln Co; any info apprec, all replies answered. Margaret Davis, 445 Broad St, Tonawanda, NY 14150 USA HODGKINSON (UEL): William b c1753 Pa (where? prts?) to Can before 1792 with bro John, both Butler's Rangers, William m Mary JONES (dau/o James UEL), Ivd Grantham twp, Lincoln Co, had 12 ch (son Eleazer b 1806 m Elizabeth WILSON from Scot, had 11 ch, he d 1896), William d 1847; seek corres desc. Mrs Gladys Tiedman, 194 Division Rd N, Apt 210, Kingsville, ON N9Y 1E4 HODNETT -BOYDEN-LA YTON: Susan HODNETT m Otis Hugh BOYDEN, photographer in Bathurst and Dalhousie, NB; ch: Mary E b 1863, Sara b 1865, Ida Bertha b 1871, Otis b 1873; another Susan HODNETT m 1834 Nelson, NB, John LAYTON, ch: John b 1853, Ivd 1861 with uncle Thomas HODNETT, any info desc these fams to Mrs R E Bowley, 374 Hunter St W, Peterborough, ON K9H 2M5 HODNETT-LITTlE: Louisa HODNETT m 1857 New Bandon, NB, John LITTLE, John owned land Que, taught school in NB (at New Bandon, Bathurst, Dalhousie, and Newcastle), ch: Frederick Thomas (b 1861), Ernest E (b 1863), Hugh (b 1865), Emma Margaret (taught at 183 English Settlement, Newcastle), seek desc this fam please. Mrs R E Bowley, see above HOHMAN: Isabella BOX b c1854 Stephen twp, Huron Co, dau/o James BOX, m Carl R A HOHMAN; ch: Robert A, George A, Edith May Hagey, Maud Jane DESROCHERS, Goldie Rosella HELSER; any info to Elizabeth Kay, 869 Clearview Ave, London, ON N6H 2N3 HUFF: Paul W b 1843 Ont where? m when? where? Cynthia Clarinda ROSEBUSH dau/o Ira/ Susan GUERNSEY, ch: 10 born, Ivd 1880s MI, Paul d 1929 Alabama; seek names his prts. George L Trigg, 275 Beaver Dam Rd, Brookhaven, NY 11719 USA HYSLOP (HISLOP): Anne b c1826 (Que?) dau/o Robert (b Scot?), sis/o Mary (m 1861 Alfred KNIGHT); m 1844 (where?) William FERGUSON, to Wawanosh twp, Huron Co 1848, she d 1870; ch: Mary Jane, Andrew, Agnes, John, Margaret, Anne, Martha; seek anc/prts/sibs. Mrs Elaine Dumba, 512 3rd Ave N W, Weyburn, SK S4H 1R1 IDE: Willis Aylmore IDE, blacksmith, m 1827 Hampshire, Charlotte CAVE; em to Islington, Ont, 1855; ch: Willis (m Frances HANNINGTON), Martha (or Pattie, m Thos TIER), Sarah (m Robt Hopwood TIER), John Cave (m Elizabeth Ann YOUNG); all bur St George's on the Hill Ang Cem, Islington, Ont; have IDE fam documented back to 1592, compiling book, seek desc, will exch info. Mrs Helen Kyle, 59 Graham Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8H 4J8 MADDOX? Anyone with info the above please contact L D McKay, 1106 - 66 Falby Court, Ajax, ON L 1B 3L 1 KINCARDINE TOWNSHIP PIONEERS: research for twp history in progress; pioneer fams in villages of Millarton, Bervie, Kingarf, Glamis, Arnow, Inverhuron, Lorne, Stoney Island; much info gathered, need input from desc; all letters answered; those with pictures/info on anc/desc please contact Wanita Fletcher, RR#4, Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X5 LANE: Thomas Kingston LANE, b 1836 Cranfield, Bedford, Eng, s/o Thomas LANE/Ann JOHNSON (she later m Mr WRIGHT); he reversed his name to Thomas Lane KINGSTON then m c1862 Elizabeth HITCHCOCK (dau/o Miles Jr/Catherine), ch: Isaac A Lane KINGSTON (b 1864, m Mary CAUGHELL), Benjamin, Huldah, Annie, Lydia; all bur Victoria Lawn Cem, St Catharines; all replies welcomed by Margaret Davis, 441 Broad St, Tonawanda, NY 14150 USA LANGLEY: William of Toronto, ch: Mary; seek desc, have info to share. Dean Jepson, 1111 - 40 Godstone Rd, North York, ON M2J 3C7 LA YZERT (LAZERT, LlEZERT): George, Joseph, John and Fanny (Enoch LARABEE), ch/o Joseph James LAZERT/Loruhamah BUCK; boys owned land Raleigh twp, Kent Co 1884, all em from Grenville Co by 1881; any info to Miss Katherine Paterson, 20 Sackville Place, Toronto, ON M4X 1A4 JACKSON-POTTER-PEARSON: John JACKSON b 1817 Augusta twp, m c1838 Sabena POTTER (1820-1867), he d 1879 Augusta; ch: James b 1865, m Alice PEARSON (b 1867 Blackpool, Eng, d 1895 Brockville, Ont); seek info prts/ch. Mary Jackson, 5138 Maxwell Rd, Macedon, NY 14502 USA LEAVENS: Edwin m Amy DALSON (or DALTON), ch: Edwin Jr b 1868, m Margaret MITCHELL (b 1840 Liverpool, Eng), Ivd Lindsay 1888, their ch: Myrtle (Arthur COLLINS), Harry; Edwin Jr/Margaret bur Scottsville Cem, London; seek any info, all desc. Julie Collins, 23731 Pheasant Run, Novi, MI 48050 USA JEWEL: Ezekiel b c1819 Norfolk Co, m Mary Jane BOUGHNER (b c1820), ch: Elleanor, James, Catherine, Margaret, Ezekiel; seek further info this fam. Nancy Brown, 311 Elgin St, Sarnia, ON N7T 5B5 LEIGHTON: George b Ire (when? where?), Ivd Mono twp c1845, m Margaret ISLAND (b Ire where?); any info please to Helen McCurdy, RR#3, Appin, ON NOL 1AO JESSIMANE: Peter b 1859 (Scot? Ont?) d 1930 Toronto; m Toronto, Catherine TUDHOPE (b c1862, Oro, Ont), she d 1925 Toronto; ch: Christina Blanche Eleanor b c1889, Jennie Evelyn, Hazel (b 1891); seek anc/desc this fam. Lillian Rook, 7219 Brookcrest Place, Annandale, VA 22003 USA JUNKIN: John Robert, James McConnell (b in Can, em 1882 to ND), Frederick Charles(b ND), two other bros in Canada and well documented; also Arthur Dane JUNKIN b c1875 in Can, em 1889 to US, baker by trade, last known in 1901 in WA state; seek corres desc these fams please. V E Junking, RR#1, Ridgeville, ON LOS 1MO KANE: Mary Clara b 1880, d 1959 Toronto, adopted by James/Margaret of Markham St, bookbinder with Brown Bros; m 1917 Garfield McKAY, ch: Francis b 1918, Edgar b 1922, Donais b 1924; Mary's true ma poss Frances R 184 LETHBRIDGE: John b 1841 Devon, Eng, m Mary YOUNG from Belfast, Ire; worked RR as freight conductor Port Hope and Midland (1879); ch: John, James, Frederick, Flo, Carry, Doll, Richard; he d 1908 Midland; seek anc/desc this fam. Mrs Diana Hunter UE, 61 Montgomery Ave, Toronto, ON M4R 1C9 LllLFORS: Alto Alarik, b 1877 Honkajoki, Finland, m 1914, em to Canada after 1903; seek any desc this fam, info please to Elizabeth Haro, 837 Shepard bush Rd, Birmingham, MI 48008 USA LITTLE-SMITH: Thomas LITTLE b 1832 Ire, em to Canada c1841, m 1860 Sarah SMITH (b 1837 NY); ch: (all b Canada) Sarah (b 1863), William (b 1870), James Lindsay (b 1861); fam Ivd Grand Forks, ND 1880, East Grand Forks, MN 1900; James m 1889 Rensselle, ND, Barbara HAMILTON (dau/o Gademan or Gavin b 1829 Scot, and Barbara STEWART b 1834 NB, Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 Canada, dau/o Peter STEWART/Annabella GRANT); seek anc/desc, will exch info. Ina Harnden, 14812 N 45th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85032 USA LOBB: George (of St Teath, Cornwall, Eng) m Mary HOLMES (of Co Tipperary, Ire), Ivd Goderich twp, Huron Co; ch: Kezia BEAR, Thomas, Hannah COSTELLA, Elizabeth, William, Joseph; interested data all LOBB fams Canada and/or USA, any info to Mrs Donald Lobb, RR#2, Clinton, ON NOM 1LO LONG: Robert b 1854 NY City, s/o Richard (1824-1901, Wood House Hotel, Pt Dalhousie, of the LONGs of Longfield, Cashel, Co Tipperary, Ire), Robert's sibs: Emma (b 1860 Covington, KT), Charles Henry (b 1868 Port Dalhousie, Ont); any further info to Dale Caragata, 77 Winchester St, #4, Toronto, ON M4X 1B1 lOWE: Jane b c1767 NJ (prts? sibs?), m Obadiah HOPKINS, Ivd Thorold 1794, she d 1849; ch: Rev Silas, Elizabeth BROWN (b 1791), Mehetable MARLATT (b 1798), Lydia HAUX, Jane PARKINSON (b St Johns 1811, d 1890 Iowa); any info to Mrs Ruby Parkinson 01neY,5 Key Largo Course, Corte Madera, CA 94925 USA LYNCH: Ellen b c1837 Ire dau/o Thomas/Bridget COSGRAVE (COSGROVE), m 1859 Oakville, Ont, William M KING, she d 1930 Oakville; seek origins in Ire, where in Ont prts Ivd. David King, 27 Walker Ave, Toronto, ON M4V 1G3 MACINTOSH: Gilbert, b Dornock, Scot, early 1800s, s/o William (d 1833 Scot) and Catherine GORDON (1777-1865), who m 1797; Gilbert to Canada 1835, m Mary McDONALD, mvd from New Glasgow, NS, to London, UC, 1847; seek desc near Woodstock or Embro, info please to D H Stepler, Apt 1407, 60 Pleasant Blvd, Toronto, ON M4T 1K1 MACKEY: Henry b 1831 Enniskillen, Ire, Ivd Dunnville, Ont, m Sarah HAMILTON (b 1825), he d 1905; any further info to Richard Mackey, 3451 Rosamond Ave, Richmond, BC V7E 1A6 MAHONEY-SCULLY: Michael MAHONEY b c1820 Co Cork, Ire d when? where? em c1840 to Nottawasaga twp, m Mary Ann SCULLY (b c1821 Co Antrim (where?) Ire, dau/o John/Margaret, d 1861 Barrie), ch: Ellen (b 1844, m 1864 Toronto, Joseph MARTIN), John (Ivd Winnipeg c1899), James, Mary Anne, Catherine, Michael, Francis, Catherine Mary; info anc/desc to Sister Bernadette Dalton, 74 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1C4 MARSHALL: Robert neph/o Euphemia Troup FORSYTH, Chatham twp, Kent Co, b 1835 Musselburgh, Scotland, m Anne CLARK (b 1838 Ire); ch: b 1866-73 Lillias, Tessie (Jessie), Jane, Ivd St David's Ward, Toronto, 1881; seek anc/desc please. M E Dunlop, 25 Stanley Ave, Chatham, ON N7M 3J1 MARSHALL-LAMB: James MARSHALL m Mary LAMB, ch: Nathaniel (1854-1921), James (b when?), Robert (b when?), Mary Jane Name Game (b when?); prts from Westmeath, Ire, but ch poss b Halton Co, Ont? info to James Brohman, 7443 Hwy 38, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 USA MASSEY-TROMBLEY: Adeline MASSEY b c1850, Ivd St Marys, Perth Co (photo 1860s with 3 sibs by J L. WILSON of St Marys), m Mr TROMBLEY, ch: Bertha b 1871, Josephine; hus d, m 2) c1880, Benjamin D BURROWS of Saginaw, MI, there raised 2 daus plus Ethele b 1882; Bertha m 1890 Saginaw, MI, John Jacob KREUZBERGER; seek corres anyone with info these fams. Lynn Yaghoubian, 14243 Greenleaf St, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 USA MATTHEWS: James b c1835 Norfolk, Elgin area, m 1859 Elgin Co, Elleanor JEWELL (see JEWEL query), ch: Peter (b 1860), Philip (b 1866), Mary Catharine (b 1868), Wellington (b 1871), Frank (b 1873), Ida (b 1875); any info this fam to Nancy Brown, 311 Elgin St, Sarnia, ON N7T 5B5 McCONOCHIE: Hugh d April 1888 Grand Trunk RR accident poss near Pickering? seek name of widow and info desc (3 sons, 2 daus); also seek connection his paternal grandma Margaret WATSON (1745-1822) to the MONTGOMERYs and to LOCKHART (sec'y to Oliver CROMWELL), the WATSONs poss from Ayrshire, Scot; any info please to Elizabeth McConochie, 217 E Florence St, Cambria, WI 53923 USA McCRAW (McGRAW): Napoleon b 1845 Montreal, m when? Amelia FOLARDEAU (FOLARD), d 1912 Detroit, MI; seek any info this fam early 1800s-1900, will exch info. Willoughby Butler, 8130 Long Lake Rd, Hale, MI 48739 USA McDOWELL-HEASLIP: John McDOWELL (18051901) m Mary HEASLIP (1816-1922), both b where? (Ont? or Ulster, Ire?), Ivd Port Hope, Ont, both bur Janetville Cem; ch: Ellen (185198), Joseph (1852-1922), Mary Anne (18541919), Sarah Jane (1856-1917), Robert James (b 1864), John (1865-1930); any info to Mrs Patricia Heglund, Tyribakken 16,0280 Oslo 2, Norway McGIMPSEY: seek all info fams this name in Canada, Scotland, Ireland; send replies please to Mrs Shirle McGimpsey, 18 River Ave E, Dauphin, MB R7N OJ4 MciNTIRE-CURTISS: Martha MciNTIRE b 1804 Canada West, m 1827 UC, David Hardy CURTISS (b 1804 Essex, VT), ch: Mary b 1827, Percia Sylvina b 1833 in Canada, other ch b later Ohio; info please to Shirley O'Leary, Box 641, Belle Fourche, SD 57717 USA McKAY: Garfield b 1884, d 1934 Toronto, s/o James/Mandy; m 1917 Mary Clara KANE, he was butcher with Gunns Ltd; ch: Francis Garfield b 1918, Edgar b 1922, Donald Hadley b 1924; any info to L D McKay, 1106 - 66 Falby Court, Ajax, ON L1S 3L1 McKAY-FERGUSON-McDOUGALL: John McKay b 1751 Scot, d 1839 Glengarry Co, Ont, s/o Angus/who? m c1781 Catherine McDOUGALL (b c1759 Scot, dau/o Maj 185 John/who?); ch: Angus b c1785 m Margaret FERGUSON (b c1786, d c1866 Williamstown), he d 1853 Martintown; seek spouse first Angus, any info anc/desc these fams, Marcia McKay Leslie, 5445 SW Palatine st, Portland, OR 97219 USA McLEAN-STRANGE: Allan Neil McLEAN b c1824 Kingston, Ont, m c1845 Isabel STRANGE (b c1826 Kingston), fam to Toronto, from "old Kingston families"; seek anc/sibs of both, also death dates. Robert Putnam, 246 Stanley Dr, Waterloo, ON N2L 1H8 MEAGHER: James s/o William/Ellen SWEENEY, m 1861 Marysville, Ont, Mary SHAUGHNESSY (dau/o John/Hanora FITZGERALD); ch: Mary, Agnes, Margaret, Rosanna, John, Julia, Theresa, Catherine, Thomas; fam members mvd to Ottawa, Ont, and to NY; seek desc. John Meagher, 67 Appalachian Cres, Kitchener, ON N2E 1A3 MEAGHER: John (s/o William/Ellen SWEENEY) m Marysville, Ont, Catherine (McDONNELL?); fam to NY c1890, John d 1895, Catherine d 1908; ch: Mary, Patrick, William, John, others? seek info desc. John Meagher, see above MITCHELSON: Jane dau/o John/Margaret (OMMOND?) of West Wawanosh, m 1864 Lucknow, Ont, Thomas Bennett SOMERVILLE· her sis Mary Ann m Mr McKAIG, and bro John 'M m Ann MAYO; seek rei these sibs; any info to Mrs Nancy Schoonover, 1624 - 101 Ave, Dawson Creek, BC V1 G 2A9 MORE: John b 1801 NY, em c1832 to Dunnville, Ont, d 1885 South Walsingham twp, Norfolk Co; third wife: Angeline Wyant McDONALD; an uncle Ebenezer MORE was priest, St Augustine, FL, USA; seek info prts, fam in US; replies to Dianne Fick, 55 Lisgar Ave, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3K7 MUNSON: Edwina b c1815, m Jesse TRULL (poss from Port Darlington, Ont s/o John/Lydia tASEY? see TRULL query), ch: Lillian b 1838, Libby; seek birth/marr records, Dorothy Bremer, 1274 Bird Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA NATTRASS: Alfred b 1845 Durham Co, Ont, s/o Thomas/Mary DEXTER, m 1867 Harriet SING (dau/o Samuel/Lucretia), Ivd 1871 Brock twp, ch: Mary A; seek anc/desc this fam. Craig Nattrass, C23, 80 Galbraith Dr SW, Calgary, AB T3E 4Z6 NATTRASS-RICHARDSON: Ruth NATTRASS b 1847, Durham CO, m 1867 James RICHARDSON, her sis Mary Jane b 1840 m 1864 Joseph RICHARDSON (bro James); seek any info anc/desc please. Craig Nattrass, see above NEWBIGGING: William Jr, b 1858 Hamilton, Ont, m ci885 (at home of uncle James W PAXTON, Camp Dennison, Ohio) Effie Day BUCKINGHAM; Ivd South Milford, Ohio, manager Milford Manufacturing Co, Milford; Director Boston School of Music 1903 in Springfield, Mass; Director New York Conservatory of Music in Boston 1905; bur 186 where? seek anc this man. Mrs Mary Belchamber, Box 22, Morriston, ON NOB 2CO NORMANDIN: Napoleon Paul b c1825 where? prts? m when? Angelique KAVENEL dit LALIME (b c1830 St Pie or St Hyacinthe, Que), Ivd Paincourt, Kent Co, Ont c1856; father of Appolinaire b 1851, and grandfather of Valerie NORMANDIN GROOME b 1889 who lives London, Ont, aged 98 yrs; will share info. Linda Vincent, Box 2233, Chelmsford, ON POM 1LO NORRIS: Pte James b 1811 Templemore, Ire (prts?), arr Quebec City 1844, disch 1856, requested pension sent to St Giles, Que; m Susan who? (b c1819 Que of Scotch desc); ch: Anne Marie (b Que 1847), Caroline (b 1849 Ont), Milia (1853), Marshall (1859, m Mary Ann HENRY), Ellen (1862), Sarah (1867), Mary (1870); Ivd Kingston area; seek desc this fam. Mrs Beatrice Martingale, 1624 Trossacks Ave, London, ON N5X 2G4 O'CONNELL-LYN: Patrick O'CONNELL m Nancy LYN; ch: Richard, Bridget, Ella, Minnie, Elizabeth, Rose Ann (b 1864) near Elizabethtown, m 1887 Ogdensburg, NY, George B TINDAL); seek prts/o Patrick/Nancy; all replies to Mary Jackson, 5138 Maxwell Rd, Macedon, NY 14502 USA ORR: James b c1792 Ire, m Elizabeth RAINEY (b c1798 Ire, d 1842 Que), ch: John b 1832 Que, d 1878 Brantford, cem? John known as Black Jack, owned inns in Cainsville, Ont, m 1863 Catharine Jane WESTBROOK (b 1838, d 1912 Brantford); any info on ORR's apprec by Harris Orr Bragg, 20 Springfield Dr, Brantford, ON N3R 1N2 OSCHEFSKI: Joseph b 1896 Radautz, Bokovina; em to Canada early 1900s, Ivd Sask, then to Ont; last known info Kirkland Lake 1940, mechanic/ blacksmith, d Ont; any info OSCHEFSKI, OSCZEVSKI, OSCHEVSKI, OCZEWSKI fams to Joan Meyer, 7 Norris Rd, Regina, SK S4S 5N1 PARKINSON: Joseph b 1787 Preston, Lancashire, m Ellen HODKINSON, Ivd Eramosa 1824, shoemaker/farmer, had 12 ch, he d 1851; seek info their prts/desc. Mrs Ruby Parkinson Olney,S Key Largo Course, Corte Madera, CA 94925 USA PARSONS: Eliza (niece/o John SMALL of Toronto) b 1783 (where? prts?), m 1805 Samuel Smith RIDOUT (eldest s/o Thomas RIDOUT of Tor/Isabella who? sister-in-law of John DONOVAN, postmaster Hancock, MD, USA c1776); seek info PARSON and SMALL fams. Miss M R Dallas, 459 West 40th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Y 2R5 PATTINSON: John H b c1848 Eng (where? prts?) em to Ont when? m Jennet DICKSON (b 1848 Scot, where? prts?), ch: Margaret, Florence, Mary, John, Gordon, Harry; any info this fam to Mrs Carol McClelland, 152 - 1050 Springfield Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8J7 PELESKY (PELESKI): Frank b where? d where? m Annie REX (b Cannington, Ont when?, Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 d where?), ch: John Arthur b when? d Oct 22, 1981 Renfrew, Ont; all replies please to Mrs Olga Lewis, 190 Massey Cres, Renfrew, ON K7V 4C1 PIGGOTT-GARBUTT: James PIGGOTT b 1811, d when? m 1837 Toronto, Lavinia GARBOTT (b 1817). Ivd Milton or Malton, Ont; ch: Mary, Harriet, William, Charlie, James (1844-1917), Matilda (b 1849), Elizabeth (b 1852). Hannah (b 1853), Caroline (b 1859), Bessie, George (b 1862); prts b where? bur where? Mrs L Patricia Heglund, Tyribakken 16,0280 Oslo 2, Norway POWERS: John E b enroute from Ire (June 2, 1852 or 1842?), m 1871 Christena MILLER of Markham; Ivd Jack's Lake, Sunnidale twp, Simcoe Co; ch: Mary Ellen (Nellie), George Edward, Wesley (d inf), Jonas; seek anc/desc John, from where in Ire, Ivd where in Ont? any sibs? Any info please to Joy Dexter, 62 Blueberry Dr, Agincourt, ON POWERS-GILBERT: John POWERS (b c17931800) m Nancy GILBERT (dau/o John of Canaan, NY) of Belleville; ch: Sarah Ann b 1828, m 1849 Madoc, Edward S RIGGS (by Rev Stephen MILES, Meth); poss John POWERS and Nancy both b NY? seek anc this fam. Wallace Leavitt, Rt 2, Box 129, Mound City, KS 66056 USA POWERS-GILBERT-RIGGS: Sarah Ann POWERS b 1828 Belleville dau/o John/Nancy GILBERT, m 1849 Belleville Wes Meth Ch, Edward Squire RIGGS (b c1824 Adolphustown, Ont or Kingston, NY); seek anc these fams please. Wallace C Leavitt, see above POWLEY: James b 1785 s/o Jacob/who? m 1812 Kingston, Rachel BABCOCK (1790-c1875 dau/o Benjamin BABCOCK UE/who?), ch: Charles, John Benjamin, Eliza Jane, Jonathon, Louisa Ann (1818-80, John SANDERSON), Sarah Lucinda (1821-1879, William SANDERSON), Henry Ryan, Aseneth Maranda, Joseph Warlren, Sabra Mariah; James d 1838, he and Rachel bur where? Any info to Mrs Kellie Love, RR#1, Woodville, ON KOM 2TO REED (READ, REID): David m Clara (Clarissa) in Eng (Suffolk? London?) em early 1870s to Ont (where?), Ivd Bracebridge area 1881-91, Clara d 1895 (cem?). David d when? cem?; ch: Arthur, Rev Charles, George (Orillia), William, Richard, Albert, Thomas (AB and BC), Sarah; info welcomed, postage refunded. Mrs Mildred Berry, 21166 Old Yale Rd, Langley, BC V3A 4M7 REID: John b c1835 Cornwall, Ont (prts? sibs?), Ivd where? em to MI, m 1868 Pentwater, MI, Jennie (Mary Jane) FLAGG, Ivd MI, he d 1923, seek further info anc/desc. Mrs John Elwell, 254 Euclid Ave, Long Beach, CA 90803 USA REINHARDT (REINHART): Francis (b 1809, Ger, s/o who?/Mary she b c1786 Ger), m Catherine who? (b 1806, Ger); ch: John (b 1835), Mary (b 1836), Catherine (b 1842, d 1918 Red Lake Falls, MN, USA), Francis (b 1845); any info to James Brohman, 7443 Hwy 38, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 USA Name Game RICHARDSON: Alfred b 1823 Kidderminster, Worcestor, Eng, m 1854 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Louisa Ellen MANLEY (b 1824 Taunton, Somerset, Eng, d 1910 Stanton, MI, USA); he d 1891 London, Ont; ch: Harry, James J, Louisa Ellen, Alfred William (b 1854 Melbourne, Aust), others? seek birth dates ch, when fam arr Canada. Edward Tomblin, RT 1, Box 223A, Monett, MO 65708 USA ROONEY: Thomas b 1796 Co Leitrim, Ire, Ivd N Arthur twp, Wellington Co; ch: Thomas Jr (Ann Jane MORRISON), Robert, Liam, Ann; ch of Thomas Jr: Robert (Isabel GATES), Sarah (John LAING), Thomas (Mary BOYD), Mary (Edward LAING), Richard, Arthur, Rachel (Peter DOBSON), Matilda (Gregory TERNAN), William; seek any info, all desc. Julie Collins, 23731 Pheasant Run, Novi, MI 48050 USA ROSE- TERRYBERRY: John ROSE mEllen, Ivd Bathurst twp 1845, ch: James (Methodist preacher, m Jane TERRYBERRY, he d 1895, bur Burford twp, cem?), fam where after 1849? other ch? need gravestone info for James. Margaret Amey, 23434 River Rd, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7E6 ROUSE-VAN DE CAR: George ROUSE Sr, b 1782 New Eng where? m c1815-20, St Catharines, Ont, Anna VAN DE CAR (b 1788 where?, d c1835-38 Ont): ch: George Jr (b 1821), William, James, Horace, Edward, Alex (or Alice?), Sarah, Ruth, Charlotte, Jane; all b before 1840; all ROUSE info welcomed, will refund postage, exch info. S K Thode, 802 Sheridan Rd, Waterloo, Iowa, 50701 USA ROWAN-MOORE: James ROWAN s/o John/Emma HOGAN, m 1905 Sudbury, Ont, Louisa MOORE dau/o John/Mary MORIN; wit to wed: Wm James SUTHERLAND/Emma MOORE SUTHERLAND; any info apprec by Rita Jolicoeur, Box 703,902 Hwy 69 W, Hanmer, ON POM 1YO ROY: William b c1853 Ire (where? prts?) em to Can when? m 1875 Uxbridge, Nancy SHAVER of Goodwood, Ont, worked RR construction, poss Toronto-Nippissing Railway, he d 1925, bur Goodwood; any info anc/desc this man please to Mrs Carol McClelland, 152 -1050 Springfield Rd, Kelowna, BC V1 Y 8J7 RUMMERFIELD: John Ivd King twp 1850s, m Margaret who? ch: Mary (Peter OWENS), William Henry (Elizabeth PARSONS, Ivd Mara twp 1871); seek prts, birthplace for John. Donald Schell, Box 224, Station A, Toronto, ON M5W 1B2 SAGER: Staats or Stants SAGER b 1819 Richmond twp, s/o John/Elizabeth, m Sarah Jane KIMMERLEY (b 1822); ch: Sanford Miles (b 1845), Amelia E (b 1850), Alvin (b 1852), Almina (b 1854), Catherine (b 1857), all b Richmond twp; Sarah Jane d c1857, Staats then to Elzevir twp, he m 2) Eliza Ann LEWIS, ch: Alford b 1870; fam back to Richmond; any info apprec by Mrs Elizabeth WOOd, RR#1, Madoc, ON KOK 2KO 187 SCOTT: Annabelle (poss rei to bro of Sir Walter SCOTT?), she m Michael OGIL TREE; em c1830 to Canada; ch: Elizabeth (1811-96, m Thomas BODDY, Ivd Leeds twp, son James BODDY m Ann SCOTT dau/o Abraham/Alice BENNETT) all Irish origin; have info to share. Mrs L Taylor, RR#1, Lakeshore Rd, Beamsville, ON LOR 1BO SNELL: John b 1826 Eng where? m Jane DUNDAS, em to Pickering area, Durham Co with bro Samuel, John Ivd c1854 Turnberry twp, Huron Co, Samuel stayed Pickering; seek anc/desc these fams. Mrs Margaret Finlay, Box 86, Lucknow, ON NOG 2HO SNIVELY: Rosina b 1808 poss Weiland Co (prts?), m George Albert SMITH (from US after War of 1812); from Chippewa to Brooke twp, Lambton Co 1852; ch: (b 1826-54) Peter, Catherine, Mary, William, John, David, Caroline, George, Emma Jane, High (Hugh?), Margaret; any info to Elizabeth Haro, 837 Shepardbush Rd, Birmingham, MI48008 USA SOPER (SOPHER): Orrnus b c1833, Ivd Sunnidale twp 1870s, m c1857 Letitia SCHELL; ch: John, Margaret, William, David, Benjamin, Albert, George, Ellen, Bertha; seek prts and birthplace of Ormus, replies please to Donald Schell, Box 224, Station A, Toronto, ON M5W 1B2 SPENCE: William b 1811-33? Ire, s/o Thomas; bro John (Toronto), Richard (Regina), Ed (Walkerton), Lucinda BLACK (Orangeville), Mrs MOORE; Wm Ivd poss Toronto, or Bruce Co, or out west? have photo to share. N Black, Barrie Terrace, Barrie, ON L4M 1E8 SPENSER-SMALL: William A SPENSER b 1822 Orkney Is, Scot, m when? where? Caroline SMALL (b when? where?), ch: John, Alexander, Edward (b 1856 Carlton, SK, or The Pas, MB), Charles, Arthur (bpt 1860 Berens River, where?), Mary, Charlotte, Sarah, Janette; William with Hudson's Bay Co 37 yrs, began 1838 Lake Superior, advanced to postmaster, clerk, and then freeman in 1875, worked across Canada, final post English River (where?); any info to Mrs M Joan Kardash, 1333 - 1st St East, Prince Albert, SK S6V OE4 SPROULE: William s/o who?/Charlotte WALLACE, b Simcoe Co? m 1871 Manitoba, Catherine ROBINSON; his sibs: Robert (Tillie MOONEY), Joseph (Sarah MOONEY), Annie (to US), Margaret (Joseph GILROY), Marie (John GILROY), Mary (William McBRIDE), Charlotte (Fred WAKE), Eliza (Jim WAITTES), Jemima (Harry DEVOLVE, Harry GULLI HER); any info apprec by Gwen Sproule, 1046 Downing St, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2P8 STEWART-HAMILTON: David Hamilton STEWART m Rebecca (BROWN?), worked as fireman, Toronto, under Chief ARDAGH, Hook and Ladder, Provincial Engine Co #6; David d 1899 Barrie, Ont; ch: John Hamilton (b 1856), Rebecca (b 1861), Sarah (b 1863), Rebecca Ann (b 1869), Paul (b 1874), James, David; any info 188 anc/desc to Claudia Stewart, PO Box 30, Penetanguishene, ON LOK 1 PO STEWART-HAMILTON: Paul STEWART em Ire 1845 to Toronto as Missionary, m Rebecca (BROWN? or HAMILTON?), ch: David Hamilton (b 1834), John Hamilton (b 1836), Paul Henry (b 1838, Dep Treasurer Simcoe Co 1886-95), Sarah (b 1849), all bur St James Cem, Toronto: seek anc/desc. Claudia Stewart, see above TANNER-SUMNER: James TANNER b c1811 Eng (where? d when? where?), m Sarah SUMNER (b c1815-19 Eng where? d when? where?); Ivd Brant Co, Oxford Co, and MI; ch: William, Abram, John, Jonathon, Les?, James, Sarah, John Henry, George, Mary A, Marjory E, all b 1837-58, poss Brant Co? Any info please to Mrs Elaine Culling, 69 Nethercott Dr, Stratford, ON N5A 7G3 TANNER-SUMNER-GREENWOOO-BARE: 185080, Ivd Brantford twp (Brant Co), N Norwich twp (Oxford Co), Forest (Lambton Co), Orangeville (Dufferin Co), Guelph (Wellington Co), and Toronto; also Rockford, IL, and Isabella Co, Gratiot Co in MI, and Isle of Man; any info these fams to Mrs Elaine Culling, see above THOMAS: Peter (1780-1847) m 1) Elizabeth JANECKE (?), ch: Mary, Elizabeth; m 2) Barbara BURKHOLDER of Saltfleet, dau/o Jacob/Sophia de ROCHE, ch: Catherine, Sophia, Keziah, John, Jacob, Martha, Peter, Sarah, Susannah, Daniel, David; seek any info anc/desc this fam. Gary Culp, 7589 Wilson Cres, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 4S3 TIT MAS (TITMUS): John Seth Hubbard b 1851 Eng, m 1871 then em to Can 1872 as paymaster on Cornwall Canal; when finished went to Brantford silk mill; sibs: Joseph, William, Harry followed to Brantford, several ch b there; seek any info this fam, replies to Robert Titmas, 156 Riverside Dr N, Bricktown, NJ 08724 USA TITMUS (TITMAS): Sarah Jane sis/o Benjamin, David, George, Ann, Ivd Beverly twp, Wentworth Co, 1851-99, Jane bur Westover Cem near Dundas; also Simeon TITMUS Ivd Beverly twp; any and all info needed these fams. Robert Titmas, see above TOMBLIN: John b 1804 Parish of Bray, Berkshire, Eng, m Harriet who? d when? ch: Charles George (b 1834, Canada?), plus 7 others (names? dates?); John rec'd land grant Eldon twp, Victoria Co after 5 yrs Royal Artillary, Ivd near Toronto early 1800s, also Beaverton, Thorah twp, Ontario Co c1837; any info apprec by Edward Tomblin, RT 1, Box 223A, Monett, MO 65708 USA TRISH (TRISCH): Barbara (German/Prussion, prts?) m 1) who? TRISCH, ch: Barbara Ellen (1848-1915, m Corp Walter BRAGGE 2nd Batt Royal Fusiliers b 1838 Yeovil, Somerset, Eng, d 1901 St Catharines, Ont); m 2) John BRANDT (BRANT), Ger Lutheran, Ivd Paris, Ont; any info to Harris Orr Bragg, 20 Springfield Dr, Brantford, ON N3R 1N2 Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 198'7 TRULL: Jesse m Edwina MUNSON, ch: Lillian b 1838, to MI by 1856, and Elizabeth; fam Ivd where in Canada? Jesse poss same as Jesse TRULL of Port Darlington, s/o John W/Lydia CASEY, this Jesse b 1806, drowned 1839; is this same Jesse that m Edwina? Dorothy Bremer, 1274 Bird Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA VIRTUE: Mary Jane b c1836 Fermanagh, Ire (poss dau/o Robert/Phyllina? later of Enniskillen, Ont), sls/o Sarah (SHERR ITT), Hannah (FLOODY) of Huron Co; em to Canada c1840; m 1854 George GIBSON, Ivd 1860 Wawanosh twp, Huron Co, she d 1879; ch: Edmund, Robert, John, Mary, George, Charles, Levi, Filina; any info anc/prts/sibs to Mrs Elaina Dumba, 512 3rd Ave N W, Weyburn, SK S4H 1R1 VOLLMER (FOLMER, FULMER): Thomas m Catherina ULMER, Ivd Mornington twp, ch: Charles (b 1843, m Francisca PFEI FFER 1870 to Formosa), Joseph, Moritz, Jacob (b 1849, to Saugeen), Mary (b 1853, m who? Ivd poss Wilmont twp?), William, John; replies to Wayne Vollmer, 66 Dunbar Rd S, Waterloo, ON N2L 2E3 WALKER: David John b 1854 Hungerford, s/o Daniel/Mary, m 1880 Madoc, Susan Jane CAMPBELL (b 1848 Madoc, dau/o Daniel/ Susan); seek desc this fam. Barry Campbell, 14 Bering Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3K OE9 WEBSTER-SCOTT: Hugh Vail WEBSTER b 1856 Norwich, Ont, s/o Lindley/Sarah (GOODFELLOW, WELCH), m 1881 Norwich, Jennie SCOTT (dau/o John/Mariah who? Quaker fams); seek any info. Mrs Shirle McGimpsey, 18 River Ave E, Dauphin, MB R7N OJ4 WELCH: Patrick 1797-1880 of Ire, mAnn GANNON (1799-1877, b Co Sligo, Ire); Ivd 1852 Cornwall twp, Stormont Co; prts bur RC Cem St Andrew's West, Ont; ch: Patrick (b 1838), James (b 1842), William (b 1844); these 3 where after 1861? also Mary Ann (m 1849 Patrick GLANCEY), Ellen (m 1857 Hugh FRASER), Bridget (m 1870 Silas RUPERT), Thomas (m 1860 Mary Ann KAVANAUGH); will share info. Wm D Amell, 421 London St, Peterborough, ON K9H 3A2 WHITNEY: Sir James P WHITNEY, b Oct 2,1843 at Williamsburg, s/o Richard; also John WHITNEY em London, Eng, 1635, to Waterdown, Mass, USA; looking for connection between these two, can anyone help? Any info these fams please to W G Whitney, 185 Becker Cres, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1M6 WHITTAKER: John b 1795 Co Wicklow, Ire, m Jane SCARF, em c1847 to Grimsby, Lincoln Co; ch: William, Hugh, Sarah (Jeremiah DEMPSEY, Ivd London). Maryann (Charles DOWSER), John Samuel (Ann Maria O'FARRELL), James, Benjamin (to CAl; seek any info, all desc. Julie Collins,23731 Pheasant Run, Novi, MI 48050 USA WILKINSON: William Lewis b 1845 Eng, m when? Elizabeth DOYLE, he d 1901 London, Ont; seek info prts, and ch this couple, will gladly exch info. Willoughby Butler, 8130 Long Lake Rd, Hale, MI 48739 USA WILLIAMS: Frederick m Marianne DEPEW, came to Canada 1786 with step-day Mary (Polly) WEAVER; fam Ivd Ancaster area 1789, seek anc/desc these fams. Mrs Helen Lewis, RR#1, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4J9 WILSON-ALLEN: William Theodore WILSON b 1851 Eng, watchmaker, s/o George/Mary, m 1876 St Catharines, Lincoln Co, Mary Elizabeth ALLEN (b 1857 Niagara, dau/o James/Sarah), Ivd St Catharines 1879, then where? any ch? Replies please to Anna Gale, 1827 Hurricane Rd, RR#2, Weiland, ON L3B 5N5 WINN: Silas b 1838 s/o John/Christianna, Ivd Port Col borne, Ont c1867, m Amaritt Matilda STERNAMAN (b 1843), he d 1888, his sib: Elizabeth (b 1841); seek any info this fam please. Richard Mackey, 3451 Rosamond Ave, Richmond, BC V7E 1A6 WOOD: Annie b 1858 Torquay, Devon, Eng, dau/o William/Georgina who? m 1876 Toronto, Thomas Clayton SMITH; was Susan WOOD rei? Any info apprec by Dorothy Turner, RR#1 Rockwood, ON NOB 2KO YORK-ARMITAGE: Henry YORK b c1815 US, m Matilda ARMITAGE; ch: Harvey, Alexander, Barbara, Hannah, Mary, Charles; Ivd Tiny twp, Simcoe Co mid 1860s; seek anc/desc this fam. Deborah York, 120 Romany St, Ft McMurray, AB T9H 2W8 YOUNGS-HORTON: Abraham YOUNGS m 1807 Windham, Norfolk Co, Susannah HORTON (both b Sussex Co, NJ); ch: (b Windham 181017) Samuel, Mary, Margaret, Experience, then (b Southwold, Elgin Co 1820-27) Benjamin, Sarah, Abigail, Abraham, then (b Windham, Norfolk Co 1830-38) Nancy, Thomas, John; prts d Windham; seek desc. Peggy Lindsay Dagg, 17446 Brady, Redford, MI 48240 USA cLaSSI-J=IB() a()S ANCESTORS OF ENGLISH ORIGIN traced by Canadian Member of the Society of Genealogists living in London, Enquiries invited. Dr. A.R. Yates, 30 Woodside, Wimbledon, London SW19 7AW England. Classified Ads ANCESTORS IN ONTARIO? Send SAE to Mr. John D. Blackwell, M.A., Cluny House, Box 2207, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 5J9. Reliable, reasonable genealogical research in Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, etc. Reference: Who's Who in Genealogy & Heraldry. 189 ANCESTORS IN THE UK? Then contact Ken Smallbone, B.A. (Hons), 47 Ochil Close, Basingstoke, Hants, England, RG22 8BY. Member of A.G.R.A. Thorough & Efficient Service Guaranteed. Genealogical & Historical Research. ANCESTRAL RESEARCH offered in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Staffordshire. Complete family trees or single items. Enquiries please, with 2 I.R.C.s to: LOOKING BACK, 22 Grosvenor Road, Sale, Cheshire, England M331WH. ANCESTRAL RESEARCH. Specializing in the nine Counties of Ulster. (Mrs) Joan Logan Pettigcrew, A.P.G.1. Association of Professional Genealogists, Ireland, 18 Thornleigh Park, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT28 200. (Tel:) Lisburn (08462) 78726. AT SALT LAKE CITY LIBRARY until June '88, experienced researcher. Very reasonable rates. Minimum deposit. Cdn funds. For more info send SAE to Barbara Watanabe, 475 Bramalea Road, #173, Bramalea, ON L6P 2X3, (416) 793-7026. CANADIAN GENEALOGIST. A quarterly magazine of Canadian material. Queries, cemeteries, lists, histories, etc. from across Canada $20.00 per year. Address GENERA TION PRESS, 172 King Henry's Blvd, Agincourt, Ontario Mn 2V6. CERTIFIED, EXPERIENCED RESEARCH in wide variety of all southern Ontario records, repositories. Free estimate of probable sources and time. Send SAE to Mrs. Brenda Merriman, R.R.#1. Puslinch, Ont., NOB 2JO. CERTIFIED FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH: Experienced professional researcher in many southern Ontario records, libraries, archives. Send SAE to Mrs. Barbara Aitken, CGRS, 4242 Bath Road, Kingston, ON K7M 4Y7. CERTIFIED GENEALOGICAL RECORD SEARCHER Will conduct family search services in all Ontario records. MRS. DORIS BOURRIE, CGRS, 42 Donalbain Cresc., THORNHILL, Ontario L3T 3S2. DEVONSHIRE AND CORNWALL, ENGLANDExperienced genealogical researcher will search Public Archives at reasonable rates. Enquiries invited. Write D.E. Holman, 51 Portland Rd, Stoke, Plymouth, Devonshire, England PL 1 4QN. DOCUMENTS SEARCHED - Experienced genealogical and historical researcher will search Public Archives of Canada documents. Rev. D. McKenzie, Ph.D., 246 Holmwood Ave., Ottawa, Ontario K1 S 2P9. EASTERN ONTARIO RESEARCHExperienced Genealogist - specialist in Leeds and Grenville, Eastern Townships. United Empire Loyalists, Public Archives of Canada, available by hour or contract. Mildred R. Livingston UE, FACG, St. Lawrence Court, R.R.#1, Prescott, Ont., KOE no. 190 Back by popular demand! The Skituier Kinsmen (III) Newsletter (covering U5 and Canada) (ISSN·OBJJ·126X) Includes original works of: Doris WAHL Cynthia RUMMEL Natalie FERNALD Plus the additional collection of NIAGARA RESEARCH Vol. 1 #1 commences January 1988 Four Volumes per year Free queries Send to: P.O. Box 338 St. Davids, Ont. LoS 1PO If you have a SKINNER. anywhere in your family tree. this is the newsletter for you! Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 ELIZABETH HANCOCKS - Certified Genealogist Specializes in Ontario research Loyalist ancestry, 172 King Henry's Blvd, Agincourt, Ontario MH 2V6. and EVERYONE HAS ANCESTORS! You have probably thought that one day you must do something to locate your Irish ancestors. Now is the time to take positive steps along your ancestral trail. For genealogical brochure, please send 3 international reply coupons or $1.00 to: John McCabe, Ulster Family Research Services, 12F South Link, Belfast BT11 8GX, N. Ireland. EXPERIENCED GENEALOGICAL RESEARCHER will search National Archives of Canada and other Ottawa area resources. Alison Hare, 80 Valley Ridge St., Nepean, Ontario, K2E 7T2. EXPERIENCED RESEARCHER LIVING RIGHT "NEXT DOOR" to the North York Library Canadiana Collection would be pleased to do family research there or in other Toronto area repositories. Will also undertake photo assignments. Very reasonable and resourceful. All requests handled promptly. Send SSAE to Mrs. Deborah J. Cushing, #521 - 55 Ellerslie Ave., Willowdale, Ontario, M2N 1X9. HISTORIC DRUMMOND HILL CEMETERY TRANSCRIPTIONS (With additional references, over 300 pages) ISBN 0-920001-13-0. Send $38.50 + $3.50 P & H to NIAGARA RESEARCH, P.O. Box 338, St. Davids, Ontario, LOS 1PO. KENTISH ROOTS? Learn more about your ancestors' home town or village. KENTOPHILE, Rm 7,233 Loose Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7DR England. 2 x IRC for airmail reply, please. KINGSTON, ONTARIO - Experienced researcher will do research in Kingston Public Library, Queen's University Archives, church archives, census & local land records. For further information contact Mrs. Dawn Broughton, Box 346, R.R.#2, Kingston, ON K7L 5H6. NIAGARA RESEARCH also offers SURNAME research. (All occurrences.) Send $10 + your surname. We bill just 25¢ per extraction located - you pay no research time! (1783-1900 for Niagara Peninsula). P.O. Box 338, St. Davids, ON LOS 1PO. NORTH/EAST YORKSHIRE ANCESTRY? Teacher of Family History and experienced genealogist will undertake research in these areas. No obligation advice/quotation sent on receipt of details - Sue Carsey, 81 Coldyhill Lane, Scarborough, England Y12 6SE. PRAIRIE CONNECTIONS? Experienced researchers specializing in Manitoba genealogical records. Free initial consultation. Minimum deposit. Hourly rate. Write: Prairie Connections, 368 Maplewood Ave., Winnipeg, Man. R3L 1A9. ROYAL OR ARISTOCRATIC ANCESTORS? After finding one usually many more can be 'GENEALOGICAL and FAMILY HISTORY BOOKS' & 'FAMILY TREE MAGAZINE' (Britain's Leading Family History Magazine) From: SEL ENTERPRISES, 178 Grandview Avenue, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L3T 1J 1 Tel. (416) 889-0498 Write or telephone for: Our free book list, over 70 titles of interest, specializing in English, Scottish and Irish research and Magazine subscription rates for Family Tree Magazine. Classified Ads 191 found. Check with: L.F.M. van de Pas, PO Box S 1414, Perth, 6001, Western Australia. SARAH FERGUSON, CLOSE TO 4000 ANCESTORS, which she shares with Americans, Canadians and Australians. Price $100, includes postage. L.F.M. van de Pas, PO Box S1414, Perth 6001. Western Australia. ANCESTOR RESEARCH PROBLEMS? Family history, emigration, British India etc., etc. Not simply dates! Write with all known details to: JOHN DAGGER, Oak House, Horsmonden, Tonbridg~KentTN128LP 0892-72-2272 SCOTTISH HISTORICAL RECORDS, especially Perthshire, Kinross, Forfar, Angus and Fife. RA & P.G. Fenwick, Lethangie Wing, Kinross, Scotland KY13 7EY. Member, Association of Genealogists and Record Agents. SCOTTISH ANCESTRY? -Genealogical/ Historical research undertaken in Edinburgh or London by experienced researcher. 2 IRC's with enquiry please! Mark Bonthrone, MA, 29 Henslowe Road, London, England SE22 OAP. SHORT OF TIME? EXPERIENCED RESEARCHER will do searches in most Southern Ontario repositories. Also will search Scottish parish & census records. Fee by the hour. Send details of information sought to: V. Joanne Packham, BA, 50 Elmhurst Drive, Hamilton, ON L8T 1C6. The only extant, complete collection, privately owned, of the Delaware Advertiser and Farmer's Journal, published by W.A. Mendenhall, Wilmington, Delaware, from Sept. 1827 through Dec. 1831, has been microfilmed and extracted for all residents of Delaware. Over 3000 individuals and over 7000 entries. The book is Casebound, fully indexed by personal names and places, 272 pages. $26 U.S. prepaid. TRACE YOUR IRISH ANCESTORS - Joan Phillipson BA (Hons)/Jennifer Irwin BA (Hons). HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 7 Lancasterian Street, Carrickfergus BT38 7AB, N. Ireland or 41 Ormiston Crescent, Belfast BT4 3JQ, N. Ireland. For initial evaluation please enclose $5.00. M. Frazier, 44 Toyon Terr. Dept. 0, Danville, CA 94526 1881 Canadian 80 Pages Census Central Algoma Division From: Ontario Other publications available: send SAS.E. for information. DELAWARE ADVERTISER 1827-1831 Genealogical Extracts Margaret Mendenhall Frazier $12.00 ($2.00 postage extra) Genealogical Society Sault and District Branch P.O. Box 1203 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada P6A 6N1 More of the 1881 Census to follow. ADVERTISING RATES FOR FAMILIES Classified Ads - max. 51ines in column format (2114" wide) $15.00/insertion. max. 6 lines $17.50/insertion max. 9 lines $24.00/insertion max. 7 lines $19.75/insertion max. 10 lines $26.00/insertion max. 8 lines $22.00/insertion 20% discount on 4 consecutive ads without changes in copy. Block Ads - in column width (2114" wide) $25/inch. Page Ads - full page, $300 half size or one full column,·$.170. Additional charges for design, typesetting and layout of block and page ad copy and for handling costs for overseas advertising. Advertising submissions or inquiries to the Ontario Genealogical Society, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 253, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4R 189 192 Families, Vol. 26, No.3, 1987 GBoealoG1Cal The Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) was founded to collect and preserve genealogical and historical data, to assist members in their study of genealogical research, and to issue genealogical publications, especially relating to Ontario. It was organized in 1961, and received its Ontario charter in 1967. Membership is based on the calendar year. There is no initiation fee. Annual dues are $25.00 plus $5.00 for each additional member of a family in any household. This provides one copy of each of the four issues of Families and Newsleafto each household, and one notice of all general meetings a nd semi nars. Correspondence concerning OGS, Families, Newsleaf, the annual Seminar, the Reference Library and other enquiries should be addressed, accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, to: Ontario Genealogical Society, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 253, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4R 1B9. Honorary Patron Colonel The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, P.C., K.ST.J., Q.C., B.A., LL.D., Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Honorary Vice-President Milton President Vice-President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer of Finance Rubincam, FASG Bill Reynolds Judy Mitton Everard Zytveld Roderick McLeod John Dunnill DIRECTORS Marie Charbonneau Kenneth Collins Hal R. Courchesne Bruce Elliott Robert Half yard Mary L. Heasman Anthony Hofstee Louise Hope Alison Lobb Roderick McLeod Judy Mitton Bill Reynolds Robert L. Rodman Ann Rowe Bert Wees Everard Zytveld OGS BRANCHES Brant Co. Bruce & Grey Elgin Co. Essex Co. Hatton-Peel Hamilton Huron Co. Kawartha Kent Co. Kingston Lambton Co. Leeds & Grenville London Niagara Peninsula Nipissing Dist. Ottawa Oxford Co. Perth Co. Quinte Sault Ste. Marie & Dist. Simcoe Co. Sudbury Dist. Thunder Bay Dist. Toronto Waterloo-Wellington Wh itby-Oshawa Annual General Meeting is held during the Seminar. Seminar 88 is scheduled University of Ottawa in Ottawa. Head Office is in Toronto, Ontario. Office Administrator: for May 20-23,1988 Mrs. Claudia McArthur, at The Toronto. OGS Reference Library is located at the Canadiana Collection, North York Public Library, 35 Fairview Mall Drive, Willowdale, Ontario. Please call for information regarding hours that the library is open. Tel: (416) 733-5624/25. All library mail and donations should be sent to the OGS Office correspondence address above. Librarian: Mr. D. Grant Brown, Toronto.
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