March 13, 2015 . Delshire Dragon Lore Delshire Elementary 4402 Glenhaven Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45238 (513) 471-1766 (513) 574-9444 SAFE SCHOOL HOTLINE (513) 347-2970 - ABSENCE LINE Mr. Mark Winters, Principal To view on-line, visit Delshire Dragon Lore. Lunch Menu BREAKFAST IS OFFERED DAILY Click MARCH to view the menu for the month. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Monday 3-16 Day 1 Tuesday 3-17 Day 2 Plumb Hot Dog on Bun And Ranch Spikerz OR Real Slice Cheese Pizza Oven Baked Beans Crunchy Corn Mandarin Oranges Milk Chicken Nuggets w/Roll OR Yogurt Meal Fluffy Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Steamy Carrots Applesauce Milk Monday, March 16th is Day 1 . ART ROOM IS LOOKING FOR RECYCLED ITEMS Mrs. Heim’s is in need of two recycled items for her classroom. -plastic water bottles And -plastic coffee/slushy cups with dome lid Please have your student drop these items off in the Art Room WEATHER ALERTS Would you like to get school delay and closing alerts to you phone? To receive OHLSD text service for weather-related delays and closures text OHWEATHER to 25682 Wednesday 3-18 Day 3 Thursday 3-19 Day 1 Friday 3-20 Day 2 BBQ Chicken Bites Meat/Cheese Taco Crunchy Chicken w/Roll Dipper cup w/Baked Patty on Bun Or Scoops OR Steaming Hot Big Or Juicy Hamburger on Daddy Pizza NEW Tony’s Stuff Bun Carrot Coins Crispy Crunchy Petite Crust Pizza Bite Sized Broccoli Gram Bug Carrots Crazy Mixed Up Salsa Really Silly Fries Fruit Tender Green Beans Petite Pears Milk Juicy Pineapple + Milk Milk KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Register your incoming Kindergarten student on Wednesday, March 11 th and Thursday, March 12th from 4:00PM to 6:30 PM at Delshire Elementary. CINCINNATI REDS GAME The Delshire Singers are singing The National Anthem at the Cincinnati Reds game on April 28th. Join us for a great night of singing and baseball. We are selling tickets for $14 per person. Please turn in all orders to Mrs. Villalobos by March 17th, please make checks payable to Delshire PTA. Click Reds Game for an order form. IN ORDER FOR THE STUDENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE, WE NEED TO SELL 400 TICKETS. WE WILL EXTEND THE DEADLINE TO TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH TO TRY TO REACH THIS GOAL. THANK YOU! PTA FAMILY GAME NIGHT Friday, March 27th starting at 6:00 for Pizza and a Scavenger Hunt. At 6:30 p.m., we will have a Minute to Win It Tournament. ***Other Games will also be available*** $1 per person to enter. You can order a large LaRosa’s cheese/pepperoni pizza for $10.00 & drinks ***Tickets and Pizza must be pre-purchased - NO $$$ ACCEPTED AT DOOR - Payment must be paid to Delshire by FRIDAY, MARCH 13. Checks can be made out to Delshire PTA. Click here for the Flyer. LIFETOUCH PICTURES Please send in payment for pictures or return any unwanted photos by Monday, March 16 th. HONEY BAKED HAM FUNDRAISER Will you be having a Honey Baked ham or turkey for Easter this year? Order through Delshire and you can pick it up here in Delhi on Friday the 3rd! Delshire will receive 15% back of all sales. Pass it along!!! Click on the link and click order here ! HoneyBaked Fundraising HoneyBaked Fundraising enter your site description here View on www.honeybakedfun... Preview by Yahoo IMPORTANT DELSHIRE NEWS LINKS March Lunch Menu BOLO BOLO Registration Dismissal Procedures Tec Message PTA Membership OHYA Sports Little Highlander Sports OHHS AP January Newsletter EARLY DISMISSAL If you are coming to pick up your child from school early please bring an id with you. Our office staff needs to verify the student is being released to the correct person. Thank you for your understanding. VISITORS Please remember when entering the building that you will need a visitor’s sticker. Please stop in the office anytime you will be entering the building before school, during class, or during lunch hours. If you are interested in speaking with your child’s teacher before school, please stop in the office. We will contact the teacher to see if they are Mark Your Calendar March 16th –Lifetouch Photos returned or payment due March 17th – District Band Concert 7:00 - 8:00pm March 18th – 5th Grade Girls Night 3:15 – 6:00pm March 19th - Skating Party 6:00 – 8:30pm th March 20 – Dining with Delshire Night Wendys 4:00 – 8:00pm March 27th – Family Game Night 6:00 Spring Break – March 30 – April 3 April 6th – Pre/K Zoo visit rescheduled (Fundraiser Prize) 4TH ANNUAL ONE HOPE, ONE HEART FUNDRAISER FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015 from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM in the Oak Hills High School Gym Come join the Oak Hills community in an effort to raise funds for our 4th Annual “One Hope, One Heart Fundraiser”. On April 10th, 2015, the faculty members from each of the nine Oak Hills Local School District buildings and District Office will battle in a volleyball tournament. In addition to the volleyball tournament, this family centered event raises money through concessions, t-shirt sales, raffle baskets and children’s games. This benefits District families experiencing tragic hardship. Click here for the Flyer. OAK HILLS SPIRIT WEAR OPEN HOUSE *RESCHEDULED* Oak Hills Spirit Wear Open House has been rescheduled for March 14 th from 9:00 to 3:00pm at Oak Hills High School. OHYA BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK Registration closes 3/31/15 for K – 4 grades. Participation is open for boys and girls in grades K through 6. All information about practices and meets can be found at, Track. OAK HILLS LITTLE HIGHLANDER CHEERLEADING (OHLHC) Oak Hills Little Highlander Cheerleading is now accepting registrations and would like to reach out to all parents within the Oak Hills School District who have children entering grades K-6 in the fall. **Registration for Oak Hills t Highlander Cheerleading for the 2015 season is scheduled for the following dates: Saturday, March 21 from 10-1 at Rapid Run Middle School Saturday, April 18 from 10-1 at Oak Hills High School Commons New this year is online registration. Visit to register online or for more information. TENNIS SPRING SESSION Registration closes 3/22/15. Participation is open for kids in grades 3 through 6. Join us at Oak Hills tennis courts on Fridays and Saturdays in the spring. All information about the play date can be found at, Tennis OHYA MINI FOOTBALL CAMP Open to Preschool and Kindergarten kids. Saturday, March 14th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the OHHS Gym. Introducing you and your child to youth football. $10 and includes a free T-shirt with prepaid registration. Sign up at, Football. OHYA CHEERLEADING PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Sunday, March 15 at 7:00p.m. in the Oak Hills High School Commons. New and returning parents should attend. For more information contact [email protected] OHYA FOOTBALL Registration NOW OPEN. Participation is open for kids in grades K through 6. Cost is $95. Additional information can be found at, Football. OHYA CHEERLEADING Registration NOW OPEN. Participation is open for kids in grades K through 6. Information about the season and pricing can be found at, Cheerleading. MINI FOOTBALL CAMP OHYA Mini Football Camp, Satuday, March 14 th, from 1-3pm at Oak Hills High School Main Gym. For Preschool and Kindergarten Students only. Click here for the Flyer. BAND INSTRUMENT AND STRINGS INSTRUMENT RENTAL INFORMATION. DELSHIRE BAND FOR 2015 – 2016 For instrument rental information for the 2015 – 2016 school 3 please click here. STRINGS CLASS FOR 2015 – 2016 For strings rental information for the 2015 – 2016 school year please click here. RALLY FOR RYLEY Oakdale kindergarten student, Ryley From was diagnosed in January with a Wilm's tumor. He is courageously coming to school between treatments and facing his journey with a smile on his face and amazing superhero strength. There is a benefit planned for Ryley on May 23. Please see the FLYER for more information. SCHOOL STUDENT FEES FOR 2014-2015 ARE NOW DUE $58.00 PER CHILD Fees can be paid in the office or by credit card on the EZ PAY SYSTEM found on the OHLSD.ORG website Baker LOST AND FOUND Has your child misplaced a hat, gloves, coat or lunch box? If so, please have them check the school’s lost and found located in the hallway by the stage. It has quickly filled up and we want everything to get back to its rightful owner. Thank you!! CHILD FIND SERVICE The Oak Hills Local School District has a program in place called Child Find Service pursuant to state and federal law. This service is designed to locate special needs students, including homeless students and wards of the state, who are not in school or who, if in school, are not receiving special education services. To refer a child for special services, or for more information, call 513-598-2945 THE OAK HILLS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT’S THIRD GRADE READING GUARANTEE WEBSITE Please check out this website which includes an overview of Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee law, website resources for parents to assist their child in the development of early literacy skills, and two literacy kits that include videobased directions and downloadable content for ease of parent/child use. *********REMINDERS********* Please remember that the doors to the building do not open until 7:30 a.m. Students need to be in their classrooms before 8:45 a.m. Class begins at 8:45 a.m. Any student arriving to their classroom after 8:45 a.m. will need to stop by the office for a tardy slip. Also students are to be picked up from school no later than 3:20. ANDERSON FERRY FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of the donations for the Food Pantry!
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