SQUARE DANCE ASSOCIATION Of GREEN COUNTRY March & April 2015 OFFICERS & COMMITTEES THIS DANCE SEASON IS ABOUT OVER UNTIL SEPTEMBER SO LETS GO VISITING OTHER CLUBS DURING THE SUMMER JIM & JULIA REESE PRESIDENT BILL & JANIS POWELL VICE PRESIDENT GREG & SHELLEY ROSE SECRETARY/EDUCATION COLLEEN HEINIG JENNI BATES TREASURER RICHIE & SHARON RICHARDSON DELEGATE GEORGE & SHIRLEY HAZLETT INSURANCE CHAIRMAN IIMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT CHARLES & JENEAN HERNDON VISIT 9 / DELEGATE CECIL & BARBARA BURTON DELEGATE CARTER & JENNI BATES DELEGATE JIM REESE—NEWSLETTER [email protected] Updated 2/26/2015 PRESIDENTS RAMBLINGS Spring is surely around the corner. We are ready for the OSDF Spring Round-up at Western Hills Lodge in Wagoner. SDAGC is the host district and our assignment is the Saturday afternoon fun dance. We encourage all of the callers and dancers to attend this event and we know you will have a great time. We still have 3 clubs and they seem to be doing good. Each of the clubs are holding 2 dances each month and having a great time. Lake Keystone Squares has a new caller, Calvin Hollis. Calvin isn’t new to the Square Dance world but returning. He is young and full of excitement. Bill & Janis Powell will be in charge of the OSDF Ticket program this year for Green Country. They are making plans for the showing of the grand prize and the selling of tickets. Your support of this program will be greatly appreciated by the Federation, your District and especially your club. This is the only fundraiser of the year and the financial life blood of our District and club. Get behind this program, you will have a great time. George & Shirley Hazlett will be making plans for the Green Country Festival on the 2nd Saturday in November. When they call you for help, be ready with an excited YES. We will all have a great time. Jim & Julia Reese, President Square Dance Association of Green Country GREN COUNTRY CALLER APPRECIATION DINNER Green County District held their Callers Appreciation Dinner on February 21st at Johnny Carino's in Tulsa. We had 32 people attend to show their appreciation for our callers. Attendees enjoyed good food and good fellowship. Callers spouses were given a box of chocolates. Also, our president couple received a box. We want to thank everyone for coming out to show our callers we appreciate them. George & Shirley Hazlett CALLER’S CORNER For some of you older dancers that might remember about a commercial on T.V. about thinking outside the box. This brought back the memory of the puzzle showing dots in a certain order and you were to connect all the dots without lifting the pencil or crossing lines. The solution was to draw outside the box to get the dots all connected. We are sure most of you remember this puzzle. We got to thinking about how this same idea can be used in getting new dancers into Square Dancing. We need to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. The box being, we have talked to all our friends and we have already tried that and the last time it didn’t work either. This is thinking inside the box. So how do we THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX? First forget everything that did not work in the past. Forget everything negative about ways to bring in new Square Dancers. Forget whether the last set of lessons was large or small and whether we gained a lot of new dancers. Do not put limitations on your ideas as to what you can accomplish. Don’t be afraid to tell anyone how much Fun Square Dancing is to do. Don’t be afraid to tell how much Fellowship we have between Square Dancers. When somebody says they don’t have the time ask when they might have the time and get their name and phone number so we can work on having them join when they do have the time. It they are not sure about their ability to learn to dance ask them to just come to first lesson that is given and if they still feel that way after only one lesson then we will understand. If they are really hesitant tell them you will pick them up for the first lesson. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, who are the people to ask and where do we find them. There are all kinds of places to look, Churches, Neighbors, Fellow Employees, Relatives, and People you do business with, even strangers that you come in contact with. Acquaintances that you socialize with, anyone with a smile on their face could be a prospective Square Dancer. We know sometimes it is hard to talk to a stranger about Square Dancing do to some of us being shy individuals. So to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX let’s, each of us, sit down and draw up our own individual plan as to whom you would feel comfortable contacting. Make your list as long as you can so if you get a turn down you will have others to contact. Do Not Get Discouraged and THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX and we can see a large crowd on the first lessons night. Sincerely, Cecil & Barbara Burton GET WELL WISHES go to Barbara Burton. On Monday, 2/23 Barbara had knee replacement surgery in OKC. Cecil reports that she is recovering nicely. Barbara is at home and her daughter and Cecil are the main care givers so we know she is in good hands. Prayers and cards would be appreciated. OSDF SPRING ROUND-UP On March 20, 21 & 22 Square Dancers from around the State of OK and some surrounding areas will come together at Western Hills Lodge at Sequoyah State Park in Wagoner to fellowship, educate and conduct the business of the Oklahoma State Federation. If you do not have an invitation, please let us know and we will get the necessary information to you. This event is open to all square dancers. It is a great time to get acquainted with dancers from areas, hear callers you may not otherwise hear and get informed on what goes on around the State. Dancing is our area is great, however there is a very large world of square dancers out there and you are missing the “Big Picture” if you are not part of it. We encourage each and everyone of you to participate in these events and get to know other people who share the same hobby as you do. Think about it and come join us for a funfilled week-end. Jim & Julia Rambler News Due to a problem with the church where Ramblers have been dancing, they are cancelling all their dances until futher notice. We will let you know when they plan to dance again. Lake Keystone Squares News Lake Keystone Squares is announcing that we have a new caller, Calvin Hollis. Everyone had a great time at our fist dance with Calvin on Feb 20. Calvin is a young energetic caller that likes to keep the dance fun by changing the pace and pattern of the calls and keeping you on your toes. Come visit us at 101 Green Valley Park Road in Mannford, Oklahoma. We are just 15 minutes from Sand Springs. Directions from Tulsa: Take HWY 51 West to Mannford, turn left at stoplight and stay to your left. Green Valley Park Road will be on your left. If you go to the stop sign, you went too far. If you get lost call Greg at 918-381-9467 or Jim at 918-740-5419. Lake Keystone will be dancing this spring 2015 on March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17, and May 1 and 15. Workshop starts at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00. Some of our members are looking forward to attending State Round-Up at Western Hills held March 20, 21, and 22 at the Western Hills Sequoyah Lodge in Wagoner, OK. We had the Caller's Appreciation Dinner Feb 21 at Johnny Carino's in Tulsa. Everyone that attended had a good time. This dinner tells our callers that we really appreciate all their hard work and dedication. Without them, we could not enjoy our hobby. Thanks again to all of our callers everywhere. Hope to see you at the Lake Keystone dances as well as other dances in the area. See you in a square, Greg and Shelley Rose, Presidents Belles & Beaus News We made it through all the Holiday activities, and have had two dances in January and will have had two in February by the time of this publication. We had winter themed dances in January and a Valentines dance with "Love Songs" on February the 10th, and the theme for February 24th was "Sweet Country Music". We have had three recent visitations; on Saturday evening February 14th we visited Spectaculars and recovered a banner that they were holding captive. The following Wednesday we visited Rushing Stars and again retrieved another hostage banner of ours. On Friday February 20th we visited Lake Keystone and enjoyed the dance called by their new caller "Calvin Hollis"; we got another banner that we are now holding hostage. We had 12 club members at the Specs dance, 13 at Rushing Stars, and 8 at Lake Keystone. We enjoyed the Green Country Caller Appreciation Dinner, at Johnnie Carinos Saturday evening February 21st along with about 35 others. We appreciate our callers, and thank them for the sacrifices they make to help each of our clubs. Barbara Burton had knee replacement surgery on Monday February 23, early reports indicate the surgery went well, please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We will be dancing on March 10th and March 24th; then April 14th and 28th. We welcome all to come join us for a fun evening as you have opportunity. Charles and Jenean Herndon, Presidents VISIT 9 DANCES FOR 2015 Southern Spring Fling—4-18-2015—Wewoka, OK Central Jamboree—5-30-2015—Swing Club– OKC Panhandle Festival—5-30-2015—VFW—Perryton, TX South West Route 66—7-10-11-2015—Elk City, OK Southern BBQ—8-15-2015—Kingston, OK Panhandle Festival—9-19-2015—Perryton, TX Southern Fall Bash—10-10-2015—TBA South West Festival—10-17-2015—Weatherford, OK South Central Festival—10-24-2015—TBA OSDF Shriners Fund raiser—10-31-2015—Shrine Hall, OKC OSDF Festival—11-6-7-8-2015 –Reed Center, Mid West City Green Country Festival—11-14-2015—St. Marks United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK North West Festival—11-21-2015—Shattuck, OK Southern New Years Eve dance—12-31-2015—TBA If I have missed anyone please let me know Jim MARCH 2015 MON SUN TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 LK 7 8 9 10 B&B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LK 21 22 23 24 B&B 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 2015 MON SUN TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 LK 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B&B 15 16 17 LK 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B&B 29 30 Belles & Beaus Lake Keystone Squares Ramblers St. Marks United Methodist Church 10513 E. Admiral Place Tulsa CALLER: Cecil & Barbara Burton Dance starts at 7:30 PM Charles & Jenean Herndon 918-437- 7577 Mannford Community Center 101 Green Valley Park Road Mannford CALLER: Calvin Hollis Dance starts at 8:00 PM Greg & Shelly Rose 918-227-2053 New Covenant Bible Church In the Carbondale area 4800 South Yukon Tulsa, OK CALLER: Richie & Sharon Richardson Dance starts at 8:00 PM Richie Richardson 918-815-7124 GREEN COUNTRY DIRECTORY SQUARE DANCE ASSOCIATION OF GREEN COUNTRY PRESIDENT: Jim & Julia Reese P. O. Box 518 Mannford, OK 74044 [email protected] HOME: 918-865-2846 HIS CELL: 918-740-5419 VICE PRESIDENT Bill & Janis Powell 10892 S. 193rd W. Ave Sapulpa, OK 74066 [email protected] HIS CELL: 918-521-9544 HER CELL: 918-557-7394 [email protected] SECRETARY Greg & Shelley Rose 7817 So. 145th W. Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 [email protected] HOME: 918-227-2053 HER CELL: 918-381-9608 HIS CELL: 918-381-9467 TREASURER Jenni Bates 1700 W. Charleston Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Her Cell 918-521-7775 [email protected] Colleen Heinig 7944 S. Sheridan—Apt. 1104 Tulsa, OK 74133 Her Cell 208-661-7196 [email protected] INSURANCE CHAIR / IMMED. PAST PRESIDENT George & Shirley Hazlett HOME: 918-488-1990 9016 So. Lakewood Ct. HIS CELL: 918-691-0513 Tulsa, OK 74137 [email protected] OSDF DELEGATES: CHARLES & JENEAN HERNDON HIS CELL: 918-850-2395 CECIL & BARBARA BURTON HIS CELL: 580-716-3217 RICHIE & SHARON RICHARDSON HIS CELL: 918-853-7667 CARTER & JENNI BATES HOME : 918-449-0484 GREEN COUNTRY DIRECTORY Page 2 TICKET CHAIRMAN: Bill & Janis Powell 10892 S. 193rd W. Ave Sapulpa, OK 74066 HIS CELL: 918-521-9544 HER CELL: 918-557-7394 [email protected] [email protected] VISIT – 9 CHAIRMAN: Charles & Jenean Herndon 15548 E. Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74116 [email protected] HIS CELL: 918-850-2395 HER CELL: 918-437-7277 FESTIVAL CHAIRMAN George & Shirley Hazlett 9016 So. Lakewood Ct. Tulsa, OK 74137 [email protected] HOME: 918-488-1990 HIS CELL: 918-691-0513 CLUB PRESIDENTS: BELLES AND BEAUS Charles & Jenean Herndon 15548 E. Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74116 [email protected] HIS CELL: 918-850-2395 HER CELL: 918-437-7277 LAKE KEYSTONE SQUARES: Greg & Shelley Rose 7817 So. 145th W. Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 [email protected] HOME: 918-227-2053 HER CELL: 918-381-9608 HIS CELL: 918-381-9467 RAMBLERS Billy Wright & Christal Ward 1624 S. Sycamore Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 HIS CELL: 918-527-2594 [email protected] GREEN COUNTRY DIRECTORY Page 3 CALLERS CALLER FOR BELLES AND BEAUS Cecil & Barbara Burton 501 N. 4th St Ponca City, OK 74601 [email protected] HOME: 580-762-4147 HIS CELL: 580-716-3217 CALLER FOR LAKE KEYSTONE SQUARES Calvin Hollis CELL: 539-777-3578 33100 West 41st Street Mannford, OK 74044 No E Mail CALLER FOR RAMBLERS Richie & Sharon Richardson P. O. Box 944 Salina, OK 74365 [email protected] CELL: 918-853-7667 ASSOCIATE CALLERS: Paula & Jeff Dunham 58571 So. Berryhill Road Jennings, OK 74038 [email protected] [email protected] HOME: 918-757-2583 HER CELL: 918-892-5103 HIS CELL: 918-289-8041 64th NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION® Springfield, Massachusetts JUNE 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2015 New Tour Offered Welcome to Springfield, MA Thursday, 6/25 Friday, 6/26 Saturday, 6/27 @ 9 am Cost $35.00 The oldest and largest of all the places named Springfield in the USA! During the 3 1/2 hour guided bus tour, you’ll get to see: Court Square, the historic center of the city The site of Shays Rebellion of 1787 McKnight Historic District, wood-framed, late Victorian neighborhood Forest Park Heights District, the city’s largest historic district which includes the homes of Dr. Seuss and Thornton Burgess You’ll get to stop and spend time at: The Springfield Armory, established by George Washington and maker of weapons from the Revolutionary War to the Vietnam War. Now a National Park, it houses one of the largest collections of fire arms in the country and chronicles innovations which helped spark America’s Industrial revolution. McKnight Historic District, the largest wood-frame, late Victorian neighborhood in New England Forest Park Heights District, the city’s largest historic district The Naismith Memorial Basket Hall of Fame, which celebrates the greatest moments and brightest stars of the game invented in Springfield in 1891. The Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden, honoring local son Theodor Seuss Giesel. The Springfield Museums, four museums with extensive collections of art, science, and history including Springfieldmade Indian Motorcycles, Rolls-Royce, and Duryea, the first American gasoline powered vehicle. To book this tour, write CITY TOUR in the Special Needs Space on the Tour Registration Form. 64th NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION® Springfield, Massachusetts JUNE 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2015 HEARING ENHANCEMENT What to expect at the 64th National Square Dance Convention® (Along with some tutorial information for interested dancers.) by Al Rouff, Services Chairman, 64th NSDC® Hearing enhancement systems literally place the speaker at the ear of the listener and dramatically reduce background noise. This background noise may include sideline talking, motor or fan noise (e.g. heating or air conditioning unit), floor noise (made by the dancers’ feet moving), etc. Hearing loss is invisible and can occur at any age. However, it is more prevalent as age increases. More than 50% of people over age 50 have a hearing loss significant enough to impact their understanding of speech, especially in a background of noise. As the average age of square dancers increases, so does the impact of hearing loss on the activity. Look at the demographics of our group. There are many older dancers, and chances are high that a hearing enhancement system would be beneficial almost anywhere we go to dance. The use of a hearing enhancement system has extended the enjoyment of many people who dance in our square dance activity. What is ADA? ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to other individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. It states that one must furnish auxiliary aids when necessary to ensure effective communication. For new building construction and alterations, fixed seating assembly areas that accommodate 50 or more people or have audio amplification systems must have a permanently-installed assistive listening system. This must be done without extra charge to the persons using the system. Although the act does not require alterations to existing facilities if undue burden on the owner of the facility can be proven, it does infer that hearing disabled individuals are to be provided with appropriate equipment, whenever possible. It’s the law. There is a similar requirement in Canada, at least for new construction. Why use FM systems? FM (frequency modulated) signals fill a room and will penetrate some walls and petitions. These signals do not require “line of sight” direct contact between the transmitter and the receiver. FM signals generated by hearing enhancement transmitters travel several hundred feet. Infrared systems provide excellent sound quality, but require a direct “line of sight” transmission. This is virtually impossible to achieve with dancers moving around the floor. Induction loop systems also provide good sound quality, but are not portable and could not be moved from hall to hall. How many FM frequencies are there? There are 10 wide band frequencies (channels) and 77 narrow band frequencies (channels). For square dance venues, the wide band channels are used. What is the recommended frequency to use? CALLERLAB has recommended the use of a wide band channel at a frequency of 72.9 MHz By having a standardized frequency, dancers who own receivers can attend a variety of dances and travel outside of their home area without having to change frequencies. Sometimes a different channel frequency must be used because of local radio interference, and sometimes because more than one hall is set up for simultaneous operation on different channels. 64th NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION® Springfield, Massachusetts JUNE 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2015 What are the components of an FM hearing enhancement system? The system is composed of a transmitter and a receiver. Multiple receivers can be used with one transmitter. The transmitter plugs into the caller’s/cuer’s amplifier and sends the “Voice Only” signal to the receivers. A battery powered receiver is worn by each dancer using the system. Are there multiple channel transmitters and receivers? Most manufacturers make multiple channel units. It is important to remember that there are 10 wide band frequencies in the ADA band plan. At a large square dance convention or festival, several different channel frequencies may be in use. At the 64th NSDC®, the primary channel will operate on 72.9 MHz. Other channels must also be used in order to prevent radio interference between adjacent dance halls. Each hall will have a sign posted near the caller/cuer position where the transmitter frequency will be displayed. The dancer should tune to the “active” channel when entering a different dance hall. Can there be bleed over between adjoining halls if transmitters are being used o n t h e s a m e c h a n n e l in both halls? Yes. A receiver will pick up the strongest signal. If halls are adjoining (or if they are upstairs/downstairs from each other), it is best to use different frequencies. The 64th NSDC® will have a carefully considered channel plan designed to insure that no radio interference will occur between dance halls. How does the dancer couple the receiver to his/her ear? Many dancers use a small rubber tip (ear plug) that is inserted into the ear. These tips can be easily cleaned and stay in place while dancing. Other dancers use an ear speaker or a set of headphones. A thin cable runs from the belt-pack receiver to the ear device. The dancer has a volume control on the receiver. Why do dancers buy their own receivers? Many dancers choose to buy their own receivers. They do this for personal reasons, including ease of travel between groups (they can use it with different clubs on different nights), sanitary reasons, and to assure that a receiver is available whenever they want to use it. What brand of system should one buy? There are several manufacturers of hearing enhancement systems. An Internet search will easily take you to them. One should compare features, quality, ease of use, durability, price, etc., and make decisions accordingly. A good approach might be to consult with someone who understands the technology and the application. Above all, remember to purchase “ADA Compliant” equipment to insure interoperability with other ADA Compliant systems, no matter where you travel and dance. Who should buy the system? The answer to this question depends upon your personal needs. Some dancers have purchased complete systems. Some transmitter units have been purchased by clubs and their members buy their own receivers. Some systems are shared by several groups using the same hall. Can dancers use their personal receivers at places other than square and round dances? Yes. They can use the receiver at any establishment that uses an ADA Compliant system. This includes churches, theaters, auditoriums, museums with walking tours, court rooms, etc. The 64th NSDC® will provide ADA Compliant Hearing Assist transmitters in every square and round dance hall. Look f channel frequency posted near the caller/cuer position. Ed & Lynda Willis 4 Seasons Board
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