RACE FOR THE BOOTY aka PIRATE’S PHRF July 12, 2015 Olcott Yacht Club NOTICE OF RACE 1 RULES The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. The prescriptions of the US Sailing Association (USSA), and the rules of the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet – Lake Ontario (PHRF-LO), except as altered by these Sailing Instructions. 2 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY The regatta is open to all boats owned by members of a reciprocal Lake Ontario Yacht club ( i.e.: OYC, WYC, IYC, TYC). Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached form and emailing it to Pattie Schneider, OYC Fleet Captain at [email protected] before Tuesday, July 7, 2015 . 3 CLASSIFICATION The classes are as follows: (i) Spinnaker – PHRF (ii) White Sail – PHRF (iii) White Sail – non PHRF (“Fun Fleet”) 4 MEASUREMENTS Each boat racing PHRF or NFS shall produce a valid racing certificate. 5 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS The Sailing Instructions will be emailed to each registered skipper and made available for viewing on Saturday, July 11th on the OYC website. 6 VENUE Olcott Yacht Club. The starting area is the west pier at the mouth of Eighteen Mile Creek. Race will begin at 12:30pm 7 THE COURSE The courses to be sailed will be to Keg Creek and return. Approximately 3 miles to the inflatable mark, rounded to port with the finish leg being the approximate 3 mile return to the West Pier. Non PHRF (“Fun Fleet”) boats will sail a parallel course maintaining a distance of approximately ¼ mile North of the nearest PHRF boat. 8 SCORING PHRF corrected times will be calculated using the “PHRF-LO Time-on-Time” method. Non PHRF (“Fun Fleet”) boats will not be scored Time on Time but based on overall decoration and costume. Non PHRF boats interfering with the course or impeding a PHRF boat will be disqualified. BONUS TO THE SCORING: Each boat will be able to deduct one minute from their finish time when a minimum of 50% of your crew is dressed as pirates. One minute 30 seconds, if 100% of your crew is dressed as pirates. Each boat will be able to deduct one minute from their finish time for Pirate themed decoration or bunting. 9 RADIO COMMUNICATION Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. Except for devices communicating from one part of the boat to another, this restriction also applies to any wireless communications device. The race committee may communicate information on VHF 72. Failure to make these communications or the sequence in which they are made shall not be ground for redress. 10 PRIZES A prize will be awarded to the top boat in each class. 11 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in a race entirely at their own risk. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the race(s). 12 INSURANCE Each participating boat shall be insured with adequate third-party liability insurance. 13 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information please contact OYC Fleet Captain, Pattie Schneider at [email protected] RACE FOR THE BOOTY aka PIRATE’S PHRF SUNDAY, July 12, 2015 Olcott Yacht Club REGISTRATION BOAT OWNER’S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ SKIPPER’S NAME (if other than owner): ____________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ PHONE # - HOME: _________________________ CELL: _____________________________ E-MAIL:_________________________________________________________________________________ YACHT NAME: ______________________________________ MAKE: ____________________________ BOAT REGISTRATION #: ____________________________ SAIL #:____________________________ YACHT CLUB AFFILIATION:______________________________________________________________ RACE PARTICIPATION: (select one) Spinnaker: _______ White Sail: ____________ Fun Fleet: _____________ PHRF RATING (FS/NFS): _________________________ CERTIFICATE #: ___________________ Owners hereby agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the OYC Racing Rules; that the yacht is well found and in seaworthy condition and that the owner’s and crew of the yacht enter these races of their own desire, governed by the rules of good sportsmanship. It is therefore agreed that neither the Owner’s nor members of the crew shall in any way whatsoever hold the Olcott Yacht Club, Inc., it’s Board of Directors & members, or the race committee, or any of them in whole or in part liable for any damage, accident or loss, including personal injury or loss of life, occurring, suffered or happening to the yacht, her Owner’s, or any member of her crew. The Owner’s acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure that the yacht carries all required safety equipment, in order, and that the crew are both familiar with its location and means of operation. I attest that the above referenced yacht is insured within the coverage minimums required by state and local laws and agree to provide proof of insurance upon request. Owner’s Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
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