A Parish Council Meeting was held on Monday 9th March 2015 at St David’s Church Hall PRESENT: Mr. Wiley (Chairman) Mr A. Cawdron Mr. R. Claxton Mr. G. Edwards Mr. D. Johnson Mr. J. Mills Mr. D Payne Mr A. Townly PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. The Chairman allowed public participation. 010315 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were received from Councillors Sayer-Beck and Vincent 020315 MINUTES OF THE MEETING held on 9th February 2015 were approved 030315 MATTERS ARISING – As reported in the County Councillors notes below the gritting of the primary School route has been added to the list for consideration in August. The Clerk will endeavour to get the contact details from Councillor Kerrigan for Alexander Grace Homes so that we can try and get the map of land ownership of the Hospital site as promised. Councillor Johnson reported that the Little Plumstead bench was in a bad state of repair. It was decided to replace both this bench and that one destroyed at Great Plumstead with composite benches which will be harder wearing and require no maintenance. Councillor Mills and Johnson will liaise on this project. The decision on the land at Seppings Way is at the committee stage and Councillor Claxton will report back when he has further information. The Clerk reported that the estimated annual cost of maintain the shrubs would be £130 +VAT. 040315 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Declarations of interest as quoted in Minute 041013 remains. 050315 CHAIRMAN’S ITEMS: (including Public Participation) The Chairman reported that he had received an e mail from Adam Batchelor (Plumstead Rangers) to say that they will be moving the club to Dussingdale Park. They have all the relevant facilities there with the club house, lighting etc and he also stated that there appeared to be a decline in the numbers playing football in the local area. They would however still like to train in the summer months at Great Plumstead as the Park is used by a cricket team and this was approved. This was a disappointment but obviously the Council fully understands their point of view. The Parish Councils desire to potentially develop changing rooms etc on the site will now be put on hold until further work can be done to see if such facilities we be required by another group. 060315 CORRESPONDENCE AND ADMINISTRATION – The Clerk had been in contact with the Police regarding their proposed PCSO Partnership Project. The cost would be £16,782 which they propose is shared by the various Parishes involved. At the moment apart from Salhouse all other surrounding Parishes have either not replied or said no. A discussion took place and it was felt that with the Police Force receiving a 2% increase in their budget it was not appropriate for the Parishes to charge local residents again for this service. Whilst extra resources targeted at the local area would be desirable, the cost to the Parish would be potentially between £2,000 and £4,000 with no guarantee of the number of hours etc that would be devoted to the area. Also with neighbouring parishes against the scheme, it currently has little chance of success and therefore the Councillors voted No to this project at the current moment. However if the situation should change then the Councils support will be reviewed. The Clerk confirmed that a cheque had been received from the insurance company to replace the damaged bench at Great Plumstead. Details of the proposed changes to the Housing Option Scheme Policy have been circulated for comment. The revised Area Action Plan is also out for consultation and all were urged to get involved with this process. Councillor Johnson will be working on re-vamping the Notice Board at Thorpe End. This will be temporarily removed for this work to be carried out. Election papers were now available for candidates for the May Election. The Clerk has a copy of the Electoral Register. 070315 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE (circulated prior to meeting) Bank Balance Nat West £7,837.11 (27.2.15) Bank Balance Scottish Widows £64,159.92 (01.01.15) Payments £462.00 – Gt & Little Plumstead PCC (Cheque received and banked from Co-Op- should have gone to the Church) £25.00 – Norfolk Playing Field Association £790.55 – J. Jones – Salary £686.67 NP £10 (less £4.04) N.I. -Expenses £97.92 TOTAL £1,277.55 Receipts £78.66 – Gt Plumstead Village Hall – Water Rates £462.00 – Co-Op- received in error and repaid to PCC £844.00 – Insurance bench £44.88 – Scouts – Water Rates TOTAL £1,429.54 Current Account Balance after above payments made and outstanding cheques cleared will be approximately £6,559.56 080315 PLANNING APPLICATIONS No Objections 20150181 – Erection of 3 bay cart shed, 1 Salhouse Road, Little Plumstead 20150147 – Two storey side extension, 33 Lakeland Close, Little Plumstead 20150136 – Sub- Division of site and construction of a single 2 storey dwelling and double garage, landscaping – Windfalls, Toad Lane, Gt Plumstead Objections 20150168 – Change of use of Swimming Pool to Commercial Use, Sunset House, Low Road, Gt Plumstead Objections raised concern the car parking on both Low Road and Middle Road which causes issues for other road users. The application refers to 4 on site parking slots the pool website only allows for 2 090315 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Highways Matters 1. I am aware that Mrs Shelley on behalf of TEVGRA transport committee has made a financial proposal to help resolve the highways flooding issues on Plumstead Road - this is very generous and I am urging the highways team to agree this proposal as it makes sense for any works to be carried out in tandem with the works to the Boulevard. 2. I have raised the idea of the Plumstead Road trod at the Thorpe St Andrew Town Council, there was agreement in principle to support a scheme, however all of the town council section 106 money is now allocated to open space projects on the towns parks, including a large skate park which some older children in Thorpe End might be able to use. The town council was also interested to know if the parish council would be willing to make a contribution to the scheme. The town council will need to look at future CIL income before committing to a scheme, however as I said this is something the town council wishes to support. However, the pedestrian refuge on Plumstead road is now open and should make crossing the road safer. This along with new speed signs and support for a trod are moving things in the right direction, but more to do. 3. Following the last meeting I raised the request for road gritting to the Little Plumstead Primary School. The county council reviews all its routes in July and announces in August where additions need to be made. I have got the road added to the list for consideration in July. When I know more I will of course update you. 4. Whilst outside the parish you may like to know that the county council will be undertaking a full resurfacing of Yarmouth Road from Primrose Crescent to Thunder Lane starting on June 1st. I am very pleased about this, much overdue but I have been working with the highways engineer to get this on the list, this will cost in the region of half a million pounds to compete. The road will be closed for 4 weeks. NDR 1. We still await the planning inspectorate outcome, however residents and land owners have been issued notices regarding archaeological digs along the route. I have picked this up and in correspondence with the NDR and communications team I offer my fullest support to local residents who maybe affected. 2. I noted that an arena and leisure complex is being proposed near Postwick, with parking on the park and ride as an idea. I would welcome your views if you have been consulted. Norwich City Council is opposed but the town council supports this investment in the area. Norfolk County Council 1. Since the last meeting the council agreed its budget after 7 hours of debate, but council tax was frozen for a further year. The Conservative amendment to allocate more money to adult social care transport was agreed and the budget passed. 2. As you may have seen in the EDP we hosted the annual meeting for our farming tenants. This was a good success and I hope to follow this up with delivering against the various ideas and suggestions. County farms allocated £2.5m this year to support frontline services. 3. The county council and more recently the Broadland council agreed to ban the release of Chinese/fire propelled lanterns on its land as part of a NFU campaign, given the damage to crops, property and livestock. The parish council may wish to consider the same ban on any of its land. 4. I am now vice chairman of the strategic review of the economic, transport and development department. We are having a systematic review of all the services we provide, which are statutory and non statutory. Sadly the council still has significant savings to find against a backdrop of less funding and higher demand. We are looking at everything from public rights of way to waste disposal, but of course waste and highways are the biggest area of expenditure. I will be looking to ensure highways maintenance is kept as a priority, rather than funding various nice to have projects. I also support the rangers. Naturally if there is anything the parish council or residents wish to raise please do let me know. Monday is Commonwealth Day, something I am a passionate support of. I will be helping to raise the flag tomorrow on River Green, Thorpe St Andrew and we receive and read the Commonwealth Day message from HM the Queen. . .Ian Mackie BA Hons MA ,Norfolk County Councillor Thorpe St Andrew Division [email protected] 100315 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT The last full Council meeting was held on Tuesday 17 February 2015 and the Council papers are available at – www.broadland.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/committees.aspx?id=23291 .The next full Council meeting will held on Thursday 19 March 2015 starting at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Thorpe Lodge, Yarmouth Road. Budget & Medium Term Financial Plan 2015-2020 The revenue and capital budgets for 2015/16 including fees and charges have been agreed and I am pleased to confirm there will be NO INCREASE in Council Tax for the coming year. Rosebery Road Exception Site – Great Plumstead BDC continue to seek development options on this site. It is understood that Circle are no longer looking to progress the site. It is likely that BDC will look to prepare a feasibility report to be considered later this year. Development Management DPD Following the examination of the Development Management DPD a few modifications have been made that have now been issued for consultation, these are available for comment until 15 April 2015. Please select the following link to view this event: http://consult.broadland.gov.uk/portal/dmdpd/mods/modsdoc Dog Walk – Thorpe End Garden Village I can confirm that Broadland DC are the owners of the area around the northern part of Thorpe End that is used as a dog walk. The markings on some trees indicate management works that are ongoing (removal of some trees, crown raising and general thinning) although just about complete. Apprenticeships - Door opens at new training centre Apprentices will learn new skills as they say hello to the brand new training centre at Carrowbreck House. BDC recognises that the future strength of our economy depends on young people being able to contribute their skills and talents. For more information about apprenticeships and training with BCTS call 01603 788530, email: [email protected] or visit www.broadland.gov.uk Proposed revisions to the Housing Options Allocations The Housing Options Allocations Scheme policy in the Broadland sets out how successful applicants will be prioritised and selected for nomination to accommodation by the Council. Amongst the proposed changes to the policy are significant changes relating to the eligibility criteria to join the housing list following changes to Government guidance. The Consultation period and deadline for comments has been extended by two weeks to 11 March 2015. Please send any comments on the draft policy to [email protected]. A copy of the proposed policy is available at : http://www.broadland.gov.uk/housing_and_planning/4787.asp. If you have any questions regarding the consultation, please contact Gemma Cox, Housing Projects Officer on 01603 430559 Individual Electoral Registration With General, District and Parish elections in May 2015 it is important to ensure you are registered to vote. The system to registration has changed from ‘household’ to ‘individual’ – known as individual electoral registration (IER). Under the new system registration is easy and can be doneon line at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote (it takes 2 or 3 minutes to register) all you need to provide is full name, address, date of birth and National Insurance No. Next Planning Committee – Wednesday 11 March 2015 · Items of interest on the agenda or in our Ward 20150045 - Erection of Dwelling, 73 Blofield Corner Road, Little Plumstead Beeston Park / Beyond Green · The last Planning Committee on 11 February 2015 there were no items for our Ward. Planning Decisions - determined since last report 20141882 Location Change of Use of Land to Residential Curtilage & Erection of 3 Bay Cartshed Garage 1 Salhouse Road, Little Plumstead, NR13 5JJ Applicant Mr & Mrs Mark Redhead Decision Withdrawn – see new planning application 20150181 20150006 Location Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 20141345 - Change of Use of Agricultural Barns to Conference Facilities, Seminar, Function Venue & Offices Octagon Business Park, Hospital Road, Little Plumstead, NR13 5FH Applicant J R Cozens Wiley Ltd Decision Full Approval 18 February 2015 20150038 Location Removal of Existing Car-Port/Store and Construction of New Brick Built Garage/Store 10 The Boulevard,Thorpe End,Great Little Plumstead,NR13 5BL Applicant Mr & Mrs David Burton Decision Full Approval 2 March 2015 Planning Officer: Mr M Thirkettle Planning Officer: Mr C Judson Planning Officer: Mrs C Peel For Information – Pending / Outstanding Planning Applications 20141851 Location Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition 5 of Planning Permission 20090886 - Development of Sustainable Urban Expansion Land at Brook Farm & Laurel Farm, Green Lane, Thorpe St Andrew Applicant Lothbury Property Trust Company Limited Decision 8 December 2014 - Consultation until 31 December 2014 - OUTSTANDING 20142058 Location Temporary Siting of 2 No. Storage Containers Land Adj to Orchard Cottage, Toad Lane, Great Plumstead, NR13 5EQ Applicant Mr Dan Grimmond Decision 14 January 2015 - Consultation until 6 February 2015 - OUTSTANDING 20150045 Location Erection of Dwelling (Outline) Oaklands, 73 Blofield Corner Road, Little Plumstead, NR13 5HU Applicant Mr Ray Cossey Decision 14 January 2015 - Consultation until 6 February 2015 Will be determined by the Planning Committee on 11 March 2015 20150136 Location Sub-division of Site and Construction of a Single 2 Storey Dwelling with Double Garage and Associated Landscaping Land Adj. Windfalls, Toad Lane, Great Plumstead, NR13 5EH Applicant Mrs Jane Jones Decision 6 February 2015 - Consultation until 1 March 2015 20150147 Location Two Storey Side Extension 33 Lakeland Close, Little Plumstead, NR13 5FF Applicant Mr Allan Ashley Decision 12 February 2015 - Consultation until 7 March 2015 20150168 Location Change of Use of Private Swimming Pool to Commercial Use Sunset House, Low Road, Great Plumstead, NR13 5EB Applicant Mr Dariush Fassihi Decision 17 February 2015 - Consultation until 12 March 2015 20150181 Location Erection of 3 Bay Cartshed Garage 1 Salhouse Road, Little Plumstead, NR13 5JJ Applicant Mr & Mrs Mark Redhead Decision 13 February 2015 - Consultation until 8 March 2015 Shaun Vincent Planning Officer: Mr B Burgess Planning Officer: Mr C Rickman Planning Officer: Mrs C Peel Planning Officer: Mr C Rickman Planning Officer: Mrs J Welton Planning Officer: Mr M Thirkettle Planning Officer: Mr M Thirkettle 8th March 2015 Broadland District Councillor – Plumstead Ward 110315 GREAT PLUMSTEAD SPORTS PAVILION – As detailed in Chairman’s items – 030315 – The Plumstead Rangers Team will be moving to Dussingdale Park for their matches. It was agreed that this item would be held until such time as we have a Club wishing to use the field and also some potential CiL money to move the project forward. Councillor Johnson will try to find out if the junior team will still be using the field. 120315 PARISH NEWS ITEMS - prepared by Councillor Townly Gt Plumstead Commercial use of Swimming Pool Sunset House Low Road Your Parish Council supports the use of these facilities for local people, however once again it is reported those using the pool have disregarded the reasonable request to park on the Gt Plumstead Village Hall Car Park, instead of parking on Middle Road/Low Road. This unacceptable behaviour is causing the obstruction of essential Farm and Service Vehicles. Please do the right thing and Park on the Village Car Park. Individual Electoral Registration With General, District and Parish elections in May 2015 it is important to ensure you are registered to vote. The system to registration has changed from ‘household’ to ‘individual’ – known as individual electoral registration (IER). Under the new system registration is easy and can be done on line at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote (it takes 2 or 3 minutes to register) all you need to provide is full name, address, date of birth and National Insurance No. Apprenticeships - Door opens at new training centre Apprentices will learn new skills as they say hello to the brand new training centre at Carrowbreck House. BDC recognises that the future strength of our economy depends on young people being able to contribute their skills and talents. For more information about apprenticeships and training with BCTS call 01603 788530, email: [email protected] or visit www.broadland.gov.uk Rosebery Road Exception Site – Great Plumstead BDC continue to seek development options on this site. It is understood that Circle (Wherry Housing) are no longer looking to progress the site. It is likely that BDC will look to prepare a feasibility report to be considered later this year. Public Footpaths Link please follow links below, you may need to zoom in to see the detail. Public rights of way http://maps.norfolk.gov.uk/highways/ Norfolk Trails http://maps.norfolk.gov.uktrails/ Thorpe End Amenity Woodland Walk Cllr Vincent confirmed the tree lined walk is owned by Broadland District Council, it is not just for Dog walking but for all who wish to use it. Broadland District Council are carrying out works as part of their conservation programme. Cllr Claxton has again raised the issue of fly tipping in the woodland walk area, latest being sub soil /sand. This is a criminal offence, so any information of those responsible would be welcome to enable your Parish Council and Broadland District Council to bring charges. Potholes Please report any problems directly and not to our Parish Clerk. Please do use the customer service centre main number 0344 800 8020 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) and they will be happy to help. To report other shorter term problems, please note the county council website link to report problems from potholes to flooding: http://www.norfolk.gov.uk/Travel_and_transport/Roads/Report_a_problem/index.htm Inner Orbital .Beyond Green/Brook Farm/Laurel Your Parish Council attended the Beyond Green planning meeting at BDC for 3520 houses (we opposed the application) Wednesday 11th March and continued to press for the design line of the inner link and from Sprowston Park and ride to the Airport (we were supported by Sprowston Town Council) and the proposed roundabout between Heath road and the Dussindale Junction. The Beyond Green application was agreed by 21 votes to 2. Please visit our web site to see your Parish Council submission Police Report -No report this month 160315 ANY OTHER BUSINESS – It was reported that TEGVA are working with Norfolk County Council to try and solve the drainage issues around the Boulevard. Councillor Townly raised issues around the Neighbourhood Plan in relation to the Joint Core Strategy and NDR and his belief that one promoted the other. The Chairman and other Councillors felt his interpretation of this was wrong and with Councillor Vincent not being present to defend the issue, the Chairman called for this to be raised as an Agenda item at the April meeting so that the general public could be fully informed of the legal standing. A comment was made that the Area Action Plan is the vehicle to object to the proposed growth and infrastructure issues within the area. The Chairman praised Councillor Townly for his constant battles against the NDR, Joint Core Strategy and Area Action Plan but strongly stated that he did not feel the Neighbourhood Plan was the mechanism to fight against these policies. He pointed out the positive objectives that could be obtained with a Neighbourhood Plan, namely more influence on any development that the Parish had to take as well as potential CiL monies to help with some of the infrastructure projects required such as improved and extended footpaths and also extra recreational faculties for Parishioners. The Chairman asked the Parishioners present not to accept Councillor Townly’s statement at face value but to attend the April meeting in order to hear both sides of the Statements. Comments were made around the proposed roundabout between Heath Road and Dussingdale and the potential for housing development on the land to the west of Thorpe End. It was believed that this piece of land should be offering the permanent separation between the Parish and Thorpe St Andrews. This application is still live and comments can be made. Councillor Townly has requested under the Freedom of Information Act information on the land issues around this proposal. He urged local residents to write to Broadland District Council to raise their concerns. Councillor Townly will endeavour to produce maps for the next meeting highlighting all the proposed development in the local area. Councillors agreed to grant permission to the Bowls club to remove the conifer hedge and replace with post and panel fencing. It was confirmed that the half rent of £250 would be due from the Club on 1st June. Mr Walpole commented on the condition of the private roadway outside the shops at Thorpe End. It is believed that the property owners are considering this situation and contact will be made to ascertain the current situation. It was reported that the NDR Inspector has now reported to the Minister and he has 3 months to consider a response. The Council will keep up the pressure and Councillor Townly will write to the Minister – a draft letter has already been circulated – on the Parish Councils behalf. It is hoped that a pro forma letter for people to use to write to the Minister will be added to the Parish website for those that would be interested. . Next Meeting Parish Council. Will be held 7.30pm Monday 13th April 2015 at Little Plumstead Village Hall Please endeavour to attend your Parish Council meetings and get involved .Your participation will assist and shape the future of our Parish and the wider community. .
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