CHURCH and PARISH - Church in the Plumsteads

The magazine for
Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton
February 2015 Edition
A Who’s Who of the Church in the Plumsteads
St Mary’s Great Plumstead, Saints Gervase and Protase Little Plumstead,
St David’s Thorpe End and St Margaret’s Witton
Priest in Charge
Rev. Darleen Plattin
The Rectory
9 Lawn Crescent
Thorpe End
NR13 5BP
Tel 300093
[email protected]
Reader (Lay Minister)
Jenny Barnard
11 Fairfield Close
Little Plumstead,
NR13 5JD
Tel: 721407
Jan Beaumont,
4 Boulton Road,
Thorpe St Andrew,
Tel: 461360
Michael Howard
23, Naseby Way
Tel: 439225
[email protected]
Great Plumstead
David Jacobs
The Nurseries
Smee Lane
Gt Plumstead
NR13 5AX
Tel: 433687
Jane Hood
Cherry Tree Farm
Witton Lane
NR13 5DW
Little Plumstead
Gerald Jarvis
30 Salhouse Road
Little Plumstead
NR13 5JJ
Tel: 720840
[email protected]
David Wheeler
Appletree Farm
Smee Lane
Great Plumstead
NR13 5AX
Tel: 431500
Little Plumstead
Thorpe End
Lindy Doherty
15 Barker Way
Thorpe End
NR13 5EZ
Tel: 438070
[email protected]
If you have recently moved
into our villages and would
like to know more about
your local churches,
please contact your local
St David’s Hall... available for clubs, societies and
children’s parties. Good facilities and
car parking. Ring Jeanette Batch 01603
439449 for details
For help with transport to church
services and events, please phone
Jennifer Walpole on 300221
Dear Friends
In our busy and complicated lives we have to make the effort to stop
and find time to reflect and take stock. The season of Lent, which
begins on the 18th February, gives us that opportunity. It’s the time
in the Christian year when we can take some time out to ask those
questions, where am I, where am I going to. It’s a time when we can
examine ourselves and our progress, to be still in the presence of
God. It’s an opportunity to recharge our batteries and revitalise our
commitment to the journey which we are on.
Lent is often associated with giving something up, an opportunity to
kick an unwanted habit, for going on a diet or for denying ourselves
those unnecessary luxuries. This is fine if they are things which get
in the way of our relationships or are harmful to us, but giving things
up does give a rather one sided view of Lent and can make for a
miserable forty days, and I don’t think God wants us to be
If anything Lent should be about taking something on, committing
ourselves to doing something that benefits us and those around us.
What better way to use the forty days than to spend the time getting
to know the one who spent forty days and nights in the wilderness
preparing for his ministry among us.
On Wednesday evenings during Lent there will be a five week
series entitled “Walking with Jesus” when we will discover more
about Jesus through watching a DVD of John’s Gospel and
discussing what we see together, details of the time and dates are
in this magazine. On Thursday evenings there will be an
opportunity to be a little more reflective with communion from the
Northumberland community; again details are available in this
magazine. Everyone is welcome to come along to these events they
are not for those who go to church!
Yours in Christ
Parish Council Report December2014/January2015
Parish Precept
The Parish Council Finance committee met January 7th to consider the 2014 2015 Parish Precept. This was presented to the full council on the 12th January
and it was agreed unanimously to accept the Finance committee proposal. The
2014-201 precept will increase from £28,070 to £30,600 which means a Band D
property will rise from £22.30 to £23.58 per annum.
Dog Fouling
Cllr Vincent reported that Dog fouling is still happening around Hall Gate
Thorpe End, so once again message to all dog owners. Please clean up after
your pets. Use the bins which are provided by the Council.
Little Plumstead
Planning Application 20130906 - Land at Former Little Plumstead Hospital,
Hospital Road, Great & Little Plumstead - Redevelopment Proposals
Outline permission granted subject to completing the s106 agreement. The
land is now up for sale. Your Council will monitor the situation.
Thorpe End Sewage System.
For those are unaware, Thorpe End is on a pumping system. This system can be
overcome with serious consequences by inappropriate items being flushed
down the toilet.
The following must not be discharged in the System:
Nappies, sanitary towels, wet wipe, rags, soft toys, tennis balls, Cooking fat/oil,
motor oil, grease Anti-freeze, brake fluid, weed killer, insecticides, fungicides
and other gardening products. Also no paint, thinners, white spirit, turpentine,
creosote and no medicines.
These items might seem obvious but these are some up the items recently
removed from the system. Thanks for your understanding and help in
preventing further blockages and contamination.
Thorpe End
Your Parish Council and Tegvra continue to engage with Broadland district
Council to improve pedestrian footpaths at Thorpe End, we have had a degree
of success with the excellent footpath outside the cottages and the new houses
development by Percy Howes Close. It has come to our notice that Vehicles
have been parking on the pathway completely obstructed its use for the
elderly, mothers with push chairs and pedestrians in general forcing them onto
the busy road. Would those responsible please do the right thing and do not
park their vehicles on the pedestrian paths.
County Council
Cllr Mackie reported the County Council is as ready for winter as it can be with
all seven salt domes stocked with 17,000 tonnes of salt and 1800 grit bins have
been filled. 2000 miles of Norfolk's roads, more than a third, are on the regular
gritting route and 51 grittier Lorries are on standby.
Cllr Mackie also reported he has been able to get the Norfolk County Council to
maintain verge cutting twice per year in our Parish.
Potholes/Schools/Snow reports
Please do use the customer service centre main number 0344 800 8020
(Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) and they will be happy to help. To report other
shorter term problems, please note the county council website link to report
problems from potholes to flooding:
NDR update
The Inspectorate concluded the examination for the DCO (Direct Consent
Order) on the 2nd December 2014.The findings and conclusions arising from the
examination will now be sent to the Secretary for Transport Rt Hon Patrick
McLoughlin no later than Monday 2nd March 2015.
Your Parish Council has a mandate to oppose the NDR .If the NDR does not go
ahead then the JSC /AAP will have to be reconsidered. Should the NDR go
ahead it will change our Parish forever with long lasting detrimental
consequences with increased traffic movements throughout our Parish and a
significant increase noise pollution and carcinogenic pollution and increased
traffic congestion. So please support your Parish Council and write to: Secretary
of state for Transport. Cc Rt Hon Patrick Mc Loughlin MP
[email protected] Rt Hon Norman Baker MP
[email protected] Rt Hon Keith Simpson MP
[email protected] Rt Hon Chloe Smith MP [email protected] Rt
Hon Eric Pickles MP [email protected] objecting to the NDR and
proposing the alternative of the inner orbital to Norwich Airport as put forward to
the Inspectorate by your Parish Council.
Cllr Vacancy Thorpe End Ward
Our Chairman welcomed Mr Andrew Cawdron to serve as a Thorpe End ward
member. Mr Cawdron is a Qualified Architect and was Chair of the
Neighbourhood Plan.
Police report. PCSO 8487 Paul McAllister
No report
Next Meeting Parish Council. Will be held Monday 9 th February at Gt Plumstead
Village Hall. Please endeavour to attend your Parish Council meetings and get
involved .Your participation will assist and shape the future of our Parish and the wider
community. You can also get all information on our web site.
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those held by the rector, the editor or the PCC.
From the Parish Registers
We welcome into the church family
7th December
Hannah Jane Dix
St. Gervase & Protase Lt. Plumstead
Interment of Ashes
12th December
29th December
Antony Chamberlain
Janet George
St. Mary’s Gt. Plumstead
St. Mary’s Gt. Plumstead
As always, Darleen is available to visit at home or in hospital, whether you are
ill, recovering, or just want to see someone, please telephone.
If you have a prayer request please let her know either by phone, email or
through her letter box. Alternatively leave them at the back of one of the
If you are unable to get to church and would like communion at home please
let me know.
Enquires for Baptisms and Weddings are always welcome please contact her
for an initial chat.
On the sad occasion of a bereavement please do contact her or ask the
undertaker to do so, Darleen is available to come and discuss your wishes for a
funeral service in Church, the Crematorium or Colney wood
Contact details for are inside the front cover
Thorpe End Garden Village Residents' Association (TEGVRA)
Our next meeting is on Thursday 23rd April at 7.30pm in St. David's Church Hall
lounge. We will be talking about how residents can get involved in
discussions about the Broadland District Council Area Action Plan. We will also
be discussing the proposed Neighbourhood Plan, problems with flooding on
our roads, and anything else residents think is important in relation to our
Residents of Thorpe End aged 18+ are most welcome!
We have a vacancy for Chair. If you are interested, please contact us.
2015 meeting dates: 15 January, 23 April, 16 July, 22 October, 26 November (AGM), in St. David’s Church Hall lounge at 7.30pm
See our website at:
or our Facebook page:
Providing the very best in care in funeral service.
acing the loss of a loved one whether it is expected or sudden is the
most difficult time for families. There are so many questions, so many
decisions, so much to take in when you are possibly at your lowest ever.
At your time of need we are here to help you, quiet guidance, gentle
words and our professional knowledge will help you make the right
decisions for you and your family.
The Funeral Home
2, St Williams Way, Norwich
01603 702460
We will visit you in the privacy of your own home, or if preferred, you may visit
us to make the funeral arrangements. We always provide a written quotation
Part of Dignity plc. We provide safe, secure pre-needed funeral plans
Fundraising Buffet and Dance
Great Plumstead Bowls Club
Saturday 21st February 2015
at 7 pm
Quiz & Chips
Friday March 20th
The Cottage 148 Thunder Lane, Thorpe St
Andrew Norwich NR7 OJD
From 7.30pm
book early for a good night.
Tickets £6,00 per person
Please ring Norwich 01603 705193
To book call 01603 439949 or
email [email protected]
In support of Norfolk SEN Network
(supporting parents of children with special
educational needs)
Teams of up to eight, if only 1or 2 we
can fit you in to a table
Entertainment by Steve Alan
There will be a cash bar
Little Plumstead School 100 Club
SEPT 2014 1st
Number 74
Number 6
Number 8
Penny Murray
Chris Ementon
Mary Palmer
OCT 2014
Number 37
Number 21
Number 24
Hannah Greef
L Palmer
Mrs K Holmes
NOV 2014
Number 7
Number 90
Number 75
Paul Kingston
Pam Bassham
Darren Knights
Norman Numbles or Saxon Salad anybody?
Thorpe End WI would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and invite you
along to our meeting Thursday 19th February at 7.15, where tastings of Historic
food will accompany our speaker Rosie Wilkin. Delicacies include medieval Pie
in a Pipkin, Viking bread and cheese as well as the above. Visitors are welcome
to attend this or any of our meetings free of charge, with refreshments
provided, so why not come and see us?
Our members and guests had great fun at the Christmas party and have started
2015 with a very strong committee, hoping to make this WI centenary year a
memorable one.
Details of our meetings, in St David's Church Hall, are displayed in Thorpe End
Post office, and on our website Please
phone Sue on 700872 if you have any queries.
Great & Little Plumstead & District Horticultural Society
In December we had our AGM and the Chairman said it had been a very good year all
meetings were well attended with good speakers, as well as outings and the holiday in
Kent. He then thanked all the Committee and everyone who had helped during the
year with special thanks to Brenda Dawson for all her hard work as Show Secretary and
behind the scenes things that she does and presented her with a gift in
appreciation.. The presentation of cups for most points went to Ruth Boden and Derek
Sheldrake and the newcomer was Mary Fowell. After some festive refreshments
members were entertained by a magician called Jake Ace.
At the meeting on Monday 5th January 2015 Mr Boulton gave an excellent display
showing slides of nature of Images of Spring with some outstanding shots of birds,
insects, frogs and blossoms.
The next meeting is on Monday 2nd February 2015 at Great Plumstead village hall at
7.30 pm and the speaker will be Trevor Harrison on “Early colour in the Garden”. The
flower of the month can be one of members own choice.
The meeting on Monday 2nd March 2015 is at St David’s church hall Thorpe End at 7.30
pm and the speaker is Ben Potterton on “The travelling horticulturalist”.
Next year will be the Clubs 70th anniversary and lots of events are planned for the new
programme. Visitors are always very welcome to any of the meetings so come along
and enjoy a very relaxing and sociable gardening club.
The Rambling Group
Happy New Year to all our walkers! We had a super turnout for the Norwich December
walk around the Christmas trees with an added bonus of a personal tour
of Surrey House Aviva building. January brought high winds for our walk
from Wroxham. Thanks to Carol for leading this walk.
Further information from Freda Sadler 01603700623 / 07969419450 or
Penny Gaze 01603433445 / 07919525059
Church in the Plumstead’s Christmas Quiz
Congratulations to the winner ----- Mrs G Moore of Thorpe End. The quiz raised
£130. 00. Answers are on the Church website (see Magazine) and will be displayed
outside St. David’s Church and at Gt. Plumstead Village Stores .
Thank you for your support. Elizabeth Gotts
Gt. And Little Plumstead W.I
Members met together for our January meeting after the Christmas break. We renewed our subscriptions for 2015 and discussed the new programme.
At the next meeting on February 5th the speaker will be Mike Snowling talking about
how he was awarded his MBE. The competition will be Royal Memorabilia.
The March programme has not yet been finalised but will be announced next month.
Had an e-reader, smart phone or tablet for Christmas?
Download e-books & e-audio books for free!
If you received an e-reader for Christmas then take a look at the great range of e-books and e-audio books
Norfolk Library and Information
Service is offering. The range of fiction and non-fiction titles can be downloaded by anyone with a Norfolk
library card from the library website straight to an e-reader, computer, tablet or phone.
If you prefer to listen to an e-audio book then there’s a wide choice of fiction and
non-fiction including popular titles and classics. These titles can be downloaded onto computers or direct to
some e-readers, tablets, smart phones and MP3 players,
including iPods.
Bounce & Rhyme Time
Songs & Rhymes for babies, pre-school children & their parents / carers
St Williams Way Library
Williams Loke, Thorpe St Andrew
10.15 – 10.45am
Every Thursday
Come & join the fun & meet some new friends at the library!
For more information ask at the library or phone 01603 434123
Norfolk County Council Library and Information Service
To find out more visit our website
Gt. And Little Plumstead W.I
Members met together for our January meeting after the Christmas break. We renewed our subscriptions for 2015 and discussed the new programme.
At the next meeting on February 5th the speaker will be Mike Snowling talking about
how he was awarded his MBE. The competition will be Royal Memorabilia.
The March programme has not yet been finalised but will be announced next month.
Weekly activities in the villages
At Great Plumstead VH - Dance classes (various types), art group, yoga, table
tennis, western dance and toddlers group.
For information contact Maggie Johnson 01603 720720
At Thorpe End VH: Dancing classes for children and adults, keep fit for over 50s,
short mat bowls, parents & toddlers, children’s arts & crafts, yoga and Jumping
Jack’s Gym club. For information, contact the Secretary on 07810 076021.
At St David’s Complex: Bridge, Pins & Needles, Photography, Horticultural Club,
Pre-School (Monday - Friday), Italian classes, WI and Parish Council meetings.
Ring Jeanette Batch 01603 439449 for details
At Little Plumstead Village Hall : a range of dance classes for all ages and all
abilities. Ballroom and Latin Dancing for adults of all abilities. Please contact
the village hall for more details.
Did you know there is now a
Facebook Page for Thorpe End
Village, for people to comment
and start discussions on.
Take a look and join in the
Afternoon Cinema
St David’s Church , Thorpe End
Come along and see a feature film, bring a friend.
Held on second Thursday of each month
Admission Free - Donation towards costs welcome
Tea, Coffee, Cake available from 2 pm - Film starts 2.30 pm
Please send a blank email to: [email protected]
and you will receive an email with details of the next film.
You can also see posters inside St David’s church.
St David’s holds the appropriate licenses to show these films
TELEPHONE KAREN ON 07919440442 OR 01603 439104
Yoga Classes
Suitable for all levels, including beginners
Thorpe End Village Hall – Mondays at 7.30pm
Dussindale Centre, Thorpe – Weds at 5.15pm
For more info contact Hester on 01603 263954 or 07810 704096
email [email protected] or visit
BBH Ltd at Horsford
Manufacturer of PVCu Windows, Doors and Conservatories
Supply Only or Supply and Install
For A Free Competitive Quote Tele: 01603 897350
Keep Fit 50 Plus Thorpe End Village
Hall, Thursdays 1.45–3.00pm. Phone
Doreen on 429220.
JoJo’s Unisex Hairdressers – Gt
Plumstead. Child friendly salon. Open
Mondays. Phone 712030 or 07766866994.
Interior & exterior painting &
decorating and ceramic wall tiling.
Fully insured, free estimates. For a
friendly service at a competitive price,
phone Peter Wright on 488796.
Geoff Welton Apprenticeship served
Carpenter-Joiner. Undertakes general
building and maintenance work. Phone
Thorpe End PO and Stores offer a
wide range of Post Office services
including bill payment, personal
banking and mail services. Also
greeting cards, confectionery, tobacco,
dry cleaning and National Lottery.
Newspapers and magazines saved or
delivered. Phone 433211
Local upholsterer/trimmer –
antique/contemporary furniture,
automotive/marine trimming. Simon
on 01692 631229 or 07766 378065.
Reflexology, Susie Turner MBRA at
Thorpewood Surgery. Phone 270090.
Hedgehogs Tree and hedge services.
Fully qualified, local. Competitive rates.
Contact David on 07789-770548.
Taxi Service Tom Fuller Private Hire,
Blofield Heath, phone 712879
Guitar Tuition – Specialising in
beginners 712172.
Accountancy - Small businesses, Self
-Assessment tax returns. Happy to
help. Call 07769 650263
Drop in Café
Little Plumstead Church
Church & Parish is delivered free to
approximately 1400 homes in the
Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe
End & Witton Area.
Every Monday in term time
8.45 to 11.00 am
Advertise here for only £3.50 per
word per year. Alternatively ask
about a 1/8, 1/4,1/2 or full page
Meet People
Make New Friends,
Enjoy a free Cuppa
Contact Brian Frost 01603 432836
or [email protected]
for details.
Call in after dropping children
off at school, or just drop in
Pro-File Building Services
Contact DJ
Let us quote for all your repairs and maintenance
We can also provide full kitchen and bathroom service
Phone 07809 062378
Safety First Driving School
[based in Thorpe End]
For friendly professional tuition with flexible lessons to suit your pace.
Block booking discounts, Special local rates
Call Susan now for a chat on 07788 737454 or 01603 701697
Michael J. Alden
Painter and Decorator 
Thorpe End 
Learning – Playing – Growing
Little Teds – From 18 months
(with parents/carers)
Big Teds – From 2yrs 9mths
Get in touch
Clean and reliable service at
competitive prices
Free estimates
Tel: 01603 436047
Washing Machines, Dishwashers etc.
All repaired.
Same day / next day service.
Call local Engineer Michael Jay
Phone 01603 440781 or mobile 07884 255292.
Church Services
1st February
Lt. Plumstead
Holy Communion
Thorpe End
Parish Praise
8th February
2nd Sunday before Lent
Lt. Plumstead
Morning Worship
Holy Communion
Thorpe End
Holy Communion
15th February
Sunday next before Lent
Lt. Plumstead
Holy Communion
Thorpe End
Thorpe End
Morning Worship
Gt. Plumstead
Family Worship
18th February
Ash Wednesday
Thorpe End
Holy Communion
22nd February
Lent 1
Lt. Plumstead
Morning Worship
Thorpe End
Holy Communion
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday during Lent there will be a Lent Study group in the
lounge at St David’s on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, when we will be “Walking with
Jesus” as we watch and discuss John’s Gospel together. All are welcome
On Thursday evenings at 6pm at St David’s there with be a service of Holy Communion
using the Northumberland Community order of service. This is a reflective and informal
style of service. All are welcome.
Editor’s Note
The next issue of Church & Parish will be for March 2015
Please submit your items by 15th February to: [email protected]
Distribution Note
Please contact Ray & Jennifer Walpole if you have any queries regarding
the distribution of Church & Parish. Telephone 01603 300221 or e-mail [email protected]