Our Lady of Hope Catholic Elementary School 80 Red Cardinal Trail Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 4B8 Phone: 905-773-1383 Fax: 905-773-4799 A Catholic Community of Faith April 2015 School Trustees: Ann Stong Dominic Mazzotta Superintendent: Mary Battista Principal: Katherine Pellegrini Vice Principal: Fabio Nardo Safe Arrival Line: 1-855-856-7862 yorkcdsb.schoolconnects.com School Website olh.ycdsb.ca Parish Information Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish 905-773-5223 Pastor: Father Peter Lackmanec Character Virtue Reverence Reverence means special respect for God. Reverence means love for and trust in God. Easter Prayer God of Hope, resurrected Christ, Spirit of new beginnings, May we be blessed by the touch of spring: rain falling from the heavens, washing us clean, telling us that life is sacred. May we be blessed by memory this Easter time: of loved ones, of loved places telling us your love is always here. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen (Les Miller) Holy Thursday Presentation AN EASTER MESSAGE FROM OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES Dear Parents/Guardians, As we draw near to the end of the Lenten season, and enter “Passion Week”, it is a time to remember how much God loves us by sacrificing His own precious Son. Let us give thanks and rejoice that the Lord has conquered death, and granted us eternal life. This is the perfect opportunity to renew our faith in Jesus Christ by spreading the Good News of hope and joy, and by being a beacon of light to others. On Thursday, April 2nd, at 1:00 PM, the grade 6 students will be presenting The Last Supper in the gym. Parents and guardians are May the Risen Christ fill you and invited to come and join us. your family with peace, happiness On Good Friday we commemorate Christ’s and continued blessings. crucifixion and the veneration of the cross Happy Easter! and on Easter Monday we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Please Sincerely, note that there will be no school on Friday, April 3rd and Monday, April 6th. Ann Stong & Dominic Mazzotta Richmond Hill Trustees At this holy time of year, may Jesus fill your heart with all of the wonderful Easter blessings you deserve, from the staff and students at Our Lady of Hope School. Fond Farewells and Joyous Welcomes We wish a fond farewell to Mme. Albi who did an awesome job teaching French to our Grade 1s, 4s, 5s, and 8s. We warmly welcome Mme. Tabangi to the French position and have great confidence that she will do an equally fantastic job. Getting Ready for September 2015 Please assist us in determining our staffing and accommodation needs for the school year 2015. If you are moving out of the area or if your child will be attending another school in September, please let us know so that our enrollment numbers can be adjusted accordingly. Similarly if you know of anyone who is moving into the area please encourage them to contact the school and register as soon as possible. If you missed kindergarten registration please pick up your registration package as soon as possible. Parents of preschool age children who are eligible to start school this year and who have special needs are encouraged to contact the school and speak to Mrs. Pellegrini as soon as possible so that we can have the proper supports in place for your child, for September. Class Compositions—The process for formulation of class lists for September will begin soon. As we determine class organization and teacher assignments, each student is individually discussed and placed according to a number of criteria. Our goal is to establish balanced classes, providing effective groups which will benefit all children. Teachers in receiving and sending grades meet to carefully consider: learning styles, academic skills, social grouping, special education, ESL needs, behaviour needs, etc. You can surely appreciate that creating the best and most effective groupings is a task requiring careful thought and planning. At this time, we are uncertain as to which teachers will teach a specific grade. Staffing decisions will not be finalized until the end of June. The teachers who have worked with your children this year know them and will make determinations based on each child’s best interests. If you feel strongly that there are extenuating circumstances please submit your request in writing, including the rationale for any request, to the office prior to May 15th. Accepting parental requests for specific teachers can be restrictive in forming ideal groupings. Requesting placement with an individual teacher is not appropriate. Written requests will be shared with the team of teachers generating class lists. A written request does not guarantee that your request can be honoured. Please note that due to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act class lists will only be available on the first morning of school. Full Day Kindergarten - Important Reminders Registration for kindergarten is ongoing. If you missed kindergarten registration please pick up your registration package as soon as possible. Kindergarten registrations are being accepted throughout the school day. You can register your child at Our Lady of Hope: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 pm and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. JK children must be 4 years old by Dec. 31, 2015 (born in 2011). SK children must be 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2015 (born in 2010) Please bring the following documents with you: - Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate - Proof of Age - Proof of Legal Status in Canada - Proof of Residency - Proof of English Separate School Support (i.e., property tax) Please register your child as soon as possible to ensure that families are included in the "Welcome to Kindergarten" evening that is being held on Tuesday, April 28th at 6:30 pm in the gym. Kindergarten Orientation meetings will take place on Wednesday, May 20th. Each family will be notified of the time their child will come to school with his or her parent, when they register for kindergarten. Mathworx 2 - Math and Technology Success We would like to thank all of the staff, students, and members of the OLH community for participating in our ‘Math and Technology’ parent engagement evening on March 31st. The evening was a tremendous success and allowed our families to explore the link between the 21st Century learner and the world of mathematics in a number of fun and creative ways. We would like to thank our Catholic School Council and Parent Engagement Committee for their efforts in providing this opportunity for our community to come together and explore the role and power of technology in mathematics. Please stay tuned for more information regarding our third installment in the Mathworx Series entitled ‘Everyday Math’ taking place later this school year. Please remember, all families (kids included) are invited. EQAO at OLH This Reading, Writing and Mathematics assessment will occur for all grade three and six students from May 26th until June 2nd. Please avoid booking appointments and/or holidays during this time. More importantly during EQAO, please ensure students arrive on time, by 9:05 AM, have a good breakfast, and get a good night’s sleep. As always, the results of this standardized, Ministry, and province-wide assessment go a long way in helping us to determine strengths, areas for improvement; and help us to budget our resources accordingly. Catholic School Council Meeting Our next Catholic School Council Meeting is on Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 pm. Please join us if you can! Warm Weather Dress Code As the temperature rises and we change to our spring and summer wardrobes, students are reminded about appropriate school attire. The guidelines, as in the past, are as follows: Shorts may be worn if they are more than halfway to the knee (one hand width above the kneecap). Short-shorts and short skirts are not acceptable at school. Torn and tattered jeans and clothes are also not acceptable. No low necklines (front and/or back). No racer back tees. Under garments should not be exposed at any time. This is inappropriate for school wear. No half T-shirts; tops with cut-outs or tops with slogans containing offensive language, pictures or logos. Spaghetti straps and “belly tops” are not permitted at school (even when layered) nor are “muscle” shirts. The three fingers wide guideline for shoulder width will assist students in choosing an appropriate top to wear. Tops and pants/shorts/skirts worn must cover the entire midriff. As per the provincial code of conduct and the York Catholic District School Board Code of Conduct “children are to be neat, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school”. Let’s continue to keep Our Lady of Hope a respectful community for learning. Heat protection is strongly recommended (hats, sun visors, sunglasses) for outdoor play. These will be removed during instructional time. Sunscreen is advisable during the warmer days, especially during the lunch recess period. Oral Communications We wish all of our junior and intermediate students the very best as they prepare for oral communications. Our School Level Competition will be taking place in the OLH gymnasium on Tuesday, April 14th. The winners from each classroom will present in the gymnasium in front of their peers and a panel of judges in accordance with the following tentative schedule: Junior Division - 10:45 AM Intermediate Division - 1:00 PM Our top student from each division will advance to the Area Competition also hosted in our own school gymnasium on Wednesday, April 29th. Thank you Mrs. Grant for coordinating this opportunity. Best of luck to all speakers! OLH canSPELL 2015 Wow! Time is really flying by and before we know it the Spelling Bee will be on. Remember all Bee participants (junior and intermediate) should be studying hard and preparing during April. Plenty of assistance from all members of the family would help them and prepare them for being on stage. It is a sudden death tournament, so preparation is vital! The Bee is on May 7th at 1 pm. Please plan to attend to support your child. Thank you Ms. Steele and Ms. Skeats for all your leadership. Our Primary Bee will be taking place on May 15th. We thank Ms. Varlese, Ms. Ewing, and Mr. Lietz for preparing our all of our Little Bees. Hawks Basketball The Intermediate Girls’ Basketball team had an amazing season that was highlighted with several memorable plays, shots and games. The girls fought hard in a challenging divisional tournament where wins and losses were often determined by a basket or two. In the end, the girls fell just short but made their school and coaches, Mr. Paris and Ms. Bianchi, very proud. Congratulations: Rosie, Amanda, Jenica, Christina, Amaya, Erica F., Erika P, Julia, Juliana, Sara, and Victoria. Go Hawks Go!! The Intermediate Boys’ Basketball team was a model of perseverance throughout the month of February. They showed a tremendous desire to learn; set high goals; and put forth a valiant effort! Members of the team: Julian S., Luca D., Sebastian G., Anthony R., Zachary I., Hayden H., Daniel I., Sebastian S., Michael P., Daniel L., Anselmo M, and Daniel W. are to all be commended for representing our school so well, while up against such strong teams in the area tournament. Congratulations and thanks to the coaches, Ms. Karam and Ms. Oppedisano for all their dedication. Junior Basketball Developments We are extremely excited to see the development in our junior girls’ basketball team. The girls’ tournament will be hosted by Father Frederick McGinn on Tuesday, May 5th. Thank you to coaches Ms. Senior and Ms. Karam for all your efforts! Go Hawks!!! We would also like to wish the Junior Boys’ all the best as they prepare for their tournament on Monday, May 4th at Holy Name school. The boys are already showing tremendous skill potential under the leadership of their coaches: Mme. Zammito, Ms. Steele, and Ms. DiSerio. Thank you coaches for all of your efforts and we wish the boys the very best this season. Go Hawks Go!!! Healthy Schools Student Club: Big Crunch On Thursday, March 12, Kindergarten and Primary students from Our Lady of Hope joined students across the country in The Big Crunch. Each student crunched into a locally grown apple to promote healthy eating and support local farmers. This initiative helped to celebrate the 4ForLunch program, which teaches the importance of eating balanced meals. The apples were purchased from the Eatrite organization, with a grant from Healthy Schools. Thank you to the members of the Healthy Schools Student Club for organizing this event. Student Council News Student Council would like to thank all students who made our Kernels Popcorn school fundraiser a success. With the money earned, we were able to alleviate some of the bus costs for our trip to the Marlies hockey game. On Wednesday, March 25th, 2015, OLH students in grades 4 to 8 were able to take part in a fantastic experience to watch the Toronto Marlies play Oklahoma at Ricoh Coliseum. All students had a great time watching the Marlies beat Rochester 3 -2 in a thrilling game that went down to the wire. We were also very proud to learn that OLH had the second highest attendance of all schools at the game! Representatives from our junior and intermediate hockey teams were invited onto the ice to carry both the Canadian and Marlies flag during the national anthem. It was truly a proud moment and we commend all of our students who represented us so very well. We would like to thank our parent volunteers, OLH staff, and our head coordinator, Mrs. Romano, for making this trip possible. For the month of April, student council would like to promote the following Spirit Days: DATE Thursday April 2nd Tuesday April 7th Friday April 17th Friday April 24th THEME DAY “Dress in Black” ~ for Holy Thursday to recognize the death of Jesus “Dress-up like a Bunny Day” ~ Wear something related to Easter (fun accessories of a Easter bunny/chick). “Flower Power Day” ~ Bring on the spring & warm weather (incorporate floral pattern into our Spring wear on this day. “I Wear My Sunglasses All Day!” ~ wear your coolest shades ALL DAY! Please continue to support our Lenten Milk Bag Drive. As a reminder, all the milk bags we received will be used to weave a milk bag mat and pillows that will be, eventually, donated to people in the Philippines and Haiti to sleep on. Luke 4.18 News Working wonders in our community…”you don’t have to look far to see the wonders being worked by ShareLife...in the pews of your parish, in the homes on your street, in your neighbourhood.” ShareLife agencies provide competent, faith-informed care to those who turn to them for help, regardless of their beliefs or background. Last year, over 354,000 services were provided to over 96,000 people in our Archdiocese allowing them to receive the compassion, care and respect they rightly deserve. In addition, countless others were assisted through outreach programs around the world. : Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. We are very thankful to all members of Our Lady of Hope Catholic School Community who continue to exemplify the virtue of compassion by supporting our ShareLife Book Sale. The sale raised over $400 for ShareLife charities. This amount, combined with our Annual Intermediate Volleyball Challenge, allowed our community to raise over $850 for ShareLife. Thank you to Ms. Lovisa, Ms. Minchella, Ms. Ewing, Ms. Tropea, and Ms. Sharma for a very successful book sale for such a very worthwhile cause. OLH Has Got Talent!! Trying out for a talent show definitely takes a great deal of courage. We would like to congratulate the overwhelming number of students who did just that this past month. The 2015 OLH Talent Show rehearsals are coming to a close and the level of talent at OLH is truly astounding. We thank our Talent Show coordinators, Ms. Hamilton, Ms. Senior, Ms. Klug, and our grade 7 leaders who’ve organized this opportunity for everyone. Best wishes to all and congratulations for your efforts! Camp Muskoka & Hot Lunch Change We would like to wish our Grade 6 students the very best as they explore a number of outdoor learning opportunities at Camp Muskoka. Please note, due to the timing of this excursion, all Gr. 6 students, who’ve ordered Pizza for April 15th, will receive their pizza on Tuesday, April 14th. All other students will receive their pizza on Wednesday, April 15th as scheduled. Thank you for making note of this on your calendars. Library News We are looking forward to the big Scholastic one day “Blow Out” sale in May. This is a good time to stock up on summer reading titles. The book sale will take place on Tuesday, May 5th, with extended hours for shopping from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. As a reminder, please check out the OLH Library’s Instagram account at svarlese_teacherlibrarian for updates about the sale, reading materials, library activities, featured books, authors and school initiatives. Board Recognition of the OLH Technohawks We would like to once again congratulate our Robotics team for their terrific success this year. On the evening of Tuesday, March 24th, the OLH Technohawks team was invited to the School Board to receive special recognition for their efforts and achievement this past robotics season. Each team-member each received certificates of achievement and acknowledgement from the Director of Education, Senior Administration and the Board of Trustees. Congratulations to: Jenica P., Stefan S., Alexander S., Noah V., Madelin G., Daniel I., Brandon Jon L., Samantha C., Kesiya M., and Domenico V. ECO News: iWalk, Earth Hour, and Earth Day ECO Team: iWalk for the Earth and Earth Hour On Wednesday, March 25th, OLH students participated in iWalk for Energy. Walking to school is a great way to help us feel energized for the day’s school activities and it is a way to save our Earth’s resources. When we walk to school, take the bus, ride our bikes, or park and walk-a-block, we are helping to reduce our use of fossil fuels, which are non-renewable energy resources, and to reduce the emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect and to global warming. Each step we take goes towards reducing our carbon footprint and educating our school community about the effects of climate change. OLH also celebrated Earth Hour on March 27th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. We aimed to reduce our carbon footprint by switching off lights and computer monitors. We can make a difference and be Earth Heroes! It’s in our hands and it’s in our feet! Thank you to the members of the ECO Team for organizing these events. The next iWalk is Wednesday, April 22nd - Earth Day We will be celebrating Earth Day with a week of challenges aimed at promoting environmental awareness. Mon., April 20 Tues. April 21 Wed., April 22 Thurs., April 23 Fri., April 24 Meatless Monday: Pack a Vegetarian Lunch Trashless Tuesday: Boomerang Lunch iWalk for the Earth Earth Day Clean Up Wear Blue a & Green Thirsty Thursday: Only use Reuseable Water Containers Lights Free Friday: Lights out at lunch
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