DEPARTMENTAL CLEARANCE/FINAL DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Author: Bridget Heffron & Fidelia Notman Michigan Department of Human Services Date: 11/29/2010 EMAIL TO: Project Number: BPB 2011-004 Project Title: April Ismael Ahmed, Director Cash Assistance Payments FOA (Jane Goetschy) Interagency & Community Service(Jocelyn Vanda) Children’s Services (Kathryne O’Grady) State Legislation (Dawn Pline) Juvenile Justice (John Evans) Community Action (Stacie Gibson) Child Welfare Bureau (Suzanne Stiles Burke) Communications (Edward Woods III) Child Welfare Improvement (Terri Gilbert) Customer Service (Karen Golejewski) Child Welfare Training Inst. (Carol Siemon) Relative Licensing (Nancy Rostoni) Chief Administrative Officer (Susan Kangas) Chief Deputy Director (Susan Kangas) Administrative Services (Dan Werk) Legal Affairs (Luttrell Levingston) Contracts & Rate Setting (Helen Weber) Child Support (Marilyn Stephen) Accounting (Russ Hecko) Inspector General (Alan Kimichik) Budget (Jane Schultz) Equal Opportunity (James Newsom) Financial & Quality Services(Barbara Anders) Family Advocate (Stacie Bladen) Division of Adult & Family Services(Kim Keilen) Early Ed/Care, Fed Liaison (L.Brewer-Walraven) Adult Services (Cynthia Farrell) FAP Payment Accuracy (Sandy Mose) Quality Assurance (Julie Horn Alexander) Internal Audit (Rod Markowski) Technology & Info Mgm't (J. Kurnick-Ziegler) Human Resources (Susan King) Interstate(Ted Forrest) Field Operations (Terry Salacina) Chief Information Officer (Jim Hogan) Child Welfare Outstate FOA (Steve Yager) Wayne County Director (Dwayne Haywood) DCH Program Policy (Edmund Kemp) Training Division (Dawn Callahan) DCH MA Director (Stephen Fritton) FROM: Office Name Purpose Office of Communications, Grand Tower Suite 1510, PO Box 30037, Lansing, MI 48909 Contact Person: Phone Number Judith Galant 517-241-7084 Contact Email: [email protected] Fax Number 517-373-8471 Clearance Required Information Only – Sent to all offices checked above. Due Date Medicaid Due Date: December 30, 2010 CDC Due Date: December 20, 2010 THIS SECTION COMPLETED BY RECEIVER INSTRUCTIONS Please review the attached manual material. Combine all comments from your administration and forward one consolidated recommendation by the due date. If you wish to discuss the material, please contact the above named “contact person.” Clearance Approved Disapproved No Comments See Comments Below See Comments in Text Signature Date Discussion Required Prior to Making Changes This Office Must Review After Changes Review Not Necessary After Changes Bureau/Office Name Phone Number Comments AUTHORITY: P.A. 280 of 1939. COMPLETION: Voluntary. CONSEQUENCE FOR NOT RESPONDING: Comments cannot be considered. DHS-311 (Rev. 5-09) Previous editions obsolete. MS Word Department of Human Services (DHS) will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age, national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your needs known to a DHS office in your area. BPB 2011-004 EFFECTIVE Subject(s) 1) MEDICAID 1 of 2 BRIDGES POLICY BULLETIN April 1, 2011. 1. 2. Medicaid (MA). Child Development and Care (CDC). BEM 124, Plan First! Family Planning Program An ex parte review is not required before Medicaid closures when there is an actual or anticipated change. Reason: Not part of lawsuit settlement. BEM 174, Freedom to Work (FTW) FTW clients requiring a disability determination from MRT must be clearly indicated on the medical packet by checking the other Program box and writing “Freedom to Work” or “FTW” in the blank on the DHS49A Medical Social Eligibility Certification form. Reason: This language had been removed during the transition to BEM. BEM 220, Residence Residency continues for an individual who is temporarily absent from Michigan or intends to return to Michigan when the purpose of the absence has been accomplished. Reason: Clarification for local offices. BEM 400, Assets Jointly owned real property is only excludable if it creates a hardship for the other owners. In SSI related MA a divestment has occurred if joint owners are added during the five year look back period. See BEM 405 for determination of a divestment penalty. For jointly owned real property count the individual’s share unless sale of the property would cause undue hardship. Undue hardship for this item is defined as: a co-owner uses the property as his or her principal place of residence and they would have to move if the property were sold and there is no other readily available housing. Reason: To bring policy in line with federal guidelines. Life Insurance Value for SSI-Related MA A life insurance policy is an asset if it can generate a cash surrender value. A policy is the policy owner's asset. Issued: Distribution: STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BPB 2011-004 2 of 2 BRIDGES POLICY BULLETIN Policies called graded term or level term may have a cash surrender value and must be verified and counted as an asset. Tables included with a life insurance policy are not considered accurate. Verification of the CSV should be either a current notice (within the year) from the company or by contacting the company for the current value. Reason: Clarification of current policy as well as updates on new types of policies in the market. BEM 401, Trusts - MA A trust is not a Medicaid trust if it contains the resources of a person who is disabled (not blind), and under age 65 per BEM 260. Reason: To bring policy in line with federal law. BEM 405, MA Divestment Full implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) now creates a 60 month look-back period for all transfer of assets. Reason: DRA is now in full force for MA divestment policy. 2) CDC BEM 704, CDC Providers Individuals Who May Not Receive Payment For Care The applicant/client has been added to this section and the bullet regarding home help has been revised. Unlicensed (AIDE/Relative) Provider Enrollment Process A sentence was added that the DHS-220, Child Development and Care Unlicensed Provider Application, must be completely filled out. Central Registry Expungement The procedure for a central registry expungement has been revised. Central Registry The automated daily central registry clearances do not include household members. Individuals Who May Not Receive Payment For Care The applicant/client has been added. Reason: Policy clarification. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 124 1 of 4 DEPARTMENT POLICY PLAN FIRST! FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM MA Only The Plan First! Family Planning Program is a health coverage program operated by the Department of Community Health (DCH). Plan First! will enable DCH to provide family planning services to women who would not have coverage for these services and do not have other comprehensive health insurance. The program is administered by the centrally located Plan First! Unit. All eligibility factors in this item must be met. All nonfinancial eligibility factors must be met in the calendar month being tested. TARGETED POPULATION Non-pregnant women who are: • 19-44 years of age, and • Not currently covered by Medicaid, including deductible cases, or Adult Medical Program (AMP), and • Not covered by any other comprehensive health insurance. Note: If the other health insurance does not include family planning services the client may be eligible for Plan First! . APPLICATION FOR PLAN FIRST • Have family income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level, and • Residents of Michigan, meet residency requirements, and • Meet Medicaid citizenship requirements. The MSA-1582, Plan First! Family Planning Program, application is used for this program. The MSA-1582 must be sent to the Plan First! Unit. MSA-1582’s received in the local office should be forwarded to the Plan First Unit. Applications for Plan First! may be submitted to: Plan First! PO Box 30412 Lansing, MI 48909 Applications may be faxed to Plan First! at 517-324-0710. Applications are also accepted online at BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 124 2 of 4 QUESTIONS ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION PLAN FIRST! FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM Refer questions regarding Plan First! to 1-800-642-3195. For persons with hearing difficulties the TTY number is 1-866-501-5656. The Plan First! Unit will determine eligibility for Plan First! when they receive an MSA-1582, no other MA programs will be considered. The Plan First! Unit will register the application and determine MA eligibility at application and redetermination. Once the client has been determined eligible they will be issued a mihealth card. The Plan First! Unit is responsible for: • Completing a Bridges clearance to determine if the client has a deductible case. If so, the Plan First! application is denied. • Issuing a denial letter and sending a new Plan First! application to the client, instructing them to have their deductible case closed if they wish to pursue Plan First! • Evaluating the applicant for other Medicaid programs based on the information provided, which may provide more comprehensive services and refer the client to the local DHS office. • Registering the application in Bridges and completing an eligibility determination. • Sending a DHS-3503, Verification Checklist, when additional information is needed. • Sending notices to the client regarding her eligibility. • Maintaining the case record, including processing an address change if the client is active Plan First! only. Note: Address changes for clients with other active DHS programs will be referred to the local office. COVERAGE PERIOD Once a client is determined eligible for Plan First! eligibility will be for a 12-month period. An annual redetermination will be completed by the Plan First! Unit. Coverage may continue for the duration of the waiver as long as the eligibility criteria is met. The begin date of eligibility for Plan First! is the first day of the month the application is received via U.S. mail, fax, online or interoffice transfer. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 124 3 of 4 PLAN FIRST! FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM NONFINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY FACTORS Residence The client must be a resident of the State of Michigan. A person is considered a resident if she lives in Michigan and intends to remain in Michigan. Age The woman must be age 19 through 44. Citizenship The client must be a U.S. citizen or have acceptable alien status. Persons whose alien status limits them to emergency services Medicaid (ESO) do not have acceptable status. The MA eligibility factors in the following items must also be met. • • • • • BEM 221, Identity. BEM 223, Social Security Numbers. BEM 256, Spousal/Parental Support. BEM 257, Third Party Resource Liability. BEM 265, Institutional Status. FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY FACTORS Fiscal Group The fiscal group policies for FIP-related groups in BEM 211 apply. Assets There is no asset test. Divestment Policy in BEM 405 applies as income can be divested. Income Eligibility The adjusted gross income must be at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). All income (earned and unearned) of the fiscal group must be reported on the application. The income limit’s are in RFT 246. Apply MA policy in BEM 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 530 and 536 to determine net income. ONGOING ELIGIBILITY Once eligible, eligibility continues until redetermination unless thewoman meets one of the following: • • • • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Reaches age 45. Moves out of state. Is ineligible due to Institutional Status, see BEM 265. Obtains comprehensive health insurance. Dies. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 124 4 of 4 PLAN FIRST! FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM Note: An ex parte review (see glossary) is required before Medicaid closures when there is an actual or anticipated change, unless the change would result in closure due to ineligibility for all Medicaid. When possible, an ex parte review should begin at least 90 days before the anticipated change is expected to result in case closure. The review includes consideration of all MA categories. See BAM 115 and 220. COVERED SERVICES ELIGIBILITY FOR OTHER PROGRAMS Family planning services are defined as any medically approved means, including diagnostic evaluation, drugs, and supplies, for voluntarily preventing or delaying pregnancy. When a Plan First! recipient is determined eligible for Medicaid (including a deductible case), AMP, or FIP, contact the Plan First! worker to request case closure. Women can receive Plan First! services or Medicaid/AMP but not both. Worker contact information is available in Bridges. If MA coverage must be added to Bridges for the same months the client received Plan First! coverage, contact the exception unit (1-800292-9570) for a Plan First! override. Plan First! must be closed prior to requesting an override. LEGAL BASE Social Security Act, Section 1115 Waiver, Section 1905(a)(4)(C) and Section 1902(a)(10)(A) JOINT POLICY DEVELOPMENT Medicaid, Adult Medical Program (AMP), Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA/TMA-Plus), and Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS) policy has been developed jointly by the Department of Community Health (DCH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 174 1 of 3 DEPARTMENT POLICY FREEDOM TO WORK (FTW) MA Only Do not consider Freedom to Work (FTW) eligibility if the month being tested is before January 2004. This is an SSI-related Group 1 MA category. Consider client’s eligibility for all other MA categories before considering eligibility for Freedom to Work (FTW). FTW is available to a disabled client age 16 through 64 who has earned income. Eligibility begins the first day of the calendar month in which all eligibility criteria are met. All eligibility factors must be met in the calendar month being tested. Note: SSI recipients whose SSI eligibility has ended due to financial factors are among those who should be considered for this program. NON-FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY FACTORS 1. The client must be MA eligible before eligibility for FTW can be considered. 2. The client does not access MA through a deductible. 3. The client must be disabled according to the disability standards of the Social Security Administration, except employment, earnings, and substantial gainful activity (SGA) cannot be considered in the disabilty determination. Note: FTW clients requiring a disability determination from MRT must be clearly indicated on the medical packet by checking the other Program box and writing “Freedom to Work” or “FTW” in the blank on the DHS-49A Medical Social Eligibility Certification form. 4. The client must be employed. Note: A client may have temporary breaks in employment up to 24 months if the break is the result of an involuntary layoff or is determined to be medically necessary and retain FTW eligibility. 5. The MA eligibility factors in the following items must be met: • • • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL BEM 220, Residence. BEM 221, Identity. BEM 223, Social Security Numbers. BEM 225, Citizenship/Alien Status. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 174 2 of 3 FREEDOM TO WORK (FTW) • • • BEM 257, Third Party Resource Liability. BEM 265, Institutional Status. BEM 270, Pursuit of Benefits. FINANCIAL ELIGIBILITY FACTORS Groups Clients eligible under the FTW category is a fiscal and asset group of one. Assets Once a client is determined eligible for FTW, the countable assets cannot exceed the asset limit for FTW in BEM 400. Refer to BEM 400 for jointly owned assets. Divestment Do not apply policy in BEM 405. Income Eligibility Income eligibility exists when the client’s net unearned income does not exceed 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), which is: • • $867 effective April 1, 2008. $903 effective April 1, 2009. If the client’s net earned income is above 250 percent of the FPL, refer the client to FTW; see FTW Referrals in this item. Determine countable earned and unearned income according to SSIrelated MA policies in BEM 500, 530, 540 (for children) or 541 (for adults). Unemployment compensation benefits are not countable income for FTW. PREMIUM PAYMENTS A client with net earned income exceeding 250 percent of the FPL is required to pay a monthly premium based on earned income to keep MA coverage. Premiums will be billed and collected by the Department of Community Health (DCH) through FTW. Monthly FTW Premiums Monthly FTW Premiums Effective 04/01/09 Premium Level BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Monthly Countable Earned Income Premium Amount Level 1 $2257 to $3158 $50 Level 2 $3159 to $4512 $190 Level 3 $4513 to $6249 $460 Level 4 (max. $75,000) $6,250 and over $920 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 174 3 of 3 FTW Referrals FREEDOM TO WORK (FTW) If you determine that a client’s earned income exceeds 250 percent of the FPL and meets all other financial and non-financial factors in this item, use a DHS-45, DHS to DCH/MIChild/FTW Transmittal, and send a legible photocopy of the FTW budget sheet to the address below: Freedom to Work PO Box 30412 Lansing, MI 48909 FTW will use the budget information to determine the premium payment. When the client’s income increases to the point they would be required to pay a different premium amount, send a copy of the new budget to the above address. Use a DHS-14, MIChild/Freedom to Work Referral, to inform the client of the referral to FTW. This notice also informs the client if a premium is required. Do not end the client’s medical assistance onBridges. FTW will notify the client of the premium payment and collection process. If the premium is not paid, DCH’s Exception Unit will close the case and notify DHS staff. Note: An ex parte review (see glossary) is required before Medicaid closures when there is an actual or anticipated change, unless the change would result in closure due to ineligibility for all Medicaid. When possible, an ex parte reivew should begin at least 90 days before the anticipated change is expected to result in case closure. The review includes consideration of all MA categories; see BAM 115 and 220. MEDICARE SAVINGS PROGRAM (MSP) MSP and FTW have different group composition, income and asset limits. A separate determination must be done when there is a spouse. Reminder: A client eligible for MA under FTW is not eligible for ALMB. LEGAL BASE MA Title XIX of the Social Security Act Public Act 33 of 2003 JOINT POLICY DEVELOPMENT Medicaid, Adult Medical Program (AMP) also known as Adult Benefit Waiver (ABW), Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA/TMA-Plus), and Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS) policy has been developed jointly by the Department of Community Health (DCH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 1 of 8 RESIDENCE DEPARTMENT POLICY All Programs USCIS refers to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, formerly, the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration or Immigration and Naturalization Service. To be eligible, a person must be a Michigan resident. Bridges uses the requirements in the Residence section in this item to determine if a person is a Michigan resident. See also WHERE TO APPLY/PROCESS APPLICATIONS in BAM 110. MA Only Bridges uses the requirements in the Institutionalized Persons section in this item when the fiscal group consists of only a person in, or expected to be in, an institution the entire calendar month you are evaluating and certifying. In all other situations, it uses the requirements in the Residence section, based on circumstances for the calendar month being evaluated and certified. RESIDENCE FIP, SDA and AMP A person is a resident if he: • • • CDC and FAP MA Only (noninstitutionalized persons) Is not receiving assistance from another state; and Is living in Michigan, except for a temporary absence, and Intends to remain in the state permanently or indefinitely. A person is considered a resident while living in Michigan for any purpose other than a vacation, even if he has no intent to remain in the state permanently or indefinitely. Eligible persons may include: • Persons who entered the state with a job commitment or to seek employment; and • Students (For FAP only, this includes students living at home during a school break.) A person is not a Michigan resident for any month in which he received an SSI state supplement payment from another state. An individual is a Michigan resident if either of the following apply: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL He lives in Michigan, except for a temporary absence, and intends to remain in Michigan permanently or indefinitely. If the individual indicates an intent to remain in Michigan, but his official USCIS documents indicate a temporary or time-limited period to the visit, the individual does not meet the intent to remain requirements, unless he verifies that official steps are being taken with STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 2 of 8 RESIDENCE USCIS to apply for lawful permanent resident status. See BEM 225. • He or a member of his MA fiscal group has entered the state of Michigan for employment purposes, and •• •• Has a job commitment, or Is seeking employment. Note: An individual who claims that he or a member of his MA fiscal group has entered the state for employment purposes must verify that he has a job commitment or is seeking employment. If the official USCIS documents indicate a status that does not permit the individual to work, the USCIS documents are verification that the individual did not enter Michigan for purposes of employment. HOMELESS PERSONS All Programs A homeless person is an individual who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime dwelling or whose temporary nighttime dwelling is one of the following: • Supervised private or public shelter for the homeless. Exception: For FAP, a client is considered homeless only for the first 90 days. • Halfway house or similar facility to accommodate persons released from institutions. • Home of another person. Exception: For FAP, a client is considered homeless only for the first 90 days. • Place not designed or ordinarily used as a dwelling (e.g., building entrance or hallway, bus station, park, campsite, vehicle). Exception: For FAP, a client is considered homeless only for the first 90 days. Lack of a permanent dwelling or fixed mailing address does not affect an individual’s state residence status. Assistance cannot be denied solely because the individual has no permanent dwelling or fixed address. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 3 of 8 RESIDENCE Use the local office address or another location agreeable to the individual as the mailing address in Bridges. Do not designate a temporary mailing address as the individual’s physical address. INSTITUTONALIZED PERSONS FIP, SDA, MA and AMP An institution is an establishment that furnishes food, shelter and some treatment or services to more than three people unrelated to the proprietor. For SDA/AMP clients, this also includes group living facilities. See BEM 615. MA Only In this section only, institution includes an out-of-state foster care home licensed by that state that provides food, shelter and supportive services to at least one person unrelated to the proprietor. OUT-OF-STATE PLACEMENTS FIP, SDA and AMP Incompetent adults and dependent children are sometimes placed in another state by a person or agency legally responsible for their care. The individual remains a Michigan resident unless the move is to establish a permanent out-of-state home. Note: An incompetent adult or dependent child placed in Michigan from another state is not a Michigan resident unless the move is to establish a permanent home in Michigan. MA Only An individual is a Michigan resident if placed in an out-of-state institution by a Michigan agency (e.g., DHS, juvenile court). An individual is not a Michigan resident if placed in a Michigan institution by another state's agency. DETERMINATION OF CAPABILITY MA Only If the individual is institutionalized, you must first determine whether he is capable or incapable of indicating his intent to remain in the state. Exception: This does not apply to out-of-state placements (see above) or to unmarried persons under age 18. Consider an individual capable of indicating intent unless one of the following factors is documented: • • • • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL IQ under 50. Mental age under 8. Judgment of incompetence by a court. In a psychiatric facility by court order. Determined incapable by the medical review team. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 4 of 8 RESIDENCE CAPABLE PERSONS AT LEAST AGE 18 OR MARRIED MA Only An institutionalized, capable individual at least age 18 or married has Michigan residence if he lives in Michigan and intends to remain in the state permanently or indefinitely. Exception: An individual remains a Michigan resident if he: • • Is currently in an out-of-state LTC facility, and Was a Michigan resident immediately prior to entering the LTC facility. Note: A Michigan resident who voluntarily enters an out-of-state long term care facility on or after October 1, 2007 is not considered a Michigan resident for Medicaid purposes. UNDER AGE 18 AND UNMARRIED; OR INCAPABLE BEFORE AGE 21 MA Only An individual who (1) is under age 18 and unmarried, or (2) became incapable of indicating an intent before age 21, has Michigan residence in any of the following circumstances: • One of his legal parents lives in Michigan or did so at the time of the institutional placement. • Parental rights of his parents were terminated; the court appointed a legal guardian for him; and the guardian lives in Michigan or did so at the time of the institutional placement. • He was abandoned by his parents and he does not have a courtappointed legal guardian, but a person who lives in Michigan completed the most recent application for him. INCAPABLE AT OR AFTER AGE 21 MA Only An institutionalized individual who became incapable at or after age 21 has Michigan residence if physically present in Michigan and not placed by an out-of-state agency. Exception: An individual remains a Michigan resident if he: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Is currently in an out-of-state LTC facility, and STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 5 of 8 RESIDENCE • Was a Michigan resident immediately prior to entering the LTC facility. Note: A Michigan resident who voluntarily enters an out-of-state long term care facility on or after October 1, 2007 is not considered a Michigan resident for Medicaid purposes. VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Record the verification source in Bridges for all items below that have a verification source field. Bridges will list them on a DHS-3503, Verification Checklist if they are not verified or if the verification source is not valid for the program(s) on the case. Assistance from Another State FIP and SDA only Address FIP and SDA only Verify receipt of assistance from another state. See BEM 222. You do not have to verify the individual's address. FAP only Verify that the individual lives in the area your office serves. However, do not deny benefits to an individual with no permanent address (e.g., new arrival, migrant, homeless) solely for lack of a verified address. Note the lack of this verification and reason for it on the DHS-1171 or in case comments in Bridges. CDC only Verify the client’s address. Intent to Remain in Michigan FIP, SDA, MA and AMP Accept an individual’s statement of intent to remain in Michigan unless the statement is inconsistent or conflicts with known facts. Note: For MA only, if the individual indicates an intent to remain in Michigan, but the individual’s official USCIS documents indicate a temporary or time-limited period to the visit, the individual does not meet the intent to remain requirements, unless the individual verifies that official steps are being taken with USCIS to apply for lawful permanent resident status. See BEM 225. See the Verification Sources in this item. Intent to Return to Michigan FIP, SDA, MA and AMP If an individual is temporarily absent from Michigan, verify the intent to return. See the Verification Sources section in this item. MA and AMP BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 6 of 8 RESIDENCE Residency continues for an individual who is temporarily absent from Michigan or intends to return to Michigan when the purpose of the absence has been accomplished. Job Commitment/ Seeking Employment CDC only Accept an individual’s statement of entering the state with a job commitment or to seek employment unless it is inconsistent or conflicts with known facts. MA only Verify that the individual or a member of his MA fiscal group has entered the state for employment purposes and either has a job commitment or is seeking employment. Note: For MA only, If the official USCIS document indicates a status that does not permit the individual to work, the USCIS document is verification that the individual did not enter Michigan for purposes of employment; see BEM 225 and Verification Sources in this item. Incapability to Indicate Intent MA only Verify an institutionalized individual’s incapability to indicate intent unless he is: • • An out-of-state placement, as defined in this item, or Under age 18 and unmarried. VERIFICATION SOURCES Address All programs • • • • • Driver's license. Other ID which provides a name and address. Mortgage or rent receipt. Utility bill. Collateral contact with a person who knows the individual’s living arrangement. FAP only Exception: Verification of residence is not needed for categorically eligible groups; see BEM 213. Intent to Remain In Michigan MA only An individual’s USCIS documents indicating the individual entered for a temporary or time-limited period is verification that the individual does not intend to remain in Michigan, unless the individual verifies that BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 7 of 8 RESIDENCE official steps are being taken with USCIS to apply for lawful permanent resident status. Intent to Return to Michigan Incapability to Indicate Intent Job Commitment/ Seeking Employment FIP,and SDA, MA and AMP • Evidence that rent, property taxes, utilities or house payments in Michigan are being paid. • Evidence that a local job is being held for the individual. • Evidence that the reason for the absence implies intent to remain a Michigan resident. MA only • Medical evidence of an IQ under 50 or mental age under 8. Use a DHS-49D, Psychiatric Examination Report, or other professional medical certification. • Legal evidence of a court judgment of incompetence or courtordered placement in a psychiatric facility. Use copies of court documents or other official legal evidence. • Follow the procedures in BAM 815 to obtain medical evidence or make a referral to the medical review team. MA only • Department of Labor and Economic Growth work registration. • Statement from employer, pay stubs, job offer letter, employment contract, employee work schedule, verification of employment form, DHS-38. • An official USCIS document that does not indicate that the individual is prohibited from working. Example: I-551, Resident Alien Card, I-766 Employment Authorization Card. LEGAL BASE FIP 42 USC 602(a)(1)(A)(i) MCL 400.32 MA 42 CFR 435.403 Section 11005 of P.L. 99-570 Social Security Act, Sections 1902(a)(48), 1902(b)(2) MCL 400.32 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 220 8 of 8 RESIDENCE FAP 7 CFR 273.2 (f)(1)(vi), (vii),.3 SDA DHS Annual Appropriations Act AMP TITLE XXI of the Social Security Act (1115)(a)(1) of the Social Security Act CDC Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 Social Security Act, Titles IVA, XX JOINT POLICY DEVELOPMENT Medicaid, Adult Medical Program (AMP) also known as Adult Benefit Waiver (ABW), Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA/TMA-Plus), and Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS) policy has been developed jointly by the Department of Community Health (DCH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 1 of 41 DEPARTMENT POLICY ASSETS FIP, SDA, RAPC, LIF, Group 2 Persons Under Age 21, Group 2 Caretaker Relative, SSI-Related MA, and AMP Assets must be considered in determining eligibility for FIP, SDA, RAPC, LIF, Group 2 Persons Under Age 21 (G2U), Group 2 Caretaker Relative (G2C), SSI-related MA categories and AMP. FIP, SDA, RAPC, LIF, G2U, G2C and AMP consider only the following types of assets: • • • • Cash (which includes savings and checking accounts). Investments. Retirement Plans. Trusts. Assets Defined Assets means cash, any other personal property and real property. Real property is land and objects affixed to the land such as buildings, trees and fences. Condominiums are real property. Personal property is any item subject to ownership that is not real property (examples: currency, savings accounts and vehicles). Overview of Asset Policy FIP asset rules apply to RAPC Countable assets cannot exceed the applicable asset limit. Not all assets are counted. Some assets are counted for one program, but not for another program. Some programs do not count assets; see Programs With No Asset Test in this item. You must consider both of the following to determine whether, and how much of, an asset is countable. • Availability: •• •• •• • See Available. See Jointly Owned Assets. See Non-Salable Assets. Exclusions. An asset is countable if it meets the availability tests and is not excluded. Note: Only certain types of assets are considered by FIP, RAPC, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, and AM. See below in this section. You must consider the assets of each person in the asset group. See the program's asset group policy in this item. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 2 of 41 ASSETS An asset converted from one form to another (example: an item sold for cash) is still an asset. Exception: See SALE OF PROPERTY IN INSTALLMENTS in BEM 500. FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, and AMP Only The following types of assets are the only types considered for FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, and AMP: • • • • Cash (which includes savings and checking accounts). Investments. Retirement plans. Trusts. SSI-Related MA All types of assets are considered for SSI-related MA categories. PROGRAMS WITH NO ASSET TEST CDC There is no asset test for CDC. Healthy Kids, Group 2 Pregnant Women, TMAP, RAPM There is no asset test for the following: • • • • Healthy Kids (BEM 125, 129 and 131). Group 2 Pregnant Women (BEM 126). TMA-Plus (BEM 645). Refugee Assistance Program Medical (RAPM) BEM 630) Do not deny or terminate those benefits because of a refusal to provide asset information or asset verification requested for purposes of determining eligibility for a category or program that has an asset test, such as FIP or LIF. Example: The Smith family (Mrs. Smith and daughter age 12) failed to return verification of their bank account by the due date. Therefore, LIF eligibility cannot be determined. However, Healthy Kids must still be considered. FAP Only There is no asset test for the food assistance program as all groups are either: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Categorically eligible. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 3 of 41 ASSETS • FIP, RAPC AND SDA ASSET ELIGIBILITY All members of the group are eligible for domestic violence comprehensive services. FIP, RAPC and SDA Policy Overview Determine asset eligibility prospectively using the asset group's assets from the benefit month. Asset eligibility exists when the group’s countable assets are less than, or equal to, the applicable asset limit at least one day during the month being tested. Application At application, do not authorize the Family Independence Program (FIP), Refugee Assistance Program Cash (RAPC), or State Disability Program (SDA) for future months if the person has excess assets on the processing date. Pending Application Months For pending FIP, RAPC, and SDA applications, use asset policy that is in effect for the month you are determining eligibility. Ongoing If an ongoing FIP, RAPC, or SDA recipient has excess assets, initiate closure. However, reinstate the program if it is verified that the excess assets are under the limit on or before the timely hearing request date. FIP, RAPC and SDA Only Bridges produces an over payment referral for benefits issued after the last month of eligibility only if a closure delay was caused by the group's failure to report the asset change timely. BAM 700 and 705 explain overissuance and recoupment policies and procedures. RAPC Only Do not consider the assets of a refugee's sponsor in determining the refugee's eligibility. Exclude as an asset any cash assistance given to a refugee from a resettlement agency. Evaluate and treat other assets as they are evaluated and treated for FIP. FIP/RAPC/SDA/ AMP Asset Group FIP, RAPC, SDA and AMP Only FIP, RAPC and SDA Asset Limit FIP, RAPC and SDA Only The asset group includes individuals with an EDG participation status of eligible or disqualified; see BEM 210, 214 and 215. $3,000 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 4 of 41 AMP Asset Limit ASSETS AMP Only $3,000 MA ASSET ELIGIBILITY LIF, G2U, G2C, AMP and SSI-Related MA Only Asset eligibility is required for LIF, G2U, G2C, AMP and SSI-related MA categories. Note: Do not deny or terminate TMA-Plus, Healthy Kids or Group 2 Pregnant Women because of a refusal to provide asset information or asset verification requested for purposes of determining LIF, G2U, G2C or SSI-related MA eligibility. Use the special asset rules in BEM 402 for certain married L/H and waiver patients. See BPG Glossary, for the definition of L/H patient and BEM 106 for the definition of waiver patient. Asset eligibility exists when the asset group's countable assets are less than, or equal to, the applicable asset limit at least one day during the month being tested. At application, do not authorize MA for future months if the person has excess assets on the processing date. If an ongoing MA recipient or active deductible client has excess assets, initiate closure. However, delete the pending negative action if it is verified that the excess assets were disposed of. Payment of medical expenses, living costs and other debts are examples of ways to dispose of excess assets without divestment. LTC and waiver patients will be penalized for divestment; see BEM 405. LIF Asset Group LIF Only See BEM 110. LIF Asset Limit LIF Only $3,000 G2U and G2C Asset Group G2U and G2C G2U and G2C Asset Limit G2U and G2C See BEM 211. $3,000 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 5 of 41 ASSETS SSI-Related MA Asset Group SSI-Related MA Only SSI-Related MA Asset Limit SSI-Related MA Only See BEM 211. For Freedom to Work (BEM 174) the asset limit is $75,000. IRS recognized retirement accounts (including IRA’S and 401(k)’s) may be of unlimited value. For Medicare Savings Programs (BEM 165) and QDWI (BEM 169) the asset limit is: • • $6,600 for an asset group of one. $9,910 for an asset group of two. For all other SSI-related MA categories, the asset limit is: • • $2,000 for an asset group of one. $3,000 for an asset group of two. DEEMING OF PARENTAL ASSETS SSI-Related MA Only Deeming means counting a portion of parents' assets as their child's assets. Do not deem when: Deeming Calculation • Any parent living with the child (see BEM 211) is an SSI or FIP recipient. • When determining a child's eligibility under BEM 170, Home Care Children. • When determining a child's eligibility under BEM 171, Children’s Waiver. SSI-Related MA Only Use the following to calculate the deemed amount. 1. Determine the total value of the parents’ countable assets, as if they were an asset group, even if they are not married. Note: The child is not eligible for SSI-related MA if the parents refuse to provide asset information or a required verification. 2. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Subtract $2,000 for one parent ($3,000 for two parents) from the amount of the parents' countable assets (step 1). The result is the deemable asset amount. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 6 of 41 ASSETS 3. Divide the deemable asset amount (step 2) by the number of the parents' unmarried children under age 18 in the parents' home who are: • • SSI recipients. Applicants for, or recipients of, MA based on blindness or disability, who also meet both: •• The nonfinancial eligibility factors in BEM 155 or 166.Are not Home Care Children (BEM 170) or Children’s Waiver (BEM 171). The result is the amount of assets deemed to the child whose eligibility is being determined. AVAILABLE FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP An asset must be available to be countable. Available means that someone in the asset group has the legal right to use or dispose of the asset. Exception: This does not apply to trusts. There are special rules about trusts. See Trusts below for FIP, SDA and AMP; see BEM 401 for MA trust policy. Assume an asset is available unless evidence shows it is not available. An asset remains available during periods in which a guardian or conservator is being sought. This includes situations such as: • A person's guardian dies and a new guardian has not been appointed yet. • A court decides a person needs a guardian, but has not appointed one yet. • A person is unconscious and his family asks the court to appoint a guardian. Availability might also be affected by joint ownership and efforts to sell or the possibility of domestic violence. See Jointly Owned Assets, NonSalable Assets and Victims of Domestic Violence in this item. SSI-Related MA and AMP Only A person's death and probating his estate does not make his assets unavailable for purposes of determining his eligibility. Determine asset eligibility for the days of the month the person was alive. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 7 of 41 VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSETS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Assets owned by victims of domestic violence may be unavailable due to domestic violence. These assets do not have to be jointly owned but accessing them could put the client in danger. You may exempt these assets for a maximum of three months. With FIM approval one threemonth extension is permitted. Document in the case record the reasons for the temporary exclusion, and, if any extension is requested, document what steps have been taken to secure the asset. Clients should be advised at the time of the exemption that they are required to report any changes in the status of the asset within 10 days. JOINTLY OWNED ASSETS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Jointly owned assets are assets that have more than one owner. Note: For FTW determinations jointly owned assets are considered to belong to the initial person. An asset is unavailable if an owner cannot sell or spend his share of an asset: • • • Without another owner's consent, and The other owner is not in the asset group, and The other owner refuses consent. Exception: In SSI-related MA, when ownership is shared by an SSIrelated child and his parent(s) and parental asset deeming applies, refusal to sell by either the child or the parent(s) does not make an asset unavailable. Exception: Jointly owned real property is only excludable if it creates a hardship for the other owners. See below in this item. Note: In SSI related MA a divestment has occured if joint owners are added during the five year look back period. See BEM 405 for determination of a divestment penalty. Ownership documents for jointly owned real property commonly use one of four phrases: • Joint Tenancy: no owner can sell unless all owners agree. • Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship: no owner can sell unless all owners agree. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 8 of 41 Joint Cash and Retirement Plans ASSETS • Tenancy by the Entirety: same as joint tenancy except the owners are husband and wife. Neither owner can sell unless both owners agree. • Tenancy-in-Common: each owner can sell his share without the other owner's agreement. FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP This section applies to the types of assets listed under CASH and RETIREMENT PLANS in this item. Count the entire amount unless the person claims and verifies a different ownership. Then, each owner's share is the amount he owns. SSI-Related MA Only Exception: Apply the following when an L/H or waiver patient (see PRG, Glossary, and BEM 106) and his spouse jointly own the asset: • Consider the client the sole owner in determining the community spouse resource allowance (CSRA). BEM 402 describes the CSRA. • Proceed as follows for all other purposes: •• If the spouse is an MA-only client or receives FIP or SSI, each spouse owns an equal share unless otherwise claimed and verified. •• If the spouse is not an MA-only client and does not receive FIP or SSI, consider the asset totally available unless otherwise claimed and verified. Exception: Count equal shares of an asset owned by more than one SSI-related MA child unless the person claims and verifies a different ownership. Exception: If the owners are an SSI-related MA child and his parent(s) and asset deeming applies, count the total amount as the child's unless the person claims and verifies a different ownership. Other Joint Assets FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP This applies to all assets that are not included under Cash or Retirement Plans. Count an equal share for each owner. Note: For jointly owned real property count the individual’s share unless sale of the property would cause undue hardship. Undue hard- BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 9 of 41 ASSETS ship for this item is defined as: a co-owner uses the property as his or her principal place of residence and they would have to move if the property were sold and there is no other readily available housing. Exception: If specified otherwise by the ownership document, each owner's share is the amount specified. NON-SALABLE ASSETS SSI-Related MA Non-Salable Assets SSI-Related MA Only Give the asset a $0 countable value when it has no current market value as shown by one of the following: • Two knowledgeable appropriate sources (example: realtor, banker, stock broker) in the owner's geographic area state that the asset is not salable due to a specific condition. This applies to any assets listed under: •• •• •• •• •• •• • Investments. Vehicles. Livestock. Burial Space Defined. Employment and Training Assets. Homes and Real Property (see below) In addition, for homes, life leases, land contracts, mortgages, and any other real property an actual sale attempt at or below fair market value in the owner's geographic area results in no reasonable offer to purchase. The asset becomes salable when a reasonable offer is received. Count an asset that no longer meets these conditions. For applicants, an active attempt to sell must have started at least 90 days prior to application and must continue until the property is sold. For recipients, the asset must have been up for sale at least 30 days prior to redetermination and must continue until the property is sold. An active attempt to sell means the seller has a set price for fair market value, is actively advertising the sale in publications such as local newspaper, and is currently listed with a licensed realtor. CASH FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP This section is about the following types of assets: • Money/currency. • Uncashed checks, drafts and warrants. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 10 of 41 Lump Sums and Accumulated Benefits ASSETS • Checking and draft accounts. • Savings and share accounts. • Money market accounts. • LTC patient trust fund. • Money held by others-- Example: Sally does not have a bank account. She puts money in her mother's checking account, but it is not a joint account. • Time deposits-- A time deposit is a contract between a person and a financial institution whereby the person agrees to leave funds on deposit for a specified period in return for a specified interest rate. Common time deposits are certificates of deposit (CDs) and savings certificates. Lump sums and accumulated benefits are defined in the PRG, Glossary. FIP, SDA and AMP Only Lump-sums and accumulated benefits are assets starting the month received. A person might receive a single payment that includes both accumulated benefits and benefits intended as a payment for the current month. Treat the portion intended for the current month as income. LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA Lump sums and accumulated benefits are income in the month received. See BEM 500 about countable income policy. Exception: The following are assets: Retroactive SSI Benefits • Income tax refunds; see Tax Refund & Tax Credit exclusions in this item. • Nonrecurring proceeds from the sale of assets. • Payments that are excluded assets. FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Retroactive SSI benefits may be paid as a one-time payment or in installments over several months. The Social Security Administration determines how payment will be made. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 11 of 41 ASSETS Retroactive SSI benefits are treated as accumulated benefits (see above) even when paid in installments. See Retroactive RSDI and SSI Exclusion in this item for SSI-related MA determinations. Value of Cash FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP The value of the types of assets described above is the amount of the: • • • • Money/currency. Uncashed check, draft or warrant. Money in the account or on deposit. Money held by others. Exception: Reduce the value of a time deposit by the amount of any early withdrawal penalty, but not the amount of any taxes due. CASH EXCLUSIONS Homestead-Loss Funds Exclusion FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and not in time deposits. Exclude funds an owner received for repairs or replacement of a damaged or destroyed homestead (example: insurance settlement) if: • • The owner intends to reoccupy the home, and There is a written repair/replacement agreement. The client must declare an estimated completion date. The exclusion lasts until that date. The local office may grant extensions. Exclude funds for temporary housing while the homestead is being repaired or replaced. Also see Homestead-Loss Land Exclusion in this item regarding the land the home was on. Homestead Sale Exclusion FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. Exclude funds received from the sale of a homestead, or the land the home was on, for 12 months if there is a written agreement to purchase another homestead. The 12-month period starts the month the funds are received. Note: See Homestead Land Retained Exclusion below if ownership of the land was retained. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 12 of 41 Nonhomestead Loss Exclusion ASSETS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. Exclude funds received for the planned repair or replacement of a nonhomestead exempt item (example: furniture, clothing, vehicle) that was lost, stolen or destroyed. Exclude the funds until the item is repaired or replaced. Loan Exclusion FIP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. Exclude funds a person has borrowed provided it is a bona fide loan. This includes a loan by oral agreement if it is made a bona fide loan. Bona fide loan means all the following are present: • A loan contract or the lender's written statement clearly indicating the borrower's indebtedness • An acknowledgment from the borrower of the loan obligation • The borrower's expressed intent to repay the loan by pledging real or personal property or anticipated income This exclusion does not apply to: • • Interest earned on borrowed money. Purchases made with borrowed money. Note: When a client has loaned money to another person please refer to the policy in Promissory Notes/Land Contracts/Mortgages/Loans. Reverse Mortgage Exclusion FIP and SDA only Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and not in time deposits. A reverse mortgage allows a homeowner to borrow some percentage of the value of his home via a mortgage. The homeowner receives periodic payments (or a line of credit) that does not have to be repaid while the homeowner lives in the home. Exclude these payments.They are loans. Tax Refund and Tax Credit Exclusion FIP, SDA Exclude tax refunds and credits. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 13 of 41 ASSETS Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Exclude tax credits for 9 months after the month of receipt. Tax credits include credit such as Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. Exclude tax refunds. Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. Excluded Income Under BEM 500 FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. BEM 500 identifies certain sources of funds that are excluded as both income and assets. Time limits and other conditions applicable to the income exclusion also apply to the asset exclusion. Current Income Exclusion FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Do not count funds treated as income by a program as an asset for the same month for the same program. When income must be prorated or averaged (example: self-employment) exclude the resulting assets for the months of proration. Business Account Exclusion FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and not in time deposits. Exclude a savings, share, checking or draft account used solely for the expenses of a business. Continue the exclusion while the business is not operating provided the person intends to return to the business. Retroactive RSDI and SSI Exclusion SSI-Related MA Only Exclude retroactive RSDI and SSA-issued SSI benefits for nine calendar months beginning the month after payment is received. Do not exclude purchases made with such funds including CDs and other time deposits. This exclusion applies only to any unspent portion of the retroactive payment from RSDI or SSI. Once the money from the retroactive payment has been spent, this exclusion does not apply to the items purchased with the money, even if the nine month period has not expired. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 14 of 41 ASSETS The money may be commingled with other funds but, if this is done in such a fashion that the retroactive amount can no longer be separately identified, that amount will count toward the resource limit. Use the following to separate countable and excluded funds that are commingled: • Assume that countable funds are withdrawn first, leaving as much of the excluded funds as possible. • Excluded funds withdrawn are not excluded if redeposited. The excluded amount can be increased only by deposits of subsequently received excluded payments. • Count any interest paid to the account. Example: A person received a $1,000 retroactive RSDI payment on December 3 via direct deposit. The account already contained $1,800. DATE DEPOSIT 12/3 $1,000 12/4 5 1/3 400 1/4 3/8 3/15 Funds for Burial Arrangements Student Savings Exclusion EXCLUDE COUNTABLE $1,000 $1,800 2,300 1,000 1,300 2,305 1,000 1,305 250 2,455 1,000 1,455 1,500 955 955 0 1,005 955 50 605 605 0 705 605 100 655 605 50 50 2/12 BALANCE $2,800 $500 12/31 2/10 WITHDRAW 400 100 50 SSI-Related MA Only Money set aside for burial expenses might be excludable. See Burial Fund Exclusion in this item. FIP, LIF, G2U, and G2C Use this exclusion only if the funds are not commingled with countable assets and are not in time deposits. Exclude funds in a separate account under a student's name and accrued solely from a student's earnings; see Student Earnings in BEM 500. INVESTMENTS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP This section is about the following types of assets: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 15 of 41 ASSETS • • Value of Investments U.S. Savings bonds. Securities such as: •• Stocks. •• Bonds. •• Mutual funds. FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP The value of a U.S. Savings bond is the amount the owner could get if the bond were cashed-in. LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP U.S. Savings bonds cannot be cashed in until twelve months after the date of issuance. However, if bonds are in this waiting period and the value of the bond(s) and other assets is over the client’s asset limit, the client must seek a waiver of the waiting period. The waiver is a written request from the bond holder or representative to the United States Department of Treasury outlining why a waiver of the waiting period is necessary. If the waiver is granted the value of the U.S. Savings bond is considered available. If the waiver is denied the bond becomes available at the expiration of the waiting period. The value of other investments is the amount the asset is selling for: • • • Use the closing price for publicly traded stocks. Use the bid price or net asset value (NAV) for mutual funds. Use the bid price for bonds. If a security was not paid for in full at the time of purchase (bought on margin), the securities firm has made a loan to the buyer. Deduct the balance owed from the price if there is written proof that the balance owed must be repaid when the security is sold. INVESTMENT EXCLUSION SSI-Related MA Only Investments set aside for burial expenses might be excludable. See Burial Fund Exclusion in this item. RETIREMENT PLANS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP This section is about the following types of assets: • • • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Keogh plans (also called H.R. 10 plans). 401k plans. Deferred compensation. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 16 of 41 ASSETS • • Retirement Plan Value Pension plans. Annuities-- An annuity is a written contract establishing a right to receive specified, periodic payments for life or for a term of years. FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP The value of these plans is the amount of money the person can currently withdraw from the plan. Deduct any early withdrawal penalty, but not the amount of any taxes due. Funds in a plan are not available if the person must quit his job to withdraw any money. Freedom to Work (FTW) only Exclude the total value of funds in retirement accounts and individual retirement accounts. Annuity LIF, G2U, G2C and SSI-Related MA Annuities are similar legal devices to trusts. Annuities are a written contract with a commercial insurance company, establishing a right to receive specified, periodic payments for life or for a term of years. They are usually designed to be a source of retirement income. Only certain types of annuities are excluded as resources. Policy in BEM 401 Trusts applies, including referring annuities to Medicaid Eligibility Policy Section. TRUSTS FIP, SDA and AMP Only A trust is a right of property created by one person for the benefit of himself or another. Trust Definitions FIP, SDA and AMP Only Beneficiary - the person for whose benefit a trust is created. Grantor or settlor - the person who established the trust. It includes anyone who furnishes real or personal property for the creation of the trust. Principal (or corpus) - the assets in the trust. The assets may be real property (example: house, land) or personal property (example: stocks, bonds, life insurance policies, saving accounts). Trustee - the person who has legal title to the assets and income of a trust and the duty to manage the trust for the benefit of the beneficiary. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 17 of 41 FIP/SDA/AMP Trust Policy ASSETS FIP, SDA and AMP Only The Probate Court decides availability of the trusts it administers. A grantor must petition the Probate Court to make the principal available. For other trusts, the principal is an available asset of the person who is legally able to: • • MA Trust Policy Direct use of the principal for his needs. Direct that ownership of the principal revert to himself. LIF, G2U, G2C, and SSI-Related MA Only See BEM 401. Referrals to Medicaid Eligibility Policy Section Send all trusts and annuities to Medicaid Eligibility Policy Section for evaluation. Your referral must be in writing and include the following information: • Your name, telephone number and local office. • Client's name. • Grantor's relationship to the client. • Source of the assets used to establish the trust (example: money from client's lawsuit settlement, client's savings). • Legible copies of the complete trust document, any amendments or addenda to the trust, correspondence, and similar information. • Legible copies of all documents transferring ownership of property to the trustee. • Relationship to the client of persons who transferred resources to trustee (example: client's parent, client's guardian). Send referrals to: Michigan Department of Human Services Attn: Trusts and Annuities P.O. Box 30037 Suite 1307 Lansing, MI 48909 Advice is only available to local offices and only for purposes of determining eligibility when a trust actually exists. Advice is not available for purposes of estate planning, including advice on proposed trusts or proposed trust amendments. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 18 of 41 HOME CARETAKER AND PERSONAL CARE CONTRACTS ASSETS A contract that prospectively pays for expenses such as repairs, maintenance, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, heat and utilities for real property/homestead or that provide for monitoring health care, securing hospitalization, medical treatment, visitation, entertainment, travel and/or transportation, financial management or shopping, etc. would be considered a divestment. Consider all payments for care and services which the client made during the look back period as divestment; refer to BEM 405. Note: The preceding are examples and should not be considered an all inclusive or exhaustive list. Assets transferred in exchange for a contract/agreement for a personal services/assistance or expenses of real property/homestead provided by another person after the date of application are considered an available and countable asset even if the contract is irrevocable. INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNTS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA, AMP Individual Development Accounts (IDA) are established pursuant to Michigan Public Act 361 of 1998 and section 404(h) of the Social Security Act or Public Law 105-285. IDAs allow low-income families to promote their economic independence by saving for: • • • Postsecondary educational expenses. First home purchase. Business capitalization. IDAs are funded by periodic contributions from the family’s earnings and matching contributions by or through a nonprofit organization. The IDA must be a trust or a joint account that requires the signatures of both the nonprofit organization and a family member to authorize withdrawals. An IDA is excluded as an asset. A 529 college savings plan is similar to an IDA. See Education and Training Exclusion in this item for FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, and G2C. HOMES AND REAL PROPERTY SSI-Related MA Only This section is about the following types of assets: • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Real property. Mobile homes. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 19 of 41 ASSETS • Real Property Definition Life estates and life leases. SSI-Related MA Only Real property is land and objects affixed to the land such as buildings, trees and fences. Condominiums are real property. Real Property and SSI-Related MA Only Mobile Home Value The value is the equity value. Equity value is the fair market value minus the amount legally owed in a written lien provision. To determine the value of real property and mobile homes use: • Deed, mortgage, purchase agreement or contract. • State Equalized Value (SEV) on current property tax records multiplied by two. • Statement of real estate agent or financial institution. • Attorney or court records. • County records. Liens must be filed with the register of deeds or other appropriate agency. Note: In Michigan, a lien on a mobile home is on record with the Secretary of State. If the mobile home is on land the person owns, the lien may also be recorded with the land deed. Life Estate/Life Lease Definition SSI-Related MA Only Life Estate/Life Lease Value SSI-Related MA Only A life estate or life lease gives the person who holds it certain rights to property during the person's lifetime. Usually, the right is the right to live on the property. The person holding the life estate or life lease can sell it, but does not own the actual property and normally cannot sell the actual property. Use the life estate factors in Exhibit II to compute the value of a life estate or life lease. Choose the life estate factor that corresponds to the person's age. Multiply the fair market value of the actual property by the appropriate life estate factor. The result is the value of the life estate or life lease. Use the value of the life estate to determine if the purchase price was for fair market value when a person purchases a life estate in another individuals’ home. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 20 of 41 ASSETS When a person purchases a life estate in another individuals’ home, they must actually reside there for at least one year after the date of purchase to qualify for the homestead exclusion. If the person resides in the home for less than one year treat the transaction as a transfer of assets. The amount of the transfer is the entire amount used to purchase the life estate. See BEM 405 to determine the penalty period. Exception: Use a lower amount if verified. Verified means statements from two financial institutions or real estate firms with a lower value and the reason for it (example: terminal illness). Use the lowest amount if the statements have different values. HOMES AND REAL PROPERTY EXCLUSIONS Homestead Definition and Exclusion SSI-Related MA Only A homestead is where a person lives (unless Absent from Homestead, see below) that he owns, is buying or holds through a life estate or life lease. It includes the home, all adjoining land and any other buildings on the land. Adjoining land means land which is not completely separated from the home by land owned by someone else. Adjoining land may be separated by rivers, easements and public rights-of-way (example: utility lines and roads). Determine the equity value of the homestead; see Real Property and Mobile Home Value in this item. MA will not pay the client’s cost for: • • • • Home health services. Home and community based services (MIChoice Waiver). LTC services. Home Help. When the equity in the client’s homestead exceeds $500,000. Exclude the asset group's homestead. Do not apply the home equity limit to the client if the spouse, child under 21, or the client’s blind or disabled child is residing in the home. Exclude only one homestead for an asset group. If a migrant claims two homesteads, exclude the homestead of the migrant's choice. See below about exempting a homestead when the owner is Absent from Homestead. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 21 of 41 ASSETS SSI-Related MA Only BEM 402 describes when both a client's and community spouse's assets are counted. If a client and community spouse own two homes or they are separated and each owns a homestead, exclude the homestead with: Absent from Homestead • The lower equity value for purposes of the initial asset assessment, and • The higher equity value for purposes of determining initial eligibility. SSI-Related MA Only Exclude a homestead that an owner formerly lived in if any of the following are true: • The owner intends to return to the homestead. • The owner is in an LTC facility, a hospital, an adult foster care (AFC) home or a home for the aged. • A co-owner of the homestead uses the property as his home. Relative Occupied. Exclude a homestead even if the owner never lived there provided: • • The owner is in an institution (see BPG Glossary), and The owner's spouse or relative (see below) lives there. Relative for this purpose means a person dependent in any way (financial, medical, etc.) on the owner and related to the owner as any of the following: • • • • • • Homestead Land Retained Exclusion Child, stepchild or grandchild. Parent, stepparent or grandparent. Aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. Cousin. In-law. Brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother or half sister. SSI-Related MA Only If an owner sells his homestead (example: mobile home), but retains ownership of the land it was on, exclude the land for 12 months. The first month is the month the owner receives any payment from the sale. Also, exclude the land for the time between the sale and the receipt of such payment. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 22 of 41 Homestead-Loss Land Exclusion ASSETS SSI-Related MA Only Exclude the land of a damaged, destroyed or condemned homestead if: • • The owner intends to reoccupy it, and There is a written repair or replacement agreement. The client must declare an estimated completion date. The exclusion lasts until that date. The local office may grant extensions. Real Property and Employment Assets SSI-Related MA Only Employment-related assets such as farmland and the building where a business is located might be excluded; see Employment Asset Exclusions in this item. Real Property and Burial Arrangements SSI-Related MA Only Income-Producing Real Property SSI-Related MA Only Property intended as burial space might be excludable; see Burial Space Exclusion in this item. Exclude up to $6000 of equity in income producing real property if it produces annual countable income equal to at least six percent of the asset group's equity in the asset. Countable income is total proceeds minus actual operating expenses. Exception: Use the Employment Asset Exclusions in this item for property used in a business or trade. HOUSEHOLD AND PERSONAL GOODS DEFINED SSI-Related MA Only Household Goods- those items customarily found in the home and used in connection with the maintenance, use and occupancy of the premises. This includes items necessary for an adequate standard of sustenance, accommodation, comfort, information and entertainment of occupants and guests. Examples are appliances, furniture, television sets, carpets, cooking utensils, eating utensils and dishes. Personal Goods- items of personal property that are worn or carried by a person or that have intimate relationship to him. Examples are personal clothing and jewelry, personal care items, and educational or recreational items such as books, musical instruments or hobby material. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 23 of 41 HOUSEHOLD AND PERSONAL GOODS EXCLUSION ASSETS SSI-Related MA Only Exclude household and personal goods. VEHICLES SSI-Related MA Only A vehicle is a device used to transport people or goods. Vehicle includes passenger cars, trucks, motorcycles, motorbikes, trailers, campers, motor homes, boats and all-terrain vehicles. Note: See Homes and Real Property about mobile homes. Vehicle Value SSI-Related MA Only The value of a vehicle is its equity value. Equity value is the fair market value minus the amount legally owed in a written lien provision. Liens must be on record with the Secretary of State or other appropriate agency. VEHICLE EXCLUSIONS SSI-Related MA Vehicle Exclusion SSI-Related MA Only Exclude one motorized vehicle owned by the asset group. If the asset group owns multiple motorized vehicles: • • PROMISSORY NOTES/LAND CONTRACTS/ MORTGAGES LOANS Use the Employment Asset Exclusions first, then From any remaining motorized vehicles, exclude the one with the highest equity value. SSI-Related MA Only A note is a written promise to pay a certain sum of money to another person at a specified time. The note may call for installment payments over a period of time (installment note) or a single payment on a specified date. The most common type of note involves the sale of real property and is called a land contract or a mortgage. A homeowner might also sell his home via a sale-leaseback agreement. The person who sold the property is holder of the note. The note is the holder's asset. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 24 of 41 ASSETS Example: John sells land to Irma on a land contract. John is the land contract holder. The land contract is John's asset. The land is Irma's asset. Count money used to purchase a promissory note, loan, or mortgage unless all of the following are true: Note Value • The repayment schedule is actuarially sound; and • The payments are made in equal amounts during the term of the agreement with no deferral of payments and no balloon payments; and • The note, loan, or mortgage must prohibit the cancellation of the balance upon the death of the lender; see Uncompensated Value in BEM 405 to determine the value. SSI-Related MA Only The value of a land contract or mortgage is the amount it can be sold for in the holder's geographic area on short notice (usually at a commercial discount rate) minus any lien on the property the holder must repay. Sale-Leaseback SSI-Related MA Only Agreement Defined In a sale-leaseback agreement, a homeowner sells his home on an installment note and receives monthly payments from the buyer. The buyer allows the former homeowner to live in the home in exchange for rent. The difference between the buyer's payment and the rent is money the former homeowner can use for current expenses. Sometimes the arrangement involves purchase of an annuity that pays money to the former homeowner. Sale-Leaseback Asset Value SSI-Related MA Only The note held by the former homeowner is an asset. The value is the amount the note can be sold for in the holder's geographic area on short notice (usually at a commercial discount rate) minus any liens on the property the former homeowner must repay. The sale might also create income for the note holder; see Sale-Leaseback Income in BEM 500. LIFE INSURANCE SSI-Related MA Only A life insurance policy is a contract between the policy owner and the company that provides the insurance. The company agrees to pay money to a designated beneficiary upon the death of the insured. Pure Endowment Life Insurance Contracts pay out on a specific date in the BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 25 of 41 ASSETS future not just when the beneficiary dies, and does not meet the definition of life insurance for Medicaid. Life Insurance Definitions SSI-Related MA Only Cash surrender value (CSV) - the amount of money the policy owner can get by canceling the policy before it matures or before the insured dies. It may be titled the cash surrender value or the cash value. Face value (FV) - the amount of the basic death benefit contracted for at the time the policy is purchased. It might be titled the face value, face amount, amount of insurance, amount of policy or sum insured. It does not include dividends or additional amounts payable because of accidental death or other special circumstances. Insured- the person whose life the policy insures. Insurer- the company that contracts with the policy owner. Policy owner- the person who has the right to change the policy. This is usually the person who pays the premiums. The policy owner and the insured can be different people. Life Insurance Value SSI-Related MA A life insurance policy is an asset if it can generate a CSV. A policy is the policy owner's asset. • A policy's value is its CSV. A policy can generate a CSV, but have a CSV of zero. Such a policy is an asset with zero value. • Generally, term insurance does not have a CSV. Whole or straight life policies generate a CSV. Policies called graded term or level term may have a CSV and must be verified and counted as an asset. • The CSV usually increases over time. A loan against a policy reduces its CSV. Pre-death payment of the death benefit might reduce the CSV. See Accelerated Life Insurance Payments in BEM 500 about the payments received. • CSV and FV are not the same thing. • Tables included with a life insurance policy are not considered accurate. Verification of the CSV should be either a current notice (within the year) from the company or by contacting the company for the current value. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 26 of 41 ASSETS LIFE INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS Life Insurance for Funeral General SSIRelated MA Life Insurance Exclusion SSI-Related MA In addition to the general exclusion below, some or all of the value of insurance might be excluded to pay for funeral expenses. See Funeral Plans below. SSI-Related MA Only Look at each policy owner's life insurance separately. Exclude the entire cash surrender value when the total face values of all policies a policy owner has for the same insured are $1,500 or less. See the example and exceptions below. Example: Mr. and Mrs. Smith own the following policies: Policy Owner FV Insured CSV 1 Mr. $1,000 Mrs. $500 2 Mr. 800 Mrs. 300 3 Mr. 1,500 Mr. 1,000 4 Mr. 2,000 Son 1,000 5 Mrs. 1,500 Mr. 500 6 Mrs. 2,000 Mrs. 1,000 Exclude Exclude CSVs for policies 1 and 2 are not excludable under this policy for Mr. Smith. He owns both policies. They insure the same person. The combined FVs exceed $1,500. CSV for policy 4 is not excludable under this policy for Mr. Smith. The FV exceeds $1,500. CSV for policy 6 is not excludable under this policy for Mrs. Smith. The FV exceeds $1,500. Exceptions: Do not count the face value of: • Term insurance that does not generate a CSV. • Burial insurance. Burial insurance is an insurance policy whose terms prevent the use of its proceeds for anything other than payment of the insured's burial expenses. A policy is not burial insurance if the policy has a CSV the owner can access. A policy used for a Life Insurance Funded Funeral below is not burial insurance. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 27 of 41 ASSETS Michigan does not have burial insurance, but a person from another state could have such insurance. • FUNERAL PLANS Endowment policies. An endowment policy is a policy which enables the insured to accumulate a sum of money payable to him at a date named in the policy (the maturity date). The policy says whether the money is paid over time or all at once. The policy matures on the maturity date. An endowment policy is not life insurance. Because the applicant gives up the rights to control the money until the maturity date, a non-matured endowment policy must be considered a divestment; see BEM 405. SSI-Related MA Only Funeral plan refers to the prearrangement for cemetery and/or funeral goods and services. Normally, the plan is established using one or more of the following: • • • • Burial Fund Exclusion Burial fund. Purchase of burial space. Prepaid funeral contract. Life insurance funding. SSI-Related MA Only A limited amount of certain types of assets a person has clearly designated to pay for burial expenses are excluded as a burial fund. See below for information about: • • • • • • Types of assets. Burial expenses. Clearly designated. Not commingled. Amount excluded. Misuse of funds. See Exhibit I of this item for examples of this exclusion. Types of Assets Assets under the following headings in this item can be a burial fund: • • • • Cash. Investments. Life insurance. Prepaid funeral contract. Other types of assets (example: real property, vehicles, livestock) may not be a burial fund. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 28 of 41 Burial Expenses ASSETS Expenses that qualify for the burial fund exclusion are generally those related to preparing a body for burial and any services prior to burial. Examples are: • • • • • • • • • • Services of funeral director and staff. Transportation of the body. Embalming. Cremation. Clothing. Cost of guest registry book. Cost of obituary. Flowers not displayed at gravesite. Cleric's honorarium if no services at gravesite. Burial space items that do not meet the held for test described in SSI-Related MA Burial Space Exclusion in this item. Note: Luncheons or similar services do not meet the definition of a burial fund expense as it is not related to the preparation of the body for burial. Do not certify a DHS-8A with such an expense and do not consider it as an allowable burial fund expense item. Clearly Designated The asset must be clearly designated. The designation can be on the asset (example: title on a bank account, prepaid funeral contract) or on a signed statement from the client. The designation must include the following information: • • • • Value and owner of the asset. Whose burial the fund is for. Date the funds were set aside for the person's burial. Form in which the asset is held (example: bank account, life insurance). Not Commingled Burial funds may not be commingled with any assets except excluded burial space assets; see SSI-Related MA Burial Space Exclusion in this item. Amount Excluded Exclude up to $1,500 for each qualified fiscal group member and/or spouse. In addition, exclude accumulated interest and dividends. Reduce the $1,500 per person maximum by the following: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL The face value of excluded life insurance policies (including term insurance) when the person is the insured and: •• If an adult, the policy is owned by the person or the person's spouse. •• If a child, the policy is owned by the child, the child's parent or the parent's spouse. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 29 of 41 ASSETS • The principal amount (not accumulated interest or dividends) held in an irrevocable prepaid funeral contract for the person's burial expenses (see above). Do not count the identifiable cost of burial space assets; see Burial Space Defined in this item. • The cost of burial expenses (see above) identifiable in a life insurance funded funeral plan that was irrevocably transferred (see Life Insurance Funded Funeral and Life Insurance Irrevocably Transferred in this item. • The face value of burial insurance on the person. See Life Insurance above for the definition of burial insurance. Count only the original principal amount and any additions to the principal to determine if the maximum limit has been reached. Do not count accumulated interest and dividends. Note: The principal amount of a life insurance policy is the cash surrender value (CSV) of the policy, not the face value. Increases in the CSV count against the limit. Increases in the CSV above the person's burial fund limit are countable as the policy owner's assets. Misuse of Fund Count the amount of an excluded burial fund used for another purpose while the person was an MA recipient as unearned income for one month. The month must be far enough in the future so that any negative action pend period would end before the month begins. Exception: Do not do this if the value of countable assets plus the misused funds were within the asset limit for the month the misuse occurred. Burial Space Defined SSI-Related MA and AMP A burial space is a(n): • Burial plot, gravesite. • Crypt, mausoleum. • Casket, urn, niche. • Some other type of repository customarily and traditionally used for the deceased's bodily remains. • Necessary and reasonable improvements or additions to or upon such spaces including: •• •• •• BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Vaults. Headstones, markers or plaques. Burial containers. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 30 of 41 ASSETS •• •• Opening and closing of the gravesite. Contracts for care and maintenance of the gravesite. Note: Reasonable and necessary are those items required by the cemetery. • • Flowers if displayed at gravesite. Cleric’s honorarium for service at gravesite. Note: Of the items that serve the same purpose, exclude only one item per person. Example: Exclude a cemetery lot and casket for the same person, but not a casket and an urn. Value of Burial Space SSI-Related MA and AMP SSI-Related MA and AMP Burial Space Exclusion SSI-Related MA and AMP The value of a burial space item is its equity value. Equity value is fair market value minus the amount legally owed in a written lien provision. Exclude one burial space held for (see below) each of the following: • • • Each qualified fiscal group member. Whether by blood, adoption or marriage, the member's: •• Parents. •• Minor and adult children. •• Siblings. The spouse of each person listed above. For a member's relatives only by marriage, apply the exclusion only if the marriage has not ended by death or divorce. Burial space items in a prepaid funeral contract must be identified and valued separately from non-burial space items to be excluded. If the contract shows the purchase of a specified burial space at a specified price, determine whether such space is held for the client or member of the client’s immediate family. If the space is held for the individual, determine if the contract is irrevocable or revocable. If irrevocable, it is not a resource. If the contract is revocable, it is an excludable resource. The burial space must continue to meet the held for criteria to be excluded. Held For. A burial space is held for an individual when someone currently has: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 31 of 41 ASSETS • Title to and/or possesses a burial space intended for the individual's use (example: has title to a burial plot, owns a burial urn stored in the basement for his own use). • A contract with a funeral service company for specified burial spaces for the individual's burial (that is, an agreement that represents the individual's current right to the use of the items at the amount shown). Until the purchase price is paid in full, a burial space is not held for an individual under an installment sales contract or similar device unless all of the following are true: • The individual does not currently own the space. • The individual does not currently have the right to use the space. • The seller is not currently obligated to provide the space. Until all payments are made on the contract, the amounts paid might be considered burial funds; see Burial Fund Exclusion in this item. Prepaid Funeral Contract Revocable Prepaid Funeral Contract Exclusions and Value SSI-Related MA and AMP A prepaid funeral contract means a contract requiring payment in advance for funeral goods or services. Contracts may be revocable or irrevocable. • See Revocable Prepaid Funeral Contract Exclusions and Value below if the contract is revocable. • See Irrevocable Prepaid Funeral Contracts below if the contract is irrevocable. • See BAM 805 about making Michigan contracts irrevocable. SSI-Related MA and AMP Funds in a revocable prepaid funeral contract might be excludable using the Burial Fund Exclusion and/or the SSI-Related MA Burial Space Exclusion above. The countable amount of the contract is the amount remaining on deposit after deducting those exclusions and any commissions or fees that would be charged upon withdrawal. Exclude only burial space items for AMP. There is no burial funds exclusion. Irrevocable Prepaid Funeral Contracts LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Funds in an irrevocable prepaid funeral contract are unavailable and thus are not counted. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 32 of 41 ASSETS Funds in a Michigan contract (DHS-8A, Irrevocable Funeral Contract Certification) certified irrevocable are excluded. Life Insurance Funded Funeral SSI-Related MA Only A funeral plan can be funded using life insurance. A person purchases a life insurance policy and directs the proceeds to be used to pay for his funeral. In addition, the person might irrevocably/permanently transfer ownership of the policy to: • • A trust, or A funeral director who then transfers ownership to a trust. Note: An annuity can be used in the same way to fund a funeral plan. Proceeds of a life insurance policy means the face value of the policy plus any additions payable at maturity or death. Proceeds are reduced by the amount of outstanding loans against the policy and Accelerated Life Insurance Payments; see BEM 500. A funeral plan funded with life insurance is not a prepaid funeral contract per BAM 805. Life Insurance Funded Funeral Trusts SSI-Related MA Only Other Funded Funeral Trusts Other funded funeral trusts, regardless of including specific goods or services, or naming a funeral provider, are countable assets if revocable and divestment if irrevocable. These trusts are not prepaid funeral agreements and do not qualify for any funeral exemptions. A DHS-8A cannot be used to certify a revocable trust as irrevocable for purposes of exclusion. Life Insurance funded trusts, regardless of including specific goods or services, or naming a funeral provider, are countable if revocable and a divestment if irrevocable. Send a life insurance funded trust to the Trust and Annuity Evaluation Unit. SSI-Related MA Only If a person has directed the proceeds of a life insurance policy be used to pay for his funeral, but has not irrevocably transferred ownership, the policy is treated as life insurance. See Life Insurance and Burial Fund Exclusion in this item. Life Insurance Irrevocably Transferred SSI-Related MA Only Use the following when a person directs that the proceeds of a life insurance policy be used for his funeral and has irrevocably transferred ownership of the policy. Do this even if the person retains the right to change funeral providers, items or services. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 33 of 41 ASSETS • Do not count the cash surrender value of the policy as an asset effective the month of transfer. • Do not count the funeral contract as an asset. • Do not apply policy in BEM 401, Trusts - MA. • Do not consider the ownership transfer as divestment when all of the following are true: •• The proceeds are still to be used to pay the insured’s funeral expenses. •• The value of the goods and contracted services at least equals the cash surrender value of the insurance. •• The new owner cannot use the cash surrender value of the insurance policy for himself. Note: If the value of the goods and services contracted for is less than cash surrender value of the insurance, the difference is transferred for less than fair market value. Limited Liability Companies LIVESTOCK SSI-Related MA Only Count any assets in a Limited Liability Company (LLC). SSI-Related MA Only Exclude farm animals used for personal consumption. Exclude family pets. Other livestock might be excluded as an employment asset; see Employment Asset Exclusions in this item. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ASSETS SSI-Related MA Only Employment assets are those assets commonly used in a business, a trade or other employment. Examples: • • • • • • Farmland. Tools, equipment and machinery. Inventory, livestock. Savings or checking account used solely for a business. The building a business is located in. Vehicles used in business such as a farm tractor or delivery truck. It does not include vehicles used solely for transportation to and from work. Such assets might also be used in education or job training. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 34 of 41 ASSETS Employment or Training Asset Value SSI-Related MA Only Payment-In-Kind (PIK) Program SSI-Related MA Only See the appropriate sections above regarding the value of vehicles, real property and savings or checking accounts. The value of other employment or training assets is their equity value. Equity value is fair market value minus the amount legally owed in a written lien provision. A PIK commodity or commodity certificate may be an asset; see BEM 500, PAYMENT-IN-KIND (PIK) PROGRAM. EMPLOYMENT ASSET EXCLUSIONS General Employment Exclusion SSI-Related MA Only Exclude employment assets (see above) that: • • Are required by a person's employer. Produce income directly through their use. Such assets remain excluded when a person is unemployed only if the person intends to return to that type of work. EDUCATION AND TRAINING EXCLUSION FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C 529 college savings plans are designed to allow individuals to make after-tax deposits for their children’s future higher education expenses. In Michigan, these plans are administered by the Department of Treasury and are known as Michigan Education Savings Plans. Funds deposited into these accounts may qualify for matching funds. After a child reaches age 18, the funds may be used for post secondary education or a certified training program. Disregard funds on deposit in a 529 college savings plan, interest earned on a 529 plan, and any matching funds deposited in a 529 plan. SSI-Related MA Only Exclude assets directly related to a person's current education or job training program. Directly related means the asset is necessary for the major program of study or related occupation. Current means ongoing participation except for school breaks. Example: Exclude tools the person needs for his ongoing auto mechanics program. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 35 of 41 ASSETS Continue this exclusion for six calendar months following the month the program is completed if the person intends to seek employment in that occupation. Note: This exclusion does not apply to real property, life estates and life leases. VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP Do not require verification when countable assets exceed the limit based on a person's own statement of value. Verify the value of countable assets at application, redetermination and when a change is reported. Verify joint ownership and that the countable amount is less than that presumed by policy at application and when a change is reported. Verify the following factors affecting exclusion of an asset at application, redetermination, and when a change is reported: • An asset is not available. • Joint ownership prevents sale (other owner refuses to sell). • There is a written agreement to repair/replace a damaged or destroyed homestead (cash exclusion for FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-related MA and AMP; land exclusion for SSI-related MA). • There is a written agreement to purchase another homestead. • The asset is a bona fide loan. SSI-Related MA Only • • • VERIFICATION SOURCES An asset is non-salable. The equity value in income-producing real property Any transfer of ownership of life insurance to fund a funeral FIP, SDA, LIF, G2U, G2C, SSI-Related MA and AMP The following prove ownership and/or value of assets. You may use the DHS-20, Verification of Assets, the DHS-27, Release of Information, the DHS-503, Asset Verification, or other specified form as appropriate, when assisting a person verify assets. Document information verified by telephone contact on a DHS-223, Documentation Record. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 36 of 41 ASSETS Other sources of verification are listed by asset type. Checking or Draft Account Monthly statement (Examination of checkbook is not sufficient.) Telephone contact with financial institution Individual Development Account Copy of documents establishing the IDA Statement from the trustee or custodian of the account Irrevocable Funeral Contract Copy of DHS-8A, Irrevocable Funeral Contract Certification, certifying contract irrevocable or equivalent form used by the Department of Community Health. Loan Copy of financial institution loan contract. Lender's financial statement showing withdrawal of borrowed amount. Life Insurance DHS-4786, Life Insurance Verification, completed by agent or company. Statement from insurance company or agent. LTC Patient Trust Fund Written statement from LTC facility. Money Held By Other Written statement from person holding the money. Prepaid Funeral Contract Statement of funeral home or contract seller. Copy of contract. Real Property Deed, mortgage, purchase agreement or contract. • Documentation must specify the purpose for which the trust or account is established, that the trust or account will receive matching funds, and that withdrawals must be authorized by the trustee or custodian. State Equalized Value (SEV) on current property tax records multiplied by two. Attorney or court records. County records. Statement of real estate agent or financial institution. Retirement Plan Written statement from plan administrator. Current plan statement. Savings or Share Account Passbook with current entries posted. Christmas club coupon book. Written statement from financial institution. Telephone contact with financial institution. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 37 of 41 ASSETS Savings Certificate Written statement from financial institution. Certificate itself. Stocks and Bonds Written statement from broker or company. Listing in current newspaper. Trust Copy of trust document. Copy of documents transferring ownership of assets to the trust. Appropriate source for the asset types owned by the trust. U.S. Savings Bond Statement from financial institution. Bond itself. Vehicles Secretary of State inquiry. Title, registration or proof of insurance. Blue book or NADA book wholesale (trade-in) value. • Do not add the value of optional equipment, special equipment or low mileage when determining value. Kelley Blue Book at • • • • • Enter the greater of actual mileage or 12,000 per year. Enter the client’s zip code. Do not change the preset typical equipment. Enter “fair” as the condition. Use the trade-in value. Loan statement or payment book. Statement of vehicle dealer or junk dealer, as appropriate. Allow the person to verify a claim that the vehicle is worth less (example: due to damage) than wholesale book value. If the vehicle is no longer listed, accept the person's statement of value. Exception: Verify the value of antique, classic or custom vehicles. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 38 of 41 ASSETS EXHIBIT I - BURIAL FUNDS EXAMPLES: SSI-RELATED MA CATEGORIES ONLY EXAMPLE 1: Client has: EXAMPLE 2: Client has: 1. $2500 Savings Account 1. $2500 2. $2000 Savings Account BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: $1500 - MAXIMUM Irrevocable Funeral Contract - No Burial Space Items BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: $1500 -2000 0 Principal Sum of Irrevocable Funeral Contract Maximum BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 39 of 41 BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: Client may: Designate up to $1500 for self as excludable burial funds. Client must: ASSETS BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: Client may not designate any assets as excludable burial funds. However, the client could use savings to purchase burial space items. Establish a separate account for the amount designated. EXAMPLE 3: Client has: EXAMPLE 4: Client has: 1. $2500 Savings Account 1. $2500 Savings Account 2. $2000 Irrevocable Funeral Contract as follows: 2. $1000 Face Value of Excludable Life Insurance - $1000 Casket - $600 Headstone $1500 - $400 $1100 Client may: Client must: - $400 Assorted Professional Services Principal Amount of Irrevocable Funeral Contract for Non-Burial Space Items Designate up to $1100 excludable burial funds or buy more burial space. Establish a separate account for the amount designated. $1500 -1000 Face Value of Excludable Life Insurance $500 MAXIMUM Client may: Client must: Designate up to $500 as excludable burial funds or buy burial space items. Establish a separate account for the amount designated. EXAMPLE 5: Client has: 1. $2500 Savings Account EXAMPLE 6: Couple has: 1. $2800 Savings Account (Joint) 2. $400 2. $1300 Common Stock Account (Husband) 3. $500 Irrevocable Funeral Contract for Professional Services Face Value of Excludable Life Insurance. 3. $1600 Face Value Life Insurance - CSV=$300 (Wife) BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: $1500 BURIAL FUNDS MAXIMUM: - $400 $1500 - MAXIMUM PER PERSON $1100 Principal Amount of Irrevocable Funeral Contract - 500 $600 Face Value of Excludable Life Insurance Client may: MAXIMUM Designate up to $600 as excludable burial funds or buy burial space items. Client must: Establish a separate savings account for the amount designated. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Client may: HUSBAND Designate up to $1500 per person as excludable burial funds. One way to do this is: WIFE $200 Savings Account $1200 $1300 Common Stock 0 _0 Life Insurance $300 $1500 $1500 Client must: Establish a separate savings account for any amounts designated from savings. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 40 of 41 ASSETS EXHIBIT II - LIFE ESTATE AND LIFE LEASE FACTOR TABLE Age 0 1 2 3 4 Factor .97188 .98988 .99017 .99008 .98981 Age 40 41 42 43 44 Factor .91571 .91030 .90457 .89855 .89221 Age 80 81 82 83 84 Factor .43659 .41967 .40295 .38642 .36998 5 6 7 8 9 .98938 .98884 .98822 .98748 .98663 45 46 47 48 49 .88558 .87863 .87137 .86374 .85578 85 86 87 88 89 .35359 .33764 .32262 .30859 .29526 10 11 12 13 14 .98565 .98453 .98329 .98198 .98066 50 51 52 53 54 .84743 .83674 .82969 .82028 .81054 90 91 92 93 94 .28221 .26955 .25771 .24692 .23728 15 16 17 18 19 .97937 .97815 .97700 .97590 .97480 55 56 57 58 59 .80046 .79006 .77931 .76822 .75675 95 96 97 98 99 .22887 .22181 .21550 .21000 .20486 20 21 22 23 24 .97365 .97245 .97120 .96986 .96841 60 61 62 63 64 .74491 .73267 .72002 .70696 .69352 100 101 102 103 104 .19975 .19532 .19054 .18437 .17856 25 26 27 28 29 .96678 .96495 .96290 .96062 .95813 65 66 67 68 69 .67970 .66551 .65098 .63610 .62086 105 106 107 108 109 .16962 .15488 .13409 .10068 .04545 30 31 32 33 34 .95543 .95254 .94942 .94608 .94250 70 71 72 73 74 .60522 .58914 .57261 .55571 .53862 35 36 37 38 39 .93868 .93460 .93026 .92567 .92083 75 76 77 78 79 .52149 .50441 .48742 .47049 .45357 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 400 LEGAL BASE 41 of 41 ASSETS FIP P.A. 280 of 1939, as amended MA Social Security Act, Sections 1902(a)(10); (r)(2) Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 42 CFR 435.840 -.845 MCL 400.106 SDA Annual Appropriations Act AMP Title XXI of the Social Security Act (1115) (a) (1) of the Social Security Act BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 DEPARTMENT POLICY 1 of 14 TRUSTS - MA MA Only This item contains Medicaid policy for trusts. The item is divided into three parts: • • • Medicaid trusts. Medicaid qualifying trusts (MQTs). Other trusts. Which policy applies depends on the terms of the trust and when the trust was established. Use policy in BEM 400 and BAM 805 for prepaid funeral contracts and life insurance funded funerals. Group 2 Pregnant Women and Healthy Kids The instructions in this item about counting assets and that asset transfers may be divestment do not apply to the following because they have no asset test: • • GENERAL DEFINITIONS Healthy Kids categories. Group 2 Pregnant Women. MA Only These definitions apply to all trust policy. There are special definitions for Medicaid trusts. Beneficiary - the person for whose benefit a trust is created. Grantor or settlor - the person who established the trust. Any person who contributes to a trust is considered a grantor. Principal or corpus - the assets in the trust. The assets may be real property (e.g., house, land) or personal property (for example, stocks, bonds, life insurance policies, savings accounts). Trust - a right of property created by one person for the benefit of himself or another. It includes any legal instrument or device that exhibits the general characteristics of a trust but is not called a trust or does not qualify as a trust under state law. Examples of such devices might be annuities, escrow accounts, pension funds and investment accounts managed by someone with fiduciary obligations. Trustee - the person who has legal title to the assets and income of a trust and the duty to manage the trust for the benefit of the beneficiary BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 2 of 14 REFERRALS TO MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY POLICY SECTION TRUSTS - MA Send a copy of the trust, including similar legal instruments such as annuities, to the Medicaid Eligibility Policy Section for evaluation. This does not apply to the following: • • • • • • Prepaid funeral contracts. Life insurance funded funerals. Healthy Kids categories; see BEM 125, 129 and 131. Group 2 Pregnant Women; see BEM 126. Limited Liability Corporations (LLC). S-Corporations. Once a trust has been evaluated, a reevaluation is not required unless the local office believes a change has occurred affecting availability of the trust principal or income including a change in department policy. An evaluation of a trust advises local offices on: • • Whether a trust is revocable or irrevocable, and Whether any trust income or principal is available. Advice is only available to local offices for purposes of determining eligibility or an initial assessment when a trust actually exists. Advice is not available for purposes of estate planning including advice on proposed trusts or proposed trust amendments. Send your referral as soon as possible so that everyone can complete their tasks timely. Your referral must be in writing and include: • Your name, email address, phone number and local office. • What advice you are requesting. • What programs are involved. • Whether the grantor is living or dead. • Whether the person is an applicant or recipient. • Source of the assets used to establish the trust (for example money from the grantor's lawsuit settlement). • The MA client’s name and, if applicable, their spouse's name. • The grantor's relationship to the MA client or spouse. • The name of the person(s) who contributed to the trust and their relationship to the MA client and spouse. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 3 of 14 TRUSTS - MA • Legible copies of the complete trust document, all amendments to the trust, addenda, correspondence and other pertinent information. Send the referral via ID mail to: Michigan Department of Human Services Attn: Trust & Annuities Grand Tower Suite 1307 P.O. Box 30037 Lansing, MI 48909 EVALUATING TRUSTS Determine if a trust established on or after August 11, 1993, is a Medicaid trust using: • • MEDICAID TRUST DEFINITIONS and MEDICAID TRUST CRITERIA. Use the following policies if the trust is a Medicaid trust: • • • COUNTABLE ASSETS FROM MEDICAID TRUSTS. COUNTABLE INCOME FROM MEDICAID TRUSTS. TRANSFERS FOR LESS THAN FMV. Determine if a trust established before August 11, 1993, is a MEDICAID QUALIFYING TRUST (MQT). Use the following policies if the trust is an MQT. • • Countable MQT Assets. Countable MQT Income. Use OTHER TRUST policy when a trust is not: • • MEDICAID TRUST DEFINITIONS An MQT. A Medicaid trust. Use the GENERAL DEFINITIONS and these definitions when determining: • • Whether a trust is a Medicaid trust, and What is available from and transferred for a Medicaid trust. Irrevocable Trust - a trust that is not a revocable trust; see revocable trust in this item. Resources - all income and assets of a person and the person's spouse. It includes any income and assets the person or spouse is entitled to but does not receive because of action: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 4 of 14 TRUSTS - MA • By the person or spouse. • By someone else (including a court or administrative body) with legal authority to act in place of or on behalf of the person or spouse. • By someone else (including a court or administrative body) acting at the direction or upon the request of the person or spouse. Revocable trust - a trust which can be revoked or modified by: • • • • The grantor. A court. The trustee. Any other person or entity. This includes a trust which allows for revocation or modification only when a change occurs such as the grantor leaves the LTC facility or the beneficiary becomes competent. Modify means changing the beneficiaries or the availability of principal or income. Annuity- A written contract, with a commercial insurance company, establishing a right to receive specified, periodic payments for life or for a term of years. They are usually designed to be a source of retirement income. Only certain types of annuities are excluded as resources. TRANSFERS TO AN ANNUITY EFFECTIVE 9/1/05 Converting countable resources to income through the purchase of an annuity or the amendment of an existing annuity on or after 09/01/05, is considered a transfer for less than fair market value unless the annuity meets the conditions listed below: • Is commercially issued by a company licensed in the United States and issued by a licensed producer, (a person required to be licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance), and • Is irrevocable, and • Is purchased by an applicant or recipient for Medicaid or their spouse and solely for the benefit of the applicant or recipient or their spouse, and • Is actuarially sound and returns the principal and interest within the annuitant’s life expectancy, and BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 5 of 14 MEDICAID TRUST CRITERIA Exception A, Special Needs Trust TRUSTS - MA • Payments must be in substantially equal monthly payments (starting with the first payment) and continue for the term of the payout (no balloon or lump sum payments). • An annuity purchased or amended on or after February 8, 2006 must name the State of Michigan as the remainder beneficiary, or as the second remainder beneficiary after the community spouse or minor or disabled child, for an amount at least equal to the amount of the Medicaid benefits provided. The naming of the State in the first or second position must be verified at application or redetermination. A Medicaid trust is a trust that meets conditions 1 through 5 below: 1. The person whose resources were transferred to the trust is someone whose assets or income must be counted to determine MA eligibility, an MA post-eligibility patient-pay amount, a divestment penalty or an initial assessment amount. A person's resources include his spouse's resources (see definition). 2. The trust was established by: • The person. • The person's spouse. • Someone else (including a court or administrative body) with legal authority to act in place of or on behalf of the person or the person's spouse, or an attorney, or adult child. • Someone else (including a court or administrative body) acting at the direction or upon the request of the person or the person's spouse or an attorney ordered by the court. 3. The trust was established on or after August 11, 1993. 4. The trust was not established by a will. 5. The trust is not described in Exception A, Special Needs Trust or Exception B, Pooled Trust in this item. A trust is not a Medicaid trust if it meets all the following conditions: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL The trust must be unchangeable with regard to the provisions that make it an Exception A, Special Needs Trust. This is necessary to ensure that a trust initially meeting the other conditions still meets those conditions when the person dies, it must be Irrevocable. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 6 of 14 TRUSTS - MA • The trust contains the resources of a person who is under age 65 and is disabled (not blind) per BEM 260. See Continuing Exception A when the person has attained age 65. • The trust was established for the person described above. This means that the trust must ensure that none of the principal or income can be used for someone else during the person's lifetime, except for Trustee Fees per BEM 405. • The trust was established by a court or by the person's: •• •• •• • Parent. Grandparent. Legal guardian/conservator. The trust imposes on the trustee an automatic duty to repay Medicaid upon the person's death. When a person has lived in more than one state, the trust must provide that the funds remaining in the trust are distributed to each state in which the individual received Medicaid, based on the state's proportionate share of the total amount of Medicaid benefits paid by all of the states on the person's behalf. Examples of circumstances under which a trust fails this repay condition are: •• Requiring a trustee to reimburse Medicaid only if Medicaid first submits a claim. •• Failing to provide that repaying Medicaid has priority over all debts and expenses except those given higher priority by law. Transfers to Exception A Trust Treat assets and income transferred into an Exception A, Special Needs Trust as part of the trust for the entire month of transfer. Continuing Exception A A trust that is an Exception A, Special Needs Trust when the person was under age 65 continues being an Exception A, Special Needs Trust after the person attains age 65. However, any additions or augmentations to the trust after the person attains age 65 are not protected by the exception. The additions/ augmentations are subject to trust and divestment policies without regard to Exception A, Special Needs Trust. Countable Exception A Payments Count as a person's unearned income any payment received from the trust. Exception B, Pooled Trust A trust is not a Medicaid trust if it meets all of the following conditions: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 7 of 14 TRUSTS - MA • The trust must be unchangeable with regard to the provisions that make it an Exception B, Pooled Trust. This is necessary to ensure that a trust initially meeting the other conditions still meets those conditions when the person dies. • The trust contains the resources of a person who is disabled (not blind), and under age 65 per BEM 260. See Transfers to an Exception B trust in this item. • The trust is established and managed by a nonprofit association. • A separate account is maintained for each beneficiary of the trust, but for purposes of investment and management of funds, the trust pools these accounts. • Accounts in the trust are established for the benefit of persons who are disabled (not blind) per BEM 260. This means the trust must ensure that none of the principal or income attributable to a person's account can be used for someone else during the person's lifetime, except for Trustee Fees per BEM 405. • Accounts in the trust are established by courts or by disabled persons': •• •• •• • Parents. Grandparents. Legal guardians/conservators. The trust provides that to the extent any amounts remaining in the beneficiary’s account upon the death of the beneficiary are not retained by the trust, the trust will pay to the State the amount remaining up to an amount equal to the total amount of medical assistance paid on behalf of the beneficiary under a State Medicaid plan. When a person has lived in more than one state, the trust must provide that the funds remaining in the trust are distributed to each state in which the individual received Medicaid, based on the state's proportionate share of the total amount of Medicaid benefits paid by all of the states on the person's behalf. Examples of circumstances under which a trust fails this repay condition are: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL •• Requiring a trustee to reimburse Medicaid only if Medicaid first submits a claim. •• Failing to provide that repaying Medicaid has priority over all debts and expenses except those given higher priority by law. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 8 of 14 Transfers to Exception B Trust TRUSTS - MA Treat assets and income transferred into an Exception B, Pooled Trust as part of the trust for the entire month of transfer. Transfers to an Exception B, Pooled Trust by a person age 65 or older mightis a be divestment. Do a complete divestment determination if the person is in a Penalty Situation per BEM 405. Countable Exception B Payments Count as a person's unearned income any payment received from the trust by the client as unearned income in the month received. Multiple Contributors When someone other than the person or the person's spouse has contributed to the principal of a trust, do not count as the person's assets or transferred assets an amount proportional to that other person's contributions to the principal. Example: The Lang family contributed assets to the Lang Trust as follows: John (MA applicant) $50,000 Sally (John’s daughter) $10,000 Total Contributions $60,000 Sally has contributed 1/6 of the total contributions. The value of the entire principal is currently $102,000. Therefore, $17,000.00 (one-sixth) of the current value cannot be counted as John's assets. Do not count the contributors share as an asset. REPAYMENT INQUIRIES Refer trustees seeking to repay Medicaid to the following: Michigan Department of Community Health Court Originated Liability Section PO Box 30479 Lansing, Michigan 48909 COUNTABLE ASSETS FROM MEDICAID TRUSTS How much of the principal of a trust is a countable asset depends on: • • Countable Assets The terms of the trust, and Whether any of the principal consists of Countable Assets or Countable Income. The following are countable assets. • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Assets that are countable using SSI-related MA policy in BEM 400. Do not consider an asset unavailable because it is owned by the trust rather than the person. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 9 of 14 TRUSTS - MA • The homestead of an L/H or waiver patient or the patient's spouse even if the home was transferred before the patient was institutionalized or approved for the waiver. Countable Income Countable income is income that is countable using SSI-related MA policy in BEM 500. Revocable Trust Count as the person's countable asset the value of the Countable Assets and Countable Income in the principal of a revocable trust. Exceptions: • Reduce the countable amount when there are Multiple Contributors. • Do not count the amount if it creates an Undue Hardship. • The modification allowed does not permit distribution of the principal to the person (or his share when there are Multiple Contributors). Use the Irrevocable Trust policy in this item. Example: The trustee of the Lang Trust can cancel the trust, but must pay all of the principal to Sally if the trust is cancelled. Therefore, none of the principal is John's countable asset. Irrevocable Trust Count as the person's countable asset the value of the Countable Assets in the trust principal if there is any condition under which the principal could be paid to or on behalf of the person from an irrevocable trust. Real property (land) left to children in equal shares have no estate tax on the transfer of property, Count as the person's countable asset the value of the trust's Countable Income if there is any condition under which the income could be paid to or on behalf of the person. Individuals can keep income made off of property and the money goes to the individual not the trust. Property cannot be taken out of the trust. Exceptions: • Reduce the countable asset amount by the amount of principal or income actually paid to or on behalf of the person during the month. • Reduce the countable amount for Multiple Contributors. • A trust may allow use of one portion of the principal, but not another portion. Count only the usable portion. • Do not count the amount if it creates an Undue Hardship. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 10 of 14 TRUSTS - MA Example: The principal of the Lang Trust consists of stocks, bonds, CD's and a life insurance policy with a face value of $5,000 and a cash surrender value of $2,000. The trustee is prohibited from using the life insurance policy in any way. The trustee can pay from the remaining portion of the trust principal enough to maintain John in the style to which he is accustomed. The trustee must pay the trust income to John. John wants MA for May. In May, the entire principal was worth $102,000. However, the usable portion of the trust principal (the stocks, bonds and CD's) was worth $100,000. The trustee used $300 to buy a TV for John and gave John $50 from the principal in May. $100,000 - 16,666 usable principal one-sixth reduction for multiple contributors from first example. $83,334 - 350 actually paid $82,984 John's countable asset amount Any portion of the principal or income that could never be paid to or on behalf of the person is transferred for less than fair market value. The look-back period is 60 months; see BEM 405. Reduce the transferred amount to account for Multiple Contributors and assets and income that are not Countable Assets or Countable Income. Undue Hardship Assume there is no undue hardship unless you have evidence to the contrary. Undue hardship exists when the person’s physician (M.D. or D.O.) says: • • Necessary medical care is not being provided, and The person needs treatment for an emergency condition. A medical emergency exists when a delay in treatment may result in the person's death or permanent impairment of the person's health. A psychiatric emergency exists when immediate treatment is required to prevent serious injury to the person or others. Payments actually made by a trustee to or on behalf of a beneficiary do not create an undue hardship. See BEM 100, Policy Exception Request Procedure. COUNTABLE INCOME FROM MEDICAID TRUSTS Count as a person's unearned income any payment from a Medicaid Trust that is made to the person or his legal representative. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 11 of 14 TRUSTS - MA Example: In the preceding example for the Lang Trust, the $50 paid to John from the principal is countable unearned income. The trust income is also countable unearned income when paid to John. TRANSFERS FOR LESS THAN FMV Revocable Trust Count payments from a revocable Medicaid trust to or on behalf of someone other than the person as follows: • If the other person never contributed to the principal - any payment of Countable Assets or “ountable Income is a resource transfer for less than fair market value for purposes of BEM 405. • If the other person contributed to the principal - any payment of Countable Assets or Countable Income exceeding the other person's proportional contribution to the principal is a resource transfer for less than fair market value for purposes of BEM 405. Exception: Use the Irrevocable Trust policy in this item if a trust is considered revocable because it can be modified, but the modification does not permit distribution of the principal to the person (or his share when there are Multiple Contributors). The look-back period for such transfers is 60 months; see BEM 405. Example: The Lang Trust pays Sally $300 per month from the trust's $600 per month income. Sally contributed only 1/6 of the trust principal. Therefore, $200 (1/6 of 600 = $100. $300 - 100 = $200) is a resource transferred for less than fair market value. Irrevocable Trust Count any portion of a trust's principal or income that is Countable Assets or Countable Income which cannot be paid to or on behalf of the person as transferred for less than fair market value for purposes of BEM 405. Note: Be sure to adjust the transferred amount to account for Multiple Contributors. The look-back period for such transfers is 60 months. The date of transfer is the date payment is prohibited. The amount transferred is the amount which cannot be used as of that date plus any countable resources added by the person after that date. Example: On 8/12/07 Ms.Thomas established an irrevocable Medicaid trust. Ms.Thomas transferred $50,000 cash to the trust on that date and $10,000 cash on 9/9/07. The trustee may pay all of the trust income to Ms.Thomas but cannot use any of the principal for Ms. Thomas. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 12 of 14 TRUSTS - MA Ms.Thomas has transferred $60,000 for less than fair market value; $50,000 on 8/12/07 and $10,000 on 9/9/07. Example: On 10/1/07 Mr. Lewis established an irrevocable Medicaid trust with $100,000 cash. The trustee has discretion to pay Mr. Lewis as much of the trust income and principal as Mr. Lewis may direct as long as Mr. Lewis is not in a nursing home. Once Mr. Lewis enters a nursing home, the trustee may only pay the trust income to Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis enters a nursing home on 12/12/07. The trust principal on 12/12/07 has a value of $101,250. On 12/14/07 Mrs. Lewis transfers $10,000 cash to the trust. The Lewis's have transferred $111,250 for less than fair market value; $101,250 on 12/12/07 and $10,000 on 12/14/07. Count payments from an irrevocable Medicaid trust to or on behalf of someone other than the person as follows: • If the other person never contributed to the principal - any payment of Countable Assets or Countable Income is a resource transfer for less than fair market value for purposes of BEM 405. • If the other person contributed to the principal - any payment of Countable Assets or Countable Income exceeding the other person's proportional contribution to the principal is a resource transfer for less than fair market value for purposes of BEM 405. The look-back period for such transfers is 60 months; see BEM 405. Transfers made prior to February 8, 2006 have a look-back period of 36 months. MEDICAID QUALIFYING TRUST Use the GENERAL DEFINITIONS in this item. A Medicaid qualifying trust (MQT) is a trust that has all of the following characteristics: a. It was established before August 11, 1993. b. It is established by a person whose assets must be considered or by that person's spouse. c. The person whose assets must be considered is the beneficiary of all or part of the payments from the trust. d. The amount distributed from the trust is determined by one or more trustees who are permitted to exercise at least some discretion with respect to the amount to be distributed to the person in (c) above. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 13 of 14 TRUSTS - MA A trust that is established by a person's guardian or legal representative, acting on the person's behalf, using the person's assets is treated as having been established by the person. Exceptions: Countable MQT Assets • A trust is not considered an MQT if the sole beneficiary is a mentally retarded person who resides in an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded and the trust or initial trust decree was established prior to April 7, 1986. • A trust established by a will is not considered an MQT. The countable asset amount for each person for whom assets must be considered is: • The maximum payment that could be made from the trust (principal or income) to that person as a beneficiary of the trust if the trustee exercised his full discretion under the terms of the trust • Minus actual payments made by the trust to or on behalf of the person. Clauses such as those that prohibit distributions that would affect MA eligibility are not considered limits on a trustee's discretion for purposes of this policy. To do otherwise would effectively negate the MQT policy. Countable MQT Income OTHER TRUSTS Count payments made to a beneficiary of an MQT as that person's unearned income. Use the GENERAL DEFINITIONS in this item. Use this policy for any trust that is not a Medicaid trust or an MQT. Countable Assets The trust principal is considered an available asset of the person who is legally able to: • • Direct use of the trust principal for his needs. Direct that ownership of the principal revert to himself. Count only the value of assets that are countable for the MA category being tested per BEM 400. Assume the person owns the asset in determining what is countable. Transfers to Trust Do a complete divestment determination when: • • • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL A person has transferred assets to a trust, The principal is unavailable (see above), and The person is in a penalty situation per BEM 405. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 401 14 of 14 Countable Income VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS TRUSTS - MA Count as a person's unearned income any payment received from the trust. This includes Exception A, Special Needs Trust and Exception B, Pooled Trust trusts. Verify income from a trust: • • • Prior to authorizing benefits at application. At redetermination, and Whenever a change affecting income occurs. Verify the value of a trust's principal if any portion is countable unless countable assets exceed the asset limit based on the client’s statement of value. See BEM 405 regarding verifications for divestment. Verification Sources Sources to verify income from a trust include: • • Trust records. Trustee correspondence. Sources to verify the value of a trust's principal include: • • • LEGAL BASE Statements from experts for the types of assets held by the trust. Trust records. Trustee correspondence. MA Before August 11, 1993 Social Security Act, Section 1902(a)(10) and 1902(k) 42 CFR 435.840-.845 MCL 400.106 Starting August 11, 1993 Social Security Act, Section 1902(a)(18) and 1917(d)-(e) JOINT POLICY DEVELOPMENT Medicaid, Adult Medical Program (AMP) also known as Adult Benefit Waiver (ABW), Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA/TMA-Plus), and Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS) policy has been developed jointly by the Department of Community Health (DCH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 DEPARTMENT POLICY 1 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT MA ONLY Divestment results in a penalty period in MA, not ineligibility. Divestment policy does not apply to Qualified Working Individuals; see BEM 169. Divestment is a type of transfer of a resource and not an amount of resources transferred. Divestment (see RESOURCE DEFINED in this item) means a transfer of a resource by a client or his spouse that are all of the following: • Is within a specified time; see LOOK-BACK PERIOD in this item. • Is a transfer for LESS THAN FAIR MARKET VALUE. • Is not listed below under TRANSFERS THAT ARE NOT DIVESTMENT. Note: See Annuity Not Actuarially Sound and Joint Owners and Transfers below and BEM 401 about special transactions considered transfers for less than fair market value. During the penalty period, MA will not pay the client’s cost for: • • • • LTC services. Home and community-based services. Home Help. Home Health. MA will pay for other MA-covered services. Do not apply a divestment penalty period when it creates an undue hardship; see UNDUE HARDSHIP in this item. RESOURCE DEFINED Resource means all the client’s and his spouse's assets and income. It includes all assets and all income, even countable and/or excluded assets, the individual or spouse receive. It also includes all assets and income that the individual (or their spouse) were entitled to but did not receive because of action by one of the following: • The client or spouse. • A person (including a court or administrative body) with legal authority to act in place of or on behalf of the client or his spouse. • Any person (including a court or administrative body) acting at the direction or upon the request of the client or his spouse. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 2 of 17 TRANSFER OF A RESOURCE MA DIVESTMENT Transferring a resource means giving up all or partial ownership in (or rights to) a resource. Not all transfers are divestment. Examples of transfers include: • Selling an asset for fair market value (not divestment). • Giving an asset away (divestment). • Refusing an inheritance (divestment). • Payments from a MEDICAID TRUST that are not to, or for the benefit of, the person or his spouse; see BEM 401 (divestment). • Putting assets or income in a trust; see BEM 401. • Giving up the right to receive income such as having pension payments made to someone else (divestment). • Giving away a lump sum or accumulated benefit (divestment). • Buying an annuity that is not actuarially sound (divestment). • Giving away a vehicle (divestment). • Putting assets or income into a Limited Liability Company (LLC) Also see Joint Owners and Transfers for examples. Transfers to a LLC Treat transfers to a LLC as a divestment unless the client retains the rights to the asset or income invested and may withdraw the asset invested on demand. Treat transfers to a LLC that has no discernable product (goods and or services) produced as a divestment. Transfers by Representatives Treat transfers by any of the following as transfers by the client or spouse. • • • • • Joint Owners and Transfers Parent for minor. Legal guardian. Conservator. Court or administrative body. Anyone acting in place of, on behalf of, at the request of or at the direction of the client or spouse. When a client jointly owns a resource with another person(s), any action by the client or by another owner that reduces or eliminates the client’s ownership or control is considered a transfer by the client. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 3 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT Example: Mr. Jones is applying for MA. In 2005, he added his sister's name to his bank account. Each is free to withdraw as much money as desired so adding the sister's name did not affect the client’s ownership or control. On September 1, 2007, the sister withdrew $10,000 and deposited the money in her own bank account. Mr. Jones is considered to have transferred $10,000 on September 1, 2007, the day he no longer had ownership and control of his money. Example: Mr. Jones is applying for MA. On September 1, 2007, Mr. Jones gave his sister half interest in real estate. His equity value at the time was $100,000. The ownership arrangement prevents either sibling from selling without the other's permission. Mr. Jones transferred a resource on September 1, 2007, the day he reduced his ownership and control by giving his sister part ownership and the power to prevent sale. The amount transferred depends on whether his sister is refusing to sell. The transferred amount is: • $100,000 if she now refuses to sell. Note: The asset is unavailable and not countable for purposes of Mr. Jones' asset eligibility. • $50,000 if she now agrees to sell. Note: Unless otherwise excluded, one-half the equity for the month being tested is a countable asset for purposes of Mr. Jones' asset eligibility. The same policy applies to resources the client’s spouse owns jointly with other persons. Exception: No penalty is imposed if the parties involved verify that the resource transferred actually belonged solely to the person to whom it was transferred. Annuity Not Actuarially Sound Purchase of an annuity that is not actuarially sound is a transfer for less than fair market value. The transfer was made by the annuity’s owner. Owner means the person who pays the premium for the annuity. Annuitant means the person to whom the annuity payments are made during the guarantee period of the annuity. An annuity is not actuarially sound if the annuitant is not expected to live until the end of the guarantee period of the annuity. Use the Life Expectancy Tables, EXHIBIT I - FEMALE or EXHIBIT II - MALE to make this determination. Note: Guarantee period may be called annuity certain or period certain. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 4 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT Example: John purchased an annuity at age 65 with a guarantee period of 10 years and payments starting at purchase. John’s life expectancy is 16.67 years. The annuity is actuarially sound. Example: Sally purchased an annuity at age 70 with a guarantee period of 15 years and payments starting five years after purchase. The annuity is not actuarially sound because Sally’s life expectancy at purchase was 15.72 years while the guarantee period ends in 20 years (five year delay plus 15 years). Example: Diane purchased an annuity at age 65 with a guarantee period of 25 years. The annuity is not actuarially sound because Diane’s life expectancy is only 19.50 years. The amount transferred for less than fair market value for an annuity that is not actuarially sound is the amount that would be paid after the end of the person’s life expectancy.The amount transferred for less than fair market value is the value of the payments due in the last 5.5 years of the annuity (25 minus 19.50 = 5.50). Example: Sally purchased an annuity at age 70 with a guarantee period of 15 years and payments starting five years after purchase. The annuity is not actuarially sound because Sally’s life expectancy at purchase was 15.72 years while the guarantee period ends in 20 years. The amount transferred for less than fair market value is the value of the payments due in the last 4.28 years of the annuity (20 - 15.72 = 4.28). LOOK-BACK PERIOD The first step in determining the period of time that transfers can be looked at for divestment is determining the baseline date; see Baseline Date below. Once you have determined the baseline date, you determine the lookback period. The look back period is 60 months prior to the baseline date for all transfers made after February 8, 2006 and 36 or 60 months (depending on the type of resource transferred) prior to the baseline date for transfers made on or before February 8, 2006; see Medicaid Trusts in BEM 401. Entire Period Transfers that occur on or after a client’s baseline date must be considered for divestment. In addition, transfers that occurred within the 60 month look-back period must be considered for divestment. Penalty Situation A divestment determination is not required unless, sometime during the month being tested, the client was in a penalty situation. To be in a penalty situation, the client must be eligible for MA (other than QDWI) and be one of the following: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 5 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT • • • • Baseline Date In an LTC facility. APPROVED FOR THE WAIVER; see BEM 106. Eligible for Home Help. Eligible for Home Health. A person’s baseline date is the first date that the client was eligible for Medicaid and one of the following: • • • • In LTC. APPROVED FOR THE WAIVER; see BEM 106. Eligible for Home Health services. Eligible for Home Help services A client’s baseline date does not change even if one of the following happens: LESS THAN FAIR MARKET VALUE • The client leaves LTC. • The client is no longer APPROVED FOR THE WAIVER; see BEM 106. • The client no longer needs Home Help. • The client no longer needs Home Health. Less than fair market value means the compensation received in return for a resource was worth less than the fair market value of the resource.That is, the amount received for the resource was less than what would have been received if the resource was offered in the open market. Note: Also see Annuity Not Actuarially Sound above. Compensation must have tangible form and intrinsic value. Relatives can be paid for providing services; however, assume services were provided for free when no payment was made at the time services were provided. A client can rebut this presumption by providing tangible evidence that a payment obligation existed at the time the service was provided (for example a written agreement signed at the time services were first provided). The policy in BAM 130 allowing use of best available information or your best judgment as verification does not apply. Value of Transferring Right to Income When a person gives up his right to receive income, the fair market value is the total amount of income the person could have expected to receive. Use EXHIBIT I - LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE - FEMALE or EXHIBIT II - LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE - MALE to compute the fair market value BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 6 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT of a lifetime income source such as a pension. Base the calculation on the person's sex and age on the date of transfer. Home Caretaker & Personal Care Contracts A contract/agreement that pays prospectively for expenses such as repairs, maintenance, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, heat and utilities for real property/homestead or that provides for monitoring health care, securing hospitalization, medical treatment, visitation, entertainment, travel and/or transportation, financial management or shopping, etc. would be considered a divestment. Consider all payments for care and services which the client made during the look back period as divestment. Note: The preceding are examples and should not be considered an all inclusive or exhaustive list. Relatives who provide assistance or services are presumed to do so for love and affection, and compensation for past assistance or services shall create a rebuttable presumption of a transfer for less than fair market value. A relative is anyone related to the client by blood, marriage or adoption. Such contracts/agreements shall be considered a transfer for less than fair market value unless the compensation is in accordance with all of the following: • The services must be performed after a written legal contract/ agreement has been executed between the client and provider. The services are not paid for until the services have been provided. The contract/agreement must be dated and the signatures must be notarized; and • At the time of the receipt of the services, the client is not residing in a nursing facility, adult foster care home, institution for mental diseases, inpatient hospital, intermediate care facility for mentally retarded or eligible for home and community based waiver, home health or home help; and • At the time services are received, the services must have been recommended in writing and signed by the client’s physician as necessary to prevent the transfer of the client to a residential care or nursing facility. Such services cannot include the provision of companionship; and • DHS will verify the contract/agreement by reviewing the written instrument between the client and the provider which must show the type, frequency and duration of such services being provided to the client and the amount of consideration (money or property) being received by the provider, or In accordance with a service plan approved by DHS. If the amount paid for services is above BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 7 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT fair market value, then the client will be considered to have transferred the asset for less than fair market value. If in question, fair market value of the services may be determined by consultation with an area business which provides such services; and • The contract/agreement must be signed by the client or legally authorized representative, such as an agent under a power of attorney, guardian, or conservator. If the agreement is signed by a representative, that representative cannot be the provider or beneficiary of the contract/agreement. Assets transferred in exchange for a contract/agreement for personal services/assistance or expenses of real property/homestead provided by another person after the date of application are considered available and countable assets. Transferring Noncountable or Excluded Resources Transfers of resources that are excluded or not countable assets under SSI-related MA policy may be divestment. Transfer of the following may be divestment: • Homestead of L/H and waiver client or the L/H and waiver client’s spouse even if the transfer occurred before the client was institutionalized or approved for the waiver; see BEM 106. • Assets that were not countable because they were unavailable or not salable. TRANSFERS THAT ARE NOT DIVESTMENT Transferring Excluded Income Transferring income that is not countable income for SSI-related MA according to BEM 500 is not divestment. Transfers Involving Spouse It is not divestment to transfer resources from the client to: • • The client’s spouse. Another SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF the client’s spouse. Transfers from the client’s spouse to another SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF the client’s spouse are not divestment. Transfers Involving Child Transfers to the client’s blind or disabled child, regardless of the child’s age or marital status, are not divestment. This includes transfers to a trust established SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF the child ; see BEM 260. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 8 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT Transfer to Funeral Plan See Life Insurance Funded Funeral in BEM 400 when a person has irrevocably transferred ownership in life insurance or a similar device designated for funeral expenses. Transfer to Trust Transfers to a trust established SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF a disabled (see BEM 260) person under age 65 are not divestment. Purchase of Funeral Contract Placing money in an irrevocable prepaid funeral contract (see BAM 805) is not divestment. Asset Conversion Converting an asset from one form to another of equal value is not divestment even if the new asset is exempt. Most purchases are conversions. Example: Using $5,000 from savings to buy a used car priced at $5,000 is conversion for equal value. Example: Trading a boat worth about $8,000 for a car worth about $8,000 is conversion for equal value. Payment of expenses such as one's own taxes or utility bills is also not divestment. Transferring Homestead to Family It is not divestment to transfer a homestead to the client's: • • • • • Spouse; see Transfers Involving Spouse above. Blind or disabled child; see Transfers Involving Child above. Child under age 21. Child age 21 or over who: •• Lived in the homestead for at least two years immediately before the client’s admission to LTC or BEM 106 waiver approval, and •• Provided care that would otherwise have required LTC or BEM 106 waiver services, as documented by a physician's (M.D. or D.O.) statement. Brother or sister who: •• •• Transfers for Another Purpose Is part owner of the homestead, and Lived in the homestead for at least one year immediately before the client’s admission to LTC or BEM 106 waiver approval. As explained below, transfers exclusively for a purpose other than to qualify or remain eligible for MA are not divestment. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 9 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT Assume transfers for less than fair market value were for eligibility purposes until the client or spouse provides convincing evidence that they had no reason to believe LTC or waiver services might be needed. Example: Mr. Smith, age 40, was in good health when he gave his vacation cottage to his nephew. The next day Mr. Smith was in an automobile accident. His injuries require long-term care. The transfer was not divestment because Mr. Smith could not anticipate his need for LTC services. Exception: Trustee Fees SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF • Preservation of an estate for heirs or to avoid probate court is not acceptable as another purpose. • That the asset or income is not counted for Medicaid does not make its transfer for another purpose. Trusts which designate a business as trustee (for example a bank) usually must compensate the trustee. Reasonable compensation is not divestment. Reasonable compensation means compensation within the prevailing rate for the community. For example, banks usually base their fee on a percentage of the value of the principal. There may be a basic charge in addition to the percentage or the percentage may vary based on the value of the trust. All of the following conditions must be met for a transfer or for a trust to be solely for the benefit of a person. • The arrangement must be in writing and legally binding on the parties. • The arrangement must ensure that none of the resources can be used for someone else during the person's lifetime, except for “Trustee Fees.” • The arrangement must require that the resources be spent for the person on a actuarially sound basis. This means that spending must be at a rate that will use up all the resources during the person's lifetime. Life expectancies are in Exhibit I - FEMALE OR EXHIBIT II- MALE. Exception: Trusts meeting the criteria for Exception A or Exception B in BEM 401 do not have to spend resources on an actuarially sound basis. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 10 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT PENALTY PERIOD No Maximum Penalty There is no maximum limit on the penalty period for divestment under this new policy. There is no minimum amount of resource transfer before incurring a penalty, determine a penalty on any amount of resources that are transferred and meet the definition of a divestment even if the penalty is for one day. Divestment is a type of transfer not an amount of transfer. Any penalty period established under previous policy continues until it ends. Apply the penalty policy in place at the time of transfer for any transfers made before February 8, 2006. Computing Penalty Period The penalty period is computed on the total Uncompensated Value of all resources divested. Determine the Uncompensated Value for each resource transferred and combine into a total Uncompensated Value. Divide the total Uncompensated Value by the average monthly private LTC Cost in Michigan for the client’s Baseline Date. This gives the number of full months for the penalty period. Multiply the fraction remaining by 30 to determine the number of days for the penalty period in the remaining partial month. Apply the total penalty months and days. Apply a penalty even if the total amount of the penalty is for only a partial month. The penalty is applied to the months (or days) an individual is eligible for Medicaid and actually in LTC, Home Health, Home Help, or the MIChoice Waiver. The divestment penalty period cannot be applied to a period when the individual is not eligible for Medicaid for any reason (that is the case closes for any reason or is eligible for Medicaid but is not in LTC, Home Help, Home Health, or the MIChoice Waiver. Restart the penalty when the individual is again eligible for Medicaid and in LTC, Home Help, Home Health, or MIChoice Waiver. When a medical provider is paid by the individual, or by a a third party on behalf of the individual, for medical services received, the individual is not eligible for Medicaid in that month and the month is not a penalty month. That month cannot be counted as part of the penalty period. Note: An individual is not eligible for MA in a month they have pre-paid for LTC. A group 2 deductible eligible individual is not eligible for Medicaid until the deductible is met. Apply the penalty only to the days of the month after the deductible is met. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 11 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT The 1st day the client is eligible to receive MA coverage for LTC, MIChoice, home help, or home health services is the 1st day after the penalty period ends. Baseline Date In Calendar Yea LTC Cost 2011 $6816 20109 $63626618 2008 $6191 2007 $5938 2006 $5549 2005 $5367 2004 $5250 2003 $5043 2002 $4703 2001 $4518 2000 $4331 1999 $3981 1998 $3711 1997 $3507 Before January 1997 $3441 The penalty period starts on the date which the individual is eligible for Medicaid and would otherwise be receiving institutional level care (LTC, MIChoice waiver, or home help or home health services), and is not already part of a penalty period. When a medical provider is paid by the individual, or by a a third party on behalf of the individual, for medical services received, the individual is not eligible for Medicaid in that month and the month is not a penalty month. That month cannot be counted as part of the penalty period. Note: If a past unreported divestment is discovered or an agency error is made which should result in a penalty, a penalty must be determined under the policy in place at the time of discovery. If a penalty is determined for an unreported transfer in the past, apply the penalty from the first day after timely notice is given; see Recipient Exception in this item. Recipient Exception Timely notice must be given to LTC recipients and (BEM 106) waiver recipients before actually applying the penalty. Adequate notice must be given to new applicants. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 12 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT Uncompensated Value The uncompensated value of a divested resource is Spouses Sharing a Penalty A client can be penalized if he or his spouse divests. The penalty is imposed on whichever spouse is in a Penalty Situation; see BEM 211, MA Group Compostion. If both spouses are in a penalty situation, the penalty period (or any remaining part) must be divided between them. • • • The resource's cash or equity value. Minus any compensation received. The uncompensated value of a promissory note, loan, or mortgage is the outstanding balance due on the “Baseline Date” Example: Mr. and Mrs. Brown divested themselves of assets prior to Mr. Brown entering a LTC facility and applying for Medicaid. Mr. Brown is in LTC and under a divestment penalty for 24 months. When Mrs. Brown enters the facility 6 months later, the remaining 18 months of Mr. Brown’s penalty are divided between them, giving Mr.and Mrs. Brown each 9 months of the penalty still to complete. If either Mr. or Mrs. Brown die before they complete their penalty the remainder of their penalty is transferred to their spouse. Example: Mr. Brown enters a LTC facility and applies for Medicaid. He is found eligible for Medicaid. During the presumed asset eligibility period Mrs. Brown transfers Mr. Brown’s assets to herself and then transfers the assets to her children (the first transaction is permitted the second transaction is divestment). Mrs. Brown then enters the LTC facility. Mrs. Brown incurs the investment penalty. Resources Returned Cancel a divestment penalty if either of the following occur before the penalty is in effect: • All the transferred resources are returned and retained by the individual. • Fair market value is paid for the resources. Recalculate the penalty period if either of the following occurs while the penalty is in effect: • • All the transferred resources are returned. Full compensation is paid for the resources. Use the same per diem rate originally used to calculate the penalty period. Once a divestment penalty is in effect, return of, or payment for, resources cannot eliminate any portion of the penalty period already past. However, you must recalculate the penalty period. The divestment penalty ends on the later of the following: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 13 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT • • UNDUE HARDSHIP The end date of the new penalty period. The date the client notified you that the resources were returned or paid for. Waive the penalty if it creates undue hardship. Assume there is no undue hardship unless you have evidence to the contrary. Undue hardship exists when the client’s physician (M.D. or D.O.) says: • • Necessary medical care is not being provided, and The client needs treatment for an emergency condition. A medical emergency exists when a delay in treatment may result in the person's death or permanent impairment of the person's health. A psychiatric emergency exists when immediate treatment is required to prevent serious injury to the person or others. See BEM 100, Policy Exception Request Procedure. VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Verification is not required when the client states he and his spouse have not transferred resources unless: • The client’s statement is unclear, inconsistent or conflicts with known facts, or • Existing information in the case record indicates divestment may have occurred. Verify the following to document divestment: • • • Date of transfer. Fair market value or cash value. Uncompensated value. Obtain a statement from the LTC or waiver client’s physician (M.D. or D.O.) to verify: • • Undue hardship, or The client’s non-disabled child age 21 or older provided care that would otherwise have required LTC or waiver services. Verify the child's length of residence if a homestead was transferred to a nondisabled child age 21 or older. Verify the sibling's ownership interest and length of residence in the homestead if a homestead was transferred to a sibling. Verify disability and blindness according to BEM 260. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 14 of 17 Verification Sources MA DIVESTMENT Sources to verify transfers and the reasons for them include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • • • • Legal documents. Payment or tax records. Bills of sale. Court or attorney records. Correspondence regarding the transaction. Bank books or statements. Sources to verify ownership interest in a homestead include, but are not limited to: • • • • • Deeds. Mortgages. Purchase agreements. Contracts. Other court or county records. Sources to verify length of residence in a homestead include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • Driver's license or State I.D. Income tax returns. Voter registration. Cancelled mail. Other type of I.D. which has both name and address. Written statement from one of the following who has knowledge of length of residence in the homestead: •• •• •• LEVEL OF CARE CODE Physician. Clergy. Other professional. LC code 56 indicates a divestment penalty. EXHIBIT I - LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE - FEMALE FEMALE LIFE EXPECTENCY TABLE Age Life Expectancy Age Life Expectancy Age Life Expectancy 0 80.21 40 41.70 80 9.33 1 79.70 41 40.76 81 8.76 2 78.73 42 39.82 82 8.21 3 77.75 43 38.89 83 7.68 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 15 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT FEMALE LIFE EXPECTENCY TABLE 4 76.77 44 37.96 84 7.17 5 75.78 45 37.04 85 6.68 6 74.79 46 36.12 86 6.22 7 73.80 47 35.21 87 5.78 8 72.81 48 34.30 88 5.37 9 71.82 49 33.39 89 4.98 10 70.82 50 32.49 90 4.62 11 69.83 51 31.60 91 4.28 12 68.84 52 30.71 92 3.98 13 67.85 53 29.83 93 3.69 14 66.86 54 28.94 94 3.44 15 65.87 55 28.07 95 3.20 16 64.89 56 27.20 96 3.00 17 63.91 57 26.33 97 2.81 18 62.93 58 25.47 98 2.65 19 61.96 59 24.62 99 2.49 20 60.99 60 23.78 100 2.35 21 60.01 61 22.95 101 2.20 22 59.04 62 22.13 102 2.07 23 58.07 63 21.32 103 1.94 24 57.10 64 20.52 104 1.82 25 56.13 65 19.72 105 1.70 26 55.16 66 18.94 106 1.59 27 54.19 67 18.16 107 1.48 28 53.22 68 17.40 108 1.38 29 52.25 69 16.64 109 1.28 30 51.28 70 15.90 110 1.19 31 50.32 71 15.18 111 1.10 32 49.35 72 14.47 112 1.02 33 48.39 73 13.78 113 0.94 34 47.42 74 13.10 114 0.86 35 46.46 75 1243 115 0.79 36 45.50 76 11.78 116 0.72 37 44.55 77 11.14 117 0.66 38 43.59 78 10.52 118 0.61 39 42.65 79 9.92 119 0.56 Example: In January 2004, Mrs. Jay established a Medicaid trust and ordered her $500 per month pension paid to the trust. She was 78 years old. The trustee cannot use the pension for Mrs. Jay. Mrs. Jay transferred $63,120 ($500 X 12 months X 10.52 years). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 16 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT EXHIBIT II - LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE - MALE MALE LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE Age Life Expectancy Age Life Expectancy Age Life Expectancy 0 75.10 40 37.28 80 7.62 1 74.66 41 36.69 81 7.30 2 73.69 42 35.79 82 6.84 3 72.72 43 34.89 83 6.39 4 71.74 44 34.00 84 5.79 5 70.75 45 33.11 85 5.56 6 69.76 46 32.23 86 5.18 7 68.77 47 31.35 87 4.81 8 67.79 48 30.49 88 4.46 9 66.79 49 29.63 89 4.14 10 65.80 50 28.78 90 3.84 11 64.81 51 27.97 91 3.56 12 63.81 52 27.11 92 3.30 13 62.82 53 36.29 93 3.07 14 61.84 54 25.48 94 2.86 15 60.86 55 24.66 95 2.67 16 59.90 56 23.86 96 2.51 17 58.94 57 23.06 97 2.36 18 58.00 58 22.26 98 2.24 19 57.06 59 21.48 99 2.12 20 56.13 60 20.70 100 2.01 21 55.20 61 19.94 101 1.90 22 54.28 62 19.19 102 1.80 23 53.37 63 18.45 103 1.70 24 52.45 64 17.72 104 1.60 25 51.53 65 17.00 105 1.51 26 50.61 66 16.28 106 1.42 27 49.68 67 15.58 107 1.34 28 48.75 68 14.89 108 1.26 29 47.82 69 14.22 109 1.18 30 46.89 70 13.55 110 1.11 31 45.96 71 12.91 111 1.03 32 45.02 72 12.27 112 0.97 33 44.09 73 11.65 113 0.90 34 43.16 74 11.05 114 0.84 35 42.23 75 10.46 115 0.78 36 41.30 76 9.89 116 0.72 37 40.37 77 9.34 117 0.66 BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 405 17 of 17 MA DIVESTMENT MALE LIFE EXPECTANCY TABLE 38 39.44 78 8.80 118 0.61 39 38.52 79 8.29 119 0.56 Example: In January 2004, Mr. Jay established a Medicaid trust and ordered his $500 per month pension paid to the trust. He was 78 years old. The trustee cannot use the pension for Mr. Jay. Mr. Jay transferred $52,800 ($500 X 12 months X 8.80 years). LEGAL BASE MA Social Security Act, Sections 1902(a)(18), 1917 JOINT POLICY DEVELOPMENT Medicaid, Adult Medical Program (AMP), Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA/TMA-Plus), and Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS) policy has been developed jointly by the Department of Community Health (DCH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 1 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS PARENTAL CHOICE Clients have the right to choose the type of child care provider they wish to use. Individuals Who May Not Receive Payment For Care Clients are not eligible for CDC services for care provided by any of the following persons: INFORMATION SHARED WITH PROVIDERS • A member of the CDC program group. • The applicant/client. • The applicant/client’s spouse who lives in the home. • The parent of the child(ren) or a legal guardian who is not a member of the CDC program group. • A home help provider who is also providinges adult home help to any CDC program group member, the CDC applicant or the CDC applicant’s spouse forat the same periodtime in which child care is being provided. • Individuals on central registry determined to be responsible for the neglect or abuse of a child(ren) or convicted of a crime listed in the crime codes exhibit. • A CDC program group member, applicant or applicant’s spouse who owns in whole or part the child care center, group or family child care home where the child care is provided. Bridges sends a DHS-198, Child Development and Care Provider Certificate/Notice of Authorization, to the provider when: • • • CDC services are authorized. An authorization changes. An authorization ends. You may also share with the provider any of the basic information listed below. • • A CDC application is: • Filed. • Withdrawn. • Denied. The CDC case closed. The DHS-1171, Assistance Application and the DHS-4583, Child Development and Care (CDC) Application includes a release of information allowing DHS to provide this information. All other provider concerns should be directed to the client. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 2 of 15 ELIGIBLE PROVIDERS CDC PROVIDERS Care must be provided in Michigan by an eligible provider. Eligible providers are those monitored by DHS, Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing (BCAL), or enrolled by DHS. Those monitored by the BCAL are: • • • Child care centers. Group child care homes. Family child care homes. Another group of providers recognized by the department are unlicensed providers (aides and relatives). These providers are enrolled by DHS and are not required to be registered or licensed by BCAL. Child Care Centers A child care center must be licensed by BCAL to be eligible to receive payment from the department. Group and Family Homes A group child care home must be licensed by BCAL to be eligible to receive department payment. A family child care home must be registered by BCAL to be eligible to receive department payment. Centers and Homes Exempt from Licensure Certain child care centers and homes which provide child care do not require licensure under 1973 PA 116. They are: • Child care facilities where all parents are on site and readily available. • Child care centers, group child care homes and family child care homes located on federal land. These centers and homes will not be enrolled automatically on Provider Management unless they apply for a license and are registered or licensed. If exempt centers or homes are not licensed, the local office may enroll them on Provider Management after receiving appropriate documentation from the facility or home. Facilities With Parents On-Site and Available If the parents of all the children in care are on site and available during the complete time period that their children are in care at the facility, a DHS-2032B, Application for Provider ID Number for Child Care Facilities with Parents On Site and Available, is to be sent to the child care center or given to the client to take to the provider, unless the facility is licensed by BCAL. The DHS-2032B is to be completed and signed by the child care facility owner or administrator and returned to the specialist. Centers and Homes On Federal Land If the facility is a child care center, group child care home or family child care home located on federal land, for example a military installation or Indian reservation, a DHS-2032A, Application for Provider ID Number BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 3 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS for Child Care Centers and Homes Located on Federal Land, is to be sent to the facility or home or given to the client to take to the provider, unless the facility is licensed by BCAL. The DHS-2032A is to be completed and signed by the military base commander or the head of the Indian tribe and returned to the specialist. DHS-2032A and DHS-2032B Once the completed DHS-2032A or DHS-2032B is returned to the specialist and the information is reviewed and completed, the provider may be enrolled on Provider Management using the DHS-2351(X) see Provider Management. The effective date of enrollment should be the date care began or the date the client became eligible for CDC, whichever is latest. If it is questionable as to whether or not the facilities are indeed exempt from licensure, they should be referred to BCAL at 517-3738300, for a determination. To be eligible to receive DHS payment, child care centers and homes who meet the above criteria to be exempt from licensure must: • • • Complete a DHS-2032A or DHS-2032B. Have a valid tax ID or Social Security number. Be enrolled by the department. A CDC provider inquiry is used to determine the status of these exempt centers and homes. The service end date should be blank when the provider is active in Provider Management. Unlicensed Providers There are two types of unlicensed providers. • Aides: • • A person who is at least 18 years old and provides child care in the home where the child lives. This would include an individual who meets the relationship below. Relatives: • Individuals who are at least 18 years old and provide the care in their home, not the home of the child, and are related to the child needing care by blood, marriage or adoption as a: •• •• •• •• Grandparent/great-grandparent. Aunt/great-aunt. Uncle/great-uncle. Sibling. A divorce severs/terminates a relationship gained through marriage. Note: Unlicensed providers (aide/relative) who are also licensed or registered by BCAL as family or group child care homes, should be paid as family or group child care homes, not as an unlicensed provider. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 4 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS To determine if a provider is eligible for payment, use Bridges Inquiry. A provider may be searched by provider number, name, service type or license number. Bridges will display the provider begin and end dates. Providers are active and eligible for payment if there is no end date entry. Unlicensed (Aide/ Relative) Provider Enrollment Process To begin the enrollment process, unlicensed aide and relative providers must: complete the DHS-220, Child Development and Care Unlicensed Provider Application. If the application is not completely filled out, it must be returned to the specialist for completion prior to beginning the enrollment process. The application certifies that the provider applicant meets all of the requirements listed on the application. Complete the DHS-220, Child Development and Care Unlicensed Provider Application, certifying that y the providermeet all of the requirements listed on the application. The provider applicant must provide t The following verifications must be provided within 10 workdays of the application receipt date: • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL Proof of identity. Acceptable verifications are: • Current valid driver’s license with a photo of the individual. • Federal, state or local government issued identification card with the same information included on a driver’s license. • School-issued identification with a photograph. • U.S. military card or draft record. • Benefit award letter or other document indicating an individual’s receipt of benefits under a program that requires verification of identity, for example, SSI, RSDI. • A cross match with a federal or state governmental, public assistance, law enforcement, or correction agency’s data system, for example, the SSA cross match in Bridges. • A U.S. passport. • A Certification of Naturalization (Department of Homeland Security, Forms N-550 or N-570). • A Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Forms N-560 or N-561). • Military dependent’s identification card. • Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood, or other U.S. American/ Indian/Alaska Native tribal document. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 5 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS • U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card. • Three or more corroborating documents such as marriage licenses, divorce decrees, high school diplomas, college degrees or employer ID cards. • Proof of age. • A copy of a valid Social Security card. If the Social Security card states that it is not valid for employment, the unlicensed provider applicant may not be enrolled. Note: Once enrolled, a provider’s Social Security number can only be changed by CDC Policy in central office. Local offices are able to make provider name and address changes or corrections. • Proof of residence and/or mailing address (at application). Acceptable verifications are: • Driver's license. • Other ID which provides a name and address. • Mortgage or rent receipt. • Utility bill. All required verifications must match the provider’s name listed on the application and must be copied and maintained in the provider file. Note: The DHS-4025, Child Care Provider Verification is not required prior to an unlicensed provider’s enrollment. The completed form is required prior to entering assignments for a particular provider and child in Bridges. Within 10 workdays of receiving the DHS-220 and all required verifications, the local office must: • Review the provider application to determine if the provider applicant has self reported a crime. • Complete all background clearances (central registry, ICHAT, OTIS, PSOR, NSOPR, FIL) on the provider and all adult household members at the provider’s address, regardless of where the care is provided. Record results on the DHS-4661-P, Child Care (CDC) Request For Criminal History and Central Registry Clearance. • Determine eligibility of the provider applicant. • Enroll the provider in Provider Management; see the DHS Net for the Provider Management training. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 6 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS •• If the provider is eligible to be enrolled, Bridges will send a DHS-4481-D, CDC Unlicensed Provider Confirmation, to the provider. Once the provider is authorized to provide care, Bridges will send the DHS-198 Child Development and Care Provider Certificate/Notice of Authorization to the provider. The client will receive a DHS-198-C, Child Development and Care Client Certificate/Notice of Authorization. Note: Providers are eligible for payment starting with the pay period that holds the training date. Payments for any care provided prior to the training date can not be authorized or paid. •• If the provider is not eligible, Bridges will send the DHS-4807, Notice of Child Development and Care Provider Ineligibility, listing the appropriate closure reason. The local office will need to manually generate a DHS-4807-C, Client Notice of Child Development and Care Provider Ineligibility, from Bridges to send to the client. The appropriate closure reason should be entered on the DHS-4807-C. If all required verifications are not received by the 10th workday from the application receipt date: • Enroll provider using the current date as the service begin and end date. • Enter the closure reason Failure to provide required verifications. • Bridges will send the DHS-4807 to the provider. • Manually generate a DHS-4807-C to notify the client. • File the DHS-220 in the provider file. If the client has questions about the denial of the provider applicant’s enrollment, the client should be told to discuss the issue with the provider. Service Begin Date (Effective Date of Enrollment) If approved, the service begin date for an unlicensed eligible provider who is 18, would be the date of the client or provider application, whichever is received first. If a provider’s service begin date needs to be corrected, for example, he or she is providing care on a foster care case, fax the client application and the DHS-220 to CDC Policy at 517241-8679 to have the service begin date modified. Include a cover sheet with the specialist’s name and phone number. Exception: If the unlicensed provider has been denied as a result of a household member and the household member leaves the home, the BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 7 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS service begin date cannot be before the date the new DHS-220 is received. Background Clearances Before enrolling an unlicensed provider, complete a central registry clearance and criminal history background clearances on the provider and household members, age 18 and over, listed on the DHS-220. All names used by the applicant/provider and adult members, such as maiden or alias names as listed on the provider’s application, must be cleared. If a provider or household member has an out of state ID, a central registry clearance should be requested from the state where the ID was issued. Background clearances must also be completed whenever DHS becomes aware that a new household member, age 18 and over, has moved into the unlicensed provider’s home or when information is provided that an adult household member, age 18 and over, is on central registry as a perpetrator, has a criminal conviction or pending criminal charge. Use the DHS-4661-P, Child Care (CDC) Request For Criminal History and Central Registry Clearance to complete the following required background clearances. File the completed form in the provider’s file. • • • • • • Central Registry (CR) Check At Provider Application Central Registry Match Central registry. ICHAT (Internet Criminal Access Tool). OTIS (Offender Tracking Information Service). PSOR (Public Sex Offender Registry). NSOPR (National Sex Offender Public Registry). FIL (Federal Inmate Locator). Complete a central registry check first. If a valid match is found, no further clearances (ICHAT, OTIS, PSOR, NSOPR, FIL) need to be completed. Deny the unlicensed provider’s enrollment if the central registry clearance indicates a valid match. • Complete the DHS-4661-P. File in the provider file. • Destroy any other related information. Central registry information is confidential and can not be released. • Enroll the provider in Provider Management. • Enter the current date as the service begin and end date. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 8 of 15 Notice to CPS CDC PROVIDERS • Enter the closure reason Revoked for payments - see BEM 704, if the match is on the provider or Revoked, match on Household Member - see BEM 704, if the match is on a household member. • Bridges will send the DHS-4807 to the provider with the appropriate information. A DHS-4807-C must be manually generated and mailed to the client. • File the DHS-220 in the provider file. If the central registry clearance indicates that due process has not been given, send the DHS-835, Central Registry Clearance-No Perpetrator Record Notice, to the Children’s Protective Service (CPS) supervisor in the county where the CPS case is located or was substantiated. The CPS unit will notify the person who the match was on, if notification has not been given in the past. This notification will also include information regarding the person’s due process rights. The DHS-835 contains confidential information. Do not retain a copy of the form. Central Registry Expungement If a terminated provider is expunged from central registry, fax athe request along with the new DHS-220, completed after the expungement date, and all required enrollment verifications to CDC Policy in central office at 517-241-8679. All background clearances will be completed and if the provider is eligible, a service begin date will be entered the first day of the pay period after the expungement date. The DHS-4481D, CDC Unlicensed Provider Confirmation, will serve as notification that the provider is eligible. No other notices need to be mailed. If the local office does not have a new DHS-220, completed after the expungement date, the central registry to remove the closure reason will remain in Provider Management until a new DHS-220 is received. No notification will be sent. Include the provider’s name, ID number, the reason for the request and a DHS-220 completed after the expungement date. If eligible, CDC Policy will remove the closure reason, run the background clearances and enroll the provider with a service begin date the first day of the pay period beginning after the expungement date. The provider is not eligible to receive payments prior to this date. No Central Registry Match Criminal History Clearances Complete all other background clearances if no match is found on central registry. Links have been added to the DHS-Net and OLM News & Tips Quick Info Links for easy access to the criminal clearance sites. • BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL ICHAT: There is a $10.00 access fee for the general public, however the fee is waived for government departments. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 9 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS • OTIS: Click All in the offender status box. • PSOR: • NSOPR: select national search. • FIL: http://www.bop.gtov/iloc2/LocateInmate.jsp. Note: When matching against the Federal Inmate Locator (FIL), no crime codes will be listed. If there is an exact match on the name and age, deny enrollment. Finding Codes On the DHS Net, select Tools and then Quick Information Links to External Web sites. The Crime Codes Exhibit can be located under Criminal Information and Tracking. Enter the crime code. Be sure to include the decimal point in the code, for example, 750.177. No Criminal History Match If no matches are found on any of the five registries and all other enrollment requirements are met, enroll the provider in Provider Management. File the completed DHS-4661-P, the DHS-220 and all other provider information in the provider file. Criminal History Disclosure at Application If the provider/applicant self-discloses that he/she or a household member, age 18 and over, has been convicted of a crime that is comparable to a crime code in the exhibit, deny the enrollment. Follow the steps listed under Criminal History Match. Criminal History Match If a match is found on any of the clearances, compare the crime code number of the conviction or pending criminal charge to the crime codes exhibit. If the code is listed, the provider enrollment must be denied or terminated. • Deny the provider application or terminate the enrollment. • Enroll provider in Provider Management. Use the current date as the service begin and end date. Enter the appropriate closure reason. • Bridges will send the provider/applicant a DHS-4807 and a DHS759, Request for Administrative Review of the Denial or Termination of Provider Enrollment. The local office must manually generate a DHS-4807-C to send to the client. • File the DHS-220, the DHS-4661-P, and the criminal history match or matches in the provider file. Note: If a match is received on a crime code that is not listed and it is believed the crime could impact the health and safety of a child, email BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 10 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS the Policy-CDC-DHS Policy-CDC mailbox with all pertinent information. A decision will be made as to whether this is a terminable crime. If an unlicensed provider’s enrollment is denied or terminated as a result of a criminal conviction or pending criminal charge on an adult household member, and it is reported the adult no longer resides in the home of the provider: • Obtain a new DHS-220. • Request verification such as a lease, ID, utility bill, etc., showing the household member has a new address. • Fax the DHS-220 and verifications to CDC Policy at 517-241-8679 with a cover sheet listing the specialist’s contact information and fax number. If it is determined that the provider is eligible for enrollment, CDC Policy will remove the closure reason and contact the local office. Prior to re-enrollment, the local office must complete the central registry and criminal clearances; see Unlicensed (Aide/Relative) Provider Enrollment Process. The service begin date cannot be before the date of the new DHS-220. No care can be authorized prior to the provider’s service begin date. If the above conditions are not met, the provider is not eligible to receive department payment and care must not be authorized. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS Provider/provider applicants who have been denied or terminated as a result of a criminal conviction, pending crime, or for failure to disclose a charge or conviction by the local office, may request an administrative review. The DHS-759 instructs providers to send all documentation to the local DHS office where the denial or termination took place. When a request for administrative review is received, the local office should: • Give the administrative review request to the local office person who maintains the provider files. • The provider file should be pulled and any information regarding the provider’s denial or termination, such as the DHS-220, background clearances, provider identification, etc. should be attached to the administrative review material. • All administrative review material must either be faxed to CDC Policy in central office at 517-241-8679 or sent by ID mail to: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 11 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS Child Development and Care Central Office, Grand Tower 235 S. Grand Ave. Suite 1512 Lansing, MI Central office will make a determination as to whether to approve or deny the request. CDC Policy will: • • Notify the provider/applicant of the approval or denial. Remove the closure reason, if approved. The local office must obtain a new DHS-220. All background clearances must also be completed. Prior to the local office assigning the provider to a CDC case, a completed DHS-4025 must be obtained. The service begin date to re-open the provider should be the day after the closure date. Note: Neither child care providers or CDC recipients are entitled to DHS administrative hearings based on provider/applicant termination or denial. PROVIDER MANAGEMENT All child care providers must be enrolled in Provider Management in order to receive payment from the department. Before enrolling a provider, complete a provider inquiry to see if the provider is already enrolled; see Provider Management training. • If the provider is already enrolled as an active provider, use the assigned provider ID number. Check to be sure that all household information is correct by comparing the information on the DHS220 with the information on the Provider Associated Household People screen in Provider Management. Be sure to update the screen with any new household members. • If the provider has an ID number, but is not currently active, reenroll the provider using that ID number. • If the provider has never been enrolled, proceed with the new enrollment. Licensed child care centers, family and group child care homes are enrolled on Bridges automatically at the time they are assigned a license number. The local office cannot enroll these providers. In instances where the local office identifies a licensed child care center, family or group child care home that does not have a provider ID number, and one is needed in order to authorize payments to that provider, BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 12 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS the local office must send a fax to CDC Policy in central office at 517241-8679. Faxed requests must include the provider’s name and license number and the specialist’s signature and phone number. Unlicensed providers and centers and homes exempt from licensure are enrolled by the local office. Enrolled providers are assigned an ID number. This number is different from the provider's tax ID or license number. The provider ID number is used to authorize CDC payments. It is also used by providers to bill for care provided to DHS-funded children. To enroll a provider: • • Automated Central Office Background Clearances Central Registry Complete all required forms. Forward to the designated person for entry. For determining continued eligibility, automated clearances are done on providers. The automated process does not replace or eliminate the policy requirement to complete all required background clearances prior to provider enrollment and at all other required times. This automated daily process matches central registry to all providersand household members over the age of 18, who are on central registry as perpetrators confirmed by CPS. For confirmed matches, CDC Policy will: • Close the provider and enter the closure reason Revoked for payments-see BEM 704., if the match is on the provider or Revoked, match on Household Member-see BEM 704, if the match is on a household member. Bridges will send a DHS-4807, Notice of Child Development and Care Provider Ineligibility, to the provider, if the provider is active and a DHS-4807-C, Client Notice of Child Development and Care Provider Ineligibility to the client, if the provider is associated with a CDC case. • Send a completed DHS-835,Central Registry Clearance - No Perpetrator Notification Record Notice, to the CPS supervisor in the county where the CPS case was opened, if central registry does not show that due process was given. CPS will then notify the provider of his/her due process rights regarding central registry expungement. Authorizations are automatically ended when the provider is closed. The automated process will issue notices to the client and the provider regarding the authorization end date. BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 13 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS The closure reason entered in Provider Management will prevent the re-enrolling of providers closed by this process. ICHAT, OTIS PSOR These monthly automated processes match providers and household members over the age of 18. These are monthly processes. For confirmed matches CDC Policy will: Denial/Termination Of Unlicensed (Aide/Relative) Providers Provider Closures • Verify the information is correct. • Close the provider and enter the appropriate closure reason. • If the provider is active, Bridges will send the DHS-4807 and the DHS-759 to the provider and the 4807-C to the client, if the provider is associated with a CDC case. For ICHAT matches, a notice that includes the state identification number (SID) will also be sent to the provider. • Specialists should help affected families make new child care arrangements. If clients need assistance in locating a licensed or registered child care provider, they should be referred to the Great Start Regional Child Care Resource Center serving their county. Clients can use the 1-877-614-7328 number to reach the resource centers. The department must deny or terminate the enrollment of an unlicensed (aide/relative) provider if: • The provider misrepresents, falsifies or fails to abide by the conditions as stated on the DHS-220, the DHS-4025 or in the Child Development and Care (CDC) Handbook. • The provider answers No to the question regarding convictions or pending criminal charges on the DHS-220-A/R and it is determined that there is a match, regardless of whether the conviction or charge is listed in the crime codes exhibit, on themselves or an adult household member. (Follow the process in Criminal History Match). Enter the closure reason CDC not eligible due to failure to disclose criminal background on provider, if the match is on the provider or CDC not eligible due to failure to disclose criminal background on household member, if match is on a household member. • Required verifications are not received within 10 workdays of the application receipt date. Enter the closure reason Failure to provide required verifications. An unlicensed provider’s service is ended in Provider Management if: BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 14 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS • The unlicensed provider has not received a payment for four consecutive months. Closure reason will read No activity/payments for this provider service type. • The unlicensed provider has not completed the basic training requirement with four months. Closure reason will read Failure to complete basic training requirement. The provider does not comply with a request by the Central Reconciliation Unit for time and attendance records. Closure reason will read Failed to respond to CRU. Call CRU at 866-990-3227 with questions.The provider does not maintain time and attendance records as determined by the Central Reconciliation Unit. Closure reason will read Failed to maintain Time and Attendance records. Call CRU at 866-990-3227. • Undeliverable mail is received. A closure reason Unable to locate provider will be entered in Provider Management. Note: Undeliverable mail for regulated providers will be forwarded to BCAL for processing. This process should also be followed when undeliverable provider mail is received in the local office and a new address has not been reported. • Provider fails to submit records requested by the Office of Inspector General. A closure reason CDC not eligible due to Office of Inspector General review will be entered in Provider Management. Note: These closure reasons will not prevent local offices from reenrolling a provider, however the provider will be required to complete a new DHS-220, and all background clearances must be completed prior to enrollment. A new DHS-4025 is required prior to establishing provider assignments. Provider Address Changes It is critical that provider address changes be made promptly to avoid unnecessary closures and disruptions in child care services. When local offices receive a request for an address change from an aide or relative provider, follow policy in BAM 220 regarding acting on changes. Notification of Termination When a provider’s enrollment is terminated, Bridges will automatically send the DHS-4807 to the provider and the DHS-4807-C to the client, (if there is an active assignment) listing the reason for termination. Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect In instances where there is reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect in a child care setting, make a referral to CPS. CPS will make a determination of whether the CDC children are at risk, as well as the child care provider’s own children. If substantiated, Bridges will send BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BEM 704 15 of 15 CDC PROVIDERS the DHS-4807/DHS-4807-C to notify the provider and the client of termination. If the client has questions about the termination of the aide/relative’s enrollment, he/she should be told to discuss the issue with the provider. Reopening an Unlicensed Provider To reopen an unlicensed provider follow the process in Service Begin Date (Effective Date of Enrollment)., Use the provider’s previous provider ID number when reopening a provider enrollment. Note: If the provider is terminated in error, do not require new forms. Great Start Connect Clients who request assistance in finding a licensed or registered provider should be referred to Great Start Connect, the online Web-based early learning resource site. The Web address for Great Start Connect is All active licensed and registered providers are searchable. If additional assistance is needed, clients can be referred to 1-877-614-7328, to reach the Great Start Regional Child Care Resource Center serving their county. Resource centers can provide personal consultation to families in need of child care. LEGAL BASE Child Care and Development Block Grant of 1990, PL 101-508, 42 USC 9858 et. seq. 45 CFR Parts 98 and 99 Social Security Act, as amended.Title IVA (42 USC 601 et seq.); Title IVE (42 USC 670 et seq.); Title XX (42 USC 1397 et seq.) Child Care Organizations Act, 1973 PA 116, as amended, MCL 722.111 et seq. R400.5001 - 400.5015, MAC BRIDGES ELIGIBILITY MANUAL STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES
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