OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH 1806 Novato Blvd., Novato, CA 94947 415-897-2171 FAX 415-897-8251 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm The Fourth Sunday of Easter APRIL 19, 2015 OUR LADY OF LORETTO PARISH “Empowered by the Spirit of God we celebrate Jesus’ presence in Prayer, Liturgy, Sacrament and Service” Mass Intentions April 18 to April 26 BC: Fr.Brian Costello ME: Fr. Manuel Estrada NH: Fr. Neil Healy Day Time Intentions April 18—April 26 Priest * Saturday 4/18 9:00am 5pm Vigil Bernadette Murphy + Thomas Ryan + NH ME Sunday 4/19 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12 Noon Bernadette Murphy + William Mc Cormack + Cheryl Skowronek Soliz + OLL Parishioners Salvador Magaña + Maria Farias (L) ME NH NH ME Monday 4/20 9:00am Bernadette Murphy + ME Tuesday 4/21 9:00am Bernadette Murphy + NH Wednesday 4/22 9:00am Kenneth Chester Wittmann + BC Thursday 4/23 9:00am Jose Gumba + ME Friday 4//24 9:00am Maria Christina Gumba + BC Saturday 4/25 9:00am 5pm Vigil Paul Conradi + George Schilling + BC BC Sunday 4/26 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12 Noon Carlie DeMartini (L) Albert Schranz + Cecelia Jimenez + OLL Parishioners Felix Garcia + Maria Lupe Garcia + BC BC NH BC May all our deceased Parishioners rest in the loving arms of God especially Margaret Donlevy Marybethe Escobar Margaret Kranci Please pray for our parishioners who are sick and suffering that they may know the embrace of Christ’s healing love. Paquita de Arboco, Paulette Borg, Sue Castillo, Everett Elmquist, Trini Esparza, Niloo Fatema, Violet Ferrigno, Mary Lou Fuette, Dustin Gorell, Thelma Graves, Nady Herr, Martin Keaney, Bridie Keenan, Manuel Lamboy, Jim Lang, Pat Lewis, Juanita Mansfield, Betty McDonald, Mary Ellen McIntyre, Samuel Morris, Judy Nygard, Bob Rowden, Anita Skinner, Pauline Stuber, Mary Lisette Vazquez, Tim Wright We are updating our prayer list and have removed names which have been on the list for some time. Please call the Rectory to have someone included on the Prayer List. Rev. Brian Costello [email protected] Ext.227 Pastor Mass Times Monday—Friday 9:00 am Rev. J. Manuel Estrada [email protected] EXT 230 Parochial Vicar Rev. Neil Healy In Residence (Happily Retired) EXT 233 Sr. Jeanette Lombardi osu Pastoral Associate EXT.226 Rev. Mr. Alejandro Madero Deacon EXT. 225 Saturday 9:00am 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, 12pm Spanish Mass Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday 9:30am-5:00 pm Patrick Reeder EXT. 234 Parish Manager Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday3:00pm-4:00pm Office Staff Mary Ann Varner EXT. 221 Erin Troy EXT. 222 Allen Shirley EXT. 236 Rosary Monday—Thursday after 9am Mass and 5:30pm Friday after 9am Mass and at 5pm Sunday at 3:00pm Our Lady of Loretto School Mrs. Kathleen Kraft, Principal 415-892-8621 Parish Religious Education Amy Bjorklund Reeder, Dir. Grades 1-6 Kathleen Pitti 415-897-6714 Diacono Alejandro Grades 1-3 en Espanol 415-897-2171 ext 225 Annie Troy, Dir. Youth Ministry and Confirmation 415-897-2171 ext.277 FIRST COMMUNION PRACTICE FOR PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION First Communion practices for all those children participating in the May 2 First Communion will take place on Tuesdays 4/21 and 4/28 from 3:305:00. Parents please drop off your children at the school library and pick up from the church. Please note these practices are for those children receiving the Sacrament on May 2nd only. Those receiving on a different date will have a separate practice. Baptisms Please contact the RectoryCatechesis Required Marriages Please contact the Rectory at least 6 months in advance Our Lady of Loretto St. Vincent de Paul Society 415-497-5090 Visit us on the Web www.ollnovato.org E-mail us: [email protected] THANK YOU! We are all enjoying the beauty of the Holy Spirit needlepoint on the ambo in the Sanctuary. This is a very special “Thank You” and expression of gratitude to Louise Rapoport for the beautiful creation. It took Louise over a year to complete and we are so grateful for the many hours of commitment given to this piece and that she chose to share it with us. It is truly a work of art. Thank you, Louise, for sharing your creative talents with the parish. May God bless you and your family. Markyourcalendars forOur Lady of Loretto’s 11th Annual YouthMinistry Golf Tournamenttobe heldThursday, June 25th,at Indian Valley Golf Club.Wehopeeachandeveryparishionerwillsupportthisveryspecialfund raiserbybeingasponsor,playingaroundof golf,purchasingaraf leticket,and/orattendingthedinnerinthechurchhallfollowingthetournament.Withyourcontinued generoussupport,wecanprovidemuchneededfundsforYouthMinistry,amostimportantprogramfortheteensandyoung adultsofourparish.Thankyou! 11thAnnualGolfCommittee The St. Vincent de Paul Pantry is in need of peanut butter, jelly/jam, spaghetti sauce, and canned fruit. PLEASE PLACE YOUR DONATIONS IN THE MARKED BASKETS IN THE CHURCH VESTIBULES. PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR DONATION TO THE RECTORY OFFICE. We appreciate and thank you for your continuing support and will keep you in our prayers. Thank you for your generosity to our St. Vincent de Paul collection on April 5th. We collected $7,019 to assist the poor of the Parish. Thank you. The North Marin Auxiliary of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Anthony’s presents its Annual Spring Luncheon on Wednesday, April 22nd at the Marin Country Club. You can make your reservations by calling Gwen Johnson at 415-883-3055. Please bring your friends and join us for an elegant and fun afternoon. THIS WEEK IN CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY Monday 4/20: Middle School classes r esume in the convent, 7-8:30. A dult retreat team: there will be a planning meeting at 7:30 in the YM office for our upcoming retreat on 4/25. Thursday 4/23: High School classes r esume. WE WILL BE TAKING OUR CONFIRMATION GROUP PHOTO ON THIS NIGHT. Friday 4/24 & Saturday 4/25: SPRING RETREAT. Mandator y for 2015 Confir mandi, this r etr eat is also open to any high school aged teens who would like to attend. Please call the YM office for more information. YM Leadership teens: the dir ector of YM for the ar chdiocese will be joining us on 4/23 to begin tr aining you to lead our 8th graders in their retreat that will take place on 5/23. Any High School aged teens interested in helping with this retreat should meet in the convent at 7pm. Parents & Sponsors of 2015 Confirmandi: Our final meeting will take place on Thur sday 4/23. We will cover all of the information & logistics for the May 9 Confirmation Mass. Every student begin confirmed this May should be represented. OLL YOUTH MINISTRY is excited to announce that we will be hosting MARIN YOUTH NIGHT this Fr iday, 4/24. All high school teens are invited to attend for a movie, food, music and lots of fun! Our retreat master, Mary Bielski, will be joining us from New Orleans. Part of the Steubenville Conference speaking circuit, Mary travels the US sharing with teens and adults alike the powerful love of God. We hope that you’ll come join us for Marin Youth Night! Spring Clean Up Time is upon us! Do you have some work around your property that needs some extra hands? OLL YOUTH MINISTRY will be sending 25 young people to this year’s Steubenville San Diego conference this Summer from July 23-26. We need your help getting there and we’re willing to work for it! While we will be fundraising in the months to come, each family is responsible for contributing $500 – this works out to be about 2/3 of their total trip cost. We have already had requests from parishioners looking to hire out yard help, set-up/clean-up for events, etc. If you have any opportunities for our teens, please contact the youth ministry office. ([email protected]; 897-2171 x277) Thanks! If you are interested in learning more about what our teens will experience during this powerful weekend, please visit www.allforgodcatholic.org and click on the “Steubenville San Diego” tab. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Our Lady of the Miracle, # 1707 Cordially invites you to the 47th Annual SALAD LUNCHEON PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE CDA HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Friday, May 1, 2015 - 11:30 a.m. $15.00 per person Our Lady of Loretto Hall 1801 Virginia Avenue Novato, California FEATURING OUR FAMOUS SALAD BUFFET, DESSERTS & BEVERAGES Themed Basket Raffle Winners of the Education Contest will be announced. RESERVATION FLYERS ARE LOCATED IN THE VESTIBULES Any Questions, please call Cecelia Quinn @ 415-892-7321 All are invited to the next presentation of the Dominican Sisters’ Gather@Grand series on Wednesday, May 6, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. An evening with Sister Mary Hughes, OP. Dominican Sister of Amityville, New York, college educator, and past president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Sister Mary who will present her views on Consecrated Life: the Call and the Future. “We still must ask ourselves what it is that we are being called to witness to our world at this time. Is there something more our world needs to see? Is there something more that a religious woman [or man], a follower of Christ, needs to hold up to the world?” -2011 Address to the LCWR Assembly The Gathering Space - Dominican Sisters Center, 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael between Acacia and Locust Streets. RSVP [email protected] or call 415 453 8303. This Week at OLL Sun. Mon. Tue. Third Sunday of Easter SVDP—Library—7pm Our Mother of Perpetual Help—Chapel—6pm Al-Anon—Convent – 7:15pm Helping Hands—Library—7pm Wed. Thurs. Fri. Our Lady’s Prayer Group—Church—7:30pm Sat. Sun. Esta semana en OLL 19 Abril —26 Abril April 19 — April 26 Choir Practice—Choir Room—6:30pm Eucharistic Adoration—Chapel 9:30am—5pm Cenacle—Chapel—9:30am Fourth Sunday of Easter SAVE THE DATE The St. Raphael and St. Isabella Conferences of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will once again hold their annual “BOCCE BALL TOURNAMENT AND PICNIC” benefiting their conferences and serving the needy in our parishes. The date is Saturday, May 2nd and the location is the San Rafael Bocce Federation on B St. in San Rafael. Questions call: Dean DiGiovanni @ 415 485 3855 or Joe Martino @ 415 479 8477 A fun day for the whole family!! Domingo: TERCER DOMINGO DE PASQUA Lunes: Coro de JPC—Cuarto de Coro—7pm Martes: Helping Hands Grupo de Oración por la Iglesia-1pm JPC Discipulados—Capilla del Convento –7pm Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro-Chapel-6pm Al-Anon-Convento - 7:15 pm Miércoles: Nuestra Señora Grupo de OraciónCapilla– 7:30pm Ensavo del Coro-Espanol—Iglesia—7pm Jueves: Viernes: JPC—Bibliotecca—7pm Sabado: Cenaculo—Chapel—9:30am Domingo: Cuarto Domingo de Pasqua LA GLORIA DE DIOS La gloria de Dios es el hombre viviente. —San Irineo PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God, our Father, In Your love and providence, You call each of us to a more holy and abundant life. We pray for our young people in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Open their hearts and minds to know the vocation You have planned for them for all eternity. If they are being invited to follow You as a priest, Brother, or Sister, give them a generous heart to respond to Your challenging call and the strength to follow wherever You lead them. May families desire to please You by encouraging and supporting vocations within their homes. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd. Amen. If you think God is calling you to the priesthood or religious life and would to learn how to respond, you may contact Fr. David Schunk in the Office of Vocations: 415-614-5684, [email protected] Dios Padre nuestro, que en tu amorosa providencia nos llamas a cada uno a vivir en plenitud y santidad. Te rogamos por nuestros jóvenes de la Arquidiócesis de San Francisco. Abre sus mentes y sus corazones para que descubran el estilo de vida que desde toda la eternidad Tú los has llamado a vivir. Si Tú los estas llamando a que te sigan y vivan como sacerdotes, hermanos o hermanas, religiosos o religiosas, dales un corazón generoso para que respondan a tu llamada desafiante y así te puedan seguir a donde Tú los lleves. Te pedimos que las familias deseen complacerte animando y apoyando las vocaciones en sus hogares. Te lo pedimos [Padre] por tu Hijo Jesucristo, nuestro Buen Pastor. Amén. EL BUEN PASTOR El Cuarto Domingo de Pascua tradicionalmente se conoce como el “Domingo del Buen Pastor”. Hoy escuchamos las palabras del Señor cuando se llama a sí mismo “el buen pastor que da la vida por sus ovejas.” A veces es tan difícil para nosotros comprender la realidad de que alguien esté dispuesto a dar su vida por alguien. Esto es muy cierto en una sociedad que pone tanto énfasis en el poder y en el avance social, con frecuencia a expensas de “pisotear” a otra gente para escalar a la cima. Las Escrituras de hoy nos muestran a quién debemos imitar –al que da su vida por las ovejas. Las Escrituras de hoy nos retan a descubrir la manera de llevar vida a los que están a nuestro alrededor –a construir y no a destruir. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Sólo en Jesús encontrará el mundo la salvación (Hechos 4:8-12). Salmo — La piedra que desecharon los arquitectos, es ahora la piedra angular (Salmo 118 [117]). Segunda lectura — Nos hemos convertido en hijos de Dios por el amor que el Padre nos tiene (1 Juan 3:1-2). Evangelio — El Padre ama a Jesús, el Buen Pastor, que da la vida por sus ovejas (Juan 10:11-18). Gracias por su generosidad a nuestra colección San Vicente de Paúl el 5 de abril usted. Recogimos $ 7,019 para ayudar a los pobres de la parroquia. Gracias. El Norte Marin Auxiliar de San Vicente de Paul en San Antonio de presenta su primavera Almuerzo Anual miércoles 22 de abril en el Club de Campo Marin. Usted puede hacer sus reservaciones llamando Gwen Johnson al 415883-3055. Por favor, traiga a sus amigos y únete a nosotros para una tarde elegante y divertido. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Cuarto Domingo de Pascua; Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones Martes: San Luis María Grignon de Montfort; San Pedro Chanel Miércoles: Santa Catalina de Siena Jueves: San Pio V Viernes: San José, obrero; Primer viernes Sábado: San Atanasio; Primer sábado Todos están invitados a la próxima presentación de las Hermanas Dominicas 'Reunir @ serie Grand el miércoles 6 de mayo, de 7:00-20:30 Una noche con la hermana Mary Hughes, OP. Hermana Dominicana de Amityville, Nueva York, educador universitario, y ex presidente de la Conferencia de Liderazgo de Mujeres Religiosas, Sor María, que presentará sus puntos de vista sobre la vida consagrada: la convocatoria y el futuro. "Todavía debemos preguntarnos qué es lo que estamos llamados a dar testimonio de nuestro mundo en este momento. ¿Hay algo más nuestro mundo necesita ver? ¿Hay algo más que una mujer religiosa [u hombre], un seguidor de Cristo, tiene que mantener al mundo? " Dirección -2011 a la Asamblea LCWR El Espacio de reunión - Centro de las Hermanas Dominicas, 1520 Grand Avenue, San Rafael entre Acacia y Locust Streets. Confirmar su asistencia comunitaria [email protected] o llame al 415 453 8303. El St. Vincent de Paul despensa está en la necesidad de mantequilla de maní, jalea / mermelada, salsa de espagueti y frutas en conserva. POR FAVOR PONGA SUS DONACIONES EN EL CESTAS MARCADOS EN LA IGLESIA vestíbulos. POR FAVOR NO TRAIGA SU DONACIÓN A LA oficina de la rectoría. Apreciamos y agradecemos Para su continuo apoyo y le mantendrá en nuestra oraciones.
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