WWW.OLLSMC.COM OFFICE ‐ 109 E 9TH ST March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent P.O. BOX 214 PITTSBURG, KS 66762 PHONE ‐ 620‐231‐2135 Under the mantle of Our Lady of Lourdes, we are a parish family nurturing faith, hope and love in the community through formation, prayer, and stewardship TODAY’S FOCUS — Today we are called to remember God’s faithfulness to us, his people. Humankind has rejected and betrayed God throughout history, and continues to do so today. In spite of this, God has never abandoned us. He continues to call us to turn away from sin and receive new life and salvation through his son, Jesus. As we consider our lives as Christians, we must ask ourselves if we’re truly being stewards of our Church. Consider a planned, perpetual gift of financial stewardship to Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Fund or the SMC Endowment. We can be stewards of the assets that gave us the treasure and the opportunity to develop talents by our sacrificial gifts. For more information, contact Frances Mitchelson, Director of Parish Advancement, by calling 231‐2135 or email at: [email protected]. ADORERS NEEDED AT CHRIST THE KING ADORATION CHAPEL Monday ‐ 9am, 10am, 11am, Noon, 1pm, 3pm Tuesday ‐ 2am, 3am (we have no one permanently signed up for this hour & NEED someone), 4am, 9am, 4pm Wednesday ‐ 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 9am, 1pm, 2pm, 6pm, 11pm Thursday ‐ 1am, 2am, 10am, 1pm Friday ‐ 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 6am, 8am, 9am, 10am, Noon, 3pm, 4pm You may also sign up for ANY hour that works for your schedule. Contact Ashley Braden at [email protected] or 230‐9813 to sign up or for more info. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION I will draw everyone to myself! Throughout Lent we've been hearing how Jesus explained the reason for his coming, to save us from the slavery of sin. The more we accept and understand the mystery of our Lord's unfailing love for us, the more we want to get closer to him. It is, as the prophet Jeremiah said, written on our hearts. We understand what Jesus was trying to tell his disciples because we know about his passion, death and resurrection. But we sometimes forget the message of the Gospel delivered by Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. God is with us and we only have to approach the Son to know the Father. May the love we experience empower us to turn our hearts over to God! REV. MICHAEL E. BALDWIN Pastor REV. RICK KOTRBA Parochial Vicar St. Mary’s Colgan Catholic Schools Chaplain REV. ADAM J. KEITER Parochial Vicar St. Pius X Catholic Student Center Chaplain WEEKEND MASSES SAT 5:30 PM SUN 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 AM, NOON SPANISH MASS ‐ 2:00 PM WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 AM MON through FRI 8:00 AM TUES, WED, FRI, SAT 11:30 AM TUES, THURS, FRI LA MISA EN ESPAÑOL Domingo 2:00 PM CONFESIONES Domingo 1:30 PM Padre Adam Keiter (620) 231‐2135 CONFESSIONS (or by appointment) SATURDAY 4:00‐5:15 PM TUE through SAT 7:30‐7:50 AM MARRIAGES—Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to desired wedding date. NEW TO OUR PARISH—Welcome! Please contact the parish office for a registration form or complete the online registration at parish website. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC—RCIA program meets every Wednesday night from 6:30 – 7:45 pm in the Elementary School to learn about the Catholic Faith. Program lasts through Easter Vigil. WELCOME BACK TO RETURNING CATHOLICS — ReMembering Church is a program to get reacquainted. See calendar for dates. PSR—Parish School of Religion—The next First Communion class is March 23, 6:30pm in the Elementary School. Totus Tuus will be June 7‐12 and open to all school age children as the PSR program. PASTORAL COUNCIL: Debbie Clawson, Joe Dellasega, Kyle Fleming, Kevin Hamilton, Mark Johnson, Monica LaForte, Kristen O’Brien, Joe Paulie, Joe Schremmer, Jeff Spachek, Joel VanBecelaere, Jill VanWey Bulletin Deadline: Please email to Margaret K r a t z , [email protected] by Tuesday at 12:00 noon of each week in order to get information in the following Sunday’s bulletin as space allows. Our Lady of Lourdes Financial Summary Fiscal Year, July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015 PARISH & SCHOOLS ANNUAL BUDGET Revenues Weekly Collection $2,686,000 Other Revenue 136,884 Gross Revenue $2,822,884 Tithe to Diocese—10% 268,600 Net Revenue $2,554,284 Expenses Salaries and Benefits $3,224,527 Other Expenses 576,953 Total Expenses $3,801,480 ($73,105 per week) Operating Deficit <$1,247,196> (Memorial Fund Withdrawal) WEEKLY FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Last Week YTD Week 37, Sunday 3/15/15 $40,568 $1,877,955 Budgeted Year To Date $1,952,672 Difference $ < 74,717> If you missed our Faith Forward Parish Family Meeting, you did not have the chance to sign up for an area of interest as we move forward with the implementation phase of our five year strategic plan. We invite to come to the table and be a part of one or more of these areas. Some of these will be committees and others will be broken up into various projects instead of just one committee. Please check off the area of interest and complete the form below. Return form to the Parish Office or the collection basket. _____Angel Ministry (Elderly/Homebound) _____Parish/School Auction _____Communication _____Prayer _____Development and Fundraising _____SMC Alumni Comm. _____Faith Formation _____SMC Catholic Schools _____Finances _____St. Pius X Board _____Hospitality _____St. Pius X Facilities _____IT Strategy _____Stewardship Council _____Other Interest: ______ _____Parish Facilities Rev. Adam Keiter, Chaplain [email protected] Amy Lomshek, Secretary [email protected] 620‐235‐1138 620‐235‐7451 (Fax) CatholicGorillas.org Newman Club Meeting The next Newman Club Meeting is on Sunday, March 29th following the 6:00pm Mass. It is an important meeting as we will begin the elections for the 2015‐2016 Newman Club Leadership Board. Also, find out about some fun upcoming social events, including information on Banquet and Ball! Father Kapaun Night Have you wanted to learn about Fr. Emil Kapaun, but haven’t had the chance? Well, you are in luck! We are pleased to say that Joe Farris will be back to give his presentation on the life of Fr. Kapaun! Joe is a national speaker, youth minister, missionary, dad, and has been serving with LifeTeen in Nashville, TN. Please join us on April 12, at 7:00 PM in the High School Auditorium to hear the inspiring story of Fr. Kapaun, who was a Kansas native, Korean War hero, and Medal of Honor recipient. All are welcome! St. Mary’s Goodwill will be closed Good Friday, April 3 & Holy Saturday, April 4. We will not be open the first Saturday in April, as scheduled, because of the Easter Vigil. Phone ____________________ Email _______________________________ The Religious Gift Store will be closed for Spring Break on Saturday, March 14 and reopen Thursday, March 26. For more information, please contact Frances Mitchelson, Director of Parish Advancement, at 231‐2135 or [email protected]. Additional copies of this form are in back of church or parish office. St. Joseph Table this Sunday, March 22, 11am‐2pm, St. Bridget’s Parish Hall, Scammon. Name _________________________________________________________ DON’T MISS THE SHROUD ENCOUNTER – 7:00pm this Sunday, March 22 at Pittsburg State University Bicknell Family Center for the Arts. This nationally acclaimed program is being sponsored by the P.S.U. Newman Club and all are invited to attend. There is no admission charge, but a free will offering will be taken up to help fund the program and to support KOOJ (Kause Of Our Joy) Catholic Radio 93.1 in Pittsburg and Frontenac. Parish Penance Service will be this Thursday, March 26, at 7:00pm in the church. Easter Community Dinner Volunteers Needed: Our Lady of Lourdes is once again hosting a Community Easter Dinner on Easter Sunday, April 5th. We are looking for volunteers to prepare food, serve, clean‐up and provide deliveries. If you are interested in helping with any of these areas, please contact Krista Smith at 620‐249‐0503 or at her e‐mail at [email protected]. Thanks in advance for your service in this wonderful event. The faithful are invited to participate in a One Million Rosaries For Unborn Babies, a prayer event that will take place from May 1‐3 throughout the world. To participate, a person must pray at least one rosary for an end to the surgical and non‐surgical killing of unborn human persons. To register as a participant, visit www.SaintMichaelThe ArchangelOrganization.org and click on "Registration". Freddy's Fundraiser for 8th Grade Class at SMC on Tuesday, March 24th, 5:00pm and 9:00pm. Parishioner Seeks Part time Personal Care Attendant ‐ Desire caring, reliable person to provide assistance to a young adult female with special needs. Duties: assist with community outings, daily living, leisure and medical needs. Must be 18, have transportation, valid driver’s license, and be able to pass background checks. Flexible schedule, 15‐30 weekday hrs. Interested, call (620) 231‐ 8060. LOOKING AHEAD Sun (22) Altar Society St. Patrick’s Party 4:00pm Parrot Bey Sun (22) The Shroud Encounter 7:00pm PSU Bicknell Family Center for the Arts Mon (23) Our Lady’s Prayer Group 6:00 pm Adoration Chapel Mon (23) First Communion Preparation 6:30‐7:30pm Elementary School Wed (25) NO R.C.I.A. Class 6:30‐7:45pm Elementary School Thurs (26) Parish Penance Service 7:00pm Church Thurs (26) SMC Spring Musical 7:30pm SMC Auditorium Fri (27) Kapaun’s Men 5:30am SMC Commons Fri (27) Stations of the Cross 2:30pm, 6:00pm (Spanish), 7:00pm Church Fri (27) Knights of Columbus Fish Fry 5:30‐7:00pm K of C Hall 7:30pm SMC Auditorium Sat (28) SMC Spring Musical Sun (29) SMC Spring Musical 2:30pm SMC Auditorium SMC Spring Musical – Singing in the Rain: All parishioners are invited to attend the SMC student performance of Singing in the Rain at St. Mary’s Colgan High School Auditorium. The performances will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 26 and Saturday, March 28 as well as a matinee performance on Sunday, March 29 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the high school office or at the door. Easter Community Dinner provided by Our Lady of Lourdes Parish: All are invited to partake in a wonderful meal celebrating Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord. Meals will be served in the St. Mary’s Activity Center on Easter Sunday beginning at 11:00‐2:00. Ministry Spotlight ‐ Liturgical Ministries during Mass: Have you ever thought about all the liturgical ministries involved in a Mass? During a Sunday Mass, we have the ushers, altar servers, lectors, gift bearers, sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers and musicians. These volunteers all come together to ensure a beautiful liturgy and give freely of them time to serve the Lord. As part of the stewardship renewal process, parishioners will have the opportunity to sign up to serve as an usher, lectors, gift bearer, sacristan or musician. Eucharistic Ministers and altar servers are invited to participate following training by a Priest. We hope you will prayerfully consider serving as a liturgical minister. For more information about any of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office at 231‐2135. The Senior Class is offering a babysitting service for ages 3 and up during the Booster Club Dance on April 11th in the Activity Center, 6:30‐11:15pm. Lots of crafts, games, and snacks! All donations go to Project Graduation. Contact Alex Minton at 404‐9928 for more information. SCHOOL LUNCHES Mon (23) Corn Dog, Green Beans, Tater Tots, Fruit Cocktail, Cookie Tues (24) Spaghetti, Garlic Breadstick, Salad, Mandarin Oranges Wed (25) Sloppy Joe, Potato Wedges, Corn, Apple Thurs (26) Oven Baked Drumstick, Rice, Grapes, Oatmeal Bread/Jelly Fri (27) Cheese Pizza, Broccoli, Carrots, Tropical Fruit Updates to our parish family this past week. Registered: Genaro & Martha Moran‐Alvarado & daughter Katherine Married: Jacob Daniels & Erica Testa Baptized: Crew Michael Jacquinot Ricardo Jovanny Arrieta‐Rodriguez Kailey Naomi Castaneda Diego Fabian Castaneda Project Manager, The Lord’s Diner Southeast Kansas: The Catholic Diocese of Wichita is seeking an outstanding individual to serve as Project Manager for the Lord’s Diner in Southeast Kansas (SEK). This individual will determine the need, community support, budget and model of service delivery for a proposed Lord’s Diner food ministry in SEK. This position is temporary in nature and will be officed in SEK as well as spend considerable time in Wichita to learn the operations of the Diner. Deadline for accepting resumes is April 2. For information regarding requirements, please check our job posting at http://catholicdioceseofwichita.org, Ministries & Offices, Human Resources. Religious Gift Store 235‐7448 Thursday: 10:00am‐3:00pm Friday: 10:00am‐3:00pm Saturday: 10:00am‐12:00pm Missionary Catechists of the Poor 620‐235‐1732 316‐300‐9798 Natural Family Planning Donna Maus (620) 249‐0663 SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Altar Society Goodwill Store 235‐0564 We need God’s Word each day Monday, Wednesday, MON (23) Daniel 13:41c‐62; John 8:1‐11 Thursday & Friday TUES (24) Numbers 21:4‐9; John 8:21‐30 9:00 am‐3:00 pm WED (25) The Annunciation of the Lord: First Saturday of each month Prayer Line 9:00 am– 5:00 pm 231‐4307 5:00 pm—9:00 pm 231‐8816 Isaiah 7:10‐14; 8:10; Hebrews 10:4‐10; Luke 1:26‐38 THUR (26) Genesis 17:3‐9; John 8:51‐59 FRI (27) Jeremiah 20:10‐13; John 10:31‐42 SAT (28) Ezekiel 37:21‐28; John 11:45‐56 SUN (29) Palm Sunday: Isaiah 50:4‐7; Philippians 2:6‐11; Mark 15:1‐39 Catholic Radio Station 93.1 FM MASS INTENTIONS (1) Fr. Mike Baldwin (2) Fr. Rick Kotrba (3) Fr. Adam Keiter SUNDAY (22) 7:00 (1) People of the Parish 9:00 (1) Ferdinando Scaramucci + 10:30 (1) Sam Terracina + 12:00 (3) Emilie Hawat + 2:00 (3) (Spanish) Intention of Celebrant MONDAY (23) 6:30 (2) Dick Webb + TUESDAY (24) 6:30 (3) Glen & Adeline Duncan + & family 8:00 (2) Kaleb Konek + 11:30 NO MASS WEDNESDAY (25) 6:30 (2) Intention of Celebrant 8:00 (1) Jim Radell + THURSDAY (26) 6:30 (1) Leo Gilmore + 11:30 (2) Patty Kuhel + FRIDAY (27) 6:30 (2) Dean Bishop + 8:00 (3) Andrew Benelli + 11:30 (1) Intention of Celebrant 2:30pm Stations of the Cross 6:00pm Stations of the Cross (Spanish) 7:00pm Stations of the Cross SATURDAY (28) 8:00 (3) Intention of Aaron Kraus 5:30 (2) Joe Zakowski + SUNDAY (29) 7:00 (1) People of the Parish 9:00 (1) Polly Burcham + 10:30 (2) Intention of Mike, Jennifer & Ally Forbes 12:00 (3) SMC Alumni 2:00 (2) (Spanish) Intention of Celebrant ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER Sun (22) 6:00pm Intention of Students, Faculty & Staff Mon (23) 9:00pm Parish Purgatorial Society Wed (25) 9:00pm Margaret Schmitz + Thurs (26) 9:00pm Intention of Celebrant Sun (29) 6:00pm Intention of Students, Faculty & Staff Prayer For Vocations: Lord Jesus, we pray as a community for the grace to encourage all who choose a religious vocation. For those who have already chosen a vocation, we pray that they may have the grace to keep and nourish that commitment. Amen. Pope Francis’ Petitions for the Month of March Universal: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well‐being of the whole human person. Evangelization: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. SERVERS— March 28‐29 5:30pm— Kamryn Bennett, Caleb Hamilton, Alexandra Jones 7:00am — Andrew Klenke, Colin O’Brien 9:00am — Thomas Spachek, Douglas Brown, Kate Radell 10:30am — Annie Snow, Samuel Patterson, Rebecca Gouvion NOON— Megan Spiers, Jared Spiers, Braden Lewis 2:00pm — Leyna Ortega, Jaqueline Mucio, Bryan Rojo EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS— March 28‐29 5:30pm— Brock Jameson, Susan Sayler, Mark Kolarik, Pat Potusek 7:00am — Kristen O’Brien, Mike Carper, Becky Duncan 9:00am— Long Xiao, Jonah Dellasega, Kathleen Brown, Ashley Coomes 10:30am— Brian Coomes, Ken Robertson, Steve & Nancy Hicks NOON— Darrick Perry, Bob & Donna Backes, Ethelene Pesavento GIFT BEARERS— March 28‐29 5:30pm — Talaat & Mary Yaghmour 7:00am — Steven Gardner family 9:00am — Eric Clawson family 10:30am— Edward Fox family NOON — Donald Orender family LECTORS—March 28‐29 5:30pm— Dean Cortes 7:00am— Jeff Wilbert 9:00am— Marybeth Grimes 10:30am— Paul Buche NOON— Martha Cloke 2:00pm — Rosario Castaneda, Monica Laforte, Marjorie Marques, Fernando Rojo
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