Our Lady of Las Vegas ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Faith, Family, Friends - “Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” - Matthew 28:16-20 - PASTORAL STAFF Served by Society of Christ Fathers Rev. Gerald Grupczynski, SChr, Pastor Rev. Wieslaw Berdowicz, SChr, Parochial Vicar Rev. Richard Philiposki, SChr., In Residence & Pastor of St. Joan of Arc FAITH FORMATION Religious Education & Confirmation Liz Williams: 702-802-2362 [email protected] RCIA Rite of Christion Initiation of Adults Julia Dodson: 702-802-2300 [email protected] MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm Polish, 5:00pm, 6:30pm with Tagalog music Weekday: Monday - Friday 8:00am (Rosary before Mass at 7:25am) Civic & Holiday: Refer to parish bulletin Holy Days of Obligation: Refer to parish bulletin RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:15pm 7:30am: 8:00am: 6:00pm: 6:30pm: 7:00pm: FIRST FRIDAY Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (Eng.) / Adoration to follow Mass (Polish) in the School Chapel Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (Eng.) / Holy Hour to follow FIRST SATURDAY 8:00am: Mass (Eng.) DEVOTIONS St. Jude: Every Tuesday morning following the 8:00am Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Every Wednesday morning after the 8:00am Mass 3050 ALTA DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89107 Parish Office: 702-802-2300 Fax: 702-802-2301 Website: www.ollvchurch.org Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 11:30am-12:30pm) During the summer months of June 1, 2015 - July 24, 2015 the Parish Office will close at 3:00pm Monday - Friday. OLLV School: 702-802-2323 The Easter season came to a close last Sunday as we celebrated the feast of Pentecost. We are now in the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. The predominant color of this season is green. Ordinary Time will take us through the summer and fall, until we reach the season of Advent in late November. During Ordinary Time, we are given the chance to follow Jesus as His disciples. As we venture through this season, we will once again witness what Jesus said and did, as it is recorded in the Gospel according to St. Mark. This Sunday is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. There is no explanation that will suffice in helping us adequately understand the mystery of the Trinity. It is simply a mystery of faith that God is one in three Divine Persons. This is truth that God revealed about Himself. He has allowed us a glimpse of His inner nature and has showed us that He is one God of three distinct, but united persons, identified as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is what we call the Trinity. Although we are at a loss to understand this mystery of God’s existence, we can derive from it that the essence of God is love. The three Persons of the Trinity are united by love and share a unique bond of oneness. Each Person is unique, but together they are one and the same. We try to explain the Trinity with the shamrock, the triangle, or even the three stages of water. Yet none of these can fully capture the fullness and depth of its meaning. It just simply is, and we bow our heads in reverent acceptance of this mystery that has been revealed by God Himself about Himself. The Sunday following Trinity Sunday (two weeks after Pentecost), the Church celebrates the solemn feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, also known as Corpus Christi. This feast was established to recognize that Jesus gave us His body and blood under forms of bread and wine in the Eucharist. And in this bread and wine dwells the Real Presence of Jesus. The Church has maintained this truth ever since Jesus established the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Originally, Corpus Christi was celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday. As with the Ascension, which also used to be observed on Thursday and is now celebrated on Sunday, the observance of Corpus Christi has been transferred to Sunday as well. In many other countries of the world, such as Poland, Corpus Christi is still observed on Thursday. It is celebrated with Mass and Eucharistic processions during which the Blessed Sacrament, carried in the monstrance, is taken outside of the church for public viewing. The procession leads the Blessed Sacrament to four prepared altars. At each altar the Blessed Sacrament is venerated and a passage of the Gospel regarding the Eucharist, according to each of the four Evangelists is proclaimed. The four altars represent the four corners of the world over which Jesus has dominion and reigns. We will have such a celebration of Corpus Christi on Thursday, June 4. Mass will be at 6:00pm followed by a Eucharistic procession outside on the parish grounds. The procession will stop at four prepared altars and will then conclude inside the church. This will be the fourth time that we will celebrate Corpus Christi with Mass and procession on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday at Our Lady of Las Vegas. Because this celebration has its origins in our Polish community, the liturgy will be in English and Polish. I hope you will join us for this solemn event as we renew and publically profess our faith in Jesus Christ, really and truly present in the sacramental signs of bread and wine in the Eucharist. O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! Fr. Gerry 2 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MAY 31, 2015 Parish News TODAY’S READINGS Saturday, May 30 - Blessed Virgin Mary 4:30pm: †Salvador Martinez by Martinez Family Sunday, May 31 - The Most Holy Trinity 6:30am: 8:00am: 10:00am: 12:00pm: 1:30pm: †Mary Stelmaszczyk by Mary Jean Kegelmyer †Elsa Cardell by John & Zenaida Cardell †Jiles Reiley by Rose Reiley †Charles Cantrell by Richard & Karen Kainke The Parishioners of OLLV; †Joanna Sobol by Husband-Bobby †Conrad Rickwartz by Grace & Marco Kraft †Elsa Lim by Theresa Mamales 5:00pm: 6:30pm: First Reading — The Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below (Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40). Psalm — Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own (Psalm 33). Second Reading — You received a Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:14-17) Gospel — Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:16-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Monday, June 1 - St. Justin 8:00am: †Marilyn Amberg by Judy McCaffrey Tuesday, June 2 - Sts. Marcellinus & Peter 8:00am: Delephine & Sandy Mattei & Families by John Gerlak Wednesday, June 3 - St. Charles Lwanga & Companions 8:00am: †Mariannina Ferro Alessi by Koranda Family Thursday, June 4 8:00am: 6:00pm: †Rafael Señora by Marietta Arevalo Corpus Christi Mass - For the Parishioners of OLLV Friday, June 5 - St. Boniface; FIRST FRIDAY 7:30am: 8:00am: 6:30pm: 7:00pm: First Friday Confessions †Bernadette Bray by Judy McCaffrey First Friday Confessions †Harry Rivellini by Rivellini Family Saturday, June 6 - St. Norbert; FIRST SATURDAY 8:00am: 4:30pm: †Bienvenido Arias by Emilie Cunningham †Hazel Fichter by James F. Fichter Sunday, June 7 - The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 6:30am: 8:00am: For the Intentions of Vince Consul by Bill McGee For the Intentions of Ellen & Myron Kimball by Cheryl Yiatras For the Intentions of Jane Krygier by Diana Mleczewski †Celerino Angeles by Lydia Angeles The Parishioners of OLLV, †Tadeusz Niemiec by Stanislawa & Irena Niemiec, †Justin Persons (2nd Anniversary) Aurelia Bertucci by Susanna Guarino †Ladislao Torres by Martinez Family 10:00am: 12:00pm: 1:30pm: 5:00pm: 6:30pm: Sanctuary Lamp Sponsorship MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2015 This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of BERNADETTE BRAY Sponsored by Judy McCaffrey WEEKLY PARISH CALENDAR MONDAY, JUNE 1 No Parish Events TUESDAY, JUNE 2 No Parish Events WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 Boy Scouts: 6:30pm-9:00pm-Kenny Rm/McFarland Rm THURSDAY, JUNE 4 Corpus Christi Mass: 6:00pm, procession to follow-Church FRIDAY, JUNE 5 Polish Dance Group: 7:00pm-9:00pm-Gym SATURDAY, JUNE 6 No Parish Events SUNDAY, JUNE 7 Polish Social: 2:30pm-3:30pm-McFarland Room Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father MAY 2015 Care for the Suffering: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Openness to Mission: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. REMINDER - Do not leave your purse or valuables in your vehicle or in the pews. CATHOLIC MASS for the HOMEBOUND The Diocese offers a televised Mass for the home-bound each Sunday at 7:30am on KFBT Channel 33.1 Digital (no longer an analog signal) or Cox Cable Channel 6. MAY 31, 2015 Now in Las Vegas, you can listen to Catholic radio 24-hours a day by tuning your radio to 970am. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - 3 Parish News During the summer months, the Church and the Parish Office will close at 3:00pm, Monday - Friday, beginning June 1 - July 24. MAY 24, 2015 1st Collection $14,565.00 Thank you for your continued support! COWARDLY - To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice. - Confucius CSA UPDATE as of MAY 17, 2015 2015 CSA GOAL $104,257.00 Total Received $ 65,350.00 Total Needed to Reach Goal $ 38,907.00 You may mail your pledge cards/payments to the Diocese: Diocese of Las Vegas, Catholic Stewardship Appeal, PO Box 15630, Las Vegas, NV 89114-5630, or place it in the collection basket during the Mass. Additional pledge cards can be found at the back of the church. Green CSA Envelope The green CSA envelopes that are being mailed to our registered parishioners, along with the regular offertory envelopes, are to be used by those parishioners who have not pledged a donation amount through the Diocese. If you have already filled out a CSA pledge cared, you have completed your CSA obligation. Use the green envelope only if you have not completed a pledge card and would like to donate to the CSA program on a periodic basis. General Church Etiquette Please preserve a reverent and prayerful atmosphere in church by • Turning off the sound of your pager/cell phone • Depositing any food, drinks or chewing gum in receptacles provided (Please do not throw gum on ground or stick it under the pews or planter.) • Keeping a respectful quiet in the presence of Jesus in Eucharist before and after Mass • Supervising your children • Waiting in your pew until the priest exists the church The next marriage preparation class at Our Lady of Las Vegas will be: June 13, 2015 September 26, 2015 Cost: $195.00/couple Please contact the parish office at 802-2300 to register. The following children were recently baptized into our faith: KRISTA JIRO CRISTOBAL VICTORIA IZABELLA CERRITOS-HERNANDEZ ALAIN EDUARDO BUENO JOHAN GABRIEL SALVADOR SALES JACOB MATTHEW BUENO NEVEAH JAZLYNN BUENO the Our Lady of Las Vegas’ Next the the the Suggested Attire: Appropriate attire for Mass is modest and respectful. Gentlemen and boys should remove their hats. Shorts, muscle-tees, mesh, halter-tops, bare midriffs, sunglasses, or clothing that distracts other persons from worship are not appropriate. 4 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH Partners for Life is a diocesan approved marriage preparation class that provides engaged couples the opportunity to explore, assess and evaluate their relationship in the context of a sacred, sacramental commitment. Baptism Class For Parents & Godparents is THURSDAY, JULY 9 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM In the Welcome Room in the church. As a courtesy to the speakers, facilitators and other attendees, we ask that children do not attend this class. Please call the parish office to register at 802-2300. There will be NO Baptism Class in June. MAY 31, 2015 Parish News CORPUS CHRISTI PLEASE JOIN US FOR Poland & Rome Pilgrimage September 7 - 19, 2015 Mass & Procession THURSDAY, JUNE 4 AT 6:00PM IMPORTANT UPDATE For those who have already signed up for the pilgrimage Please attend the next meeting on Sunday, May 31 at 4:00pm in Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room if you are currently signed up for the pilgrimage. Final reservations for the trip will be made in June; therefore, all travelers must confirm their passport information and make final payments at the May 31 meeting. Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ If you would like the Fathers in your family, living or deceased, remembered during the Masses on Father’s Day, June 21, please fill out an envelope provided in the vestibule of the church. You may place your completed envelope in the collection basket during the weekend’s Mass or drop it off at the parish office no later than Friday, June 19. This amazing experience is open to everybody of faith, including all members of the laity. In contributing to this unique and joyous event, those taking part will be supporting the challenging work of priests tending to the spiritual needs of Catholics worldwide. Remember, everybody’s prayers add to the power of this relay. For the past five years this initiative has been growing steadily around the world. This year it is estimated that as many as 100 Marian shrines in 50 countries worldwide will take part. You can pray at home or come pray with us. Our parish time is at 4:45pm. Mass to follow the rosary at 5:30pm. Reflection on Consecrated Life God calls you to make definitive choices, and He has a plan for each of you: to discover that plan and to respond to your vocation is to move toward personal fulfilment. — Pope Francis, 2013 World Youth Day MAY 31, 2015 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - 5 Parish News PLEASE PRAY for THOSE WHO ARE ILL If you have the sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. This is strictly for the sick only. Their name will remain for four consecutive Sundays. If a longer period of time is needed, please contact the parish office. (The date next to the name is the date their name is removed) Peggy Garcia Mary Smith Mary McCormick Janice Whitbord Regina Woolard Darlene Gerlak Barbara Nelson Leinette Marasigan Rojalas Family Laureen Williams & Family John McCauley Linda McCauley Jayne McCauley 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/07 06/14 06/14 06/14 Rosalie Cusimano Rebecca Chambers Teresa Mansell Steve & Jami Grant Pam Thuemmler Bill Mitchell Debbie Wilson Claudia Barnes Tony Nekoranec Zee Papazia Mark & Ryan Gorman & Fam. Becky Pauley Brandy Butler-Lopes 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 06/14 Tim Murray Joseph Frank Basham Lincoln Doddema Diana Reep Steven Guido Mary P. Johnson Eunice Isom Matteo Perez Correra Ray & Alberta Herrod Peggy & Merle Berryman Antonia Sanchez Margaret Martinez Donna Ponzo 06/14 Jane Krygier 06/14 Sonny Bordonaro 06/14 Ebony Walker 06/14 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/21 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 06/28 “But you will never find the Father without the Son and Spirit, neither the Son without the Father and Spirit, nor the Spirit a stranger to union with Him from Whom He proceeds. The Father and Son are in the Spirit, and in the Son there is the Father with the Spirit, and the Son is and abides co-everlastingly in the Father and has the Holy Spirit shining forth together with Himself. Believe it! These are one God and not three.” - Symeon the New Theologian, Ethical Discourses (From the book The Quotable Saint) Faith Formation Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Enrollment 2015-2016 Are you thinking about joining the Catholic Church or learning more about it? Ask yourself these questions: • Where is your journey of faith leading you? • Are you interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith? • Do you know someone who might be interested? If so, come and see what the RCIA process is all about. The Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process for non-Catholics who are interested in (or even just thinking about) joining the Catholic Church. It’s also a process for those who have not received all of their Catholic Sacraments. Each year our parish begins this process to welcome any and all who are curious about, interested in, or just want to know more about the Christian faith as it is lived and celebrated in the Roman Catholic Tradition. This process is an amicable faith-sharing among friends. • • • ENROLLMENT started Monday, May 4, 2015 Our process begins Wednesday, September 2 ENROLLMENT DEADLINE is October 7, 2015 Contact Julia Dodson at the Parish Office at 702-802-2300 to set up a short 20 minute appointment to begin the process. 6 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MAY 31, 2015 Parish News FALL ENROLLMENT FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & CONFIRMATION CLASS 2015 2015--2016 SCHOOL YEAR Confirmation at Our Lady of Las Vegas Parish is a 2-Year Program Enrollment for the 2015-2016 Religious Education & Confirmation Classes will be June 1-25, 2015 & August 3-13, 2015. Hours of enrollment are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30am - 11:30 am. If you cannot make enrollment at these times or if you have any questions, please contact Liz Williams in the Religious Education office at: 702- 802-2362 or email [email protected] To be eligible to enroll your child in the Religious Education & Confirmation program you must be an active, registered parishioner prior to enrollment. For Confirmation classes, the child must be in 9th or 10th grade. Documents needed to register are as follows: 1. Current empty donation envelope with your name imprinted on it for verification purposes. 2. A copy of your child’s birth certificate 3. Baptismal certificate 4. First Holy Communion Certificate (For Confirmation Students only) 5. Religious Education: $25 deposit is required for each child when you register Confirmation: $50 deposit is required PLEASE NOTE: • Your child cannot be enrolled without these documents, and there will be No Exceptions. • Students must have ALL required paperwork turned in before enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year. • Only parents or legal guardians can enroll children in the program. • The last day to enroll for the 2015-2016 Religious Education & Confirmation program is August 13, 2015. MANDATORY MEETINGS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (For Parents Only of Students who are enrolled) August 26, 2015 at 6:15pm in Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room CONFIRMATION-I (For Parents & Students who are enrolled) August 26, 2015 at 6:15pm in Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room CONFIRMATION-II (For Parents & Students who are enrolled) September 9, 2015 at 6:15pm in the Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room Religious Education Classes will be held on Wednesday Evenings 6:00pm – 7:15pm Confirmation Classes will be held on Wednesday Evenings 6:00pm – 7:30pm MAY 31, 2015 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - 7 News Around the Diocese CATHOLIC CHARITIES’ NIGHT WITH THE LAS VEGAS 51S Enjoy a Night of Baseball While Supporting Our Local Community Friday, June 12, 2015 at 7:05pm Cashman Field 850 Las Vegas Blvd. North, Las Vegas, NV 89101 Take your family out to the ball game and help Catholic Charities fulfill its mission of serving the local community. CCSN has partnered with the Las Vegas 51s baseball team to host a game night that will benefit the Catholic Charities’ Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry. Discounted tickets will be available for $10. Proceeds from each ticket sale will go back to Catholic Charities. In addition, Catholic Charities will be collecting peanut butter at the door. The public is encouraged to bring a jar of new and unopened peanut butter as a donation. Peanut butter is a common staple of many households and a grocery item that is needed to fill the shelves at the Catholic Charities’ Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry. The public can buy discounted tickets to the game on the Catholic Charities website: www.catholiccharities.com (Please enter code: CCSN) 2015 Summer Soccer Camps June 8-11, 15-18, July 13-16, 20-23 On the campus of Bishop Gorman High School Each day camp will run from 9am - 12pm or 5pm - 8pm on the campus of Bishop Gorman High School. Camp will include a t-shirt, use of the new Bishop Gorman Soccer Complex, indoor soccer in the gym and video sessions including classic games and instruction DVDs. For more information or to receive team discounts, contact: Doug Borgel at 702-328-1394 or [email protected] WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES CONGRESS September 22 - 25, 2015 St. Peregrine Novena with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Blessing with a St. Peregrine Relic from Rome Specifically for those who have Cancer, are Cancer survivors or care for someone who has/had Cancer SHRINE of the MOST HOLY REDEEMER 55 East Reno Avenue, Las Vegas Every Monday at 6:00pm If the date falls on a holiday, the Novena will follow the 12:10 Mass on those days PAPAL VISIT September 26 - 27, 2015 Love is Our Mission: The Family fully alive Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each world Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. For more information and to register, go to http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/about-the-event/. Glossary Term of the Week: CONSUBSTANTIAL - The term used by the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 to teach that the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, while distinct and separate, share one and the same substance. - CCC 248, 253, 689, 2789 8 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MAY 31, 2015 Parish Information Business Manager: Georgia Charles Bulletin Editor/Registrations/Gift Shop: Cynthia Almeida Office Manager / Admin. Assist. to the Pastor: Julia Dodson Maintenance: Rose Torchio & Joel Mondragon Office Assistant: Joseph Dodson SACRAMENTAL MINISTRIES Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office 802-2300 Baptisms: Julia 802-2300 Funerals: Parish Office 802-2300 Weddings: Julia 802-2300 FAITH FORMATION Religious Education: Confirmation: RCIA: Liz Williams 802-2362 [email protected] Liz Williams 802-2362 [email protected] Julia Dodson 802-2300 or [email protected] LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Mariza Rillera 802-2300 (parish office) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EOM): Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Homebound Ministry: Patti Brandeburg 802-2300 (parish office) Lectors: Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Music Director: David Kowaleski 245-6159 Sacristans: Contact the parish office 802-2300 Ushers: Pat Barry 802-2300 (parish office) ORGANIZATIONS Knights of Columbus: A non-parish organization that provides service opportunities to the Catholic Church. Contact: Joe Williams, Grand Knight 702-371-9944 OLLV San Pedro Calungsod Alliance for Lay Adults for the Youth: Rey Espina, President 702-595-5988 Society of St. Mary: A group of dedicated men, has been committed to the needs of the children & parishioners of OLLV. Contact: Phil Markusic, President 702-491-9772 Polish School & Dance: Elizabeth Youngman 702-232-4488 Women’s Guild: Mary Beth Pidcock, President 702-362-6353 DIOCESAN ASSOCIATED MINISTRIES Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada: 385-2662 Poverello House: 631-3911 Protecting God’s Children & Victim Assistance: Contact Ron Vallance 235-7723 Vocations: Office of Vocations 735-3500 Women’s Resource: 366-1247 MAY 31, 2015 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you are in need of anointing, even if you are homebound or hospitalized, contact the parish office at 802-2300. In an emergency situation when the office is closed, you will be directed to the emergency extension. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually held on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Parents must be registered, active parishioners at a parish for at least 3 months. Parents and Godparents must attend a baptism class (OLLV’s class is usually the second Thursday of each month). Once these requirements are met, you may then make an appointment with our Sacramental Administrator at 802-2300. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: If you are homebound or in a hospital and would like to receive holy communion, please contact the parish office 802-2300. FOOD & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Through the generosity of our parishioners, OLLV is able to help Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada in providing assistance to needy families. Please contact Catholic Charities at 385-2662. FUNERALS: Please call the parish office at 802-2300. If you have already made arrangements with a funeral director, a staff member will coordinate with them to meet your needs. MARRIAGE: At least one party must be a registered active parishioner of a parish for at least 6 months before an appointment can be made with our Sacramental Administrator, 802-2300. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible as at least 6 months is necessary to fulfill the marriage preparation requirements. MASS INTENTIONS: Mass intention requests are scheduled through the parish office during office hours. If a specific date is desired, please schedule as far in advance as possible. PARISH REGISTRATION: Regardless of where you live, if you would like to join our parish, please register at the parish office. You may also request a parish registration form by calling the office at 802-2300 during regular business hours, email [email protected] or go to our on-line registration at www.ollvchurch.org. **In order that we may better serve you, please use your parish envelopes. This way you are known to us when requesting the services of the church. Please be aware that active registration is a requirement for many parish programs. PRAYER LIST: If you know someone who is ill or in need of special prayers (not deceased), please contact the parish office at 802-2300 or email to [email protected]. Office of Victim’s Assistance - If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse, please call the hotline at 702-235-7723. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - 9 OLLV School Registration Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School 3046 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2323 Fax: 702-802-2324 School Website: www.ollv.org Principal: Phyllis Joyce Vice-Principal: Monica Futryk Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School prepares students to become Catholic leaders of the 21st Century. Find out more about our wonderful faith formation, academic excellence and progressive learning opportunities. PROGRAM Fully Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Student Centered Technology Driven Family Oriented Community Focused Globally Engaged CURRICULAR ENRICHMENT School Masses Sports Programs Leadership Opportunities Community Service Performing & Visual Arts Children’s Choir, Band & Orchestra Field Trips Science Fair Chess Club SERVICES Chapel on School Grounds Bevan Hall Before & After-School Care Hot Lunch Student Success Teams Sports Field & Gymnasium Science Lab Two Technology Labs Library Daily Broadcast Flat Screen TV & Interactive WhiteBoards in each classroom Pre-K through 8th Grade 2015/2016 All parents with prospective students for the 2015 / 2016 school year are invited to stop by the school office to pick up an informational packet which contains documentation outlining the school screening process. If you are unable to stop by the office, please call 702-802-2323 and we will be happy to mail you a packet. There will be a test fee of $25 and can be paid on or before the day of the test. Please return the application form to the school office as soon as possible. Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 30, 2015 to be eligible for Kindergarten for the 2015 / 2016 school year. Due to the large amount of inquiries received, the screening appointments may become unavailable at any time and without notice. QUOTE FROM POPE FRANCIS “Let us encourage the generosity which is typical of the young and help them to work actively in building a better world. Young people are a powerful engine for the Church and for society. (07/24/13, Aparecida) STAND AND BE COUNTED New Members Welcome! Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community and a commitment to the life of the parish family. To clearly state your Catholic commitment in all its dimensions brings you advantages, recognition and responsibilities of many kinds. Being a registered parishioner makes things much easier when it is time for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, weddings, school registration, when asked to be a baptism or confirmation sponsor and even funerals. We will also be able to provide you with a financial statement for your taxes at the end of the year. We are often asked to provide affidavits for Baptism and Confirmation sponsors. We can only do this if a person is a registered, active and contributing member in our parish. How do you know if you are already registered? A registered parishioner receives all parish mailings. So, are you a registered parishioner? If not, please consider registering. Registration forms are available in the parish office or you may register on our parish website at www.ollvchurch.org. 12 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH MAY 31, 2015
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