Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church “We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.” 100 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601 Phone: 757-595-0385 ~ www.olmc.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm School: 757-596-2754 Outreach Office: 757-926-4830 Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 213 Pregnancy Helpline: 757-870-3131 April 5, 2015 ~ Easter Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am ~ 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm 2:00 pm — (en Español) Weekdays: Monday: 7:00 am Tuesday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm Wednesday: 7:00 am, 8:15 am Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm (en Español) Friday: 8:15 am We are an Easter people, and Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm, Sunday: 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Thursday: 7:30 - 8:00 am or by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8am to 6pm & 1st Fridays 3pm to 6am PARISH STAFF EXTENSIONS Pastor - Rev. John David Ramsey Parochial Vicar - Rev. Carlos Lerma Priest in Residence - Rev. Peter T. Tran Deacons Rev. Mr. Anton Siochi Rev. Mr. Francisco Anleu Pastoral Associate - Janet Hassan Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade) Christa Blomstrom Youth Ministry (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adults Christina Harrison Hispanic Ministry - Rev Mr. Francisco Anleu Social Ministry - Tina Wandersee Music & Liturgy - Kelly Soprano Business & Finance - Julie Hall Facilities - Hart Smith Food Service (St. Michael Hall) John Chesney Administrative Assistants Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin) Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records) CNU Catholic Campus Minister - John Hopke Receptionist/Mass Intentions - Cathy Luth Maintenance Technician - Bill Johnson 112 129 114 113 136 120 Alleluia is our song! 119 128 136 118 117 115 121 140 116 126 123 101 111 Bulletin notices and advertising: All information must be sent to the parish office no later than 8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to: [email protected]. If you would like to advertise on the back of the bulletin, please call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263. Page 2 April 5, 2015 Initiation Programs Offices Closed Easter Week Parish Offices will be closed Easter Week, April 6 - 10. Daily Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. that week. On Thursday, April 9, the 6:30 p.m. Misa en Español WILL be celebrated. Offices will reopen on Monday, April 13. This Week at OLMC April 5 - April 12 EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 AM MASS 10:00 AM MASS 12:00 PM MASS 2:00 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL MONDAY Offices Closed 9:00 AM MASS TUESDAY Offices Closed 9:00 AM MASS 6:00 PM Pregnancy Outreach Mtg. WEDNESDAY Offices Closed 9:00 AM MASS THURSDAY Offices Closed 9:00 AM MASS 6:30 PM MISA EN ESPAÑOL FRIDAY Offices Closed 9:00 AM MASS SATURDAY 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:15 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Circle of Hope Reconciliation MASS MASS MASS Gathered By Grace Welcoming/Registration MISA EN ESPAÑOL Divine Mercy Celebration MASS Confirmation Rehearsal Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Lukas Schmidt Ste. Worship Center Worship Center Chapel Worship Center Gathering Room Reconciliation Room Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center St. Michael Hall Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center Worship Center CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation this Weekend. You journey of faith has been an inspiration to all of us. Welcome to the Catholic Faith! SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL THE SPONSORS OF OUR NEWLY INITIATED. Your care and spiritual guidance are a blessing to the program, the parish and your candidates!!! Sincere thanks to all the Team Coordinators and team members of RCIA AND CICCA! Consider joining our Inquirers who are meeting to learn about the Catholic Faith. They come on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 to hear about the teachings of Catholicism and to focus on their personal faith journeys. Some will decide to join the faith and complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Please join us! We have a year round process and those catechized, already baptized adults will be received into full communion with the Church throughout the year. Please call Janet, ext. 120 for more information ([email protected]). Come Home We are so happy to have you with us for the celebration of the Easter! We know that many of you may be visiting our parish for the first time. We are glad that you are here and welcome you! If you have been away from the Church, we invite you to be an active part of us again. Please let us know how we can help. We have a process of return, Catholics Come Home, which will begin in a few weeks. Call the parish office and ask for Janet Hassan, ext. 120 or email [email protected]. Special Opportunity for Adults to be Confirmed Are you an active practicing adult who “missed” participating in The Sacrament of Confirmation? We invite you to enter a short process of preparation and celebrate the Sacrament on the Feast of Pentecost, Sunday, May 24. If you are interested in celebrating your Confirmation please contact Janet Hassan, ext. 120 or [email protected]. Classes begin on APRIL 14 at St. Michael Hall from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. Page 3 April 5, 2015 Gathered By Grace Junior & Senior Youth Groups Gathered By Grace meets next Sunday, April 12th, at 11am. We will be learning about and reflecting on the theme of Morality: God loves us and wants us to remain close to him. When we follow the laws that God has given us, we can love God, others and ourselves more fully. Youth Group He is Risen! Alleluia! SYG will not meet on April 5th or 12th, due to the Easter Celebration. Enjoy the beautiful day the Lord has made. See you back on April 19th for our Pro-Life Panel. Revised Dates! These dates have been revised due to our March snow storms: April 12 Morality (Next Week) May 3 Sacraments May 31 Kingdom of God (new date) Children’s Faith Formation Kingdom Kids Nursery (1-3 yrs) meets for the duration of the 10AM Mass, every Sunday. KidCheck Account required. Children in the Nursery are introduced to Catholic concepts through Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which invite children to listen to the Gospel and build Christian relationships. The nurturing staff and volunteers provide a safe, Christian environment for the children in their care. Parents who use the nursery are asked to volunteer about one Sunday per month to keep our Co-op Nursery staffed each Sunday at the 10am Mass. For more information use the online Contact Form at olmckids.weebly.com. Kingdom Kids Pre-K/K (4-5 yrs) meets for the duration of the Mass. KidCheck Account required. Children are introduced to Catholic concepts through the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which invite children to share life stories, listen to the Gospel and build Christian relationships. Children meet weekly during the 10am Mass, parent check in with KidCheck before Mass begins. Kingdom Kids Worship (1st-5th Grades) provides a liturgical adaptation of the Sunday readings for children in 1st-5th grade. The Children Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word with Children program from Pflaum Publishing Group guides the parish catechists proclamation of the Gospel. At OLMC, Kingdom Kids Worship is available at the 10:00am Mass. Children process out at Mass & return before the Eucharist. New! KidCheck: Free Secure Check In System for the Nursery and other Children’s Ministry offerings. Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free to parents. Register today at go.kidcheck.com or go to olmc.org. Sacraments Baptisms at OLMC are celebrated seven times throughout the year. Whether you are parents-to-be, parents of an infant, or parents of a child (ages 6yrs and under), we invite you to consider having your child baptized into the Catholic faith at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Parents are encouraged to register early to accommodate family and godparents schedules. Contact Christa for more information at [email protected] or ext. 119 . The First Eucharist Workshop will meet at St. Michael Hall on Sunday, April 19, 11:15am1:45pm. Parent and child attend together. First Eucharist Banners that were distributed at the Parent Retreat should be completed at home and returned at this workshop. 1st Eucharist Rehearsal will be on SATURDAY May 2 at 9:00am in the Worship Center. This rehearsal is for children and a parent. The first reception of the Eucharist will be at liturgies on the weekends of May 9/10 and 16/17. Prayer Partners: Thank you for your continued prayers for the children as they prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time! Confirmation Rehearsal will take place next Sunday, April 12th, after the 5pm Mass (about 6:30pm). Candidates and Sponsors are asked to be present at this rehearsal. If a Sponsor cannot be present, a proxy may stand in his/her place. Adult Faith Formation Men’s Prayer Breakfast Join us on Saturday morning, April 11, in St. Michael Hall for our next Men's Prayer Breakfast. We are fortunate to have John Hopke, campus minister at Christopher Newport University and the College of William and Mary as our featured guest. Come share in John's spirituality and musical talent. Doors open and coffee is available at 7:30 AM, breakfast is served at 8:00 AM and we are finished by10:00 AM. All men are welcome. These breakfasts are a great way to get plugged into the men's community at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. To register, sign up in the commons or send an email to [email protected]. Page 4 April 5, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Celebration Social Ministry Reflecting Christ Transformed by The Eucharist… Reaching Out into community CRS Rice Bowl EASTER SUNDAY!! Hungering for Celebration! We prayed, we fasted and we gave alms—and now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the world! Don’t forget to turn in your rice bowl in the Commons of the Church in the large rice bowl container. EngagingSpirituality Please continue to keep the ES Participants in your prayers as they have entered the third and final movement: Down to Earth Session 16: Engaging At-One-Ness Date: April 15th @ 6:20ish pm Divine Mercy Sunday is now the title of the Second Sunday of the Easter season. It was named by Pope John Paul II at the canonization of St Maria Faustina on April 30, 2000, and then, officially decreed by the Vatican. Please, join us for a bilingual celebration of Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 12th at 3:30 p.m. in the Worship Center. Let's celebrate the Lord's Divine Mercy poured out upon us! Welcoming/Registration Our next parish Registration/Welcoming will be NEXT Sunday, April 12, following the 10AM Mass in the Worship Center. You will be given parish information and a brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask which sacraments your family members have received. We look forward to meeting you. NEW OLMC Parish Email Rent/Mortgage 3 $600.00 Dominion Power 26 $1822.13 Sign up to be added to our Parish Email distribution list, and receive notification of funerals, upcoming events, delays or cancellations, etc. All emails will be sent via “MailChimp,” so your address will not be seen by everyone receiving the emails. If you would like your address added to our distribution list, you can sign up on our Website or Facebook page, or contact Eileen at [email protected]. VA Natural Gas 4 $600.15 Marriage and Family Life Ministry Waterworks 7 $812.15 HRSD 0 $0.00 Pharmacy 2 $191.84 Food 7 20 bags 49 $4026.27 Thanks so much for your support of the POOR Fund Envelope each month. You donations are very much appreciated and allow us to help those most poor and vulnerable! We could not do it without you!!! Diocesan Marriage Encounter Weekends This Easter Sunday remember: “Love is always bestowed as a gift-freely, willingly, and without expectation. We don’t love to be loved, we love to love.” He is risen! May the joy of Easter be with you. Let Marriage Encounter help you resurrect the romance in your marriage. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends , April 17-19 in Fredericksburg or June 26-28 in Richmond. For information or to apply, visit www.renewmarriage-vasouth.org or contact us at [email protected] or 483-3209. Food Pantry Inclusive Ministries Outreach Statistics—February Assisted With #fam/ppl TOTAL $$$ Amount Spam, Canned Pasta, Crackers, Soup, Boxed Potatoes, Carrots, Pancake Syrup/Mix, Cereal, Personal Care—Toilet Paper, Razors, Shampoo Thank you so much to all the parishioners who thought of the pantry during the Macaroni n’ Cheese recall. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. We are pleased to report that we did not have any of the recall product in the pantry. The pantry sorting team is continuing to check the product as it is donated just to be sure it is all safe product. You all are the best!!! Happy Easter and Many Blessings! SPRED Open House April 18/19 Join our SPRED friends for our Open House! Walk over to the OLMC portable classroom where our special friends meet each Wednesday. The SPRED team will on hand to share their experiences with the SPRED method and answer questions. Our friends and families will be supporting the KOVAR Tootsie Roll Drive after all the masses. This is our way of saying Thank You to the Knights of Columbus who support our SPRED and BREATHE ministries here at OLMC. Page 5 April 5, 2015 OLMC Parish News OLMC Parish News, cont. Circle of Hope Our Circle of Hope is a meeting of those who have or have experienced cancer or other chronic illness. Through prayer, discussion, DVD and joy we journey together in a positive and supportive environment. Consider giving our group a try. We meet the first Saturday of every month from 10am – 11:30am in the Commons Meeting Space. This month our meeting is next Saturday, April 11th. Please join us or contact Janet at the parish ext. 120 to learn more about this group. Lighthouse Catholic Media Display Have you checked out our display of media in the Commons from Lighthouse Catholic Media? Lighthouse Catholic Media offers a practical and effective program to help Catholics know their Faith, keep their Faith, and share their Faith! We all have friends or family members who have fallen away from the Church, or loved ones who are searching for answers about their Faith and want to increase their knowledge and understanding but don’t know where to begin. Now you can reach out to them by offering a wonderful learning tool - a Lighthouse CD. Whether in the car or at home, people can deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith when they listen to inspiring talks given by some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. In the Commons, you will see a display offering CDs, books & pamphlets. We ask for a donation to cover the costs, so that we may continue this program. There is a slot in the display to place your cash or check. Checks should be made payable to OLMC. Poor Clares Pantry Shower The Ladies of Carmel are sponsoring their annual Poor Clares Pantry Shower the weekend of April 18th & 19th. They will be passing out bags and lists of items to donate for the poor Clare's on April 11th and 12th. Please return your bag with your donated items to the church the next weekend. Donations will be delivered to the Poor Clare Sisters. Thank you for your generosity to this caring, praying community. Going to Be in the Hospital? Due to privacy regulations, Riverside Hospital is no longer providing a “Catholic List.” If you or a member of your family will be in Riverside Hospital and would like to receive Holy Communion during your hospital stay, a visit by a member of the parish’s Healing Ministry team can be arranged. Please contact Julie Hall ext. 115 at the parish office, 595-0385 or [email protected]. VBS: Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power SAVE THE DATES July 6-10 Embark on an icy expedition where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Scripture teachings that will guide them through life’s challenges. At EVEREST Totally Catholic VBS, kids experience Scripture in fun and unforgettable ways! They’ll be learning about God through songs and prayer, experimenting with Sciency-Fun Gizmos and bringing our Catholic Faith to life! Volunteer & Participant Registration will be forthcoming. Golf Tournament OLMC School will host the 14th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, May 22. Start time 1 p.m. at Riverfront Golf Course in Suffolk. You are invited to come and play! For more information and to get registration form, please go to website: www.olmc-school.com, Golf Tournament tab under Development. Contact AnaMari Clem at 596-2754, ext 242 for sponsorship opportunities. . Tuition Raffle to Benefit OLMC School Raffle tickets to win 2015/16 tuition and fees at OLMC School are on sale for $100 each. The drawing will take place during the awards ceremony on the last day of school, June 3. You do not need to be present to win, and you may donate your winning ticket to a student of your choice or to a student in need if you do not have a child or grandchild attending OLMC. Please contact the school office at 596-2754 for more information or to purchase tickets. ONLY SIX SEATS LEFT: Don't Miss Out on Our Parish Trip! THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY 28 & 29! Travel with Fr. John David on a trip to Lancaster, PA. Enjoy motor coach transportation provided through “Go Tours”. This overnight trip includes Reserved Seating at the Renowned Sight & Sound Theater for their production of JOSEPH . Included is: roundtrip transportation from OLMC, continental breakfast, Hershey Farm Restaurant Smorgasbord, Tour of Amish Farm and House, A countryside tour of Lancaster county; the Kitchen Kettle Village, Overnight Accommodations at the Double Tree Hilton, Buffet Breakfast at the Hotel and baggage Handling. Brochures in the Parish Office and at the Welcome Desk! Reservations are made directly through Go Tours. Community News Blood Drive The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Blood Drive on Wednesday, April 8, 2pm to 7pm at the Council Hall, 12742 Nettles Drive. Interested in Adoption? Come and hear more about Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia’s Domestic Infant Adoption Program. An upcoming information meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4/22 in Newport News. For more information or to RSVP for an information meeting visit adoptionandpregnancycenter.org or call us at 456-2366, x505. Page 6 April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday, April 5, 2014 8:00 – Jeffrey Waldfogel & Glenn Smith 10:00 – Richard LaRonde 12:00 – For the People of the Parish 2:00 – Sebastian Lopez Mon – (9am) Joann Forrest Barbour Tues – (9am) Edward Wahlert Wed – (9am) Joyce Borden Thur – (9am) Helen Adams (6:30pm) Bob Sparks Fri – (9am) Ruth Pavlovsky Philip & Susan Glaude Saturday, April 11, 2014 5:00 – Meaghan Herrity Family Sunday, April 12, 2014 8:00 – Martha Kelly 10:00 – Richard Pollock 2:00 – For the People of the Parish 5:00 – Frances & Sidney McGovern The Waldfogel & Smith Families Paul & Maureen Coon Silvia Argueta Darrell Brackin Richard & Linda Wahlert The Second Act Group Don & Pearl Murren Sharon Martin Brenda Pollock The Spellman Family Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News OLMC School has long enjoyed a reputation for academic excellence, which was magnified in 2009 when it was awarded the National Blue Ribbon of Excellence for its sustained, distinguished academic achievement. The Blue Ribbon is a national recognition of what the students have always received at OLMC – a strong foundation in academics, morals, and discipline. The students and teachers, supported by the wider parent community and the parish, engage in teaching and learning in a creative, warm, Christ-centered environment. OLMC School is a “military friendly” school! If you would like a tour of our school or have any questions about a particular grade, curriculum requirements or available financial aid, please call Mrs. Tucker at 596-2754. Page 7 5 de abril del 2015 Domingo de Resurrección PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN Ministerio Hispano: Director: Diácono Francisco Anleu TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 136, Celular: (757) 846-0628 Misas en Español: Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM Confesiones: Sábados, 3:00-4:00PM, Domingos, 12:00-1:30PM Has completado tus sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana, y Quieres ayudar en algún Ministerio bien sea Litúrgico o Pastoral. Tu servicio a Jesucristo a quien has reencontrado en esta jornada es muy importante para tu jornada espiritual y pastoral Si quieres ser parte de esta evangelización, contacta a las personas indicadas. Coordinadores de misa. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Rosarios, Novenas Domingo Malpica 325-0505 Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Comunión María Angélica 223-8716 Lectores o Proclamadores Shorty Meléndez 599-0882 Monaguillos. José Sánchez 269-0319 Ujieres. Ricardo Miranda Música. Fabiola Sánchez, 236-9720 RICA, CICCA. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Bautismo. Walter y María Rivera, 303-4973 Hospitalidad, Convivios Maritza Reyes 325-0697 Christina Harrison 595-0385 x 128 Jóvenes 9o A 12o Visita a los enfermos en Hospitales y Casas. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras, Dirección Espiritual. Diacono Francisco, 846-0628 Buena Salud!! Atención medica, sin costo para niños y adultos que no tiene seguro medico aquí en la Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Que es esto?: La atención medica es proveído por personal de “BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN” Cuando: Cada SEGUNDO Y CUARTO MARTES de cada mes . La registración empieza a las 9:30 am hasta que la clínica este llena. Entre mas temprano llegue mas temprano será atendido. Costo: TODOS LOS SERVICIO SON GRATIS, pero las donaciones siempre son apreciadas. Servicios Incluidos: Evaluación de rutina y tratamiento de enfermedades agudas comunes, incluyendo; infecciones respiratorias, dolores de cabeza, dolores de oídos , y conjuntivitis; vías urinarias e infecciones de la vejiga; gastritis y acideces; erupciones menores de la piel (ronchitas); dolores musculares menores, y condiciones crónicas tales como diabetes e hipertensión. También: Exámenes físicos para escuelas, exámenes físicos para deportes; seguro medico para niños, inscripciones y educación sana. Se esta trabajando para entrenar a personas bilingües para que puedan asistirte en estas clínicas de momento si tu no tienes un traductor, llama a la oficina para que se te asigne uno durante tu visita. Para aquellos que se han inscrito como interpretes estar pendiente de la información, para un entrenamiento de parte de la parroquia. De la manera que Dios nos da la vida, la iglesia siempre esta comprometida a ayudarte a que tengas una buena salud, tanto física como espiritual. También hay algunos programas para que la medicina de te pueda proveer de forma gratuita. Pregunta a Francisco Anleu por mas información. Recuérdate que tienes que cuidar tu SALUD!!!!!!! ALEGRIA, ALEGRIA, CRISTO RESUCITO LA MADRUGADA DEL DOMINGO Nuestra fe cristiana esta basada en la resurrección de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Esta es la fiesta mas importante en nuestra religión cristiana. Jesucristo HA RESUCITADO. Ya han pasado los 40 días cuaresmales. Hoy comenzamos "los Cincuenta Días de la Pascua," siete semanas más un día–una "semana de semanas" desde ahora hasta la fiesta de Pentecostés. En estos cincuenta días nuestro Señor resucitado nos dirige hacia el sol de la primavera. Nuestro maravilloso Jardinero planta su cruz entre nosotros como nuevo árbol de la vida. Nuestro Buen Pastor nos conduce a los pasos floridos del paraíso. Que el Resucitado los bendiga y que les acompañe en este tiempo, en el cual nuestra preparación será para recibir al consolador, la tercera persona divina. El Espíritu Santo. Animo!! Comunidad Hispana de fe, de la parroquia nuestra Sra. Del Carmen. Miles de Bendiciones. Aleluya! PROGRAMA PARA MUJERES, MADRES Y SOLTERAS La oficina del Ministerio Hispano Our Lady of Mount Carmel, está organizando y programando el próximo programa para mujeres de las Comunidad Hispana, en el cual propone involucrar a toda mujer no importando su estado civil, el cual aprenderemos mucho acerca de la Espiritualidad de la Mujer, Ejemplo de "María Santísima Madre de DIOS" Retiro “Youth Encuentro” Una oportunidad para los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad hispana, conocer y crecer en su relación con Cristo, con la Iglesia y desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo. Este retiro será bilingüe y tendrá lugar los días sábado y domingo 18 y 19 de abril. Para mas información o formularios favor de ver a Christina Harrison o Diacono Francisco. Próxima reunión: Domingo 12 de Abril, 2015 Salón san Miguel, 11:15am a 1:15pm Tema: La Moralidad Cristiana. ACTIVIDADES DENTRO DE LA COMUNIDAD PARROQUIAL Primer Domingo de Mes: Reunidos por la Gracia. Todas las edades: Tercer Domingo de Mes: Presentación de niños a la Comunidad, Convivio, bendición de cumpleaños. Cuarto Domingo de Mes. Registración para pertenecer a la Parroquia. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO DEL ALTAR TODOS LOS PRIMEROS VIERNES DEL MES DESPUÉS DE LAS 9:00 AM EN ADELANTE. Y TODOS LOS DÍAS JUEVES DE CADA SEMANA DE 7:00 AM A 6:00 PM. TIEMPO DE ADORACIÓN Y CONTEMPLACIÓN. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 12746 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-2222 Barbara & Ken Kerwin Helping people buy & sell homes since 1982. Brian or Sally, coordinators Our email: [email protected] an Official Agency 860.399.1785 Travel of AOS-USA WeSellHamptonRoads.com Abbitt Realty 599-5595 www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Attorneys At Law Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! C W Family Law - Custody • Support • Visitation HRISTIE Settlement Agreements • Criminal Law • Traffic Law ILSON Bankruptcy - Ch 7 • Ch 13 • Debt Relief • Wills Managing Partner Reasonable Fees • Appointments Within 24 Hours and Parishioner 744A THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. (757) 873-6620 NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23606 www.wilsonlawva.com GEORGE A. JACOBS, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. LINK, D.D.S. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 11007 WARWICK BLVD. • NEWPORT NEWS, VA PHONE: (757) 596-7000 For further information, please call the Parish Office. office hours by appointment LINK, JACOBS & LINK, D.D.S., P.C. Competition Performance Fun MILTON’s Paint and Body Shop, LLC Quality automotive collision repair, body and paint, full detailing and foggy headlight restoration. Free Estimates Call (757) 877-2225 or stop by 13269 Warwick, Newport News, VA 23602 Classes in Newport News Please contact: [email protected] Jerry F. Foretich, Jr., D.D.S., P.C. Bingo Every Monday & Thursday 7 PM Council# 5480 930-0491 For Member Information Call David Litzinger 249-0649 Call Bill Collins 930-0452 Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday Every Month What’s It Worth? LLC Lawn Care, 877-0775 Pressure Washing, Decks, Fences etc. COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY You set the job, a fair price Buying or Selling Real Estate? Call us! (labor only) and we do the work. 716 DENBIGH BLVD., SUITE B4 CALL BILL WANDERSEE OR JOHN PIZZANO, 596-4971 • 879-3040 Parishioner owned & operated, licensed and insured “Exceptional Service with Integrity” John R. Beavers, Realtor®, ABR Kristina M. Beavers, MBA, JD (757) 812-0399 COWARDIN, KIM, SMITH ANDERSON & RIDDLE, Attorneys Committed to Excellence Since 1917 873-1188 Real Estate, Immigration, Estate Planning, Corporations Parishioner R. Hayden Smith Family Funeral Homes DENBIGH CHAPEL 12893 JEFFERSON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23608 PHONE: (757) 874-4200 FAX (757) 874-4737 Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions 825-8070 7415 RIVER RD. NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA 23607 PHONE: (757) 245-1525 FAX (757) 245-5361 Dr. Betty Jean Shahmouradian Parishioner–Director R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home 723-3191 Kevin B. Smith Meaningful Service With Compassion Parishioner 700400 Our Lady of Mount Carmel RIVERSIDE CHAPEL Ed Bunch Director Brandon M. Killian Director Tom DeCantis Director INTERNET: www.altmeyer.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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