July 5, 2015 Fourtheenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 702 W 11th St · PO Box 259 · Neligh, NE 68756 Phone 402-887-4521 [email protected] www.stfranciscc.org Fr. Christopher Onuoha, Pastor [email protected] WEDDINGS: Contact the Pastor as soon as possible, at least six months in advance MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS BAPTISMS: Contact the Pastor about time and class CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before all Sat and Sun Masses; after 7 pm Mass Sat and 10 am Mass Sun; 15 minutes before weekday Masses; Thu evenings in Lent PARISH REGISTRATION: Call the Parish Office ROSARY: Every Sat 10 am at the Willows MEETINGS: Knights of Columbus: First Tue of the month, 8 pm Mon 6 July --------------Tue 7 July ------- 9:00 am (T) Wed 8 July ---- 8:30 am (N) 9:30 am (GLC) Thu 9 July------- 9:00 am (T) Fri 10 July ---- 8:30 am (N) No Mass - Father’s day off Bud Bartak + Dorothy Kremer + Albert Schindler + Nielsen & Blackburn Family + Leo Dwyer + Sat 11 July ---- 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Sun 10 July ----- 8:00 am 10:00 am Darlene Dolan + Mark & Betty DeCamp + Parishioners of OLMC & St. Francis Betty Lennemann + (N) (T) (T) (N) Rosary Sodality: next meeting is 14 July Parish Council: Third Thu of the month, 7 pm MASS TIMES EMHCs LECTOR SERVERS GIFTS USHERS Saturday 11 July 5:00 pm Del & Susan Ames, Milly Clemens, Dane & Jennifer Nielsen Jim McNally Sunday 12 July 10:00 am Linda Wingate, Dr. Russ & Joan Vetick, Doris Ternus, Dewayne & Germaine Voborny Ron Gilg Cameron Nielsen, Cody Booth, Jose Booth, Andrew Jacobsen Connor Ramold, Kaylee Ramold, Colby Sehi, Haley Kerkman Bill Lyons Family Nick Ramold Family Bill Lyons, Chad Kaup, Dave Jacobsen, Dale Kallhoff Don Zegers, Jack Sehi, Merle Kallhoff, Ralph Klein The Pope John students will hold a paper drive on Saturday 11 July, 2015. Francis and Joshua Houses are in charge. Please place materials in the central location by 8:00 am. Papers, mailings, magazines, shredded paper, cereal boxes and the like will be collected. If at all possible, put them in double paper sacks. **NOTE: We will no longer collect cardboard.. For assistance in Neligh, call Gracie Bullock (402929-0268). For one morning only on Sunday 19 July Mass in Neligh will be at 8:00 am and Tilden at 10 am. This is to accommodate an event at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Saturday Mass as at St. Francis will remain at 5:00 pm. Announcement The missing Presider’s chair Fr. Broheimer used as pastor has been found, it is in a safe place on church property. The Pastoral Council members and the Pastor have seen the chair, they know where it is. Pray that we as citizens of a land of plenty may open our hearts to welcome all unborn children. Mark 6: 1-6 Opening Collect for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with saving justice. Weekly Collection Report June 28, 2015 weekly offering budgeted offering received on Sunday weekly surplus/(deficit) $2,846.05 $2,142.00 ($704.05) Sunday collection report for this fiscal year: year-to-date budgeted $148,148.70 year-to-date received $130,463.09 year-to-date surplus/(deficit) ($17,694.61) Peter’s Pence collection $548.00 Thank you for your generous donations to the parish. Building God’s Kingdom God’s Kingdom is within you! This week we continue our subject and project of building God’s Kingdom here on earth. We all began this project at our Baptism. Baptism defines our destiny: what we are, what we must do, how we must live, and what we shall become. Everything we do as God’s precious humans, matters. God’s Kingdom is not a physical kingdom; Jesus said to Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” But the question often comes up, where is the Kingdom of God? Is it a place like the exquisite beaches of the Bahamas, or some wonderland? Not at all. God’s Kingdom is in our hearts. It is the kingdom of the interior life, as Scripture says: the Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:20-21). God’s Kingdom is a state of existence, and it is built by love. The language of this kingdom is truth, and its foundation is humility. It is a spiritual kingdom personified in the person of Jesus Christ. Only those who live authentic spiritual lives enter it. For this reason Jesus said to Nicodemus, you must be born again from above by water and the Spirit (John 3:5). Paul says it clearly: those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God (Rom 8:14). The Spirit of God and truth must be our guide in this building project. Last Friday June 26th, 2015, a terrible darkness befell our nation. The Supreme Court (nine unelected lawyers) of the United States, in a 5-4 ruling, legalized gay “marriage” (sodomy) as the law of the land. Is this law compatible with building God’s Kingdom? Not at all, since it violates Divine Law as revealed in the Scriptures, and written in the human heart. It violates natural law and the complementarity between man and woman; male and female He created them (Gen 1:27). Justice Scalia described the ruling as “lacking even a thin veneer of law.” We do not build God’s Kingdom based on what we think, or feel, or imagine is right, or on public opinion. We build successfully only in obedience to God’s Laws; on Truth. If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the laborers build (Psalm 127:1). How can living a homosexual lifestyle build up God’s Kingdom? In fact, it will destroy it in the human heart and make the attainment of Heaven a wild-goose chase. The Apostle Paul warns that those who practice homosexuality will not inherit God’s Kingdom (1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:21). The stipulations of God’s Kingdom are not subject to debate; it is either we accept them, to our good; or we reject them, to our detriment. It cannot be left to personal or court interpretation, otherwise, we unleash the reign of “dictatorship of relativism.” Jesus embodies the totality of God’s truth and lifestyle—holiness. Jesus is the wisdom of God, and the power of God. It is in the Scriptures that we encounter Jesus. The Scriptures then must be our constant guide in this building project. Fr. Christopher Please remember in your prayers: Jolene Mosel, Dodi Bauer, Dr. Paul and Arlene Thomassen, Phil Schaefer, Ken Hansen, Benjamin Sauser, Shelly Meyer, Don Lallier, Stephanie (Voborny). Please call the parish office to add names to this list. Names will remain for three weeks unless otherwise specified. Thank you for your prayers. St. Francis families responsible for cleaning the church in July July 9 July 18 July 25 July 30 Joe Evans, Anita Donason, Natalie Bitney Janice Hart, Linda Wingate, Jesse Mitchell Tom Parks, Mary Ann Ashton, Merle Kallhoff Lyle Meis, Tim Steffl, Pat Borer Thank you for helping. If you cannot be present at your assigned time, please find a substitute. Pope John XXIII High School News The Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, 25 July at the KC Hall in Elgin. Tickets are $20 each and may be purchased from Pope John High School, Dean’s Market in Elgin or Rae Valley Market in Petersburg or by sending payment with a self addressed, self stamped envelope to Pope John High School, % Brenda Kuhlman, P O Box 179, Elgin, NE 68636. Deadline to purchase tickets is July 15th. Principal Betty Getzfred was recently notified that grants submitted for improvements at St. Boniface Elementary School and Pope John XXIII Central Catholic High School were approved. The grant program is part of the Ignite the Faith Campaign, which was conducted in every parish throughout the Omaha Archdiocese last year. St. Boniface School has received $ 8,663.00 for their new reading program - Wonder's Series. Pope John will be receiving $ 26,449.00 to cover costs associated with remodeling the teacher's lounge & restrooms and re-carpeting the computer labs and office areas. Rural parishes in the Archdiocese of Omaha are allocating 40 percent of the funds they receive to directly support Catholic education in their local communities. The Ignite the Faith Excellence Grant Program is above and beyond the parish allocations. A recent campaign update said that "all schools can apply for these funds to be used for strategic initiatives that will improve and sustain them for the future." A special "thank you" to all parishioners who contributed so generously to the Ignite the Faith Campaign! Your generosity is flowing back to our schools Events in Other Places Rural Central Deanery's "Morning of Reflection" will be held Saturday, July 18, at Immaculata Monastery and Spirituality Center in Norfolk. Fr. Dan Andrews will be speaking on "Dealing with Discouragement." Participants will also learn Lectio Divina. The day will begin with registration at 8:00 am followed by Mass at 8:30 am. The event will end around noon with a light lunch. Cost is $10.00 per person; pay at the door. Plan to attend, and bring friends! Direct further questions to Barb Tassemeyer 582-3216. KERMES: The Hispanic Community of Sacred Heart/St. Mary’s Parish of Norfolk is sponsoring the annual KERMES festival on July 19 in the north park of Immaculata Monastery (300 N. 18th St). The festivities begin with a 1PM Mass in Spanish, followed by authentic Hispanic food and drinks, dances, music, games for the children, a raffle, and much more. Please join us for this family friendly afternoon.
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