VAC NEWSLETTER - February VVVVVV nd SAVE THE DATE - The Visitation Athletic Club 2 annual Golf Outing will be Friday, May 8, 2014. It will take place at Aston Oaks Golf Club and consist of a 1:30 shotgun start with dinner afterward. Last year’s tournament was a great success and we expect a better time this year!! We are hoping to get a great turnout of both golfers and sponsors. Please see the golf flyer later in this newsletter for more information and to sign-up Girls Volleyball – The Girls Volleyball program will be offering an instructional program for rd current 3 grade girls this spring. The program will meet once a week for 6 weeks at Visitation and will be run by several of the current coaches. Goals of the program will be a basic introduction to the game of volleyball, with instruction of the basic fundamentals of the game in a fun atmosphere. Dates of the program will be in April and May and will be decided at a later date. Sign-ups will take place at th th from January 5 through February 20 . The cost of the program is $20.00 and will include a tee shirt. Please see the letter from the volleyball program attached at the end of this newsletter for more information. Please contact Katie Spinney at [email protected] with questions. Visitation Athletic Club would like to congratulate the Catholic Old – Timers organization for their commitment to catholic schools on the west side. Their golf outing and annual softball tournaments were a huge success last year. On January 30th 18 schools were awarded with checks for $1,000, with Visitation receiving $3,000. Please support the Old-timers at Visitation. Information on their golf outing can be found at the end of this newsletter. Good Luck to all the basketball teams in the end of year city tournament. After a very strong regular season we anticipate multiple titles this year. Thanks to all the coaches and volunteers for your time and dedication to Visitation basketball. VAC Calendar 1. The next VAC meeting will be held on Thursday March 26, 2015 in the Pavilion. Visitation Athletic Club general meetings are held on Thursdays in the pavilion starting at 8:00pm. Meeting dates are: March 26, 2015, May 26, 2015, August 27, 2015 (Elections), September 24, 2015 2. Fall sports enrollment (football, soccer and girls volleyball) will take place from 3/15/2015 – 4/15/2015. More information will be coming in the March newsletter 3. Baseball practices begin in early to mid-March – weather permitting 4. VAC Golf Outing - Friday May 8th at Aston Oaks 1:30 Shotgun start – see details in newsletter 5. Speed and Agility Training – begins 2/2/15 see newsletter for more information 6. President’s Day Baseball Clinic - Monday 2/16. See flyer for more information Visitation Sports - VAC is proud to offer many athletic opportunities to our young athletes. Below is a list of the current sports we offer with approximate season and sign up dates. SPORT GRADE SEASON SIGN-UP Boys Golf Football 6-8 1-8 / Boys K-HS/Boys&Girls 4-8 3 - HS 3 - HS August-October August-November August-November October-January November-February January-March March-April March-April March-April March-April September September 3-8 K-9 (Age based) K-8 4-8 1-8/Boys&Girls February-May March-June April-June March-May April-June Sept-Oct Dec-Jan Dec-Jan Dec-Jan Dec-Jan Soccer Girls Volleyball Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Girls Lacrosse Boys Baseball Girls Softball Boys Volleyball Track Reminder - All coaches and volunteers need to have completed VIRTUS training and have a background check prior to participating. Remember to complete your monthly VIRTUS question so you do not fall out of compliance. Go to for more information. Visitation Athletic Club 2nd annual Golf Outing th Friday, May 8 @ Aston Oaks Golf Club 1:30 Shotgun Start – Scramble format Dinner with wine/beer to follow at 6:00 Join us for a fun filled day to help support the Visitation Athletic Club. Prizes for closest to the pin, longest drive, top finishers and much more!!!! Can’t make golf – Join us for dinner with all your friends!! We will be auctioning off different items including dinner, golf foursomes, sports memorabilia and more!!! Donation Name - _____________________________________________________________ ___ Golf with Dinner @ $100.00/person ………..………………………_____________ ____Hole sponsor with foursome @ $500.00………………………...______________ ___ Hole sponsor @ $100.00…………………………………………….______________ Name for Sponsor sign__________________________________________________ ___ Golf Only @ $70.00/person………..…………………………………_____________ ___ Dinner Only @ $40.00/person..……………………………………..._____________ Total………………………………………………………………………...…_____________ Foursome 1. __________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. _________________________________ Please send Entry form and check made out to Visitation Athletic Club to: VAC c/o Chris Ruhnke 2678 Devils Backbone Rd Cincinnati OH 45233 or Sign-up online at Please contact Chris Ruhnke for Major Sponsorship information at [email protected] Second Annual Catholic Old-Timers Golf Outing Pebble Creek Golf Course 9799 Prechtel Road Cincinnati Ohio 45252 Saturday April 25, 2015 1:30 PM SHOTGUN All Proceeds Benefit Catholic Grade Schools for Tuition Assistance 4 Person Scramble; $75/ per person Includes 18 Holes of Golf, Cart and Cookout Buffet Make Checks payable to Visitation Old-Timers and send to Jerry ( Skip )Lockwood 7780 Mitchell Park Drive, Cleves Ohio 45002. Contact number is 513-515-2159 E-Mail is [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________ Speed and Agility Training Mondays and Thursdays beginning February 2nd Run Mechanics – Plyometrics - Body-Weight Strength Injury Prevention - Flexibility Instruction provided by: Shea Wardwell: Director of Swingtime, Former Red Sox Outfielder & 20+ years in coaching and training athletes at all levels Jen Meiners: Bachelor Degree Exercise Physiology, former UC Women's Soccer Scholarship Athlete and 15+ years in Sports Performance Training/Strength & Conditioning Monday's/Thursday's 8:00-9:00 pm Pre-pay $64.00 for the month (8 sessions) also available a $10 Drop-in Rate per session Sessions will be held @ Paramount Fitness Center 5130 Crookshank Road Cincinnati Ohio 45238 Call Shea @ 513-404-0188 with questions
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