
Hope House, Inc. // hopehouseinc.us
We think of spring as a time of hope
and renewal; I certainly feel uplifted
when I see the beautiful yellows of the
daffodils and forsythia. In our West
Central neighborhood, the gardens are
blooming beautifully.
Please join us for the Walking Home 5K walk on Sunday, April
26th. It’s a lovely way to stroll through downtown and the West
Central neighborhood to see all the gorgeous spring flowers. More
information is available in this newsletter. Our team is called the
Hopeful Walkers if you’d like to join online.
Another opportunity to get outside and enjoy yourself is to join us
on May 21st for our golf outing. We are planning a great time and
hope you will join us at Coyote Creek. Information is included in
this newsletter.
Although spring is considered the season of hope, here at Hope
House we experience it daily all year round. Women are admitted
to our program feeling discouraged and hopeless. They have
experienced trauma, made mistakes for which they feel shame,
and often don’t see a happy, healthy future for themselves. Our
staff show them unconditional positive regard and help them see
that they are worthwhile, beautiful women who have the power
to make different choices and change their lives. The structure
of the Hope House program provides them with opportunities to
practice making better choices and our partners like Headwaters
Counseling and Park Center provide additional counseling to help
them learn to care for and respect themselves. Hope is renewed
and we are very proud of the women who work so hard to complete
Hope House!
Mary Etheart, PhD, LCAC
Hope House, Inc. provides homeless, chemically-dependent
women with opportunities to pursue recovery and selfsufficiency in a healthy supportive living environment.
Be sure to visit our Beads of Hope website!
b e a d sof h o p e i n d i a n a .co m
1129 Garden St • Fort Wayne, IN 46802 • Office (260) 424-3711 & (260) 424-2471 • Fax (260) 424-3783 & (260) 422-2971
Thanks to Ricky Kemery, Purdue Horticulture Extension Educator, and Denise Jackson, Master Gardener, our 6 raised bed
gardens have gotten started this season! Ricky started with a very interesting talk about gardening and how it can improve
mental health, decrease stress, and lengthen life span. That made everyone excited about working our gardens. We planted
spinach, lettuce, carrots, radishes, and broccoli. We also are grateful to have Lisa Thatcher from the Family Nutrition Program
provide classes twice a month so we have creative ideas to cook our harvests!
Grant Reinoehl
Thomas Fean
Brent Byrd
Joel Usina
Carol Hupp
Carolyn Botts
Northeast Mothers of Twins & More
Lisa Thatcher
Marty Kocks-Hamrick
Christa Miller
Kim Bridgewater & Corporate Housing Systems
Susan Laughlin
Trina Herber
Pete Zisis
Bruggemans Enterprises
Malloy Law
City of Fort Wayne: Community Development
Quarterly Newsletter | Spring 2015
northeast indiana
Hope House participated in a rally at the YWCA on April 14th to
raise awareness of the pay inequity between men and women.
Currently, women earn $0.77 for every dollar earned by a man.
David Nicole, CEO of the
United Way, spoke at the rally
and encouraged business
owners to recognize this
as a community problem
and review their numbers.
Hope House does a great
job preparing women for
employment and we hope
they get jobs which can help
them support their families.
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There is still time to sign up for the
Walking Home event that’s coming
up this weekend.
Hope House has partnered in this walk for a number
of years with hopes to bring more awareness to the
community about the plight of the homeless in our area
and to raise support in order to continue doing what
we’re doing.
Please visit walking-home.com to learn more about
what Walking Home is all about, and to register for the
event—sign up with the “Hopeful Walkers” team!
Who loves golf?! Who loves being outside and
maybe taking an afternoon off work?
Quarterly Newsletter | Spring 2015
Well, if that’s you, you should consider joining us at
Coyote Creek Golf Club on May 21 for our annual golf
Start Time: 1:00 p.m. (shotgun start)
If you’re interested in playing, use the form below to
send in your info and money. If you have questions,
contact Mary Etheart by email (etheart.hope.house@
frontier.com) or phone (260-424-3711).
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My journey into recovery began
when I entered into the Hope
House as a resident 5 years
ago in 2010. The road ahead of
me seemed dark, painful and
nearly impossible. I had little
knowledge of the disease of
alcohol and addiction at the
time but it had taken a firm
grasp on my life and who I had
become as a young woman at
22. Although this was a painful
discovery to bear, I had no idea
was the key that would unlock
the door to a freedom I didn’t even know existed. My time spent at
the Hope House was such a necessary process in honoring who I
really was and who I wanted to be. I learned about alcoholism and
addiction as a disease that centers in the mind, body and spirit.
Alcoholism and addiction is a disease NOT a choice, it does NOT
define who I am, and it is a part of me of me that I cannot change.
It is not reflective of intelligence, willpower or an intense desire
to live a better life. Once I recognized this and realized there was
something much bigger than me, a disease, driving me toward
substances and self-destructive behavior I was able to harness
all that recovery had to offer me. The Hope House provided me
with access to all that I needed to build a foundation in
recovery as well as guiding me through the process. My
recovery is holistic and it includes everything that affects
mind, body and soul, much like the disease, but reverse.
In the last 5 years my life has changed dramatically,
externally and most importantly inwardly. I have learned
that it is vital to nurture and cultivate who I am at the core
of my being, essentially my spirit, and the most amazing
external experiences follow that. I am currently a full time
student at IPFW working on my undergraduate degree
for Speech Language Pathology, working part time,
interning at a Crossfit gym to get certified as a coach, as
well as helping other women in their recovery process.
I know who I am today and I know what I value, this
allows me to make choices and actions that align with
that, ultimately resulting in living in harmony with myself
and others. I have learned there are no mistakes, there
are only opportunities in life, and this concept allows
me to experience life for the lessons not the outcomes.
My recovery has been an ongoing, innovative and an
absolutely beautiful journey!
This testimony is from Jessi who was our guest speaker at our
last Celebration of Success.
b e a d so f h o p e in d ia n a .co m
Main Street Farmer’s Market
1st Friday of every month starting May 8: 3-8p
Hope House Golf Outing
May 21: 12-1p
Barr Street Farmer’s Market
May 16 & June 13 & July 25
Northrop Spring Craft Fair
May 30
Three Rivers Festival
July 15-18
Quarterly Newsletter | Spring 2015
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h op e h o u s e i n c. u s
Vacuum cleaners
Cleaning supplies
Office supplies
File cabinets
Incentive gifts for residents: cosmetics; bath products; purses; gift cards
We appreciate all the support we receive.
Bath towels
Dish towels/rags
DVD player
CD player
Watering cans
Hope House, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization making all donations tax-deductible.
1129 Garden Street
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Hope House, Inc. provides homeless,chemically-dependent
women with opportunities to pursue recovery and selfsufficiency in a healthy supportive living environment.
Hope House, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization making all donations tax-deductible.