Le CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 PARENT / GUARDIAN / PARTICIPANT FESTIVAL INFORMATION PACKAGE FOR GRADES 4-8 SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 York University’s Glendon Campus Toronto SPONSORED BY CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) AND ONTARIO MODERN LANGUAGE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 2 Index Description of CPF and the event page 3 Overview and Questions page 4 Format Explanations and Notes page 5 Key Points to Remember page 6 Schedule, Registration, and Opening Ceremony page 7 Directions, Registration and Parking page 8 Accommodation page 9 Rules page 10 Règles page 11 Guidelines for the Festival page 12 Map of Glendon Campus page 13 CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 3 Who is Canadian Parents for French? Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers that values French as an integral part of Canada and is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French Second Language (FSL) learning opportunities for young Canadians. We are the Ontario Branch of CPF. To learn more about CPF and the benefits of being a member, visit our website at on.cpf.ca. By having your child participate in this year’s event, you will automatically receive a 1-year family membership to CPF. In the event that you do not wish to become a CPF member, please contact the office by April 24, 2015. We are sure that you are excited at the prospect of your child being chosen to represent your school board at the provincial finals of the concours / festival d’art oratoire 2015. This prestigious event and other activities sponsored by Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) rely on the support of our members. What is the concours / festival d’art oratoire? Le concours / festival d'art oratoire is the largest annual French public-speaking event for students in grades 4 through 12 studying French as a second language in Ontario schools. It began in 1975 in the Ottawa-Carleton area and expanded to a provincial event when the Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association and Canadian Parents for French joined forces as co-sponsors in 1985. In May 2014 more than 289 students from 24 public and separate school boards and 7 independent schools participated at the provincial level. At the classroom level, our estimates show that over 20,000 students across Ontario took part in FSL public speaking. Students at the concours / festival participate in one of 4 categories - Core, Immersion, Extended, and Francophone (formerly FSL Plus) - according to their grade level and the number of hours they have spent studying French as a second language. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 4 Overview Date of event Saturday, May 9, 2015 in the morning. The students will speak in small groups in individual classrooms based on their grade and category. Extended family and teachers are invited to attend. Location York University - Glendon Campus 2275 Bayview Avenue in Toronto Schedule and Registration Please refer to page 7. Accommodation Please refer to page 9. Travel Expenses for travel and lodging for the participants are not covered. Questions? For further information, please contact Tanzila Mian Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 103-2055 Dundas St. East Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1M2 Phone: 905.366.1012 x 4 or 1.800.667.0594 x 4 Fax: 905.625.5570 Email: [email protected] Website: on.cpf.ca CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 5 Format Explanation Students in grades 4 through 8 participate in a non-competitive festival event. The festival category participants will not be ranked, better demonstrating the belief of the sponsoring organizations that every participant is already a winner for advancing to this provincial final. In festival categories, participants will receive written feedback from their judge. In addition, each festival participant will receive a gold medal, a certificate of participation, and a T-shirt. Benefits of the festival format include: A positive atmosphere and pleasant experience for the younger students in a non-competitive format that retains the prestige and stimulation of the province-wide finals. Lessening the impact of disparities in French language abilities, a result of different programs offered by different boards. Providing an opportunity for participants to gain experience and confidence before progressing to the competitive concours level in high school. Notes for Participants and their Guests At each classroom, student room monitors will indicate when it is appropriate to enter and leave the room. Please respect their directions to enable a good experience for all participants and guests. All participants must remain in the classroom for the entire event, in order to share the experience of the other speeches. Parents and other guests may move in and out of the event rooms but only between speeches, in order not to disturb the speakers. Schedules are subject to change. Events may move along faster or slower than expected. Those wishing to hear a particular speaker should remain in the classroom in order not to miss that speaker. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 6 Key Points to Remember Repeat participation is encouraged but repeat speeches are not allowed. The presentation should be committed to memory, but cards with key points will be allowed. Participants will be asked two or three questions related directly to the speech. Gestures must be kept to a minimum. Electronic devices must be off or set to silent in order to preserve the atmosphere of courtesy and respect for all participants. No videotaping of participants other than your own child. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 7 Schedule and Registration All events take place at York Hall, Glendon Campus. Please refer to the map on page 13 for location and page 8 for parking information. Follow our signs to the registration area. Each participant will be given a registration package that indicates the specific room number for the participant’s speech. Our registration team will answer any questions and direct the participants to their speech rooms. Registration 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in York Hall (number 7 on map on page 13) Opening ceremonies (all participants must attend) 9:00 a.m. in the Dining Hall Speeches begin 10:00 a.m. in speech rooms NOTE: The latest time of completion for the speeches is noon. The cafeteria at Glendon will be open at 8:00 a.m. Opening Ceremony The opening ceremony is mandatory for all participants. Last minute instructions and details will be shared. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 8 Directions Glendon Campus, York Hall 2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario www.glendon.yorku.ca/english/directions/direction.html DIRECTIONS Highway 401 to Toronto, exit Bayview Avenue South. Glendon Campus is located on Bayview Avenue, approximately 4 km. south of Hwy 401. Exit at Lawrence Avenue before the underpass and follow signs to the campus. Access to the campus is from Lawrence Avenue East. Bayview Avenue Lawrence Avenue E. Registration and events REGISTRATION AND PARKING Registration and speeches take place in York Hall (number 7 on the map on page 13). 1. Upon entering the campus go straight and you will see a glass atrium. This is where registration will take place. There is a circular drive in front where people can be dropped off. Do not park here as it is for drop off only. 2. There is limited parking on the main level and the cost to park on Saturday is $7*. 3. There is also a parking lot on the lower level and the cost to park there on Saturday is $5* (P2 on map on page 13). There will be a shuttle bus running from the parking lot on the lower level to York Hall where the speeches will take place as there is a steep hill to this parking lot. As it takes time to take people from the lower parking lot to the registration area, please drop the student off with an adult before you park the car. *subject to change 4. In the lower parking lot people will be picked up at the shelter near the parking machine and dropped off in front of the atrium. There is only one parking meter in this lot so it will take time to pay for parking if there are many people doing the same thing. 5. Parking is strictly enforced. You will be given a ticket if you do not pay for parking. 6. There are handicapped parking spots available on the main level of the campus. Handicap permits are required. PUBLIC TRANSIT For transit information, contact the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) at 416-393-4636 or www.ttc.ca. Be sure to specify that you are inquiring about the Saturday timetable. The nearest subway station to the Glendon College campus is Lawrence Station (on the Yonge line). From there, take the 124 Sunnybrook Hospital bus. The bus stops right in front of the campus. Le CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 9 Accommodation Accommodation at Glendon Campus: Accommodation is available at Glendon College in Hilliard Residence for the Friday and Saturday nights. Everyone is guaranteed a room but you must call after May 1 to make the reservation. You MUST make a reservation if you want to stay at Glendon. Call the front desk at 416-736-2100 ext. 88547 and leave a message if no one answers. Mention that you are with Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) for the public-speaking event. Each room provides bedding and a towel but no other supplies. We recommend that you bring your own soap and an alarm clock. Prices for rooms at Glendon College (subject to change): Single room (1 single bed) = $28.00 + tax (shared washroom on the floor) Double room (2 single beds) = $50.00 + tax (shared washroom on the floor) Semi-private room (1 single bed) = $38.00 + tax (shared washroom with 1 other semi-private room) Additional cots are available at $16 each per night. Accommodation at the Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale: We have secured a corporate rate at a nearby Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn Yorkdale (just off Highway 401 at Dufferin St. in Toronto) $111.95 per night per room for 2 double beds (up to four occupants), plus 13% tax (5% PST, 5% GST, 3% Destination Marketing Fee). The parking fee is $12 per night. Website: www.hiyorkdale.com This hotel is approximately 10 minutes from Glendon Campus. Individuals must make their own reservations directly with the Holiday Inn Yorkdale Central Reservations office by calling 1-866-568-0046 and mentioning Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). Reservations must be made by April 16, 2015. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at this special rate (first come, first served). Please confirm cancellation policy with hotel upon booking. Directions from the hotel to Glendon Campus: Go south on Dufferin Street to Lawrence Avenue. Turn left onto Lawrence Avenue and head east for approximately 6 kms. Glendon Campus is located at the end of Lawrence Avenue, where it finishes at Bayview Avenue. Tourism For information on tourism, restaurants, theatre, shopping and sports, contact Tourism Toronto at 800-363-1990 or www.torontotourism.com. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 10 Rules 1. Speeches must be an original work by the student, not a recitation of another person's work. The same speech must be presented at the regional school board level and the provincial level. 2. Students may return to participate in the concours / festival if they have attended in a previous year, but may not present the same speech. 3. The presentation should be committed to memory, but cards with key points will be allowed. 4. Students will be asked two or three questions related directly to the speech. 5. No display materials, costumes or uniforms (includes school uniforms) are allowed under penalty of disqualification. 6. The use of a lectern or microphone is not permitted. 7. This is a speech arts competition as opposed to dramatic arts. Poems, songs and dramatic pieces are not appropriate. 8. Gestures must be kept to a minimum. It is not necessary for the head and hands to remain completely motionless, but gestures must be natural and spontaneous, as opposed to dramatic. Examples of unacceptable gesturing: wild arm movements (flapping wings), pirouettes, kneeling, turning one's back to the audience. 9. Students in grades 4-6 will speak for 2-4 minutes while those in grades 7 and 8 will speak for 3-5 minutes. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 11 Règles 1) Les discours doivent être une création de l'étudiant, c'est-à-dire qu'ils ne doivent pas être la récitation d'un texte écrit par une autre personne. Le même discours doit être présenté à chaque niveau de la compétition régional et provincial. 2) Les étudiants qui ont participé au concours/festival dans les années précédentes peuvent se représenter, mais ils ne peuvent pas présenter le même discours. 3) L'exposé devrait être mémorisé, mais les fiches de référence sont permises. Les aides- mémoires écrits sur le papier ne sont pas permis. Un discours recopié en entier n’est pas permis. 4) Il y aura deux ou trois questions du jury qui seront directement reliées au discours. 5) L'usage de matériel concret et/ou d'un costume particulier ainsi que les uniformes scolaires servant à l'exposé, entraîne la disqualification. 6) L'usage d'un lutrin ou d'un microphone est inacceptable. 7) Ceci est une compétition d'art oratoire, non d'art dramatique. Les poèmes, chansons et autres pièces dramatiques ne sont pas acceptables. 8) Il doit y avoir un minimum de gestes. Il n'est pas nécessaire que la tête et les mains soient complètement immobiles, mais les gestes doivent être naturels et spontanés, et ne doivent pas être dramatiques. Par exemple, les gestes suivants seraient considérés inacceptables: battre ses bras de manière exagérée (comme des ailes), faire des pirouettes, s'agenouiller, tourner le dos au public. 9) Le temps alloué à chaque étudient est de 2 à 4 minutes pour la 4e à la 6e année, et de 3 à 5 minutes pour la 7e à la 12e année. CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 page 12 GUIDELINES FOR THE FESTIVAL Grades 4 – 8 Catégorie : ___________ Niveau : ____________ Candidat :___________________________ Critères 1. Art oratoire Expressivité Présence Mémorisation 2. Fond du discours Choix du sujet Développement des idées Structure du discours 3. Qualité de la langue Usage créatif de la langue Usage correct de la langue Prononciation Intonation Débit Intensité 4. Réponses aux questions Maîtrise du sujet Spontanéité Qualité de la langue Impression générale 5.5.5. Autres commentaires : Super Bien Á amélior er Commentaires CONCOURS / FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Map of Glendon Campus page 13
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