BEEF‐A‐RAMA 2015 SHOW GENERAL INFORMATION AND REGULATIONS Age Division as of January 1, 2015 Pee Wee 8 and under Junior 9 – 12 Intermediate 13 – 16 Senior 17 ‐21 Junior membership terminates on the 31st of December following your 21st birthday. Grand Aggregate Points will be awarded for both participation and placings in all aspects of the cattle show (Bred & Owned, Semen Donation, Commercial Classes, Open Show), the open classes (Judging, Public Speaking, Showmanship), and all the art/photo/literature categories. In addition, an extra 0.5 points will be given for every animal exhibited by an individual. Bred and Owned animals exhibited by an individual will receive an extra 2 points per head, to a maximum of 3 points (above the 0.5 points for simply bringing an animal). Judging Competition This is open to all Beef‐A‐Rama participants. There will be four age divisions. Time will be limited to 20 minutes for one class. Placings and written reasons will be given and scoring will be done with the Hormel system. All members will give oral reasons on the class with a three‐minute time limit. You may use judging card for oral reasons. Scoring: Judging card 50%, oral reasons 50%. Must be pre‐selected on the entry form, no changes will be allowed at registration. Showmanship Competition Open to all individual Junior Hereford members in attendance at Beef‐A‐Rama. There will be four age divisions and an effort will be made to supply animals to participants without any. You must present yourself with your animal when the grooming class starts so marshals are not looking for you. Scoring Showmanship 60%, Personal appearance 20% and cleanliness 20%. No bulls. Must be pre‐selected on the entry form, no changes will be allowed at registration. Public Speaking Competition There will be four age divisions. The speaking competition will consist of either a prepared speech on the following topics or an impromptu speech with a subject given by the judges. PeeWee: Your future dreams. Junior: Your future dreams. Intermediate: Your future dreams for your Hereford herd. Senior: Your future dreams for the Hereford Industry. Time limit per speech is Pee Wee and Junior ‐ 1‐3 minutes, Intermediate and Senior 3‐5 minutes. Each speech is to have an opening, body and closing. Must be pre‐selected on the entry form, no changes will be allowed at registration. FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPETITIONS: ENTRIES CLOSE AT 10 AM SATURDAY JUNE 27, 2015 Photography Competition Photos no larger than 5”x7” will be accepted. Photos should be mounted or matted on paper. No frames allowed. There are four age divisions. Photos are to be entered at registration or entries may be mailed if the junior is unable to attend. The junior in whose name the entry is made must take photos. Maximum of 2 entries per member per section. Section A: Hereford cattle only Section B: Hereford cattle with 1+ person Section C: Commercial Hereford event Hereford Art Competition There are four age divisions. Art work to depict the theme. You may enter your artwork at time of registration or mail entries prior to Beef‐A‐Rama. Both poster and advertisements may be computer generated or hand drawn. Maximum of 2 entries per member per section. Section A: Cattle Sale or Event Poster Section B: Collage Section C: Hand Drawn Section D: One page advertisement for a magazine Literature Competition Literature must depict the theme, except as noted. Entries must be typed or legible print. There are four age divisions. Entries may be mailed or entered at registration. Maximum of 2 entries per member per section. Section A: Poem Section B: Report about an event or true story (3000 words or less) Section C: Fiction (3000 words or less) Topics: There are no specific topics beyond the type of literature (poem, true story/event, or fiction) this year. Great Griller Competition Teams will be randomly chosen at time of entry. Juniors will be notified of their team members at registration. Teams will have 20 minutes to cook a steak. The team will have access to the steak at anytime during the day of competition. Competition is judged by three judges – 40% taste, 20% team work and 40% presentation (which includes cooking the steak, table setting and serving the steak). Props – i.e. Costume, table settings, etc. are allowed but are the responsibility of each team. The Beef‐A‐Rama committee will supply the steak, table, chairs, and barbecue. No alcohol permitted. Rules and Regulations, Beef‐A‐Rama 2015 1. Beef‐A‐Rama 2015 is open to all Junior Hereford members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered member of their respective Junior Hereford associations. Canadian members must have paid their annual $20.00 activity fee to be eligible to participate in this show. All competitors must participate in 2 of the following 3 competitions: Public Speaking, Judging and Art & Literature. These competitions must be pre‐ selected on the entry form. No changes will be allowed at the registration desk. Failure to participate in 2 of the 3 competitions will result in forfeit of any prizes won at Beef‐A‐ Rama 2015. 2. For all purebred animals entered, members must either fill out the registration number field on the entry form or provide a copy of the registration certificate with the entry form. Entries which fail to provide the registration number or copy of certificate will be disqualified and the entry fee forfeit. Animals must be registered in their respective country’s Hereford Association Herdbook. All animals including calves must be legibly tattooed and have a RFID tag in place. Animals that do not fulfill these stipulations will be disqualified. Junior members must show all animals, regardless of ownership. 3. Commercial cattle must be of strong Hereford influence. This will be left to the discretion of the Beef‐A‐Rama 2015 committee and the barn boss. Please send a picture of the animal(s) with the completed entry form. If a picture of a commercial entry fails to accompany the entry form, the entry will be disqualified and the entry fee forfeit. When entering a cow with calf at side, both animals must exhibit strong Hereford characteristics. Commercial entries are eligible to be shown in the showmanship classes. 4. PeeWee members (age 8 and under) may only show calendar year calves or yearling heifers. Members aged 6 and under must be accompanied in the show ring by an intermediate or senior member at all times. 5. Cattle entry fee is $15.00 per animal. Cow‐Calf entries are considered as one entry unless the calf is entered separately in a calf class. All entry fees must accompany the entry forms and the cheques should be payable to the Ontario Junior Hereford Association. Where animals are entered in both the open show and the bred and owned show, they will only pay one entry fee. No entry fee for group classes, but animals must be shown in individual classes. 6. There is no limit placed on the number of entries per member in each class. Classes will be approximately eight animals per class and will be determined following the entry deadline. 7. All members are required to wear a Beef‐A‐Rama 2015 shirt while participating in events. No ball caps will be permitted in the show ring. Blue or black pants are acceptable in the show ring. Shirts should be ordered at time of entry to ensure the correct size is available. 8. Original registration certificates must accompany all cattle to the show. All tattoos will be checked upon arrival of purebred cattle. Health certificates must accompany US cattle. All animals must be broke to lead, and all yearling and two‐year‐old bulls must be handled with a ring at all times. No humbugs are permitted for yearling and two‐year‐old bulls. 9. Arrival time for cattle will be on Friday, June 26 and before 10 am on Saturday, June 29. Cattle will be released following the conclusion of the show on Sunday, June 28, 2015. 10. A base layer of straw bedding will be supplied in the barn. Juniors are asked to bring their own straw for their animals. 11. Calves shown with dam are eligible to enter 2015 calf classes for the Bred and Owned. For the Open show, as per MOE show rules, a heifer calf can be entered two ways (calf class and pair class). Depending on the show order, decided by the Beef‐A‐Rama Committee, heifer calves that win the honor of Grand or Reserve Heifer Calf Champion, may not be shown as a pair; or heifer calves on a Grand or Reserve Champion Cow may not be shown individually in the heifer calf class. A Bull calf can be shown both ways. Registration papers and tattoos are required for all calves, including those shown solely at the side of their dam. 12. Tampering with cattle is strictly prohibited. 13. The Beef‐A‐Rama committee reserves the right to determine the eligibility of all entries if requirements are not met. 14. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BARN OR AT COMPETITIONS. 15. Beef‐A‐Rama will adhere to current Canadian Hereford Association MOE rules . 16. Recipient cows and dams of calves being shown only in calf classes will be accommodated for. 17. Embryo transfer calves that have been incubated in utero within a recipient female cannot be shown with the genetic donor dam. 18. Entry deadline is May 15, 2015. Any entries postmarked after this date will be not be accepted. 19. Substitutions of animals will be allowed without penalty up until the entry deadline of May 15, 2015. 20. Substitutions will be allowed after May 15, 2015 and before June 26, 2015 upon presentation of a veterinary certificate to confirm sickness, injury or death of an animal, OR upon payment of a $50.00 substitution penalty. 21. Health requirements. All animals must be free of any transmissible or zoonotic disease. Any animal showing signs of infection will be inspected by a Veterinarian and will be dealt with accordingly at the expense of the owner. All animals from the US must be vaccinated for Brucellosis and have the proper documentation. 22. All photography, art, and literature entries must be submitted by 10 am on Saturday June 27, 2015 for judging. 23. Beef‐A‐Rama 2015 is a non‐aerosol show. Use of aerosol grooming/fitting products is strictly prohibited. Other grooming/fitting products are allowed. 24. Only Beef‐A‐Rama participants are permitted to groom or fit cattle. Only Beef‐A‐Rama participants are permitted to do daily chores, washing, leading, etc. Adult involvement only allowed if there is an apparent danger. 25. An animal is considered to be Bred and Owned if the Junior member is listed as the sole breeder and current owner since birth on the certificate of registration. The Conformation Classes are as follows: Bred and Owned Class 1 Bred & Owned Cow with calf born in 2015 Class 2 Bred & Owned yearling heifer born in 2014 Class 3 Bred & Owned heifer calf born in 2015 Bred & Owned Champion Female Bred & Owned Reserve Champion Female Class 4 Bred & Owned bull calf born in 2015 Class 5 Bred & Owned yearling bull born in 2014 Bred & Owned Champion Bull Bred & Owned Reserve Champion Bull Market Steer Show Class 6 Straight Bred Hereford Steer Class 7 Hereford Influence Steer Champion Steer Reserve Champion Steer Hereford Influence Commercial Show Class 8 Steer calf born in 2015 Class 9 Heifer calf born in 2015 Class 10 Yearling Heifer born in 2014 Champion Commercial Animal Reserve Champion Commercial Animal Open Show Class 11 Cow born prior to 2013 with calf born in 2015 Class 12 Two Year Old Cow with calf born in 2015 Class 13a* Senior Yearling Heifer born in 2014 Class 13b* Junior Yearling Heifer born in 2014 (*Please enter all yearling heifers under class 13. The Beef‐A‐Rama committee will split classes by age after entry) Class 14 Heifer calf born on or after Jan. 1, 2015 Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female Class 15 Bull calf born on or after Jan 1, 2015 Class 16 Yearling Bull born in 2014 Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull Class 17 Three head from one family
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