Associated Institution/School Orff

Recommendations for becoming an
Associated Institution/School
of the
Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg
What are Associated Institutions/Schools? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A short historical introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Status Quo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Characteristics and criteria of an Associated Institution/School? . . . . 3
Procedure for being accepted as an Associated Institution/School . . 4
What kind of cooperation can take place between the Orff-Schulwerk
Forum Salzburg and the and the Associated Institution/School or
between the institutions/schools themselves?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What is the advantage of being a member of the Orff-Schulwerk
Forum Salzburg?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
What are Associated Institutions/Schools?
Pädagogische Einrichtungen, die entsprechend ihrer jeweils besonderen Ausrichtung
an einer zeitgemäßen Form des humanistisch/künstlerisch/pädagogischen
Konzeptes des Orff-Schulwerk orientiert sind und einen ihrer Schwerpunkte auf eine
kreative und sozial-kommunikative Form der Ästhetischen Erziehung legen.
Als Mitglieder des Orff-Schulwerk Forums (OSF) stehen sie in Cooperation und
inhaltlichem Austausch mit dem Forum selbst wie auch mit anderen Institutionen/
Schulen ähnlicher Art in verschiedenen Ländern.
Pedagogical institutions orientated on a contemporary version of the humanistic/
artistic/pedagogical concept of Orff-Schulwerk according to their respective type of
school. They concentrate at least to a certain point on a creative and socialcommunicative way of aesthetic education.
As members of the Orff-Schulwerk Forum they are in close contact with the Forum
itself as well as with other institutions/schools of a similar kind in various countries,
A short historical introduction
The first mentioned idea of a network of schools working according to the OrffSchulwerk approach (Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy) can be found in Orff's
memorandum 1965 (in Orff-Institut - Jahrbuch III 1964-1968, reprinted in the OrffSchulwerk Informationen Nr.87, p 62). In Germany Modellschulen (model schools)
were mainly founded in Bavaria, some of them (Traunwalchen, Diessen, Andechs,
Altenerding) are still operating to this date.
The aim of the Orff-Schulwerk Forum now is to build up an international network of
schools and institutions - ideally in each country where Orff-Schulwerk associations
are present.
The schools/institutions might be Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools, as
well as Music or Art Schools and Teacher Training Institutions.
Status quo
To the present date (2014) these are the Associated Institutions/Schools:
Alev School, Istanbul, Turkey
kindergarten to middle school
Carl Orff Grundschule Altenerding, Germany
primary school
Carl-Orff-Grundschule Andechs, Germany
primary school
Carl Orff Schule, Diessen am Ammersee, Germany
Carl Orff Volksschule Traunwalchen, Germany
CDM Centro Didattico Musicale, Rome, Italy
D’Orff Werkstatt, Andechs, Germany
primary and middle School
primary school
music school and further
education institution for teachers
music school
Jittamett School, Bangkok, Thailand
Moraiti School, Athen, Greece
San Francisco School, San Francisco, USA
primary school and further
education institution for teachers
pre-school to middle school and
further education institution for teachers
Scuola Civica Musicale Carl Orff, Piossasco, Italy
music school
Scuola Popolare di Musica Donna Olimpia, Rome, Italy
music school
Others are in preparation in various countries
Characteristics and Criteria of an Associated
Desirable features that ideally characterise an Associated Institution/School should
 teachers, who have been trained either directly at the Carl Orff Institute, a
similar professional education institution or through participation in Level
Courses or Orff-Schulwerk workshops around the world, and who include in
their teaching pedagogical principles and procedures of the Orff-Schulwerk
(Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy) approach in their teaching
 a team of colleagues, who in various ways work together in further developing
Orff-Schulwerk practices as well as a generally positive understanding of this
work through the director and staff of the school
 inclusion of principles and practices related to the Orff-Schulwerk within the
school’s ethos or school programmes
 appropriate facilities (e.g. Orff-Instruments as well as other instruments,
enough space, especially for movement and dance, drama and other artistic
 music, dance, and the arts should be at least one of the characteristics in the
profile and the activities of the school
 a clear curriculum, explicitly organised and structured with regard to music
and dance teaching/learning (though not necessarily mentioning the OrffSchulwerk, as in some cases this might not be possible)
 the school should be actively engaged in the dissemination of Orff-Schulwerk
relevant information (activities, teacher education courses, theoretical
reflections, action research, documentation, writings and publications etc.),
both nationally and internationally through its web-site, mailing lists,
community projects or other communication forms and initiatives
 regular contact with the Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg and contact with the
Orff-Schulwerk association of their country
Procedure for being accepted as an Associated
1. Formal application on the part of the school/institution
including a CV of the school and a CV of a contact person who will represent the
2. Audit from a delegate of the Orff-Schulwerk Forum (OSF)
A representative of the OSF visits the school/institution.
Presentation of specific activities of the institution/school that relate to the OrffSchulwerk
The OSF evaluates whether it can be accepted as a member.
3. Official acknowledgement
as an Associated Institutions/Schools bythe Orff-Schulwerk Forum for 5 years. This
agreement can be renewed if the conditions stay the same and a contact person is
4. Regular contact
between the school/institution and the OSF as well as the Orff-Schulwerk association
of the country
What kind of cooperation can take place between the OrffSchulwerk Forum and the Associated Institution/School or between
the institutions/schools themselves?
 Participating at the annual convention of the OSF and sharing one’s
experiences and presenting results of the work
 organising national and international exchanges with other Associated
Institutions/Schools (involving teachers and/or pupils)
 working on specific topics and sharing the outcome (in order to see particular,
local responses of learning communities in different parts of the world to a
same or similar pedagogical/artistic project)
 co-operating action research studies being carried out on Orff-Schulwerk
relevant topics in several schools at the same time and discussing the
What is the advantage of being a member of the OSF?
Being an OSF member as an Associated Institution/School offers:
the opportunity to receive an official, international acknowledgement from the
OSF. The institution/school will be given a logo as Member of the OrffSchulwerk Forum Salzburg, which can be displayed on the website and all
official papers.
 being in contact with other schools and music schools where Orff-Schulwerk
is central to the educational philosophy
 exchanging views, experiences, ideas and suggestions for innovative
 being informed about the present development of the Orff-Schulwerk
approach in other countries
 being informed about various international teacher education programmes, as
they have been developed in other countries
 sharing through publications (e.g. in the Orff-Schulwerk-Informationen)
practical experiences in the application of the Orff-Schulwerk ideas
 sharing academic knowledge, in terms of publications, PhD studies
through publications (e.g. in the Orff-Schulwerk-Informationen)
 being part of a world-wide community of practitioners
Erstellt im Auftrag
des Orff-Schulwerk Forums Salzburg
von Andrea Sangiorgio und Barbara Haselbach
im Jahre 2014