50tH SHARK World Championship BRITANNIA YACHT CLUB OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA Canadian Shark Class Association International Shark Class Association August 22-28, 2015 NOTICE OF RACE AMENDED 29 March 2015 You are cordially invited to attend the 50th Shark World Championships 2015, being held at Britannia Yacht Club, Ottawa on August 22– 28, 2015. 1. Or gani zi ng Au t hor i t y The Organizing Authority (OA) is Britannia Yacht Club (BYC). 2. Rules 2.1. The championship will be governed by rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS). 2.2. The Prescriptions of Sail Canada apply and can be seen at: (http://www.sailing.ca/files/SC_Prescrip_Arbit_2013_16.pdf) 2.3. The International Shark Class Association (ISCA) Championship Rules will apply. (http://shark24.ca/pdf/ISCA_Constitution_2013.pdf). 2.4. Section 9 describes additional rules that will apply. 2.5. RRS 63.1 is changed to allow for Arbitration and a penalty less than disqualification for breaches of RRS Part 2 and RRS 31. The changes will appear in the Sailing Instructions. 2.6. A loaned or chartered boat may carry national letters or sail numbers for the boat belonging to the person in charge. 3. Advertising Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the OA. Shark Worlds 2015 pg 1 4. Size of Fleet BYC has the capacity to handle approximately 60 entries. The ISCA committee will determine any required entrance priority. 5. Registration 5.1. Registration forms can be completed and fees paid on-line (before August 20, 2015). 5.2. In person by bringing a completed registration form, together with the registration fee, to the Registration Office at the BYC on August 21-23, 2015. 5.3. Links to both on-line registration and the registration form can be found on the BYC website at www.byc.ca/sailing/shark-worlds-2015 and at www.sharkworlds2015.com. 5.4. On-line registration in advance is encouraged. 6. Fees 6.1. Fees for North American entries are $750.00 +$97.50HST, Total $847.50 CAN. 6.2. Fees for North American entries registered and paid by June 30th, 2015 will be discounted to ($650.00 + $84.50HST, Total $734.50 CAN. 6.3. Fees for non-North American entries are $600.00 + $78.00HST, Total $678.00 CAN. 6.4. Fees for Non-North American registered and paid by June 30, 2015 will be discounted to $500.00 + $65.00HST, Total $565.00 CAN. 6.5. During the championship, a draw will be held to refund one entry fee, from all the entries paid by June 30, 2015. 7. Loaner Boats 7.1. A limited number of loaner boats will be available to non-North American entries on a first-come, first-served basis. Competitors are required to bring their own sails and any other racing equipment that they require. 7.2. Registration forms from entrants requesting a loaner boat must be received not later than May 31, 2015. 7.3. For loaner boats, a damage deposit of $300.00 CAN must be paid on arrival. This deposit is the maximum payable by the skipper as a result of any one incident. 7.4. If a deduction from the damage deposit is decided by the OA, it may require the deposit be restored to its original amount before the skipper will be permitted to continue in the event. 7.5. Any remaining deposit after the event will be refunded within 5 days after the event. Shark Worlds 2015 pg 2 8. Schedule 8.1. Registration: Friday, August 21, 2015 from 1500h to 2100h, and Saturday, August 22, 2015 from 0800h to 1700h and Sunday, August 23, 2015 from 0800h to 1200h 8.2. Measurement and Inspection: All boats will be measured and inspected prior to registration: Friday, August 21, 2015 from 1500h to 2000h, Saturday, August 22, 2015 from 0800h to 1700h and Sunday, August 23, 2015 from 0800h to 1200h. 8.3. All boats shall be launched by 1300h on Sunday August 23, 2015. 8.4. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the practice race is 1400h on Sunday August 23. 8.5. The Opening Ceremony will take place on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 1830. 8.6. Dates of racing: Monday, August 24 to Friday, August 28, 2015. 8.7. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 1100h. 8.8. There will be no warning signal after 1300 on Friday, August 28. 8.9. Prize giving and closing ceremonies will be held on August 28 at 1900. 9. Additional Rules 9.1. Each boat shall keep a copy of its inventory list (including all safety items) on board during the championship. 9.2. Only sails stamped by the measurer at the event shall be used. 9.3. Each boat shall be equipped with an engine. Endurance under engine will be described in the SIs. 9.4. The Race Committee may direct that a boat or boats be re-weighed, re-measured or reinspected at any time. 9.5. Boats shall have appropriate lifting apparatus for use with the class scales. 10. Sailing Instructions The Sailing Instructions will be available at least 4 weeks prior to the event at www.byc.ca/sailing/shark-worlds-2015, at registration, and may be posted at www.sharkworlds2015.com. Shark Worlds 2015 pg 3 11. Sailing V e n u e 11.1. Races will be held on Lac Deschênes, a widening in the Ottawa River in the western part of Ottawa. Race courses will be set clear of any shoreline. The course area with hazard areas identified is attached. Descriptions of the facility are available on the web site. 11.2. For navigation, use Canadian Chart #1550. 12. The Courses 12.1. Courses for course racing will be windward-leeward races around inflated marks, with an offset mark and a gate. 12.2. The long distance course will make use of local features and will take account of weather conditions. 13. Penalty System Decisions of the international jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5. 14. Ber t hi ng Boats shall use the assigned dock unless written permission to change has been granted by the OA. Rafting may be required. 15. Haul Out Restrictions Boats shall not be hauled out during the championship except for random weighing and with prior written permission of the OA. 16. Diving Equipment and Plastic Pools Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around competitor boats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the championship. 17. Radio Communication Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. VHF broadcasts by the Race Committee is permitted; on a channel(s) to be identified in the SIs. 18. Prizes 18.1. T he Shark World Cup will be awarded to the first place boat. 18.2. The Metzger Trophy will be awarded to the boat with the best score counting the Shark Worlds 2015 pg 4 practice race, the distance race, and the last course race. 18.3. Prizes will be awarded to the first ten boats. 18.4. All participants in the World Championships will receive a souvenir. 19. Disclaimer of Liability Competitor participate in the championship entirely at their own risk( RRS 4,Decision to Race). The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the championship. 20. Insurance Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $2,000,000 CAN per incident or the equivalent. 21. Additional Information Information, championship news, and the Notice of Race will be available on-line at www.byc.ca/sailing/shark-worlds-2015 and may be posted at www.sharkworlds2015.com. Access to the club: By Land: 2777 Cassels Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 6N6, Canada. By water: The entrance to the harbour is at 45.3722° N, 75.8003°. W Contacts: Phone 613-828-5167, Fax 613-828-5168. For further information please contact the OA Chair, Joey Kroeger at 1 613-292-1324 or by email at [email protected]. 22. Launching and Hauling Out Will take place at the Britannia Yacht Club. 23. Parking Parking is available on site as indicated on the BYC website. 24. Cam pi ng BYC has grassed areas where tent camping is available on a first come first served basis for championship entrants, see website for specific areas and facilities. 25. Accommodations Information on accommodations near BYC can be found at the Club website. Shark Worlds 2015 pg 5 Course Area Shark Worlds 2015 pg 6
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