THE L O N GE S T S TANDI N G M A G A Z I N E O F I T S KI ND IN GENESEE C O U NT Y { M E D IA KIT 2015 be onthetown & ry on ial ec sa iti Sp ver Ed ni cal AnMedi VOLUME IV ISSUE I 40 YEA RS { The Power of Print The cost effectiveness and convenience of internet advertising has urged many people to make this their main platform for advertising. However, in order to maintain a steady revenue flow and reach more new and existing customers, it is important to have a balance between various forms of media advertising. Print is a necessary part of this process. Consider the following benefits of print advertising: Tangibility & Permanence: While internet, television, and radio advertisements appear and disappear quite quickly, print ads remain in circulation. Print ads are a physical medium that may continue to promote a product or service for months and even years after its initial release. Credibility: Print advertisements exhibit a characteristic of legitimacy that flashy banner ads and pop-ups lack. Print publications that offer a consistently high-quality product, such as onthetown, develop credibility with their readers. Your business can capitalize on the positive attitudes our readers have towards our publication as this will translate to your credibility as an advertiser. Target Marketing: Placing an ad in onthetown will allow you to reach a targeted audience to maximize results. Performance: Print advertising outperforms both television and internet advertising in helping small businesses maximize their return on investment. Print ads also provide the best results when it comes to a consumer’s intent to purchase, surpassing other forms of media in this category. Less Print Ads: Since many advertisers have begun to rely more heavily on internet advertising, print publications have become less crowed and more cost efficient. QR Codes: Utilizing QR codes in print media can help bridge the gap between print and internet advertising. When a consumer scans the QR code with their smartphone, they are directed to a live webpage of your choice. Branding: Print ads offer a great template to solidify your brand and increase brand recognition among consumers. Engagement: Websites are often skimmed in less than 15 seconds by a visitor. Listening to the radio and watching television are passive activities that do not necessarily require attention. However, choosing to read a magazine or other print publication is a conscious decision that requires physical involvement. The reader physically turns the pages and assesses all material to decide which items they will read. Dontigney, E. (n.d.). The advantages of print advertisements. Retrieved from Print is dead? Not so fast. (2012, June 28). Retrieved from EDITORIAL FEATURES & DEADLINES V5 Issue 2 (AVAILABLE IN MAY) V5 Issue 5 (AVAILABLE IN NOVEMBER) EDITORIAL DEADLINE: MARCH 6TH EDITORIAL DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 7TH COSMETIC LASER/DERMATOLOGY DENTISTRY MEN’S FASHION MICHIGAN BREWERY LANDSCAPING/GARDENING SPORTS/EXERCISE SPRING FASHION YOUTH ACTIVITIES TRAVEL RESTAURANT FEATURE PHILANTHROPY EDUCATION DÉCOR/DESIGN/ARCHITECTURE COCKTAILS ENTERTAINING HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE TOP VETERINARIANS // PET CARE // PET ADOPTION // CUTEST PET V5 Issue 3 V5 Issue 6 (AVAILABLE IN JULY) (AVAILABLE IN JANUARY) EDITORIAL DEADLINE: MAY 6TH EDITORIAL DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 16TH EDUCATION CITY GUIDE / EVENTS // BACK TO THE BRICKS // BIKES ON THE BRICKS MEDICAL // MEN’S HEALTH // HEALTH & FITNESS // HEALTH & BEAUTY DÉCOR/DESIGN WEEKEND GETAWAYS BEST OF FLINT CHEF TIPS & TECHNIQUES OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING BRIDAL MEDICAL AUTOMOTIVE NUTRITION TRAVEL ARTS/CULTURE V5 Issue 4 V6 Issue 1 (AVAILABLE IN SEPTEMBER) EDITORIAL DEADLINE: JULY 7TH FOOD & DRINK FINANCE / WEALTH MANAGEMENT FALL FASHION CHILDREN’S HEALTH FALL FESTIVITIES HEALTH & FITNESS PLASTIC/COSMETIC SURGERY (AVAILABLE IN MARCH 2016) MEDICAL // FEATURED PHYSICIANS REAL ESTATE GRAND MARSHAL // IRISH FESTIVITIES ARTS / CULTURE GETAWAYS/MICHIGAN TRAVEL PRIVATE SCHOOLS/SUMMER CAMPS DISTRIBUTION onthetown magazine is strategically direct mailed to over 3,600 addresses over 200 Zip Codes consisting of Area Chamber Members who are business owner’s and professional’s that represent the most influential segment of the market with the highest level of experience, education, and readership. Areas of Distribution (Included but not limited to): Flint, Grand Blanc, Clio, Mount Morris, Burton, Davison, Fenton, Flushing, Montrose, Lapeer, Swartz Creek, Holly, Linden, Goodrich, Gaines, Genesee, Rankin, Otisville, Birch Run, Frankenmuth, Atlas, and Argentine. Age Rage: 30 and Up Employed with an Average Income of 80K+ Gender: Mixed Circulation (ACTUAL NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED AND DELIVERED) PRINTED 5,000 DIRECT MAILED (CHAMBER MEMBERS) 3600 DISTRIBUTION 1400 TOTAL AVG. READERSHIP PER ISSUE 72,500 TOTAL AVG. READERSHIP ANNUALLY 435,000 *Over 100,000 views with increasing distribution through web & social media To calculate the number of readers (statistics from three sources below), we multiply the (Avg. Numbers of Readers Per Edition) by the total amount of issues printed per issue and annually. Then divide the number by the statistics sources to base the average In the process of having a survey conducted about the publication with a large enough sample size to be statistically accurate. The survey being conducted by a reputable company not connected to the publication. ***SOURCES UTILIZED TO CALCULATE READERSHIP 1.75 CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL (AVG. READERS PER EDITION) MONITOR (AVG. READERS PER EDITION) 2.25 MCPHETERS (AVG. READER PER EDITION) 4 MCPHETERS (AVG. READER PER EDITION IF LEFT IN PUBLIC PLACES) 50 Advertising Specifications Send Digital Files To: Contact Information: Terms: [email protected] If you have trouble sending files via email, please send us a message or call our office: (810) 584-7006. Global Network Publishers, LLC P.O. Box 121 | Grand Blanc, MI 48480 Phone: (810) 584-7006 Fax: (810) 584-7013 50% due with signed contract. Balance due upon publication. FULL PAGE 2 PAGE SPREAD HALF PAGE (V) HALF PAGE (H) ONE THIRD PAGE QUARTER PAGE Design Specifications AD SPECIFICATION HALF PAGE (V) HALF PAGE (H) ONE THIRD PAGE QUARTER PAGE SIZE 3.44 in X 9.75 in 7.125 in X 4.75 in 7.125 in X 3.115 in 3.44 in X 4.75 in 2 PAGE SPREAD AD SPECIFICATION BLEED SIZE TRIM SIZE SAFETY ZONE FULL PAGE BACK COVER INSIDE FRONT COVER INSIDE BACK COVER 2 PAGE SPREAD 17.75 in X 11.75 in FULL PAGE 9 in X 11.75 in BACK COVER 9 in X 11.75 in INSIDE FRONT COVER 9 in X 11.75 in INSIDE BACK COVER 9 in X 11.75 in 17.5 in X 11.5 in 8.75 in X 11.5 in 8.75 in X 11.5 in 8.75 in X 11.5 in 8.75 in X 11.5 in 7.665 in X 11 in (ea. pg .875 in. from bind) 7.125 in X 11.5 in (centered on page) 8.25 in X 11.5 in (centered on page) 7.665 in X 11 in ( .875 in. from bind ) 7.665 in X 11 in ( .875 in. from bind ) BINDING METHOD: PERFECT BOUND Please avoid important parts of images across the gutter (bind) of the center spread such as faces or words. 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Box 121 | Grand Blanc, MI 48480 | Fax: (810) 584-7013 | Phone: (810) 771-3131 ADVERTISER INFORMATION Company Name Contact Person/Title Address City/State/Zip Phone/Fax/E-mail Billing Name (if different) Billing Address (if different) SIZE AND ISSUE (PLEASE CHECK MARK THE SELECTION AND FILL IN AMOUNT) V5 Issue 2 Summer (DEADLINE: 4/3/15) V5 Issue 5 Retail/Charity (DEADLINE: 10/1/15) V5 Issue 3 Food & Drink (DEADLINE: 5/29/15) V5 Issue 6 Bridal/Health (DEADLINE: 12/4/15) V5 Issue 4 Education (DEADLINE: 7/31/15) V6 Issue 1 Real Estate (DEADLINE: 2/3/16) NOTES (BE SPECIFIC) AD SPECIFICATION COST OF AD # OF ISSUES TOTAL AMOUNT INSIDE FRONT COVER $ X = $ INSIDE BACK COVER $ X = $ BACK COVER $ X = $ CENTER SPREAD $ X = $ 2 PAGE SPREAD $ X = $ FULL PAGE $ X = $ $ X = $ THIRD PAGE $ X = $ QUARTER PAGE $ X = $ 2-PAGE BUY $ X = $ 4-PAGE BUY $ X = $ DOWN PAYMENT RECEIVED: $ TOTAL CONTRACTED AMOUNT = $ BALANCE DUE: $ HALF PAGE V H POLICY ON ADVERTISING PLACEMENT • • • • All advertising is subject to review and approval by the Editor and Editorial Board. 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