2015 HONORED OFFICERS d I r e ctI o N S | Ma P Detective Sergeant Thomas A. Smith BART Police Department EOW: January 21, 2014 Officer Brian M. Law California Highway Patrol EOW: February 17, 2014 Officer Juan J. Gonzalez California Highway Patrol EOW: February 17, 2014 Police Officer III Nicholas Choung Lee Los Angeles Police Department EOW: March 7, 2014 IN the LINe of duty Deputy Sheriff Ricky Del Fiorentino Mendocino Co. Sheriff’s Office EOW: March 19, 2014 2013 Police Officer II Christopher A. Cortijo Los Angeles Police Department EOW: April 9, 2014 Police Officer II Roberto C. Sanchez Los Angeles Police Department EOW: May 3, 2014 Officer Scott M. Hewell Stockton Police Department EOW: June 11, 2014 Officer Jordan J. Corder Covina Police Department EOW: September 30, 2014 Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver Sacramento Co. Sheriff’s Department EOW: October 24, 2014 Investigator Michael David Davis, Jr. Placer Co. Sheriff’s Department EOW: October 24, 2014 Deputy Sheriff Eugene Kostiuchenko Ventura Co. Sheriff’s Office EOW: October 28, 2014 Officer Shaun Richard Diamond Pomona Police Department EOW: October 29, 2014 S ha d o w C l i f f S R e g i o na l Pa R k 2 5 0 0 Sta n l e y b lv d . P l e a Sa nto n, Ca 9 4 5 6 6 From the south: Hwy I-680 north to Pleasanton to the Bernal Ave. exit. East (right) on Bernal— turn left on First Street, which will turn into Stanley Blvd. Look for Shadow Cliffs entrance on the right about one mile east on Stanley Blvd. From the north and east: From Highway 5 take I-580 west to Pleasanton to the Santa Rita Road exit and go south. Turn left on Valley Ave. then left on Stanley Boulevard. Look for Shadow Cliffs entrance on the right about a half-mile. ruN to reMeMber From the west: Hwy I-680 south to Pleasanton to the Bernal Ave. exit. Go east (right) on Bernal, turn left on First Street, which will turn into Stanley Boulevard. Look for Shadow Cliffs entrance on the right about one mile east on Stanley Blvd. 5k/10k Run to benefit family of fallen offiCeRS NOTE: Shadow Cliffs park charges a $6 parking fee S had o w C li f f S R e g i o nal PaR k P leaSanto n, Ca Preregistration deadline is May 1 . 2015 Race packets available for pickup on race day. Download additional forms or register online at: www.onyourmarkevents.com Saturday, May 9, 2015 r ac e d e taI L S TiMe: Race day registration/check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. The 10k starts at 8:20 a.m., the 5k at 9 a.m. The kid’s Fun Run starts at 10:15 a.m. The Run to Remember is a family and community oriented event held annually to honor and remember peace officers who have fallen in the line of duty. Proceeds benefit charities, including the California chapters of concerns of Police Survivors (c.O.P.S.), an organization whose sole mission is to assist with the rebuilding of lives of surviving family members of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. The california Peace Officers’ association (cPOa) was founded in 1921 to serve California law enforcement leaders by providing a focused resource for leadership development and personal growth, and to advocate on behalf of all peace officers. Annually CPoA trains thousands of law enforcement personnel and provides forums where all law enforcement professions (municipal, county, state and federal) can collectively collaborate on how to implement best practices to raise the level of professionalism and expertise of the profession, thereby making communities a safer place. CPoA’s foundation, also known as the business law enforcement alliance (blea), was created in 1977 in order to expand the traditional relationships between business and law enforcement in order to develop innovative crime prevention programs and solutions to crime and/or public safety issues. BLEA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN: 94-2494667). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation. CPOA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization (EIN: 94-1002197). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation. r e G I St r atI o N f o r M LAST nAmE FIRST nAmE STaRT/FiniSH: All runs are entirely inside Shadow Cliffs Regional Park. AddRESS aWaRDS: All runners pre-registered by may 3rd will receive a run T-shirt. Thereafter T-shirts cannot be guaranteed to be available. Trophies to top overall male and female runners, medals to top three runners in each age division (see back). PHonE THe OuTbacK bbQ beginS aT 10 a.M. and will include a main, side, chips and drink. Registered runners receive one free food ticket with paid registration. Extra food tickets are $12. EmAIL LAw EnFoRCEmEnT? YES no (CIRCLE onE) AGEnCY SEx: m F (CIRCLE onE) SHIRT SIZE: AGE on RACE dAY the 5K ruN/WaLK aNd 10K ruN featureS a uNIque aNd faSt courSe that IS a chaLLeNGING coMbINatIoN of traIL ruNNING aNd SceNIc roLLING hILLS. $40/ ($40/racE $45 RACE DAY o5K Run/WalK $35 day) $40/ $45 RACE DAY o10K Run $35 ($40/racE day) oKiDS Mile $20 ($25/racE day) RACE FEE = $_______________ ExTRA BBQ mEAL _____ x $12 $6 PARkInG FEE (PER VEHICLE) = $_______________ = $_______________ C.o.P.S. donATIon (oPTIonAL) TOTal = = $ RegiSTRaTiOn: Checks payable to cPOa Complete form, enclose check and mail to: This event features a Kid’s Fun Run/Walk! A challenging and scenic 1-mile course inside Shadow Cliffs park for kids up to 12 years old. Participants will receive a food ticket & finisher awards! “On Your Mark” P.O. box 1199 arnold, ca 95223 RegiSTeR Online: Registration is easy. Just go to: www.onyourmarkevents.com and click on “CPoA Run To Remember.”
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